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Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:36:22

Post by: Shadow Walker

Plastic Brets? Awesome news. For the Lady!

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:46:30

Post by: BertBert

That is fantastic news indeed.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:47:12

Post by: Cruentus

I know this horse is already out of the barn, but I'm hoping that the Brets (and the TK) don't suffer from ongoing scale creep.

I have a sizeable Bret army from 5th/6th, and would really like the new stuff to fit in. The last iteration of Brets were much bulkier and larger, and looked out of place.

If they were "to scale", I'd buy a bunch. If they're not... then no sales from me (and I'm not even going to mention the potential price points).

And while these teases are a lot of fun, I want to know when we might actually expect them.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:49:04

Post by: Cyel

I like that the shields aren't embossed for some hot freehand heraldry action!

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:51:18

Post by: nathan2004

Chikout wrote:
Does none else think that the Bretonnian stuff is just kind of boring? There's not much on the way of detail and the helmet crests are pretty much the same designs we had before. The shields also look exactly like the old ones with no added details. Keeping the face of the shields bare is sensible, but there are no nicks or dents no lady's favours hanging off the shields and barely any variation in the shapes of the shields. The swords are also all prestine with a pretty uniform design. The only nice touch I liked is the key hanging on one arm. I don't need oddles of detail but for a preview showing off a first look at new minis, I expected more. The Tomb King stuff is much better.

I respectfully disagree...I'm glad the design is relatively simple, hopefully this translates to a lower price point for these releases and not $100 for 5 models which with inflation/current economy, that's what we are trending towards it feels like.

But ignoring the economics here, I think the target audience they are trying to appeal to are mostly oldhammer folks and of course people playing Total War. Keeping the design simple allows oldhammer folks the ability to incorporate these new designs into existing armies and hopefully not scare away new folks entering from the Total War world who might just be trying a table top miniatures games for the first time.

Moreover, some of the best paint (and conversions) I've seen in the worlds of Warhammer (both 40k and fantasy) in my entire life have been with Bretonnia armies. I loveeeeeeeeee that they kept the shields bare so people could paint their own heraldies on there. Painting each knight individually I have zero doubt is a pain but gives you ample opportunity to add details as you see fit yourself and is certainly a labor of love. And it shows when lined up against them on the battlefield.

I for one was initially worried when the images looked like resin weapons at first glance and my mind went down the rabbit hole of specialist games/limited releases/etc...then I read the actual article and saw plastic and new models and was stoked. Excited for what this brings.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:51:38

Post by: BertBert

 Cruentus wrote:

If they were "to scale", I'd buy a bunch. If they're not... then no sales from me (and I'm not even going to mention the potential price points).

Increased scale also carries the problem of larger unit foot prints = less board space for the "playing" part. I hope they have this one figured out.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:52:09

Post by: JSG

I was wrong. This is very exciting!

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:52:34

Post by: Tyel

 Olthannon wrote:
They look pretty good, hopefully the models will look better than these renders. But I'm excited for these bad boys and I'm glad Bretonnians and Tomb Kings are getting new kits.

I still think we are a year away from the actual release, minimum.

Yeah. Next summer would be my guess. Which is a long time to wait - but I just disagree on "its a specialist game, they could chuck it out whenever".

I guess it depends on how far you stretch "specialist game".

Obviously the big box sets are kind of expensive - but you can be in the midst of a 40k army and find some money to buy a Bloodbowl team or Necromunda gang box if say you suddenly wanted to play with your friends (and one of them has the rules, dice, terrain etc).

I'm not sure that's the same as what appears to be a fairly major resurrection of Fantasy armies. I mean if the Tomb Kings were to get just a Tomb Prince, a Liche Priest, some foot skeletons and chariots, that's 4 new kits. Chuck in - due to references in previous reveals - say new Ushabti and a Tomb Scorpion and that's 6 kits. That's a 40k/AoS level release.
Brets could have the same.
Empire could have even more. Then there's Chaos, Orcs and Goblins, Dwarfs, Three different kinds of elves, Kislev as advertised all those years ago, the list goes on. I wouldn't expect all of this out at the same time obviously - but it adds up in a way that I don't think some of these examples do.

If GW is going to put this much effort in, they need to make it land. Which means the official release, big box etc, will be a big event. I don't think they'll want to cram that in with 40k. If we get a new edition, we won't just get a new box, but will also inevitably get a new wave of Marines+whoever else in the box (Tyranids?) with the codexes a few months later. Presumably (since they've been at pains to tell us) AoS isn't being terminated, so they'll still be doing releases for that as well.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 15:53:06

Post by: tneva82

 Cruentus wrote:
I know this horse is already out of the barn, but I'm hoping that the Brets (and the TK) don't suffer from ongoing scale creep.

I have a sizeable Bret army from 5th/6th, and would really like the new stuff to fit in. The last iteration of Brets were much bulkier and larger, and looked out of place.

If they were "to scale", I'd buy a bunch. If they're not... then no sales from me (and I'm not even going to mention the potential price points).

And while these teases are a lot of fun, I want to know when we might actually expect them.

Well then you can forget tow right away as they won't go back to old scale

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 nathan2004 wrote:
Chikout wrote:
Does none else think that the Bretonnian stuff is just kind of boring? There's not much on the way of detail and the helmet crests are pretty much the same designs we had before. The shields also look exactly like the old ones with no added details. Keeping the face of the shields bare is sensible, but there are no nicks or dents no lady's favours hanging off the shields and barely any variation in the shapes of the shields. The swords are also all prestine with a pretty uniform design. The only nice touch I liked is the key hanging on one arm. I don't need oddles of detail but for a preview showing off a first look at new minis, I expected more. The Tomb King stuff is much better.

I respectively disagree...I'm glad the design is relatively simple, hopefully this translates to a lower price point for these releases and not $100 for 5 models which with inflation/current economy, that's what we are trending towards it feels like.

Sorry to be downer but sheld design won't affect mould cost so unlikely to show in price. Details cost them maybe 0.0000001 pound per box

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:01:26

Post by: Londinium

I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a rulebook/some kind of box for the Xmas release followed up by the full launch at some point in mid 2024.

GW likes it's winter releases as much as holding the summer for it's mainline new editions. BB2016 came out in Nov/Dec. Necromunda came out the same time the following year. Battle for Osgilliath came out in November.

Depending on what they've got coming out, it's quite common for them to release SG new editions in the run up to Christmas.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:01:27

Post by: Just Tony

So which one is going to come back first? Are they going to claim that this is still going to be a warmaster release, or are they going to suggest that they're completely changing the square base system and around? Maybe they're going to convince us that they're using AOS models and that the Warhammer fantasy battle aesthetic isn't coming back again.

If the scale creep is too bad then this is going to wind up with a market flooded with 6th edition bretonnian models or 5th edition models. It'll also mean flooded 6th edition Tomb King models. I plan on snapping up as many as I find

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:06:15

Post by: nathan2004

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 nathan2004 wrote:
Chikout wrote:
Does none else think that the Bretonnian stuff is just kind of boring? There's not much on the way of detail and the helmet crests are pretty much the same designs we had before. The shields also look exactly like the old ones with no added details. Keeping the face of the shields bare is sensible, but there are no nicks or dents no lady's favours hanging off the shields and barely any variation in the shapes of the shields. The swords are also all prestine with a pretty uniform design. The only nice touch I liked is the key hanging on one arm. I don't need oddles of detail but for a preview showing off a first look at new minis, I expected more. The Tomb King stuff is much better.

