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Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/04/23 16:29:17

Post by: warcradle

Happy Saint George’s Day!

Traditionally, this may be a holiday celebrated for us English-folk to spread a great three-cheers to the patron Saint, St George. But, as we have seen so many of you looking forward to the release of the Crown faction for Dystopian Wars, we thought it would be a great idea to celebrate the Crown in all their glory, and share what we have been working on so far.


Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/05/03 09:55:04

Post by: warcradle

May releases have now been announced, head on over to Wayland Games or pop into your FLGS to get your pre-orders in.

We have three fantastic releases upcoming, so keep on scrolling to feast your eyes on these new and exciting releases coming to both Dystopian Wars and Wild West Exodus.

Read more on our blog https://bit.ly/3vBa5qd or keep on scrolling!

The first release coming this May, is for Dystopian Wars. Bringing reinforcements and a new battlefleet for the Russian Commonwealth, the Mozhayski Battlefleet Set is gearing up to head the rough seas.

The initial releases for the Commonwealth have seen the Borodino Class Battleship, Kutsov Class Cruisers with alternative builds, and Rurik Class Frigates which were all included in the Hunt for the Prometheus - Two Player Starter Set, along with the Commonwealth Frontline Squadrons - perfect to boster up your Commonwealth fleets.

Long live Mother Russia, long live the Commonwealth, long live her People, long live the Tsar!

Empire fans will be delighted to know that there are new Frontline Squadron’s heading your way after the newly released Ning Jing Battlefleet Set has had it’s time at sea, perfect to bolster your Empire Army with new Chinese reinforcements.

If you are eyeing up the newest frontline squadron, now is the perfect time to get stuck in.

With both the Ning Jing Battlefleet and Empire Frontline Squadrons, your Empire army will soon become a wrath to not be contended with.

The final release coming out in May will bring joy to those who found love in the Pride of Nekomata Detachment. Legendary Ichiko Kuga is joining the fray, mounted on her beasty companion Akarui.

You can pick up the Pride of Nekomata along with several other Lost World Exodus releases to play on the American Frontier. Each Lost World Exodus miniature released has been optimised to play in Wild West Exodus. Meaning the Legendary Ichiko Kuga would make a roaring addition to your Warrior Nation Faction.

If you like the look of next month's releases, be sure to pre-order from your FLGS or online at Wayland Games today. Due to be released at the end of May 2021.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/05/28 09:30:04

Post by: warcradle

June is a big month at Warcradle Studios, with not just an abundance of new Dystopian Wars products, but an expansion to the popular Gloomburg terrain range from Warcradle Scenics.

With five new releases in total, June releases are certainly ones to not be missed. So be sure to head over to Wayland Games and your FLGS stores to get your pre-orders in.


Tempelhof Battlefleet Set
The Prussian Imperium are getting reinforcements, as the Tempelhof Battlefleet Set is making its way into Dystopian Wars. With not just support by sea, but by air too.

Air support is essential for the operation of an efficient fleet and as efficiency is the watchword of the Imperium Navy, Air Support is found in all sections of the Prussian Forces.

At the heart of this is the Tempelhof Fleet Carrier. Its main role is to get its contingent of aircraft to within striking range of the enemy and provide anti-air support to them. They can often be equipped with the deadly Blitzen Bombers; heavy aircraft armed with devastating bombs to rain down on the enemy decks, coastal defences or even targets further inland. Enemy Admirals who have encountered these large bombers will never forget the deep throaty roar of their engines if they ever survive the encounter that is.

In support of the Tempelhof Fleet Carriers are assigned a number of specialised cruiser variants. Based on the ubiquitous Blucher Class Hull, but with a specialised bridge section, these ships can be refitted as fast as their frontline counterparts.

The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a short flight deck with supply for a small number of fighters allowing it to add to the squadrons of aircraft the fleet can put in the air. The Reiter Class Veirling Cruiser is equipped with an impressive array of flak cannons, ensuring the Blitzen Bombers can reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class Cruisers bear large Arc Cannons on their decks that can turn enemy armour into so much molten slag.

Borodino Battlefleet Set
Players who picked up the Hunt for the Prometheus Two Player Starter Set will be familiar with this upcoming fleet, the Borodino Battlefleet Set is now available to be pre-ordered individually without buying into the whole set.

The Battleships are typically accompanied by the frontline cruisers, who’s equally durable armour and heavy gun turrets make them solid opponents for any enemy fleet. The Norilsk Heavy Cruiser has a distinctive long & sleek silhouette and it’s extra turret gives it that little extra firepower needed to hit at larger targets. The mainstay of the frontline cruisers are the Kutsov Class; solid and dependable they can be utilised in any number of operations. The Oleg Class Monitors and Sineus Class Fast Cruisers act as rapid response when speed is more sedated than firepower. In and amongst these larger ships are scattered squadrons of Rurik Frigates, their captains are adroit hunters and enjoy finishing off damaged larger targets.

Commonwealth Support Squadrons
The Russians have more than one release this month, providing reinforcements with The Commonwealth Support Squadrons going on to pre-order this month too.

Typically accompanying the Flagships of the Commonwealth are support squadrons of cruisers and Stoletov Ekranoplans. The Pravda Support Carriers are equipped with short flight decks and limited aircraft capacity compared to the Mozhayski, but can launch a supporting screen of fighters or bombers to assist in attack runs. The Morosko Heavy Cryo Cruiser builds on the Norilsk hull design with the integration of an advanced cryo generator capable of forming deadly icebergs in their enemy’s path. The Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruiser is favoured by northern commanders as it takes this art of war one stage further with the addition of the ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow.

Gloomburg - Castle Set
The ever-popular Gloomburg terrain pieces are back under the spotlight, with stunning new pre-coloured scenery available to pre-order now: Castle Set and Siege Engines & Scatter.

The Gloomburg Castle perfectly fits both fantasy and historical tabletop settings, with functional doors and a portcullis that raises and lowers. Complete with arrowslits and battlements, your units will find safe-haven behind these walls for all types of tabletop gamer.

Gloomburg - Siege Engines & Scatter
To complement the detailed modular scenery set: the Siege Engines & Scatter Set.

Offering the perfect add-ons to the Gloomburg Castle, with lookout posts, a catapult, drawbridge, battering ram and ladders.

The mists curl and eddy around the dark village as a gentle breeze disturbs the deserted streets. The only sounds are the crows who gather on several roofs. Shadowed figures move in the darkness, hollow-eyed inhabitants of a once-thriving market town. What evil could have wrought this change? What will you find lurking in the gatehouse at the edge of town?

If you like the look of next month's releases, be sure to pre-order from your FLGS or online at Wayland Games today. Due to be released at the end of June 2021.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/06/29 10:05:45

Post by: warcradle

Whether you are looking for new terrain for your tabletop sci-fi adventures or expanding your Dystopian Wars fleets, July sees brand new releases for both Warcradle Scenics and Dystopian Wars.

With a huge number of releases this month, be sure to head over to Wayland Games and your FLGS stores to get your pre-orders in throughout July.

Dystopian Wars

There are three new releases this month for Dystopian Wars, spanning across all three factions. Covenant of the Enlightened, The Imperium and The Union.

With two new Battlefleets for the Union and the Enlightened, with the Descartes Battlefleet Set and the Constitution Battlefleet Set, the Imperium prepares for more reinforcements with the Imperium Support Squadrons.


After the previous releases for the Covenant of the Enlightened, with their involvement in the Two Player Starter Set and the Enlightened Frontline Squadrons. The Descartes Battlefleet Set heads to the sea with the first battlefleet release for the faction since Dystopian Wars Third Edition launched earlier this year.

Discoveries in bionics have enabled peers in that field to influence the behaviour of a number of intelligent animals such as apes, birds, whales and dolphins. The creation of Physeter constructs from sperm whales is by far the largest of these undertakings. Usually they are employed as scouts or observers, bringing advanced warning of approaching enemies. Alternatively, once suitably equipped with a variety of weaponry they can be encouraged to make coordinated ambushes against agreed targets. During a battle, the Physeter Constructs are maintained and deployed from Control Ships such as the Descartes Class. These large, battleship-sized vessels boast advanced weaponry and are crewed by dedicated nautical engineers to further the cause of science.

Even with the Physeter Constructs and batteries of Particle Beamers, the Descartes still need the support of smaller, faster ships. The Enlightened most commonly deploy Lovelace Class cruisers, but also outfit a number of different specifications. The Antarctica Class Superiority Cruiser, not only has a pair of Particle Beamers but also a devastating Heavy Particle Cannon. The Chatelet Class and the Ulysses Class are equipped with a small number of Scythe class fighters for reconnaissance and support, while the Stiletto Class relies on speed to get them in and out of engagements fast.

The armed forces of the Covenant of the Enlightened are entirely composed of paid volunteers and are therefore few in number. The technological superiority of the Enlightened makes up for this with automation. Many of the smaller vessels in the Enlightened fleet are virtually crewless automatons loaded with sophisticated routines and reactions. This significantly cuts down on the crew needed for the navy as a whole. The Germain Class Zebek and Merian Class Frigate are two such vessels that are seen in squadrons alongside the larger vessels.


The Union are joining Dystopian Wars with their release, first making their way onto the water. The Constitution Battlefleet Set brings their American Spirit in tow, ready to stand up in their military might on both air and sea.

During the Ore War the Union was forced to evolve into a nation that heavily industrialised the manufacture of weapons and engines of war to produce them at an unmatched rate. As conflict was largely on land, the Union fleets remained significantly underpowered compared to their rivals. With a belief in manifest destiny, the Union began to look beyond their own borders. It was easy to imagine the greedy faces of the other power blocs and the Union’s age old nemesis, The Crown, regarding this upstart American colony with avaricious eyes. To establish their rightful place, the Union focused on developing and constructing a fleet of ships to defend their shores and support their troops as they consolidated their positions around the globe.

The Constitution Class Battleship is now the mainstay of the Union Fleet, the first twelve of these impressive vessels built in the closing years of the Ore War. Their main purpose was traversing the many wide rivers of the nation and rain fire on Confederate defences, or to assist in troop movement, their powerful paddlewheels are equally suited to the open seas. Now they, and many more like them, ensure that the Federated States can achieve their manifest destiny.

Supporting the Constitution Class Battleships are squadrons of frontline cruisers built to withstand direct engagement with enemy fleets. The Yorktown, Intrepid, Reliant and Lexington Class Cruisers all boast powerful paddle wheels allowing them to remain agile under fire all the while raining shells upon their enemies. These ships are in turn supported by the ever-vigilant Akron Observers. These rotors watch both the skies and the waves for sign of threats to their squadrons as well as acting as long-range observers for the gun crews on board the ships.

Farragut Frigates are also a common addition to any Union fleet. These small but manoeuvrable vessels are able to make fast raids against enemy squadrons or in even greater numbers, larger vessels such as Battleships.

Gain some extra support for the Imperium this month, as the Tempelhof Battlefleet has now set sail, the Imperium Support Squadrons are ready to take the heat off of the flagship in some full-fledged back-up.

Commonly found in support of larger vessels of the Imperium’s Navy are a number of specialised cruiser variants. Built on the ubiquitous Blucher Class hull, these ships can be refitted as fast as any other frontline ship. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of Messer class fighters, providing air power where needed. Reiter Class Flak Cruisers are equipped with an impressive array of Vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air. These two vessels ensure that Blitzen Bomber squadrons can safely reach their targets without an interception. Finally, the Volsung Class deploys the formidable Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour with terrible voltaic energy.

The Imperium operates a large number of destroyer squadrons. Superior to the smaller frigates and escorts, Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower. Toten Class, are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons to cast bolts of lightning into the enemy.

All of the new releases for Dystopian Wars are available to be pre-ordered at Wayland Games, online and lots of FLGS stores worldwide.


The popular terrain range from Warcradle Scenics is back, and this time you can get your hands on each individual piece within the set, without buying in to the whole range. Ideal for all your Sci-fi, Gothic and Industrial tabletop games.

Upgrade your sci-fi terrain with the pre-painted, high-quality Omega Defence Line. With nine new products from the range joining the Warcradle Scenics library of terrain, there will be no need to break the bank before heading out into your sci-fi escapades.

Starting at £8.00, your miniatures will have hard-cover, that will come straight out of the packaging, assembled and straight onto the tabletop.

If you like the look of next month's releases, be sure to pre-order from your FLGS stores or online at Wayland Games this Friday. Due to be released at the end of July 2021.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/14 13:15:32

Post by: warcradle

Have your Tempelhof Battlefleet from Dystopian Wars pre-ordered, and are looking forward for your fleet embarking in battle on the rough seas?

Daz has spent some time this week painting up the Imperial SRS Tokens included in the set.

Follow the steps on our blog to achieve this effect on your Imperium SRS Token!

Read more on the blog: https://blog.warcradle.com/blog/step-by-step-imperium-srs-tokens

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The Tempelhof Battlefleet from Dystopian Wars has now leapt into action, and can now be ordered at Wayland Games and a vast majority of FLGS Stores.

Daz has spent some time taking us through how he achieves glow effects and details on the newest ship belonging to The Imperium.

Follow the steps on the blog to achieve this effect on your newest fleet:

Read more on the blog now: https://blog.warcradle.com/blog/step-by-step-glow-tempelhof-glow-effects-dystopian-wars

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 10:11:14

Post by: warcradle

Warcradle Studios Launches Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set for the Third Edition of Dystopian Wars

This August release will debut the biggest set since the Hunt for the Prometheus Two-Player Starter Set, entitled the Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set. Included in the box is 1 x Ice Maiden that can also be made as an SMS Eiskalte Schoenheit or SMS Prinzessin Wilhelmina, 6 sprues - 3 x Imperium Frontline squadrons and 3 x Imperium Support Squadrons. Accumulating to a total of 6 Cruisers, 6 Frigates & 6 Destroyers.

The Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set provides aspiring players with a new opportunity to get started in Dystopian Wars, containing an entire Imperium fleet in one box - worthy of a high amount of points in-game.

“The Ice Maiden is a real centre-piece model and something to build a truly powerful Force around.” says Chris Pond, Assistant at Warcradle Studios.

Dystopian Wars has built on the spectacular launch of the game at the start of the year with a strong release schedule, proving popular with the community and growing steadily. Connecting with other games titles, such as Wild West Exodus, within the Dystopian Age.

This is an incredible month for Dystopian Wars as the greatly anticipated Crown faction makes its way onto the tabletop. With enthusiasm building online for the upcoming release of the Britannia Battlefleet Set, the first product for the fan-favourite faction. “We are all really excited for the Crown release. I can’t wait to get my hands on those ships!” Chris Pond, Assistant Studio Manager

This Battlefleet Set Includes the mighty Britannia Battleship and two cruiser sprues each one allowing players to build one of five Crown Frontline Cruisers plus two Frigates.

The Crown faction was teased earlier this year on St. George’s Day, providing players with an insight into the upcoming fleet joining Dystopian Wars.

August is truly an incredible month for Warcradle Studios as a team and an exhilarating month for Dystopian Wars as a game system. With the release of the Ice Maiden, a new faction, and official in-game terrain adding further depth to the tabletop.

The 'Islands and Archipelagos Set' provides enough terrain for a 2 foot x4 foot play area, making it easy to combine several sets for your games or add to your existing terrain collections. Creating a Dystopian Age environment that takes the game past a sea-themed playmat for players of Dystopian Wars.

The set of islands have been designed with in-game strategy in mind. Allowing players to add additional turrets on the placements with ease with glue and magnetization, for perfect placement in play.

Dystopian Wars is available to purchase from Wayland Games and a vast range of stores worldwide.

Customers can pre-order their Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set, Britannia Battlefleet Set and Islands and Archipelagos Set from the 30th July 2021, ready for the retail release on the 28th August.

Read the full press release here: https://blog.warcradle.com/blog/warcradle-studios-launches-ice-maiden-battlefleet-set-for-the-third-edition-of-dystopian-wars

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 11:41:23

Post by: lord_blackfang

Wait... wasn't the iceberg carrier originally Russian?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 12:24:50

Post by: Cronch

No, it was always prussian as far as I know.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 12:28:48

Post by: Overread

Yep massive Prussian construction with those big roll-out electric tesla coils at the front and I believe originally small mechs that would also launch from it along with aircraft.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 13:25:58

Post by: warcradle

We here at Warcradle Studios have been holding on to our excitement for too long. With a brand new trailer outlining the next biggest product heading to Dystopian Wars. Keep your eyes peeled for the newest highly detailed, mammoth unit making its way onto the rough seas.

The Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set is the biggest box for Dystopian Wars since the release of the Hunt the Prometheus Two-Player Starter Set released earlier this year. The box contains a whole Imperium fleet for players to start, grow and enhance their Imperium faction, coming late August 2021.

After a tweak and a transformation, the Ice Maiden is back and better than ever. Players will now have the option to build their Ice Maiden in several different forms. Whether players want to create the Ice Maiden, the SMS Eiskalte Schoenheit or SMS Prinzessin Wilhelmina. New customisable features, such as weapon options and an alternate aircraft lift have been added to the refined model.

Ice Maiden has enlisted reinforcements this time around, not just deploying as a single unit but as an entire Battlefleet Set. Including the infamous Ice Maiden, Cruisers, Frigates and Destroyers all within the box. These units are also customisable, enabling players to customise the weaponry across all units.

The excitement is not over. Warcradle Studios are overjoyed to announce the first-ever terrain set heading to the tabletop for Dystopian Wars, with the Islands and Archipelagos Set available late August 2021.

The Islands and Archipelagos set has the ability to enhance the naval wargamer experience on the tabletop, taking the game further than just the simplicity of a playmat on the table.

Allowing players to customise the Islands to their gaming needs and immersing the game into more detail and atmosphere, players will be able to incorporate turrets and weaponry using magnetization into the terrain pieces available in the set.

Want to take a closer look at the Ice Maiden’s abilities and more information on the SMS Eiskalte Schoenheit or SMS Prinzessin Wilhelmina? Be sure to head on over to the ORBATS to take a closer look at the technical.

Follow this link to the full article:


Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 13:29:35

Post by: Overread

That is an awesome boxed set and I like the train idea coming to the fore again with the massive iceburgship!

Out of interest is this how you'll be rolling out leviathan/dreadnought ships for each faction in the future? And will this be the only way to buy the Ice Maiden or will it come on its own or in a smaller set?

I know you want to keep your SKU bloat down and not have too many individual or small blister sets.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 13:48:17

Post by: warcradle

The Studio is working hard so, eventually, every faction will have a centrepiece or two for battling it out on the tabletop. However, just like with the other flagships in our other battlefleet sets these centrepieces will only be available in their battlefleet set (Ice Maiden included).

The good thing is, taking into account how much the RRP would be for the Ice Maiden by itself, it works out that you are pretty much getting the rest of the boxed set for free.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 14:01:36

Post by: chaos0xomega

Woulda been nice to see painted examples of the terrain, a bit difficult to tell what I'm looking at, the textures look like they are supposed to represent sand, but in a couple instances it looks like they might be waves instead?

Also looks like one has a runway on it, 4 have turrets or towers or something, and one might have like a small facility built into the hill.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 15:33:40

Post by: lord_blackfang

Personally I feel like constantly pushing out ever bigger ships was a mistake on Spartan's part.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/16 16:05:31

Post by: chaos0xomega

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Personally I feel like constantly pushing out ever bigger ships was a mistake on Spartan's part.

Problem is that businesses in the industry need to keep feeding the beast, you can only do so many things with the existing hulls/sizes available to you, and its hard to go smaller, whereas going bigger is very very easy - to a point. So its either go bigger, or start doing new factions, etc. I think Spartan eventually realized going bigger wasn't necessarily working out and it started doing new factions too but it came too late (and maybe wasn't well implemented). It seems to be mainly a problem with naval wargames as the design space seems to often feel more limited than those of non-naval based games, though I think thats more due to lack of imagination than anything inherent to the genre.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 13:08:52

Post by: Llamahead

Honestly I generally feel naval games generally ignore the obvious expansion. Spartan Games never produced variant cruisers and escorts unlike Battlefleet Gothic which are an easy way to expand fleets wthout causing the issues with scope. Both this generation and Dropfleet commander have several variants in the plastic kits but spartan didn't.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 18:00:16

Post by: chaos0xomega

 Llamahead wrote:
Honestly I generally feel naval games generally ignore the obvious expansion. Spartan Games never produced variant cruisers and escorts unlike Battlefleet Gothic which are an easy way to expand fleets wthout causing the issues with scope. Both this generation and Dropfleet commander have several variants in the plastic kits but spartan didn't.

I never really engaged with Spartans Dystopian Wars products besides being superficially aware of them. I know that there were large numbers of different cruiser/destroyer/frigate, etc. classes for each faction when Spartan was producing the game. Whether they were variants based on a common hull system or each a unique sculpt is kind of irrelevant aside from the production costs on the manufacturers end of things. If Spartan produced a dozen cruiser designs for faction X as unique hulls, and Warcradle produced a dozen cruiser design for the same faction as a modular kit, then you've both ended up in the same place - a dozen cruisers. Theres only so many iterations of "cruiser" you can do before you eventually run out of design space or customers start balking at buying more of them from you, producing endless variants isn't really a possibility, at least not a profitable one.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 18:07:16

Post by: lord_blackfang

No literally all Spartan games had a single statline per size class, outside a few specialist toys in Firestorm. There was a frigate, a destroyer, a light cruiser and so on. One of each. DW might have had some swappable turrets in some factions.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 18:21:18

Post by: Cronch

Yes, but they has a lot of sub-classes for cruisers, and later on they did release "new" cruisers that did have different stats to older designs.
I still think what limits WCradle the most is having universal weapon stats, so two different cruisers literally cannot have different weapons if both have Heavy Battery.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 20:15:48

Post by: chaos0xomega

Huh, I remember there being much more variety than that. Some googling indicates Cronch is right, seems like when they shut down there were a number of variant classes in design for each faction, most of which were never released. In that case it seems Spartans problem was it went "wide" before going "deep", i.e. they released a lot of different factions with a lot of options but not a lot of variety.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 20:32:54

Post by: Overread

Spartan did masses for Dystopian Wars. The problem was they were all unique castings and they were a small company. Couple that to their boss being sick near the end; a big Kickstarter; The Halo Licence and running several other major game lines - each one having several different model ranges.

Basically far as I could tell Spartan knew that new things would generate big sales that they needed to remain afloat; but starting more big things meant a constantly expanding library of models and they just couldn't keep up. They'd be all over one game for a few months, then shift to another and another and before long customers of the first game were annoyed because releases were being missed; previews were vanishing and in general they were "ignored".

