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Maharg's minis @ 2021/03/29 22:00:49

Post by: Tyranid Horde

That's a bang up paint job Maharg, the weathering effects are excellent. Best of luck in the comp!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Maharg wrote:
Pace was picked up and the marine is now finished, so this will put an end to the run of the same picture of a marine with almost imperceptible changes! I am pleased with how the armour turned out, struggled slightly with getting photos to show the correct colour, these aren't bad but not quite red enough when viewed on my computer (looks about right on my phone though, maybe my computer is the issue?). I struggled with the freehand chapter symbol on the right shoulder - fiddley wing pattern combined with the need for symmetry was too much for my skills. I gave up trying to get it perfect, instead I tried to hide the mistakes with the application of battle damage. Not sure I got away with it

Now to decide whether I can be bothered to paint the rest of the Indomitus marines like this or if I need to go for something a little less time consuming

For carryover!

Maharg's minis @ 2021/04/03 23:24:08

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

A cracking job on BA Baracus, such a lovely deep red, awesome weathering and great freehand. You should be proud of him.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/04/04 17:12:11

Post by: IGtR=

Awesome job on the BA - some fantastic clean work with weathering over the top, rather than a mess of 'weathering' to disguise faults. You should be very proud of him

Thanks for sharing

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/06 23:53:37

Post by: Maharg

A belated thanks for the comments everyone.

It's been a while since my last post, mainly due to a lack of painting enthusiasm. April was spent mainly staring at and not finishing this guy, who has only got as far as base coating and shading

I'm not a fan of painting larger models anyway and the prospect of trying to do my best paintjob for the painting challenge on such a model was a little too much. Come the last weekend of April I was already considering changing when some better weather allowed for some outdoor gaming leaving no time for him, so I quickly knocked out this dwarf instead

Lessons learnt here were not to try new techniques (aging copper/brass and OSL in this case) on a last minute model but at least I got something painted in the month.

May saw my enthusiasm return, with models built for several projects though very little finished. Just the painting challenge entry actually finished

First new project is a small ogre force with a giant for use in Oathmark. Odd choice given my dislike of large models, but I'm hoping the relatively simple models and not pushing the painting standard too high will make this easier. I also find this more preferable than rank after rank of normal infantry. I'm not sure how well this will play in the game, but if it doesn't work out they can be double as a Destruction force for AoS. I started painting some ogres but had to pause to get something in for the painting challenge

Chatting with a friend about playing some new games, we decided to each paint up and host a new game or two each this year. I'm starting with Frostgrave and have built up most of a warband using various Empire models, just a couple of halberdiers still to be built.

Some of these will be my painting challenge entry for the month to get the painting moving. For the other team I'm going to use a few chaos models I already have painted with a few new additions

A mere two weeks after the new game discussion, my mate ran a game of Gaslands. Fun game and before I knew it I was in possession of quite a few Hotwheels cars. Two finished so far (and the first non painting challenge finished models for several months

with another on the painting desk

and a few more being built

Hopefully I can resist building more and more cars (It's really good fun!) to move some of the other things along. That's all for now, thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/07 00:31:26

Post by: youwashock

Good to see you back. I like the almost undersea look for the dwarf. Gaslands cars are always fun to see. Yours are great. Good luck with the fresh projects!

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/07 17:52:14

Post by: gobert

Quite a varied update Maharg. The dwarf looks great especially for a rush job. The GrifHorse thing is taking shape, and the black Stormcast suits him well. The gaslands stuff does look pretty cool too.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/08 17:35:43

Post by: Captain Brown

Great progress Maharg.

Loved the Ratskins.



Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/08 19:12:15

Post by: IGtR=

Seconded on the ratskins - they look fab

Thanks for sharing

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/21 23:06:47

Post by: Maharg

Good to see you back. I like the almost undersea look for the dwarf. Gaslands cars are always fun to see. Yours are great. Good luck with the fresh projects!