I respectfully disagree...I'm glad the design is relatively simple, hopefully this translates to a lower price point for these releases and not $100 for 5 models which with inflation/current economy, that's what we are trending towards it feels like.

"Sorry to be downer but sheld design won't affect mould cost so unlikely to show in price. Details cost them maybe 0.0000001 pound per box "

One can dream right? LOL. But no seriously I get what you're saying but it's also how GW justifies price...When they throw out models with a lot of detail (regardless of production cost), they can point to that model and say hey we are charging x amount of money because it cost us a lot of material/manpower/etc to design and manufacture that model. Now whether or not that's true or not, we likely won't know but from a consumer's point of view, we can rationalize and understand (and perhaps accept) how they arrived at that. And are more prone I'd argue to shell out the money for it.

With simple designs, not so much. But that's just my take on it.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:07:17

Post by: Irbis

Chikout wrote:
Does none else think that the Bretonnian stuff is just kind of boring? There's not much on the way of detail and the helmet crests are pretty much the same designs we had before. The shields also look exactly like the old ones with no added details. Keeping the face of the shields bare is sensible, but there are no nicks or dents no lady's favours hanging off the shields and barely any variation in the shapes of the shields.

Why on Earth there should be any nicks on dents in the shields when A) it's obvious they made them flat for the use with big sheet of transfers that will come in the box, B) you can make any nicks and dents you want with drill and knife but you can't exactly undent damaged shields if 'your dudes' are of the type that wears only the pristine stuff into battle?

Ditto with the shield shapes (historically, it was pretty uniform in a given era because people used the best design available and shields were the cheapest and simplest to make piece of kit) and swords (in later medieval times most of the swords issued were brand new, there was no market stall with used swords in every town, that's video game invention), I fail to see how either is a problem exactly...

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:08:49

Post by: rybackstun

Very, very, VERY happy for Bret and TK fans (myself included). This should be a fun release!

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:17:08

Post by: nathan2004

 Kanluwen wrote:
*goes back to his forests, waiting for news on the Asrai*

Congrats to Tomb Kings and Bretonnia though, I guess?

Apologies in advance if this is a ignorant question but aren't all the Elf races combined into 1 at this point in the story line? I play Dark Elves and have a high elf army on sprues still (I even had an entire Wood Elf army bought and in boxes still at the end of 8th I sold when AoS dropped) so I'd be pumped if we get them separated into their distinct factions. Admittedly I'm not a historian of the game, I just really enjoyed playing and didn't get into the lore much until right at the very tail end of things.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:20:21

Post by: JimmyWolf87

 nathan2004 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
*goes back to his forests, waiting for news on the Asrai*

Congrats to Tomb Kings and Bretonnia though, I guess?

Apologies in advance if this is a ignorant question but aren't all the Elf races combined into 1 at this point in the story line? I play Dark Elves and have a high elf army on sprues still (I even had an entire Wood Elf army bought and in boxes still at the end of 8th I sold when AoS dropped) so I'd be pumped if we get them separated into their distinct factions. Admittedly I'm not a historian of the game, I just really enjoyed playing and didn't get into the lore much until right at the very tail end of things.

Nope, they've been separate for millennia already at this point in the timeline. In fact the Dark Elves are involved in probably their most significant (and most successful) invasion of Ulthuan around this time. In terms of Elven history, IC 2200-2250 (or thereabouts) is pretty recent. Same Phoenix King as the 'current' one (i.e. prior to End Times) and most of the existing named elven special characters should be alive, even if they're not as significant as they later would be.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:21:17

Post by: nathan2004

^Thank you very much for that, that's very good to know!!!

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:30:44

Post by: triplegrim

I am very excited about this. So perhaps a bretonnia vs a Khemri box set?

I like the rather plain bretonnia look. Even an average painter like me can do them fairly easy. Compare to the Indomitus space marines for unneeded kipple imo.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:34:00

Post by: Breotan

 Cruentus wrote:
I know this horse is already out of the barn, but I'm hoping that the Brets (and the TK) don't suffer from ongoing scale creep.

I have a sizeable Bret army from 5th/6th, and would really like the new stuff to fit in. The last iteration of Brets were much bulkier and larger, and looked out of place.

If they were "to scale", I'd buy a bunch. If they're not... then no sales from me (and I'm not even going to mention the potential price points)

I use both iterations of Brets in my army. The older ones are my Knights Errant (ornamentation removed from the helmets to give them a more basic look) while the newer ones make up my KotR and Grail Knights. I'll probably use the newest sculpts as my Grail Knights and keep the rest just to help accentuate social/class stratification between the types of knightly units.

I just hope we'll be able to make proper looking Questing Knights out of these new kits.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:41:41

Post by: triplegrim

 Breotan wrote:
 Cruentus wrote:
I know this horse is already out of the barn, but I'm hoping that the Brets (and the TK) don't suffer from ongoing scale creep.

I have a sizeable Bret army from 5th/6th, and would really like the new stuff to fit in. The last iteration of Brets were much bulkier and larger, and looked out of place.

If they were "to scale", I'd buy a bunch. If they're not... then no sales from me (and I'm not even going to mention the potential price points)

I use both iterations of Brets in my army. The older ones are my Knights Errant (ornamentation removed from the helmets to give them a more basic look) while the newer ones make up my KotR and Grail Knights. I'll probably use the newest sculpts as my Grail Knights and keep the rest just to help accentuate social/class stratification between the types of knightly units.

I just hope we'll be able to make proper looking Questing Knights out of these new kits.

As far as scale goes, the khemri hands seems to be fairly miniscules om these weapons. So I dare believe they are not very chunky, clunky or 'heroic' scale.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:48:52

Post by: KidCthulhu

Finally, something concrete for The Old World!

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:52:18

Post by: Voss

 KidCthulhu wrote:
Finally, something concrete for The Old World!

Yeah. Its nice. Like the lack pointless cruft.

Given their previous fate, though, now I'm worried about how long GW will bother to support TOW.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:55:10

Post by: His Master's Voice

 triplegrim wrote:

As far as scale goes, the khemri hands seems to be fairly miniscules om these weapons. So I dare believe they are not very chunky, clunky or 'heroic' scale.

That's likely just better proportions doing away with ham fists across the range.

People should really expect the Cadian treatment for the new miniatures.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:58:50

Post by: Gert

Depends if it makes money or not doesn't it?
If people buy into TOW then GW will support it and people will buy in if GW supports the system both locally and globally i.e. events and the such.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 16:59:34

Post by: Daedalus81

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Incoming new map at a different perspective and more recycled artwork.

Oof. This didn't even have time to age!

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 17:04:31

Post by: tneva82

 Gert wrote:
Depends if it makes money or not doesn't it?
If people buy into TOW then GW will support it and people will buy in if GW supports the system both locally and globally i.e. events and the such.

