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Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/22 21:11:58

Post by: Not Online!!!


Also you lot have no projects at all?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/25 12:44:09

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well after some strenghtnening:

Takes form, allbeit i do wonder how i shall do the sword..

Anyways, Merry christmas

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/26 12:56:31

Post by: Not Online!!!


things to do on this perfectly "normal " chaos warrior:

Fix mistakes.

Paint more cabels


Nuln oil gloss on metal and fire.

Nuln oil shade on Cloak.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/26 13:28:40

Post by: Yorkright

That is conversion work on steroids NotOnline, can’t wait to see Normal finished.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/26 20:08:00

Post by: gobert

Looking good, I especially like the swirly bits on the flamey sword

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/27 10:13:21

Post by: Not Online!!!

The skulls i collect are of bigger calibre then your puny existence, loyalist lapdog!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/28 00:38:03

Post by: shasolenzabi

That would be intimidating titan. Especially that flaming sword.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/28 13:21:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote: That is conversion work on steroids NotOnline, can’t wait to see Normal finished.

thanks, this time a bit a smaller project
gobert wrote:Looking good, I especially like the swirly bits on the flamey sword

Many thanks, it's an easy technique i picked up, i think somewhere?
shasolenzabi wrote:That would be intimidating titan. Especially that flaming sword.

Thanks, i do attest he is bigger then my other wardog conversion.

So today i did a nice little conversion, not yet finished, but i think it would make a nice heretek magus.


Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/28 14:37:49

Post by: Yorkright

Great job NotOnline, love how the sword turned out and the glowing green eyes too.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/29 15:45:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote:
Great job NotOnline, love how the sword turned out and the glowing green eyes too.

thanks, much appreciated

So, some support elements for the little sub division:

and some more work on the dark mech Heretek magus:

Basically more fur and fixed the cables up to the mask

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/30 14:22:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

well, must work on them a bit more

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/30 18:54:04

Post by: KernelTerror

Nice update !
And glad to see the giant knight with some paint on, looks brilliant !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2020/12/31 12:43:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Nice update !
And glad to see the giant knight with some paint on, looks brilliant !

Thanks, much appreciated coming from you

Did some more work for the dark mech subpart for phyrax:

Flamer chosen.

Melta chosen:

Also, Happy new year and a guete rutsch!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/02 12:44:49

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well work started on my little defieler count as:
Behold the pieces cut out of a forgefiend

Well, the body is more or less done, the rest is but finetuning

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/03 14:14:34

Post by: Not Online!!!

well, here's the horror class defieler i sketched, done and dusted...

turned out rather nicely.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/03 18:45:30

Post by: KernelTerror

Nicely creepy !
now I wonder whether the decimator knight can mount it...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/04 08:14:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Nicely creepy !
now I wonder whether the decimator knight can mount it...

Size wise, i guess i could imagine it
BUt i'd need to make a saddle.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/04 11:33:36

Post by: KernelTerror

Ahahaha point. meh, for the next one maybe ^^.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/04 12:31:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Ahahaha point. meh, for the next one maybe ^^.

well this is the last batch for phyrax , that would make 2 finished warbands.

I do however want to make a smaller one of these :


you don't happen to know how to get that white?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/04 19:53:17

Post by: KernelTerror

That is beautiful, but I am affraid I do not know...maybe a light pink base, white on top then some dirt wash ?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/05 02:44:35

Post by: tzurk

Looking crazy and wonderful as always mate! Love the primal build/pose of the defiler and I will never say no to a cannon as a head.

New warband excites me - looking forward to more!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/05 03:24:47

Post by: Yorkright

Again you have put together some amazing conversions. Those space marines are outstanding can’t wait to see how they will look with some paint.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/05 12:46:11

Post by: Not Online!!!

KernelTerror wrote:That is beautiful, but I am affraid I do not know...maybe a light pink base, white on top then some dirt wash ?

Quite possible, i will probably experiment with white primer + Apothecary + vallejo white and Ulthuan grey for drybrushing/ highlighting, ontop of agrax earthshade

tzurk wrote:Looking crazy and wonderful as always mate! Love the primal build/pose of the defiler and I will never say no to a cannon as a head.

New warband excites me - looking forward to more!

A cannon hold together and withing the body by a mass of writhing cables no less

Yorkright wrote: Again you have put together some amazing conversions. Those space marines are outstanding can’t wait to see how they will look with some paint.

Thanks, not yet finished, now i am working on the Honor guard for Phyraxes warband.

Overall, i checked how far i have come during 2020 in regards to painting, and realised that from P 14 middle up to basically P20-21 is all 2020 stuff

I may need soon to make a group shot for my warbands.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/06 16:20:57

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, as stated Phyrax's honor guard:

Now with 100% more Maceing arguments as to why resistance is fuitile

And now , a small forray into historical plastic kits to avoid paying GW prices for GW resin.

As with all historical kits, it's better to let some stuff away, especially smaller and more fidly parts.
however, as you can also see, it's a perfect fit for an earthshaker / medusa and at half the price

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/07 15:33:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

Behold , in my effort the make the pile of grey smaller, let me introduce to the newest amiriger count as Forgefiend:

And the group shot.
Yeah the warrior "maulerfiend" is quite a bit bigger.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Lol, forgot the arty:

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/07 19:24:13

Post by: KernelTerror

Sweeet, that is a lot of metal !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/08 21:09:02

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Sweeet, that is a lot of metal !

Mandy thanks.

Here something diffrent.

And the planning Phase for the white warband is in füll swing

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/10 11:55:53

Post by: Not Online!!!

So , here are the Options , state your pick!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/10 21:23:43

Post by: KernelTerror

Options ? Sorry, been a busy weekend, I might be a bit slow.
In terms of what tool to slaw the corpse emperor's servant with ? Probably one of the machine in the back depending on the mood !

Also nice renegade artwork above, do you plan on making such helmets/masks ?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/11 15:18:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Options ? Sorry, been a busy weekend, I might be a bit slow.
In terms of what tool to slaw the corpse emperor's servant with ? Probably one of the machine in the back depending on the mood !

Also nice renegade artwork above, do you plan on making such helmets/masks ?

Well, i was asking where to start, however i remembered that i want to make hazard stripe cowls so, yellow it is.

Also it's a cap, more preciscly it's General Meinel staring at industrial output. Still glad you like it, isn't finished yet.

Also i did start on the magma knight, Standard black trim applied.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/12 21:15:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, now i am having some decision problems.

I am going to soon (hopefully) get 60 WW1 germans from Wargames atlantic.

As above, i am planning the next project.
On one hand i really like the new CSM and experience would be dictating that with the next step in getting my painting game up would serve me well.

However, i also want another type of army, i did toy around with GSC as cultists (some good fits, ) and with the removal off R&H as an actual faction it would be the closest to adapt and count as. Bonus points for getting 60 neophytes with stahlhelm on the cheap , when they then arrive.

HOWEVER, the painting scheme is non negotiable, as in i will attempt my hand at white + brass + purple. (and of course Chaos symbols instead of GSC... )
Further , it allows me to tie in daemon units, considering i'd make a summoner cults i could use the Skulltaker as an "abominant".
Bloodletters as hybrids?.
Neophytes i 'd use the germans, the assasins i can build out of the other models i get, certainly getting some bikers.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/15 15:20:41

Post by: Not Online!!!

So as you can see, the last bits get going, blackphase once again, and allready working on the Plasma for the count as Forgefiend with ectoplasma.

Also, the stuff i ordered is allready sent, hopefully it doesn't drown in the snow, then i guess will jump into the GSC conversion project.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/17 10:17:50

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well radiation is done, next is copper mixing, some more details and then Paint some nice words AND then finally, washing.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/17 16:37:44

Post by: MegaDave

Those are some great looking chaos armigers, I might have to steal that idea! Those maulerfiend heads go perfectly with those bodies.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/17 17:04:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

 MegaDave wrote:
Those are some great looking chaos armigers, I might have to steal that idea! Those maulerfiend heads go perfectly with those bodies.

by all means, you get also nice weapons AND a imo better looking Mauler / forge fiend stand in.

Nothing against the dino bot , but i prefer them bypedal

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/18 01:18:26

Post by: Yorkright

Great use of the fiend parts, I think GW should make the chaos knights look more like this. Are the hoods of the chaos troops going to be yellow?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/18 07:28:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote:
Great use of the fiend parts, I think GW should make the chaos knights look more like this. Are the hoods of the chaos troops going to be yellow?

I wanted to give them Danger strypes ala IW. focus on wanted

Ahh well, i will still try to achieve that but ...if need be, yes they will remain yellow.

As for the chaos knights, i do think it's mostly the amirigers and other non Chaos knight bits that suffer from this since they are in essence just knights with spikes beyond the few specific chaos options.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/19 10:34:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

I allways wanted a plasma fiend, not because they are good, but because having what is in essence a 3 headed hydra spitting plasma at your enemies is an interseting concept.

Things to do on him: Words and runes?

Also, soon, Not online will start painting white, and purple, soon. ...

I got some rudimentary plans, but first i finish the last batch for Phyraxes warband and the 31.st.

I nearly got rid of my pile of shame , nearly

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/19 14:09:52

Post by: tzurk

Oh man, that is an exciting pile of bits! Lots to look forward to.

Mr Pinchy turned out great too - nice green glow effect!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/19 14:46:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

 tzurk wrote:
Oh man, that is an exciting pile of bits! Lots to look forward to.

Mr Pinchy turned out great too - nice green glow effect!

I'll just drop that here

thanks for the name tzurk

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/20 15:43:27

Post by: Not Online!!!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/21 15:36:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

Finished the lad finally.

well more or less, needs some fixing here and there.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/21 18:34:56

Post by: Captain Brown

Not Online!!!

Good work.



Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/22 12:25:15

Post by: gobert

That’s a nice yellow not online, it works surprisingly well on the Lord. Mr Pinchy came out fantastic too!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/22 16:19:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Captain Brown wrote:Not Online!!!

Good work.



Much appreciated CB

gobert wrote:That’s a nice yellow not online, it works surprisingly well on the Lord. Mr Pinchy came out fantastic too!

Ha, yes, the yellow asbestos hoods for chosen does indeed look nice aswell... however, yellow = layers... good yellow = many many layers...