Thanks Youwashock. I was aiming for a nautical look for the dwarf so good to hear that came across

Quite a varied update Maharg. The dwarf looks great especially for a rush job. The GrifHorse thing is taking shape, and the black Stormcast suits him well. The gaslands stuff does look pretty cool too.

Thanks Gobert, hopefully I can finish some of these this time!

Great progress Maharg.

Loved the Ratskins.

Thanks Captain Brown. I thought you'd like the old Necromunda. I really need to finish up the rest of the gang before I forget how I did them. I've also got some plans to convert up a few more, though not sure what models to use as the base.

Seconded on the ratskins - they look fab

Thanks IGtR=

It's been slow progress here but I've at least made a start on the Frostgrave warband with this wizard.

First time painting flames (I don't really like fire, smoke etc sculpted on models and usually leave them out/cut them off where possible or convert) which seemed to go ok. The cloak might need a few extra highlights in places and I'm wondering if the fire should have some OSL around it, but then again it's good enough as is and I might just get going on the rest of the warband.
Other than that I've just been pottering around with some more gaslands builds with a few more cars ready for paint, no pictures though

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/23 18:59:40

Post by: Flapjack

Lovely updates. Gotta say those ratskins are my favourite, they're ace!

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/23 19:02:35

Post by: Theophony

Love the skull on the roof of the red Jeep, very spooky effect

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/23 19:07:49

Post by: youwashock

Wizard is good. Perfect Bright College color scheme.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/24 01:52:05

Post by: Pointer5

I love your Slaanesh color scheme at the start of the blog. The ratskins are also well done. It's always surprising how excellently painted minis bring back great memories. Keep up the good work.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/24 22:03:25

Post by: Captain Brown

Lovely base on the wizard Maharg.



Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/26 05:52:20

Post by: Viterbi

Great update post and yes, Gaslands is very cruel in that you can amass an "army " very quickly. Having those cars in every bargain store for 1-2€ is not helpful
Fire wizard is looking cool (or rather hot)

Maharg's minis @ 2021/06/28 07:16:57

Post by: gobert

That’s a great looking flaming skull, nicely done. Good luck getting the rest of the band together

Maharg's minis @ 2021/07/15 23:38:05

Post by: Maharg

That’s a great looking flaming skull, nicely done. Good luck getting the rest of the band together

Thanks Gobert. Warband is slowly coming together, thankfully there aren't too many models so I might actually finish this one!

Great update post and yes, Gaslands is very cruel in that you can amass an "army " very quickly. Having those cars in every bargain store for 1-2€ is not helpful
Fire wizard is looking cool (or rather hot)

Thanks Viterbi. Its a little too easy to get the cars...

Lovely base on the wizard Maharg.

Thanks Captain. I just bought some new basing materials and wanted to try them out. You may get sick of the stones and pink flowers on my minis over the coming months

I love your Slaanesh color scheme at the start of the blog. The ratskins are also well done. It's always surprising how excellently painted minis bring back great memories. Keep up the good work.

Thanks Pointer5. I need to revisit those slaanesh marines - I lost interest because the coverage of the purple paint was terrible. I've now got the GW base colour which is a similar shade so no excuses now

Wizard is good. Perfect Bright College color scheme.

Thanks Youwashock

Love the skull on the roof of the red Jeep, very spooky effect

I like it too, unfortunately it wasn't intended and just the effect of the shading and first drybrush of the red. I have a feeling that further drybrushing will ruin the effect

Lovely updates. Gotta say those ratskins are my favourite, they're ace!

Thanks Flapjack

Not too much to show, but the Frostgrave band has made some preogress. First up a couple of soldiers:

and some thugs

I've also built a couple more soldiers and made a start on the thieves

Thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2021/07/16 03:10:57

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Yes, Gaslands cars are too easy to pick up. Nice work.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/07/16 15:12:58

Post by: Captain Brown

Great bases there Maharg.