That's the hope but even exceding gw's own sale expectations isn't sure path for further support

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 17:08:20

Post by: Gert

Obviously not but it's a pretty good shot if ToW is going to be considered in the same vein as HH.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 17:09:30

Post by: lord_blackfang

I would expect it in 2024 in the same time slot HH had last year, at the earliest.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 19:20:27

Post by: frogert_poj

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I would expect it in 2024 in the same time slot HH had last year, at the earliest.

AOS 4th Edt. is next Summer, 2025 would be the HH release slot. If they are sticking to the 3 year cycle.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 19:33:51

Post by: Olthannon

Given this is "The Old World" (even though we all know it's just WFB 2) I'd be interested to see what they do with Lizardmen to separate them from AoS. Maybe they could make them Southlands specific and give them a different flavour.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 19:43:41

Post by: Mr_Rose

 Olthannon wrote:
Given this is "The Old World" (even though we all know it's just WFB 2) I'd be interested to see what they do with Lizardmen to separate them from AoS. Maybe they could make them Southlands specific and give them a different flavour.

Do they have to?
Like, the ones in AoS are explicitly the same species from WFB, down to some individuals being the same survivors of the destruction of the old world, not some half-mad godling’s recreation based on a dream of a memory.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 19:58:44

Post by: Tsagualsa

 Mr_Rose wrote:
 Olthannon wrote:
Given this is "The Old World" (even though we all know it's just WFB 2) I'd be interested to see what they do with Lizardmen to separate them from AoS. Maybe they could make them Southlands specific and give them a different flavour.

Do they have to?
Like, the ones in AoS are explicitly the same species from WFB, down to some individuals being the same survivors of the destruction of the old world, not some half-mad godling’s recreation based on a dream of a memory.

They could do the same thing they do with daemons, they're linked through some shared meta-reality by the warp, but are not necessary the same individuals from the same universe.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 20:03:03

Post by: His Master's Voice

Some food for thought on the subject of scaling for the new miniatures.

TWO Bretonnia

AoS Dawnbringer Crusades

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 20:04:34

Post by: Olthannon

 Mr_Rose wrote:
 Olthannon wrote:
Given this is "The Old World" (even though we all know it's just WFB 2) I'd be interested to see what they do with Lizardmen to separate them from AoS. Maybe they could make them Southlands specific and give them a different flavour.

Do they have to?
Like, the ones in AoS are explicitly the same species from WFB, down to some individuals being the same survivors of the destruction of the old world, not some half-mad godling’s recreation based on a dream of a memory.

Does anyone have to do anything?

In the lore, they describe the Southlands Lizardmen as different but we never got the models, now is a thematic opportunity to do so.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 20:16:41

Post by: Skywave

As the owner of a rather large Tomb Kings army already (10k +) from back in the day, I'm very curious to see what they gonna release and if they can tempt me into buying _more_ skeletons! I'm cautiously optimistic, those reveals look promising, but I dread the price that'll come with them. Currently I'm thinking that I might very well want to get a kit of everything new they release for my sandy bones, if only to add to the collection, but prices will be a factor too.

Very cool that they are showcasing Bretonnia too, 8th edition was close to being "complete" and these guys just missed the boat (and the boat sank anyway). Maybe the starter set will be Brets and TK, who knows! Always thought a Bret crusade in the south would have been both cool and quite fitting.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 20:28:49

Post by: Kanluwen

 Olthannon wrote:

Does anyone have to do anything?

In the lore, they describe the Southlands Lizardmen as different but we never got the models, now is a thematic opportunity to do so.

Only book I have handy is the 2003 one, and the only real meaningful differences are Horned Ones plus the Skink Cohorts and the 1:1 Scar-Veteran/Saurus Warrior requirement. It feels more organizational than anything else.

Was there more? Genuinely trying to figure this out.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 20:45:54

Post by: Tsagualsa

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Olthannon wrote:

Does anyone have to do anything?

In the lore, they describe the Southlands Lizardmen as different but we never got the models, now is a thematic opportunity to do so.

Only book I have handy is the 2003 one, and the only real meaningful differences are Horned Ones plus the Skink Cohorts and the 1:1 Scar-Veteran/Saurus Warrior requirement. It feels more organizational than anything else.

Was there more? Genuinely trying to figure this out.

IIRc there was more of a difference in the fluff, the actual published southlands list actually dialed it back a lot to make it playable as a variant list with existing models.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 20:56:15

Post by: Paymaster Games

Lets say they (GW) releases the Old World by Christmas or early next year (which would make sense). Do you think that would release a Ravaging Hordes for this game on release? I mean the goal would be to get people playing right out of the gate, don't you think?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 21:01:08

Post by: Mr Morden

Will they give full lists/stats for all the many "warhammer" models they still sell for AOS? Would seem logical but its GW

I mean I guess they want to sell everyone all new models - even for the armies they have but getting that done at any speed with all the other stuff to be done for all the other games - seems unlikely.

We know they have a Cathay army book done and thats an auto sell to many many of us - same with a Kislev book (well i will be buying them) - will they bring it out with a Cathay and Kislev book for WFRP 4th?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 21:09:12

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

I'd normally make a joke about how this is clearly a sign of the End Times, but GW already ruined the joke.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 21:12:47

Post by: kodos

we got the little bit that all 8th Edi models will be there
so there will be some kind of Index or Hordes list, or simply just profiles in the back of the rulebook of everything that was there at the end of Warhammer

which will already be a problem as not all armies were on the same level
so some get their big centerpiece monsters but not all

what is open now is, of there will be a real Ravening Hordes book (or several) that is balanced with everything on the same level (which was the reason that made it good in 6th in the first place)
or it is just an Index like collection of profiles with the special rules adjusted for the new names and people need to wait for the army books to get kind of balanced/playable armies

both is possible

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 21:35:18

Post by: nathan2004

With the game likely being 9 months (earliest IMO) to 1 year and 3 months away (to fill the spot HH took in 2022 - June 2024), surprising there have been little to no leaks about anything. Where's good ole Hastings when you need them.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/13 21:38:38

Post by: Paymaster Games

Considering that about half (likely more) of the player's that will pick up the Old World will already have a army ready to go. Wouldn't it be foolish to have such a large group wait for army books to come out? I think so.

These older player will drive sales if given something to work with. If they do not a Warhammer Armies/ Ravaging Hordes at the time of release of the Old World that would likely stall sales.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 02:00:38

Post by: Just Tony

They will most assuredly have a Ravening Hordes style book upon release. Now it comes down to whether or not they dumb down the profiles or bring in too many bad game mechanics in the new rules.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 07:17:41

Post by: tneva82

 Paymaster Games wrote:
Considering that about half (likely more) of the player's that will pick up the Old World will already have a army ready to go. Wouldn't it be foolish to have such a large group wait for army books to come out? I think so.

These older player will drive sales if given something to work with. If they do not a Warhammer Armies/ Ravaging Hordes at the time of release of the Old World that would likely stall sales.

Then again as they have armies they aren't likely buy much of old models anyway.