Spartan basically almost had GW style output but a small team to try and handle production. My impression is that they couldn't find a way to profit enough without releasing new things; but that the constant new things resulted in them spreading themselves so thin they just couldn't sustain themsleves.

Warcradle have a LONG way to go to catch up. One trick they are using is plastics for core ships and doing a lot more variant builds so that 1 kit does several models. It helps cut a lot down from their model production.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 20:52:29

Post by: lord_blackfang

chaos0xomega wrote:
Huh, I remember there being much more variety than that. Some googling indicates Cronch is right, seems like when they shut down there were a number of variant classes in design for each faction, most of which were never released. In that case it seems Spartans problem was it went "wide" before going "deep", i.e. they released a lot of different factions with a lot of options but not a lot of variety.

There was no depth to go into, as their systems were so simplistic. The variants were mostly down to starter sets being resculpted as their casting tech improved and the core ships were renamed with maybe a slight stat boost. As vapid as their rules always were, late era Spartan ship sculpts (in both DW and Uncharted Seas) remain unmatched to this day, by a large margin, and I don't just mean by Warcradle.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 21:02:14

Post by: Overread

I've still yet to see anyone do space ships as good as Firestorm. Dropfleet get very close but lose points because they like doing ridges on mould line seams which drives me nuts. If they could improve their designs for casting DF would replace them as top.

I have big hopes for FA returning under WC; its a big gap right now that only Dropfleet fills and nothing 3D print land even comes close.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 21:05:59

Post by: Cronch

I'm...more cautious seeing what they did with Dystopian designs. Firestorm models weren't perfect, but some of the sketches they've shown for FA either won't translate well into models imo, or (for someone who was well versed in the original designs) look wrong, like mixing terran and directorate designs or making dindrenzi ships even more...brutalist squares.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 21:13:20

Post by: chaos0xomega

 lord_blackfang wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
Huh, I remember there being much more variety than that. Some googling indicates Cronch is right, seems like when they shut down there were a number of variant classes in design for each faction, most of which were never released. In that case it seems Spartans problem was it went "wide" before going "deep", i.e. they released a lot of different factions with a lot of options but not a lot of variety.

There was no depth to go into, as their systems were so simplistic. The variants were mostly down to starter sets being resculpted as their casting tech improved and the core ships were renamed with maybe a slight stat boost. As vapid as their rules always were, late era Spartan ship sculpts (in both DW and Uncharted Seas) remain unmatched to this day, by a large margin, and I don't just mean by Warcradle.

Some of those late era sculpts are gorgeous - but I think they have nothing on the Dropzone/Dropfleet sculpts.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 21:32:29

Post by: Cronch

I personally prefer FA sculpts, even if they could stand to be 1/2 smaller, because of their cleaner lines and more...high scifi designs I guess? Space-Opera-y? Dropfleet humans are quite decent, but Shaltari ships are...a whole nother thing, and scourge try to look organic and mechanical at the same time and I never was a fan of that, plus their eyeball-lasers are silly.
And across the entire range I cannot stand those comically huge torpedoes that look like they've been glued to the hull as an afterthought.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 21:36:34

Post by: Overread

I love both for their own things and like that they take very different styles. FA is very much more your 80s starwars style sci-fi whilst DF is a touch more "real" in some respects and not others.

And eyeball lasers will ALWAYS be cool!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 22:43:13

Post by: chaos0xomega

I really like the late-Spartan era FA designs. Hawker Industries, the Syndicate, Ryushi, Rense System Navy, Works Raptor, etc. are all really cool designs. I wish I had realized that before they went under and got my hands on some of those minis (ESPECIALLY the Syndicate). In general though I find them to be significantly less detailed than Dropfleets designs, and they are generally kinda chunky and cartoonish by comparison, whereas Dropfleets sculpts are really finely and very precisely detailed to the point of coming across as more "realistic".

As a CAD guy and 3D sculptor myself, I really admire David Lewis talent, creativity, and skill. I couldn't hold a candle to that if I tried, the amount of time and effort he has to be putting into this to get the results he gets is incredible.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/17 23:37:54

Post by: Cronch

Dropfleets designs are definitely more detailed. I am firmly in the camp that there is such a thing as too much detail, so I don't necessarily view it as a good thing.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/22 22:12:55

Post by: Elmir

I'm pretty much a new player to these Naval combat games. The choice of what cruiser to build out of the plastics seems a bit intimidating at first, but when I look at the price of the plastic expansions, I'm really not that fussed about just buying another fairly cheap box (similar price to a single hero in GW terms) to make more cruisers and get some more frigates to boot.

All in all, this multiple cruisers options in one plastic sprue (along with boatloads of weapon options) feels like the better deal overall and shows fairly good planning imo.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/23 07:58:00

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Elmir wrote:
I'm pretty much a new player to these Naval combat games. The choice of what cruiser to build out of the plastics seems a bit intimidating at first, but when I look at the price of the plastic expansions, I'm really not that fussed about just buying another fairly cheap box (similar price to a single hero in GW terms) to make more cruisers and get some more frigates to boot.

All in all, this multiple cruisers options in one plastic sprue (along with boatloads of weapon options) feels like the better deal overall and shows fairly good planning imo.

That's how BFG used to work, 2 heavily customizable plastic cruisers for, like, 7€ (not adjusted for inflation). People had enormous fleets.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/23 08:09:11

Post by: Overread

Yep its a solid way to add a lot of ships in one go without having to have many models. It also lets them justify making them in plastic because they'll sell multiple times to each customer. Even those who have gone nuts with magnets (I've seen some use small magnets to magnetize the whole hull not just the weapons) will still buy quite a few packs to bulk out their fleets.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/23 08:33:50

Post by: lord_blackfang

Man the turrets are one thing but magnetizing the hulls seems an unreasonable amount of work compared to just buying more sprues

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/23 08:49:17

Post by: Overread

Agreed, I'm all for magnets but I've got limits on what I think is practical and fun. That said at least most of the hulls will magnetize and hold together fairly well. I've seen people magnetizing things like Imperial guard infantry arms and I always think that the angles and contact points are such that they'll always have to handle their models with extreme care or be forever sticking arms back on.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/26 19:25:27

Post by: Elmir

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Man the turrets are one thing but magnetizing the hulls seems an unreasonable amount of work compared to just buying more sprues

Yeah, I was looking into it a bit more, and some have gone to extreme lengths to magnetise the hull.

But I'm with you 100%, I would value my time a bit more and just get another set and quickly glue together a few more ships.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/29 05:53:51

Post by: Vulcan

 Elmir wrote:
I'm pretty much a new player to these Naval combat games. The choice of what cruiser to build out of the plastics seems a bit intimidating at first, but when I look at the price of the plastic expansions, I'm really not that fussed about just buying another fairly cheap box (similar price to a single hero in GW terms) to make more cruisers and get some more frigates to boot.

All in all, this multiple cruisers options in one plastic sprue (along with boatloads of weapon options) feels like the better deal overall and shows fairly good planning imo.

With care they can be magnetized too.

EDIT: Ninja'd!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/07/30 11:34:01

Post by: warcradle

August is an incredibly exciting month at Warcradle Studios, especially for Dystopian Wars and Mythos players.

New releases for Dystopian Wars will be arriving at FLGS stores this upcoming month. And if you hadn’t seen the previous announcements this month, Warcradle Studios are ecstatic to bring the Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set to your tabletop.

That is certainly not all this month for Dystopian Wars in August. Along with the Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set, the first terrain set for Dystopian Wars, entitled the Island and Archipelagos Terrain Set, is also heading for release. Providing more depth to your naval warfare table, taking your games further into the Dystopian Age from just a blue table cloth.

The faction many of you have been waiting for, The Crown are finally joining the battle too this August. With the Britannia Battlefleet Set, the highly anticipated British were announced on St George's Day. For centuries they were the greatest power across the world, now players can reassert this dominance using The Crown to keep other factions under her Majesty's control.

The Union Frontline Squadrons are making their way onto the rough seas, ready to bolster up your faction with some serious American Spirit fuelling the journey.

Want to harness the power of Mythos in a new location? After the incredible success of the Dunsmouth line of terrain, the Augusta Terrain Set became the newest destination to fight for.


Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set is the largest release for Dystopian Wars since the Hunt the Prometheus Two-Player Starter Set released earlier this year.


The Islands and Archipelagos Set is one of the few naval themed terrain sets on the market, and the first set of terrain for Dystopian Wars.


Here comes the British! The Crown is here to make their entrance, after anticipation from St. George’s Day - the Britannia Battlefleet Set is finally here! Warcradle Studios have been busy bringing this fleet up to speed with the Enlightened and the Commonwealth, with even more to come for The Crown very soon, so make sure to keep those eyes peeled.


With the release of the Constitution Battlefleet Set last month, players will be thrilled to know that the Union are getting reinforcements - the Union Frontline Squadrons. The Union is expanding steadily, and players will be able to expand upon their fleet quickly.


The newest terrain release for Warcradle Scenics is here, and designed for Mythos in mind, however adaptable for any 28-35mm skirmish game. The Augusta Industrial Set incorporates MDF, and is detailed with design to come straight out of assembly and onto the tabletop.

Excited about Warcradle Studios August new releases? Make sure to pre-order from July 30th 2021 at your FLGS stores or Wayland Games online. Get ready to deploy the Ice Maiden this August!

You can read the full article about the new monthly releases here : August Releases: Deploy the Ice Maiden!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/08/26 09:25:12

Post by: warcradle

September brings with it even more Dystopian Wars miniatures to the tabletop and it doesn’t stop there as Warcradle Scenics has some very interesting Dunsmouth terrain in store for Mythos players too.

Not only are we releasing an Enlightened fleet, the Hypatia Battlefleet Set, but we are also reinforcements for the Britannia Battlefleet Set with the Crown Frontline Squadrons.

Dunsmouth town is expanding, bringing the Tillinghast Manor to life in this desolate and quiet town. An immense terrain asset to any tabletop that adorns Mythos and any other fantasy miniature or role-playing game.


This month sees two exciting new releases for Dystopian Wars for The Enlightened and The Crown, namely the Hypatia Battlefleet set and the Crown Frontline Squadrons.

Hypatia Battlefleet Set

Seen within the Hunt for the Prometheus Two-player Starter Set, the Hypatia Class will now be available to purchase in its own Hypatia Battlefleet Set. Expanding the Enlightened faction further, the Hypatia joins the Descartes Battlefleet Set which is released in July of this year

The Hypatia class has established itself as one of the most versatile ships available to the Enlightened.

The support ships that escort Hypatia Class vessels and other large ships fill some often more specialist roles.

Crown Frontline Squadrons

Here come the reinforcements! Following the release of the first fleet for the Crown faction in Dystopian Wars, the Britannia Battlefleet Set, new additions have been called in to strengthen the frontlines and extend their dominion... Enter the Crown Frontline Squadrons!

The most common vessel and backbone of the Crown fleet is the Albion Cruiser.

Several modifications have been made to the Albion Hull design over the years such as the intimidating Lancelot Heavy Cruiser, the fast Picton and the lightly armed Bedivere.

With so much coast to cover, and such a large fleet, the creation of the Sabre Class Command Cruiser enabled high ranking Naval officers to command Battlefleets from more numerous, smaller ships.


Dunsmouth - Tillinghast Manor

With the success of the Dunsmouth line of terrain created with Mythos in mind, Warcradle Studios have even more Dunsmouth terrain in store for September. The Tillinghast Manor and the Expansion Pack will be available to pre-order to take your tabletop scenery one step further, as there clearly isn’t enough of a constant state of tension and paranoia in Dunsmouth already...

The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island, is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else’s business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist.

Dunsmouth - Tillinghast Manor: Expansion Pack

The Dunsmouth Tillinghast Manor: Expansion Pack swells with grandeur, adding everything a manor house needs. The walled grounds, garden features, and groundskeeper's house give Tillinghast Manor more of a stately presence.

The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact, you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

Excited about Warcradle Studios September new releases? Make sure to pre-order from August 27th 2021 at your FLGS or Wayland Games online. These items will be arriving in stores, and in postboxes, from the end of September 2021.

Make sure to keep up to date with Warcradle Studios’ socials, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for new releases and spoiler alerts.

If you would like to read more please head over to the Warcradle Studios blog!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/09/30 10:05:15

Post by: warcradle


You may have heard the rumours of something big happening for Wild West Exodus and we’re excited to be able to reveal them to you. Make sure not to miss the release of this highly anticipated product as we finally show you a new trailer, going into detail of what exactly this next big thing is.

Since the release of the Wild West Exodus: Gunfight at Red Oak Starter Set many people have been asking when the next Two Player Starter Set will be announced and we are happy to share with you the Wild West Exodus: Showdown at Retribution Two Player Starter Set!

As the Enlightened force, led by the morally bankrupt scientist Gustave Eiffel, arrives in the town of Retribution the mayor is desperate for aid. However, who should answer the call but Nikolai Tesla, the hero of the Union! This meeting is far from a coincidence and as the stage is set for the epic showdown it is clear this is all part of Eiffel’s plans for vengeance. This town certainly ain’t big enough for the both of them…

Ideal for new players and veterans to the game alike, the Showdown at Retribution Two Player Starter Set is a comprehensive introduction to the savage Wild West of the Dystopian Age. The Starter Set Contains two forces, the full third edition rulebook, a quick start guide and more. We hope you are as excited as we are here at Warcradle Studios to see these gunslingers duel.

Coming October 2021

Want the latest updates about Showdown at Retribution and to be notified when it’s available to order? Make sure to sign up to our Mailing List.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/09/30 10:32:29

Post by: lord_blackfang

Liking those models, but they're like 35mm, right?

Anyone have any thought on gameplay?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/09/30 10:51:05

Post by: Geifer

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Liking those models, but they're like 35mm, right?

Anyone have any thought on gameplay?

Yes, the models are in the 35mm and look it, too. Next to, say, a Brother Vinni or Wasteland Warfare 32mm model they are a head taller (comparing normal humans). But indeed they are nice models. I have a force of the Frankenstein faction since it looks cool and it's the least Wild West thing they had at the time.

I've played two or three years ago. I think there's been an edition change in the meantime, but I haven't kept up with the game, so my information may be outdated. I thought the game was pretty fun with interesting mechanics, with the sole exception of it being a terrible re-roll fest that makes modern 40k look outright conservative.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/10/05 14:53:40

Post by: Elmir

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Liking those models, but they're like 35mm, right?

Anyone have any thought on gameplay?

Imagine your normal humans being the same size as a primaris marine and you are good for scale.

I really do like the gameplay. Our local group of 6 players is starting a gunslinger league soon. It uses a D10 system with (strong points and weaknesses) alongside a card system as part of your resource management.

Strong points:
- Alternating activation. I'm done with IGYG systems, alternating activation is just way more dynamic.
- Meaningful resource management. You can go full hog if you want, compensate for some bad luck, but you'll notice the casualties pile up when you went through all your unique resources.
- the D10 system is solid. There are plenty of re-roll mechanics, but you can't reroll a roll of 1 (critical failure) or 10 (critical success). So criticals feel a lot more meaningful.

Things I hope they tweak.
- Number of USR/keywords. The game had SO MANY that created some really funky interactions that weren't always easy to understand.
- Uncapped modifiers. They could stack to absurd levels, making some characters near unkillable.
- You score VP through missions or through cards. I hope they increase the amount of VP related to the mission... You could sometimes ignore it completely and still come out on top because your cardplay was very solid.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/10/13 08:52:03

Post by: warcradle

This October is set to be very exciting at Warcradle Studios, with some massive releases for the gunslinging world of Wild West Exodus. Including a brand new two-player starter set; Showdown at Retribution as well as a new Warcradle Scenics Terrain Set that can be used alongside the boxed set.

Showdown at Retribution, the two-player starter set for Wild West Exodus includes both the Union and Enlightened forces inside - this will be a great starting point for any new players or a boxed set for collectors to acquire.

Not only that, but this month also sees the release of terrain-based sets in the bustling town of Retribution. The Retribution Town set and the Retribution Town House by Warcradle Scenics can easily be paired with Showdown at Retribution. These can be used with multiple game systems, including Wild West Exodus and Malifaux.

Make sure to get your pre-order in for these exciting new releases on October 15th at Wayland Games or your FLGS!


The Showdown at Retribution Two Player Starter Set serves not only as a great way for new players to start playing Wild West Exodus, but also as an appealing addition to any player's existing collection.

The frontier of the Union of Federated States is a wild and often lawless place. Ideal for outlaws, renegades and zealots to prey on the locals. Now a force led by the morally bankrupt Enlightened scientist Gustave Eiffel has arrived in the town of Retribution.



Gustave Eiffel

The mayor sends out a call for aid and is overjoyed to find that the hero of the Union, Nikolai Tesla is in the area. But as the Union forces pull into Retribution it becomes clear that this is no coincidence and all has unfolded to Eiffel’s plans for vengeance. The stage is set for an epic showdown in Retribution between these two rivals.


Nikolai Tesla

Get into the new edition of Wild West Exodus with Showdown at Retribution – a two player starter set designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to the savage Wild West in the Dystopian Age. Containing dozens of fantastically detailed Warcradle miniatures, the full third edition rulebook, quick start guide to help you get going straight away and much more - this hefty boxed set is an easy way to explore the game and start your hobby adventure.


Retribution Town Set

Accompanying Showdown at Retribution, is the Retribution Town Set and Town House. With October's releases you can create and fight within your very own town of Retribution on the tabletop.

Most frontier towns in the midwest are sparsely populated, largely lawless, dangerous places to live in or to visit. Retribution, however, is a different story. With the 7th Cavalry and 222nd Infantry Union regiments now based out Camp Soule a few miles to the west, the town has been transformed into an oasis of entertainment and civility in a desert of threats, violence and death.

Thanks to the Union dollars pouring in, the town has expanded to include a railroad station, a theater, new housing projects and many more amenities that are denied to most folk out West.

Retribution Town House

As well as the Retribution Town Set, you can also pre-order the Retribution Town House. A modular building for Retribution that helps you populate your town with buildings that stand out from each other, depending on how you choose to build them.

So October is definitely looking to be a massive month for Wild West Exodus. It doesn’t stop there though.

We also have something very special in the works for all those intending on picking up Showdown at Retribution, introducing…

The Global Gunslinger League!

The Global Gunslinger League is an exciting online hobby introduction from OnTableTop. Discover how to build, paint and play the Wild West Exodus two player starter set, Showdown at Retribution.

Signup begins on the 15th October, so make sure to check this space for the link when it goes live! Activities start November 2021.

Are you as excited as we are? Watch out at your FLGS or Wayland Games, these products are available to pre-order from October 15th 2021.

Keep up to date with Warcradle Studios through our social channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for new releases and spoiler alerts each month.

For the full blog with more images and all of the extra information you may be seeking about the October releases, head over to the Warcradle Studios Blog.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/10/15 11:29:33

Post by: warcradle

Excited about the new Showdown at Retribution Two Player Starter Set for Wild West Exodus?

The products are now live and available to pre-order, and you can also sign up for the Global Gunslinger League today!

Check out the Warcradle Studios Blog to get your hands on the newest releases.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/10/27 14:15:49

Post by: warcradle

November is a big month here at Warcradle Studios, exciting new pre-orders are coming your way for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics.

Dystopian Wars players have a lot to look forward to with the release of the Victory Battlefleet Set and the Tianlong Battlefleet Set. The Enlightened are also getting reinforcements with the Enlightened Support Squadron.

With so much to look forward to, make sure you pre-order from October 29th 2021.

Dystopian Wars
This month there are three exciting new releases for Dystopian Wars. The Crown and The Empire have two new forces incoming, the Victory Battlefleet Set and the Tianlong Battlefleet Set, as well as the Enlightened Support Squadrons.

Victory Battlefleet Set
Following the release of the Britannia Battlefleet Set in late August of this year, The Crown has launched back into action with the brand new Victory Battlefleet Set.

For the last three decades, the Victory class Heavy Carriers have been a dominating force around the globe. They demonstrate the huge significance that naval strength plays in all Crown military campaigns.

With an internal hanger that is rivalled only by the experimental Ice Maiden of the Imperium, A Victory can launch dozens of Defiant fighters into the skies to defend the fleet from incoming bombers or to hammer the decks of her enemies with their rapid firing Vickers Automatic Guns.

Tianlong Battlefleet Set
The newest addition to The Empire is the Tianlong Battlefleet Set. If you’re looking to start an Empire force, or add to one, then this set is a battlefleet to be excited for!

The Tianlong Draconic Colossus uses a combination of rotor engines and repulsion fields to remain aloft. Originally created to patrol the airspace near the Zhanmadao Sky Fortresses and Ziwei Sky Bastions, the Tianlong swoop down, their skilled crews getting the most out of these marvels of Engineering.

Enlightened Support Squadron
Calling all reinforcements! The Enlightened are getting their own Support Squadron, featuring the support ships seen in the Hypatia Battlefleet Set and Hunt for the Prometheus Two Player Starter Set.

The support ships that escort the Flagship vessels of the Enlightened Fleets fill some very specialist roles.

While these Cruisers are able to lurk just below the surface the Diogenese and Praxilla Class Submarines are able to operate at significant depths. These large Automata operate under a number of pre-programmed subroutines and are effective at hunting down and destroying enemy vessels.

Wild West Exodus
This November, Wild West Exodus also has two new releases; the 3rd Edition Rules and Gubbins Set as well as the Iron Horse.

Third Edition Rules and Gubbins Set

Wild West Exodus has just entered its 3rd Edition, and you can bring your games up to speed with the 3rd Edition Rules and Gubbins Set this November. With everything needed to play, this set includes the 3rd Edition rulebook, Action and Adventure Card Deck, Dice and much more.

Wild West Exodus is a dynamic, fast-paced tabletop miniatures game pitting a cast of heroic characters against each other in a brutal world - very much a twisted reflection of our own. In the twilight years of the Nineteenth Century, mankind is perched upon a new age of discovery and enlightenment.

The Wild West Exodus Rules & Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Posse (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents in the West.

Wild West Iron Horses
Seen in the recent new two player starter set; Showdown at Retribution, the Wild West Iron Horses will be available to pre-order in it’s own boxed set. With two build options and five faction riders available, this will be a great addition to most forces.

Since Armstrong Custer’s famous charge leading the Michigan Wolverine’s at Gettysburg, the Iron Horse has become a ubiquitous machine across the frontier. Their combination of speed, firepower and durability led to a massive Union contract with the Covenant of the Enlightened during the Ore War, replacing flesh and blood horses in all cavalry regiments.

Warcradle Scenics
Lastly we have, from Warcradle Scenics, the Promethean Complex Set. This terrain-based set presents a secret scientific setting to the tabletop, compatible with Wild West Exodus, Warhammer 40K, Infinity and more.