Well, the first batch.

the other one needs a bit more touching up. One should not be breaking ice and then afterwards painting

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/24 13:25:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

10 Chosen done and dusted. As always in the simple scheme for Phyrax. Also yellow asbestos security clothing to protect faces from their own weapons

And some of the final parts for the 31.
Need washing but first let the dirt dry a bit , also i missed some details i need to fix :

Quite happy with the dirtwater mix...
Also i will miss the simple grey red scheme when i start painting white,

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/24 17:12:05

Post by: KernelTerror

Oh, you have been productive these last days, the artillery pieces are looking nice !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/24 23:10:47

Post by: Yorkright

These tanks are looking good and the troopers keep getting better.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/25 16:19:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

KernelTerror wrote:Oh, you have been productive these last days, the artillery pieces are looking nice !

Thanks yeah

Yorkright wrote: These tanks are looking good and the troopers keep getting better.

Well, gotta polish the last bit of phyraxes warband and the 31.

wierd camera performance today...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/25 21:28:36

Post by: Mr Nobody

I like those model tanks. It can be difficult to find vehicles with a scale that meshes nicely with 40k models. A good find.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/26 15:49:28

Post by: Not Online!!!

black trimings and some heads and fabrics-

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/27 17:09:54

Post by: Captain Brown

I like those mobile guns Not Online!!!.



Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/27 23:38:29

Post by: NotSkilledHere

Those look super cool!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/28 06:04:01

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate, some great stuff going on in here.

Artillery fit right into the 40k world - that is often hard to get from scale kits, so nice find there!

Yellow hoods are a nice touch on the Chosen, and I am looking forward to seeing No-heads-only-guns come to life!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/28 09:25:20

Post by: Not Online!!!

Mr Nobody wrote:I like those model tanks. It can be difficult to find vehicles with a scale that meshes nicely with 40k models. A good find.

Thank you, 1: 35 tamaya, meassured pre buy thanks to some nice chap in the historical kits for 40k use thread in News and rumor i believe?!?
Also, tamaya means slightly over detailed for 40 k use so taking a fastlane and skipping some bit is adivsed for the gun, other than that i can get 2 of these for 1 basilisk...

Captain Brown wrote:I like those mobile guns Not Online!!!.



Many thanks CB.

NotSkilledHere wrote:Those look super cool!

Much appreciated!

tzurk wrote:Hey mate, some great stuff going on in here.

Artillery fit right into the 40k world - that is often hard to get from scale kits, so nice find there!

Yellow hoods are a nice touch on the Chosen, and I am looking forward to seeing No-heads-only-guns come to life!

The german 21cm mortar ? personally the best find i had in a long time, same with the wasp. I did decide though that i will add them as a "brood brothers" unit to my Daemoncult i am building

The chosen i like quite a bit, first time i painted yellow aswell for other then flames, multiple thin coats as the god of painting states.

As for the horrorclass, yeah that is the next bit of my project, after that i will need to redo my group shot for Phyraxes warband.

Then i will finally maybee finish up the valkyries and make a groupshot of the 31.

and then i will go forth and conquer the white for my Daemonworshiping cult.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/29 10:13:33

Post by: Not Online!!!

Started on the Horror- Class defieler.

And did work a bit on the Honor guard for Phyrax.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/30 09:39:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

Honor guard for phyrax:

ready to play whack-a-maul with some loyalists

And the Horrorclass:

Not bad, for my medicore skills in painting..

next up, the Havocs and valkyries...

After that, Phyrax's warband is done, as is the 31.st which means one last group shop before wnadering in a box...

Then it means friendship ended with london grey, white is my new best friend.... (which i doubt but he )

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/31 15:07:48

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well the project's finally done.

After this, it's time to rename the Blog

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/01/31 18:58:10

Post by: KernelTerror

Quite the majestic sight ! But don't you need more tanks ?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/01 09:20:11

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Quite the majestic sight ! But don't you need more tanks ?

well, it was planned at one stage, before GW decided to pull a "no rules for thee but for every marine colour ever!" .

I wanted 2 full griffon mortar strike batteries (6 griffons) and have a full company of infantry which would've meant another 3 chimeras full of models aswell as finishing off a 3rd leman russ vanquisher... So yeah overall 8 tanks and another 24 infantry men are missing in essence.

As it stands though i just fail to see why i should further expand it, i can't legally run this formation due to the snipers and stubbers as an IG army, and even though i could easily turn it into a guard army that would be legal, it would also do not a good job representing it or the baseline vision i had when i started the army as it stands.

That leads to the legends ruleset...
The legend ruleset is frankly put an insult for everyone that ever collected some vraksian models or wanted to build up a R&H army.( not even from a competitive standpoint, it's just fething nonsensical and shows off how much GW cares about internal balance.)

The GSC ruleset does lend itself well, but the whole daemoncults / mutant cult you can represent even better with it , both aspects i always wanted to toy arround with , however nothing that has to do with the 31.

So yeah, i think i finished it. Not out of my own will but at the end i am still a player AND collector/ hobbyist. And the first part does play a significant role for the other parts for me atleast, especially if i feel i can't put a vision down and enjoy it on the field anymore.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/01 09:54:59

Post by: tzurk

Congrats on finishing the project man! The Horror-class Defiler turned out reaaaally cool, way nicer than the GW model. They look fantastic together, really evocative and dark.

It is a bit disheartening the way they've let R&H go as they are such an awesome part of the lore. Even mixed in with CSM the only love the range gets is those 5 monopose cultists...

You are in a bit of a tough spot. I can see counts as guard being the closest rules match but it does leave a bit lacking in fluff/theme for your dudes.

GSC is an interesting idea. Maybe the bigger daemon engines could counts as big Tyranid monster allies...might take some finagling and won't be as satisfying as pure R&H but something to look into.

Thanks for sharing the progress along the way! It has been a fun ride. Any word on what comes next?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/01 10:37:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

 tzurk wrote:
Congrats on finishing the project man! The Horror-class Defiler turned out reaaaally cool, way nicer than the GW model. They look fantastic together, really evocative and dark.

thanks , that reminds me, i completely forgot tomake the pics for Phyrax's warband together

It is a bit disheartening the way they've let R&H go as they are such an awesome part of the lore. Even mixed in with CSM the only love the range gets is those 5 monopose cultists...

Well that and when they remember that Alpha legion exists you might even get rules to work with them...
Still not a candle as to what the old R&H could represent lorewise.

You are in a bit of a tough spot. I can see counts as guard being the closest rules match but it does leave a bit lacking in fluff/theme for your dudes.

GSC is an interesting idea. Maybe the bigger daemon engines could counts as big Tyranid monster allies...might take some finagling and won't be as satisfying as pure R&H but something to look into.

Thanks for sharing the progress along the way! It has been a fun ride. Any word on what comes next?

Well,yeah you people already should know that i intend to go through with that whole daemoncult thingy.

A theme that i always felt came out short from GW's lore writting perspective, was the view upon the longterm effects of a rebellion like the 31. which succeed in undermining the IoM's authority to the point that even after being crushed reintegration of territory must be a massive chore.

I'd imagine that the patron of the first rebellion would kind of take center stage, and even though daemonic intrusions were limited within the 31. the auxilia allready showed signs of mutations, the Chaos marines especially. Now assume a revolt succeeds on multiple planets and achieves dominion over multiple star systems, the IoM's regular surpression would make any uprising that removes the oppressors look like the good guys. All these planets of course would've then still had garrisons. Not to mention that punishment would be handed out by the IoM galore for heresy and collaboration after a crushing defeat of the Rebels.

Now if the main faction/leader that ties this revolt together, as IA 13 told us, dies off, well, infighting ensues and fragmentation, right?
but wouldn't a last stand f.e. idolize the leader of the rebellion as a martyr against unjust rule from far away? Now imagine what would happen when that center stage figure, let's say Meinel, not only has such a last stand but also manages to impress his Patron god? Now add to that and assume he has impressed his patron well enough, so that instead of dying he "ascends" into daemonhood?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/01 17:49:20

Post by: Captain Brown

There's more?

Nicely done.


Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/02 08:47:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Captain Brown wrote:
There's more?

Nicely done.


my bitz box is full and my access to 3rd parties not limited, neither my access really to GW.

So yes, there's more. There's allways more Chaos from Not Online!!!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/02 20:05:58

Post by: gobert

I love the army shots for Phyraxs warband and the 31. They both look fantastic, and as other have said the defiler is a real work of art! Can’t wait to see how you get on with your daemoncult

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/03 01:53:10

Post by: Yorkright

Wow that’s an impressive army! All of your conversions and hard work has got you a one of a kind army. Looking forward to the new additions.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/06 13:47:30

Post by: Not Online!!!

gobert wrote:I love the army shots for Phyraxs warband and the 31. They both look fantastic, and as other have said the defiler is a real work of art! Can’t wait to see how you get on with your daemoncult

Well, i'd say on with the show?

Yorkright wrote: Wow that’s an impressive army! All of your conversions and hard work has got you a one of a kind army. Looking forward to the new additions.

Thanks much appreciated, it is indeed one type of an army.

Now behold some write nonsense in spoiler:

Somewhere in a damp room with a singular overly bright light, a single General sits at a table, reading a report.
A door opens and a pale looking Astartes aswell as a singular Inquisitor enters.

"Your thoughts General Grant?" The inquisitor takes a seat in front of the general and indicating in a swift motion the report the General shortly after the entrance of the Inquisitor and his bodyguard had put down.

"Why, i like it, especially the " Due to the heroic intervention of the Star Sabres Chapter the losses have been minimal and controll over the subsector reestablished. The losses have been so minimal that we have decided to reward the regiments and chapter with the World of Darnos as theirs. " Yadda yadda ya, the emperor protects...
But, one thing i am curious about, well actually i am not , since i can count one and one together, why ...?"

" What can you tell us about General Meinel"

" Assuming i haven't heard from him in a while, and assuming that it was the subsector he ended up in. The subsector in question, and considering i am in an inquisitorial ..."

"Answer the blody question!" The first participation of the astartes in the interrogation, including the table being dented in due to it. General Grant seemed unpertubed beyond a slight sneering twitch.

"Again what do you know about General Mei.."

"Drop it Inquisitor, i can tell you all you want to know about the good general, but don't pretend you have a say about anything here. The truth is, you lot, fethed up. You underestimated him, and i assume he destroyed Darnos with most of your chapter on it aswell as the reinforcements in guard regiments. Isn't that right astartes?" A hand sign of the inquisitor prevented the Generals swift operation into something resembling at most the now dented in table in the midst of the group.