The game will live and die by _new_ customers. Not old ones. GW is banging on getting new players with this. Not existing ones. Those are nice bonus to get but ultimately they are there to provide opponents for new players who do the actual purchasing.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 07:51:56

Post by: RustyNumber

^ The Total Warhammer games should be providing an absolute fecktonne of interest from new players. It's still crazy how WFB was killed off just before the best possible adaptation of the world (using an existing IP) was getting rolling. All time concurrent peak players is 100k+ for the third game, the install base is huge.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 09:00:47

Post by: leopard

but surely it would have made more sense, even if the rest of the kit is plastic to make the lances from some soft of very flexible rubber?

seriously though if the starter has Bretonnia in it I'm getting it, even if its not played all that often if it means my Bretonnians who spent the last two editions wondering if they would ever see a new book are essentially playable again I'm happy

also when you think about it Bret & TK in a starter makes sense, specifically as both suit "contrast" type paint jobs reasonably well (while both also being able to look spectacular in other ways).

e.g. bone is bone, and knights are not hard to do with one colour for armour and one, maybe two for the cloth bits and a brown for the horse to look acceptable

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 09:58:31

Post by: Gimgamgoo

 RustyNumber wrote:
^ The Total Warhammer games should be providing an absolute fecktonne of interest from new players. It's still crazy how WFB was killed off just before the best possible adaptation of the world (using an existing IP) was getting rolling. All time concurrent peak players is 100k+ for the third game, the install base is huge.

Assuming of course that, a majority of those computer games players aren't the old WFB players getting their fix because GW killed their game. Just a thought.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 10:14:11

Post by: RustyNumber

The buy-in cost and mass appeal of PC gaming is much lower/higher than TT gaming respectively. And that's before you get to the decade of players who have come of independent hobbying age since the death of WFB.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 10:33:11

Post by: Just Tony

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
 RustyNumber wrote:
^ The Total Warhammer games should be providing an absolute fecktonne of interest from new players. It's still crazy how WFB was killed off just before the best possible adaptation of the world (using an existing IP) was getting rolling. All time concurrent peak players is 100k+ for the third game, the install base is huge.

Assuming of course that, a majority of those computer games players aren't the old WFB players getting their fix because GW killed their game. Just a thought.

Pop on reddit, you'll see TONS of posts from peope who played TW:W and were looking to get into the tabletop game. Why is it so hard for people to understand that there is simply a market and audience for this game?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 12:19:15

Post by: MalusCalibur

It's refreshing to see something concrete for this; doubly so given it's plastics for two of the best 'lost' ranges that would appear to lean more to a modular style of kit rather than 'modern' GW's over-dramatic garbage.
*However*, exercise caution before pledging all your money and firstborn child to this game - this is still GW we're talking about. There's every possiblity that the rules will be GW-awful if they're taking anything from 8th Ed (random charges can get right in the bin, for example), and plastic models being revealed doesn't rule out the possiblity of HH (core units being left out while constant 'big' pieces get released instead) or Aeronautica/Titanicus (big initial push followed by complete neglect) treatment, both of which are also plagued by a lot of the ranges being relegated to Forge World resin.
And none of that touches on the pricing, either...precedent suggests that you won't be looking at a reasonable cash amount to put a unit together.

In short, the plastics are good news, but temper your excitement in the face of the realities of GW - and remember that there are plenty of R&F rulesets to use your WHFB models with...

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 12:43:31

Post by: Strg Alt

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
 RustyNumber wrote:
^ The Total Warhammer games should be providing an absolute fecktonne of interest from new players. It's still crazy how WFB was killed off just before the best possible adaptation of the world (using an existing IP) was getting rolling. All time concurrent peak players is 100k+ for the third game, the install base is huge.

Assuming of course that, a majority of those computer games players aren't the old WFB players getting their fix because GW killed their game. Just a thought.

A pitiful amount of in silico players would ever consider playing the game in vivo.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 12:58:00

Post by: Vermis

What, paint? Dice? Travelling to play a game? How do you do that? With a horse and buggy? On the back of a mastodon?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 13:45:46

Post by: Goose LeChance

Am I supposed to believe the blacksmiths sculpt like modern day cartoonists? The dragon head is worrying and so are the weapon's size.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 13:49:07

Post by: JSG

Goose LeChance wrote:
Am I supposed to believe the blacksmiths sculpt like modern day cartoonists? The dragon head is worrying and so are the weapon's size.

Why not? It's a jousting crest.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 13:56:56

Post by: Mentlegen324

Goose LeChance wrote:
Am I supposed to believe the blacksmiths sculpt like modern day cartoonists? The dragon head is worrying and so are the weapon's size.

While the Dragon head does look a little more cartoony than what I can see on the previous models, those weren't exactly all realistic depictions either. It's meant to be a piece of elaborate stylized decoration.

And just what's wrong with the weapon size? Weapons came in all sorts of different sizes historically.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:05:22

Post by: Vermis

I thought the swords, at least, looked quite sensible for Warhammer. I don't get it.

The Khemri weapons look like something from a Klingon episode of DS9.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:11:42

Post by: Carlovonsexron

 Vermis wrote:
I thought the swords, at least, looked quite sensible for Warhammer. I don't get it.

The Khemri weapons look like something from a Klingon episode of DS9.

Gowron was one of the best parts of all star trek, so I'm suddenly much more okay with the strange khemri weapons

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:14:01

Post by: Goose LeChance

Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith, instead of a cute Pixar dragon from someone's DeviantArt page.

C'mon, GW's gotta compete with ASOIAF's aesthetic or even their own video games. The audience isn't 12 years old.

Yeah, the swords are good, the axe is kind of big and the TK weapons are ridiculous.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:19:47

Post by: Tsagualsa

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Goose LeChance wrote:
Am I supposed to believe the blacksmiths sculpt like modern day cartoonists? The dragon head is worrying and so are the weapon's size.

While the Dragon head does look a little more cartoony than what I can see on the previous models, those weren't exactly all realistic depictions either. It's meant to be a piece of elaborate stylized decoration.

And just what's wrong with the weapon size? Weapons came in all sorts of different sizes historically.

Also keep in mind that there's shrinkage between the CAD file and the actual end product, the CAD stuff often looks a bit more massive than a finalized cast. It's most apparent with stuff like axes or clubs, but it's a general thing - the CAD often looks a little bit too stout/chunky.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:28:42

Post by: Mentlegen324

Goose LeChance wrote:
Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith, instead of a cute Pixar dragon from someone's DeviantArt page.

And just what should they look like then, exactly? Because trying to find some examples, it's difficult to find any that aren't just modern day fantasy interpretations, but the pieces of artwork I've found from the time period and what appear to be a few photos of helmet crests (and just decorated helmets in general from then) certainly aren't some realistic super detailed highly elaborate style and actually appear quite cartoony.

For example: https://www.pinterest.com/mothemelusine/medieval-heraldic-helmet-crests/

Those Bretonnian helmet crests don't seem out of place to me.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:31:56

Post by: Just Tony

Goose LeChance wrote:
Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith, instead of a cute Pixar dragon from someone's DeviantArt page.

C'mon, GW's gotta compete with ASOIAF's aesthetic or even their own video games. The audience isn't 12 years old.

Yeah, the swords are good, the axe is kind of big and the TK weapons are ridiculous.

The Crest is an ornamental piece of art, not a gigantic chunk of iron. The blacksmith wouldn't be the one doing the crest, it would be added on by an artisan after the fact.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:36:29

Post by: Tsagualsa

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Goose LeChance wrote:
Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith, instead of a cute Pixar dragon from someone's DeviantArt page.