The Peers of the Covenant of the Enlightened often perform elaborate and sometimes dangerous experiments using the most powerful technologies known to humanity.

In order to ensure that they have all the assets required for such work they typically create labyrinthine and eccentric laboratories for themselves. It is not without some irony that these sprawling structures have been collectively named Promethean Complexes.

Global Gunslinger League

Interested in Wild West Exodus and the Showdown at Retribution Two Player Starter Set? We have something very exciting in the works for you then.

Introducing the Global Gunslinger League!

OnTableTop is hosting the Global Gunslinger League, an exciting online hobby introduction to Wild West Exodus.

Make sure to sign up today!

Discover how to build, paint and play the Wild West Exodus two player starter set; Showdown at Retribution.

Activities start November 21.

Plenty of very intriguing releases are coming up for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics in November. Make sure you pre-order from October 29th 2021 at your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

View the full article

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/12/27 23:22:29

Post by: Elmir

The Facebook group had a few previews in there to show off a few things set for release in the next year. I thought it would be nice to share some here.

As FB video download is always wonky, I made a quick video upload to my YT channel:

I really do like the additions of more aerial units and skimmer units. The Tianlong were already quite funky and these more unique designs are what I like to see more off!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/12/27 23:40:21

Post by: Overread

I'm really looking forward to seeing air units starting to appear.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/12/28 22:52:13

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
I'm really looking forward to seeing air units starting to appear.

Oh, not just the air units! So far, the releases were cool, but a bit conservative... But I guess you have to start with the basic battleships and supportships first before you can add the spicy stuff.

I hope the giant Robots, submarines and mobile fortresses hit the shelves soon. The Japanese Kongo fleet just leaked and the "robo-squid" Chita escorts are just the kind of models I like!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/12/29 17:40:50

Post by: chaos0xomega

Thought they said the mobile fortresses/land units were out of scope and being put into the ground combat game?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/12/29 17:56:21

Post by: Overread

The entire land side is basically out of the game. Dystopian Wars right now is purely a sea game. The Ground Combat game, last I heard, was being set in mid-africa and was going to be a totally separate game, project and even scale of models. However we've not actually heard anything on that in a long while and they've still got Firestorm Armada (which fingers crossed is hopefully a 2022 project). So the ground side might be a long while out yet.

I suspect the closest we'll get to land things for Dystopian Wars will be things like batteries, forts, harbours and the like. Ergo structures and installations, but no land aircraft carriers and such.

Of course that doesn't mean we won't get huge walkers (striding/swimming/flying); or that we won't get insane huge flying and seafaring things

All that said removing the land component has never been a popular choice and with it so far removed from release it could come back around again, but they've given no hints of that .

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/12/30 11:57:46

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Elmir wrote:
 Overread wrote:
I'm really looking forward to seeing air units starting to appear.

Oh, not just the air units! So far, the releases were cool, but a bit conservative... But I guess you have to start with the basic battleships and supportships first before you can add the spicy stuff.

I hope the giant Robots, submarines and mobile fortresses hit the shelves soon. The Japanese Kongo fleet just leaked and the "robo-squid" Chita escorts are just the kind of models I like!

The real problem is that even the core elements are looking a lot more samey between factions than Spartan's were. I looked up this Kongo fleet and it looks closer to current Brits than to the old Japanese ships.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2021/12/30 13:00:52

Post by: RiTides

What great fleets, awesome to see this game getting some love again

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/01/02 01:08:24

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
The entire land side is basically out of the game. Dystopian Wars right now is purely a sea game. The Ground Combat game, last I heard, was being set in mid-africa and was going to be a totally separate game, project and even scale of models. However we've not actually heard anything on that in a long while and they've still got Firestorm Armada (which fingers crossed is hopefully a 2022 project). So the ground side might be a long while out yet.

I suspect the closest we'll get to land things for Dystopian Wars will be things like batteries, forts, harbours and the like. Ergo structures and installations, but no land aircraft carriers and such.

Of course that doesn't mean we won't get huge walkers (striding/swimming/flying); or that we won't get insane huge flying and seafaring things

All that said removing the land component has never been a popular choice and with it so far removed from release it could come back around again, but they've given no hints of that .

Correct. I believe they also mentioned the main reason to remove the land components, is effectively the scale. A tank in the old Dystopian Wars would be a driving warehouse at that 2mm scale, so that's why they wanted to make a separate game for it.

That being said, some of the giant walkers will still be in the game.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/01/05 15:39:53

Post by: warcradle

The waters of the Dystopian Age are coming alive once more with the upcoming release of a battlefleet set from an exciting new nation to Dystopian Wars, the Japanese! The Kongo Battlefleet Set will launch this January.

Nikolai Tesla has been hard at work and January sees his hard work pay off with the release of the UR-31E Teslabots, your first chance to acquire these heavily-armed automata for Wild West Exodus outside of the Showdown at Retribution Two Player Starter Set.

Last up is the Augusta range from Warcradle Scenics, which sees the Augusta Industrial Set, released in August 2021 now in individual terrain sets, allowing you to add even more to your wargames set in the grim setting of Augusta.

Make sure you don’t miss out on all these exciting new releases available to pre-order from December 31st 2021. Due to be released at the end of January 2022.

Dystopian Wars

This month introduces a brand new nation to Dystopian Wars with the release of the Kongo Battlefleet Set. The Empire will be sure to take advantage of these new Japanese ships that pack a significant punch.

Kongo Battlefleet Set

The Japanese enter the fray for the first time and are ready to fight for The Empire with the upcoming release of the Kongo Battlefleet Set.

Of all the Battleships upon the seas in the last 50 years the Britannia Class of the Crown has been considered the heaviest. That is until the Empire launched the Kongo Class Heavy Battleship.

One of the deadliest warships to ply the seas of the Dystopian Age, the Kongo is crewed by some of the finest sailors in all of Japan. The design of this behemoth was always aimed at making it as armoured as possible while still retaining speed and manoeuvrability as much as the best Japanese naval engineers could manage.

Wild West Exodus

Can you hear that? The mechanical marching of the UR-31E Teslabots is almost deafening as Nikolai Tesla’s inventions come to life once more for Wild West Exodus.

UR-31E Teslabots

Nikolai Tesla is not a man to stand still. He is forever moving forward, tinkering with his designs and dreaming up new and ever more challenging projects.

The UR-31 E is one such progression from the UR-31 Automata, a design that became ubiquitous to replace lost manpower after the Ore War. These so-called ‘Teslabots’ are hard wired with either ranged offensive instructions or more defensive, close order ones depending on their equipment loadout.

Warcradle Scenics

As night envelopes the industrial district of Augusta, the ne'er do wells come out in full force. Back from Warcradle Scenics is the Augusta Industrial range of terrain sets, now available to purchase individually.

Bring the town of Augusta to life in Wild West Exodus, Warhammer 40k, Infinity, and more!


Augusta Industrial Range

On the edge of town sits the industrial district of Augusta. This collection of small factories, warehouses, and depots are busy by day and all but abandoned by night. When the sun goes down the dark alleyways and abandoned lots are rife with illicit activity, squatters, and criminal elements.

But it doesn’t end there, things move in the shadows, shapes flow just out of the corner of your eye and if you stand very still you can hear a slow rhythmic thrumming of a vast machine beneath your feet.

So this month is packed full of exciting upcoming releases with a new nation for Dystopian Wars, a set of standalone UR-31E Teslabots as seen in Showdown at Retribution for Wild West Exodus, and a range of industrial scenics from Warcradle Scenics.

Make sure you don’t miss out when they go on pre-order December 31st 2021 from your FLGS or Wayland Games online.

As always, be sure to keep up to date with Warcradle Studios’ socials, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for new releases and more.

View the full article

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/01/06 23:43:18

Post by: Alpharius

That terrain - so incredible!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/01/19 18:12:47

Post by: Elmir

Looks like the boxart for the Hochmeister and Metzger Vitruvian Colossus was shown in the new Imperium Orbat preview:

That means a release can't be far off!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/01/25 16:25:14

Post by: warcradle

February is upon us, and with it there are a whole host of exciting new releases for Dystopian Wars and Wild West Exodus that you will not want to miss.

Not to be outdone by the Japanese’s introduction to Dystopian Wars, The Imperium valiantly return to the seas of the Dystopian Age with two new Battlefleet Sets! To combat this rise in power, The Crown are deploying more reinforcements with their Support Squadron.

Augmentation aplenty for Wild West Exodus as Gustave Eiffel continues to expand his Enlightened force further with even more Mono-Cavs and Strider-Cavs, which will be available to purchase separately from the Showdown at Retribution Two-Player Starter Set.

Don’t miss out on all of these exciting new releases that are available to pre-order from January 28th 2022.

Due to be released at the end of February 2022.


The Imperium are upping the ante this month, attempting to rule the seas with an ironfist using the Hochmeister Battlefleet Set and the Konig Battlefleet Set.

Not to be beaten, The Crown deploy their own British Crown Support Squadron to strengthen their fleet. With the amount of power being introduced to Dystopian Wars, this month looks to be a very exciting one.


Something massive stirs beneath the seas of Dystopian Wars for The Imperium. As it marches ever closer, the Hochmeister Battlefleet Set is ready to strike.


Not content with just one release this month, The Imperium launch a second assault with the Konig Battlefleet Set.


Following the release of the Victory Battlefleet Set, The Crown have more in store with the British Crown Support Squadron, which aims to assist any Crown fleet with further reinforcements.


The wheels begin to whir and the pneumatic legs stride forward with the release of the Mono-Cavs / Strider-Cavs, a set featuring options to build both the Mono and Strider-Cavs seen in the Showdown at Retribution Two-Player Starter Set.


With so many fantastic pre-orders this month for Dystopian Wars and Wild West Exodus it’s hard to pick a favourite. What are you looking forward to the most?

Make sure you don’t miss out when these go live for pre-order on the 28th of January 2022 from your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

Check out the full blog here

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/01/31 09:44:12

Post by: warcradle

Warcradle Studios February releases are now available for pre-order!

Check out the blog for updated links to the products.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/02/18 16:11:27

Post by: Elmir

A picture got posted on the Dystopian Wars Facebook page showing the scale of the new Vitruvian Colossi release:

I do like the "weird and wonderful" units of this game!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/02/18 20:16:59

Post by: lord_blackfang

Eeeh, wading robots are the "jump the shark" stage of DW for me.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/02/18 21:07:01

Post by: MajorWesJanson

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Eeeh, wading robots are the "jump the shark" stage of DW for me.

I like them better than the ships, honestly. Have a real pacific rim feel.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/02/18 21:31:25

Post by: LunarSol

I'm a fan for sure. Just kind of all around awesome.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/02/23 14:23:45

Post by: warcradle

March looks to be an exciting month for fans of Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics with pre-orders aplenty!

The seas aren't calm for very long as the Enterprise Battlefleet Set is deployed by The Union, making quite the splash. A rising force in the Dystopian Age, the Japanese continue to grow their navy with more reinforcements in the form of Frontline Squadrons.

The Enlightened’s nefarious experiments culminate in the creation of a deadly invention this month, as the Sickle Gyro Cav is added to their arsenal in Wild West Exodus.

The town of Red Oak springs to life as its Saloon and Cathouse doors swing open once more, allowing players to bring the town to their tabletop in one great value set.

Make sure not to miss out on all of these exciting March releases, available to pre-order from the 25th February 2022.

Due to be released at the end of March 2022.


The Union launch the largest vessel in their naval register this month with the release of the Enterprise Battlefleet Set, cementing them as a power that is not to be taken lightly.

Not only that, following the release of the Kongo Battlefleet Set, the Japanese continue to expand their influence with the deployment of the Japanese Frontline Squadrons.

Enterprise Battlefleet Set

The Union's hard work has paid off as the Enterprise is ready to set sail for Dystopian Wars in the new Enterprise Battlefleet Set.

Japanese Frontline Squadrons

The Japanese face their competition head on as the Japanese Frontline Squadrons sail into action to escort the previously released Kongo Heavy Battleship.


Not content with creating just the Mono and Strider-Cav, the Enlightened have much more to show for Wild West Exodus as their Cavs become airborne! Introducing the Sickle Gyro Cav.

Sickle Gyro Cav

The pursuit of science is a never-ending endeavour and the Covenant of the Enlightened will stop at nothing when developing their augmented army. It is from this pursuit the Sickle Gyro Cav is born.

The line between madness and genius is a fine one. Often an invention, thought outlandish and unusable, has subsequently become almost commonplace.

There are always those looking to push boundaries further and be noticed in such a world where remarkable contraptions such as the Strider-Cav walk the earth. In the case of the Prussian scientist Ludwig Berblinger, it was the notion of ‘walking the earth’ that he sought to challenge.


The town of Red Oak is open to all those seeking refuge and entertainment with the money to pay for it.

Bring Red Oak to your tabletop with the Red Oak Town Set 1, which offers multiple of the original Red Oak terrain kits now available in colour, and in one great value set.

Red Oak Town Set 1

The town of Red Oak has seen more than its fair share of shootouts and gunfights. Its location in the Arizona territory seems to be within the reach of many of the varied groups who hope to gain some sway over the people of the West.

And there you have it, the exciting new March releases coming to Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics.

Not long left to wait now, pre-order yours on the 25th February 2022 from your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

Keep up to date with all the latest news and releases on the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Read the full blog here

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/02/28 10:37:23

Post by: warcradle

Products are now available for pre-order! Links have been updated on the Warcradle Studios blog.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/23 14:36:35

Post by: warcradle

This April there is a lot to look forward to from Warcradle Studios, with exciting new pre-orders for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics.

April ushers in the introduction of a new faction to the sea as the Sultanate makes a valiant entrance to Dystopian Wars with the Anatolia Battlefleet Set. Waves begin to crash over the decks of a mobile stronghold as the Murmansk resurfaces for the Commonwealth and the Union call in more supporting vessels with the Union Support Squadrons.

The wild side of Wild West Exodus gets that little bit wilder as the Ceruleans are back with a separate box of Cerulean Infiltrators for the Watchers.

The town of Retribution returns to your tabletop with the Retribution Town range, now available as individual terrain kits.

With so much to come for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics, make sure you don’t miss out when they are available to pre-order from the 25th of March 2022.

Due to be released at the end of April 2022.


Anatolia Battlefleet Set

Once assumed to be at the brink of collapse due to their idleness, the Sultanate can no longer ignore the pressures of foreign enemies and has launched their first fleet to the seas of Dystopian Wars with the Anatolia Battlefleet Set.

Murmansk Battlefleet Set

Rising from the depths, what at first looks like a small blot in the ocean becomes larger and larger until the massive Murmansk Mobile Stronghold breaks through the surface of the water. With a monumental crash of water the Murmansk is ready to aid any Commonwealth vessel.

Union Support Squadrons

Following the soon-to-be released Enterprise Battlefleet Set, the Union are looking to strengthen their forces with the deployment of Support Squadrons. Packed with Cruisers and Automata this set adds a punch to any Union fleet.


Cerulean Infiltrators

Hidden deep within society, the Cerulean Infiltrators have long lived amongst us and are now available outside of the Cerulean Clade Posse box. Full of undercover extraterrestrials, bring these masters of mimicking to your Watchers force.


Retribution Town Range

As the dust settles and the blood dries up in the scorching heat, the town of Retribution surely will not remain silent for very long. Following the conflict between Gustave Eiffel and Nikolai Tesla in Showdown at Retribution, the town of Retribution is now available as separate terrain kits to further customise the settings of your favourite wargames.

There’s a lot to love this month with so much coming for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics.

Make sure to pre-order yours on the 25th March 2022 from your FLGS or Wayland Games online.

Want to keep up to date with all the latest news and releases? Check out the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Check out the full blog post here.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/23 14:41:46

Post by: warboss

 Elmir wrote:
A picture got posted on the Dystopian Wars Facebook page showing the scale of the new Vitruvian Colossi release:


I do like the "weird and wonderful" units of this game!

I want to not like the addition of Pacific Rim to a steampunk naval game... but I kind of do. I think the water lapping around the base and not having them floaty above the water just barely tips the balance to "yeah, that works now..." for me personally.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/23 14:55:25

Post by: Albertorius

 warboss wrote:
 Elmir wrote:
A picture got posted on the Dystopian Wars Facebook page showing the scale of the new Vitruvian Colossi release:


I do like the "weird and wonderful" units of this game!

I want to not like the addition of Pacific Rim to a steampunk naval game... but I kind of do. I think the water lapping around the base and not having them floaty above the water just barely tips the balance to "yeah, that works now..." for me personally.

I mean, what's not to like about the above image.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/23 15:20:11

Post by: Overread

I feel like DWars is starting to come into its strides now. We are getting the mechs, the big ships and the cool fancy things!

The new massive Russian mobile base looks fantastic! I also wasn't expecting to like the new Sultanate, but on one of the store trade pages you can see that their new cruisers have a version which is basically two hulls together with a generator bridge between them. So a whopping 4 main guns on the fore!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/23 22:05:46

Post by: warboss

 Albertorius wrote:

I mean, what's not to like about the above image.

I did say I liked it. Personally like to keep my subgenres usually separate and I typically don't ascribe anthropomorphic mecha to naval. I'm ok with it half submerged though. If it had been monpoc style fully realized head to toe, I think it would have tipped into the nope category for me.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/24 21:50:00

Post by: kestral

Will there be flying Anatolian ships?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/26 22:46:44

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
I feel like DWars is starting to come into its strides now. We are getting the mechs, the big ships and the cool fancy things!

The new massive Russian mobile base looks fantastic! I also wasn't expecting to like the new Sultanate, but on one of the store trade pages you can see that their new cruisers have a version which is basically two hulls together with a generator bridge between them. So a whopping 4 main guns on the fore!

Agreed, the addition of more "out there" elements is great to see.

And yeah, that Sultanate Catamaran style heavy cruiser looks really cool. Looks like it'll magnetise rather easily between the catamaran and 2 separate cruisers according to the lead developer on the Dystopian Wars Facebook group.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/27 06:17:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The Turks are nice.

But honestly I really prefer the old Ottoman ships, they looked big and bloated and decadent in way these do not.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/27 10:16:20

Post by: Lucas Blackwolf

Same, I really preferred the old art direction with all the "architecture" on sea and land (and even some air!) vehicles. Wanna talk about jumping the shark? How about steampunk russian ekranoplans! If the new stuff were to be set in a weird ww2 or even 50/60s (think Wolfenstein), it would seem rather more plausible to me.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/27 11:13:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some of the weaponized monuments were pretty bad. I think France had the Statue of Liberty standing on 2 blimps and shooting lasers from her torch.

That was pretty shark jumping.

But I specifically got the Ottomans (even without playing the game) because they're like a perfect statement about the empire but in steampunk ship form.

But I don't mind some of the cold war/atomopunk stuff sneaking in, the American fliers also look pretty diesel punk to me. Otherwise the ships start to look too samey.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yep here is is.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/27 11:25:11

Post by: Overread

I think some of them - like the Liberty - were a bit of a poor concept. But Spartan certainly had a very strong style of their own. WC have a strong style, but I think its taken a different approach.

Part of it is that WC are using plastics whilst SG were fully resin (with a few bits of metal). So part of it is the mechanics of injection moulding and the differences in resolution of detail possible.

But another is that WC just have their own take on the setting. It's a huge shame that whoever did the design work for SG couldn't jump ship to WC. Then again I've no idea how many of their designs were their own creation and how many might have been the owner of SG's concept art/own work.

Also I think WC has had some big shoes to fill and so far they've focused on the core units of each faction. Which are the more sane/sensible/regular. So its taken time to start getting toward mobile fortresses and walking robots and flying dragons. We are starting to see more of the fancy stuff and I think that will get even better when the air units make their appearance.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/27 11:42:50

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Eeeh, wading robots are the "jump the shark" stage of DW for me.

Have all of ye already forgotten the giant flying mechanical dragons, smh.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/27 15:03:01

Post by: Elmir

The new Warcradle stuff does looks more "early to mid-1900s" in design than early Victorian.

But then again, if your lore is all about technology advancing faster than our own timeline (due to discovering an alien "cheat sheet"), why wouldn't your designs get accelerated at the same time as well. The whole point is skipping multiple decades in terms of tech... Alongside some things we would never deem possible right now.

Also, I do like how these newer ships have more pronounced/obvious "silhouettes" for each nation. I wonder if many would be able to differentiate the older Spartan era designs for each nation if they did a pokemon style "black infill" picture... compared to the newer Warcradle stuff.

I like the older Sultanate models for sure... The newer ones do have a way more differentiated design compared to other nations though. It's the reason why I love their current Prusian Empire stuff so much. That ship silhouette just stands out. Ditto for the American ships.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/27 15:06:44

Post by: Overread

I actually like the WC take on American more than the SG take on them.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/28 11:40:08

Post by: warcradle

The blog has now been linked so you can purchase the newest products through Wayland Games. Alternatively, pre-order now from your FLGS.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/03/30 16:56:17

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
I actually like the WC take on American more than the SG take on them.

Yeah, I do like them as well, but two in our gaming group already picked them as their primary fleet

Warcradle also shared the painted version of the Enterprise fleet on their social media accounts. I do like those new cruisers, although I would make a few cuts in the rotorblades of those RC-52 drones to angle them correctly compared to how you attach them to the flight stems.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/07 12:09:18

Post by: Elmir

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Eeeh, wading robots are the "jump the shark" stage of DW for me.

Have all of ye already forgotten the giant flying mechanical dragons, smh.

I know flying mechanical dragons are 100% in the "jump the shark" territory... But tbh, whenever I'm throwing a demo game of Dystopian Wars at my FLGS, these flying dragons are always one of the first units the crowd flocks towards when the models are on display:

This game has one foot in reality, one foot in absurdity... And while many might frown when they see the absurd stuff, it very much is what the public seems to like most. Very much like walking churches in 40k have an insane appeal, despite anybody who is knowledgeable about physics, knowing that it's impossible.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/07 12:34:19

Post by: Overread

I think it also makes it stand out against just regular warships. It's the spark of creativity and fantasy that people like.

Heck don't forget at some stage we'll see full airships being released for the major factions; which is something I'm super excited to see start appearing.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/07 12:34:23

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 Elmir wrote:
 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Eeeh, wading robots are the "jump the shark" stage of DW for me.

Have all of ye already forgotten the giant flying mechanical dragons, smh.

I know flying mechanical dragons are 100% in the "jump the shark" territory... But tbh, whenever I'm throwing a demo game of Dystopian Wars at my FLGS, these flying dragons are always one of the first units the crowd flocks towards when the models are on display:

This game has one foot in reality, one foot in absurdity... And while many might frown when they see the absurd stuff, it very much is what the public seems to like most. Very much like walking churches in 40k have an insane appeal, despite anybody who is knowledgeable about physics, knowing that it's impossible.

