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Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/15 12:17:26

Post by: Sigur

@Baiyuan: Thanks very much.

@MajorTom11: Cheers! I guess It's either Terminators or Techpriests next after that mob of Boyz is finished.

Update on da boyz - as good as finished!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/18 14:19:47

Post by: Sigur

After this litte trip into green territorry with the Orks, we're back to Space Hulkamania with early WIP Techpriests:

The awesomeness of dark metal and dark red combined never ceases to astound me. :p

Apart from that, it's time to finish that second batch of Averlanders (10 Archers, 1 Warrior Priest, 1 Mortar and Crew and 1 Steam Tank). Let's start with the archers and mortar crew and save the fun stuff for last:

Both pictures still aren't really finished so not that much to comment on I suppose. Still, questions, comments and critique are highly welcome as always. See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/18 20:08:51

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks. I feared it came out a little too red and not brownish enough but it looks so darned nice. Glad you like it.

Well, here's the as-good-as-finished archers:

The feather on comrade Lenin's hat is still to finish as well as some finishing highlights here and there. I'll finish them tonight and hope to finish the Mortar crew as well.

See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/18 20:19:41

Post by: MajorTom11

It is close, the termies should be similar colors, but I see the robes as 50% shading, 25% mid and 25% highlight, whereas the red on the terms would be more like 25% shading, 50 percent mids and 25 % highlight, with one single brighter highlight color if that makes sense?

Empire guys look great as usual, I would love to see some knights or a steamtank in that scheme... or..... better yet... GIANT!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/18 20:32:01

Post by: Heffling

I am absolutely jealous of those amazing orks.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/18 22:34:10

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks very much; that clears up the colour choice on the Terminators a bit better for me. Thanks for that and the compliments on the Empire guys. I really like these black-and-yella fellas a lot. Steam tank is coming up, knights were done about a month ago. Not quite in the same colour scheme but very close (knights of the blazing sun - my favorite knightly order).

@Heffling: thanks!

Okay, sorry, I could have spared us the last update - the archers are finished now. I redid a bit more than I had planned but I like them quite a bit now. To make up for the heads on the state troopers, the faces and hats on these archers are terrific! It's a great mix of faces that are very reminicent of artworks of that time, some older faces and one face definately was sculpted after Lenin. I also love the outfits on those fellas. These little napkin-like things (sorry, can't think of a more proper term at the moment) around their necks and these hats indeed make for a more rural look and like they are simpler variations on traditional regional garbs which I really, really like. Empire armies are supposed to be colourful bunches after all.

Anyway, pictures:

I'm also happy to announce that the mortar crew is finished as well. I like those lads a lot because they have a lot of characters. I did some very small bitz swaps on those guys to make them look a bit different to other gun crews:

...and the last picture today is the first WIP of the Sigmarite warpriest:

Hope you like everything. Comments and critique are highly welcome as always and don't forget to visit Battle Brush Studios on Facebook!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/19 01:19:56

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

Once again, I am astounded by how few people on Dakka respond to posts concerning WHFB, no matter how awesome the models look! I love the work you are doing on that Empire commission, the highlights are sublime!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/19 01:22:35

Post by: MajorTom11

+1 to that... I think though if Sigur were to update the title with the projects he is working on, a lot more people would look. That being said, when something is really, really good, they sometimes don't write anything simply because there is nothing to criticize!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Hey Sigs, is the empire stuff a commision? For some reason I was under the impression it was yours - Man, is it tough giving away all your hard work when it is done? I would just want to stack shelves of awesomeness over and over lol

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/19 07:34:47

Post by: Metsuri

Those archers look really nice, I have been thinking about getting a box to paint for my empire project and now I think I have to.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/19 23:05:24

Post by: Sigur

@Some_call_me_Tim?: Thanks. THehe lack of feedback may really stem from the fact that my thread name isn't really advertising the content. Didn't know you could change thread titles on Dakka at a whim to be honest but I'll do that from now on I guess.

@MajorTom11: Cheers and thanks for the heads up. I'll adapt the thread title from now on (if I think of it. ). Yes, the Empire army is commission work as is 90% of everything you'll see in this thread. I really don't have time to paint my own minis any more really. With each mini I paint, sending them off is kind of sad every time but then I don't play often and my own minis pretty much sit on the shelves and get to see only little action and I prefer the minis I paint to get on the field as well from time to time. People actually using them for playing games, having fun and stuff because that's what they're made for.

Very quick update - Mortar shortly before being finished. The kit's very old (2000ish IIRC) and unhappily I have to admit that it shows so I added that little pennant to the front to add some colour.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/19 23:30:52

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Love the Averland scheme, wish mine looked that good!

Also, the continued work on Toms stuff is sweet, keep it up!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/20 10:13:47

Post by: Cosmic

The current Mortar/Cannon kits are absolute classics, and hardly old at all, considering that the current line of GW's standard plastic Space Marines haven't changed much for the last thirteen years or so. GW's WHFB Empire has taken a HUGE turn in terms of design and looks. You can see this just by comparing the Archers and Mortar crew. I would call the current Empire Knights "old". The armoured horse molds date back to 1991 if I recall correctly, and it really shows, but then again, they're classic of the Empire as we know them today.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/20 11:05:02

Post by: dantay_xv

If you think they look old what about the VC black knights?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/20 11:16:07

Post by: Sigur

@Vitruvian XVII: Thanks.

@Cosmic: Indeed. You don't need to tell me about old, believe me. I know how old stuffs are.

@dantay_xv: The VC black knights are brand new, they just look bad. Once more a proof how "newer models" don't necessarily equal "better looking".


Finished mortar and crew:

WIP Warrior Priest, soon to be finished:

Hope you like them.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
After some sitting around, thinking of possible colour schemes for the steam tank, I came up with this:

I didn't want to go for a metallic hull because nowhere else in the army are large bodies of full metallic colour so I opted to go for a scheme not unlike the one misterjustin (google him if you haven't heard of him yet. He's good at that miniatures painting stuff He runs Secret Weapon too.) but instead of putting a focus on weathering, I'll keep the paintjob cleaner, more classic. I also added that little variation on the colour scheme to make it a bit more diverse instead of just keeping one colour on each side. So that's the thing I'll be working on mostly for the next days. How do you like the colourscheme?

Automatically Appended Next Post:

I did a bit more "outlining" on the Stank so you get a better idea what I'm having in mind:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/21 00:33:25

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Cheers!

Okay, it's taking a little (very little) more shape:

...and a frontal shot:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/21 02:12:26

Post by: whalemusic360

Looking good! Whats going on with the smoke stack though?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/21 13:14:24

Post by: Sigur

@whalemusic360: Errr, nothing. Ditched the idea. :p

So here's yet another picture that shows hardly any progress:

I decided to just not do the yellow and black furnance. maybe I'll do the top a bit more colourful (hence why it's still yellow). Hope you like it!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/21 13:17:31

Post by: whalemusic360

I am sure the client would rather have lots of updates with minimal changes then minimal updates with lots of changes.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/22 11:39:59

Post by: Sigur

@whalemusic360: Agreed.

Okies, Steam Tank is finished (apart from the scripture in the front and a tiny detail in the back I just noticed now):

FUN FACT: The parchment lookalike thing in the back sports the letters FF and RW which actually is supposed to mean "Fridolin Feichtinger" and "Ronaldo Wunderlich", the engineers in charge who worked on the tank. Only after finishing the letters, I noticed that the letters look a lot like "Fast Forward" and "Rewind".

edit: Oh, I almost forgot - tiny little advancement on the Mechanicus guys:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/22 16:54:54

Post by: MajorTom11

Fantastic. Honestly that is probably the best steam tank I've ever seen, I am going to have to get you to write up a tutorial on how you do your metals!

Very excited to see progress on the Mechanicus too, looking good! Great freehand on the cog trims -

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/22 17:33:48

Post by: Soul of Iron

Oh my. I'm just now seeing this thread.

You sir are incredible! That is the one and only Steam Tank I would love to watch destroy my army.

Subscribing to this.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/22 18:12:33

Post by: randyc9999

Really like the thunder wolves back on Page 5. I have the same models so your example are certainly going to be an inspiration.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/23 11:05:35

Post by: cygnnus

Great paint jobs on those old minis! I still have my RT-era Ork army collecting dust in the basement, and those pix bring back some memories! Very nice paint jobs.



Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/23 14:46:16

Post by: Moltar

MajorTom11 wrote:Fantastic. Honestly that is probably the best steam tank I've ever seen,

Completely Agree! Sigur, you sir, never cease to amaze.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/23 21:49:04

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks. Of course the freehands on the AM guys still are somewhat fuzzy and need some tidying up and highlighting and whatnot.

@Soul of Iron: Many thanks. Keep on looking in here for news.

@randyc9999: Thanks man. There's tons of resin Thunderwolves around now but I think that these still are my favorites. Are you going to use the legs that come with the wolves or are you going to convert regular SM legs?

@cygnuss: Cheers but by all means, get them out and painted! These are great fun to work with.

@Moltar: Thank you. I'll try to keep on amazing people then.

Alright, as for something not really connected to this Averland commission...what could this be now?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Alright, after a lot of guessing and reckoning (cough cough), here's the first proper shot of this little project I'm working on aside of my commission work along with some other minis for scale purposes:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/24 01:54:12

Post by: cygnnus

@cygnuss: Cheers but by all means, get them out and painted! These are great fun to work with.

Oh, they're painted! My first army and I'm still reasonably proud of the paint jobs even today.



Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/24 12:04:59

Post by: Vitruvian XVII


Looks really impressive that, looks like a good start!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/25 14:11:55

Post by: Sigur

@cygnnus: Ah, sorry then. For some reason I suspected they were unpainted. Do you have any pictures of the army? I always love to see painted Orks from that time.

@Vitruvian XVII: Thanks.

Well, seems like the Landship needs quite a bit more work because the whole hull is bent a bit so a fair bit of filing is in order.

So to actually get something done, I got cracking on the AM guys again. Still WIP but I plan to finish them tonight.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/25 19:12:37

Post by: Moltar

The AM guys are coming along so nicely. I really like the blue you used for the spot color across all three mini's. It really ties them together, despite the fact they're all in Red. It gives each one a subtle pop.
Does that FW Empire Ship come with a crew? If so how many mini's come with it?
Take it easy, Sig

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/25 21:37:13

Post by: MajorTom11

Damn sexy looking admech boys Siggie!

I definitely can't wait to see what you do with those last 5 termies, very exciting!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/25 23:32:36

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Thanks very much. The Landship does indeed come with a crew. It's the minis shown in my posting prior to the scale shot of the Landship plus one helmsman. There's no crewmen for the cannon which is a bit of a shame but the crew you get with the ship is excellent in itself.

@MajorTom11: Cheers.

Righty, I'm sorry but here's just another WIP shot (but there's really only very little left to do ):

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/26 02:17:41

Post by: cygnnus

Sigur wrote:@cygnnus: Ah, sorry then. For some reason I suspected they were unpainted. Do you have any pictures of the army? I always love to see painted Orks from that time.

Put a few pix up in my gallery. You can see about two generations of my painting skills then. The first ones I painted way back in the late '80's and then the "second generation" of Orks I did around the time Gorka Morka came out... I'll have to take some pix of my favorites, though...



Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/26 10:19:11

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Oh, if that's your only criticism I'm glad.

@cygnnus: Just had a look at your Orks. Very cool stuff. I didn't expect them to be all metal and all really being the early stuff (like before 'Ere we go!). Very nice minis, really. I'd love to have a few of those in my collection. I mostly have the 1992 and later minis along with tons of the boyz from the excellent Space Orks plastic box. From before that, I have also a few minis but it's basically just the Space Ork Raiders box plus a handful of additional heavy weapons guys and a few bolter dudes.