"What gave that away?"

"Son, i have been longer in the guard then you have been obviously in your profession, you don't get that luxury if you can't smell bs a mile away... and that "report" smells worse then a whole industrial level grox farm. "free retirement for valiant service", including a recently formed chapter getting the privilege of a world more or less for free aswell, the same world no less."

Behold greatcoat skirt daemon Meinel.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/07 11:09:57

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, basically welcome to the amalgamation of khorne possessed count as acolyte hybrids:

Behold: An iconward. With you know, an icon... Also, i'd like to state to my adoptive GSC family that smoll flag is too smoll for Icons and flags.

And Endproduct:

Acolyte Champion:

metal groin plate for obvious easy removal of GSC symbols AND to hark back to old vraksian metal scraps armor...

The rest should follow today.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/07 11:27:23

Post by: KernelTerror

Wooow, these works really well, well done !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/07 13:06:13

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Ok I'm very here for this concept! Can't wait to see how it works out!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/07 13:24:19

Post by: gobert

These guys are coming together fantastically, I’m amazed how well the two themes mesh together. Will they be full on khornate red or have you something else in mind? I think white might look cool

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/07 14:00:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

KernelTerror wrote:Wooow, these works really well, well done !

Much appreciated Kernel

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:Ok I'm very here for this concept! Can't wait to see how it works out!

Hopefully good, TBF, GSC are easy to toy and tinker around with, and the acolyths make for really good Possessed imo.

gobert wrote:These guys are coming together fantastically, I’m amazed how well the two themes mesh together. Will they be full on khornate red or have you something else in mind? I think white might look cool

They will be white, mostly, purple for regal stuff. Fur will be dark grey. Except Meinel he will have grey greatcoat skirt like he was. The daemonic bits will be black themed with a red wash/ drybrush.

So, first 5 finished, 10 more from the neophyte bodies incoming.

I also allready have a nice idea for a Nexos. Sanctus and kellermorph aswell. As a magus i will use the BSF psykers

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/07 16:26:29

Post by: gobert

The Colour scheme sounds cool, as does the BSF Psyker for a magus.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/08 15:32:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

GW, has tactical rocks.
Not Online!!!: Has tactics on an improvised rock table.

What? Not Tacticool enough?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/09 08:12:07

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, i made a sanctus, had a distinct lack off scopes though, well i found an old infiltrator boltgun:

And here's the endproduct. I gotta admit Wargames atlantic WW1 germans are a nice sculpt to tinker around with

And i also fixed the greatcoat a bit more for Meinel:

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/10 16:17:09

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, next update:
Today, Some possessed, the namesake off the cult and a bit of an improvement to the sanctus:

And the acolytes: Btw, The letter sword is count as bonesword.

And the full units, to the left the 10 man squad with some power tools and an icon. to the right the small mini bully squad for bullying duties.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/11 00:51:23

Post by: tzurk

Whoa, these are off to a flying start. What an awesome concept! So glad that it came together for you - the kits are a perfect match. Looks like a good opportunity to flex the green stuff muscles too.

Really loving this project already, and you are flying through the builds - looking forward to more!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/11 16:16:42

Post by: Not Online!!!


So the mad Cardinal decided
that his task would be complete,
only if he would outcompete,
the mad nuns despise.

To their task they took with fever.
The burning of those that did rise.
Damning them forever.
Ignoring their cries.

Until that fatefull day,
A singular man put an end to their lies.
Do you see how that bullet flies?

Voila, Kellemorph count as

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/11 17:39:19

Post by: Yorkright

Whoa, great bunch of conversion Not Online! I love your green stuff cloaks, again another great addition to your army.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/12 00:20:29

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Loving these conversions! The Kellermorph is great. No way of sticking a third gun on him though is there? Servo-arm around his side or something? No, would likely be too busy

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/12 12:35:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote: Whoa, great bunch of conversion Not Online! I love your green stuff cloaks, again another great addition to your army.

Well, they are easy to make Well easier then this little thing here...

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:Loving these conversions! The Kellermorph is great. No way of sticking a third gun on him though is there? Servo-arm around his side or something? No, would likely be too busy

actually the third arm drawing a pistol always irked me, also this dude uses autopistols so probably no need for a 3rd one


Whilest i am still visibly at heart a maddoc / Madmek boy i do and can kitbash, quite well i'd say(?)

but erm

Painting, especially white and other "light colours"


literally me

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 tzurk wrote:
Whoa, these are off to a flying start. What an awesome concept! So glad that it came together for you - the kits are a perfect match. Looks like a good opportunity to flex the green stuff muscles too.

Really loving this project already, and you are flying through the builds - looking forward to more!

thanks, it's a very easily enjoyable concept, so it helps.

Also, it's another step at improving my painting skills ... with hopefully decent results

First bunch:

I certainly need to get tidier.

Other than that? Highlighting to be done. then on to the daemonic bits...

Btw has anyone a good recipe for snow bases?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/13 15:25:31

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, first testing done, also, will probably make grey / brass armor bits.

also, the flag is black because it will be needed to have a darker purple.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/14 11:34:11

Post by: gobert

Good start, the white looks pretty good. As for being neat, it’s better to just slap on the primary basecoats quickly. Neatness is for adjoining colours then! I find good old Agrax and Nuln oil hide most of my sins

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/14 12:47:45

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Good start, the white looks pretty good. As for being neat, it’s better to just slap on the primary basecoats quickly. Neatness is for adjoining colours then! I find good old Agrax and Nuln oil hide most of my sins

I doubt i'll shade beyond the recesses on fabric and skin this time, (well beyond human flesh, agrax OP pls nerf)

Your thoughts' are appreciated on these fellows, this time i am testing the skin for the daemons.

I really like the overall diffrent shades i got from the red. Makes them less uniform which is always good for possessed imo..

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/14 14:09:09

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Great red-brown there. Lots of room for variation. You could even use skin colour variation to show how "daemony" any specific unit is, with the more red, the closer to Bloodletter, the more brown, the less the mutation.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/14 21:14:16

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Great red-brown there. Lots of room for variation. You could even use skin colour variation to show how "daemony" any specific unit is, with the more red, the closer to Bloodletter, the more brown, the less the mutation.


I think it looks pretty good

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/15 00:25:12

Post by: Yorkright

I agree, they are looking good!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/17 16:03:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

I dare say they are probably my best work and the most ammount of skill i poured into 2 units of troops.
Not too shabby for a centerpiece for a daemonkin army

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/18 12:28:17

Post by: Not Online!!!

I lied, it's actually purple and white and red

Thoughts on the nexus and the banner colour?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/18 13:55:45

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Liking it so far!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/18 15:46:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Liking it so far!

ha thanks.

Did also toy around with the boneswords / khorne blades

which incidentally is picture 1160

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/19 14:47:28

Post by: Not Online!!!

Primus + jackal: some more bits needed to chaosify them propperly

and icon:

needs some more cleaning but so far i am quite happy

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/20 08:10:13

Post by: KernelTerror

Nice swords, these bloodletter ones are also some of my favourite swords to paint !
Great progress overall

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/20 13:14:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Nice swords, these bloodletter ones are also some of my favourite swords to paint !
Great progress overall

Yeah, the Bloodletterswords are quite something to paint

Some more progress:

Locus to the right. Also he is spikey

The primus got some fur for his cloak.

Here's the start off the count as Neophyte squad

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/21 09:05:00

Post by: gobert

Nice progress Not Online, the purple on the banner is really good as is the symbol. The white seems to be working well for you too

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/22 08:39:49

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Nice progress Not Online, the purple on the banner is really good as is the symbol. The white seems to be working well for you too

i am a bit unhappy with the one on the nexus and will need to clean it up a bit with more corrax, but other than that, it takes me longer but i like it's look.

Also another neophyte squad:

And my first attempt to carve the armor

gotta say Wargames WW1 germans are a really great kit . Still needs some more bits and bobs to make a bit more chaotic, but overall i am quite content.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/23 10:06:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

Ridgerunners are cute.
Like, really cute, i need another 1-2 And some more bikers.

On another note, has anyone of you galore of viewers which lead seemingly to a completely exploded view count (for no apparant reason i think no seriously go look at kernels stuff, or denny or the whole galore of better painters / wierder builders), any experience in turning a leman russ into a casemate?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/24 14:37:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

I do need some help, i 'd like to build some casemate leman russes, has anyone experience with such a conversion?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/27 14:40:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

With a bit of a respite in between writing and Studies, this is the next step

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/27 14:45:30

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

You're just flying through this army already!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/27 16:42:39

Post by: Vejut

Not Online!!! wrote:
I do need some help, i 'd like to build some casemate leman russes, has anyone experience with such a conversion?

I've made a few, but they're mostly pretty quick and dirty, its been a bit, and I think they mostly use the last edition kit. Mostly I put the main gun in the usual hull gun spot, and fill the turret ring with paper, plasticard, or greenstuff, and a hatch, though I also used some of the side wings off the a barrier old Aegis Defense Line kit for one or two. Usually hull gun gets mounted as a co-ax, pintle, or some odd mount like a pod. That said, there are much better ones out there if you're willing to kitbash wider or do some plasticard construction work.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/27 18:21:20

Post by: Not Online!!!

Vejut wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
I do need some help, i 'd like to build some casemate leman russes, has anyone experience with such a conversion?

I've made a few, but they're mostly pretty quick and dirty, its been a bit, and I think they mostly use the last edition kit. Mostly I put the main gun in the usual hull gun spot, and fill the turret ring with paper, plasticard, or greenstuff, and a hatch, though I also used some of the side wings off the a barrier old Aegis Defense Line kit for one or two. Usually hull gun gets mounted as a co-ax, pintle, or some odd mount like a pod. That said, there are much better ones out there if you're willing to kitbash wider or do some plasticard construction work.

Ohhh, this helps very much. Much appreciated

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
You're just flying through this army already!

many thanks gwyn

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/28 09:49:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

well agrax done, now highlighting, metal and black for gun purple for hat and brass for chainmail.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/02/28 23:57:01

Post by: gobert

Ooh, the Blackstone Fortress Rogue Psyker is perfect for this army! The ridge runners look cool with the chaos star on them, looks like you found a perfect piece to slot in there.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/03 14:45:21

Post by: Not Online!!!