Yeah, they're rather very cool... i wouldn't even really call it jumping the shark, since both the giant flying mechanical dragons and the robots are units taken straight out of Spartan Games' old Dystopian Wars.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/07 12:57:09

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I like the dragons even if they're straying into the weaponized monument/national cliché territory.

I don't like the little pagoda tea house on their backs, but I can live with that. There's a fine line between awesome and silly sometimes.


I thought too hard about it.

Now I want a 4-headed Mt Rushmore mecha that splits into 4 smaller mechs.

Edit: Google does not disappoint!

From Superman #209 (2004)

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/07 13:09:37

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I like the dragons even if they're straying into the weaponized monument/national cliché territory.

I don't like the little pagoda tea house on their backs, but I can live with that. There's a fine line between awesome and silly sometimes.

Well it's a good thing they're an optional bit and you can replace it with a big ol' gun battery.

[Thumb - DWA220008_gal_img_04_5492.jpg]

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/07 13:39:46

Post by: lord_blackfang

The weaponized monuments were the best thing. I'm glad the Sultanate is bringing over the top stereotypical national architecture on warships back at least a little bit.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/07 13:45:08

Post by: Elmir

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I like the dragons even if they're straying into the weaponized monument/national cliché territory.

I don't like the little pagoda tea house on their backs, but I can live with that. There's a fine line between awesome and silly sometimes.


I thought too hard about it.

Now I want a 4-headed Mt Rushmore mecha that splits into 4 smaller mechs.

Edit: Google does not disappoint!

From Superman #209 (2004)

100% on point. Reality be damned... The insanity of some of these creations is the appealing factor.

That being said, even if you don't like the "tea houses" on the flying dragons, it's only a single option in how they are armed. You can equip these things with gun batteries or any generator of your choosing!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/27 10:59:37

Post by: warcradle

Raise the anchors and ready your horses as May is full of exciting new pre-orders for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus, and Warcradle Scenics.

Following the Sultanate's introduction to Dystopian Wars last month it feels like something is missing, but what could it be? That's right, the Latin Alliance. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the French take to the seas in the name of the Alliance. The Sultanate, hearing of this return, deploy reinforcements of their own to prepare for what is to come.

The skies over Wild West Exodus are filled with the distinct clang of metallic wings piercing through the air as the Enlightened’s vulture-like invention, the Apex Hellion swoop down on their unwitting victims.

Red Oak continues to expand this month as the Red Oak Town Set 2 features more of your favourite scenery and terrain re-releases, now in beautiful colour, in a great value set.

Make sure not to miss when these exciting new pre-orders for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics go live on the 29th of April 2022.

Due to be released at the end of May 2022.

Dystopian Wars

The French begin to lower the hull of the Oriflamme into the water as they get ready to kickstart their navy with the Oriflamme Battlefleet Set. In aid of the Anatolia, the Sultanate strengthen their hold on the waters with the Sultanate Frontline Squadrons.

Oriflamme Battlefleet Set

Driven forward by the memories of past glory the Latin Alliance launch their first ships in the form of the French Oriflamme Battlefleet Set.

At the heart of the Alliance battleline can be found the Oriflamme Battleship. Thoroughly modernised from the hulls of ageing Prince de Joinville class Battleships, the Oriflamme are the pride of the Republique.

As much a work of art as a Battleship, even enemy crews can’t help but be impressed by the lines and craftsmanship of an Oriflamme cutting through the waves.

This box contains:

1x Oriflamme Battleship
2x Cruiser (can be built as either a Loire, Picardy, Chevalier or Charlemagne Class ship)
4x Ecuyere Frigate

Sultanate Frontline Squadrons

The Sultanate cannot rest on their laurels this month and must make sure to keep up their presence with the introduction of the Sultanate Frontline Squadrons.

This box contains:

2x Cruiser (can be built as either a Iskandar, Izmir, Pasha or Sadrazam Class ship. Both cruisers can also be combined to build a Hurrem Grand Cruiser or a Mehmed Grand Monitor)
4x Temir Frigate

Wild West Exodus

Keep your eyes to the skies this month as the Enlightened are busy tinkering to create even more Apex Hellions.

Apex Hellions

Previously seen in the Murder of Hellion Posse Set, the Apex Hellions are available to pre-order as their own separate set.

The Apex Hellions are a refinement of Caym’s designs for winged constructs, often used as lieutenants, or more accurately pack leaders, for his forces.

Apex Hellions fly in on great mechanical wings tearing apart their targets without remorse or any emotion apart from hate amplified by whatever processes Caym uses to control these soaring terrors. They are the first to engage the enemy, urged on by a monstrous will that only seeks to tear and rend.

While they lack the ability to employ ranged weapons, their Hellion Evicerators are more than enough to tangle up an opponent before ripping them apart in a hideous display of slaughter. Science untempered by ethics is a horrifying thing.

This box contains:

2x Apex Hellions

Warcradle Scenics

Expand your Red Oak town with even more detailed terrain for your tabletop to host shootouts and gunfights with the Red Oak Town Set 2.

Red Oak Town Set 2

This set contains:

1x Residence
1x Distillery
1x Town House
1x Gallows and Clock Tower
1x Post Office
1x Cartwright
1x Bank
1x Watchtower

As you can see May is full of exciting releases for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics.

Make sure to pre-order yours on the 29th of April from your FLGS or Wayland Games online.

Stay up to date with everything we have in store right here on the Warcradle Studios Blog and make sure to let us know what you are most excited about over on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

View the full article

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/27 13:45:14

Post by: Lucas Blackwolf

The French are practically everything I've been missing in the new DW art direction up until now ...

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/27 13:49:14

Post by: Overread

I really feel like if you compare the models they are releasing now to the first wave Russians there are some clear signs here and there of WC developing an eye and style and confidence as well as a few new methods here and there

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/29 09:54:21

Post by: warcradle

May releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/29 12:45:07

Post by: Soundtheory

Has there been any mention or hint if Warcradle is going to tackle aerial warships, or is the new DW going to remain a purely wet navy game?


Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/29 12:58:50

Post by: Overread

 Soundtheory wrote:
Has there been any mention or hint if Warcradle is going to tackle aerial warships, or is the new DW going to remain a purely wet navy game?


They are 100% going to do them - there's several bits of concept art on their Facebook. I think they are just slower at pushing out stuff than Spartan Games were; and WC has focused on establishing the core of the sea forces for the various factions first.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/29 13:19:03

Post by: lord_blackfang

So is this still purely a collectors' and painters' game or is anyone playing? I see loads of painting posted on social media but zero battle reports outside paid content like On Tabletop.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/29 13:27:18

Post by: Overread

They basically launched during the Pandemic - heck the first year of the pandemic shot them in the foot with their release, but then they used it to move the core ships from all resin to plastics and resins which I think likely has worked out well for them because it lets them have a good chunk of cruiser class ships covered by 1 plastic sprue with alternate builds.

So I'm not totally surprised that there isn't as much gameplay out there, many clubs are sort of only just starting up again regularly in physical interactions.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/30 01:16:16

Post by: chaos0xomega

 Soundtheory wrote:
Has there been any mention or hint if Warcradle is going to tackle aerial warships, or is the new DW going to remain a purely wet navy game?


They'll be added but the game is going to stay primarily focused on the wet navy aspects

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/30 08:52:38

Post by: Overread

To be fair the same was true of the original game as well in terms of unit diversity.

Air units you'd have airfields, battleships, heavy bombers, heavy/larger fighters and gunships. After that it varied up a bit between factions as some would get specialist air units and I'm sure some iwll get more than others. I hope this time around the Russian forces get more air units, in the original they didn't have many (they made up for it by having more land units like a land dreadnought); but they did have allied forces who had more airships. So chances are we will see them get them directly this time as WC have consolidated some of the alliances into single blocks

I know so far we've seen concept art for Crown airships - airfield, battleship, gunship. That was a fair while back so they might well have had some changes and such.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/30 15:41:19

Post by: Elmir

 lord_blackfang wrote:
So is this still purely a collectors' and painters' game or is anyone playing? I see loads of painting posted on social media but zero battle reports outside paid content like On Tabletop.

The Facebook group has quite a few pictures of people playing the game.

But Youtube won't have a lot of battlereports for it... Making a somewhat decent video battlereport requires an insane time investment and the sad reality of "wargaming social media" is that, if it's not 40k, it's not getting enough clicks to make money off off it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Soundtheory wrote:
Has there been any mention or hint if Warcradle is going to tackle aerial warships, or is the new DW going to remain a purely wet navy game?


The Tianlong airships are already out for Empire, as well as the smaller flying mass 1 robots for the Americans.

And there was a sneak peak preview on the Facebook page for the Bavarian zeppelin fleet (both renders of Mass 1 and Mass 3 zeppelins were shown) for Imperium. And there are concept art sketches out there for Crown airships, so it's definitely getting added more in the future.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/04/30 16:02:03

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 Elmir wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
So is this still purely a collectors' and painters' game or is anyone playing? I see loads of painting posted on social media but zero battle reports outside paid content like On Tabletop.

The Facebook group has quite a few pictures of people playing the game.

But Youtube won't have a lot of battlereports for it... Making a somewhat decent video battlereport requires an insane time investment and the sad reality of "wargaming social media" is that, if it's not 40k, it's not getting enough clicks to make money off off it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Soundtheory wrote:
Has there been any mention or hint if Warcradle is going to tackle aerial warships, or is the new DW going to remain a purely wet navy game?


The Tianlong airships are already out for Empire, as well as the smaller flying mass 1 robots for the Americans.

And there was a sneak peak preview on the Facebook page for the Bavarian zeppelin fleet (both renders of Mass 1 and Mass 3 zeppelins were shown) for Imperium. And there are concept art sketches out there for Crown airships, so it's definitely getting added more in the future.

In fact, here's some of the concept art for the Imperium and Crown that i could find just floating around on Warcradle's blog.

[Thumb - Proof_DA_DW_Imperium_Skyfortress_f.jpg]
[Thumb - Proof_DA_DW_Crown_Avalon_f_2.jpg]

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/02 17:31:40

Post by: Elmir

I think I posted this video before, but the Imperium Stark zeppelin was already previewed as render video before.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/02 17:56:08

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

I wonder how they'll function rules-wise, since the game is mostly geared towards regular ships

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/07 19:02:13

Post by: Elmir

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
I wonder how they'll function rules-wise, since the game is mostly geared towards regular ships

The rules for flying units are already there.

They gain an immunity from submersed weapons and due to their flying, they can never be targeted by weapons at point blank range (and that's not always and advantage in this game... that can actually be worse for the two most common weapons). Alongside the obvious stuff like being able to pass over terrain...

All in all, the flying units come with advantages, but also some noticeable disadvantages in the ORBATS (lower hullpoints definitely being one of them.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/10 13:28:19

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Can't go wrong with Steam Punk Helicarriers.

I might get some just to get.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/17 17:10:11

Post by: Elmir

At this stage, the developers have essentially said that, as soon as the French and Sultanate are a little more fleshed out (meaning, received both "standard" frontline and support set), we'll be seeing a lot more "asymmetrical" releases, showing more divergence from faction to faction.

So Imperium seemingly will have air units and giant robots, but hardly any submarine units. Commonwealth will have robots and submarines, but no real air presence... And the Crown having lots of airhsips, submarines, but no mega-robots etc.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/17 18:12:26

Post by: lord_blackfang

I feel like they're hitting a pretty sweet spot with that already, everyone has some defining feature like Chinese flame throwers everywhere, all Jap cruiser sizes able to mount a small SRS deck, Americans have scout flyers, Russia poops out terrain, etc.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Do we have any sort of roadmap beyond the sketches in the ORBATs? It's been about 1 new sprue and 1-2 big resin ships each month, right?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/17 18:21:26

Post by: Overread

It's probably for the best we don't have a big roadmap. Considering WC had some growing pains and the pains of global shipping right now, even if they produce in house there's a lot of cogs turning that can mess things up. Even GW has struggled and they are a big experienced firm.

Heck WC still hasn't got Firestorm Armada out of the gate.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/17 18:26:20

Post by: lord_blackfang

Oh I'm not holding my breath for Armada, not while DW is getting a new sprue each month. That's a crazy rate for anyone outside GW.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/17 21:45:20

Post by: Elmir

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Oh I'm not holding my breath for Armada, not while DW is getting a new sprue each month. That's a crazy rate for anyone outside GW.

As weird as that sounds... It's true. I like Firestorm Armada, but I would much rather see a similar pace to Dystopian Wars for wargames in general... And I would rather see them bringing out the bulk of sprues for one wargame, before they start spreading out to another wargame (even if they do have a massive stack of IPs by now).

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/17 21:49:28

Post by: lord_blackfang

Yea let's not go down the road Spartan did with a new game every year and forgetting their other games existed until they wanted to sell a new rulebook, which was also every year for every game.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/17 22:23:07

Post by: Overread

Spartan were amazing in their output volume and the quality of their designs at that volume. But yes I do agree whilst it was one of their strengths it was also a huge weakness. I remember how they'd burn bridges as fast as they could build them because they couldn't keep every game in stock nor in focus with new additions all the time so suddenly they'd switch focus and one game would be ignored whilst another got all the attention or a brand new game would land on the market.

I think back then part of the issue was those new games always generated a LOT of attention and buzz and likely sales and I think they needed those cash injections to stay afloat. Or at least they were stuck in a rut of seeking them.

Whatever happened it was a huge shame when they closed doors.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/18 14:22:12

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
Spartan were amazing in their output volume and the quality of their designs at that volume. But yes I do agree whilst it was one of their strengths it was also a huge weakness. I remember how they'd burn bridges as fast as they could build them because they couldn't keep every game in stock nor in focus with new additions all the time so suddenly they'd switch focus and one game would be ignored whilst another got all the attention or a brand new game would land on the market.

That is quite likely to be the case for Warcradle Studios too. They have a very large portfolio of games they inherited from Spartan, and that's very tricky to juggle.

That being said, I think the move to plastic sprues instead of all resin ships, can alleviate the stock issues loads. If a single sprue is anywhere between 3-8 cruiser variants and 1-2 small ship variants, stock issues shouldn't be an issue.

There was a question about a year ago as well asked by Warcradle Studios what name the third type of sprue should get (I think it had options like assault squadrons, escort squadrons etc)... So at least 3 plastic sprues per faction seems to be what they are aiming for with Dystopian Wars.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/18 14:31:05

Post by: lord_blackfang

Looking forward to it! I've been waiting until any EU shop gets all the Russians in stock at the same time, and I now have it all in the mail - Starter, Mozhayski and Murmansk. Looking at the Orbat now I wish I had gotten another Support Squadron to build max units of 2 different types for Battlefleet unlocks... but probably they'll be thrown into the next Russian box set too anyway. I don't even feel like the 9 Forntline sprues I get is too many, so that's a good sign for sales figures.

What would be neat would be including new bitz for old cruisers on new sprues, to give more options in less space.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Commonwealth ORBAT just updated and dropped new concept art

Also entry for a Moskva heavy battleship, which looks unfortunately uninspired, just a Borodino+1, doesn't do anything new or interesting.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/22 15:30:38

Post by: Elmir

I do wonder what type of ships those are? Submarine art so far seemed to have a red waterline level... So I'm guessing these might be the Russian Skimmer ships?

They look awesome anyway!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/22 16:06:50

Post by: lord_blackfang

Yes they are resulpts or existing Russian airships.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/22 16:25:22

Post by: Overread

They remind me that WC is distinctly a touch more Diesel than Steam with many of their overt designs - fewer boilers and cogs on show.

That said those new airships look very cool! Not 100% sure on the one with the drill, makes sense for sea ships and the like, in the air seems a bit risky esp as there aren't float... WAIT does this mean the Russians can make floating icebergs?!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/24 10:25:25

Post by: lord_blackfang


Sultanate already getting their heavy carrier and support cruisers!

(also Wild West Exodus seems to have plastic jetbikes?!?!)

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/24 10:56:02

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 lord_blackfang wrote:

Sultanate already getting their heavy carrier and support cruisers!

(also Wild West Exodus seems to have plastic jetbikes?!?!)

Plastic Jetbikes were a thing in WWX for a good while

But the new Sultanate stuff so soon is certainly exciting.

[Thumb - WEX991015002_cover_8bbb.jpg]

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/24 11:10:06

Post by: lord_blackfang

WWX scale is a bit largeish tho, isn't it?

Great time to be jumping on the Dystopian Wars bandwagon, it's in the most exciting phase now with enough stuff out to make interesting lists and still new stuff being added every month.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/24 12:12:29

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 lord_blackfang wrote:
WWX scale is a bit largeish tho, isn't it?

Great time to be jumping on the Dystopian Wars bandwagon, it's in the most exciting phase now with enough stuff out to make interesting lists and still new stuff being added every month.

WWX is marketed as 35mm scale... Which means, that with all of the scale creep, they're roughly the same size as larger humanoid Warhammer miniatures, your AoS Slaughterpriests, Vampires or 40k's Gaunt.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/24 19:13:29

Post by: Elmir

I forsee some more Bikers getting added to my Lawmen force!

I hope the posse allows for some iron horse deputies to join the fight!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/24 23:03:37

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

I gotta say, Battlefleet Suleiman is looking like a mighty diverse little box, with a Fleet Carrier, (potentially) a Grand Cruiser, 4 Cruisers of two different types, 6 Skiffs and 3 Frigates.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/24 23:40:06

Post by: kestral

I have uses for flying ships of ridiculous scale and architecture!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/26 11:24:29

Post by: warcradle

With the introduction of an eighth faction for Dystopian Wars last month, the big releases don’t stop as June sees new pre-orders for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics.

The Sultanate call for further firepower this month, following the introduction of the Anatolia, with the launch of the Suleiman Battlefleet Set. The newest faction to Dystopian Wars, the Latin Alliance, also request backup to escort the Oriflamme and are relieved to find the Alliance Frontline Squadrons en route.

Nothing lasts forever in the harshness of the Wild West but family comes close. Through thick, thin and robotic replacement, the Earps have persevered with hardy resolve and are ready to show just how much family matters with the Vengeance of the Earps Posse for Wild West Exodus.

Take your battles to the thriving village of Estun, a range of high quality scenics fit for any fantasy wargame. Available as a Terrain Set, the Estun Village Set, and the Estun Long Hall; Estun serves as a perfect setting for your tabletop.

Due to be released at the end of June 2022.

Dystopian Wars

A new flagship for the Sultanate emerges this month as the Suleiman Battlefleet Set offers a dual-deck solution to strengthen your aerial presence.

The fresh face of the French continues to grow as the Alliance Frontline Squadrons adds the perfect one-two punch to the recently released Oriflamme Battlefleet Set.

Suleiman Battlefleet Set

The twin decks of the Suleiman Fleet Carrier are replete with squadrons of Sabiha strike aircraft. An impressive vessel, the Sultanate values supremacy of the skies that the Suleiman class brings.

While her twin hulls make her slower to turn than other vessels of her size, her ability as the flagship in a carrier assault group shows the huge advances the Ottomans are making thanks to heavy investment by the Sublime Porte.

This box contains:

1x Suleiman Fleet Carrier
3x Cruiser (can be built as either a Iskandar, Izmir, Pasha or Sadrazam Class ship. Both cruisers can also be combined to build a Hurrem Grand Cruiser or a Mehmed Grand Monitor)
6x Temir Frigate
3x Cruiser (can be built as either a Constantinople, Mihrimah, Konya, Aydin or Morea Class ship)
6x Ferik escort skiff
3x SRS Tokens

Alliance Frontline Squadrons

The Chevalier cruisers and Charlemagne heavy cruisers are the mainstay of Alliance cruisers and are able to launch screens of torpedoes in a wide range of fire arcs, as well as lay down heat lances or rocket batteries, when necessary.

Loire light cruisers are at the forefront of Alliance Battlefleets and as such often the first to engage with the enemy. They provide screening and reconnaissance for the rest of the battlefleet and any commodore worth his salt will know how to make best use of any Loire’s under their command.

This box contains:

2x Cruiser (can be built as either a Loire, Picardy, Chevalier or Charlemagne class ship)
4x Ecuyere Frigate

Wild West Exodus

Sometimes you have to take the law into your own mechanical hand, and for the Earps the law is a family affair…

Vengeance of the Earps Posse

Those who think that Martha Earp has a softer nature than her brothers are sorely mistaken. After an illness in her childhood cost her an arm, she gained an unshakable resolve and vowed that she would survive anything life could throw at her, proving that fact to anyone who challenged it.

Martha is joined by her brother, Warren Earp, a man who is not just the most ornery of his clan, but one of the most bad-tempered lawmen riding across the west. Fighting in the Ore War, something inside Warren snapped and no amount of cosseting could fix it. Now he rides with his sister, too angry to settle anywhere, keeping the peace by any means necessary.

As a Justice of the Peace, the venerable patriarch of the family, Nicholas Earp was given a UR-24 automata to help with his duties. On his passing in 1863, the machine was damaged and fell into disuse. As the various siblings drifted away from the family home to fight in the Ore War, the automata was repurposed to help around the place. The UR-24 was especially useful to Martha, who had yet to fully embrace the mechanical prosthesis her father had acquired for her.

This box contains:

1x Martha Earp mounted on Iron Horse
1x Warren Earp mounted on Iron Horse
1x James Earp mounted on Iron Horse

Warcradle Scenics

It’s not just miniatures this month; there’s also an exciting new Terrain Set and individual Long Hall available from the village of Estun that is perfect for games such as Age of Sigmar, Frostgrave and Call To Arms

Estun Village Set

The Blacksmith of the Estun is one of the most revered men in the village. He may not be a warrior, though he could certainly hold his own in a fight. Instead, he is held in such high regard for without him the whole village would fall into disrepair. Everything from nails to horseshoes to swords makes its way out of that glowing forge.

Even when all is quiet in Estun, the Tavern still has sounds of revelry. Mead, ale and wine from faraway lands are consumed by the hogshead. Life is hard in the mountains and everyone needs a place to ease the aching bones. Skalds know that they can pass through and get fed and watered for the price of a story. Can a village without a tavern truly be called a village at all?

This set contains:

1x Estun Blacksmith
1x Estun Church
1x Estun Market Stalls
1x Estun Saw Mill
1x Estun Dwelling
1x Estun Watch Tower
1x Estun Tavern

Estun Village - Long Hall

The Long Hall is the most defensible building in the village. It has held against orcs, wolves, raiders and more eldritch enemies. It even survived a small fire after Belas the Bold tried throwing flaming axes in the hall during one particularly raucous festival. The Lord hands out justice here and all the village’s celebrations as well as funerals, which are all held within its stout walls.