Adeptus Mechanicus finished.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/26 11:01:52

Post by: Baiyuan

Nice work as usual. I'd like to point out especially the blue axe of the magos, it looks awesome. (Even though I like the backside better, the front lacks a bit of contrast in my opinion.)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/26 17:23:51

Post by: Sigur

Thanks, Baiyuan. I don't know about others but ALWAYS when I do something like this blade, the backside ends up looking better than the front. No matter what side I begin with or wwhat else plays into it, it's always the side that's less prominent that ends up looking better.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/26 20:43:45

Post by: Baiyuan

Same for me, one looks great, the other sucks. Just had with a wood grain effect I was painting. It also happens to me every time I paint eyes...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/29 13:11:19

Post by: Sigur

Yeah, and it's always the side that is less prominent that turns out better. At least it gives the painter himself the knowledge that "okay, the front side doesn't look supergreat but I know I can do better" which hauls oneself into the cloudy, cosy and comfortable realm of "unrecognized genius". Well, slight exaggeration there of course.

Anyway, here's some sort of update. Originally I had planned to make this text only but what the hell - let's take some pictures! (brb)

So, let's start with the completed stuff. The Steam Tank is fully finished now:

Between the Adeptus Mechanicus, steam tank and BA Terminators (see below), there was a little time so I finally tackled (hahaha) this BloodBowl miniature I've meant to paint for a long time because I won him at a painting competition over at GarageGamer's blog. The miniature was made by Gorgon Studios who mostly do ancient historical minis (They good solid ranges on Etruscans and Spartans for instance). I call him Thick McRunfast for obvious reasons. He's not completely finished yet:

Last but not least, here's the first WIP of the Space Hulk Terminators who are part of the Hybrids/Adeptus Mechanicus/BA Terminators commission project:

The guy in the middle obviously is the test mini. He's quite a bit darker in real life.

Things that are up next:
.) More Orks!
.) Lots of Blood Angels Terminators!
.) Malifaux! (The Ortegas, yay!)
.) Ironsides Handgunners, General and Battle Standard bearer for the Averland army!

So that's that. See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/29 13:39:15

Post by: Soul of Iron

Damn. That STank is amazing. You have brilliant color control. Got any up-close detail pics?

And I can't WAIT till you start on that ship!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/29 14:10:46

Post by: whalemusic360

The limited palette usage on the tank looks great! I'm really looking forward to the BA termis.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/29 16:51:54

Post by: MajorTom11

Tank and BB dude... incredible. As SOI said, your color control in nuts, and the limited pallete actually adds to the impact. Amazing work as always!

For the BA's, it's hard to tell as you mention they are a lot darker IRL, but I think the test mini may need a baal red wash to bright the overall highlight color back down into a redder zone? Not sure though and I trust your judgement. I can't wait to see how you apply the yellow, black and white elements, if you feel you can take them far for extra $, go nuts, I give you free reign for freehand to get the look of the ref images I sent!

What a great update overall though, a little bit of everything! Btw, what happend to that magnificent Chimaera you were working on?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/30 21:34:06

Post by: Sigur

@Soul of Iron: Thanks very much. I'll see if I can do close-ups anytime soon. About the ship - there's some little problems with it. First, it's a mini for myself (and the internet of course ) so prioritywise, it will always have to take a backseat behind commission work. Second, it will take quite a bit of additional filing, maybe I have to reshape the hull a little. Third, I have this very vague idea of an Empire army of my own. I actually collected the miniatures for it already but I'm not quite set on a theme yet. At the moment, I'm more akin to do a mercenary army from Estalia with each regiment being very colourful and different to their colleagues. I'd love to have the Landship in the same colourscheme but alas, I got none yet. So you see how there's probably going to be some water flowing down the [insert significant river] until I really proceed on the landship.

@whalemusic360: Cheers!

@MajorTom11: Thanks. Somehow I never manage to get the red right in the pictures. I even binned a whole update earlier today because the pictures were so off. Anyway, here's a picture now. I started doing some freehand stuff.

Here's an update on the Terminators. I was told to add freehand stuffs as I please so I added a few bits here and there:

The shoulder shield/powerfist combo on the guy in the right looks a bit ...well, terrible in the picture but I'll tone that down. Again, the red isn't quite as it looks in real life. I have no idea what's going on with that.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/30 21:43:03

Post by: Wehrkind

Looking really nice man! That stank is very sharp, and I love the look of the Mech-lad's halberd.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/30 21:57:39

Post by: MajorTom11

It is very bittersweet that you are nearly at the end of the job for me lol! I will be very happy to get the pieces back and finish the collection, but, at the same time, I will miss the thrill of seeing these fantastic updates...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/01 12:51:52

Post by: Sigur

@Wehrkind: Many thanks.

@MajorTom11: Cheers. That happens towards the end of every project I guess (especially the memorable ones). But I can start painting these guys even slower if you like.

Anyhoo, update:

The red still is off. It's deeper, less flat and less orange in real life. Sorry about the pictures, no idea what's going wrong all the time. Fixed the overbearing hazard stripe pattern on the bald guy by reversing the pattern on the sholder shield thing and making the fingers of the powerglove red again. Looks much more balanced now. Apart from that, I added the white parts to the rmoud, did some more freehand stuffs, worked on the gold and silver as well. Now thinking wether or not I should use green. Nothing big, just proceeding. Hope everyone's having a nice weekend, happy May Day and congrats to John Paul II. on his quick Beatification. The weather is partly cloudy with chance of rain today so I I'll have to think of taking the laundry in before the rain starts. So much for fluffing out the update. Good Speed!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Painting is going painfully slow. The level of detail on these guys...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/02 14:31:51

Post by: Sigur

Again, tiny update:

Comments and critique from you guys is appreciated always of course! (Also hoping that majortom11 comments again soon so I know wether or not I'm totally off script with the paintjob on these minis or not ).

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/02 15:00:18

Post by: MajorTom11

You are certainly not off script lol , there is only 1 small issue, I use the stone type crux terminatus, like in the wd/gw tutorial. You can see the pics of my guys for reference if you need to-

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/02 15:09:56

Post by: Tim the Biovore

Wow, I really like that PS Terminator. In fact, I like them all.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/02 15:11:37

Post by: Cosmic

The highlights on those reds is excellent Sigur. It's like they're supposed red and not the usual fiery red that you see around more often. Still an amazing blog that seems to be getting better every time.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/05 12:48:01

Post by: Sigur

@Majortom11: Thanks, that's good to know. About the stone-like crux terminatii(?) - d'oh. I saw that you did them like that on your own SH Terminators but didn't think of that detail when I painted them. Will be fixed.

@Tim the Biovore: Thanks, I like them as well.

@Cosmic: Many thanks!

Okies, I did a little bit of additional work on majortom11's Terminators. Mostly detailling and the power sword which didn't turn out quite as I wanted so I got annoyed and decided to start on the ton of other Terminatos I got to do. Again Blood Angels. You may start to see a pattern here but I assure you that it's totally different this time. Let's see, last year I did the 3rd edition Space Hulk minis for playing Space Hulk, now I did/am doing 40k Terminators to be used for playing Space Hulk so the next logical step is ...? Exactly, 3rd edition SH Terminators used in a 40k army. :p

It's 16 Terminators in total. I split them up into two batches. Here's batch#1:

...and here's batch#2:

I hope that you like them so far. I'm always open for comments, questions and critizism!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/05 13:09:18

Post by: MajorTom11

lol jeeze you must be on red termie overload at this point! You will have BA termies down to a fine art, and possibly be awarded an honorary p.h.d from a local university though lol

Don't get too annoyed with my poor guys, so close to being finished up with the whole project!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/05 13:43:45

Post by: Soul of Iron

Red is such a pain to paint. You sir are an Ace at it!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/05 14:21:23

Post by: HF Izanagi

Man... I have not been back in a while- that was an excellent read!

Genestealers - I remember seeing them at one point at Majortom11's blog -beautiful sculpts. You can tell each and every one of them was inspired and well thought-out. And he's given them to you to paint... lol... that's awesome. If Michaelangelo collaborated with his TMNT brother Leonardo DV, magic happens- much like now. The weathering and cream color cutting into the GS Hys are definitely sweet.

Orks - Not an ork person, but I like the more olive-green skin than the standard that most are painted with.

Empire - Great colors and freehand. I assume you're painting the entire army for the customer? You might as well, just to give us more to drool at!

Admech and BAs - I actually like both of the greens. And you say for the BAs that the color is not quite what it is from the pictures... would you mind if I ask you your formula for the airbrushing? I'm rolling the ball on starting a Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons blog... I'd love to know how to get that color red for my team!

Thanks, and I'll try to drop by more often... I'm really missing out!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/05 20:05:20

Post by: Wehrkind

Those terminators are looking great man. I was too scared, and too sick of marines, to ever try and paint up my SpaceHulk lads, but now... no, I am still too sick of marines But it is tempting! Well done!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/06 13:06:49

Post by: Sigur

@majortom11: Thanks. A PhD indeed would be a highly welcome thing. Will get back to your termis tomorrow or something and they should be finished pretty quickly then.

@Soul of Iron: Thanks. I always found red very much fun to paint and red minis usually look great on the battlefield.

@HF Izanagi: Awesome allegory there. Maybe giving me a bit much credit but I don't mind. The airbrushing is always done a bit different. This time I think it was: first layer of VMA Mahagony mixed with a little ruby(?) red, then some more red thrown in for the first "highlights" (you know, not spraying the entiremini but only where it really reflects the light) and so on, adding more red with each layer.

@Wehrkind: Cheers. I really love the timelessly awesome design of Space Marines and Terminators but i'm pretty sure I'll get sick of them as well once I have this BA army and the upcoming SW army finished (I have this slight undercurrent dislike for Space Wolves).


Things are going a little bit slower these days but I'll try to have this first batch finished by Sunday. C&C welcome as always!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/08 23:22:10

Post by: Sigur

Right, the week's been a bit crazy and it's been way longer than I thought until this update. I even am not as far with painting as I'd liked to be. Anyway, here's the current state of things on the new BA terminators:

I'll try to finish them tonight. The other BA terminators (from the Hybrids Space Hulk set) are finished. I'll post a picture of those very soon.

So that's that, I'll get tons more stuff done the upcoming week. C&C welcome as always and thanks for looking!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/10 18:03:18

Post by: Sigur

Well, some new pictures!

Hope you like them.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/10 18:13:14

Post by: MajorTom11

I do, and sadly, we reach the end of this particular commision!

I will pm you about next steps. Thank you for your wonderful and quick work! If you have not sealed them yet, you don't have to, I will do it myself along with everything else in the set!

Very happy Siggie!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/10 18:16:31

Post by: Moltar

Sig those termies look mighty tasty!! Excellent job on the freehand images and script.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/11 01:07:53

Post by: crazypsyko666

I think you're the master of highlighting, Sigur.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/14 19:54:33

Post by: MajorTom11

Hey Sigs, hit me with a pm when you get on bud!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/15 01:18:15

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

Very good! I only wish my BA Terminators look this nice.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/16 12:59:38

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Thanks very much!

@crazypsyko666: Haha, thanks.

@MajorTom11: Hey, I'll send you an email shortly.

@Some_call_me_Tim?: Cheers. The only thing is that I really am kind of burned out on BA Terminators at the moment. I just can't paint them any more for at least a week I think.



and a draft of the battle standard:

Hope you like everything. I'm thinking of what to add to the battle standard now. I think that the eagle side could do with some kind of texture on the yellow as you see on some bretonnian banners but not the swirly pattern I like to do in these cases. Maybe some sort of "studded" look. On the hammer and shield side, I'm thinking of adding some laurels in the yellow fields.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/05/16 13:16:01

Post by: nerdfest09

Loving those blood angels! they are beautiful, i don't know why you were beating yourself up over the photo's and the red? it looks bloody good to me! I wish i had the level of skill and patience you do to produce something that nice! well done dude, seriously nice work!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/10 01:41:17

Post by: Sigur

Thanks, nerdfest09.

Right, after a short hiatus I'm back with a bunch of new pictures!

First, something I painted for one of my own armies *gasp* - a quick little mission objective:

...BA Terminator Librarian:

here along with some recently-finished friends of his:

Some characters for the Averland Empire army:

...and now the latest new project - an all new Space Wolves army (commission of course):

Test miniature

Grey Hunters Pack #1 (WIP)

Grey Hunters Pack #2 (WIP)

Grey Hunters Pack #3 (WIP)

Reason why the bolter casings on pack#3 are all red is a change of mind on the customer's side who decided that he'd rather have the gun casings be red and that all chainswords should have yellow and black hazard stripes. So I'm really looking forward to painting hazard stripes on 17 chainswords.