A bunch of neophytes.
Don't worry the stands will be covered in snow.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/09 12:16:56

Post by: posermcbogus

Just wanted to say...

Those Acolyte Daemon Hybrid cultists are such inspired conversions - great job, they really look the part
Can't wait to see 'em painted up!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/09 12:50:07

Post by: Not Online!!!

 posermcbogus wrote:
Just wanted to say...

Those Acolyte Daemon Hybrid cultists are such inspired conversions - great job, they really look the part
Can't wait to see 'em painted up!

Well, they are nearly done
Some bits and bobs i need to add still, but for the most part, beyond the teeth and a bit of drybrushing on the claws, they only lack the unit signifier.
In the case of the acolythes it'll be just a khorne symbol, for the neophytes it will be numbers in the style of the former 31.

many thanks btw.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/11 11:26:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

Behold, for i see chaos to create .... Chaos?

Intended to become 16 (2x8) Aberrants and an abominant and MORE BITS FOR BITS GOD.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/13 14:33:53

Post by: Not Online!!!

For size comparison:
Left, neophyte count as, Acolythe then Khorneberrants with picks:

And the abominant:

Well, another 10 to be coming

MAybee even more

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/14 12:25:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

Meet Bob-Todd

the mutant to constantly disagree about which way to behead someone is better: Bob prefers left to right and Todd prefers right to left.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/14 13:48:09

Post by: KernelTerror

Niiiice, this could have been a Slave to darkness era concept, very very cool.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/14 14:44:38

Post by: Not Online!!!

Quite the praise

Many thanks, i think you will like BobTodds friends then

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/14 20:27:54

Post by: gobert

Great idea with BobTodd, well executed as well

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/21 15:18:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

Some more.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/21 16:54:11

Post by: RobertsMinis

Those Khorne conversions and the Wargames Atlantic WW1 Germans are really cool. Given me a few ideas, thanks!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/21 20:15:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

 RobertsMinis wrote:
Those Khorne conversions and the Wargames Atlantic WW1 Germans are really cool. Given me a few ideas, thanks!

Always a pleasure inspiring others

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/22 15:24:27

Post by: Yorkright

More great conversion NotOnline, the idea of using genestealer cultists and khorne parts is something only a chaos lord would come up with. ;-)

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/23 09:40:30

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote:
More great conversion NotOnline, the idea of using genestealer cultists and khorne parts is something only a chaos lord would come up with. ;-)

You approve i take

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/28 10:57:21

Post by: Not Online!!!


Step one done.

Finally finished the last Aberrant for 2x8.

Now onto further waiting for the next 30 count as neophytes. Thanks brexit, and taiwanese shipping company and covid... it's just 6 months now and half of the stuff you delievered.....


Now i am at bit off an conundrum as to how to build the list:

Generally: I'd like to get another SC GSC box to create another 16 acolythes, if only to take advantage of the psychical call stratagem/ having more 3 attack mainline units. Nevermind the conversion bits and the second ridgerunner.
I'd also like to have a bigger squad off Jackals to complement the small bomb carrier squad and have something forward.
Otoh i'd also should get some goliaths or convert something into a count as goliath (i have a chimera, it should be easy relatively to stapple some CSM autocannons in the turret and remove the roof, or find an alternative model (which takes in general time)
Another thing is that i could alternatively focus more on infantry and add in a broodbrother detachment for some pieces of heavy artillery aka the german 21 cm mortar which would turn the cult more into a WW1 shock army, which isn't necessarily a bad theme to have for a khorne cult? but neophytes just kinda, suck in melee

I guess i will get myself another SC GSC and create another 16 possessed acolyths.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/28 19:13:54

Post by: gobert

You’ve put these guys together nice and quickly! They look even better, altogether they’re a great crossover Army

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/30 09:34:09

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
You’ve put these guys together nice and quickly! They look even better, altogether they’re a great crossover Army

then you are in luck, i got my hands on a deal on another SC for GSC, which means i get another 15 Acolythes and a ridgerunner. Aswell as anothr Iconward for further conversion work. I also found a chimera which i will turn into a converted Goliath, (basically i will remove the lasgunrows and roof over the back and modify the turret to carry a CSM AC) which makes this army pretty complete, well.. barring the 30 Neophyte WW1 Germans i wanted to create with mining lasers... which still didn't show up.....)

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/03/31 13:35:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

Next step:

And planning on cutting up a Chimera kit to modify it into a an AC open topped assault vehicle... shouldn't be too dificult.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/02 23:27:32

Post by: gobert

Cool plan, have I read it right that you plan for it to be going backwards? As in the transport compartment at the front? That should fit the ww2 vibe, very landing crafty

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/03 08:27:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Cool plan, have I read it right that you plan for it to be going backwards? As in the transport compartment at the front? That should fit the ww2 vibe, very landing crafty

Yeah, i thought about initially.

Needs some chaosifying ...

Generally though i like this better for the paramilitary nature of my little project.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/03 13:37:54

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Yeah I think you'd have to flip the tracks around for that to work, plus the hull is tilted towards the front, so that's clearly the end that's intended to take fire. Versus the AdMech transport which angles the front and doesn't have tracks because tracks aren't cool anymore I guess

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/03 20:12:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Yeah I think you'd have to flip the tracks around for that to work, plus the hull is tilted towards the front, so that's clearly the end that's intended to take fire. Versus the AdMech transport which angles the front and doesn't have tracks because tracks aren't cool anymore I guess

Yeah, maybee i will get some Adeptus sororitas tanks for cult leman russes, chaosifying them shouldn't take me long at all and would look decently baroque

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/04 18:06:52

Post by: gobert

I like the sun roof, but the change of direction needs work. Maybe the tracks, but there needs to be an angled ramp, doing away with the door entirely? Perhaps move the turret so it’s not overhanging the crew compartment?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/04 21:23:28

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
I like the sun roof, but the change of direction needs work. Maybe the tracks, but there needs to be an angled ramp, doing away with the door entirely? Perhaps move the turret so it’s not overhanging the crew compartment?

I actually won't be turning it.

I'd have needed to switch the threads which i didn't to Make that work.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/05 17:09:38

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well. Next stop.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/07 15:30:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, the first of the next batch of Acolythes, behold : angry flagbearer drops flag for buisness

also pic 1202 and somehow on over 129127 views... well, wow.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/10 11:16:20

Post by: Not Online!!!

More Daemonkin

More possessed acolythes.

Just MORE!

Also, someone sneeks into my uploaded pictures before i even update the blog!
Where's that sneaky purlple git!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/11 08:20:06

Post by: gobert

Wow, you’re really cranking out these guys, still such a cool idea

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/11 17:10:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

Thanks Gobert:

FWIW, another 10 man squad of acolyhtes, total now 30.
This time, icon, bonesword count as and 4 explosives.

also again people sneaking in before i update the blog

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/11 18:22:51

Post by: KernelTerror

Excellent ! I am especially fond of the standard bearer with the chaos helmet on a GSC body. Looks like a proper creep ^^ !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/13 11:47:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Excellent ! I am especially fond of the standard bearer with the chaos helmet on a GSC body. Looks like a proper creep ^^ !

Which one, i created two that fit that description.

My personal favourite is chainsword sithclaw

albeit the demo squad is also cool looking. but that is probably my fetishisation of high explosives.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/14 11:46:58

Post by: KernelTerror

Yes, I was thinking about the one on the left of this last pic. And true, the pose on that sithclaw one is indeed quite awesome !
Can't wait to see paint !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/17 11:59:23

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, some more vehicles.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/17 15:36:48

Post by: Captain Brown

Converted Chimera looks ready for painting.



Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/18 08:25:15

Post by: gobert

The cult vehicles chaos up really well. I see one is getting some paint too!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/18 16:32:21

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That chimera is beautiful, well done!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/19 08:44:32

Post by: Not Online!!!

Captain Brown wrote:Converted Chimera looks ready for painting.



Yeah, aim is to spray the rest today.

gobert wrote:The cult vehicles chaos up really well. I see one is getting some paint too!

Indeed, i think i am surprised why there are so few instances of chaos cults.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:That chimera is beautiful, well done!


Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/21 14:00:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, i stumbled over Turnip28.. and ... I like
What if a stagnant napoleonic world got taken over by magical roots....

Also never really did historicals but i have for personal and study reasons related a high interest in the time period.

Behold the planning, basically it's a pun with Morgarten yeah that supposed famous swiss battle, except Moor means bog or swamp etc. And Füsiliere are just your average swiss conscript riflemen.
Basically, Grass, dirt, Clams, and mud... With a dark blue uniform and red manschetten aswell as white and black. INclduing of course some medieval bits.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/21 15:23:43

Post by: Clouds

Hey Not Online, your green stuff work is very impressive, also great job on that Chimera!, you have an amazing army, incredible! ( only slightly jealous ).

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/21 15:35:38

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Clouds wrote:
Hey Not Online, your green stuff work is very impressive, also great job on that Chimera!, you have an amazing army, incredible! ( only slightly jealous ).

Well. I guess if you want to be
Welcome to my average insanity btw

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/21 15:37:33

Post by: Clouds

Haha, im just kidding but i would love to have your army, thanks for the welcome . Keep up the excellent work!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/21 15:37:38

Post by: Flapjack

Did someone mention turnips?

Also, you've got an impressive count of models. I like the gasmask dudes a lot. Nice work!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/22 09:35:55

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love the Chimera with a bayonet, that's how you know it's an evil one.

Looking forward to your Turnip28 dudes.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/22 12:34:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

Clouds wrote:Haha, im just kidding but i would love to have your army, thanks for the welcome . Keep up the excellent work!

Much appreciated

Flapjack wrote:Did someone mention turnips?

Also, you've got an impressive count of models. I like the gasmask dudes a lot. Nice work!

Yes, and which ones.

Kid_Kyoto wrote:Love the Chimera with a bayonet, that's how you know it's an evil one.

Looking forward to your Turnip28 dudes.

not the shitton of spikes with skulls on it? Then i have too few spikes
As for the turnip dudes:
Behold: Yes they are real and collected today from a lake nearby.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/22 19:19:16

Post by: KernelTerror

Hmmmmmm. Demon engine armour plates ?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/23 14:38:48

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well one colour a day keeps burning out away:

Light black undertone for soon to be red applied...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/24 08:07:43

Post by: gobert

Now that’s batch painting! Are you doing the whole army as one big batch or just some of the early stages?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/24 08:13:00

Post by: RobertsMinis

Lots of great progress! Especially looking forward to seeing the Khorne conversions getting more paint added!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/24 13:48:39

Post by: Not Online!!!