The commoners of Estun know this place as their refuge in dangerous times; the warriors know this as the place they will die to protect.

This set contains:

1x Estun Long Hall

There’s a lot to look forward to this month for Dystopian Wars,Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics. What are you looking forward to the most?

Make sure you don’t miss out when these go live for pre-order on the 25th of June 2022 from your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

Keep up to date with all the latest news and releases on the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

View the full article

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/05/27 10:38:23

Post by: warcradle

June releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/21 12:49:48

Post by: Elmir

 kestral wrote:
I have uses for flying ships of ridiculous scale and architecture!

Looks like the French will be the first faction to get their skimming units! Good to see a faction get rapidly fleshed out like that, especially after the Sultanate now are up to speed in under 3 months of releases with most other factions.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/21 13:03:14

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

They fly now!

Never expected the French to be the first ones to get proper airships

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/21 13:04:54

Post by: Overread

The French in the original game had skimmer warships. Many of their larger battleships could go into a skimming mode. It was one of their signature faction features along with heat-lances.

The skimming warships weren't quite the same as the full fledged airships.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/21 13:30:25

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
The French in the original game had skimmer warships. Many of their larger battleships could go into a skimming mode. It was one of their signature faction features along with heat-lances.

The skimming warships weren't quite the same as the full fledged airships.

Seems like Warcradle is staying true to the heritage here.

They are the only ones I know that have skimming mass 3 battle cruisers in game. Technically (ruleswise), any nation can equip ships with skimmer generators, but the French take this a step further by allowing already skimming units to go into full flight mode in game. So it does seem like their mastery of this tech is preserved in the Warcradle version of the game.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/21 13:32:22

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

I see. I still expected other nations to get theirs first, given the amount of concept art for other factions' airships floating around

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/21 14:00:49

Post by: Elmir

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
I see. I still expected other nations to get theirs first, given the amount of concept art for other factions' airships floating around

Oh for sure. During the UK games expo, Chris from Warcradle Studios pretty much said that the next few months will see a lot of releases for airships and skimmers for Dystopian Wars. So the whole "it's not just a naval game" is going to become more obvious over the next couple of months.

And Stuart on the Facebook pages has also said that the "symmetrical releases" for all factions are pretty much over now. I can see why, because with these recent French releases, every faction will have had their frontline plastics and their support plastics... With a few lucky ones who have more esoteric units and dreadnaught level ships, but that will all even out over the next few months I'm sure.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/21 14:03:03

Post by: lord_blackfang

I personally would still like a true support squadron for China and Japan.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/21 14:10:00

Post by: Elmir

Oh right. I kind of forgot how Empire has 2 frontline squadrons right now.

I kinda forgot because the Japanese ones have hybrid carriers and repair ships in their frontline squadrons... so those are a bit like a hybrid box I suppose.

But yeah, from the looks of the ORBATS, it looks like the Chinese are getting flying fortresses as a "support squad" plastic set. They are fairly unique that way.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/22 07:41:34

Post by: lord_blackfang

One thing that is somewhat puzzling/amusing in the DW release schedule is how little correlation there seems to be between the concept art previews and the unit profile previews. Like, the Commonwealth has this whole line of Ukrainian subs already statted out but without any art, but there is art for airships and mecha that don't have stats.

It's about the same for everyone, the notable exception the French flying whorehouse where art and stats managed to align a little while before the official preview.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/22 08:16:33

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 lord_blackfang wrote:
One thing that is somewhat puzzling/amusing in the DW release schedule is how little correlation there seems to be between the concept art previews and the unit profile previews. Like, the Commonwealth has this whole line of Ukrainian subs already statted out but without any art, but there is art for airships and mecha that don't have stats.

It's about the same for everyone, the notable exception the French flying whorehouse where art and stats managed to align a little while before the official preview.

Yeah there's been set of airships for various countries floating around (heh) for years, but the French got theirs first, in basically their first round of relases. Curious, innit

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/22 08:22:11

Post by: lord_blackfang

Well the Magenta fleet has already gained us a 5th local player, hopefully other nations get some more esoteric units soon too to attract people who need more than boat vs boat.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/22 09:44:31

Post by: Elmir

 lord_blackfang wrote:
One thing that is somewhat puzzling/amusing in the DW release schedule is how little correlation there seems to be between the concept art previews and the unit profile previews. Like, the Commonwealth has this whole line of Ukrainian subs already statted out but without any art, but there is art for airships and mecha that don't have stats.

It's about the same for everyone, the notable exception the French flying whorehouse where art and stats managed to align a little while before the official preview.

Yeah, that's also partly because those early versions are based on the old Spartan era ships as well. And tweaks to the model design do seem to happen frequently.

A recent example was Stuart commenting on the Facebook group that the Ketos Assault machine's final size turned out more like a mass 2 ships, rather than the original mass 1 it has in the placeholder stats in the ORBAT.

PS: I believe they also mentioned somewhere that there will be a dedicated Black Wolf/Ukrainian box in the pipeline.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/22 09:46:40

Post by: warcradle

Strap in for takeoff this month; you won’t want to miss the latest pre-orders coming to Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics!

Following the launch of the Oriflamme for Dystopian Wars, the Latin Alliance embark on an aerial assault with the release of the Magenta Battlefleet Set. Meanwhile, the Sultanate are deploying a more grounded reinforcement plan this month with the Sultanate Support Squadrons to back up any Sultanate navy.

Grizzled by the Ore War and impelled by hatred, the Quantrill’s Raiders Posse rides into Wild West Exodus to enact violence against the Union first and take names afterwards.

In the depths of the Bayou sits the Black Lake Manor, a once luxurious estate that has laid dormant for many years now. Bring life, or death, back to the manor and bring your battles to the bayou with the Black Lake Bayou Set from Warcradle Scenics.

Due to be released at the end of July.


A whole new dimension of combat opens up this month as the Magenta hovers high above its opponents to cause trouble for those below.

The Sultanate, seeing the need to rally their forces, calls for more reinforcements this month with the Sultanate Support Squadrons.

Magenta Battlefleet Set

Named after the Alliance victory against the Imperium in 1859, the Magenta class is the pride of Napoleon’s levant fleet.

These powerful battlecruisers are capable of hovering a hundred metres or more above the sea bringing their powerful heat lances or other weapons to bear.

The Saint-Michel Levant Assault Carrier is often the centrepiece of a Levant focussed battlefleet. Flight crews of the fighter craft that launch from Saint-Michel are often known as ‘Anges de la Mort’ as a matter of pride. The agility of the skimming Levant Carrier allows it to surge to great heights then descend upon the enemy as scores of ‘angels’ unleash the wrath of President Louis-Napoleon.

This box contains:

1x Battlecruiser (can be built as either a Magenta or a Saint-Michel Class ship)
2x Levant Cruiser (can be built as either a Chasseur, Furieux or Voliere Class ship)
2x Epaulard Artillery Submarine
2x SRS Token

Sultanate Support Squadrons

The flight crew of Constantinople Carriers are rightly proud of their assignment. It is said that "the blood of a wingman is thicker than the water of the womb" and that is certainly the case for these pilots.

These aerial combatants are like a close-knit family as they know they can only rely on each other once the fighting starts and they don’t let outsiders forget it.

This box contains:

2x Support Cruisers (can be built as either a Constantinople, Mihrimah, Konya, Aydin or Morea Class ship)
4x Escort Skiff
2x SRS Token


Rage boils over in the Wild West this month as the Quantrill’s Raider Posse are back to fight for the Outlaws in the name of the Confederacy, but this time it’s personal.

Quantrill’s Raiders Posse

To think that William Quantrill was once a teacher is almost impossible to believe. The man driven by hatred and violence is now spoken about only in hushed tones, often by the weeping widows he leaves in his wake.

To him, the Ore War never ceased and he will only be at peace when the yankee blue-bellies are purged from this land in flame and death. At least that’s what he tells people who are brave enough to ask.

There is a darker truth behind his eyes. Even before he was critically wounded in a Union ambush, he was known for the massacre of men and boys. He simply enjoys causing pain and terror to any who stand in his way. The story goes that it was only purest hate that willed him to survive the almost fatal wound he received at Wakefield Farm, though Enlightened medicine surely played its part.

Now he has vowed to take revenge on every last member of the Union that he can. Soldiers or civilians, loyalists or former Confederates, Quantrill will have his pound of flesh and then some.

This box contains:

1x William Quantrill
1x Georgia Maddox
1x Richard Maddox


Bring a bayou themed backdrop to your wargaming battles and host shootouts through rundown corridors and half-sunken boats with the Warcradle Scenics Black Lake Bayou Set.

Black Lake Bayou Set

Built many years ago when the French had colonised the local area, the Manor at Black Lake was once a place of opulence where the well-to-do would dine and socialise. Since the Ore War, it has certainly lost its shine.

While still an imposing building, it is now for a very different reason. Rumours of it being haunted and the now overgrown local flora make it creepy rather than captivating. The ‘ownership’ of the building has changed hands many times over the past years with everyone staking a tenuous claim from local moonshiners to Confederate remnants of the Ore War to Mme. Marie Leveau and her entourage. This last entry being the source of many of the macabre tales that seem to centre around this former location of luxury.

This set contains:

1x Black Lake Manor
1x Black Lake Boat House
1x Black Lake Summer House
1x Black Lake Paddle Steamer

This month is packed full of so many exciting new pre-orders for Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Warcradle Scenics. What are you looking forward to the most?

Make sure you don’t miss out when these go live for pre-order on the 24th of June 2022 from your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

Keep up to date with all the latest news and releases on the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/22 09:47:29

Post by: Overread

Also some of the early concept art was made purely for resin models, which when Corona started and WC didn't release the game; meant that some designs got reworked and adjusted for some models, in part because they used that time to shift them from resin to plastics.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/22 14:16:48

Post by: lord_blackfang

So any guesses for August?

Battlefleet Mars is the only one to have box cover art done that we know of. But 3 battlefleets in a row for one faction would be pretty outrageous

Greedy me would like the Ukrainians or the Russian air force, but for the sake of parity I'm hoping for an Empire support squadron, or something new for the Enlightened.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/22 17:05:49

Post by: Bossk_Hogg

OH hell yes. I was hoping for an abandoned plantation! WOuldnt mind a non sunken paddleboat for that matter.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/23 16:32:41

Post by: Elmir

 lord_blackfang wrote:
So any guesses for August?

Battlefleet Mars is the only one to have box cover art done that we know of. But 3 battlefleets in a row for one faction would be pretty outrageous

Greedy me would like the Ukrainians or the Russian air force, but for the sake of parity I'm hoping for an Empire support squadron, or something new for the Enlightened.

Black Wolf/Ukrainian box would be a very strong possibility.

The enlightened big fleet box (Archimedes vault) with the first "third plastic sprue" with corvettes and Newton class ships could also be an option I reckon. Just as a way to start of the escort/corvette sprues for the factions now that most factions have at least 2 sets of plastics available to them.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/23 16:35:41

Post by: Overread

I feel like its a touch early for mercenaries. I'd like to see airships for each major faction along with some of the "flare" and unique ships and classes for each faction before adding mercenaries on top.

Of course mercenaries can get there faster by being accessible to multiple/all factions at once, but at the same time I feel like we are just starting to properly leave the docks with basic core fleet ships for the main factions. The prime time to expand into the core airforces and start adding the flare and variety and fancy crazy science stuff

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/23 17:32:50

Post by: lord_blackfang

Out of left field, Japanese fleet carrier with its little gundams transforming between jet and sub.

Though the Celestian Empire remained largely isolated from the rest of the world for centuries, this has not left them scientifically or technologically disadvantaged. The Immortal Emperor's have long known that striving for cooperation and excellence in all endeavours leads to accomplishments that are unattainable alone. Sometimes these developments are in parallel to those of the Enlightened or other scientifically advanced cultures, but often the Empire had proven to be an innovator in an area, often forcing the other Great Powers to rely on espionage to attain similar breakthroughs.
The development of the Rin Exosub is an innovation entirely of the Empire's design. A combination of piloted aircraft, submersible and weapons platform, it is a tactically flexible asset in the arsenal of the Blazing Sun. The Rin has two operation modes, an opened and highly mobile aerial form or a closed up and hydrodynamic submersible design. The Rin's twin pilots sit side by side in a gyroscopic cockpit that rotates intensely to match the configuration orientation of the machine. Each pilot is skilled in either nautical or aerial operations and their success through constant training makes them act as an almost seamless single entity in combat. Rin Exosub teams are the closest of all service men and women in the Empire. A bond as close and precious as marriage, for many teams it often becomes the same thing.
The Rin Exosub is commonly launched from the purpose built Hachiman Exo Assault Carrier. Squadrons of these deadly craft can be fired from either of the mighty Hachiman’s twin magneticaccelerator rails. The pilots of these nimble machines skim the surface before reconfiguring into its torpedo-like form and plunging beneath the waves. The Exosub then either unleashes torpedoes at range or bursts from the sea unexpectedly, devastating the enemy choose up with unguided rocket pods. Finally, it's mission accomplished, the Exosubs return underwater to their carrier, emerging from the water close by, to land on the deck for rearmament and redeployment.

No guarantee it's not just the regular cruiser sprue tho.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/23 18:06:05

Post by: Elmir

Seeing how they said these are special SRS tokens in game, that sure does sound like they'll get another plastic sprue to represent those tokens.

Or they would have to release the first ever resin SRS tokens so far... But my money is on the Hachiman introducing Japanese support squads.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/23 18:30:59

Post by: lord_blackfang

The though crossed my mind. Especially as there's tiny Rins shown on the carrier and I doubt they'd do tiny loose resin bits like that.

The coyness of the answer (while understandable if they can't spoil it yet) does make me think it's not gonna be a classic support sprue but something random, like the Chinese dragons. The Japanese having 8 cruiser builds, including SRS capacity, on their frontline sprue does accommodate a more divergent support sprue easily.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/23 18:36:02

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

Very interesting
The little transforming flyers really remind me of the Yank's Patriot Automata.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/23 19:15:43

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That paddleboat

I don't even play WWX and I'm interested.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 05:52:54

Post by: Lucas Blackwolf

Love what I'm seeing for DW, what I was at first afraid of being very generic releases for the main nations is turning out to be a wise laying of a solid basis for the more outlandish designs to be layered on top of.

Would loooove that paddle boat in a Hunt: the Showdown-inspired bayou table for Dracula's America ...

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 10:57:16

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Overread wrote:
I feel like its a touch early for mercenaries. I'd like to see airships for each major faction along with some of the "flare" and unique ships and classes for each faction before adding mercenaries on top.

Of course mercenaries can get there faster by being accessible to multiple/all factions at once, but at the same time I feel like we are just starting to properly leave the docks with basic core fleet ships for the main factions. The prime time to expand into the core airforces and start adding the flare and variety and fancy crazy science stuff

Agreed, but Black Wolf mercs in particular are a dual kit with Ukraininans, the second Commonwealth subfaction, which obviously should be on the fast track now that those have started appearing for other factions. Although real world politics make Ukrainians being a Russian subfaction extremely awkward...

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 13:21:01

Post by: warcradle

July releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 13:47:01

Post by: porkuslime

I need to figure out a way to put that plantation set into my Blackwater Gulch table....

Anyone know if this is going to be available in the USA? I know it is orderable from the UK, but shipping is kinda huge

found out that miiniature market carries the warcradle terrain, so hope is there..

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 19:43:35

Post by: Elmir

 porkuslime wrote:
I need to figure out a way to put that plantation set into my Blackwater Gulch table....

Anyone know if this is going to be available in the USA? I know it is orderable from the UK, but shipping is kinda huge

found out that miiniature market carries the warcradle terrain, so hope is there..

I've personally never ordered from them (as I'm not from the US), but most of the US members of the Warcradle community order here: https://www.gadzooksgaming.com/

Maybe you could contact them about this upcoming kit. You might have to be slightly more patient if you are in the states, but I believe these guys can get everything from Warcradle studios.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 20:56:48

Post by: Overread

You know what else I realised - we might actually start to see other dreadnought scale ships appearing! Commonwealth already have their floating fortress, so we might start to see other superscale ships appearing which will be very very cool to see huge chunks of resin!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 21:06:15

Post by: lord_blackfang

Automatically Appended Next Post:
That's a Mass 4 model. In plastic.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 21:21:51

Post by: Overread

2023 Q3 :(

That's a long long long .......... WAIT does this mean there's a chance of Firestorm ?!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 21:30:36

Post by: lord_blackfang

It's just about a year, at one sprue per month. There's 8 factions. And we're talking about a plastic Mass 4 airship. I think it's amazing.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 21:33:35

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

I wonder if we're going to get the British and German ones beforehand

And honestly, I think with the biggest airships plastic might be a necessity, since a solid hunk of resin of that size might not fit securetly on the flying stand

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/24 22:05:26

Post by: Overread

You use two flight sticks or more - Spartan had multiple big chunks of resin on flight sticks without issues. They didn't have any plastics for Dystopian Wars or Firestorm.

Super big things often tend to also get done in resin because they are lower volume items, so its very interesting that they are making a big kit in plastic instead of resin.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/25 09:14:50

Post by: lord_blackfang

Since it's probably a fairly radially symmetrical model, it's very possible it's built from multiple copies of the same sprue.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/27 15:02:06

Post by: Easy E

I am always up for more airships on the market!

That Magenta Battlefleet looks nice.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/28 14:28:55

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
2023 Q3 :(

That's a long long long .......... WAIT does this mean there's a chance of Firestorm ?!

I'm not sure about Firestorm... But given how much it's possible to release per month, getting the big flying fortress one year from now, does not sound too bad to me.

I mean...There's also Lost World Exodus in the pipeline (and I think that's more likely than Firestorm right now, given how third edition WWX seems to have streamlined the rules into a version compatible with what was announced for LWX). Also... Warcradle is going to have quite a few games in a while: you don't want to have 1 game getting all the love (DW in this case) while others are left without any releases.

I'm biased of course, as I play both WWX and DW... And 100% going to go for LWX when that drops (I like the Wild West setting, but I want to see that very good skirmish game get expanded to a global scale).

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/28 16:28:51

Post by: lord_blackfang

Sultanate orbat just updated.

Seems they figured out they can weld a pair of any cruiser class together into a catamaran.

Also, Mass 3 portal ship.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/28 22:18:43

Post by: Elmir

Yeah, it's good to see that they add more rules to be in line with all the modeling options you can make without having to cut any parts in any way.

And... If you go that route, you will be swimming in Temir frigates it seems, so it's nice to see that it's a really solid option for your fleets as well!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/29 00:00:56

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

 Overread wrote:
2023 Q3 :(

That's a long long long .......... WAIT does this mean there's a chance of Firestorm ?!

I want that more than anything in gaming right now. Firestorm Armada, and Planetfall in the hands of good, sane developers would decimate my hobby budget. :-p

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/06/29 06:11:17

Post by: anab0lic

I'm really liking these warcradle Terrain kits, but man are the fumes that come off them REALLY bad. Even after opening them and airing them out for a few days before beginning work on them. 1 hour of putting them together and my throat is burning... and for hours afterwards remains irritated with whatever the chemicals are being releasing in my mouth/lungs... cannot be good for you at all. I guess they are not using Formaldehyde free mdf. I think I'm going to have to seal this stuff before putting it together, which should lock the fumes/chemicals in place? Not entirely sure what to use though, especially on this pre painted stuff, don't want to negatively affect the paint job underneath. Also don't want anything that's too thick and going to make joining the parts together a problem. Will a matt or satin varnish through the airbrush do the trick is? Is there some kind of specialized product that's more effective?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/07/16 21:41:00

Post by: lord_blackfang

You've made Canada angry, not even god can help you now.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/07/16 22:33:47

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Almost every Dystopian Wars release hits for me. I really want to see the game grow and find a big playerbase, as it really deserves it!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/07/27 16:13:51

Post by: warcradle

The rolling seas usher in a new wave of pre-orders this month for Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics.

For Dystopian Wars, The Black Wolf Mercenaries, led by the infamous Black Wolf himself, will soon be available to provide their services to the Commonwealth (as and when it suits them of course) with the Black Wolf Battlefleet Set.

The Imperium also see a new nation come to their aid as Scandinavian support is at hand with the Ragnarok Battlefleet Set. Not to be overshadowed, the Alliance Levant Squadrons are sent forth to help launch an aerial assault following the recent release of the Magenta Battlefleet Set.

The tumbleweed leaves Red Oak this month as once again the town erupts into a shootout. The Red Oak Town Set 1 will be available as individual terrain kits to help further customise your wargaming scenarios.

Due to be released at the end of August.

Dystopian Wars

This month sees the introduction of the Black Wolf Battlefleet Set for the Commonwealth, the Ragnarok Battlefleet Set for the Imperium, and reinforcements for the Latin Alliance with the Levant Squadrons.

Black Wolf Battlefleet Set

Black Wolf is the nickname of the former Russian Commonwealth submariner and Commander of the prototype Death Bringer submarine, Volodymyr Nikonov.

Though he usually operates under contract to the Commonwealth he now runs a large and powerful mercenary outfit. Funded, in part, by the Tsar himself, the Black Wolf Company have a reputation for daring assaults and sudden ambushes that make them a force to be feared the world over.

Nikonov has a lifestyle and status that he believes befits him. He can see a future where he marries the Tsar’s daughter, Anastasia and claims the throne for himself. When not at court or in action Nikonov operates out of a converted gigantic Murmansk class vessel near Novo-Arkhangelsk. From this fortified harbour-ship he not only has safety but has established a planning room to help with the execution of even more daring raids for pleasure and profit.

This box contains:

1x Anastasia (can alternatively be built as a Murmansk Mobile Stronghold or Tobolsk Mobile Stronghold)
1x Death Bringer (can alternatively be built as an Akula Grand Submarine)
1x Akula Grand Submarine
4x Khyzhak Attack Submarines
4x Piranya Hunter Submarines
4x Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either a Morosko or Pravda Class)
4x Stoletov Ekranoplans
4x SRS Tokens

Ragnarok Battlefleet Set

Many Scandinavian vessels are fabricated by the Norwegian master shipbuilders at Akers Mekaniske Verksted, made possible thanks to significant Prussian investment.

The Scandinavian attitude to naval warfare is epitomised by the Ragnarok. With a prow mounted Heavy Sturmbringer, and inbuilt Fury Generator the Ragnarok’s crew closes the distance fast to sow destruction amongst their adversaries, unleashing arcs of lightning that rip apart the target’s superstructure, rendering the stunned crew easy prey for boarding teams.