Maharg's minis @ 2021/07/22 18:35:34

Post by: gobert

This is going to be a really cool looking warband. Having never done flames before your first 2 attempts have turned out great

Maharg's minis @ 2021/07/23 19:30:55

Post by: youwashock

I have bought cars for Gaslands and I have never played and do not own the rules.

New guys look cool. Nice split-color scheme.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/07/24 13:49:30

Post by: Ragsta

Lovely strong scheme on that Blood Angel, sir

Really nice selection of projects, loving those grimy post apoc cars too.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/07/28 21:55:28

Post by: Maharg

Thanks for all the comments everyone.

I've finally got around to painting something for this month's painting challenge with some zombicide zombies. The front two are done, hopefully I'll get the other one finished in time too

There has also been some Gaslands progress. The vehicles are pretty much done, just need to finish up some crew for the back of the truck. The old epic buggy will be used as a radio controlled car bomb, I'll need to paint up a couple more of thesea couple more of these, and may have to revisit them if I get some very thin wire to add as antennas

thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/01 09:27:08

Post by: gobert

Those ladies don’t look too well, but their floors are well detailed! The gas lands stuff is looking good too, are the bases to ease painting?

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/01 10:52:26

Post by: Viterbi

Gaslands vehicles look cool and the zombie ladies fit the comp theme perfectly

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/03 23:46:19

Post by: Maharg

Thanks Viterbi and Gobert.

Gaslands has taken my painting attention over the last week, with 5 vehicles finished:

Next up is to finish off the Frostgrave warband and also think about what to paint for the painting challenge, theme is rebel scum. Maybe something 40k/AoS chaos? or old Necromunda Outlanders?

Thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/04 00:12:48

Post by: youwashock

Those are awesome. Shiny and chrome.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/05 09:05:48

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

The Ork in me loves that those vehicles are red.

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/06 17:17:04

Post by: gobert

Cool wheels! I love the buggy in particular, looks like an RC Car

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/06 17:20:02

Post by: bobbuilder

those zombie 'ladies' are really good

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/07 14:01:40

Post by: Flapjack

The vehicles are nicely weathered. That twohander for frostgrave lools cool too, love the greatswords

Maharg's minis @ 2021/08/10 15:50:15

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work on the Grasslands vehicles Maharg.



Maharg's minis @ 2022/01/31 23:35:47

Post by: Maharg

It's been a while since my last post, not had much hobby motivation the last few months, just getting something in for the painting challenge each month was all I really managed, and again this month. Bit late for a full last year recap so I'll just post a pic of the finished minis shelf. Nowhere the 2020 total, but still over one a week so overall not too bad

This month I've finished two ogres (completed on the first for December's challenge)

and a couple of skinks from the Warhammer Underworlds warband for this month's challenge:

I hope to pick up the pace a little in Feb, with a few things on the painting bench
Some more ogres and a giant for use in Oathmark/one page rules fantasy. I've challenged a mate to have a 2000pt Oathmark force by the end of March so need to get moving. At least I'm going with mainly ogres and giants so not too many figures needed
The rest of the lizardman warband
Some old Eldar models for the painting challenge

thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2022/02/01 00:28:07

Post by: youwashock

A shelf to be proud of.

New minis look great and here's to even more this year.

Maharg's minis @ 2022/02/01 02:16:53

Post by: Vejut

Yeah, a nice finished pile, especially with several being vehicles.
I do really like that scheme for the lizards, too.

Maharg's minis @ 2022/02/01 07:02:18

Post by: Guardling

Very nice, loving the ogres, the rust is great!

Maharg's minis @ 2022/02/01 07:15:43

Post by: Ragsta

That’s still a respectable chunk of hobby progress, and painted very nicely.

Extra points for using an Epic buggy like that

Maharg's minis @ 2022/02/02 00:31:47

Post by: Maharg

Thanks for the comments.

No painting progress here but I did hunt down the Eldar for this months painting challenge. They are currently bathing in dettol where I found another one already there. No idea how long it has been in there.