Meinel called it aquisition....

And here you see the disadvantage of this technique... don't worry allready wiped off

Automatically Appended Next Post:
gobert wrote:Now that’s batch painting! Are you doing the whole army as one big batch or just some of the early stages?

Well, i did some 50 model batchpainting completely over a weekend some time ago... would not surprise me if i'd do that again.

RobertsMinis wrote:Lots of great progress! Especially looking forward to seeing the Khorne conversions getting more paint added!

Your welcome

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/24 18:55:29

Post by: gobert

And I thought i was insane doing 50 Elves in between projects! They’re looking cool already

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/26 15:30:33

Post by: Not Online!!!


A Hat.

Jk i did more:

more purple skirts.

And of course, Meinel:

Well some more bits and bobs need cleaning, but i am quite happy with the purple again

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/26 19:19:06

Post by: Yorkright

Lovely purple indeed Not! I really like it with the gold and red.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/27 10:35:18

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote:
Lovely purple indeed Not! I really like it with the gold and red.

thanks, allbeit it's supposed to be brass
They sold me gold instead of brass ...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/27 11:41:21

Post by: tzurk

My dude, you are absolutely killing this project. It makes me happy from the inside out. I can't believe I haven't seen this concept explored before - it makes so much sense!

Chimera turret is a super sweet piece of work. Beardy McBeardface (is it a chainmail 'veil'?) has a sweet hat. Colours coming together now as well.

Keep it up mane, this is gonna be a brilliant army.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/28 14:14:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

 tzurk wrote:
My dude, you are absolutely killing this project. It makes me happy from the inside out. I can't believe I haven't seen this concept explored before - it makes so much sense!

Chimera turret is a super sweet piece of work. Beardy McBeardface (is it a chainmail 'veil'?) has a sweet hat. Colours coming together now as well.

Keep it up mane, this is gonna be a brilliant army.

many thanks you inspired me a bit on the chimera, respectively to work on it

Some highlightning done, needs more metal scratches though

And since i was working with white i also did some bits and bobs on the first squad of aberrants, which i also did the metal on.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/04/29 10:06:51

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well more or less, some more touching up but i think he turned out good for a Patriarch count as.


Things that need doing here:
Highlighting the white.
Fixing up some bits and bobs.

Quite content for a days output.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/06 11:37:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

Found my motivation again

Seems like i dropped it somewhere

Well, Meinel is finished, beyond a snow basing, anyone a good recope for a snowbasing?

Khorneberants got recess shading done, i am quite happy with that, but the highlightiing on the white needs to hapen.

Next squad highlighting done and some metal, missing some red

Also finally decided on the mask , it will be the highlighted white and i probably the glowy green for the lenses

also some more on the strap.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/07 13:15:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

Behold , the colours here, not the minis.... also, grass.

So highlighting done, needs some fixing up but at this stage, i finished one squad

And squad 1.

For the dedicated:

Oh and since the second box of germans arived, i think i will finally build those R&H grenadiers...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/08 14:05:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

small size comparison. ...

Attemped today to build a hotshot lasgun out of normal lasgun because i don't want to buy Scions because for one the core model sucks and for two the audacity of that pricetag is too much. Didn't work out that well

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/10 13:09:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, since my group will be going back edition wise: Behold , meinel as a bloody handed reaver with a hotshot lasgun and his enegy sword

well atleast a possible version.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/11 10:55:23

Post by: tzurk

Busy, busy busy in here! Impressed you manage to keep tabs on all the painting projects!

I dig the hotshot mate, haven't seen a converted one before but it looks like it packs a punch.

Here's to hoping with the new Be'lakor drop we get an easy way to run daemons and mortals together in 9th!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/11 11:52:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

 tzurk wrote:
Busy, busy busy in here! Impressed you manage to keep tabs on all the painting projects!

I dig the hotshot mate, haven't seen a converted one before but it looks like it packs a punch.

Here's to hoping with the new Be'lakor drop we get an easy way to run daemons and mortals together in 9th!

Thanks mate.
He is kind of a prototype.
I have found some old way smaller cables, which will make this even look better, and unlike with a GW miniature i didn't just waste 3CHF / model because i was unhappy.

Albeit my toying around with cables has brought to attention that i have a bit of a low ammount of bits i'd need for powersources.
But i think i found a way to bypass that aswell

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/13 13:37:21

Post by: Not Online!!!

Slightly modified version.
Will need some more work.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/14 14:10:20

Post by: Not Online!!!

A full IA13 Renegades grenadier squad, including 2 Hotshot volley guns, and 2 plasma guns.

I used the gasmask canisters for the Hotshot lasguns, will need some more cleaning up and chaosification but after that and the cabling is done i think i have a fully functional squad more to paint in my old schme

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/16 12:28:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

Finished squad and Arch demagogue

will need to work a bit more on them but overall, worth it.
Still, cables are annoying to work with

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/16 19:56:27

Post by: Yorkright

Cabling may be a pain but I think it’s going to pay off big time. Your army is really one of a kind with all your conversions.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/19 13:19:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote:
Cabling may be a pain but I think it’s going to pay off big time. Your army is really one of a kind with all your conversions.

did some fixing, and yeah it is. It's also doubly usefull since i didn't want carapace vets.
Also it's a great cost saving meassure, i mean, have you seen what GW demands for 5 scions over here? It's positively nuts, nevermind that these fit the esthetique of my army far more.

Also, chaos special weapons bits kitbashing activated: Another 2 melta grenadiers for the next squad.
Also i have run out of lasguns... somehow... to modify, which means that i will probably get another squad of cadians.

They will need some more chaosifying and some of the hands need some grenstuff as need the arms at some joints, but overall i am quite happy for my Future back to 5-6th edition grens.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/19 18:03:41

Post by: Captain Brown

I must say Not Online!!!, you really like building and converting your models.



Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/20 21:01:39

Post by: KernelTerror

Niiice, I never doubted it, but these helmets really work for evil chaos army men !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/05/21 07:51:39

Post by: Not Online!!!

Captain Brown wrote:I must say Not Online!!!, you really like building and converting your models.



As a matter of fact. it's for some of the core point of the hobby. Sadly GW doesn't think that way anymore... and rarely shows off conversions nowadays.

KernelTerror wrote:Niiice, I never doubted it, but these helmets really work for evil chaos army men !

I'd have gone with the swiss m18 helmet if i'd had a plastic one that would've fit since it's more in line with the aggressive look being made like a medieval Sturmhaube specifically. but try find one
Hence why the german m16 /18 helmets will need to serve and they do it well. As did the kit in general.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/01 13:21:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

For a decade we languished, now it's our time !

Someone pointed me to Warhammer armies project. And me, remembering that i wanted at some point to get into WHFB and therefore owning technically a army , somewhere, dug this out:

1 x 24 Chaos warriors
1 x 11 Chaos warriors
1 x 20 Marauders with shields
1 x 15 Marauders with flails
1 x 10 Marauder horsement with spear and shield
1 x 5 Chaos knights

1 x sorcerer
1 x exalted champion.

First damage assessment, being 10 years in an open box means dust... and also a far less experienced Not Online!!!

here i seem to have worked well, bit of cleaning up to do

Well , i only seem to rock half an exalted champion... Whelp.
Also one can appreciated how far my painting skills have come, from attrocious harrassement of eyes too, well , semi competent and field able

Both marauder units look decently workable..

This knight lost his shield, that one lost half the standart and there a musician attempts to ride solo i guess.

Wellp... According to 9th age the only thing i'd need for this army to go to 2000pts more or less is a chaos lord

Internally i am debating if i should do Chaos warriors, would need a box of varanguard thou to get my hands on a lord and some more bits and bobs to fill out my poor exalted champion again.

Alternatively i'd have gone with soulblight on square bases, i really like the new skeletons and the new wight king especially.

Another alternative i started to consider was going with Pike & Schotte English civil war and landsknechts kits to build either an estalian force or an empire force, since warlord games pike and Schotte range fits well with especially the older states troops.

Another consideration was Goblins, indeed i kinda fell in love with some of the mantic ones, the normal ones that is.....

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/04 14:25:57

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, i started on the army... Still need some bits for the half exalted champion but ehh..

Started out with the banners

Also, test mini, faded red laque ontop of metal, probably light grey mantle and more brass.
Also brownish washed out boots and probably light blue runes if i can bother myself.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/05 13:34:59

Post by: Not Online!!!

some progress

well time to plan the runes then, after the next 21 that is....
Then i need to get myself a lord on manticore and another oldschool 10 chaos knights.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/06 19:15:13

Post by: gobert

Ooh, cool, good to see your taint is making its way to the old world. The test minis looks cool, nice and vibrant fits the old world well. A dark wash may help though?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/06 19:17:45

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Ooh, cool, good to see your taint is making its way to the old world. The test minis looks cool, nice and vibrant fits the old world well. A dark wash may help though?

Well not finished indeed.
For one yes a dark wash will be over the armor and metal, for two will attempt to make the fur darkbrown and the mandle with a light brown with agrax.
Also, some runes in light blue will cover some armor plates.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/07 15:34:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, grey fur to do, then washing ...
i am quite fond of the scheme

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/08 16:22:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

Finis, some cleaning the bases but finis, beyond the lack of runic symbols..... oh boi... time to learn freehanding , i reccomend you therefore to look one last time at the nearly finished but still good looking Warriors in ranks

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/09 07:47:49

Post by: gobert

A very organised Chaos Warrior unit their raggedy cloaks look particularly well done. I’m to be convinced by the purple banner, it looks nice and all, but not sure it works with the red. I seem to recall them all having purple banners so it might work on the Army level. Just seeing 1 unit I fell red, black or brown might work better? Just my outsider opinion so feel free to ignore

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/09 07:56:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
A very organised Chaos Warrior unit their raggedy cloaks look particularly well done. I’m to be convinced by the purple banner, it looks nice and all, but not sure it works with the red. I seem to recall them all having purple banners so it might work on the Army level. Just seeing 1 unit I fell red, black or brown might work better? Just my outsider opinion so feel free to ignore

many thanks, i am proud of the cloaks too.
As for the banner, well it is intended to either get runes on it aswell in that light blue i imagine infront of my imagination.
Also yes, all the units have these purple banners. I do think it has to do with me needing lightning for the picture, normally the purple is rather dark as is the red armor. The brightest point indeed is the bone and the cloaks, so the purple ties in with the red, it's also a bit of the intention to have the banner stand out

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/10 06:39:50

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well. That didn't turn out too terrible if i dare say so

I even was able to get some variance in with layering white into the runes at some points.
Now there's only the flag to do...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/10 13:40:59

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

You should definitely invest in a cheap lightbox, I would love to see your miniatures in better lighting! It's hard sometimes to see them against your table, especially when the pictures are uncropped.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/10 21:47:14

Post by: gobert

It’s tough to see, it what’s can make out the glowing ties look great as for the glory eye holes. Nice work

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/11 14:26:20

Post by: Not Online!!!