Anyway, hope you like everything! Feel free to comment, critizise and so on. See you soon!

P.S.: Oh, I also did a Malifaux warband which you can see here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/371528.page

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/10 02:29:21

Post by: Flidais

Looks pretty dang arsome from my point of view! Keep up the good work!!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/10 02:34:09

Post by: MajorTom11

Continued awesome... Wolves are great, and the Empire stuff continues to just about be the best WFB human stuff I have seen, period.

How much would it cost to just hire you to live in my basement and paint minis all day for me lol?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/10 22:47:47

Post by: Sigur

@Flidais: Cheers!

@MajorTom11: Thank you very much. As for the lifetime hiring - that mainly depends on the food I guess.

Okay, the first packs are almost finished now and I have to say that I love them. I usually have a slightly complicated relationship with Space Wolves. I really like them but all the armies that count as Space Wolves but aren't, Thunderwolves cav, certain rune priest powers, the overall rules design across the codex.... there's some things about them I don't agree with. But this army I'm really starting to like.

Hope you like them as well.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/11 00:11:57

Post by: MajorTom11

Food? Google: Poutine


Very nice wolves, more battle damaged than your usual stuff eh?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/11 00:35:50

Post by: Sigur

@Raen: Thaaaaaanks.

@MajorTom11: *googles* Well, colour me intrigued but I doubt I'd be in the shape to paint let alone open an eye after that kind of meal. Yup, battle damage on those guys again. I guess owning a Space Wolves army and liking battle damage go hand in hand with each other.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/11 05:06:40

Post by: Rawson

Now I see why you're the one people pay to have paint their models

Loved your Empire Captain, btw. It screams character! (Character as in unique in style and easily recognizable, not character as in "This is a character for my Averland Army" )

Keep up the good work!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/12 02:18:28

Post by: Sigur

@Rawson: Thanks very much!

Update - been working on a new Step-by-Step Tutorial for the past 14 hours or so. This one is going to be a bit smaller again; more like the Dark Elves Musician one rather than the Sicarius tutorial but also more to the point and I'm sure that some people will enjoy it.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/12 16:27:18

Post by: Sigur

The new tutorial is up now! Here's the link to the article with the most cumbersome name so far:

Space Wolves Wolf Guard Battle Leader Step-by-Step

Hope you enjoy it. Feedback is appreciated as always!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/13 08:07:37

Post by: Metsuri

Great tutoriall, I liked that you have several pics of each phase. It helps to see what you have done, when it is possible to see the fig from several angles.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/16 15:45:09

Post by: Sigur

@Metsuri: Glad you like the tutorial. I added shots from different angles when there was actually something to see on the other sides or when steps had a mpact on different sides of the model.

No new Space Wolves for now but look who's back:

They're still very WIP of course. There's more to come, including a battle wagon, lots of Bikers (FW dudes among them).

I thought I'd throw in some of the Orks for now because after the tutorial I got kind of bored with Space Wolves for the time being. As always, I'm just trying to get the less exciting stuff done first so for now it's just 17 Shoota boyz. After those probably some more Space Wolves (maybe a bit of Malifaux sprinkled in) and then more Orks. Depending on how bored I am either Slugga boys, some Vehicle or Nobz.

C&C welcome, hope that everybody's happy and see you later!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/18 10:29:44

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

They look great Sig, love th retro feel to them.

As always really crisp and drool-worthy, keep it up!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/18 15:47:13

Post by: Sigur

@Vitruvian XVII: Thanks very much!

Now for something completely different and to round up the Malifaux commission:

He still needs a little touching up here and there but he's mostly done.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/18 22:05:02

Post by: Moltar

Nice use of the brown pallette, Sigur! That guy looks sweet. I don't think I've seen that Malifaux mini before. Your orks turned out awesome. You did a great job on the yellows. Been awhile since I posted on here, so I'll catch up. Empire guys still look ace and the new SWs looks awesome too! Thanks for the tutorial, as well. Keep up the great works, sigur! Anything special on the horizon? Or are you swamped in Empire and Space Wolves for the time being?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/19 13:00:05

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Thanks very much. I posted the other Malifaux minis from that crew in a seperate thread in the painting section. There will be more Malifaux stuff coming up in the next months as well. As for special things...hm, lots of specials really. For the time being, the Empire army is finished (just the Forge's Ironsides command unit to be added soon) and I'm swamped with Space Wolves as you said and more Evil Sunz Orks. Lateron, there will be more Malifaux, as mentioned above, some Infinity (which I'm really, really looking forward to do), some more Freebooter's Fate Brotherhood stuff, more Death Korps of Krieg, possibly a Death Guard army which, by the looks of the list looks phenomenal already and maybe a High Elves army too. After all that is done I suppose that the Sisters of Battle craze will set in any maybe I will find some time to revamp my SoB army as well in between all the commissions and revamping my IG armies. Oh, then there's still that Landship....


I should be finishing the last 10% of work on the BA Terminators which I will commence in a minute but first I did a little work on some more orky stuff:

Seeya later!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/19 15:57:55

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Thats a very busy schedule! And rightly so, given the quality of your work

Very eager to see you tackle the Infinity, beautiful range that.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/21 12:22:15

Post by: Sigur

@Vitruvian XVII: Cheers. Also really eager to work with Infinity miniatures. Aside the GW systems, this is the one that's been luring me for years but as I don't really have anybody to get to play with I never really got into it.

Just a quick update on the Orks:

These are taking longer than I thought again. Meh.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/21 14:39:30

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

Sigur wrote:These are taking longer than I thought again. Meh.

Boy, do I know how that goes! I'm sure your client will be more than happy to wait a little while longer than you said, as they are looking so nice. Love the yellow flames you have on the armor.


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/21 14:51:14

Post by: HF Izanagi

Beautiful work as always, Sigur. You make the poofy pants and feathered caps of the Empire look great to me... and I thought that was an impossibility. I think the one that stuck out the most (out of the BAs/librarian, Empire, Orks, etc.) is that single figure commission with the hawk. I like the limited brown palette you used on it. The figure itself is very nice, but that paintjob definitely brings it to life!

-Remi (HF Iz)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/24 01:06:18

Post by: Sigur

@_Tim?: Thanks.

@HF Izanagi: Thank you very much. It's always kind of gratifying to read that I made miniatures someone usually doesn't like appeal to them. The guy with the hawk is just the last part of a whole warband of Malifaux miniatures which you can see here in their very own thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/371528.page#2958592

This is the first test mini for a Death Guard/Apostles of Contagion army I'll be doing in a month or so. I didn't have any Plague Marines lying around and very little in terms of CSM in general so I made with what I could find - a Khorne Berzerker and a few CSM odds and ends.

Yes, long picture is long. Anyway, a fair bit of experimentation was involved and of course this isn't meant to be a showcase level miniature but more of a training ground to see how I can pull off the colour scheme and effects.

C&C are welcome as always. Thanks for looking!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/24 13:27:41

Post by: MajorTom11

It's looking very nice, if a touch monochrome. I think the addition of a bt more color here and there, perhaps as simple as heavier pigment rusting on the metals would add a lot.

Looking good though apart from that for me, I sense another satisfied client in your future!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/27 16:50:03

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Cheers! The thing about this colour scheme is that it's made up by FW and even for them, it's really monochrome so I already did my best to add some contrast without betraying the original scheme but adding more rust to the metals definately is a good suggestion.

So after finishing this test mini, it's time to pick up pace on the existing prpojects again. After all the footsloggers are finished now, I can proceed to the Ork vehicles. Here's a first WIP of the next Trukk:

Hope you like it so far.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/27 17:04:30

Post by: Cosmic

Looking very Orky so far, Sig!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/27 17:23:41

Post by: whalemusic360

It's like a blog full of model eye candy! I know if I ever need something professionally painted BBS is on the short list to have it done. Level of work is just crazy good.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/27 17:39:11

Post by: Rawson

I'm loving the plague marine! I think a little more rust wouldn't be amiss, as MajorTom suggested, but I also like it the way it is. Is the fly icon on his chest freehand? It is fantastic! Very subtle.

Always a pleasure to check in here, keep it up!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/27 21:03:51

Post by: HF Izanagi

Lovely Plague Marine- again, another style of minis (Chaos AND Nurgle) that I don't particularly care for... but... but... that model definitely draws me in.

I second both Rawson and MajorTom- rust would add to the model. HOWEVER, I think it's because it's very monotone and the whole Decompose-factor (strangely reminded of an old 80s cartoon called Inhumanoids...) is subdued... I think that's why I like it so much- moreso than any other Nurgle-type models... commission or not. Great work!

Ah yes, and the truck- excuse me, trukk, is also very cool. I thought metallic paints were passe when I got back into the game (made the unfortunate mistake of going to CMoN and thinking that was normal standard, for some godawful reason), but coming to blogs like this... NMM is a great technique to learn, but metallics still have a beautiful taste to them, for lack of better explanation.

-Remi (HF Iz)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/28 04:55:57

Post by: Arakasi

Love the Trukk - only hope mine turn out half as good!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/28 16:45:14

Post by: Moltar

Trukk looks awesome, Siggy! I'm diggin' the plague marine color scheme, even if it's a little monochrome, as MajorTom suggested. You've managed to add some good looking effects even if it's not "Showcase" level and I like the 2nd edition backpack too!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/28 18:39:06

Post by: Sigur

Hey, thanks for all the nice replies there, guys.

As I said, the colour scheme is very, very monochromatic to begin with:

I guess I should have done more shading/highlighting to make it work in that very monochromatic manner but instead I went for adding subtle colours. Maybe a little too subtle. (never seen that cartoon show from the 80s, despite being an old person ).

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/28 20:24:14

Post by: crazypsyko666

If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, true rust coloration makes for very good contrast on nurgle models and fits as well. The photo below illustrates the full spectrum of rust colors fairly well.

EDIT: Jesus that's a big image. Spoiler'd.


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/28 20:29:11

Post by: Wehrkind

Wow, been a bit since I checked up on the blog, and there are some AWESOME orks in here!

And I really dig the Death Guard. I don't know if i think he is too monochrome or not, actually. I could be down with some more aggressive orange tones in the rust to give some contrast, but really I am enjoying the more subdued scheme. Then again, sometimes I think the GW world of models is over stimulating in color and detail, so it might just be me

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/28 20:47:18

Post by: Sigur

THanks for the suggestions on the rust. I guess I tend to "underdo" effects with pigments simply because with those things it's possible to give some really subtle hues and such.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/28 22:01:39

Post by: MajorTom11

Ah, I'm not sure it needs too much, the monochrome does work very well overall, just some tiny touches to move the eye around, not an all out 'gunking' of rust and pus etc.

For example, green of a similar hue to the armor has been used as the fleshtone, there is oppurtunity there to add a bit of color contrast. The armor on the claw also looks very similar to the color of the bolt pistol casing, there is oppurtunity to create contrast there too by changing one of them. Tonally the ground is quite similar to the green of the armor, there is another one.

Now, to make it clear, I would only change one of the above, not all! It should let you maintain the look, but add a little something dynamic to offset that the armor is monotone themed, but the world and/or person in it are not -

Just a suggestion though, that is all based on my personal preferences, the mini is great and stands on its own, it's just a question of style preference more than a genuine criticism.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/28 22:29:09

Post by: lunarghost

Wow, some really nice things in here. One question though, how do you do the pack markings on the space wolves. I've been having some really bad times with it. Anyways really nice work.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/29 16:57:14

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks for going into detail about your suggestions. Seems like sadly, the Death Guard plans have been delayed somewhat but once I tackle this army I'll get back to these suggestions. Another thing that probably will work in my favour is that the infantry will be more or less all Forgeworld parts so I'll be able to make use of all the tons of details then.

@lunarghost: Oh, these are pretty simple. A steady hand is all you really need. Apart from that, absolute nanometrical accuracy isn't really required when working with battle damaged-armour anyway.