Maharg's minis @ 2022/02/02 03:01:43

Post by: youwashock

Classics. Can't wait to see what you do with them. Had the two with mohawks, but the one without the helmet has been sold/given away long ago.

Maharg's minis @ 2022/02/02 19:40:49

Post by: gobert

Great shelf of pride Maharg, good to see you’ve got some painting done whilst you’ve been away from your plog. The Ogres and Lizardmen are a good looking start to the year. The skin and skulls are very nicely done

Maharg's minis @ 2022/02/03 16:53:53

Post by: Viterbi

2021 shelf looks great, really cool mix of different systems, minis and colors. Excited to see those old Eldar minis stripped and with their new paintjobs!

Maharg's minis @ 2022/03/30 22:39:16

Post by: Maharg

Another couple of months pass and I finally get around to updating this blog. Not a lot finished in that time, with a lot of hobby time being distracted by a friend starting to play WFB again. Cue me sorting through piles of old minis instead of painting and finding I did have a 2000pt orc and goblin army in various stages of (un)paint, and also a starting force of wood elves that had been rebased for Age of Sigmar, but remained unpainted as it became clear this faction was not going to be supported in that game. So they got rebased again. Then I rediscovered ebay, and added quite a few models to those forces, making the paint more than I buy for the year target less likely. At least It has given me a target to aim for now! Even got a couple of games in, fun to get the square bases on the table for the first time in many years

Onto the paint. Distractions and an unexpectedly busy final weekend of Feb meant the Eldar did not get any paint and I had to scrabble around for something that could be done in an evening. Luckily I had this little guy based and ready to go

I also finished off a few ogres

and a terminator for the painting challenge

thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/01 07:20:10

Post by: youwashock

That Terminator is such a beautiful mocha color, and the large surfaces so very smooth. Love it.

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/01 08:50:10

Post by: gobert

I second youwashock on the smoothness of the terminators army, really impressive!

The gobbo is really fun too, he seems to be missing some thread for his catapult though! Please don’t suggest similar for my Elf archers!

Good subtle variety on the ogres skin tones, it works well

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/02 07:49:21

Post by: Guardling

That is a smooth looking terminator, great how you've managed to get the white, bone and parchment contrasting each other despite being so close together shade wise

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/02 13:30:13

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Yeah, the different subtle shades really make that miniature!

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/20 23:11:44

Post by: Maharg

That Terminator is such a beautiful mocha color, and the large surfaces so very smooth. Love it.

Thanks Youwashock. Glad you like it. Armour is a bit dark for a classic Deathwing scheme, usually described as bone white rather than mocha brown, but I as I had decided to go with the white decorations, it was necessary. Luckily it worked!

Post 2022/04/01 08:50:10 Subject: Maharg's minis
I second youwashock on the smoothness of the terminators army, really impressive!

The gobbo is really fun too, he seems to be missing some thread for his catapult though! Please don’t suggest similar for my Elf archers!

Good subtle variety on the ogres skin tones, it works well

Thanks Gobert. Seeing as the ogres have a lot of skin, it seemed a good opportunity to play around with different tones. The final army, if I ever get it all done will have units with a wide variety of skin colours, with some more subtle variations within the units. And as for the string on the catapult - no chance, that way lies madness!

That is a smooth looking terminator, great how you've managed to get the white, bone and parchment contrasting each other despite being so close together shade wise

Thanks Guardling. Scheme was chosen to cover the off chance I made my few painted dark angels into a small force - I didn't think that just red weapon cases would be enough to tie the different elements together and as the ravenwing had white decorations, this model did too. Of course that meant the bone needed to be darkened leaving little room for the parchment, which took a few goes to get right!

Yeah, the different subtle shades really make that miniature!