This box contains:

1x Ragnarok Heavy Reaver
2x Jotunn Assault Reaver (can alternatively be built as an Odin Reaver or a Gungnir Light Reaver)
4x Hoth Heavy Corvettes

Alliance Levant Squadrons

The mainstay of the Levant style of ships is the Chasseur Levant Strike Cruiser. Their ability to soar above their enemies if need be makes them hard to precinct as does their various ways of being outfitted. Gun batteries, heat lances or force multiplying generators; even seeing a Chasseur on the horizon makes no guarantee what you might actually be facing in battle.

This box contains:

2x Levant Cruiser: (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either a Chasseur, Furieux or Voliere Class ship)
2x Submarine: (Each Submarine can alternatively be built as either a Epaulard Artillery or Sirene Class boat)
2x SRS Token

Warcradle Scenics

Red Oak returns to the tabletop this month as your favourite buildings and features from the Red Oak Town Set 1 become available in their own separate terrain kits.

Red Oak Bridge Set

The bridge in the town of Red Oak is the only one for miles both up and downstream and could be considered a strategic point for anyone with military learning. In fact, given how many have been killed trying to cross it, whether entering or leaving town, the bridge might deserve a place in the history books. At least it would if anyone thought to write a history of Red Oak.

This set contains:

2x Bridges
Compatible with the Red Oak Saloon & Cat House
1x Pair of steps
3x Crates
3x Cranes

Red Oak Cat House

Giulianna Starr, proprietor of the Red Oak Cat House has her work cut out for her. Despite there being little in the way of trouble happening inside, thanks to her line up of ornery, repeat ornery, regulars, there’s often enough trouble just outside that spills into her domain. Whether that be bullets flying through windows and walls or the delay of a vital liqueur delivery thanks to a hold up in town.

This set contains:

1x Red Oak Cathouse

Red Oak Crates, Fences and Barrels

Some of the more well-to-do citizens of Red Oak decided to have fences built around their properties and yards, thinking that it might protect them from the more unsavoury elements that pass through. They were mistaken. At least it stops the drunks from urinating in their backdoors.

This set contains:

2x 5 Inch Gated Fences
5x 5 Inch Fences
3x Barrels
2x Large Lockboxes
2x Medium Crates
2x Small Crates

Red Oak Crematorium

The last place in town anyone wants to visit, and the inevitable last place they do visit, is the Red Oak Crematorium. It's an unusual site but the local Boot Hill was filled to bursting during the Ore War so most of the locals have got used to the foul-smelling smoke on Sunday afternoons.

This set contains:

1x Red Oak "Scuffins & Sons" Crematorium
Fully Detailed Interior, featuring;
Conveyor Belt to external Mulcher
2 Levers
A 'Tool Wall'
Incineration Station
2x Advertising Signs
"Second Hand Coffins, Dead Cheap"
"Ask Inside for Used Boots"
4x Coffins
2x Large Communal Coffins
2x Single Coffins

Red Oak Jail

Despite the town of Red Oak being a place where folks of all kinds pass through, it’s the Jail that has seen more than its fair share of ‘celebrities’. Outlaws that have been the subject of dime novels all across the Union have ended up carving their initials into the walls of these cells. A few have even broken out. Though it’s not just Outlaws who become famous visitors. Wyatt Earp and other well-known Lawmen pass through, sometimes dropping off their latest quarry in the Jail until they can be properly tried and sentenced.

This set contains:

1x Red Oak Jail Building

Red Oak Metal Smith

The Metalsmith in town is usually tasked with fixing some broken piece of equipment or other that most rough-and-tumble types don't have the smarts to look after properly. The townsfolk are untrusting of the local Enlightened representatives, even though they are happy to use their labour saving devices. What they don’t know is that the workshop is actually a subsidiary of the nearest Promethean Complex so all their hard earned dollars go straight to them anyway.

This set contains:

1x Red Oak Metal Smith Building
Optional signage for a Red Oak General Store

Red Oak Prospectors Shack

The one place in Red Oak that isn't busy is the Prospector's Shack just on the outskirts. Some say it's haunted and some say that Old Joshua just likes to keep to himself with the aid of a shotgun. Either way, most folks keep their distance.

This set contains:

1x Red Oak Prospector's Shack Building
1x Prospector Wagon
1x Outhouse / Extension

Red Oak Saloon

The Red Oak Saloon is considered by many to be the dark heart of the town. The local law officials are spread so thinly over the territory that Outlaws and bandits can usually be found drinking and gambling in this perpetually open establishment. Even on a good night of well natured debauchery, violence can explode faster than an RJ bomb. There’s neither the veteran regulars of the Cat House nor the law abiding citizens of the other businesses to protect the peace of the Saloon.

This set contains:

1x Red Oak Saloon Building

Excited for what is coming soon for Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics? Make sure not to miss out when they go live for pre-order on the 29th of July 2022 at your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.
Keep up to date with all the latest news and releases on the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/07/27 16:15:27

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

Hell yeah, Black Wolf baby!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/07/29 11:56:40

Post by: warcradle

August releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/05 16:25:28

Post by: Elmir

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
Hell yeah, Black Wolf baby!

Yeah, it's great to see the Black Wolf box coming out as it's own entity.

Some people mentioned that it's weird that are 2 "big boxes" now with a Murmansk/Tobolsk/Anastasia model in it, but to me, it makes perfect sense. I would be a lot more annoyed if I wanted to field an Anastasia model as a mercenary only...Only to then find out that I could not field 60% of that box because they are Commonwealth only (and not black wolf). That would make fielding an Anastasia as a mercenary a pure rip-off for those who wanted to field this ship as support for their own (none Commonwealth) fleet.

This new box also happens to be an amazing starterset in disguise. The big boxes traditionally come with only a single flagship in it (a massive one less suited to smaller game formats)... But this one actually has two (one for big games, ones suitable for smaller games). It's in fact so much of a good starting point for this game, that I made a video on it on my fledgling youtube channel:

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/05 18:00:16

Post by: lord_blackfang

As a Commonwealth player I am a bit miffed by a second donut box, but I agree it is necessary for non-Commonwealth players to get a useful merc fleet composition. It's also 2000 pts in a 85€ box, which is amazing, and as they're mercs you can then still branch out into any faction you want and still use all these models.

Also an important note, they have added a resin Cryo generator to this box so you can actually build the donut and all 4 Khatangas (Cryo cruisers), as pictured. This was not the case with the original donut box as you had to use one plastic Cryo for the donut.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/05 22:13:28

Post by: Elmir

The least accessible Merc right now, is the Nautilus...

The absolute worst case scenario is that this have to get a 28 euro box (without any discounts) for that one ship if you don't have any mates playing Crown.

And the sad reality of Wargaming these days, is that there's plenty of companies out there where paying €28 or more for a single "high in-game value" model is normal.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/05 22:23:06

Post by: Overread

The problem is that the market has changed. The days when you could just put everything in a blister are long gone.

Retailers are feeling the pinch and many don't have space for lots of models on display because they are squished into the smallest space because its all they can afford with the overheads for running a physical shop. Meanwhile distributors don't like lots of blisters and can mess you up because they just want to make orders on the new shiny things and fewer of the older.

Basically all the firms have had to go from lots of blisters to looking at collected packs to reduce their SKU. Making the game simpler to stock; easier to stock and more attractive to the modern retail market.

Giants like GW can sort of get around it, esp as they've got their own stores and insane market influence compared to many other firms.

Heck before they folded Spartan Games was even doing the Helix system. Boxed sets with varied models in each where each box was a single "Helix" (or half of a core helix) and army building was buying helix not individual models. So each box was a group of units for the game.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/05 23:24:31

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

 Overread wrote:

Heck before they folded Spartan Games was even doing the Helix system. Boxed sets with varied models in each where each box was a single "Helix" (or half of a core helix) and army building was buying helix not individual models. So each box was a group of units for the game.

Now I wish we had Warcradle Planetfall... to go with my dream of Warcradle Firestorm Armada.

Guess i'll have to settle for Dystopian Wars being freaking excellent!

Gonna see if I can snag some review copies of these for our studio, but will also be preordering my personal ones ASAP. The gameplay has just been too good!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/06 16:41:21

Post by: lord_blackfang

NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
Now I wish we had Warcradle Planetfall... to go with my dream of Warcradle Firestorm Armada.

Guess i'll have to settle for Dystopian Wars being freaking excellent!

Gonna see if I can snag some review copies of these for our studio, but will also be preordering my personal ones ASAP. The gameplay has just been too good!

I know you (D6G guys) loved Neil from Spartan, but the game really is much better now. Although I wish we spent less time sorting huge dice pools and more time maneuvering.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/07 01:14:22

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

I just love great games... and both old and new DW are pretty great games!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/13 21:29:28

Post by: Elmir

Well then...

Looks like the Union is also getting Vitruvian Colossi!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/13 21:30:26

Post by: Overread

Someone has been watching Battle Engine Alita! Rocket Hammer!!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/13 21:49:20

Post by: Monkeysloth

Kid of odd to make John Henry a machine (or maybe in power armor) when the whole point of the story is man vs machine.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/13 21:55:13

Post by: Elmir

This is not a man in power armour... This is a warship crewed by dozens of men to go and hit other warships to smithereens with!

Some nations like to deploy under water Vitruvian Colossi (like the Prussians)

While others prefer to have them hauled in on battle barges and then skim over the water surface (like these American John Henry Colossi).

 Monkeysloth wrote:
Kid of odd to make John Henry a machine (or maybe in power armor) when the whole point of the story is man vs machine.

The artwork includes some silhouettes of a man next to it. It gives you an idea on how big the model is supposed to be in comparison to a human. That's why it's a 1/1200 scale.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/13 22:19:15

Post by: Overread

 Elmir wrote:

 Monkeysloth wrote:
Kid of odd to make John Henry a machine (or maybe in power armor) when the whole point of the story is man vs machine.

The artwork includes some silhouettes of a man next to it. It gives you an idea on how big the model is supposed to be in comparison to a human. That's why it's a 1/1200 scale.

It's more that the story of John Henry from America is that the man pitched his skill against a machine and won, though in doing so killed himself with exhaustion

So having a machine named after him is some dark irony.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/15 20:03:40

Post by: lord_blackfang

That's a Monsterpocalypse model and you all know it.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/15 20:55:54

Post by: Overread

Thing is as Dystopian Wars won't feature the land battles, it means that model will either be flying or walking in water like the current mechs.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/16 00:01:56

Post by: chaos0xomega

 lord_blackfang wrote:
That's a Monsterpocalypse model and you all know it.

I mean, they are Pacific Rim Jaegers 100%.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/16 06:52:56

Post by: Lucas Blackwolf

I think I'd leave the head off and replace it with a giant golden statute of a bald eagle. Or at last give him a smokestack tophat/shako. Yeah.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/16 13:48:18

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
Thing is as Dystopian Wars won't feature the land battles, it means that model will either be flying or walking in water like the current mechs.

Technically, the Prussian and Commonwealth Vitruvian colossi only walk on the ocean bed to get into position and then use aqua jetpacks to lift them slightly above the water surface.

That being said, it looks like the John Henry robot was a thing in the Spartan Era, where it was a flying/skimming robot:

This new John Henry looks like it combines weapons of the old restitution class robot with the flying robot though:

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 14:23:08

Post by: Elmir

Also, it looks like the line-up for colossi is getting expanded... This time, for the Commonwealth:


Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 14:44:18

Post by: chaos0xomega

The Chinese dragon things are also described as Colossi in various places, though I think many people don't consider them as such because they think/want the term Colossi to refer specifically to giant stompy bipedal humanoid robots only.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 15:13:15

Post by: Overread

I think its less about biped robots and more about the fact that there's colossal and then there's the Ice Maiden colossal

Plus don't forget dreadnoughts have yet to feature and they are big but not colossal big. So whilst the dragons are very very big, they aren't the biggest of the big.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 17:02:06

Post by: lord_blackfang

I'm not a fan of the whole concept of waterlined mecha.

Apart from that looks like a lovely, curved main body and awkwardly low tech, square arms.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 17:39:23

Post by: Overread

Thing is as they aren't doing the land game they won't do non-waterline mecha because then they'd need to stand on islands.

An whilst I full expect to see things like harbours and sea defences, I don't expect to see extensive land bodies as a feature in this edition of Dystopian Wars. So the mechs on land would be a very brief thing before they are back in the water.

It would be cool and the old models used to come with land and sea variations in the box (or for a few expensive ones they were sold separate - eg I think the Time Dilation Orb was like that

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 17:59:45

Post by: lord_blackfang

There's a 10mm Dystopian land game coming, could have saved the things with legs for that and just not have them in the game set on water.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 18:22:20

Post by: chaos0xomega

I think armored warfare or whatever they are calling the 10mm game is "coming" only in the sense that they have an intent to produce it one-day. Last update we had was basically they put development of everything else legacy-spartan related on-hold to focus on making sure dystopian wars had the level of support needed for long term success (which is good). I assume that means bringing all the factions up to relative parity and having a broad range of options available for each. I think they said Firestrom Armada would be coming out once they felt that Dystopian Wars had its feet comfortably underneath it IIRC, which likely puts the land combat game ~5 years out, assuming it takes ~2+ years for them to feel dystopian is where it should be and then do the same for firestorm over the following ~3 years.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 18:38:39

Post by: Overread

Warcradle are much slower than Spartan at releases - which isn't a bad thing as Spartan tripped over themselves with too much.

But yeah they had the licence for 5 years or so before getting anything new out the door and even now we don't have Firestorm Armada on the market :(

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 18:41:21

Post by: lord_blackfang

All true but it doesn't make walkers treading water any better.

Re: Armada, I've heard some reluctance from Warcradle about releasing a direct competitor against an actively developed space game in Dropfleet Commander. Plus, my two cents, there's always the sword of Damocles of a BFG remake hanging over such a project.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 19:02:16

Post by: Overread

Eh Dropfleet honestly floundered over the last years and didn't capitalise on being the only market game in its niche.

Plus they've always stuck to their space and ground system of battles; whlist Firestorm was your traditional ship vs ship.

I do agree BFG is a worry, but at the same time so is any return of Epic and Titan Legions to Dystopian Wars. Honestly I think if you let GW worry you too much you'll never dip your toes into the market.

I think FA can bring its own thing to the table and the market having 2 or 3 spaceship games isn't a problem.

I think its just that WC aren't GW and don't have the resources to just throw out double their output of plastic a month to support two games right now.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 19:27:15

Post by: chaos0xomega

Yeah, I don't think competition with dropfleet is a serious concern (if it was, then competition with dropzone would be an impediment for armored clash or whatever, both being 10mm scale vehicular-focused combat games). While it is "actively developed" , it gets a fraction of the level of support Warcradle is giving to Dystopian Wars. If TTC was able to produce new kits for Dropfleet at the rate that Warcradle does for Dystopian (and presumably would for Firestorm), then people might actually play it regularly.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 19:56:03

Post by: lord_blackfang

Well, that's what I heard from Warcradle.

Anywhoo this thread somehow skipped over a very impactful sneak peak, the Big Battlefleet for the Enlightened is on the way for September!


What's interesting is we can see two different resin ships - a glimpse of something right at the start with what looks like an Iron Man landing pad, then a plastic centipede thing, then the resin mass 4 Vault Ship. Usually these clips were always of a single box's contents, so this will be the first battlefleet with 2 resin ships. You can also bet there's more things on the new sprue than one centipede. Word on the street is also upgrade bits for previously released models.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 20:21:00

Post by: Overread

That's sounding like a very fancy set. I have to say I'm really pleased Dystopian Wars is now starting to hit its stride with the fancy stuff!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 21:30:14

Post by: chaos0xomega

looks like the nautilus to me

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/22 22:10:52

Post by: Elmir

Hate to disappoint... but that first model briefly in view looks like a Plinius support carrier (the aft of it).

Which makes sense if the battlefleet set is 3 support squad sprues and 3 new sprues to make the centipedes...

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 08:06:28

Post by: lord_blackfang

Ah, you're right. I didn't even consider it because the color seemed resin to me.

This is still great news as we've been struggling to get Support Squadrons in stock here.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 13:03:16

Post by: chaos0xomega

Seems the full-on previews are out today. It is in fact an Enlightened (Archimedes) Battlefleet

Also announced are Jaegers Colossi for the Commonwealth (who, unfortunately, do not look enough like shameless ripoffs of Cherno Alpha for my taste).


On a separate note - is there a good US based online stockist for DW? I went through the options on the DW site and half of them don't seem to stock the game at all (I reached out to a couple of them who said they stopped carrying it), the other half are like 2 months behind on releases and/or out of stock on half of the product range (like miniaturemarket). Bit frustrating.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 13:22:05

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

Hot damn, that's one big Battlefleet. I can't even tell what's new, besides the flagship and the giant centipedes.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 13:25:19

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
Hot damn, that's one big Battlefleet. I can't even tell what's new, besides the flagship and the giant centipedes.

It has 2 old Frontline sprues, 2 old Support sprues and 2 new "Advance" sprues (each containing a high-tech cruiser (4 build options), centipede (2 build options), an escort token and two different special SRS tokens)

So it contains every Elightened model that exists so far, except the two resin battleships from the two player starter.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 13:35:11

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
Hot damn, that's one big Battlefleet. I can't even tell what's new, besides the flagship and the giant centipedes.

It has 2 old Frontline sprues, 2 old Support sprues and 2 new "Advance" sprues (each containing a high-tech cruiser (4 build options), centipede (2 build options), an escort token and two different special SRS tokens)

So it contains every Elightened model that exists so far, except the two resin battleships from the two player starter.

It really is enormous, innit?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 13:37:42

Post by: Elmir

That set does seem like the most logical follow-up for the Hunt for the Prometheus Enlightened half.

You'll pretty much have every flagship covered, 5 plastic frontline sprues, 2 support sprues and 2 new sprues (whatever they will be called).

Even if you had to get the whole Hun for the Prometheus box set and just sit on the Commonwealth half, that is an insane amount of models out of a €200 ish investment.

That would be 45 models (some of which are absolutely huge and not counting the Russian ships), the rulebook, 52 dice, 2 template sets and 2 playing card decks. Take note Privateer Press...

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 13:37:58

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

But oh man, I'm really not big on the Commonwealth's Colossi, the arms just look like bad sculpts, being so square.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 14:47:25

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:

It really is enormous, innit?

Well, every fleet will have a box this size (resin mass 3+ and 6 plastic sprues) by mid 2023. This one wins on variety so far with all 3 faction sprues present, but the Black Wolf one probably still wins on points value as it has two Mass 3 ships on the plastic sprues in addition to the resin chonker.

Agreed on the Colossi, I'm thinking maybe I sculpt new arms.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Elmir wrote:

Even if you had to get the whole Hun for the Prometheus box set and just sit on the Commonwealth half, that is an insane amount of models out of a €200 ish investment.

Well funnily I am sitting on the Enlightened half of the starter as I play Commonwealth main. This is dangerously close to getting me into a second faction.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 15:34:32

Post by: Overread

The Archimedes set is awesome! That's a huge amount of variety and ships for a faction that's honestly been in the back a bit. I love that new resin ship!
The centipedes are smaller than I thought they'd be and perhaps its just because we only have the upper body and no lenghtly back or landpart, they seem a little like they are missing something on the lower part; but they look very cool bent over to tear into a ship.
The smaller supportships also have what I feel a lot of the newer Dwars have lacked - lots of pipes and such! And they've got them in buckets!
Subs, whales, ships, tokens, mechs and a capital ship. I can see that set being very popular! Plus with all the varied builds its got value being bought at least twice over.

I think with the Russian what they've gone for is a mech that's really very crude compared to the other factions. It lacks grace or finnese. It's a mech built by a faction who aren't mech builders building one out of nessessity. Crude but powerful.
I do agree the arms look a bit cheap, but I think painted up they will look fine. It's just the cruder design coming out.
Interesting that there's 3 in the boxed set!

Finally I know there's going to be a lot of Prussian players eager for the Scandinavian ships which bring some of the classic sleek battleship designs from the past into the modern plastics.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 15:47:51

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 Overread wrote:

I think with the Russian what they've gone for is a mech that's really very crude compared to the other factions. It lacks grace or finnese. It's a mech built by a faction who aren't mech builders building one out of nessessity. Crude but powerful.
I do agree the arms look a bit cheap, but I think painted up they will look fine. It's just the cruder design coming out.
Interesting that there's 3 in the boxed set!

The arms don't really look like they mesh well with the rest of the design either, the head and body are still somewhat sleek and curved, tbh. They just look a bit ill-fitting because of that, at least to me.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 15:53:36

Post by: lord_blackfang

Some other interesting tidbits:

The frigate included on the Russian colossal sprue is the Boyar heavy frigate. Same hull as the basic Rurik, with a new bridge and a standard small turret hardpoint on the deck instead of the molded on seismic mortar. The sprue will also have small sized guns, rockets and railguns so the Boyar can have any of these on the prow (and a rocket battery on the bridge). If you want a seismic mortar Boyar, you can put the Boyar bridge on a Rurik deck, and you can put a Rurik bridge on the Boyar deck to build a Rurik with something other than the mortar.

There will also be another vessel with a bridge that is swappable with the Rurik and Boyar on the next next Russian sprue (believed to be their aereal fleet sprue)

It seems that the new Orbat will allow any build that is physically possible even if parts from multiple box sets are required.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 16:11:48

Post by: Overread

I'm totally ok with them mix-matching sets like that. Heck I expected it with how they did weapon sets and I would not be shocked to see weapon/generator expansions in the future. Esp as the game evolves and develops.

As long as those kits that prove to have a lot of swappable parts are put into cheaper packs not just mega-fleet packs and such. Or even put the common kits that can swap around between each other; into dedicated sets.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 16:20:12

Post by: lord_blackfang

I am happy with it too, it gives more unit variety in the same amount of manufacturing capacity. I would even be happy with dedicated upgrade parts on sprue B for models on sprue A since the model and list building is such that you are going to have many copies of each sprue anyway.

So far every new sprue has gotten its own solo box a month after its debut in a battlefleet box.

The game is also remarkably cheap per sprue and per game element (ship) but with the assumption that you're going to buy a lot of copies to build all the options, and that's... well, probably the best sales model we could wish for.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 16:27:50

Post by: chaos0xomega

It seems that the new Orbat will allow any build that is physically possible even if parts from multiple box sets are required.