Right, now that the Trukk is finished (I'll post pictures of that one later), I moved on to the Bikers.

I'm really growing kind of fond for these new Orks. The bikers are a great kit with lots of possibilities for variety , the bikes themselves are big and menacing and have lots of neat little details. Unfortunately the models came assembled so painting is a bit more complicated than it has to be but that's only a minor problem.

Here's the first two WIPs (for kicks):

As you can see, they're basically basecoated. Next thing will be getting the skin done, then all the chipped off paint and after that it's detailling time. So see you later!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/30 04:13:00

Post by: Metsuri

The bikers are of to a great start. I really like the contrast you have with the bright orange-red and yellow against the skin and dirty metal.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/06/30 19:17:48

Post by: Sigur

@Metsuri: Thanks.

So! More Orky pictures:

Hope you like them. The whole mob should be finished until the weekend. Then I'll pick up some new primer and see what I'll do next then.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/01 15:59:53

Post by: bigfish

Saw these bikers in the gallery, they were awesome there as well. keep up the good work

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/02 15:40:10

Post by: Sigur

@bigfish: Thanks a lot for your comment!

Now for more pictures. These Orks really start getting to me so I decided to split them up in two batches of five but it's still going slowly. I think I'll have to pause on Orks for a bit.

First Batch:

Second Batch:

C&C welcome!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/02 16:32:44

Post by: kenshin620

Excellent bikers you have. Although I think thats the same picture you posted twice

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/02 19:05:47

Post by: Sigur

You're absolutely right. Thanks for the heads up.

Alright, I fixed it now.

On a different note, I just read through the "Beta" rules of Mantic Games' upcoming Sci-Fi game "Warpath". Here are my impressions, speculations and opinions on this game, how it will relate to 40k and sci fi tabletop wargaming as a whole:


Let me know if you liked the little article.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/03 14:28:45

Post by: Sigur


They count as....well, Birdmen of Catrazza obviously. The minatures are from Kallistra's Hordes and Heroes series and much fun.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Anyways, here's yet another thing! You see, I did a big base today for a big beast, I did some painting on said beast, I built and based the Impaled for Warmaster (by far the most gruesome miniatures I ever painted) and then I noticed that I'm all out of black primer! Perfect excuse to get away from things I should do and wander off to things I finally want to proceed with which - in terms of Fantasy - obviously is the Landship. After endlessly rebending the hull parts under hot water I think I finally got it together kind of properly (in fact I basically bent it back and forth, struggling to at least bend it back into the state it was before all the hot water action, achieved that, noticed that bending might not be the way and resorted to GS-filling and filing).

The notorious Monsieur tancrede is putting up some pressure in terms of the landship and he has one thing ahead of me - a trialed and tested (and awesome looking) colour scheme. In fact it works so well that I thought of copying it because I have a soft spot for secondary colours on Empire miniatures. But this obviously can't be the way to go so I'd have to come up with a colourscheme of my own. After having put my own Empire army plans behind the back of the backburner some time ago, I basically opted for a Marienburg colour scheme to stay true to the Landship's background. Thing is, there is no official Marienburg colourscheme, just some hints GW dropped over the time and a basic rule of thumb that goes like this: "just do whatever you want".

Anyway, long story short, I wanted to do something with orange because that's a colour that's rarely being used. After some second guessing and more back and forth, I just took one of the Halbardiers I had gotten off ebay last year (about 30 of them, all in pretty horrible shape) and decided to make a test miniature for the crew of the Landship.

So hereis Piet van der Wommel, Marienburg coast guard:

At first I really wasn't convinced of the colour scheme but when I painted on and things took more shape, I started to get into it. How do you like it?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/04 07:23:39

Post by: Metsuri

The empire scheme looks bold and bright. It is pretty good looking and will look great on the table as it has so much color and contrast.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/04 09:39:07

Post by: dantay_xv

It actually goes together really well...... when I read you were going to use orange I thought oh no, he has been tango'd or revenge of the tangerine terror.

But seeing the picture it look really really good.

I say go with it.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/04 11:06:53

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Love it, great colour scheme!

Also reminds how much the old empire plastics are awesome compared to the new ones...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/04 17:02:07

Post by: Sigur

Thanks for the comments, guys!

Here's another testmini which has essentially the same colour scheme but with kind of subdued tones. Still colourful but a bit less gaudy and maybe better suited for the FW models.

Heinzer Sprotte, Marienburg coast guard:

comments and critique welcome as always!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/04 21:57:42

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

I prefer the first one!! The 2nd looks a bit too washed out (ie chalky)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/04 23:39:09

Post by: Sigur

@Vitruvian XVII: Thanks for the comment! I'll have to see which technique/recipe works better on the FW minis though.

Here's something different again for a change. Surely the most gruesome miniatures I ever painted. Interesting that it's 10mm scale minis that get this dubious award:

Still WIP naturally.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/05 05:51:57

Post by: Metsuri

I agree with Vitruvian XVII on the Empire test models. I very much prefer the first one, the blue looks chalky on the second figure.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/05 14:49:52

Post by: Sigur

@Metsuri: Thanks for the input! I'll try doing one of the Landship crewmembers later today to see how the scheme works on them.

@Vitruvian XVII: Indeed.

Impaled finished:

I probably will finish another thing later today so stay tuned!

Automatically Appended Next Post:

As promised, here's another finished one:

...about bloody time, eh?

I hope you like it! C&C welcome as always!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 11:16:06

Post by: crazypsyko666

I think I'm going to start color coding fan love and critiques from now on so I don't have to feel guilty or inconsistent.

I love the chimera, it's absolutely sharp and elegantly done.

The hand on the left wing looks glued on. I think it's just some scarring you've put on, but it doesn't look right.

Still absolutely amazing.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 12:12:02

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

HOLY GAK Sig, thatsastounding!! Sheer brilliance. Was the red blending on the tail airbrushed?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 12:12:45

Post by: whalemusic360

Chimera is awesome looking!

Crazy, Id avoid blue, its hard to read with dakka's classic background.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 13:23:12

Post by: crazypsyko666

@Whalemusic: Good to know, fixed it.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 14:50:54

Post by: Moltar

Siggy's done it again. That chimera still blows my mind. The base turned out really well and does a nice job of not distracting from the gorgeous model. The impaled looked good too. They would make for fun counters for a Dark Eldar army.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 20:14:54

Post by: Sigur

@crazypsyko666: Thanks for the input! Well observed. I'll fix that.

@VitruvianXVII: Thanks! And I'm proud to say that the red on the tail wasn't airbrushed.

@whalemusic360: Cheers!

@Moltar: Thanks for the comment! I think that with a base that small (compared to the size of the model), it's kind of hard to make the base distract from the model. Thanks anyway. I prefer to keep bases somewhat subdued and simple. Not sure the impaled would work that well witha Dark Eldar army, them being 10mm scale and all that.

Now, we're back to Space Wolves for a bit. WIP Wolf Guard:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 20:37:52

Post by: HF Izanagi

Damn... I really like that Chimera... I can't really say too much else, aside from the fact that I like staring at it. A lot. It looks real.

And just wondering, where'd the impaled guys come from? And do they have anything to do w/ Vlad or vampires?


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 20:41:20

Post by: A Black Ram

That chimera is probably one of the best models I have ever seen.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 20:57:23

Post by: MajorTom11

Chimera = Perfect.

Even tiny deviations in color choice could have spoiled it a bit, but you chose perfectly, looks very lifelike!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 21:12:04

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Wow, hand blending is phenomenal! I dont know how you do it bud

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/06 21:12:49

Post by: Sigur

Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive comments. My painting motivation was a bit damaged in recent weeks and this kind of feedback really helps me get back on track.

@HF Izanagi: They are 10mm scale miniatures from Kallistra's Hoards&Heroes range (just like the Birdmen I posted earlier). Judging from the name "East Europe Medieval Impaled" (or something like that) and the miniatures themselves I'm pretty darned sure that they are unfortunate Ottoman Empire troops who tried to invade Romania, yes. Very good miniature but a tad too gory for my likings really.

@MajorTom11: Cheers. I was really, really cautious with painting this miniature, especially with colours as you pointed out. That's why it took me so long until I finally finished the thing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And another update on the Wolf Guard:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/07 03:10:16

Post by: crazypsyko666

Just glad to be of help! Seriously though, I've never seen you make a single bad model. Some could have a few improvements here and there, but everything you've posted in this log has been fantastic. Keep up the good work.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/07 12:16:20

Post by: Sigur

@crazypsyko666: Thanks! It's always nice to get feedback.

Wolf Guard:

More or less finished really. All I need is to add some snow but that will be done for the whole army all at once in the end.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/07 12:32:17

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

I love the gritty nature of them, precfect for the background of SW

Also, i like the hazard stripes on the PF, big fan of hazards on minis

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/07 14:48:12

Post by: TheMightyWarhamster

WHAT are those impaled dudes? they look really creepy.
i prefer the second empire soldier, the faded colours look better for coast guard, salt spray is realy gould at sapping the colour from cloth.
also, i dig your empire names.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/07 21:10:28

Post by: Sigur

@Vitrivian XVII: Thanks! I also like them hazard stripes a lot. More work but looks mighty fine.

@MightyWarhamster: Besten Dank! The Impaled are "eastern european impaleds" sold by Kallistra miniatures. It's fairly obvious that those are meant to be Ottoman invaders who tried to get into Romania. The guy I painted them for will use them for Warmaster terrain/counters. Thanks for supporting the second Empire guy. Good thinking on the salt water remark. Being a mountain person, I haven't thought of that yet.

Here's a picture of what's up next:

3 Squads of 6 Long Fangs each
1 Squad of 10 Wolf Scouts
3 Grey Hunters with Meltaguns
3 Grey Hunters with Wolf Banners

After that:
Land Raider
2 Vindicators
2 Rhinos/Razorbacks
1 Land Speeder
13 Wolf Guard Terminators

...and some more odds and ends.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/07 21:21:26

Post by: bigfish

Didly dam, if they are all to the same standard as the other ones you have done then thats should be one amazing army

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/08 02:12:40

Post by: crazypsyko666

Where did you get those combi-meltas? I've never seen them before.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/08 21:07:44

Post by: Sigur

@bigfish: Thanks! I'm starting to like this army actually (which always is a good sign).

@crazypsyko: I didn't build the models myself (which makes painting them a little harder but anyway) but I did build a lot of Combi-Meltas last year when I did my first Space Wolves army commission. It's a fairly easy conversion. I'll do a little how-to within the next few weeks if you want.

Litte update!

I'll do two squads of Long Fangs first, then the Scouts. If I'm not totally sick of SW infantry after that, I will go on doing some Grey Hunters with Meltas and Wolf banners. I want to have the infantry out of the way, than tackle the vehicles, then go back to the rest of the infantry (terminators, characters), then the rest of the vehicles.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/08 21:44:47

Post by: jirc

A tutorial of how you did those combi-meltas would be fantastic! They look really awesome. Beautiful work on the wolves by the way, exceptional work!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/09 07:26:41

Post by: Dysartes

I'm looking forwards to the banners, Sigur - I've assembled one, but haven't a clue how to paint it.

The Chimera looks really good, too - good work.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/09 19:10:42

Post by: Sigur

@jirc: Many thanks!

@Dysartes: Cheers! I was surprised those were used to be honest. We had talked about wolf banners so naturally I assumed the ones that come with the box, not these army standard sized ones....gah, anyway.


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/09 19:25:31

Post by: Cosmic

Fantastic as always! The Chimera is just stunning, and the Wolves are coming along very well indeed.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/11 13:48:18

Post by: Sigur

@Cosmic: Thanks very much.

Long Fangs 1:

Long Fangs 2:

Next: 10 Wolf Scouts.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
In the meantime, there's a little update on the Wolf Scouts:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/12 20:07:51

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

They look great Sig!

Are they transfers on the shoulders?

Love the hazard stripes on the MLs! Will have to steal that

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/12 22:14:02

Post by: Sigur

@Vitruvian XVII: Thanks again for commenting. Yup, that's transfers.