And just what do those look like, exactly? Because trying to find some examples, it's difficult to find any - plenty of modern day things that show a fantasy style, but the pieces of artwork I've found from the time period and what appear to be a few photos of helmet crests (and just decorated helmets in general from then) certainly aren't some realistic super detailed highly elaborate style and actually appear quite cartoony.

These helmet ornaments were rarely sculpted by blacksmiths, they were usually made of cloth, wood, actual animal parts and materials like gipsum or even bread dough. Also, they were generally not worn into battle, but used for jousting or purely ceremonial purposes. Their heraldic use, e.g. in pictures, books and rolls of heraldry, was much more important than their actual use as an article of armour, because they served to distinguish between people that bore the same device in their shields, e.g. different sons from the same family branch.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:39:55

Post by: Goose LeChance

 Just Tony wrote:
Goose LeChance wrote:
Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith, instead of a cute Pixar dragon from someone's DeviantArt page.

C'mon, GW's gotta compete with ASOIAF's aesthetic or even their own video games. The audience isn't 12 years old.

Yeah, the swords are good, the axe is kind of big and the TK weapons are ridiculous.

The Crest is an ornamental piece of art, not a gigantic chunk of iron. The blacksmith wouldn't be the one doing the crest, it would be added on by an artisan after the fact.

My bad, so it's the artisan browsing tumblr at 3 AM for cute dragon pics, not the blacksmith.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:48:18

Post by: Mentlegen324

Goose LeChance wrote:
 Just Tony wrote:
Goose LeChance wrote:
Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith, instead of a cute Pixar dragon from someone's DeviantArt page.

C'mon, GW's gotta compete with ASOIAF's aesthetic or even their own video games. The audience isn't 12 years old.

Yeah, the swords are good, the axe is kind of big and the TK weapons are ridiculous.

The Crest is an ornamental piece of art, not a gigantic chunk of iron. The blacksmith wouldn't be the one doing the crest, it would be added on by an artisan after the fact.

My bad, so it's the artisan browsing tumblr at 3 AM for cute dragon pics, not the blacksmith.

If you look up some actual artwork and photos of crests from the time period rather than just assuming you know how they should look and you'll see that they weren't how you're suggesting.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 14:49:34

Post by: Tsagualsa

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Goose LeChance wrote:
 Just Tony wrote:
Goose LeChance wrote:
Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith, instead of a cute Pixar dragon from someone's DeviantArt page.

C'mon, GW's gotta compete with ASOIAF's aesthetic or even their own video games. The audience isn't 12 years old.

Yeah, the swords are good, the axe is kind of big and the TK weapons are ridiculous.

The Crest is an ornamental piece of art, not a gigantic chunk of iron. The blacksmith wouldn't be the one doing the crest, it would be added on by an artisan after the fact.

My bad, so it's the artisan browsing tumblr at 3 AM for cute dragon pics, not the blacksmith.

If you look up some actual artwork and photos of crests from the time period rather than just assuming you know how they should look and you'll see that they weren't how you're suggesting.

Also take care not to look at 17th or 18th century paintings depicting what they'd imagine the 'middle ages' to look like, that's another problem right there

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:06:21

Post by: Vulcan

 Sotahullu wrote:
Did... did people really think there wouldn't be any plastic releases?

Just surprised that two of the less popular armies would be among the first to get kits, that's all.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Goose LeChance wrote:
Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith....

Ah... medieval helmet crests, especially crests that size, were not steel or iron. They'd be too heavy to wear. For something that size, wood and leather and cloth are the order of the day.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:21:23

Post by: infinite_array

 Vulcan wrote:
 Sotahullu wrote:
Did... did people really think there wouldn't be any plastic releases?

Just surprised that two of the less popular armies would be among the first to get kits, that's all.

Maybe GW think it's an opportunity to kickstart two new ranges that were completely discontinued when they moved to AoS?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:25:26

Post by: Tittliewinks22

 Vulcan wrote:
 Sotahullu wrote:
Did... did people really think there wouldn't be any plastic releases?

Just surprised that two of the less popular armies would be among the first to get kits, that's all.

It's going to be rather interesting to see the success/failure of this game system.

Bretonnia/Tomb Kings were unpopular back in WHFB hence why they didn't make the jump to AoS like the more popular factions did in some form, I think that starting with these two is just to placate the vocal minority that dredge twitter. Should have launched Dwarves vs Greenskins.

Unless they have some form of alternate activations or copy Conquest's activation system, I don't see this game succeeding, the lore isn't enough to keep it afloat, and the Total War franchise is keeping this period alive well enough.

Will be pleasantly surprised if it succeeds, but there's no good base to build off of like there was with Horus Heresy. HH for example built upon 40k 7th edition, which had good core rules, but the excessive bloat and free detachments/broken psychic phase really soured the crowd on 7th. What edition of WHFB was successful enough to build upon? When LotR came out it usurped WHFB in sales and became the #2 GW game. from 5th-8th the game kept scale creeping, reducing points (1.5pt skaven slaves) in a 3k point standard list, it's not manageable.

Really hope we get some rules teases sooner rather than later for The Old World to put my mind at ease.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:28:48

Post by: Goose LeChance

 infinite_array wrote:
 Vulcan wrote:
 Sotahullu wrote:
Did... did people really think there wouldn't be any plastic releases?

Just surprised that two of the less popular armies would be among the first to get kits, that's all.

Maybe GW think it's an opportunity to kickstart two new ranges that were completely discontinued when they moved to AoS?

When TOW fails they can port the models over to AoS since they'll probably fit right in

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:35:13

Post by: Geifer

While I'm not going to join the bandwagon of dragon doubters (well, there's only one so far, but plural just sounds better ), I will say that even with artistic license on the exact shape I would have expected a longer snout to go with the serpentine design that is the majority of Warhammer dragons.

Maybe it's not a dragon but a sea serpent? Or a rarely seen bird dragon? There's bound to be a larger number of crests on the sprue, so GW needs an equal number of different designs. Maybe a more traditional Warhammer dragon is among those.

 infinite_array wrote:
 Vulcan wrote:
 Sotahullu wrote:
Did... did people really think there wouldn't be any plastic releases?

Just surprised that two of the less popular armies would be among the first to get kits, that's all.

Maybe GW think it's an opportunity to kickstart two new ranges that were completely discontinued when they moved to AoS?

I wouldn't read too much into it. It's not that you can't come up with sensible reasons for why GW might have an interest in leading with two discontinued ranges for their big nostalgia trip. It's just when you're a Bretonnia fan, or Tomb Kings, or previously Sisters of Battle, you know exactly what to expect from GW.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:43:12

Post by: JimmyWolf87

Goose LeChance wrote:
Because it should look like a medieval head ornament sculpted by a blacksmith, instead of a cute Pixar dragon from someone's DeviantArt page.

C'mon, GW's gotta compete with ASOIAF's aesthetic or even their own video games. The audience isn't 12 years old.

It probably shouldn't really.