Well that gives me pause. As someone who wanted to collect "a little bit of everything", things just went from needing to build a finite number of ships to a potentially infinite number of them.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 18:43:22

Post by: lord_blackfang

I see it more like not being 40k style locked into just the weapons in the box and you get some extra loadouts that make sense but aren't possible out of the box because the space wasn't there to put every weapon on every sprue. Specifically Commonwealth suffered a bit right now because there's no small gun turret on either the Frontline or Support sprue, it's coming on the Colossal sprue but it makes no sense for their cruisers to not be able to take gun turrets.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 18:53:57

Post by: chaos0xomega

Sure, I'm just concerned about variation bloat. Its not a problem to me to say "take these bits from this other kit and mix n match". It is a problem to say "if the parts fit together then its a legal build". The more cruisers Warcradle releases, the more potential variations there as you start to mix n match different parts together in different congifurations.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/23 19:00:40

Post by: lord_blackfang

Ah, that was only my own poor phrasing of my interpretation of Warcradle's intenetions.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/24 11:16:03

Post by: warcradle

With September almost upon us that can only mean one thing, more new releases for Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics that will be available to pre-order soon.

The distinct whir of technology can be heard as the Enlightened power up the advanced weaponry found in the Archimedes Battlefleet Set. The marvels of the Enlightened are on full display as the Archimedes begins to impress, confuse and decimate.

Ready to take a ‘swing’ at the competition, the Commonwealth are employing the use of their own Vitruvian Colossi to ‘cut’ to the chase and assure victory with the Marena Battlefleet Set. Reinforcements inbound as the Scandinavian Frontline Squadrons offer any Ragnarok Battlefleet more firepower.

Available for the first time as individual terrain kits, the Red Oak Town Set 2 and Estun Village Sets offer you the perfect backdrop for any wargame.

Due to be released at the end of September 2022.

Dystopian Wars

There’s lots of new pre-orders for Dystopian Wars this month as the Enlightened launch the Archimedes Battlefleet Set, the Marena provides exceptional power to the Commonwealth and the Scandinavian Frontline Squadrons enhance the Ragnarok Battlefleet.

Archimedes Battlefleet Set

Science marches onwards as the Archimedes gets ready to put on a show. This gigantic set showcases the latest advancements in technology with a wide array of impressive weaponry and serves as a perfect way to start an Enlightened fleet.

A flagship of the Enlightened fleet, Vault ships were conceived as massive floating platforms to deploy their larger engineering and scientific marvels. In this manner, the Archimedes class is usually fitted with either a Callimachus Chrono-Lathe or Diophantus Chaos-Orb, both so intricate and sophisticated in their crafting that like much that is not understood in the Dystopian Age, they are considered magical by the uneducated.

This box contains:

1 x Archimedes Vault Ship (can also be built as either The Shneider or Nansen Class ship)
2 x Advance Cruiser (can be built as either a Newton, Zumeena, Vesalius or Origen Class ship)
2 x Support Cruiser (can be built as either a Plinius, Tacitus. Claudius or Quintilian Class ship)
2 x Frontline Cruiser (can be built as either a Stiletto, Lovelace, Copernicus, Antarctica, Chatalet or Ulysses Class ship)
2 x Assault Machine (can be built as either a Ketos or Lotan Class machine)
2 x Enlightened Escort
6 x Merian (can also be built as a Germain Zebek)
6 x Submarine (can be built as either a Praxilla or Diogenes Class ship)
2 x Orka Token
2 x Physeter Token
2 x SRS Token

Marena Battlefleet Set

More Vitruvian Colossi are set to emerge from the murky depths, ready to lower its deadly axe on any unsuspecting vessel. That’s right, the Marena Battlefleet Set is here to continue the destruction that the Hochmeister Vitruvian Colossi started, but this time for the Commonwealth.

The Marena Vitruvian Colossus is a wonder of engineering that inspires ice-cold fear in the hearts of the enemies of the Commonwealth. A towering sight on land and no less impressive at sea, it is as versatile as it is imposing.

Its Mag-Rail Axe can be used to make crushing attacks that rain down upon enemy vessels or be launched at range causing a magnetic field that can stick a vessel on its current course. This can be particularly troublesome when combined with the Cryo-Generator that stands as the head of the machine, creating icebergs ahead of the opposing craft that it now may find itself impossible to avoid.

This box contains:

3 x Marena Vitruvian Colossus (can also be built as Kostroma Vitruvian Colossus)
6 x Boyar Heavy Frigate

Scandinavian Frontline Squadrons

The Scandinavians are a group of proud naval nations in the Imperium. Their vessels are fabricated primarily by the Norwegians at Akers Mekaniske Verksted. This large shipyard produces huge numbers of Hoth Heavy Corvettes for use by the Scandinavians throughout the Imperium’s fleets.

This box contains:

2 x Jotunn Assault Reaver (can alternatively be built as an Odin Reaver or a Gungnir Light Reaver)
4 x Hoth Heavy Corvettes

Warcradle Scenics

This month the Red Oak Town Set 2 and Estun Village Set will be available as separate terrain kits. Now that they are being offered as individual kits you can outfit your Red Oak Town or Estun Village as you envision it.

Red Oak

Create the perfect backdrop to host gunfights and saloon brawls that spill out onto the streets of Red Oak with the range or Red Oak individual terrain kits seen in the Red Oak Town Set 2.

Estun Village

Perfect for all your favourite fantasy wargames such as Frostgrave and Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms, create your ideal settlement with the range of Estun Village individual terrain kits

There’s a massive amount coming to Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics soon. What are you looking forward to the most? Make sure not to miss out when they go live for pre-order on the 26th of August 2022 at your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

Keep up to date with all the latest news and releases on the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

View the full article

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/25 05:59:05

Post by: Lucas Blackwolf

I, for one, really like the look of the Marena colossi; they look like something that has been designed by necessity; heavy walking T-34 vibes. Even the pilot house is in the chest, because it made the most cost-saving sense to put the existing Cryo-Generator on top. The hands were just outsourced to a mining equipment company, because again - using a proven design.
... how much I dislike the look of the Union robot might be telling on my part though.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/25 13:35:58

Post by: ritualnet

Is there going to be anything new for WWX? Our FLGS is wanting to get back into it in September, however people feel a little wary for some reason that like Mythos, there won't be any support for a while now that Dystopian Wars is the main thing focused on

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/25 13:49:14

Post by: lord_blackfang

It is my understanding that Dystopian Wars has hijacked WWX development/production slots for the next 9 months or so.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/25 20:50:52

Post by: Overread

Kinda makes me feel that WC needs more staff/machines Come on Wayland invest in them more (come on rest of you buy more stuff )

One of the things that killed Spartan was a constantly shifting release window where Game X would get all the attention for a few months then get ignored for game Y then game Z then they'd release new game A instead of at least going back to X.

Of course its hard; Dystopian Wars seriously needs development slots more than WWX in a sense as WWX at least has quite well fleshed out forces right now; whilst Dystopian Wars is still finding its feet again.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/26 10:47:05

Post by: warcradle

September releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/26 11:24:54

Post by: lord_blackfang

So, how many Colossi do I need...

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/26 11:43:15

Post by: Elmir

 lord_blackfang wrote:
So, how many Colossi do I need...

With my Imperium, I just went for 2 boxes to make both types of Colossi.... You can never really have enough smashy robots in my book!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/08/31 18:39:50

Post by: lord_blackfang

Rulebook updated from version 1.02 to 3.03

(I guess 0.01 worth of upgrades plus acknowledging two Spartan editions)


Orbats in another hour or so.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/02 15:33:35

Post by: Elmir

All ORBATS are now updated and available for free on the website.

Although it's a massive amount of work to do it this way, it is the most fair way to do it, to avoid a lot of powercreep over time. And even then, some late player feedback was still taken into account for some final tweaks. Solid work from Warcradle Studios.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/03 15:06:43

Post by: Elmir

The sketch art for the new Spanish fleet (obviously part of the Latin alliance) is my personal highlight of all the little sneak peaks in there:

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/07 15:38:22

Post by: Elmir

This picture was recently posted on the Warcradle social media... Looks like the aerial units are definitely ramping up now!

This pretty much looks like the model they teased at the beginning of the year as a render:

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/07 15:51:22

Post by: lord_blackfang

Looks like a carrier/artillery dual build

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/07 16:08:37

Post by: Overread

I've a feeling next year will be a big year for DWars in terms of core factions getting lots of fancy cool toys and airships. We are mostly through the core-fleets part for most factions so onto the fancy toys!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/07 16:19:40

Post by: lord_blackfang

We've seen a lot of spoilers this week in the form of new unit entries in orbats. Probably most of what we can expect during the "big push" of double monthly releases until mid 2023. Box compositions and even sprue layouts can often be inferred. Even new play modes can be inferred from specialist units like immobile battle stations and troop landing ships.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/08 15:59:14

Post by: Easy E

I look forward to more airships to play with!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/13 18:06:14

Post by: Elmir

Well then... There's another release preventing me from ever clearing my hobby backlog for this game!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/14 13:13:36

Post by: Elmir

Cherno Alpha is ready to join the Commonwealth fleet!

Once painted up, those arms feel a lot less blocky than the render made appear. I think those big pistons on them are a lot less obvious once painted up (ironically).

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/14 13:40:23

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

I know the design is one giant Cherno Alpha reference, but I STILL feel like they clash a bit with the smooth, rounded body and head.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/14 15:00:43

Post by: chaos0xomega

As a Cherno Alpha reference, it falls flat IMO.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/14 15:50:51

Post by: Elmir

chaos0xomega wrote:
As a Cherno Alpha reference, it falls flat IMO.

Does it? I mean... It's not a direct copy of that Jaeger for sure (I'm sure it can't be), but as a heavy-handed wink to that pop-culture reference, I think it works.

I mean, it still keeps that typical commonwealth Cryo generator design (which is more rounded) but with the very clunky and blocky arms/fist. I just happen to think they look slightly less thick in the painted picture compared to the render...

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/14 16:15:51

Post by: chaos0xomega

Yeah, I see what they were going for, I just don't think the Marena's are as cool as Cherno Alpha, in large part because the proportions don't really match. The Marena's head is proportionally/relatively smaller than Chernos is, whereas Chernos boddy is narrower/smaller than the Marena's. They are kind of inverse shapes of one another, and IMO Cherno's proportions/shape work a lot better than the Marena's. That and the Marenas arms just look clunky and weird, I think thats due to their posing being extended out in front of the body - the way they are positioned along with how they are shaped doesn't really demonstrate the idea that they articulate or move the way an arm would, they just look kind of like they are solid booms that can pivot at the shoulder but otherwise are fixed into position. I.E. its very "stiff".

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/28 13:52:02

Post by: warcradle

October is a monumental month for us here at Warcradle Studios with massive releases for Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics.

Conflicts are escalated sky high in Dystopian Wars this month as the Sturginium Skies - Two Player Starter Set hits the tabletop. The first Two Player Starter Set for Dystopian Wars since Hunt for the Prometheus, Sturginium Skies sees the Crown’s Canadian air force defend against an incoming Imperium invasion.

But the Dystopian Wars releases don’t stop there! The Empire begin deployment of Ika Colossi to ensnare their enemies with the Ika Colossus Squadrons, and the Akula Battlefleet Set offers the submarines seen in the Black Wolf Battlefleet Set separately.

Get ready to furnish your tabletop with Paddle Steamers and rundown Manors as the Black Lake Bayou Set becomes available to purchase as individual terrain kits.

Due to be released at the end of October 2022

Dystopian Wars

Introduce a whole new dimension of combat to your games of Dystopian Wars this month with the aerial additions in the Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set. The Empire and Commonwealth also employ more reinforcements this month with the addition of the Ika Colossus Squadrons and Akula Battlefleet Set respectively.

Sturginium Skies - Two Player Starter Set

Perfect for brand new and entrenched players alike, the Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set offers a great way to jump into the action of Dystopian Wars with a mix of entirely plastic Aerial and Naval units with all you need to start playing the game.

The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other’s boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium has decided to make a push into the Labrador Sea, to claim some of the Crown’s Dominions in Canada. It was believed that in the face of an overwhelming military presence in the region, the Crown would yield and allow the fishing and gas fields to be ceded to the Imperium.

Sturginium Skies not only provides everything you need for two players to start playing Dystopian Wars, but it also contains a campaign that showcases the beleaguered Canadian forces as they hold off against a powerful Imperium attack. Will Air Marshal Spottswoode and the 14th Rotor Expedition arrive in time to make a difference for the Crown? Or will Kommodore von Hoeppner and her Prussian battlefleets reach their target for the glory of the Imperium?

This Starter Set will walk players through the rules of Dystopian Wars encounter by encounter, slowly building up to the final confrontation between the Crown and Imperium Forces.

This Box Contains:
1 x Stark Imperium Skyfortress
2 x Kriegsturm Assault Airship
4 x Jaeger Aerial Fast Destroyer
4 x Aerial Escort
2 x Reiter Cruiser
4 x Sigimer Destroyer
3 x Prydain War Rotor
3 x Tintagel Battle Rotor
6 x Saxon Scout Rotor
3 x Newfoundland Attack Cruiser
6 x Orca Hunter Submarine
SRS Tokens
1 x Rule Book (Revision 3.03)
1 x Campaign Book
2 x Victory & Valour card decks (60 cards each)
1 x Template set

Ika Colossus Squadrons

Since the creation of the first primitive maps, there have been parts of the world where monsters lay and sailors fear to wonder. The Empire have been inspired by this to create their own monstrosities of the deep. Marvels of engineering created not only to sow fear and doubt in the minds of their enemies but also to demonstrate the mechanical mastery of the Empire.

Using the most advanced engineering techniques, by command of Empress Shinzua herself, huge automata in the form of giant squid have been successfully developed. The layered wax and silk cognition cylinders for these submerged creations are of a complexity that exceeds even those of the Enlightened.

This box contains:
2x Ika Colossus (can be built as either a Kaiju or Okuforu Class Ika Colossus)
4x Chita Submersible Escort Automata

Akula Battlefleet Set

Flagship of the Black Wolf Mercenary Fleet and commanded by the charismatic Volodymyr Nikonov, the Death Bringer is feared around the globe. Stolen from the Enlightened during a presentation to the Tsar, Nikonov ensured the Death Bringer was an utterly unique masterpiece by destroying the blueprints and setting the shipyards ablaze.

Extrapolated by Ukrainian engineers from charred blueprints of the stolen Death Bringer, the Akula is still the most powerful in the Ukrainian Submarine Command. One element that was successfully replicated was the Akula’s magnetohydrodynamic drive enabling the boat to approach virtually undetected before striking.

This box contains:
3x Grand Submarine (can be built as either the Death Bringer or Akula Class ship)
6x Khyzhak Attack Submarines
6x Piranya Hunter Submarines

Warcradle Scenics

The Black Lake Bayou Set becomes available to pre-order in individual terrain kits this month, allowing you to customise the swampy scenery of your tabletop to match the theme of your wargames.

Black Lake Bayou - Manor

Built many years ago when the French had colonised the local area, the Manor at Black Lake was once a place of opulence where the well-to-do would dine and socialise. Since the Ore War, it has certainly lost its shine. While still an imposing building, it is now for a very different reason. Rumours of it being haunted and the now overgrown local flora make it creepy rather than captivating.

The ‘ownership’ of the building has changed hands many times over the past years with everyone staking a tenuous claim from local moonshiners to Confederate remnants of the Ore War to Mme. Marie Leveau and her entourage. This last entry being the source of many of the macabre tales that seem to centre around this former location of luxury

This set contains:
1x Black Lake Manor

Black Lake Bayou - Paddle Steamer

The Paddle Steamer in Black Lake must have had a name at some point but that is now lost to the lake, as is a large section of its hull. Whether by war, accident or the simple passage of time, no one seems to remember but it is now scuppered with anything of use torn from its rotting carcass.

Despite this, there are still determined souls willing to risk their lives delving into the submerged hold, hoping to find the gold that was the prize in a forgotten poker tournament. No one seems to know if this was even real or not but those who search for it often find the bodies of those who went before them. Like those decaying corpses, this Paddle Steamer will eventually be consumed by the bayou, never to be seen again.

This set contains:
1x Black Lake Paddle Steamer

Black Lake Bayou - Boat House

While in the grounds of the Black Lake Manor, this Boat House is rarely seen in the same place twice. This is made all the stranger given that no one seems to live there. Clearly, someone does but no living person has ever seen boarding or disembarking this crudely built dwelling. Even when gunfights break out between local bandits and lawmen, no movement is seen across the deck. If anything does make this haphazard construction its home, it seems to be able to sense trouble before it arrives and makes its way elsewhere.

This set contains:
1x Black Lake Boat House

Black Lake Bayou - Summer House

The Black Lake Summer House has fallen into a state of almost total decrepitude. Years ago it might have been considered a picturesque folly for effete members of the family to make their dalliances, though like those once young and beautiful people its best days are far behind it. Now it is only home to wildlife and whatever transient creatures traverse the bayou at night. Very occasionally, the tree growing through the roof is used as a dead drop between whoever might be up to nefarious deeds and do not wish to be disturbed.

This set contains:
1x Black Lake Summer House

October looks to be one of the biggest months for Dystopian Wars releases with a brand new Two Player Starter Set, Sturginium Skies and much more! Make sure not to miss out when they go live for pre-order on the 30th of September 2022 at your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

Keep up to date with all the latest news and releases on the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/28 13:59:28

Post by: Overread


Ok I'm not going to lie, the War-rotor looks, uninspiring/a little too much like a toy/blocky in sculpting style. However that's I think because I'm comparing it to the old resin War-Rotor and my impression of these new ones is they are much smaller and more cruiser sided instead of battleship sized?

I think it also might be the fact that its a render not a photo of a mini and that a sense of real world scale and proportions will lose that impact.

Everything else is utterly freaking awesome. From a huge flotilla of submarines through to the huge Imperial Zeppelin and its lighter support craft.
I'm really excited seeing air units and can't wait to see what bigger, different things are coming for all factions. I'm really hoping to see Russian ones and the Sultanite and more!!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/28 14:08:09

Post by: lord_blackfang

Sturginium Skies preview already gained us our first local Imperium player, and 9th player overall.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/29 19:36:54

Post by: Elmir

The Ika Colossus box is definitely on my shopping list and that 2 player starterset for sure.

Nice to see ever more exotic ships being added.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/30 06:32:01

Post by: Irdiumstern

 Overread wrote:

Ok I'm not going to lie, the War-rotor looks, uninspiring/a little too much like a toy/blocky in sculpting style. However that's I think because I'm comparing it to the old resin War-Rotor and my impression of these new ones is they are much smaller and more cruiser sided instead of battleship sized?

I think it also might be the fact that its a render not a photo of a mini and that a sense of real world scale and proportions will lose that impact.

Everything else is utterly freaking awesome. From a huge flotilla of submarines through to the huge Imperial Zeppelin and its lighter support craft.
I'm really excited seeing air units and can't wait to see what bigger, different things are coming for all factions. I'm really hoping to see Russian ones and the Sultanite and more!!

Yeah, the Crown War-Rotors in this set are Mass 2 and 1, so Cruisers and Frigates. There's artwork in the Orbat (Codex) of a War-Rotor Aircraft Carrier, which will be the bigger flagship for them.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/30 08:48:59

Post by: Overread

Yep carriers were always huge on sky, sea and land. I hope this also means that they'll get a unique style air battleship too!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/09/30 11:11:02

Post by: warcradle

October releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/06 14:58:53

Post by: Easy E

I will have to hunt around to see if I can find Sturginium Skies locally

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/07 19:53:12

Post by: daemonish

We did an interview with Chris and Stuart about the new box set and the future of Dystopian Wars recently, some very interesting stuff coming. Just search for The Markov Dossier podcast if you're interested.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/07 20:47:30

Post by: lord_blackfang

I really got a sense of professional pride from them - by which I mean they are people who want to go to sleep each night knowing they did the best job they could. Something rare in these days of "meh, good enough" releases from major and minor companies alike.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/12 13:10:48

Post by: lord_blackfang

Reviews/unboxings of Sturginium Skies are trickling in already, this is the third one I've seen and I'd say the most concise.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/12 16:28:45

Post by: Elmir

The paintjob on that Flagship zeppelin is pretty stellar!

That is one hell of a large centerpiece model!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/12 16:50:15

Post by: Overread

See now that's the kind of display that makes me want to buy things!!

Or pester WC until they release more huge airships!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/12 19:12:44

Post by: lord_blackfang

Glorious indeed and surprisingly large for plastic. Seems to be about the same volume as the Mass 5 donuts, and being Mass 4 but lighter than air that feels pretty fitting.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/12 19:21:54

Post by: Overread

I was surprised it wasn't resin, then again I think it looks beefier than any of the airships Spartan did so making it plastic and hollow makes sense over a massive resin chunk. You 100% can do big resin on a flight stick, but its going to weigh way more.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/12 19:25:20

Post by: lord_blackfang

Yep and thanks to clever use of symmetry the whole thing is built from two copies of one sprue!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/26 11:16:09

Post by: warcradle

This month at Warcradle Studios, we’ve not only been busy preparing the latest pre-orders for Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics, but also getting ready to announce our latest thrilling Wild West Exodus novel!

Following the release of Sturginium Skies last month, and the original Two Player Starter Set Hunt for the Prometheus, you can now venture further into the Dystopian Age with Beyond The Sturginium Skies and Beyond The Hunt for the Prometheus. Will you seek to claim the Labrador Sea for either the Crown or the Imperium or are you prepared for a Commonwealth ambush on the Enlightened? It's time to choose your battle and fight.

And the Dystopian Wars releases don’t stop there! With THREE new Battlefleets setting sail at the end of November, you have plenty of options to choose from for your next tabletop force. Union players will be able to add the Mexico Battlefleet Set to their collection, whereas Crown players have the Protecteur Battlefleet, and Sultanate players will be able to expand their fleet with the Retaj Battlefleet Set.

Build your tabletop farmstead with the Buckhorn Ranch Set from Warcradle Scenics. Featuring a Silo, Stables, a Water Tower and more, you'll have everything you need to set the scene for games of Wild West Exodus.

Due to be released at the end of November 2022.

Dystopian Wars

Beyond The Sturginium Skies

The Labrador Sea had barely stopped roiling when the call for reinforcements went out. Both the Crown and Imperium lost vessels and both were too proud to leave control of the Labrador Sea to the other. Where they differ, however, is their response to the conflict.

The Crown sent word to have a battlefleet assemble which is now on its way from the United Kingdom while the Imperium mobilised the Teutonic Knights and used its efficient logistical chain to assemble a battle platform, defended by Vitruvian Colossi, to maintain hold on the area before more support can arrive.

The fight was thought to be over but it seems to have been merely a break in the storm. The Sturginium Skies boil with battle once again. Who will claim the Labrador Sea as their own, the Crown or the Imperium?