Here's a fist WIP of what's to come next:

Five more Long Fangs with Missile Launchers and three Grey Hunters with Meltaguns.

And here's something else in case you're getting bored with Space Wolves:

Another bit for the Averland Empire army!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/13 09:44:41

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Please stop making me shell out for Warhammer Forge...please! lol They look so crisp, far better than the regular GW state troops imo, especially cause they have proper puffy sleeves.

Its hard to stop commenting when you keep churning out the awesome

Im guessing you use Micro Sol and Set? If not, how do you apply them?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/13 11:04:05

Post by: Sigur

@Vitruvian XVII: Hehehe. Our only saving grace is that there aren't all that many Empire kits from the Forge around (yet). I was a little underwhelmed with the Ironsides to be honest but these command miniatures are really, really sweet. The champion especially is a great model. The detail is very, very good and there are no miscasts or even that bad mould lines (or slightly off connections between the halves of the moulds). My only little gripe is that they look a little bit tall for state troops and 28mm scale. And I'd be pretty miffed if they weren't any better than GW's current state troops. But yeah, they're better detailswise (of course) and designwise as well. As for the decals, I'm just using good old water, a modelling knife, gloss varnish and a brush.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/14 16:17:15

Post by: Sigur

Quick update on the Space Wolves. These fellas are finished now:

Apart from that, I just finished writing a little article on my first hands-on experiences with Finecast. It's the glorious Cockatrice and if you're interested to read about my first experiences with Finecast and one of the first miniatures that were exclusively designed to be cast in the new plastic-resin material, have a look here:


I hope you enjoy the article. Please leave some feedback!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/14 16:32:06

Post by: Cosmic

The Space Wolves are looking awesome, and a very fast turn around, too. Read through your FineCast article. That was one nasty airbubble, but good overall, however. Have fun painting it!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/15 12:18:40

Post by: Sigur

@Cosmic: Thanks for the feedback!

@risewiththefallen: Cheers!

Wolf Banners WIP:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/15 12:51:55

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Indeed, the finecast article is a very good read, thanks!

Eager to see what you do with the banners! Is it going to be simple or very elaborate?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/17 22:58:31

Post by: Sigur

@Vitruvian XVII: Glad you enjoyed the article. The banners are going to be rather simple compared to the empire banners I did last.

Speaking of which...

Ironsides command WIP:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/18 13:54:39

Post by: nerdfest09

Magic, pure magic! looking amazingly good as usual, the chimera is outstanding you have really captured the feel of the model and all your wolves look great! that is looking to be one large army! I enjoy seeing what you've been up to every few days so don't stop now!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/18 22:28:07

Post by: Grim Smasha

Wow. Truly amazing stuff. I'm blown away by your dedication and mad skills. If not slightly envious

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/27 13:29:40

Post by: Sigur

@nerdfest09: Thanks very much for your uplifting comment. Shame I didn't update for so long. I hope that you're still checking back to see the new pictures I put up.

@Grim Smasha: Thanks!

Alright, here's another update just to prove that I'm getting stuff done (at an alarmingly slow pace though). :p

Rhinos (the one in the left is for the Wolf Guard, all the other ones are for squads of Grey Hunters):

The Rhinos also double as Razorbacks. Here's a picture of Rhino#2 in its Razorback form:

Here's the finished Vindicator (first of two):

...and the one I currently got WIP. "Rah, I'm a Land Raider!":

Vehiclewise, we got one more Vindicator, two more Land Speeders and two more Drop Pods coming up. C&C welcome and I hope that everybody's doing fine.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/27 13:35:43

Post by: whalemusic360

The red on the smoke launchers seems a bit off, but I really like the overall look you've got on the wolves.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/27 14:20:20

Post by: nerdfest09

Of course i'm always checking back in! how can I not? the work you do is inspitrational! that weathering on your rhino/razor's is amazingly good! and I can't wait to see the umm, Rah im a landraider finished!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/28 10:02:31

Post by: crazypsyko666

I've always appreciated modeled on weathering more, but hot damn! You make the marks look like they're popping out or caving in like it was chiseled out. I'm impressed.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/28 16:18:01

Post by: Manchu

I'm excited to see what you do with the wolf banners.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/28 18:21:28

Post by: Sigur

@whalemusic360: Thanks muchly. I was looking to get some more red onto the models for the extra old-school look.

@nerdfest09: Cheers.

@crazypsyko666: Thank you. With this army, the client only asked for painted-on paint chipping. I did hack away at the vehicles of the SW army I did last year though. You can see it here: http://sigur.tabletopgeeks.com/space-marines/?nggpage=2

@Manchu: I got some stuff planned for them already. Just trying to finish the vehicles first.

New Land Raider WIPs:

Sorry about the rather lousy picture quality. I need a new lightbox for vehicles really.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/28 18:59:06

Post by: Dysartes

Manchu wrote:I'm excited to see what you do with the wolf banners.

Hear, hear. I've assembled one for my first Grey Hunter pack, and have no idea how I'm going to go about painting it, as I'm not confident when it comes to freehand - any tips, old chap?

Love the Runic look on the Wolf Guard Rhino - might have to steal that. Is it just highlighting from orange up to off-white?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/30 10:16:33

Post by: crazypsyko666

Oooh, I like those Space Wolves. Again, fantastic job. Keep it up!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/30 12:04:33

Post by: Sigur

@Dysartes: Thanks. Yup, it's basically highlighting up from Bestial Brown, Snakebite Leather and such. As for freehands - ho-hum. It of course helps to have developed some recipies for what paints to use on freehands but in general, the most important thing is that you remember that you can paint over any mistakes you make so just go ahead and have fun. Keep it simple and not too small or fragile when it comes to scripture and such. It helps a lot if you outline the rough basics of the design before starting to paint them on with a slightly-off colour or just water.

@crazypsyko666: Cheers.

Right, the Land Raider is finished (pictures of that one will follow shortly) and I went on to do the Land Speeders. This is a very early WIP of course and displays a little accident as well :p :

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Another update (just because I couldn't think of anything else):

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/30 17:34:47

Post by: Grim Smasha

Did you dry brush those land speeders?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/30 20:08:57

Post by: Grim Smasha

Just curious. Your dry brushing is very clean, very controlled. Generally, what do you use to dry the brush on?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/31 08:07:28

Post by: crazypsyko666

About weathering: Have you ever checked out Sons of Orar's models? I think he's my favorite regarding that technique.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/07/31 21:25:38

Post by: Sigur

@Grim Smasha: I'm using a regular old sheets of kitchen roll (hope that this is the right term). Thing is that you really, really have to wipe everything off the brush. Then you can do some effective and good looking drybrush effect. In recent years I started using drybrushing more and more again because it's simple and can work really, really well to get a nice look. I know that this technique has a bad reputation but that's mainly because way too often people expect wrong things of it, don't wipe their brushes off properly and/or make bad colour schoices.

@crazypsyko666: Not sure I've seen his stuff but i'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!

Land Speeders 99% finished:

Hope you like them! C&C welcome!

By the way, Battle Brush Studios hit 100 Likers on Facebook last night! Hooray and thanks to everybody who likes the facebook site!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/01 12:37:43

Post by: nerdfest09

B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l work! :-) those speeders made my day! the kit is one of my favorites and you have done them justice! I just love your weathering technique, and you say it's all painted on? any particular recipe for it or do you adjust it to match the main scheme of the army? I still use the maskol weathering technique http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/244365-Landraider%20side%20on.html?m=2 but i'd love to learn how to paint weathering with confidence! please keep up the amazing work and I look forward to more from you!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/01 23:06:35

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Wow, i go for a week and you churn out a whole motor-pool!

They look great as usual, and the freehand is breathtaking, especially the NMM on the Rhino with the runes.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/02 22:53:37

Post by: Sigur

@majortom11: Thanks muchly.

@bigfish: Cheers!

@nerdfest09: Thanks for the compliment. It's all painted. As a principle, I always paint everything (same reason you won't find any extra-fine styluses or anything like that on my table). Of course I do use some other techniques as well but for that kind of chipped armour, it's all painted (I do use a little piece of foam as well though).

@VitruvianVXII: Hehehe, thanks.

Right, Vindicator #2 is finished:

That's that for the tracked Space Wolves vehicles.
Hope you like it and thanks for looking everybody. In the next days I'll be working on some more Evil Sunz Orks just so I don't go crazy. I'll also see that I can start working on the Cockatrice and maybe some Fenrisian Wolves.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/03 15:17:58

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Quite, yeah. Don't you have any interesting projects to offer? Just kidding. I switched back to the Orks army for now. Those have to get done too.

Orky update:

(Because I got really fed up with chipped grey armour I'm going back to chipped red armour )

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/03 15:23:06

Post by: Moltar

Vindicator turned out awesome, Siggy. Glad to see some more of your Evil Sunz. Did I miss that Empire Boat? Or have you not finished that yet?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/04 00:35:10

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Cheers. I'm also glad I get to paint an Ork character for a change. The Empire Landship....sadly, I haven't painted it yet. :(

Before the day ends, here's another WIP of the Warboss:

...and we're off. Good night!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/04 10:16:26

Post by: jirc

Those flames on the loin cloth are epic. Nice model in whole too! Also, while I'm here, do you have a colour list for your wolves? And if so do you share that sort of thing?

Cheer, James

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/04 10:42:25

Post by: Tekeino

Dont mean to seem negative (and i couldnt do any where near as good) but the metal on the klaw just needs something, im not sure what. But as you said this is WIP and does look BRILLIANT.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/04 14:33:34

Post by: Sigur

@jirc: Thanks for the comment. I'm sure that you will find the third in my series of Step-by-Step Painting Tutorials quite helpful: http://sigur.tabletopgeeks.com/new-step-by-step-painting-article/ Let me know if you have any questions.

@Tekeino: Hey, thanks for the input. I redid the claws a little now. Let me know how you like this newer version.

Warboss finished:

Hope you like 'im.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/04 16:51:26

Post by: bigfish

you not doing the base on him???

Still looks epic though

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/04 17:02:24

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

Nice! As always, your highlights are beautifully crisp and clean. Are you going to do the base?


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/05 00:08:15

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Thanks again.

@bigfish: I'm not allowed to. :( It's really getting a bit frustrating on how many armies I'm not allowed to do the bases lately. But anyway, I get that people want to match the bases with their existing armies/gaming mats/tables/boards.

@Tim: Cheers. Nope, no bases I'm afraid.

The Warboss looked a bit unhappy all by himself. Well, not entirely all by himself....

...but a Warboss (can you spot him? :p ) just isn't happy without his retinue of Nobz around him so I immediately commenced painting them:

*) In the picture of the shelf you can again see my camera's weird love for blue. The blue Marines on the top shelf stand out like crazy and the Land Raider looks way more blue than it does in real life. Weird.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/05 06:49:49

Post by: Grim Smasha

Every time I look at your new stuff I get a sudden urge to go and paint. Thank you for being a catalyst of production.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/05 14:34:58

Post by: Sigur

@Grim Smasha: That's great to hear. Thanks.

Update on the Nobz:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/05 18:10:04

Post by: Arakasi

Your speed and ability continue to astound me!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 02:26:34

Post by: Sigur

@Arakasi: Thanks.

Here's another WIP:

Not all that much is new; I mainly refined the cloth, did most of the detail like wristbands, bandoliers, boots and so on. The stuff you don't really see. But I really like those guys. They're colourful and fun which is kind of surprising as I was pretty surprised on how much the 2009 plastics' heads are ...well...let's say I'm not convinced of them. But once some paint is on them, they're getting better. Painting this unit really reminds me of when I painted my own Ork Nobz in power armour.

The Space Marine trophy helmet was painted like a Space Wolf because over on the forums the client I'm painting these Orks for reads as well - each time I post an update on the Space Wolves I'm doing simultaneously there he replies something like "great painting but I hate Space Wolves " so I thought it's just fitting to make that helmet a Space Wolfy one.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 06:36:45

Post by: nerdfest09

Hey Sigur, do you have by chance done a tutorial on your method for painting the Ork skin tone? I've had a look at your site and posts but I may have missed something!

thanks dude.