That sort of head-dress wouldn't be 'sculpted by a blacksmith' at all. It'd probably be made of leather, wood or even cloth (Teutonic helm-wings were paper mache....) and would only actually be used in tourneys where there's a whole element of theatre added to the mix. Bretonnians just have them in real battles because, you know, fantasy. If you think that dragon looks silly then I'd suggest looking at more medieval art. It's bonkers.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:49:07

Post by: Tsagualsa

JimmyWolf87 wrote:
If you think that dragon looks silly then I'd suggest looking at more medieval art. It's bonkers.

Also: lots and lots of genitalia, at and in the most unlikely places.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:52:27

Post by: Goose LeChance

I've seen plenty of medieval art I can tell the difference between a Disney cartoon and medieval art

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 15:59:44

Post by: Cypher226

 Strg Alt wrote:
 Gimgamgoo wrote:
 RustyNumber wrote:
^ The Total Warhammer games should be providing an absolute fecktonne of interest from new players. It's still crazy how WFB was killed off just before the best possible adaptation of the world (using an existing IP) was getting rolling. All time concurrent peak players is 100k+ for the third game, the install base is huge.

Assuming of course that, a majority of those computer games players aren't the old WFB players getting their fix because GW killed their game. Just a thought.

A pitiful amount of in silico players would ever consider playing the game in vivo.

a massive number of modern 40k players came in thanks to Dawn Of War, so I think you might be underestimating the draw

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 16:06:17

Post by: Mentlegen324

Goose LeChance wrote:
I've seen plenty of medieval art I can tell the difference between a Disney cartoon and medieval art

Again, look at some photos of medieval helmet crests or even just decorated helmet designs and you'll see that the Bretonnia stuff being a little silly and cartoony isn't out of place.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 16:08:34

Post by: JimmyWolf87

Goose LeChance wrote:
I've seen plenty of medieval art I can tell the difference between a Disney cartoon and medieval art

That's nice. Fairly useless in this scenario as that crest isn't purporting to be either of those things, but still.

It's definitely not may favourite of the 3 and I'd probably have liked it toned down a little but in the grand scheme of things; meh. Slightly smaller 'nose' or the mouth thinning a bit and it's grand.

I just feel sorry for the poor bugger whose knightly ancestor killed a Razorgor.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 16:10:32

Post by: Strg Alt

 infinite_array wrote:
 Vulcan wrote:
 Sotahullu wrote:
Did... did people really think there wouldn't be any plastic releases?

Just surprised that two of the less popular armies would be among the first to get kits, that's all.

Maybe GW think it's an opportunity to kickstart two new ranges that were completely discontinued when they moved to AoS?

It´s just a reminder from GW which factions got shot behind the shed with no remorse back in the day. Still have my TK but I moved on to 9th Age. Nice try GW although I will never come back.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Cypher226 wrote:
 Strg Alt wrote:
 Gimgamgoo wrote:
 RustyNumber wrote:
^ The Total Warhammer games should be providing an absolute fecktonne of interest from new players. It's still crazy how WFB was killed off just before the best possible adaptation of the world (using an existing IP) was getting rolling. All time concurrent peak players is 100k+ for the third game, the install base is huge.

Assuming of course that, a majority of those computer games players aren't the old WFB players getting their fix because GW killed their game. Just a thought.

A pitiful amount of in silico players would ever consider playing the game in vivo.

a massive number of modern 40k players came in thanks to Dawn Of War, so I think you might be underestimating the draw

Building 30 Space Marines is different from building a WHFB army. 30 models in the Old World are often only 1.5 units.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 16:15:27

Post by: Just Tony

Goose LeChance wrote:
 infinite_array wrote:
 Vulcan wrote:
 Sotahullu wrote:
Did... did people really think there wouldn't be any plastic releases?

Just surprised that two of the less popular armies would be among the first to get kits, that's all.

Maybe GW think it's an opportunity to kickstart two new ranges that were completely discontinued when they moved to AoS?

When TOW fails they can port the models over to AoS since they'll probably fit right in

Sweet Asuryan, the presumption here...

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 16:24:37

Post by: nels1031

Chaos Dwarf Trailer just dropped for TW3, which is somewhat topical to this discussion.

I posted it in the video games TW3 thread.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 16:35:45

Post by: privateer4hire

“Building 30 Space Marines is different from building a WHFB army. 30 models in the Old World are often only 1.5 units.”

Towards the end of whfb 30 infantry could have easily been 1.0 units. In 6th and 7th, I remember 20 being a popular infantry block size and some 16 man blocks as well. Curious what unit size the new rules will reward since that will drive what people field.

I’m also curious how they will structure starting sets. If they go $300 plus and/or stingy smaller starters…We’ll see

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 19:10:05

Post by: Vermis

Vulcan wrote:Ah... medieval helmet crests, especially crests that size, were not steel or iron. They'd be too heavy to wear. For something that size, wood and leather and cloth are the order of the day.

Tell me you're a fantasy gamer without telling me you're a fantasy gamer. Iron? Steel? It's a bit heavier than balsawood and foamcore, right...?

"Ow me back" says Korhil.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 19:31:14

Post by: Mr Morden

 Vermis wrote:
Vulcan wrote:Ah... medieval helmet crests, especially crests that size, were not steel or iron. They'd be too heavy to wear. For something that size, wood and leather and cloth are the order of the day.

Tell me you're a fantasy gamer without telling me you're a fantasy gamer. Iron? Steel? It's a bit heavier than balsawood and foamcore, right...?

"Ow me back" says Korhil.

Nah he is an Elf - its Ithilmar

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 20:15:15

Post by: His Master's Voice

 infinite_array wrote:
Maybe GW think it's an opportunity to kickstart two new ranges that were completely discontinued when they moved to AoS?

I think they just want to cover bases AoS doesn't. They do seem to be a touch nervous about the flat earth narrative of AoS and WFB being mutually exclusive.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 20:23:28

Post by: Goose LeChance

Johanxp wrote:
With ToW we'll have a bad ruleset, terribly expensive miniatures and, worse, a lot of minor (but better) games will probably disappear. This is what Tow will bring.

You might have nothing to worry about

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 22:30:22

Post by: triplegrim

Goose LeChance wrote:
Johanxp wrote:
With ToW we'll have a bad ruleset, terribly expensive miniatures and, worse, a lot of minor (but better) games will probably disappear. This is what Tow will bring.

You might have nothing to worry about

The bretonnia and khemri preview looks great imo. I hope the ruleset may match them.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/14 22:44:15

Post by: Gallahad

I really enjoyed Warhammer Fantasy 5-7th editions. Played a ton of 6th edition.

I've long regretted not buying the plastic Brettonian Knights kit.

Unfortunately, I'm just not interested anymore. The chance that the rules are better than 6th edition is basically zero, and those rules weren't without their obvious warts.

After moving over to a game with pre-assembled minis (ASOIAF), I've found GWs modern monopose miniatures a huge pain to assemble. I have very limited hobby time, and spending it cleaning the mold lines off a four piece infantry guy with exactly one pose and zero options just isn't fun.

The rules won't be better. Games Workshop make me feel poorly treated as a fan over and over. It will be wildly expensive. Assembly will be a chore. There just isn't much this game has going for it outside of nostalgia.

If this were any other company and all they had to show after 3 years was a couple of renders...

I hope it is everything everyone wants it to be. But I think it will end up disappointing.