Thanks Gwyn

After having played a few games of WFB, I decided to paint up a couple of night goblins

and now there are more of the little blighters clogging up the painting desk, base coats and shading finished so far

Also in the painting queue are Kainan's Reapers from Underworlds for this month's painting challenge. I've finished one to test the scheme, and the rest are in various states of base coat / shade

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/21 03:42:58

Post by: youwashock

That Ossiarch guy is fantastic. Awesome colors and that blade is just killer.

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/22 02:51:52

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That purple blade is just *chefs kiss*

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/22 23:17:54

Post by: gobert

Loving the night goblins, they’re always such fun minis to see painted. Gwyn is spot on about the blade, it looks fantastic!

Maharg's minis @ 2022/04/23 05:06:06

Post by: Viterbi

Love the skellies, great color choices!

Night goblins look fun, hope the squad is ready soon.

Maharg's minis @ 2022/07/10 02:16:59

Post by: Maharg

Thanks for the comments everyone. I've been abit slack updating this, mainly due to a lack of painting enthusiasm, pretty much the only mins finished being for the painting challenge:
a fanatic

and a wood elf lineman

I have half a wood elf team half finished to match this one, maybe sometime soon I'll finish these and the rest of the team....

My main gaming buddy has been having the same lack of painting inspiration lately, so we've set a few goals to hopefully motivate us:
1) Horus heresy army, 2000-3000 pts by mid September
2) Warhammer fantasy army by early November
3) Some smalls (blood bowl, underworlds etc for over xmas)

Quite a lot required for me to meet these. For the heresy, the obvious choice was to expand on the few Emperor's Children I already have (see p1), though I thought these might take too long to paint. So I tried out a quick scheme for some Iron warriors (mainly drybrushing so quick and metallics tend to give a better look for DB). Started out with a terminator captain

Turned out ok, and certainly quick compared to my usual methods, good enough to start an army. Any tips on shading/drybrushing a Martian Ironearth base paint welcomed as I'm not quite sure how to finish this off. I built a few models based on what I had lying around and hope to finish these quickly for the painting challenge along with some other models (a few more mk IVs to finish the squad, along with some FW resin that will be here soon. And maybe the starter box, though was late ordering this so who knows when this will arrive.

and some progress on the tactical marines

Thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2022/07/10 21:50:54

Post by: youwashock

Love all the fringe painted like hazard stripes and the hazard striped crest.

Maharg's minis @ 2022/07/12 15:16:14

Post by: Captain Brown

Lots of nice progress Maharg.



Maharg's minis @ 2022/11/30 22:44:10

Post by: Maharg

Hello again, its been a while since my last update. I have been painting a bit, just got out of the habit of updating this blog, so there are a few pictures coming.
First up is my entry for the November painting challenge, an Escher ganger

Last months challenge was this vampire for Halloween

The rest of my painting time has been spent building up an Iron warriors army for the Horus Heresy. Fairly basic scheme so I could get an army together reasonably quickly. 2000+ points in 3-4 months is definitely a record for me


Thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2022/12/02 06:30:09

Post by: Guardling

Nice Escher lady!

Maharg's minis @ 2023/01/04 22:32:40

Post by: Maharg

Thanks Guardling. Now I just need a gang to go with her...

Time for the review of last year. I managed to finish 91 models, which isn't too bad. Most of these were Iron Warriors, over 2500pts worth. I'm not sure I've ever got a decent sized army done that quickly, certainly helps that the majority of the painting is dry brushing and washing. There is a distinct lack of vehicles though, something that needs to be fixed this year

Other than these the remaining models are a random mixture, mainly painted for the painting challenge, a couple of which actually made the podium which was a pleasant surprise
Some ogres

Parts of Underworlds warbands

and a few other bits

Hobby goals for the coming year
- Paint more models than I buy. Don't think I've ever managed this one before! Stretch target here of painting twice what I buy.
- More Iron warriors, get the army over 5000pts with at least 1500 being vehicles
- Get the ogres game ready, maybe 1500-2000pts (6th/7th ed)
- Finish off some of the things started for last year's painting challenge (Esher gang, 4 Underworlds warbands, Wood elf bloodbowl team)
- Enter the painting challenge every month
- Update this blog more often, aim for twice a month on average

That should keep me busy for most of the year, and with the three painting projects requiring very few purchases to complete goal 1 could actually get done!