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 14:15:51

Post by: Sigur

@nerdfest09: Not at this point, sorry. But I've been getting this question basically each time I posted an Ork picture during the past four years so I might do such a tutorial soon.

Nobz finished:

Hope you like 'em.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 17:31:48

Post by: Moltar

Love 'em! They look fantastic.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 17:56:43

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Thanks very much!

So after I had put the Nobz over on the shelf to have them with the rest of the army, I first thought I may be ready again to go back to Space Wolves. I'm not. I'm completely wolfed out. :p

So after stabbing the brushes at some Wolf Guard and Wolf Priests uninspiredly, I put them aside again, glanced over the Cockatrice.... the Landship (there was one in the US Golden Daemons this year and it has some things I envisioned for my Landship as well which kind of got me going for that again but I simply had to realize that there's more important stuff to do at the moment) so I went back to Orks on which really not all that much is left - one Trukk, the Bikers need finishing, one Battlewagon.... oh what the heck, I'll tell the tale in a more timely fashion:

Well, I'm sure it happens to all of us. Right? :S Anyhow, I'm working on the last Trukk and the last Nob now.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 20:52:16

Post by: jirc

That totally sucks! Done it more than once too. I feel for you brother.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 22:00:34

Post by: MajorTom11

LOL that is awesome LOL

You seem to be having a mega productive week though Sigs, everything look great, and the amount of stuff is pretty staggering too!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 22:23:55

Post by: LiveforFun666

Haha a meme to get with the hip young crowd ^^
love the painting, keep it up

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/06 22:47:38

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

That meme sums up my life. Love it!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/07 01:45:16

Post by: nerdfest09

Thanks Sigur, whenever you get a chance between painting Orks and wolves I'd be keen to see how you do that Ork skin, but no rush dude i've only got one Ork to paint unlike you! I just want to make sure I learn how to do it and do it well.

and that meme is awesome! lol, I believe it has happened to each of us at least once! kinda puts a stop on my painting when it does though!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/07 13:40:37

Post by: Sigur

@jirc: Cheers. It used to happen to me more often when doing larger units (and a messier desk).

@Knightley: Same here. It may not be really funny but for some reason many of these rage comics just crack me up. :p

@MajorTom11: Thanks muchly.

@LiveforFun666: Indeed. It's this scizophrenic situation of trying to keep up with them youngsters while yelling at them to get off my lawn. :p

@Some_call_me_Tim: Yus, I really aimed to go for "gripping realism" on that one.

@nerdfest09: Cheers. Yeah, it really made me not want to paint that guy at that moment so I decided to make a silly comic strip instead.

@big fish: Glad you like it.

Anyways, back to business. Here's the next trukk (WIP of course):

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Well, the trukk is basically finished (just some touch-ups on the crew and maybe if I find some other troubling bits):

Hope you like it. Next up: A single Ork Nob with power klaw and slugga I suppose.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/08 19:20:39

Post by: Sigur

Greetings! Update! New model started! (last Ork Nob finished!) Doesn't look like much at the moment! Just you wait! Will look very cool! Promise!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/08 19:26:52

Post by: nerdfest09

Nope, you're wrong it looks pretty damn cool already! can't wait to see this bad boy done! ;-)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/09 05:13:28

Post by: MagickalMemories

Looking great, so far.
You don't have to promise us that it'll look good. We know your history enough to know that already. : )


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/09 12:43:28

Post by: Sigur

@nerdfest09: Cheers, glad about your trust in my abilities.

@MagicalMemories: Hehe, thanks.

Update time!

Initially I had planned to only show a frontal view again but there's some totally not cool reflection going on there so I'll also post a side view:

Hope you like it so far. At the moment I'm at this point at which I'm really not sure if it's going to be finished either soon or will take much longer than I think. Still hunting for details and such.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/09 12:59:05

Post by: nerdfest09

Of course we trust you dude! :-) and we're not dissapointed either by the looks of that! it's madness I tell you! looks as Orky as you can get! bloody good job with it!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/09 14:08:54

Post by: HF Izanagi

Sweet Lord you paint fast... and they look niiiiiice!! I don't care for Orks as an army all too much, but I like the more subdued color set for these guys- they look pretty good in the darker olive-green skin!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/09 14:35:46

Post by: deffskulla

My jaw hit the floor! Awesome painting! but of course you already know that...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/09 14:45:23

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

Looove eet!The flames are really nice.

I really cannot find anything to criticize, becuase it looks so good!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/09 21:27:07

Post by: bigfish

looking good indeed. i do love the way you do your weathering, very cool

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/10 02:03:18

Post by: Sigur

@HF_Izanagi: Thanks very much but in fact I should be much faster really. Cheers about the comment on the Ork skin. Problem with most Ork skin recipies is that they look rather unnatural when being based off Dark Angels Green and Goblin Green (as most are I suppose). I know, that comes from the guy who keeps on insisting very colourful looking Orks but the skin I think should look somewhat natural. It's always hard to take something for real either the skin or the face looks completely unrelatable to us. As we know, the latter applies for current ork models 100% so the skin colour should be more algae-like looking rather than the rather blue-green shades GW's colour range offers.

@deffskulla: Thanks very much. It's always nice to hear when people like what I do. Over the years I really learned that this is what keeps my motivation up.

@_Tim?: Thank ye, Sir. At first I was really reculant to do the big "comet-snout" on this vehicle but I figured that the battlewagon needs to look badass so I simply went for it, tried it out and I think it works fairly well.

@bigfish: Cheers mate. It takes some more time but it proves to be immensely popular with the crowds. Just had a look at your location - I hope you're safe. Must be a really weird atmosphere around the whole London area right now. I used to live there for about 10 months...on tv I saw places I used to go to on a daily basis looking unreal.

Anyhow, got a bit carried away there. I just hope that everybody's safe and sound everywhere really.

So here's another update. You didn't really expect this beast not to feature an extra 'ard Deffrolla in the end, right?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/10 05:36:27

Post by: Dysartes

Looking good, Sigur - I take it that the last Nob is camera-shy?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/10 20:29:33

Post by: Sigur

@Dysartes: Thanks very much. Well, he's not so much camera shy. He just likes to hide. :p

The Battlewagon is finished now:

Here's some detailshots:

(because shouting and waving yer choppa in the air is only fun so long when riding in the back of a battlewagon.)

There's also a peace-sign on the one Gretchin's helmet of course.

And here's the nob:

Hope you like everything.

Next up: Finishing the bikers, then some dirtiying up on the vehicles and that's it for the first batch of Evil Sunz!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/10 20:47:45

Post by: Knightley

The speed and quality you are putting out is very inspiring, I currently get through about 3-4 marines a week if I'm lucky.

How much time to spend on painting a day?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/11 03:18:51

Post by: crazypsyko666

The level of detail on that wagon is awe-inspiring. *slow clap*

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/11 05:00:21

Post by: Mr.Malevolent

I have to say I am loving this thread. Your tutorials are the biggest help. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and allowing us to give it a go.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/11 19:54:06

Post by: Sigur

@Knightley: That varies. At the moment I'm aiming for at least 7 hours of pure painting but around that, I have to write e-mails, post on forums, take photos, and do all kinds of other administrative stuff.

@crazypsyko666: Thanks a lot. I thought it deserved some detail as well as the overall impressive look.

@Mr.Malevolent: Glad you like my stuff.

As you may or may not remember, the Bikers were basically half-finished when I put them aside for a while. Today I finished them:

(the design on the Nobz' jacket is based on the jacket Mickey Rourke's character wears in "Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man")

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/11 21:12:00

Post by: Knightley

Ah, thank you for clarifying that, I had this thought in my head that you only painted for 3-4 hours a day. Still with the hours you put in the results do speak for them selves! This is one of those threads I always like coming to have a read/check of every day.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/12 15:08:21

Post by: Sigur

@Knightley: Thanks, that's always nice to hear.

Today I mostly wrote e-mails, proceeded working on a Rune Priest and Long Fangs squad leader and I did some test miniatures for possibly upcoming projects. After this, I took this photo for your entertainment:

Two scouting parties of the Imperial Fists Space Marines and the murderous World Eaters Chaos Space Marines clash in the street canyons of one of the numerous urban battlefields of the 41st milennium!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/12 21:00:10

Post by: bigfish

@bigfish: Cheers mate. It takes some more time but it proves to be immensely popular with the crowds. Just had a look at your location - I hope you're safe. Must be a really weird atmosphere around the whole London area right now. I used to live there for about 10 months...on tv I saw places I used to go to on a daily basis looking unreal.

Anyhow, got a bit carried away there. I just hope that everybody's safe and sound everywhere really.


honestly mate the bits on tv are really particular areas, it is really being over hyped by the media. That said i am quite close to those areas oh well


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/13 10:28:19

Post by: Yggdrasil

Lol, those Epic models are... Epic!!

Will try to reply to your mail soon...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/13 10:47:19

Post by: Sigur

@bigfish: Well, at least you're okay then. :p I think it's been three quiet nights now and the obligatory calls for "more rights for the police to do stuff" is setting in.

@Yggdrasil: Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you.

Here's some closer-ups of the Epic models:

...and of course there's something to be done about those remaining Space Wolves:

I'll post a list of the remaining Space Wolfy stuff later so we get an overview of what's left to do about this army. I think I also should go do some army shots of the Orks but the weather's pretty cloudy today and I prefer to do those things outside...well, let's see when I can do those.

Anyhow, comments and critizism are highly welcome as always.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Hey, there's a picture of other new stuff:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/14 00:59:45

Post by: Sigur

Right, here's a last one for tonight - first WIP of Fenrisian Wolves:

Very interesting working with the plastic Wargs for the first time. Close up and painting them they prove to be much more interesting than I thought. Depending on the angle you hold them they look like a completely different animal, ranging from deer to cougar. :p

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/14 08:40:53

Post by: nerdfest09

. Depending on the angle you hold them they look like a completely different animal, ranging from deer to cougar. :p

How delighfully insightful!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/14 14:06:36

Post by: Sigur

@nerdfest: Thanks but it's true! It (especially the head) is somehow very much between dog, wild cat and large rodent. :p

Right, after some more highlighting, shading and detailling...

And here's the finished wolf banners:

Hope you like everything, c&c welcome!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/14 14:24:53

Post by: D.Smith

I love the banners, the colour tones look really natural


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/14 19:29:48

Post by: crazypsyko666

Man, those Epic scale models must be tiny! I'd need a goddamn microscope to even try to paint those things.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/15 07:02:06

Post by: Metsuri

Wargs looks excellent. I'm planning on painting my Skorne Ferox, which are big cougar looking cats, this winter and will go into similar direction with them.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/15 14:18:39

Post by: nerdfest09

Those wargs do look fantastic though! I really like how you've done them! top stuff as usual! the fur is awesome!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/15 16:07:56

Post by: HF Izanagi

Great lookin' wargs... they're not GW... but they remind me of Magnus' talk with his soldiers while the SWs visited their planet. "There are no wolves on Fenris"...

They look close, but they aren't "wolf-like". I like them!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/15 17:46:42

Post by: Sigur

@D.Smith: Cheers.

@crazypsyko666: Yeah, they're kind of small and have next to no detail. After this first range of plastic infantry for Epic, they made them quite a bit larger.

@Metsuri: Thank you. I usually would have gone for grey "wolves" but as the bases are all grey that wouldn't have worked.

@nerdfest09: Thanks muchly.

@HF Izanagi: Well, they are indeed GW. Or did I get the sentence wrong? :S

Right, I'm not sure if there'll be much to see in here today as I'm down with a nasty cold. I hope I'll get better soon so I can get more stuff done again. Maybe there'll be some WIPs of the two Space Wolves Drop Pods up later tonight but I can't make any promises.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/15 18:01:23

Post by: HF Izanagi

Er, perhaps I looked in the wrong section? I checked SWs, but are they in a different section?

Either way, comment still stands- excellent wargs of Fenris!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/16 12:29:52

Post by: Sigur

@HF Izanagi: Thanks again. Yeah, as Grim Smasha said, they're from LotR. Interesting little bit by the way - these wargs got genetalia. At least they're hinted to have them. Not something you'd see on regular GW beasties.