Sincerely hope it is awesome. I just don't see many reasons to hope given everything we know about GW.

I won't weigh in any more here so that I don't drag down the mood.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 02:06:40

Post by: jojo_monkey_boy

 Gallahad wrote:
I really enjoyed Warhammer Fantasy 5-7th editions. Played a ton of 6th edition.

I've long regretted not buying the plastic Brettonian Knights kit.

Unfortunately, I'm just not interested anymore. The chance that the rules are better than 6th edition is basically zero, and those rules weren't without their obvious warts.

After moving over to a game with pre-assembled minis (ASOIAF), I've found GWs modern monopose miniatures a huge pain to assemble. I have very limited hobby time, and spending it cleaning the mold lines off a four piece infantry guy with exactly one pose and zero options just isn't fun.

The rules won't be better. Games Workshop make me feel poorly treated as a fan over and over. It will be wildly expensive. Assembly will be a chore. There just isn't much this game has going for it outside of nostalgia.

If this were any other company and all they had to show after 3 years was a couple of renders...

I hope it is everything everyone wants it to be. But I think it will end up disappointing.

Sincerely hope it is awesome. I just don't see many reasons to hope given everything we know about GW.

I won't weigh in any more here so that I don't drag down the mood.

All of this just sounds like you're not in their target demographic anymore.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 02:15:20

Post by: streetsamurai

the TK pieces shown are incrediblem but the brettonia ones are a bit bland. Almos seems like they were taken out of the old knight kit. Still, really exciting news.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 02:16:36

Post by: Ahtman

I am really surprised by them being plastic, especially with the recent Horus Heresy Assault Marine arms being resin.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 02:17:16

Post by: streetsamurai

Chikout wrote:
Does none else think that the Bretonnian stuff is just kind of boring? There's not much on the way of detail and the helmet crests are pretty much the same designs we had before. The shields also look exactly like the old ones with no added details. Keeping the face of the shields bare is sensible, but there are no nicks or dents no lady's favours hanging off the shields and barely any variation in the shapes of the shields. The swords are also all prestine with a pretty uniform design. The only nice touch I liked is the key hanging on one arm. I don't need oddles of detail but for a preview showing off a first look at new minis, I expected more. The Tomb King stuff is much better.

Well, you just said it much better than i did

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 03:45:58

Post by: Breotan

 Ahtman wrote:
I am really surprised by them being plastic, especially with the recent Horus Heresy Assault Marine arms being resin.

I'm pretty sure this is the main army setup for the box set.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 06:03:23

Post by: nathan2004

This thread goes to show you if there was ever any doubt you can't please everyone...Personally I don't think Brets/TK will be in the starter, likely Empire/O&G or Khorne/Kislev since that will likely garner a larger audience, previewing them here was a nod to the folks that had their armies squatted.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 09:36:25

Post by: RazorEdge

Rumors says Empire vs Chaos or Orks in the Starter - looks more likely than Bretonnia vs Khemri.

Showing this Armies feels more like to show the audience for those Armies that no one forgot them.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 09:54:17

Post by: NAVARRO

Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 09:56:21

Post by: Olthannon

I imagine smart money would be on Empire v Orcs as a classic Old World match up.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 11:22:03

Post by: MvR

These new releases are quite interesting for what they potentially reveal about the number of models that will come in boxes, which, in turn, could offer clues into how the game will be played.

The Bret release has six swords and one axe. Five of the swords are of the same size, one is bigger. Does this indicate that these knights will be released in boxes of five? The five smaller swords are for if you want your whole unit to match, and the bigger sword is one for your leader if you wish to build a command group.

Releasing the cavalry in sets of five certainly matches current GW policy regarding mounted units, and I think all of this hints at bigger base sizes - not much of a shock there - and smaller armies than were seen during Fantasy, especially at the end. It does however raise questions surrounding how the Bretonnians will play - will the lance formation still remain? Do I need to by two boxes of these knights to make a full usable unit? I think the second is unlikely, as they will want to make things as accessible as possible, and as much as GW likes to charge as much as they can, there is no incentive to pick up this stuff if to get one unit on the field you need two boxes.

As there are the options of lances, swords and axes for the Bretonnians, it perhaps suggests the weapon options will be the defining factor in how units may be different from each other, which may prevent a large amount of rule bloat and memorisation, but may make some factions feel very similar to each other.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 11:36:14

Post by: Tsagualsa

 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

I like both the Kruleboys and OBR for their '80/90s fantasy paperback cover pastel-coloured hallucination' aesthetics, they look like they stepped out of a Blanche painting or some Heavy Metal album cover. They are truely 'retro', faux-nostalgic for a past version of themselves that never existed. They look like Warhammer Fantasy Battles would have looked in the 80s if today's technology had existed back then, if that makes any sense.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 13:21:52

Post by: Goose LeChance

 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

I wouldn't trust them with anything, the people who made WHFB what it was are gone. All the new 40K stuff looks exactly like AoS because it's all the same sculptors with the same training and the same orders from the top.

This is why BFG is the last hope, it's nearly impossible to mess up the ship design unless they start putting 'my little pony heads' on the front.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 13:55:50

Post by: Taarnak

 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

And I think Kruleboys are the best Orks/Orcs they have ever done. lol Really not a fan of comedy orks with heads growing from their chests...

I think the Bretonnian and Tomb Kings stuff looks good. I also hope Bretonnians vs Tomb Kings is the way they go for the starter set.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 13:57:22

Post by: Vulcan

 Strg Alt wrote:

Building 30 Space Marines is different from building a WHFB army. 30 models in the Old World are often only 1.5 units.

1.5? Back in 6E, certainly; maybe 7th. In 8th you'd routinely see 30 as a medium unit, with large units of 40, 50, or more. My Dark Elves normally run two combat blocks of 30, and then 50 more in eight different chaff units. And that's an elite army; when I play Skaven there might be five or six big blocks on the table along with the usual technological terrors.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Vermis wrote:
Vulcan wrote:Ah... medieval helmet crests, especially crests that size, were not steel or iron. They'd be too heavy to wear. For something that size, wood and leather and cloth are the order of the day.

Tell me you're a fantasy gamer without telling me you're a fantasy gamer. Iron? Steel? It's a bit heavier than balsawood and foamcore, right...?

"Ow me back" says Korhil.

.... Okay, that's fair.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 14:09:39

Post by: KidCthulhu

MvR wrote:
These new releases are quite interesting for what they potentially reveal about the number of models that will come in boxes, which, in turn, could offer clues into how the game will be played.

The Bret release has six swords and one axe. Five of the swords are of the same size, one is bigger. Does this indicate that these knights will be released in boxes of five? The five smaller swords are for if you want your whole unit to match, and the bigger sword is one for your leader if you wish to build a command group.

Releasing the cavalry in sets of five certainly matches current GW policy regarding mounted units, and I think all of this hints at bigger base sizes - not much of a shock there - and smaller armies than were seen during Fantasy, especially at the end. It does however raise questions surrounding how the Bretonnians will play - will the lance formation still remain? Do I need to by two boxes of these knights to make a full usable unit? I think the second is unlikely, as they will want to make things as accessible as possible, and as much as GW likes to charge as much as they can, there is no incentive to pick up this stuff if to get one unit on the field you need two boxes.