This box contains:
2x Crown Cruisers (Can be built as either an Athelstan, Agincourt or Hotspur Class ship)
2x Morgana Assault Submarine
4x Excalibur Heavy Destroyer
2x SRS Token
2x Sets of Platforms
2x Hochmeister Vitruvian Colossus (can also be built as Metzger Vitruvian Colossus)
1x Wreck marker
1x Mine Marker
1x Rule Book
1x Campaign Book
20x Action dice
6x Critical dice
1x Token set

Beyond The Hunt for the Prometheus

After Helsinki Markov’s treachery stole the Prometheus away from its creators there has been a bitter rivalry between the Covenant of the Enlightened and the Commonwealth. Certain Peers of the Enlightened have decided to make an example of the Commonwealth for such an audacious heist and show that they have as much military influence as any of the Great Powers.

As for the Okhrana, the Commonwealth Intelligence Service, they hope for more secrets of the age to be unlocked by luring the various automata and advanced enemy vessels into engagements that they can’t hope to escape from. With the plan of dissecting any captured inventions for reverse engineering.

With the help of Mongolian offshore platforms and a web of false leads, the Okhrana have orchestrated for an Enlightened battlefleet to be in place for an ambush. The Commonwealth now has engineering marvels of their own in the shape of Vitruvian Colossi. Will the Enlightened fall for the trap or have the Commonwealth bitten off more than they can chew?

This box contains:
2x Marena Vitruvian Colossus (can also be built as Kostroma Vitruvian Colossus)
4x Boyar Heavy Frigate
2x Sets of Platforms
2x Assault Machine (can be built as either a Ketos or Lotan Class machine)
2x Advanced Cruiser (can be built as either a Newton, Zumeena, Vesalius or Origen Class ship)
2x Enlightened Escort
2x Orca Token
1x Mine Marker
1x Wreck Marker
1x Rule Book
1x Campaign Book
20x Action dice
6x Critical dice
1x Token set

Protecteur Battlefleet Set

Huge submersible strike carriers, the Protecteur class was the brainchild of Canadian Frank Andrew Fleming and his assistants at the Davie Shipyard. The Protecteur uniquely combines the capacity of a large support carrier with the stealth and strike capabilities of an attack submersible.

This box contains:
1x Protecteur Submersible Carrier
2x Canadian Frontline Cruiser (can be built as either a Newfoundland, Bonaventure, Halifax, Toronto or Yukon Class ship)
4x Orca Hunter Submarine
2x SRS Token

Mexico Battlefleet Set

The Testbed ship for Nikolai Tesla’s revolutionary Arc technologies, the USS Mexico is often sent into the heart of engagements against the enemies of the Union. The results of these engagements make for precious study material at The Pipeworks.

The Union fleet has seen a number of technological improvements since the defection of Nikolai Tesla from the Imperium, and a significant overall increase since the end of the Ore War. Support Cruisers and Automata have all been upgraded by the creative team in the Pipeworks.

This box contains:
1x USS Mexico
2x Union Support Cruisers
Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as Discovery, Roanoke, California, Montgomery or Washington Class
4x RC-52 Patriot Automata
2x SRS Tokens

Retaj Battlefleet Set

Sinister vessels crewed entirely from the cult of the Order, the Retaj Portalship is beyond the limit of the scientific and engineering expertise of the Sultanate. Indeed it is beyond even the esoteric designs of the Enlightened. Able to create stable rifts in the aether and allow entire ships to pass through, these fantastic energies can be harnessed and repurposed most lethally.

This box contains:
1x Retaj Portalship
4x Carolus Destroyer

Wild West Exodus


Welcome to an alternate 1870s where the heroism and hubris of humanity in this era of steam and steel have unlocked secrets that the world was unprepared for, as super-science and alien technologies bring about an exciting and unpredictable age. The Dystopian Age.

The Badlands of North America are a wild and dangerous place. It has been a generation since the end of the civil war, known as the Ore War, and the Union of Federated States has emerged as a dominant power on the world stage. But all is not as it seems and there’s something rotten in the prosperous frontier town of Provenance. The Union have sent Major Willa Shaw to investigate in an adventure that will see her cross paths with old friends and new and terrifying enemies. Can Shaw and her allies discover the origins of Lazarus before all hell breaks loose?

1x Softback copy of Lazarus

Warcradle Scenics

Buckhorn Ranch Set

Buckhorn Ranch is a typical example of life on the frontier. It’s changed hands many times over the years, occasionally sold by a family who’ve grown too old to look after the place but more often through nefarious means.

This set contains:
1x Farmstead
1x Lodge
1x Silo
1x Ranch Scatter
1x Barn
2x Stable

There’s a little something for everyone in November, with so many exciting pre-orders available! Make sure not to miss out when they go live for pre-order on the 28th of October 2022 at your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

Keep up to date with all the latest news and releases on the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/26 11:19:06

Post by: lord_blackfang

A slightly weaker month for DW in terms of purely new stuff, but those are some nice boxes. Would recommend a "Beyond" box to any pair of players who had just split a starter. A really aggressively priced way to get the second rulebook and some unit variety (opposed to splitting two starters).

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/26 12:14:46

Post by: Overread

Interesting twin duel box release - though I hope the platforms in time come in their own box (perhaps with more platforms/other npc/generic items.).

The new stuff looks great - huge carrier for Brittania then some support ships and a big new ship for the Union and then the cool portal ship and destroyers. I'd say its a good solid release considering 3 factions are getting new units in one go and the boxed sets, whilst having less unique stuff, are fun.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/26 13:15:53

Post by: lord_blackfang

The Mexico is actually the existing Constitution sculpt with just a new resin generator bit. And frontline cruisers are swapped out for support cruisers. It's a nice box, but not new new.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/26 14:00:46

Post by: Overread

Ahh I'd not kept an eye on the Union forces that closely.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/26 14:14:32

Post by: Elmir

I think this is a pretty solid month. There are 3 fully new sprues in it (4 if you want to get really pedantic about a resin generator)

More importantly though, it creates some clear expansion options for those just looking for a narrative gameplay experience and want to expand their campaigns.

There is only one major gripe I have with the "Beyond" style boxes... And that is the lack of flagships in them. Currently, your fleet is made up of battlefleets and most battlefleets need to be lead by a flagship and that allows for up to 4 regular units to be added. The 2 player startersets mostly consist of 1 flagship and some normal units besides them... Having expansions that have regular units in them, does allow those players to swap out unit, but not to GROW the forces in the starterset.

An easy enough fix though if Warcraddle allows the "base platform kit" included to have some type of configuration that can functions as a flagship for a generic faction fleet... If you look at the parts shown in the blogpost and the B2B website, that kit is no doubt flexible enough to make a single "full option" naval base out of it that has control of a defensive fleet nearby. That option pretty much only leaves the Enlightened out (as they don't have access to those bases in the current ORBAT), but that is not an issue as their starterset force already includes 2 flagships, which allows them to field up to 8 units (plenty to field all your toys at once).

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/26 16:53:46

Post by: lord_blackfang

Crown being especially weak in this regard since their only "flagship" is building Torontos from their Canadian cruiser sprues.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/28 10:37:38

Post by: warcradle

The November releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/29 22:47:08

Post by: kestral

Still no Ottoman fleet?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/29 22:50:16

Post by: Overread

The Saultanite are only just getting going with a range so I'd wager the Ottoman would be within that force if I recall right. So might be a little bit yet before they are on the horizon.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/10/30 10:11:44

Post by: lord_blackfang

Ottomans are the ruling faction of the Sultanate, the Sultanate fleet is their fleet.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/05 22:52:38

Post by: Elmir

I've recently finished the new Skyfortress model and it was an absolute joy to work on!

Didn't deviate too much either from the preview render video Warcradle released early this year.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/05 23:33:45

Post by: Overread

Dear Warcradle - just freaking hire Elmir to paint you fleets to show off cause this stuff sells!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/06 10:27:44

Post by: Elmir

 Overread wrote:
Dear Warcradle - just freaking hire Elmir to paint you fleets to show off cause this stuff sells!

Hehe, thanks. Doesn't look like this set had a hard time selling even before I painted this one up though... Wayland games has the set sold out with them awaiting reprint, so I'm guessing this set did way better than expected.

But their Dystopian Wars website definitely needs a section with the ships that are painted up on some nice terrain.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/06 10:33:17

Post by: Overread

Well this is the first proper set with big airships in it and they were always popular in the old SG days too. Makes me really hope we see more concept art and models for more airships across the other factions.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/06 12:06:09

Post by: lord_blackfang

I think airships for everybody is on the to-do shortlist for 2023. Avalon skyfortress is right around the corner, we've seen sketches of Union blimps too, and the Spanish aerogalleon.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/06 13:41:49

Post by: Overread

I really think 2023 will be a big year for Dystopian Wars. Airships marks the game really getting into its stride of mad-future-steampunk-historical science stuff. Plus most of the forces now have a fairly good core of models to draw from and provide options and variety on the tabletop.

I think my only sadness is that its looking like Firestorm Armada might not make it back in 2023 or might only at the end of the year

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/15 17:29:29

Post by: Grumpy Gnome

 Overread wrote:
I really think 2023 will be a big year for Dystopian Wars. Airships marks the game really getting into its stride of mad-future-steampunk-historical science stuff. Plus most of the forces now have a fairly good core of models to draw from and provide options and variety on the tabletop.

I think my only sadness is that its looking like Firestorm Armada might not make it back in 2023 or might only at the end of the year

Is there any news on Firestorm Armada making a return? The latest thing I could find was a blog post from 2020. Seems a pretty open market right now for a good space fleet game…. or at least ships. It can be tricky tracking OOP things down on eBay.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/15 17:51:06

Post by: lord_blackfang

They have their hands full and also don't feel like launching against Dropfleet (not to mention the sword of Damocles that is a BFG relaunch).

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/15 18:21:27

Post by: Overread

Eh Dropfleet are stable, but they've never pushed hard to dominate the market that's almost been handed to them.

I think that the market could easily take competition without crippling either firm.

I think the real issue is that Warcradle hasn't got the resources to grow their current games and take on another.
Whlist I'd utterly love to see FA return, I also don't want to see a repeat of what killed Spartan Games - too many games, too many model lines and basically getting overwhelmed.

If Dystopain Wars keeps growing in popularity, diversity and sales that's money that can be ploughed into more staff, machines and investment which can mean that they can build headroom to take on another game like FA. Heck it might even mean that FA could get a faster roll out of models and can also benefit from the plastic development that WC are learning - heck we've already seen them generally improving the way they do little turrets on ships.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/15 18:37:12

Post by: lord_blackfang

I think the best we can do is give Warcradle financial support and let them do their thing, from what I've gleaned of Chris and Stuart they have a solid long term plan for the company and its stable of IPs.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/15 20:13:28

Post by: chaos0xomega

They've basically said they won't launch another game until they feel Dystopian Wars is stable and all the factions are properly well-supported, etc. The second criteria is that their production capacity expands a bit so they can produce kits for another game at a second pace without having to completely give up release slots for Dystopian (i.e. rather than 2-3 Dystopian boxes per month they might only go down to 1, but then Firestorm Armada would still have 2-3 releases per month on top of that).

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/29 13:37:39

Post by: Elmir

The new Commonwealth ORBAT dropped and there's quite a few artwork teasers in there...

Big flying drill ship being one of them!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/29 13:42:08

Post by: Overread

My first thought upon seeing those -- Helium filled iceberg ray gun!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/11/29 14:16:34

Post by: lord_blackfang

Give me the biggest drill you have!
No, that's too big.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/28 11:07:33

Post by: warcradle

While we hope you are enjoying the Holiday season, there’s exciting news about what you can expect in January from us here at Warcradle Studios. This month is a massive one with plenty to get excited about for Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics.

The Icarus Battlefleet Set sees itself enter the seas of Dystopian Wars for the Enlightened, poised to launch a volley of Squadrons at the first sight of an enemy! Not to be outdone, the Empire employ the use of a terrifying threat as the Heilong Battlefleet Set becomes available to pre-order.

New Year means new starts, and there is no better way to start the year than with a new fleet. If you’ve ever wanted an easy way to get started with the Union, Empire, Sultanate or Alliance, then our new range of Faction Battlefleets are for you.

The Enlighted Advanced Squadrons and Canadian Frontline Squadrons are available to order outside the Archimedes Battlefleet Set, Sturginium Skies and the Protecteur Battlefleet Set.

Finally, the Promethean Complex Set becomes available as individual terrain kits to help you customise your Enlightened complex to host gunfights and twisted experiments.


This month is packed full of releases for Dystopian Wars; from the introduction of the Icarus and Heilong Battlefleet Sets to the Faction Battlefleet Starter Sets and even the Squadrons - there’s a lot to look forward to.

Icarus Battlefleet Set

One of the largest vessels built by the Yemoja shipyards in Mombasa, the Icarus features multiple vertical magnetic catapults that can simultaneously launch squadrons of fighters.

The class has fabrication and repair facilities comparable to a small naval base and makes use of these to maintain the Icarus’ squadrons and lend support to other vessels in the battlefleet.

This box contains:

1x Icarus Aeronautic Fabricator (can also be built as a Daedalus Fortified Tethership)

2x Cruisers (can be built as either a Lovelace, Copernicus, Antarctica, Stiletto, Ulysses or Chatelet Class ship)

6 x Frigate Automata (can be built as either a Germain, Merian or Prevost pattern ship)

2x SRS Tokens

Heilong Battlefleet Set

The largest vessel produced by the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai, the Heilong strike battleship emphasises combined attacks with deadly rocket and Huoqiang fire to annihilate its foes.

This box contains:

1x Battleship (can be built as either a Heilong or Ergun Class ship)

1x Tianlong Draconic Colossus

1x Cruiser (can be built as either a Jian, Wusong, Meru or Dao Class ship)

2x Gong Destroyers

2x Shanghai Class Frigates


Offering a range of must-have units for a specific faction, these Starter Battlefleets present a great way to pick up a new faction. These sets remove the stress of figuring out the best place to start as they offer a perfect jumping-off point into playing a brand new faction at a great price. Complete with a rule book, victory and valor cards, dice and more, now is the perfect time to try out a new faction this New Year.

Union Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet

Headed by the Constitution Class Battleship, this set offers Union players the ability to harness the military might necessary to not waiver in the face of a threat to freedom.

This box contains:

1x Constitution Class Battleship

2x Frontline Cruisers (can be built as either a Yorktown, Intrepid, Lexington, Reliant Class Ship)

4x Farragut Class Frigates

2x Akron Observation Rotors

2x Union Support Cruisers (can be built as either a Discovery, Roanoke, California, Montgomery, Washington Class Ship)

4x RC-52 Patriot Automata

2x SRS Tokens

1x Rule Book

1x Victory and Valor Card Decks

20x Action Dice

6x Critical Dice

1x Token Sheet

1x Template

Empire Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet

Take control of a power that has reigned supreme for almost a thousand years, allowing the newer powers to take their positions that they incorrectly assume to be safe. Spread the glory of the Immortal Celestian Empire with the Empire Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet, led by the Kongo Heavy Battleship.

This box contains:

1x Kongo Heavy Battleship

2x Japanese Cruisers (can be built as either Osaka, Kanagawa, Hokkaido, Okinawa, Miyagi, Yamaguchi, Ishikawa, Honshu Class Ship)

4x Kyoto Frigates

8x Chita Automata

2x Japanese Submersibles (can be built as either Kensai, Ryujin, Mizuchi, Koromodako, Umibozu or Kagutsuchi Class Ship)

2x SRS Tokens

2x Chubu Submarines

2x Sakata Destroyers

2x Rin Exosub Tokens

1x Rule Book

1x Victory and Valor Card Decks

20x Action Dice

6x Critical Dice

1x Token Sheet

1x Template

Sultanate Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet

The time for action has come and New Learning has revealed the way for the Sultanate to take back control of the holiest lands. Command your fleet, headed by the Anatolia Battlecruiser and take back control.

This box contains:

1x Anatolia Battlecruiser

2x Frontline Cruisers (can be built as either Iskander, Pasha, Izmir or Shadrazam Class Shio. Can be combined to build Hurrum Grand Cruiser or Mehmed Grand Monitor Class Ship)

2x Support Cruisers (can be built as either Aydin, Mihrimah, Konya, Morea, Constantinople Class Ship. Can be combined to build Nemrut, Bursa or Bayezid Class Ship)

4x Temir Frigates

4x Escorts Skiffs

2x SRS Tokens

1x Rule Book

1x Victory and Valor Card Decks

20x Action Dice

6x Critical Dice

1x Token Sheet

1x Template

Alliance Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet

The Alliance attempt to rise from the ashes and make their voice heard with the introduction of their Faction Battlefleet. Strive to reclaim your once-lost power and authority over Europe, guided into combat by the Oriflamme Battlecruiser.

This box contains:

1x Oriflamme Battlecruiser

2x Frontline Cruisers (can be built as either Loire, Picardy, Chevalier or Charlemagne Class Ship)

4x Ecuyere Frigates

2x Levant Vessels (can be built as either Chasseur, Furieux Voliere Class Ship)

2x Submarines (can be built as either Epaulard or Sirene Class Ship)

2x SRS Tokens

1x Rule Book

1x Victory and Valor Card Decks

20x Action Dice

6x Critical Dice

1x Token Sheet

1x Template

Canadian Frontline Squadrons

The mainstay of the Canadian fleet, these impressive warships are the stalwart frontline in the Crown’s defence against Union expansionist ambitions.

This box contains:

2x Canadian Frontline Cruisers (can be built as either a Newfoundland, Bonaventure, Halifax, Toronto or Yukon Class ship)

4x Orca Hunter Submarines

2x SRS Tokens

Enlightened Advanced Squadrons

A battlefleet represents a huge investment of resources and talent for the Covenant of the Enlightened. Deploying several Origen class Lathe Ships in support, ensures that the risks to such an investment are greatly reduced.

This box contains:

2x Advance Cruisers (can be built as either a Newton, Zumeena, Vesalius or Origen Class ship)

2x Assault Machines (can be built as either a Ketos or Lotan Class machine)

2x Enlightened Escorts

2x Orca Tokens


Home to the most nefarious experiments of the Wild West, the Promethean Complex becomes host to yet another gunfight as the Promethean Complex Set becomes available as individual terrain kits. This series of scenics are ideal for Wild West Exodus or any wargame where height advantages and deadly machinery are key themes.

Promethean - Refinery

In the Dystopian Age there are all sorts of curious compounds and esoteric elements that need to be refined before they can be used in engineering applications. These refineries are a common site in and around Promethean complexes. Any visitors are repulsed by the toxic fumes given off by these sites and surprised that any workers in the vicinity could get used to such a foul stench.

This box contains:

1x Promethean Refinery

Promethean - Derrick

Derricks are dotted about everywhere in Promethean Complexes. Used for moving heavy loads where it might be required and a construct wouldn’t be practical, they are also converted to pump jacks on occasion.

This box contains:

1x Promethean Derrick

Promethean - Forge

The forges of a Promethean Complex burn night and day to smelt all sorts of raw materials for use in their engineering breakthroughs. It would be impossible to acquire the vast quantities of iron and other metals from outside so ore is brought in from all over the Union and beyond to keep the fires of industry burning.

This box contains:

1x Promethean Forge

Promethean - Walkways

The labyrinthine surroundings of a Promethean Complex are home to all sorts of workshops, storage facilities and industrial buildings. Often the only way to traverse these sites is via walkways added after the fact to make sure engineers and construct-drones can get from point A to point F.35b.

This box contains:

1x Promethean Walkways

Promethean - Mine Entrances

Often it’s easier for a Promethean Complex to just be built over a mine in the first place. If that’s not an option then the Enlightened have advanced machinery and indentured servants that allow them to mine otherwise deposits of ore inaccessible to the other great powers.

This box contains:

2x Promethean Mine Entrances

We’re starting this year off strong with so many exciting January releases, what are you looking forward to the most? Will you be picking up a new faction in 2023? Make sure not to miss out when these pre-orders go live on the 30th of December 2022 at your FLGS or Wayland Games Online.

Keep up to date with all the latest news and releases on the Warcradle Studios Blog and socials, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/28 12:02:50

Post by: lord_blackfang

As a heavily enfrenchised player let me emphasize how good those 1-player Dystopian Wars starters are. They're a smidgen cheaper than getting just the ships seperately, so the book, dice, cards, templates and tokens are included for absolutely free. They have everything you need to play a good sized introductory game (around 1000 pts I'd say) apart from a literal table.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/28 13:09:45

Post by: Overread

Yeah those starter sets look really exciting to get into for a new fleet or even to bolster an existing one. Really feels like 2023 is going to be a massive year for Dystopian Wars!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/29 10:53:01

Post by: Mr. Burning

I can't lie. Warcradle are starting to scratch an itch I never knew I needed scratching.

I have an unopened WWX starter set waiting to be broken open.

Dystopian Wars could also find a place in my games rotation for '23 Now which fleet do I fancy?....

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/29 11:16:56

Post by: Overread

Yeah and I think this next year we are going to see the air side of things really come to life! Heck if we are lucky maybe we'll even see Dreadnoughts appearing on the high seas!

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/29 21:25:39

Post by: lord_blackfang

A Dreadnought is mostly just a Battleship+1, it's the least interesting of upcoming concepts

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/29 22:07:28

Post by: Overread

 lord_blackfang wrote:
A Dreadnought is mostly just a Battleship+1, it's the least interesting of upcoming concepts

They were visually very different in general to the battleships - some very much so.
Heck you can argue that the mobile fortress that we have out already is a dreadnought in size and theme if slightly different.
Plus there were sea and sky dreadnoughts (and land ones but we know we aren't getting those).

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/29 22:31:14

Post by: lord_blackfang

10mm land game someday tho! Pretty cool that we'll get to explore the world at a good "tanks and airplanes" scale.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/29 22:53:48

Post by: Overread

I will still miss the original land game with mobile airfields and mega tanks and mechs.

That said I kinda hope that Firestorm Armada comes before the ground battle game.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/30 11:17:19

Post by: warcradle

January releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/31 03:48:26

Post by: chaos0xomega

Dreasnoughts being battleships +1 is a tabletop fantasy naval gaming concept that needs to just... die.

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/31 08:11:18

Post by: lord_blackfang

chaos0xomega wrote:
Dreasnoughts being battleships +1 is a tabletop fantasy naval gaming concept that needs to just... die.

So you want fantasy naval gaming to not mirror our reality in this regard and invent a new concept of what a dreadnought is, or just drop the term altogether?

Warcradle Studios - News - June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below pg36 @ 2022/12/31 11:51:03

Post by: Overread

I mean I'd argue that Dystopian Wars Dreadnoughts are more like +10.

In the end all it is, is giving us a larger ship, ergo model, to put on the table that has more power to it, but costs more in points. It's a show off item. Heck Leviathans were teased in Firestorm Armada for ages and they were even bigger; and Starwars Armada even made a to scale Super Star Destroyer