Still got that annoying cold (I'm sure you all know how annoying it can be to paint with a runny nose) but nonetheless, here's some new WIP shots!

One of the two drop pods I'm working on:

Apart from that (and some terrain) I started painting the Cockatrice:

Hope you like everything so far. I'll try to get some army shots of the Evil Sunz online later today.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/16 12:35:26

Post by: nerdfest09

The skin on your cockatrice is great, looks suitably leathery and tough, that will be one model i'm keeping an eye out for when done! fantastic so far Sigur!

do you actually have a tiny evil moustache like your avatar? I always imagined you do!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/17 10:57:52

Post by: Sigur

@nerdfest: Cheers. In fact I do sport a fancy moustache. As well as a bell around my neck. And a tiny black leather vest. And that's about it.

Speaking of freaks of nature, here's another WIP of the Cockatrice:

I think I'll need to redo some portions of the skin. I really aimed for a pale, pinkish "plucked chicken" look. Did a bit of research too of course. In fact, I had a picture of a plucked black rooster open in a tab for the past two days. When painting animals or anything that remotely exists in real life, image search is such a great help for inspiration or for taking another look at things. I recently read a thread (on another board) in which someone asks how to paint a cow. I suggested using some sort of image search for some reference material and he replied that he knew what a cow looked like, thankyouverymuch. I gave it a thought and realized that I have a certain concept of what a cow (or most animals) looks like but once I actually start painting one it's just such a great help to have lots of reference material at hand. Anyway, enough of me rambling about cows. :p

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/17 13:12:39

Post by: nerdfest09

: Cheers. In fact I do sport a fancy moustache. As well as a bell around my neck. And a tiny black leather vest. And that's about it.

Really? how strange, sounds like what I look like on a saturday night!

*ahem* but seriously forks, that cock-atrice is amazing! I used to have an old and rather large book of fairy tales from around the world and I was always fascinated by the mythical ones especially dragons/griffons/cockatrice, and your model is exactly the same colours and shading as the pics i used to pore over! such a lovely model and paint job Sigur!

so, what's next on your bench? you know you can trust me! ......


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/17 19:59:56

Post by: Sigur

@nerdfest09: Oh yes, you sound totally trustworthy, strange leather-clad internetperson. (after the rest of the Space Wolves it's going to be more Space Marines of the red, green and white kinds probably) Thanks for your thoughts on the Cockatrice. I also used to love those kinds of books. There used to be that series of books on all kinds of mythological creatures in our school's library with many great illustrations.

Alright, that took some time but here's tons of pictures of finished Orky stuff!

Here's a few previews:

There are many more army shots and close-ups of each individual unit to be found in the Space Orks folder at Battle Brush Studios.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
...and to top the whole "hopping between projects" off, here's a picture of the second Runepriest.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/18 10:28:09

Post by: Sigur

Let's jump back to the other thing, shall we?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/18 11:20:04

Post by: bigfish

Sigur wrote:
Alright, that took some time but here's tons of pictures of finished Orky stuff!

Here's a few previews:

very nive indeed

i would be very happy to have that force within my orky ranks

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/19 05:22:46

Post by: Metsuri

The cockatrice looks really great painted in natural and subdued colors. The head especially pops up.

How was the fig cast? I have looked at it as something that tempts me, but after seeing the problems in fine casts I have been keeping away from getting one for myself.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/19 09:28:08

Post by: Sigur

@bigfish: Thanks. In fact, I wouldn't mind if that was my own Orks army to be honest and I actually don't even like the Ork models that were released from 1997 on.

@Metsuri: Glad you asked. When I got the model about a month ago, I wrote upthis little article about unpacking, assembly and observations about this finecast kit: http://sigur.tabletopgeeks.com/citadel-finecast-cockatrice-unpacking-observations-assembly/.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/20 10:26:56

Post by: Metsuri

Thanks for the link, it seems that I won't be getting one for myself

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/20 14:53:46

Post by: Sigur

@Metsuri: Fair enough, I'm glad I could help.

Well, there's at least a few new pictures:

(Little did this poor raven know of the fact that MSTB translates as "pinch my butt".)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/20 17:37:36

Post by: MajorTom11

Orks, brilliant...

What is next on your billet?? After SW?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/23 19:23:23

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

The Cockatrice looks brilliant Sig, so do the speeders, i really like the ice bases.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/24 06:32:06

Post by: Dysartes

Cockatrice is coming along nicely, Sig - and I feel sorry for the raven on that objective marker...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/08/24 16:15:36

Post by: HF Izanagi

LOL... looks like that marine is gonna do more than pinch it's butt-equivalent.

I like the colors for your cockatrice, the sculpt fails you as the crease where the wing meets the body on the left side is visible... the paint job is great. Just a failure in FC sculpt QCing.

So Sigur, these are all commission pieces? Do you have any of your own, personal collection to show off? Or do you have a separate thread for that?


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/05 09:42:22

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks.

@Vitruvian XVII: Thanks muchly.

@Dysartes: To put your mind at ease - it was just a silly little picture the raven and the Wolf Guard dude posed for. They're best of friends.

@HF Izanagi: :S *image of a space Marine wearing a raven like a glove crops up* Anyhow....hmm...now that you mention it...yeah, there's this crease visible...and bugging me. Maybe I'll fix it before the fella flies off to his master. The stuff you see in here is 99% commission pieces. I tend to throw in a little of my own stuff here and there but it's very, very rare these days.

For those who have been wondering, here's a list of things that are coming up in the future: Probably Plague Marines ( :p ), an interesting Empire General on Griffon/Warhorse conversion, Aeronautica Imperialis, Epic 40k Khorne (with custom-made figures and all that jazz), hopefully some Tau, Blood Angels of two different kinds, Pre-Heresy World Eaters, Salamanders... oh, and in between I'll try to squeeze in my own little Infinity thing.

And now, please allow me to throw lots of pictures at you:

Venerable Dreadnought finished:

Some tiny marines sneaking in:

Wolf Guard finished:

..and now get ready for some wacky and hilarious hi-jinx when the whole Wolf Guard is getting drunk off their bums and re-enact classic 3-Stooges routines!

Of the Land Raider I took a ton of pictures on all kinds of weapon loadouts:

... you know what? I'll just start a seperate thread for the finished Space Wolves. Here is the link to the new thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/395263.page#3289522

In the meantime (because we've all seen well enough Space Wolves lately), here's something completely different (and something's that's completely for me and me alone):

My first Infinity miniature:

Lateron I added an old can of Baked Beans to the base because you can't base Infinity without a bent tincan somewhere:

After this fella was more or less done I realized that it surely would take 2 more weeks before the rest of my warband would arrive so I started making some terrain. It was planned to be quick, easy and not very pretty but at some point a few hours ago, I started toying around with a logo on one of the "crates". Then I realized that it looks rather fetching but it's impossible to have some kind of scribbly stuff on only one so I went on...

....and on...

...and now I have at least a little bit of stuff for my Tomcat to hide behind (at least until Gordon Freeman comes around, crowbar-swinging and looking for power-ups):

Hope you like it.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/05 11:07:49

Post by: Asylum_Inmate

Love the scenery, time to play "name that logo"

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/05 13:59:30

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

Nice to see you painting something other than GW products! I love the terrain!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/05 20:24:03

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

That infinity model is freaking awesome! Love the Heinz can as well. The terrain is also very cool.

Cant wait to see what else you come up with Infinity-wise.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/05 22:25:21

Post by: GiraffeX

The infinity mini is looking great, I love all the logos on the boxes makes the scenery look very special.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/06 13:01:02

Post by: Sigur

@Asylum_Inmate: Thanks.

@Tim: Well, I can hardly choose in most cases.

@VitruvianXVII: Cheers, mate! Infinity-wise: I got my starter box and a Mobile Brigada with HMG today.

@GiraffeX: Thanks muchly!

@crazypsyko666: Hehehe. Kudos for identifying that logo by the way. You're the first to achieve that I think.

Look, something different again!

And he brought friends with him too! I'll upload pictures of those later.

In today's mail I got two more very neat things. First: The Avatars of War Dwarf Berserkers Regiment and the new Dwarf Berserkers Character Bör Dragonbane. I'm planning to do a little review of that Berserkers box tonight. At this point all I can tell you is that it really is nice.

Second thing I got in the mail: My Nomads starter box and a Mobile Brigada with heavy MG! Yay!

But first: The flyguys.

See you later!

edit: By the way, here's a list of the logos I used on the boxes:

Picture1, from left to right:
Box1: Nothing, just scribbly bits in the corner; too much covered up by the blanket thing.
Box2: IKEA /other side: IKEA as well.
Box3: Upside-down Pepsi logo. ( to be honest, I started with the UP being on the wrong side because these people just won't listen to where's UP supposed to be, then I made this red circle thing to see what multi.coloured boxes would look like, THEN I thought what it might be and found that Pepsi's logo fits rather well. :p ). / Other side: NERV from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Box4: Random, big-looking japanese letters I found on google image search. I hope that it's nothing offending. :-P
Box5: Weirdly warped Coca-Cola logo without the name because I'm not insane and try to freehand that.

Picture 2, from left to right again:
Box1: Couple of smaller boxes / Other side: something radioactive in a metal box.
Box2: Umbrella Corp. (and it's leaking on the lower front corner! ) /other side: Umbrella
Box3: Vandelay Industries, Importer/Exporter of fine latex goods / a big box of Atari stuff (because I really ran out of ideas) - maybe lots and lots of copies of E.T. for the Atari 2600?
Box4: A barrel / other side: ALP - completely made that one up.
Box5: A tri-force surrounded by weird signs. Probably alien.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/06 17:40:28

Post by: HF Izanagi

Excellent Stooge-Wolves... (yowza... how bad would they hurt me if RL SMs heard me call them that) I first saw the minis and thought that they were laughing after beating the crap outta (fill in enemy type here).

The Infinity also catches my eye- the gallery pieces are painted extremely well, and I see that yours is very close. I'd like to try my hand at that later... when I get enough practice in.

Finally, the terrain pieces, lol, great stuff there! Umbrella, triforce, IKEA, as crazypsyko mentioned... also saw some kanji in there. 'Japan', I think?

Looking forward to more, especially your Empire General conversion. What's the base model for it? I have no use for them, but the Manann's Blades command group and Bruckner mounted figure are calling me...


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/06 23:59:43

Post by: Sigur

@HF Izanagi: Hey there. Glad you like the wolves. Infinity models are beautiful and if by "gallery pieces" you mean the stuff they got painted for their website and promo pictures and all that -yes, those are AMAZING paintjobs. Yup, the japanese letters simply mean "Japan" as someone pointed out earlier today. Glad it's just that and nothing super-offensive. The Empire general will be it's whole own kind of challange. It's based off the empire captain with the hammer and pistol I painted earlier for the very same army. Oh yes, the Forgeworld Empire stuff is great. I did the Ironsides command models recently and they are just beautiful.

Anyhoo, here's some airplanes!

The Thunderbolt squadron including ace pilot Fox Flasheart:

..and the bombers and valkyries:

Hope you like'em.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/07 17:20:04

Post by: nerdfest09

Now if only we can see you paint some MERCS mini's i'll be stoked! :-)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/07 18:44:20

Post by: HF Izanagi

@Sigur- Yea, that's right. The website/promo models.. And a slight pang of jealousy as you're not too far off that mark... I also second Nerdfest09. I'm waiting until the Keizai Waza come out (cousin and partner in crime already took the CCC yellow jackets)... but yea.. seeing any of those, especially the S. American team (forget the name, guerillas w/ Predator active camo)... yea... that'd be pretty sweet. Hmm... I might just have to ask for a commission... Seriously!

I'm impressed with your job on Major Tom's 'stealer cult... let me consider this more... (and let the Keizai Waza models come out for production)


EDIT- By the way, I like those planes- the scheme, the wear, and the tiny panes painted up. Very cool!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2014/04/24 16:04:55

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Oh thanks Sigur! I had already been tempted by Aeronautica, now i have little choice but to purchase a whole Navy.