Maharg's minis @ 2023/01/08 21:32:19

Post by: gobert

Wow, looks like I’ve missed a couple of updates. Those Iron Warriors came together very quickly and look excellent. As others have said, the yellow and black tassels work really well. I love the white mask on the wood elves, so cool. Hope we get to see more on here this year!

Maharg's minis @ 2023/01/11 00:05:05

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work Maharg.



Maharg's minis @ 2023/01/13 05:10:07

Post by: Jehan-reznor

Top notch painting dude, love the hazard stripe skirt

Maharg's minis @ 2023/01/22 22:35:18

Post by: Maharg

Thanks Gobert, Captain Brown and Jehan-Reznor. The yellow/black tassles seemed like a good way to get a hazard stripe effect onto the infantry without doing any freehand - sometimes laziness works!

I forgot to add another new year's goal - to paint the Marvel Crisis Protocol starter box. I bought it as a Christmas present for myself just over a year ago and It's just sat in a cupboard ever since. I decided to get started on this for this months painting challenge. Captain America is pretty much done, though will wait for the end of the month for final photos

Aside from getting Cpt done this weekend, I haven't really been in a painting mood so far this year but did get some more Iron Warriors built, a nice big block of terminators and a couple of apothecaries

Also on the painting bench are some more IW, started last year. Despoilers and Vindicator surprisingly performed well in a game last weekend so have been bumped up the painting queue as a reward. Heavy weapons squad just needs the bases finishing

Thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2023/01/23 20:26:52

Post by: Flapjack

Those Iron Warriors look amazing. The pink skinks and the vampire are top notch too. Loads of great updates since last I visited, nice work.

Maharg's minis @ 2023/01/28 09:32:57

Post by: gobert

Ooh, lots going on Maharg! Cap looks great already, good luck getting the rest painted up for the comp. The new IW are coming on nicely, the Vindicators look very well used, the rusty recesses are super cool

Maharg's minis @ 2023/03/01 00:40:41

Post by: Maharg

Thanks Flapjack and Gobert.

I only managed to finish Captain America in the end for the painting challenge for a grand total of one model last month

So that means I can say I doubled my output this month with a whole 2 models! First up a goblin chariot

and an Ogre Yhetee for the painting challenge

I was planning to finish a whole unit, but didn't quite have the time. Still there was some progress on them and hopefully they'll get done this weekend. I also built a chaos knight to further distract me from any of my year's goals

It's Space Marine month in the painting challenge in March, so I expect some Iron Warriors will be gracing these pages soon as well

thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2023/03/01 17:30:56

Post by: youwashock

Cap looks rad! The old school chariot is very cool to see. A whole unit of those Yhetees will be awesome.

Maharg's minis @ 2023/03/01 19:12:12

Post by: Stevefamine

The Ogre Yeti is fantastic. Reminds me of whenever Ogre Kingdoms was released in WHFB. Great work with the base and the snow

Maharg's minis @ 2023/03/02 06:45:42

Post by: gobert

I LOVE the chariot, such a cool mini and excellent paint job!

Maharg's minis @ 2023/03/23 18:20:26

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice progress Maharg.



Maharg's minis @ 2023/03/24 09:38:06

Post by: muette

Excellent painting Maharg, loving the Fantasy oldies!

Maharg's minis @ 2023/05/31 21:57:19

Post by: Maharg

A belated thanks for the comments everyone.