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:You should definitely invest in a cheap lightbox, I would love to see your miniatures in better lighting! It's hard sometimes to see them against your table, especially when the pictures are uncropped.

Gotta admit, i haven't taken really care for the photos, still though goes to show that the tool is still dependant upon the fool behind it my bad on the bad lighting there, thought i couls skimp on it thanks to the new camera.....

gobert wrote:It’s tough to see, it what’s can make out the glowing ties look great as for the glory eye holes. Nice work

Yeah it seems dakka didn't like that pic somehow, did make a bunch of new ones, also the next bits.

And the incoming knights.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/11 18:42:56

Post by: KernelTerror

Niice, I really love seeing these chaos warriors in line, like a wall of steel. Nice runes too !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/12 12:45:22

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

There really is something special about rank and file, isn't there, that just hits different!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/13 02:57:13

Post by: tzurk

They look super intimidating all together mate. An avalanche of steel! The runes were a brilliant idea, they really pop out of the armour.

Excited to see progress on the knights - and then the rest of the army!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/14 11:01:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

KernelTerror wrote:Niice, I really love seeing these chaos warriors in line, like a wall of steel. Nice runes too !

Aye. the old chaoswarriors had a really nice flair to them, i also i have yet to meet an opponent that hadn't anything but respect torwards them as a unit.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:There really is something special about rank and file, isn't there, that just hits different!

Aye, and good news aswell. The next bits will be an all ogre oldschool foot ogre army (which also will double as the occaisional chaos ogres) and then i will make an estalian army probably, because warlord games parliamentarian models with their nice pikemen and hats look amazing... will probably have to source some perry muskets though.

tzurk wrote:They look super intimidating all together mate. An avalanche of steel! The runes were a brilliant idea, they really pop out of the armour.

Excited to see progress on the knights - and then the rest of the army!

Ha knights are 3 / 5 metalised... After that, i need to paint the horses and then i need to do runes again and metal splinters and well washing.
Also found an old giant i could add aswell

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/14 18:13:26

Post by: Captain Brown

Not Online!!!

Chaos Warriors are looking good.



Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/14 20:34:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

Many thanks Brown.

Btw. My stuff finaly arried for my summer project:

behold: boxes.
and also the snob and his two toadies, heavily WIP

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/14 20:48:23

Post by: Flapjack

Aha! Turnips! I've been looking forward to see more turnip28 on dakka. Great start of your summer project.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/15 15:25:53

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well Flap, these here are not turnips, but people of the bog, angry people of the bog, also probably talking wierd dialects, but most certainly angry.

Here's the future fodder

Here's the fodder the snob and his toadis aswell as a chaff.

End result will be 2 x fodder 1x chaff 1 x stumpgun and of course the snob with the toadies.

Things that will be incoming, seapocks, nets (because bog / swamp Füsiliers) grass bushels and dirt / mud. also flag.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/15 16:37:37

Post by: Yorkright

A fine start to the turnips/angry bog people. Should keep you busy this summer.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/15 20:33:20

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote:
A fine start to the turnips/angry bog people. Should keep you busy this summer.

I have that fear that instead of ending with a Regiment, i'll end up with a full blown Landsturm... which would be ... a lot of minis

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/16 13:39:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

Behold: Chaff

and stump gun

Also the more perceptive of you will realise the uniformity in the headwear on the chaff.
That is because they represent the equivalent to Landjäger. Technically police forces organised militaristic in rural regions. For some rural Kantons they were also fast response units.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/17 14:14:17

Post by: Not Online!!!

Second squad of fodder, before turning them into bog denizens

Also here is the start of the nettings.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/18 14:14:28

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well the toffs for the opponent army.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/29 12:58:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, now to the next army.

Behold, a bunch of grogs for the opposite army. It will basically be Grogs, a cannon and their snobs.

So, i need another 18 of them and to build the cannon and then i got two full turnip armies...
sans bases, which i need to buy a bunch of squares.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/06/29 13:06:30

Post by: Yorkright

Clean up is looking good NotOnline now for some paint!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/01 13:00:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote:
Clean up is looking good NotOnline now for some paint!

Not gonna happen soon, sadly, because i ordered some rust deposit and it just doesn't arrive....
Was supposed to be here with the rest of the minis...

Anyways, to tide the poor saps viewing this thread over the other army i build is close to finished aswell

Another unit of chaff.

next fieldgun.

Only thing missing is a unit of grogs more

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/17 09:30:56

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well then the new orks look quite faboulus, except most of the squig stuff....

Anyways, new koptas with options means i took a look at my first collection ever (including my first painted unit in the shoota boyz down there)

Things i wanna add to this, 20-30 more nu boyz with shootas. 20 Commandos. atleast two squads of Koptas and an Bigmek as leader. (probably also some nobs because of course.)

What iz got!

Needs more boyz.

Needs more Kommandoz to parachute in.

There's no Choppa to go to.

the bosses lads are a bit thin i guess .

Anyways, green paints... looking up how to decal.... ride of the valkyrie?

Secondary goals-- Building a chinork...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/20 13:06:27

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, well this project i aim to finish before the orks are coming in. Should be possible.
Anyways, here is the next squad, metal and brass done, aswell as black and grey, will need some white highlighting to make them pop a bit more and fixing up, aswell as the eyes and dynamite..


And here the metal phase:

For the curious, this will be a 1500 pts list with additional options to switch in, for those that want i can add the list

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/20 15:42:56

Post by: Captain Brown

Not Online!!! wrote:
So, well this project i aim to finish before the orks are coming in. Should be possible.

Good luck Not Online!!!

You know what they say about the plans of mice and men (English saying that basically means no matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it.)

I like to think I always consider it before getting more figures and forcing myself to finish some of those I already have.



Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/21 13:56:38

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Captain Brown wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
So, well this project i aim to finish before the orks are coming in. Should be possible.

Good luck Not Online!!!

You know what they say about the plans of mice and men (English saying that basically means no matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it.)

I like to think I always consider it before getting more figures and forcing myself to finish some of those I already have.



You see, i have reason to be confident , because the whole army has a model ammount i did some time back in a weekend challange.
But yeah, the curse of the hobbyiest... is something we all suffer i think.

Anyways on with the show:
Basically only needs some washing and cleaning up:

Neophyte regulars Squad 2

Acolythes, this time Bombsquad

Seems like lightnening does swallow all the acentuations i did...
Always forget about that...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/23 14:54:46

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, 40 finished. Another 10 will soon join them. Then on to the HQ elites and fast assault choices. Aswell as another 8 aberrants

Squad 1

Squad 2

Acolythes with Demo charges:

Acolythes with Drill and saw

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/27 14:12:38

Post by: Not Online!!!

Behold, the neophyte reserves, aka 20 with 4 mining lasers.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/27 15:31:15

Post by: Flapjack

Cool looking miniatures there. They fit in nicely with the cult too.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/27 16:10:30

Post by: Yorkright

That is whole lot of chaos, how big is your army now? My guess it would take up a table or 2 if you put them all out at once. ;-)

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/07/27 17:19:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Flapjack wrote:
Cool looking miniatures there. They fit in nicely with the cult too.

Well, they are the same minis and kitbashes afterall

But most importantly they look and feel like reservists for the 31.st.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yorkright wrote:
That is whole lot of chaos, how big is your army now? My guess it would take up a table or 2 if you put them all out at once. ;-)

Well, you kicked off that i made an inventory gallery. Sofar this but incomplete overall:

The cursed:

1 Dark Apostle and 2 disciples.

2 lords

1 sorcerer

4 greater possessed

20 poxwalker cultists

5 chosen with combibolters and a reaper chaincannon and a plasma gun

5 CSM with Missile launcher

5 CSM with missile launcher

5 CSM with Autocannon

5 raptors

3 lord discordants

1 Helldrake

1 forgefiend

2 Venomcrawlers

1 Lord with jumppack

5 possessed

1 Master of possession

4 obliterators

Total 73 models, Status Complete

Phyraxes Warband

1 Phyrax terminator version

1 Phyrax non terminator version

2 Warpsmiths

2 Sorcerers

1 Khorne Dark Apostle

5 Havocs AC PG

5 Havocs 2 AC 2 ML PG

5 Havocs Lascannons Bolter

5 chosen Combibolters

5 Chosen Meltaguns and combi melta

5 Chosen Flamers and combiflamer

5 Chaos terminators Powermaul combibolter

5 Chaos Terminators Reaper AC combibolters

5 Chaos terminators Reaper AC combibolters

1 terminator lord

1 Lord with combibolter (Bilious Roentgen )

8 possessed

1 Possessed Phyrax with Combibolter

1 Daemonprince engine with "wings"

1 Forgefiend tripple Plasma

1 Forgefiend Hades AC

1 Forgefiend Hades AC

1 Horror class defieler

1 Maulerfiend "chaos warrior edition"

1 Decimator.


10 CSM 2 Heavy bolters

10 CSM 2 Autocannons

10 CSM 2 PG

10 CSM 2 Lascannons

10 CSM 1 Heavy bolter 1 Plasmagun

6 CSM Flamer

3 Bikers

2 Rhino with inferno

Total 138 models, Status complete

31.st Auxilia

10 command Squad

10 Marauders shotguns

10 Marauders CQC

3 Ogryn brutes

30 CQC cultists

20 Militia

20 Militia

15 Militia

15 Militia

15 Militia

1 DP

10 Bloodletters

Total 159 Modells, Status Complete.