They look great, i really love the more obscure stuff you're painting atm, its refreshing to look at.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/08 17:46:11

Post by: Sigur

No time for replying to replies, thanks anyways, will reply as soon as I'm back but for now let's focus on the important stuff - pictures:

In short - Avatars of War Dwarf Berserkers and batch one of my Nomads "army". You can guess what is what.

edit: Right, I'm back. Time for replies!

@nerdfest09: I actually never looked into MERCS much before. The minis look like fun though. // The Dwarves are the new Avatars of War plastic Berserkers (read: Slayers). They're basically made to be used in WHFB as GW has yet to release plastic slayers for their Dwarves. It's the next logical step in Avatars of War's business model really. This kit goes perfectly well with GW's Dwarves range and in terms of detailling and quality they are actually on par really. I will upload a little review of this kit within the next few days. Probably this weekend. Probably a but redundant as this was one of the most anticipated items to be released this year in terms of fantasy wargaming and there's tons of reviews around already but whatever. :p

@HF Izanagi: Cheers. Just feel free to contact me about any projects you got.

@Vitruvian XVII: Hehehe, cheers. Let me tell you this - Before I got the minis I basically always had the image of the old Epic fliers in mind - stocky, not so great detail, rather Volkswagen-esque. But these models actually look great and are much bigger than I thought. Just wait until I do the Ork Bomma. That's a fun little model.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/09 00:53:48

Post by: nerdfest09

Looking forward to seeing this lot! those dwarves are really very cool! are they used for fantasy or is it just a model company? :-) hurry up and get painting mr Sigur! just don't get your bell in the paint or spill any on your stylish leather vest!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/09 18:13:17

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Those AoW "Beserkers" are so far above GW slayers it isnt even funny!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/09 21:05:39

Post by: Alpharius

REALLY looking to see your work on the Nomads!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/10 11:28:41

Post by: Sigur

@nerdfest09: Thanks. They're basically meant to be used for Dwarf armies in WHFB although Avatars of War can't say it in that way of course. But they are also very usable for anything Fantasy and 28mm really.

@Vitruvian XVII: Hahah, well... I'd say that they are on par with GW's sculpts and really are well done (especially considering that they are AoW's first plastics kit).

@Alpharius: Thanks, me too!

Speaking of which, here's a bit of an update on the Infinity models:

And I need your help on something. I'm not quite sure how to paint the Alguacil (that's the regular line infantry). I cooked up three different schemes:

It's basically either blue vest and black clothes with a white thing on the back OR Light Grey vest with blue clothes OR brown vest with blue clothes. Another option would have been blue vest and light grey clothes but i'm not really sure on that as maybe it would meld with the grey bases a bit too much. What do you think?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/10 11:45:18

Post by: GiraffeX

I really like the blue vest and black clothes one on the left, not sure if the legs would blend in too well with the base though.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/10 14:48:36

Post by: Alpharius

GiraffeX wrote:I really like the blue vest and black clothes one on the left, not sure if the legs would blend in too well with the base though.

Agreed - the one on the left is my favorite as well

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/10 17:17:59

Post by: Sigur

Very interesting. Thanks for the input so far! Keep it coming!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/10 20:19:02

Post by: Moltar

I actually really like the brown vest over the blue clothes. But if I had a second choice it would be the blue over the black. No doubt you'll make them look awesome.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/11 12:43:35

Post by: nerdfest09

My take is the brown vest over, I just like the look of it, can't really pop my finger on it but, yeah it looks good!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/11 15:00:11

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Thanks. I guess it's been a while since I last completely made up a colour scheme as I most of the time dwell in the GW universes where I'm familiar with the background, a wide variety of standard colour schemes and so on. With Infinity, it's all new. I'm using Bubblegum Crisis (the awesome 2032 series, not the alright 2040 one) as a piece of reference mostly (hence the way my fist mini turned out) because I love the series and it's got some very cool and striking colour schemes.

@nerdfest09: Cheers! I think that in the current state (without skin painted and anything else) the brown/blue objectively makes the most sense in terms of colours.

Right, so far I'm getting some interesting ideas on the colour scheme for the Infinity Alguacil. Keep 'em coming!

Meanwhile, here's an ork Bomma:

I really love the little detail of the Ork manually (and quite casually) dropping the bombs out of the plane's cargo compartment. With Aeronautica Imperialis, you usually seem to get optional parts of either making the plane landed (with acenced alighting gears and such) and so you get the option to either have the rear hatch closed or open with the Ork dropping the bombs. Quite a nice touch as I think that 6mm is actually a rather nice scale for small dioramas.

Anyway, I hope you like it!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/12 11:46:14

Post by: Sigur

@bigfish: Thanks!

Here's some paint on the Dwarves. They don't look like much at this point, especially from the front though...

...but I guess you get a first impression.

Automatically Appended Next Post:


Things are getting a bit more "defined" now I hope.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/13 03:34:56

Post by: king88mob

I like te painting on the dwarves but why didn't you greenstuff the gaps between the arms and the torsos? They are quite obvious in the second photo.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/13 04:03:42

Post by: The Blue Scribes

Sigur, the Dwarves look great. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the Avatar of War models as opposed to the GW models in terms of painting/modelling opportunities, ease and the like. As I'm aware of it, an ex-GW sculptor is responsible for the AoW minis.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/13 18:48:33

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

How many great weapons do you get in the AoW Berserkers? Was thinking of getting some but they're no use to me if there's not enough for them all to have a GW.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/13 19:47:22

Post by: Sigur

@king88mob: Cheers. It's not that obvious in real-life but you're right. Went on to fill some gaps now. Thanks for pointing it out.

@The Blue Scribes: Thanks. I was about to write up a little article for my website with my thoughts, in-depth info on the kit along with pictures and all that but then figured I'd do it once I finsihed painting the models.

@Vitruvian XVII: You get one great weapon on each sprue so it's only one in five Dwarfs who can have a great axe.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/14 02:23:24

Post by: Sigur

@Vitruvian XVII: Hate being the bearer of bad news.

Alright, I went back and filled up the joints between arms and torsos. They're not completely finished yet because the skin on the dwarfs isn't finished altogether but the gaps are filled now and somewhat covered up. Apart from that, I started doing the metallics and some work on the boots.

Hope you like them better now. Thanks for the feedback everybody. You live, you learn, I assume.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/14 08:44:51

Post by: Arakasi

So much better! (I think it is just doing what you can to not break the illusion that they might be real...)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/15 07:49:00

Post by: king88mob

BAM! That looks 100x better in my opinion. I find the gaps really break the illusion. Those are some excellent loking dwarves!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/15 14:06:42

Post by: Sigur

@Arakasi: Thanks.

@king88mob: Cheers. You guys were absolutely right about those gaps.

New WIP:

Metallics finished, boots finished, gems done. Next things to do: Weapon shafts and grips I guess. After that I should have a look at those faces, then I'll redo the feet on those who wear no boots and then I'll tackle the skin again and do the tattoos (that should get interesting).

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/15 14:14:19

Post by: Gitsplitta

Those are coming out really well. Love the look of the axes.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/15 22:50:04

Post by: nerdfest09

Awesome work Sigur! looking great, can't wait to see how you attack the tattoos! full tribal sleeve on one? :-)
Also really like the metallics look excellent! all in all they're fantastic models and appeal to me much more than other companies vision of dwarves!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/16 10:06:50

Post by: Sigur

@Gitsplitta: Thanks.

@nerdfest09: Thanks muchly. Well, the Dwarves are pretty much as close to GW Dwarves as can be. It's a fairly classic look but very well done.

...aber a bit of fooling around with tattoos:

How do you like those?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/16 10:12:27

Post by: Metsuri

The tattoos look good and clean. You took completely opposite route with them than what I expected. I though you are going to go with bold lines and large designs, but I think this works better. Especially the bald one's head looks great in the lower image.

Now give us more Infinity content

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/16 12:42:25

Post by: Gitsplitta

Perfect Sigur. They enhance the tribal nature of the dwarves without totally taking over the figure. You've done such a good job with the skin tones it would be a shame to shout them down with overdone tats.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/16 14:51:49

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

I was going to say that i felt the lines of the tattoos should be a bit bolder, but looking again im not so sure, they are nice and delicate tattoos.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/16 19:25:53

Post by: Sigur

@Metsuri: Thanks muchly. I'll get going on the Infinity once I get a bit more enthusiasm for the game. Maybe playing it would help.

@Gitsplitta: Thanks, that's what I thought.

@Vitruvian XVII: Cheers!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/16 20:20:48

Post by: HF Izanagi

Yea, echoing other comments- the tattoos are nice and subtle... very realistic. The skin and beards also look good, as do the metal weapons. LOL@ little half-naked shorties brandishing huge axes... O_O.... o_O

... and yes, more Infinity, please!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/16 21:44:45

Post by: Illumini

Awesome dwarves, especially love the beards. The gap-filling really helped a lot.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/16 21:51:58

Post by: MajorTom11

Jeez you are certainly firing on all cylinders lately eh? Infinity, Aeronautica, 40k, Mantic... Must be fun!

I have a question for you then, which range have you had the most fun painting out of your large body of work?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/17 09:23:39

Post by: bigfish

the 2 dragon heads are looking epic

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/17 11:32:45

Post by: Sigur

@HF Izanagi: Thanks, much appreciated. As for Infinity - I think I have to muster new enthusiasm for the models (and time I guess). Really have to work out a proper colour scheme on them before I can do all that much. I was somewhat going for colour schemes derived from Bubblegum Crisis (2032), which I'm a great fan of, but sticking too religiously to it wouldn't be a great idea. Also, I can't even really make up my mind wether or not I want a very coherent colour scheme or not. I thought of maybe going for different colour schemes based on where the models come from (i.e. which ship they're from), all tied together with blue and crimson/pink colours. At the moment my force is very much centered around Corregidor (to my knowledge) which is why they probably will look pretty much alike. Which is something I'm not terribly fond of actually becaue I chose Nomads due to the fact that they have this slightly anarchistic vibe to them so I was considering very different looks for everybody. Meh. Anyway, in short: I'm still thinking of colour schemes really. :p

@Illumini: Thanks. Yes, I'm feeling kind of silly and embarassed for not having them filled right away. :p

@MajorTom11: Thanks, I'm actually very glad I get to do so many very different things again lately after it seemed like I'd get bogged down in doing Battle-Damaged Space Marines until the Ragnarok. As for which range I've had the most fun with - that's really hard to tell if I want to avoid the corny-but-true answer: "I enjoy working with them all really.". As long as there's some sort of variety, I'm happy with painting anything. Of course I enjoyed working on your Hybrids because these were very fun models to paint, but I also greatly enjoyed painting that Empire army I did earlier this year. It was all the same colours really but no unit was too large (I think the biggest was 20 models), there were lots of different units and fun stuff thrown in like the general, standard bearers, the steam tank and so on. I've been moaning about the Space Wolves a bit because that was just a huge army but I liked working with it and it looked so amazing when it was done. There's hardly any commission jobs I did which I recall not enjoying. With smaller stuff like skirmish warbands you have the variety of all these different models to work with and with larger armies with many samey-looking models (in terms of colourscheme) I know that they will look amazing on the battlefield. Like the Evil Sunz army for example - those have a very tightly-knit colour scheme and looks amazing on the table but they also got all these little details going on. I also really enjoy working with 10mm models. In the near future I will work on a large force of Epic40,000 Khorne Chaos Space Marines. Let's see how that will work out. If there's one thing I'd really love to do and which I haven't gotten too much in terms of commission work so far is something like a really pretty showcase model. Something like a 54mm historical or fantasy character on which I can go really crazy with techniques and stuff and just show off. But really, I'm thankful for getting all this commission work. By the way, have I just not noticed before or have you been promoted to Mod? If so, congrats.

@bigfish: Cheers.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Hey-hey, I figured the wall of text post was a little boring for some, so I took some closer-ups again:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/17 17:28:11

Post by: crazypsyko666

I like it. All of it. The ork still looks a little bit alive, though.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/09/17 17:39:58

Post by: grrrfranky

The dwarves look great, the tatoos especially. As someone said further up, they look great without dominating the model.