Carrying on the theme of the year so far, painting has been slow over the last couple of months. In March I finished off the remaining 5 yhetees

and some Iron Warriors terminators for the painting challenge

Just the one model for April

Then some friends to join him, a sorcerer and a couple of spawn this month

Up next are more reinforcements for the chaos warriors as I need to get a 2000pt army finished by early July. Given my painting speed so far this year I'm not too hopeful, but hopefully the looming deadline will spur me on. Luckily, chaos models cost a lot of points in 5th ed so there's only 20-25 models need doing

Thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2023/06/01 03:51:22

Post by: youwashock

Marvelous stuff, all around. Loving the yhetee and Iron Warriors.

Maharg's minis @ 2023/06/03 17:12:15

Post by: Syro_

I've enjoyed looking through your blog. I'm tempted to set myself similar goals to what you did.

Maharg's minis @ 2023/06/03 17:20:11

Post by: Captain Brown

Great progress Maharg.



Maharg's minis @ 2023/06/05 10:29:53

Post by: mcmattila

I like that purple on the Chaos models. Might pick that as a spot color for my Ravagers as well, when I get to painting them...

Maharg's minis @ 2023/06/18 15:54:47

Post by: gobert

Loving the gold and pinkish purple, they work really well together. The pink flames on the sorcerer are really cool too. Good job getting the warriors to line up like that, it really illustrates why The Old World will have bigger bases

Maharg's minis @ 2024/01/01 21:50:03

Post by: Maharg

Wow, has it really been over half a year since my last post?
Apologies for late replies!

Post 2023/06/18 15:54:47 Subject: Maharg's minis
Loving the gold and pinkish purple, they work really well together. The pink flames on the sorcerer are really cool too. Good job getting the warriors to line up like that, it really illustrates why The Old World will have bigger bases

Thanks Gobert, I'm pleased with hoe the scheme turned out. The warriors were fairly easy to rank up, just had to make sure the weapons were upright. Thankfully I'd only built a couple 'incorrectly' when I realised this so they could fill the front rank. I'll still be using the old base sizes for my WFB models going forward, but using larger movement trays, so I can still play older editions if required

I like that purple on the Chaos models. Might pick that as a spot color for my Ravagers as well, when I get to painting them...

Thanks McMattila. Paints are 'Screamer Pink' highlighted up mixing more and more 'Emperors Children' in (maybe the edge highlight pink (Fulgrim Pink) in places), just in case your Ravagers are still unpainted

Great progress Maharg.

Thanks Captain

I've enjoyed looking through your blog. I'm tempted to set myself similar goals to what you did.

Thanks Syro. Goals are only useful if you stick to them - spoiler alert for the year summary, I didn't! Must try harder next year

Marvelous stuff, all around. Loving the yhetee and Iron Warriors.

Thanks Youwashock

Painting summary over the last 6-7 months - I got the chaos army almost finished for the event, all at least base coated/shaded which took a fair bit of effort then I got a bit burnt out on the painting front and only really managed to get a model or two done a month for the painting challenge. The hobby bug has started to bite again in December with a bit more done. First up is my entry to the painting challenge, some Burrows and Badgers minis. Made a nice change from my usual GW stuff

I also made a start on some Legions Imperialis stuff with a few bases of Solar auxilla painted up, and some more built

Not too happy with the plane, the white isn't solid enough. I just went for drybrushing over a wash, hoping for something quick, but didn't quite work. I'm going to try sponging on the first colour instead of drybrushing - that should give a more solid foundation, hopefully (I really don't want to have to paint all the details on these vehicles).

So, it's New Year's day, so that means a painting summary for the last year, so here are some pictures of the painted this year shelves in the cabinet (missing a couple of Iron Warriors who are out on campaign, well in a box in the boot of the car anyway)

There are 52 models here, so with the Iron Warriors in the boot I'm just over a model a week for last year so not too bad. Really didn't adhere to my goals list though:

- Paint more models than I buy. Don't think I've ever managed this one before! Stretch target here of painting twice what I buy.
Nope. Was probably there or thereabouts until a December splurge on Burrows and Badgers and Legions Imperialis ruined it
- More Iron warriors, get the army over 5000pts with at least 1500 being vehicles
Not even close, only a few Terminators done
- Get the ogres game ready, maybe 1500-2000pts (6th/7th ed)
Sort of a success, I now have around 1500pts of ogres, but no characters so not really game ready
- Finish off some of the things started for last year's painting challenge (Esher gang, 4 Underworlds warbands, Wood elf bloodbowl team)
Not a single model done for this one
- Enter the painting challenge every month
finally, a success!
- Update this blog more often, aim for twice a month on average
the 6 month gap preceding this post indicates I've failed here as well

Pretty poor overall, but the list was far too much for my usual painting speed so it's no surprise. I do have a small chaos army now in addition so nits not all bad. I'll have to think up a more reasonable list for this year

thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2024/01/01 23:45:36

Post by: gobert

Happy New Year Maharg and welcome back! Love the burrows and badgers minis, really nicely painted. The legions stuff looks cool, I quite like the white on the plane, but if you’re after lighter, the sponging sounds good. A white prime and grey wash might also work? Hope to see more in 2024!

Maharg's minis @ 2024/01/02 03:25:29

Post by: youwashock

Good to see you again, Maharg. Lovely, clean work, as always!

Maharg's minis @ 2024/01/02 04:24:24

Post by: Captain Brown

Welcome back and lovely work Maharg.



Maharg's minis @ 2024/01/04 00:09:37

Post by: Maharg

Thanks for the comments Gobert, Youwashock and Captain Brown.

Only 3 days in to the year and I've already got something onto the finished shelf - a couple of test pieces for my epic space marines

Maharg's minis @ 2024/01/04 19:05:34

Post by: gobert

Cool salamanders! You’ve got a good bit of detail for such mini minis. Epic should help get the numbers up too

Maharg's minis @ 2024/02/28 22:57:56

Post by: Maharg

Thanks Gobert. Hopefully LI will get the numbers up as I'm more than a little behind on my paint more than I buy goal!

Its amazing how quickly the painting bug can leave me. Having painted the mini marines, I was feeling in a good painting mood. Then I decided that I was going to paint some Skaven for the painting challenge and agreed to paint up a couple of Gaslands vehicles for a friend's gaming afternoon, but wasn't feeling either of them (I wanted to get on with some Burrows and Badgers). Motivation drained away fast, those models keeping me away from the painting bench for most of January, only returning to quickly knock out a couple of night goblins for the painting challenge at the end of the month, the skaven banished back to the pile of shame.

Having been postponed once, the Gaslands deadline was looming mid Feb which forced me to finally finish them. Sort of. The initial plan was to add a load of flame patterns to them but I ran out of time. I also noticed the the sidecar driver isn't wearing a helmet as I initially thought, so for now has dyed his skin and hair blue which will need fixing. I'm calling them done for now but may revisit them later on

With those cars out of the way the hobby bug bit again with building some reinforcements for my old world chaos and a few orcs for the painting challenge

Up next
- building more old world chaos to get last year's 2000pt 5th ed army up to 2000pts in old world points
- I enjoyed paiting up the orcs for the challenge so I have stripped the next 6 ready for a repaint, need some mould lines removing first
- the painting challenge theme this month is Space Marine, so I think some progress on LI is in order

thanks for looking

Maharg's minis @ 2024/03/04 00:36:53

Post by: youwashock

Glad you are getting the mojo flowing again, Maharaj. The Gaslands vehicles look cool, even with the explained shortcuts. These old Orcs, too. Shout out for the mini Marines from earlier. Your LI force is going to be amazing.

Maharg's minis @ 2024/03/04 18:07:07

Post by: Flapjack

Very cool updates Maharg. The colors on both the fantasy and 40k models are really popping.

Maharg's minis @ 2024/03/23 17:59:47

Post by: gobert

The bug may be fleeting, but those Orcs & Goblins are lush! Really great work, looking forward to seeing more of them!

Maharg's minis @ 2024/04/26 22:01:00

Post by: Captain Brown

Keep at it Maharg.