Not included the whole 31st Mechanized which is another 70 Models in Infantry, 2 Leman russes, 2 Valkyries 3 Chimeras 2 Griffons

Not included the Daemoncult for obvious reasons since still under construction as a secondary formation to the 31st.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/02 13:38:48

Post by: Not Online!!!

Just the grey stage.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/02 14:55:34

Post by: KernelTerror

Ooooh yes, gasmask and spikey helmets and giant guns ! Can't go wrong with that !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/02 19:06:29

Post by: gobert

Loved the recap of your projects, they look great on their shelves… some of those bases look like the could do with some chaotic love though? These new guys in gas masks look the business!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/05 15:03:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

KernelTerror wrote:Ooooh yes, gasmask and spikey helmets and giant guns ! Can't go wrong with that !

Thanks yeah. Spikes make them look rather decent

gobert wrote:Loved the recap of your projects, they look great on their shelves… some of those bases look like the could do with some chaotic love though? These new guys in gas masks look the business!

No, not the bases...

Anyways, metal done here

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/06 08:17:55

Post by: tzurk

Army shots on the shelf look fantastic mate, well done! Always nice to see the end result of some hard work and patience.

Newest batch of demonazis are looking good - I love how the infantry's heavy weapon poses are reminiscent of the big guys with the mining weapons like - look at me, I'm blessed by the Dark Ones too!

Progress is progress and it's being made! Can't wait to see this batch done.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/06 10:32:46

Post by: Not Online!!!

 tzurk wrote:
Army shots on the shelf look fantastic mate, well done! Always nice to see the end result of some hard work and patience.

Newest batch of demonazis are looking good - I love how the infantry's heavy weapon poses are reminiscent of the big guys with the mining weapons like - look at me, I'm blessed by the Dark Ones too!

Progress is progress and it's being made! Can't wait to see this batch done.

Ha yeah, i always was kinda a procrastinator.. this blog kept me through some lows aswell as motivational problems. Gotta admit the Dakka P&M community is awesome and always helpfull. And yes the Daemonic elements do look good, it establishes this project as a splinter of the 31st whilest also making it something that can stand on its own merits.

As for the Demonazis... I actually always wanted to avoid that, and it was one of the things that always kept me away from going full on bloodpact due to how they get too close for my tastes to nazi iconography especially in some of the fan portrayals, despite being a "fan" of them during gaunts ghosts novels and as a concept of an Anti-IoM.

And whilest i certanly play with the elements in both my projects (31st and the Daemoncult which is more or less a former garrison of the other), and one could even see an increasing fanaticism overall in my story of the 31st and its progressing insanity and daemonification, for me the more important elements were more inline with the rampant ideologification inherent in overbearing Militarism and the danger of that authoritharian militarist society of turning against the rest of itself and the fracturing into warlords... in a way not too disimilar to imperial Japan with its cliques and coups and countercoups.

i also really like Stahlhelm type helmets, owning an american one, an swiss 1917 modell and even a WW1 german one. Also the IoM helmets of other factions just never intrigued me..
which after the R&H modell line got removed, more or less made my decision for a look for me first with the anvil models and later with these.
It was therefore always an Aesthetic choice first. However like the IA13 list states, that Daemonhood and therefore immortality were open to anyone having the strength to walk the dark path... In many ways that is a highly social darwinian concept of a "meritocratic" cut throat society.. one could argue therefore that chaos always has such implications BUT with a higher degree of personal achievement and egality in that regard, if you can compete with the other champions..

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/09 08:14:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, did some recess shading and highlighting. The Neos need their Red bits and bobs aswell as guns painted, the sarge needs his hat to be pruple like the rest and these acos are only a wash and yellow eyes away of completion.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/10 13:27:59

Post by: Not Online!!!

Behold, the absolute highlight of the project.

And some secondary khorneberrants , khorne acolyths and some Neophytes with some progress

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/10 21:00:41

Post by: KernelTerror

Oh, yes ! I love that small dude carrying a sword ! Damn, I must have one somewhere, but where....

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/11 14:07:49

Post by: Not Online!!!

Many thanks Kernel..

But nows time to interupt the scheduled programz and introduce some Grot tankz

Got myself some kromlech scrap tanks, because look and content are awesome.

Endproduct.. Quite happy.

Not onlines !!! s chaos rating:

Look: 9/10 Not enouff dakka... otoh there's never enouff dakka.
Building: 3 /10 .... seriously who thought putting the kromlech logo for the sprue under the free treads.... yes i now have to improvise them on basing since i destroyed 2/ 4 treads....
Price: 7/10 cheaper than FW but still pricey.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/11 19:09:01

Post by: KernelTerror

Cute little tanks !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/15 13:17:21

Post by: Not Online!!!

I know.

They'll fit in nicely .

Anyways, i got until septemer for my Daemoncult to be finished, considering orks show up then.

So here: the last neophytes, only requiring an agrax step.
And the last Acolythes aswell.

And yes, the Magus is soon alse finished quite happy with my output tbh.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/15 20:38:22

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Wow, you are certainly making excellent progress with this mountain of projects.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/16 14:30:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
Wow, you are certainly making excellent progress with this mountain of projects.

ha only one is active, the orks are as always on the backburner

Familiar, also my fav model sofar

Behold hats.

Squad 3

Squad 4

last of the possessed Acolythes



Iconward and meinel patriarch

All done so far.

What is missing:
2 ridgerunners
Atalan jackal squads
Locus (probably will make a more daemonic version)
Jackal Alphus

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/16 19:18:46

Post by: gobert

Looking good! Hope you manage to get them done before the Ork horde descends!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/16 21:17:31

Post by: Yorkright

I really like how the army is progressing, they are going to look awesome on the tabletop.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/08/21 08:16:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

gobert wrote:Looking good! Hope you manage to get them done before the Ork horde descends!

Yeah,, not much left though so a high chance that happens.

Yorkright wrote: I really like how the army is progressing, they are going to look awesome on the tabletop.

That they will.

Also here, new Locus and the sanctus got the first part of his camo cloak done.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/09/30 13:09:52

Post by: Not Online!!!

Life was busy recently, only now finally had some time to get some painting done.
I also had a bit of a hobby crisis, still have actually.

anyways, i am still around, and today manged even to paint me some metal bits.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/09/30 19:09:56

Post by: KernelTerror

These renegade buggys are really pleasing to the eye !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/01 16:13:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
These renegade buggys are really pleasing to the eye !

Its a great kit, albeit without the starter to get access to it a tad overly expensive.

Anyways some symbols on a slew of charachters.

And some magnetised grot tanks

quite productive

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/01 22:33:21

Post by: gobert

Good to see you back NotOnline!!! The buggies look really cool in white and the chaos symbols mesh really nicely.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/02 12:01:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Good to see you back NotOnline!!! The buggies look really cool in white and the chaos symbols mesh really nicely.

many thanks gobert.

Yeah the buggies are starting to come along nicely.
Today however i am recess shading and fixing / metal bitting some charachters:

Nexos got his green lenses, also i will make another map for his table.




That's that for today.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/03 10:34:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, charachters finished, next up, a bunch of ridgerunners

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/03 11:29:01

Post by: gobert

Cool job on the map, was it a printed one of soemwhere in particular?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/04 07:51:48

Post by: KernelTerror

These are the trench maps of the ww1 frontline, somewhere between France and Belgium... Better send a couple of armored divisions up north in case NotOnline is planning something...

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/04 11:56:41

Post by: Not Online!!!

gobert wrote:Cool job on the map, was it a printed one of soemwhere in particular?

Just a printed map ontop of the same paper to get some thickness to it

KernelTerror wrote:These are the trench maps of the ww1 frontline, somewhere between France and Belgium... Better send a couple of armored divisions up north in case NotOnline is planning something...

Correct, a british sector to be excact.

but maybee i merely want you there, whilest i make a souther thrust.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/04 13:41:38

Post by: KernelTerror

Ah yes, disinformation through "misplaced" top secret documents. Well, in doubt, dig trenches.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/17 12:01:53

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Ah yes, disinformation through "misplaced" top secret documents. Well, in doubt, dig trenches.

haha yup.

Anyways , some bikers and vehicles. Mostly black, metal and green aswell as grey.

Next step brass. Also sneak peak.

Sneak, peak

yup gonna go oldschool and refresh my first army
Green never lets you go

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/19 19:14:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well bright accents and skin

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/21 17:25:55

Post by: gobert

Man! Those bikes look awesome in white, really cool! Can’t wait to see the green skins coming together

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/22 14:10:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Man! Those bikes look awesome in white, really cool! Can’t wait to see the green skins coming together

Many thanks: here is the end product.

They did turn out really well for my lackluster standards in painting

Anyways, the orks will be fun, revisiting my first ever army. I even still have my metal deff dread, but i have some things planed for that army

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/23 13:06:56

Post by: Not Online!!!

Behold: Another finished army.

Well. It was an awesome project.

Fun army to play yes.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/24 11:11:41

Post by: gobert

Looking good not online!!! I’d like to see their bases match your terrain though
Is that a squadron of Ork airforce I spy in the background too?

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/24 11:40:02

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Looking good not online!!! I’d like to see their bases match your terrain though
Is that a squadron of Ork airforce I spy in the background too?

Not on this army, i am still cautious with basing.
However beyond the old sentimental ork boy first painted unit you can probably expect a lot of more baseing on my orks.

Also, yes, i always was more of a proponent of "big mek waagh" and Dakka > choppa, so naturally i own a full squadron of ork planes. (2 dakka 1 burna bomba)
Kinda funny that i restart my first army again come to think of it, i guess one never escapes the green orky way.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/28 19:06:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well i got myself the rest of the delivery for my old waagh to be updated and finished.

As always, first build normal then start wierdness:

In this case Nr 2 of this will be a Megamek.

Also fixed up an old Truck

And , i already started converting the koptas to full rokkits.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/29 08:27:24

Post by: gobert

Looks like you’re bringing plenty of dakka!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/29 14:12:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Looks like you’re bringing plenty of dakka!

There's two types of git, gobert, those that believe choppa is acceptable, and those that know, that dakka always trumps choppa.

Also, behold, Kaptin Gadsquig

Not yet finished, also yes, clawhand melee and some cannon and big shootas for the other hand

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/29 16:40:05

Post by: Yorkright

All are looking good NotOnline, I’m really impressed with you renegades they look so good set up together.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/29 17:55:48

Post by: The Red Hobbit

Same here, the renegades are looking terrific!!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/30 14:05:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yorkright wrote: All are looking good NotOnline, I’m really impressed with you renegades they look so good set up together.

Many thanks

The Red Hobbit wrote:Same here, the renegades are looking terrific!!

Ha, yeah the leftovers of the 31.

anyways, here is the progress and finished Kaptin Gadsquig, he who steals the nails

Lootin the Nails so that we can loot even more!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/30 20:01:19

Post by: KernelTerror

That is a big knife ^^ !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/10/30 20:31:59

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
That is a big knife ^^ !


Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/01 13:37:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

So first i finished the sbrechoppa for Kaptin:

Then i built some meganobz i had lying around and decided to build a megamek worth his megamek status.

Yes, the cusomt shoota is a big shoota from a deff dread.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/06 14:24:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

Opinion on the trike.
Nice model. Shame about no option for the waaghbika guns instead of the shotguns.
Bit pricey tho for the size.

Yes another bot.

Also: Not Onlines principle of Ork model building:
If dakka: Yes.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/11 15:44:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yep, more boys.
Shoota boys.

Choppa boys.

Honestly, Shoota boys look better. Also i miss ard boy option, the one with sum armor.

And yes, these are prepared for an escalation league against a decidedly crusade army.
May or may not convert some SoB new tank thingy into a Looted wagon.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/12 07:06:46

Post by: gobert

Rapid progress as usual not online, you’ll have the waagh up to strength in no time!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/13 15:58:14

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Really great job on those bikers. They look great on the table.

Looking forward to see how the Orks turn out.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/14 13:03:44

Post by: Not Online!!!

gobert wrote:Rapid progress as usual not online, you’ll have the waagh up to strength in no time!

nana, this is for an escalation campaign with a close person. This i will take slowly

The Riddle of Steel wrote:Really great job on those bikers. They look great on the table.

Looking forward to see how the Orks turn out.

Thanks, yeah the bikers look really snazy.

As for the orks, very, very mekheavy.
If Not online were an ork i probably were a parade exemple of an aviation enthusiastic mek.
If i find a nice helicpopter stand in i might even build a chinork

The black bits and the burna bomba are the first 500 pts.
to the left, my first ever painted unit of 40k

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/14 18:35:27

Post by: KernelTerror

Oh yes, +1 on a chinork !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/14 22:43:12

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

Yeah Chinorks were pretty rad, they should come back properly. Also the bomma is very interesting, I like the wing formation.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/15 14:42:20

Post by: Not Online!!!

KernelTerror wrote:Oh yes, +1 on a chinork !

Cap'n Facebeard wrote:Yeah Chinorks were pretty rad, they should come back properly. Also the bomma is very interesting, I like the wing formation.

The question is now, where do i find an helicopter model i could convert....

Anyways, first time contrast and nailing down a scheme:

Right side, is for armor plates with colour and uniformz
Left side is for ork skin with a drybush and some pink for lips and maybee some slight yellow to highlight

Looks funky imo, black and white orks

Will use the normal green to lighten it up a bit, alas, contrast greens are awesome so far.
Afterwards doing some metal bits, the schpecial mek forcefield for protection of his favourite toys and chip damage aswell as the pistons in metal.

I like the look, some red bits for the additional teef metal scraps and maybee one or the other glyph.
Then a camo theme.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/16 19:51:17

Post by: gobert

Ha! The black and white Orks look cool! The contrast though looks much more orky, and gives a nice effect.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/16 21:05:16

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Ha! The black and white Orks look cool! The contrast though looks much more orky, and gives a nice effect.

yeah, i kinda need the white to apply the green. on the plus side, i only need to be accurate with the white, in order to make the model bits nice green.. Which is beneficial for my skillless being

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/17 16:12:11

Post by: Not Online!!!



Skin: done
Armor and core "warband" colour done.

Contrast is simply put awesome.
Next up, Burna bomba and detail work.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/19 13:52:44

Post by: Not Online!!!

It's a mekboss..
Not finished.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/19 17:16:50

Post by: gobert

Looking cool, the Contrast Paints are working really well for you Not Online, a real step up I’d say. It’s not often you see green armoured Orks, but it works well on the MekBoss

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/19 17:35:02

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
Looking cool, the Contrast Paints are working really well for you Not Online, a real step up I’d say. It’s not often you see green armoured Orks, but it works well on the MekBoss

well even i am on occaison not learn resistent

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/20 17:17:08

Post by: Not Online!!!

did toy around with making a bit more contrasting Eye.

And the lads.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/20 22:46:42

Post by: The Red Hobbit

That's an impressive bit of progress!! My most recent Orks acquisition are still on the sprue along with the rest of the Kill Team box.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/11/21 13:19:31

Post by: Not Online!!!

 The Red Hobbit wrote:
That's an impressive bit of progress!! My most recent Orks acquisition are still on the sprue along with the rest of the Kill Team box.

oh, kommandos...
I wanted some 20 odd lads of these aswell, until once again GW decided to not give em shootas.

yay checkerbord induced suffering.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/12 15:16:12

Post by: Not Online!!!

well some lips anc checkerboards

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/12 15:27:48

Post by: Gadzilla666

Love those checkerboards. Those must've taken some time. Great job bringing out the details on the flesh too.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/24 12:28:22

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Gadzilla666 wrote:
Love those checkerboards. Those must've taken some time. Great job bringing out the details on the flesh too.

Well, actually surprisingly after you get into the flow of it not that difficult



Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/24 14:01:12

Post by: KernelTerror

hahaha very classy hats !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/24 19:46:55

Post by: The Red Hobbit

Hahaha nice hats on the Ork riders, love it!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/27 14:32:45

Post by: Not Online!!!

Many thanks you two.

This time a bit less hats and more Kanz:

If there is one reason to collect orks its killa kanz

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/28 15:20:05

Post by: gobert

Nice set of kanz Not Online

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/28 16:14:11

Post by: brushcommando

Killa kanz and Deff dreads are some of my favorite ork models. Hope you have a blast painting them up.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2021/12/31 12:03:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

gobert wrote:Nice set of kanz Not Online

Can't ever have enough Kanz

brushcommando wrote:Killa kanz and Deff dreads are some of my favorite ork models. Hope you have a blast painting them up.

Will have, however, behold instead the end of year boys

Happy new year and Rutsched guet!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/04 13:56:21

Post by: Not Online!!!

so this is what i aim to finish, including basing, this week.

Some lucky blue bits for the stormboys, mork knows they need it

Yes i attempted highlighting.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/05 14:05:59

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, i like my megamek.

Tried some smoke residue on the stormboys

shota lads.

Next up, some more basing work, the sand will get darker brown, some plants on them and some rocks. yes real rocks.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/05 19:12:01

Post by: gobert

These boyz are turning out to be some of your best work not online. Keep it up mate!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/06 00:42:34

Post by: Captain Brown

Good work Not Online!!!

The improved painting is showing in each batch.



Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/06 05:54:30

Post by: AustonT

Really digging your waaagh! I especially like your stormboyz; a really good kit well painted.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/06 14:39:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

gobert wrote:These boyz are turning out to be some of your best work not online. Keep it up mate!

Will try
Many thanks, means a lot to me.

Captain Brown wrote:Good work Not Online!!!

The improved painting is showing in each batch.



Well it seems that people really dig it. Still prefer building and customizing though but that is helping. Now i ranked up to "terrible" painter, not anymore horrific

AustonT wrote:Really digging your waaagh! I especially like your stormboyz; a really good kit well painted.

TBF, contrast makes my live really easy, the scheme being also on the simple side does so either. Then of course ample liquid skill and a blog worth of improved experience through help, selfteaching and the quite awesome dakka p&m community.
also the residue is quite literally thik army painter black applied with a tiny sponge, really easy to do

Started fixing up my first ever truck and my burna bomma

Have the red and yellow left over to strengthen on some parts. then the cockpit.

Afterwards on to base the models propperly!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/06 20:44:36

Post by: gobert

I was too busy admiring the painting to notice the Ladz are based! They look an extra 10% better now I’ve spotted that! . Lovely looking flyer, they’ll be glad of the air support!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/07 16:15:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
I was too busy admiring the painting to notice the Ladz are based! They look an extra 10% better now I’ve spotted that! . Lovely looking flyer, they’ll be glad of the air support!

Maybee i will go back and base the rest of my armies...

Anyways, burna bomba

Do Iz look like i plays arround?

500 pts
close to finished.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/08 12:52:23

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, 500pts finished:

500 pts of a mekwaagh finished. Incidentally also a better combat patrol box

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/09 15:31:09

Post by: KernelTerror

Very nice plane, makes me want to improve my air force as well !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/15 15:06:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Very nice plane, makes me want to improve my air force as well !

Victory through airpower

Anyways , got me the last orks for the full army, and fixed up my nobs:

Yep the big choppa approach to truck boys specialists, for maximum choppa.

Also i never liked the new Flashgits kit, the weapons look too cartony for my taste, especially compared to the 4th? edition art in the dex, therefore i decided to turn the dakka options for the nobs with some kitbashing and good old count as into a squad of flashgits, now with 2 underslung stickbomb launchas.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/16 09:58:22

Post by: gobert

The warband is looking fantastic, even better for all being based. Looking forward to the Nobz and Gitz

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/17 21:33:48

Post by: Not Online!!!

 gobert wrote:
The warband is looking fantastic, even better for all being based. Looking forward to the Nobz and Gitz

Thanks gobert!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/18 13:56:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

Just kitbashed me a medic / biophagus...
yes yes, Not Online can't live without Chaos...

Also new GSC, will need to add probably a bit more to my Daemoncult.

Crossfires also awesome, and bloodletters as count as Genestealer

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/18 20:44:42

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

So many lovely orks!

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/20 12:53:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
So many lovely orks!

Many thanks

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/20 18:47:30

Post by: KernelTerror

Very cool greasy green metal on the dreadnought !

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/22 12:18:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

Here , what i am to paint until monday evening

6 bikas and 5 more stormboys

Place your bets

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Green done.

Not Onlines Chaos: Testmodel @ 2022/01/22 17:25:54

Post by: gobert

Good start so far, is it a chores free hobby weekend you have going on? If so, Colour me jealous