As there are the options of lances, swords and axes for the Bretonnians, it perhaps suggests the weapon options will be the defining factor in how units may be different from each other, which may prevent a large amount of rule bloat and memorisation, but may make some factions feel very similar to each other.
What if they put six knights in a box? You could still do lance formation that way, right (first rank: 1 model, second rank: 2 models, third rank: 3 models)?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 14:15:51

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 Taarnak wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

And I think Kruleboys are the best Orks/Orcs they have ever done. lol Really not a fan of comedy orks with heads growing from their chests...

I think the Bretonnian and Tomb Kings stuff looks good. I also hope Bretonnians vs Tomb Kings is the way they go for the starter set.

Agreed, the Kruleboyz are the best Orc models that GW have ever produced. I can understand not being a fan of the aesthetic, but they are objectively technically excellent sculpts, so calling them "truly awful" is a truly awful take.

Anyway, I'm getting excited for Brets, they can't come soon enough!

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 14:33:53

Post by: NAVARRO

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
 Taarnak wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

And I think Kruleboys are the best Orks/Orcs they have ever done. lol Really not a fan of comedy orks with heads growing from their chests...

I think the Bretonnian and Tomb Kings stuff looks good. I also hope Bretonnians vs Tomb Kings is the way they go for the starter set.

Agreed, the Kruleboyz are the best Orc models that GW have ever produced. I can understand not being a fan of the aesthetic, but they are objectively technically excellent sculpts, so calling them "truly awful" is a truly awful take.

Anyway, I'm getting excited for Brets, they can't come soon enough!

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 14:56:46

Post by: Tittliewinks22

 NAVARRO wrote:

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

You speak with such authority when it's subjective. I really enjoyed building the Kruelboy models, the angles for the newer sculpts GW does is to hide joint lines, and it does very well at that. The larger beasts even had logs/planks that covered up the connection points of two larger flat areas to completely conceal the connection point. The mono-pose and "very awkward angles" may not be your cup of tea, but to call them anything but engineering successes is disingenuous, or at the very least naive to the intent of those design decisions.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 14:59:55

Post by: Just Tony

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
 Taarnak wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

And I think Kruleboys are the best Orks/Orcs they have ever done. lol Really not a fan of comedy orks with heads growing from their chests...

I think the Bretonnian and Tomb Kings stuff looks good. I also hope Bretonnians vs Tomb Kings is the way they go for the starter set.

Agreed, the Kruleboyz are the best Orc models that GW have ever produced. I can understand not being a fan of the aesthetic, but they are objectively technically excellent sculpts, so calling them "truly awful" is a truly awful take.

Anyway, I'm getting excited for Brets, they can't come soon enough!

We're at the point that we're attempting to correct personal taste, eh?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:06:23

Post by: Taarnak

 NAVARRO wrote:

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

You can like them, or not, but recognize that your opinion is subjective. Just as mine is, which is what I was getting at.

I hate, hate, hate the aesthetics of the GW Ork/Orc. I like the aesthetics of the Kruleboyz. There was no tangent. We are discussing the same thing.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:09:39

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

Tittliewinks22 wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

You speak with such authority when it's subjective.

That's it. Rather than them saying "I really didn't like the style that GW chose for the Kruleboys, I much prefered the older style of Orc!" or something similar, instead we get things like "truly awful", "crappy details" "fail!" "design mess"

I get that internet hyperbole is very much a real thing, but I really can't stand the somewhat childish notion that minis that we don't personally like are referred to as trash or similar insulting words.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Just Tony wrote:
 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
 Taarnak wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

And I think Kruleboys are the best Orks/Orcs they have ever done. lol Really not a fan of comedy orks with heads growing from their chests...

I think the Bretonnian and Tomb Kings stuff looks good. I also hope Bretonnians vs Tomb Kings is the way they go for the starter set.

Agreed, the Kruleboyz are the best Orc models that GW have ever produced. I can understand not being a fan of the aesthetic, but they are objectively technically excellent sculpts, so calling them "truly awful" is a truly awful take.

Anyway, I'm getting excited for Brets, they can't come soon enough!

We're at the point that we're attempting to correct personal taste, eh?

No, not at all.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:12:33

Post by: NAVARRO

Tittliewinks22 wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

You speak with such authority when it's subjective. I really enjoyed building the Kruelboy models, the angles for the newer sculpts GW does is to hide joint lines, and it does very well at that. The larger beasts even had logs/planks that covered up the connection points of two larger flat areas to completely conceal the connection point. The mono-pose and "very awkward angles" may not be your cup of tea, but to call them anything but engineering successes is disingenuous, or at the very least naive to the intent of those design decisions.

Excuse me? If it's subjective and Im speaking with such "authority" how come you are patronising me with your "knowledge of design decisions"?
Taste is subjective, design preference is subjective, enjoyment building and painting mono posed overcrowded messy design is subjective...
What's not subjective for me personally is my dislike for these models for the reasons explained... I could care less if they compromise my enjoyment for the sake of hiding joints ( ON TOP OF SHOULDERPADS only worse than that is splitting the head in half). Sprues are sliced and monopose for many reasons not just what you think they are.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:15:16

Post by: Sacredroach

 Taarnak wrote:

You can like them, or not, but recognize that your opinion is subjective. Just as mine is, which is what I was inferring.

I hate, hate, hate the aesthetics of the GW Ork/Orc. I like the aesthetics of the Kruleboyz. There was no tangent. We are discussing the same thing.

100% agree. The Kruleboyz are some of the most flavorable orcs GW has made...ever. But then again, I prefer the old Rackham orcs...stooped over citadel aesthetic beefed up and dangerous.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:18:09

Post by: NAVARRO

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Tittliewinks22 wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

You speak with such authority when it's subjective.

That's it. Rather than them saying "I really didn't like the style that GW chose for the Kruleboys, I much prefered the older style of Orc!" or something similar, instead we get things like "truly awful", "crappy details" "fail!" "design mess"

I get that internet hyperbole is very much a real thing, but I really can't stand the somewhat childish notion that minis that we don't personally like are referred to as trash or similar insulting words.

I insulted the Kruleboys? Dude your sole post is insulting my personal opinion on toys... Just count the adjectives you personally labeled me and look at yourself first.
*disclaimer - No harm intended at the Orruk race called Kruelboys.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:18:15

Post by: BertBert

I'm not too worried about the possible AoS-ification of ToW.

GW will want to keep those IPs separate and consequently they will likely have different design philosophies. AoS was purpose-built to look and work differently from WHFB, so reversing this course would make little sense to me.

On the other hand, there are some GW-greenlit designs in Total War: Warhammer that are cause for some concern, as are some of the late End Times releases, so it remains to be seen how this turns out.

I'll just say that the recently published renders seem fairly consistent in design with WHFB. Contrary to the above, I can see cities of sigmar becoming a tie-in to ToW Empire design-wise, maybe even as a 1:1 equivalent and stepping stone for people who want to branch out from AoS into ToW. Seraphon and Vampires are largely ready for ToW as they are.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:20:58

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 NAVARRO wrote:
 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Tittliewinks22 wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

You speak with such authority when it's subjective.

That's it. Rather than them saying "I really didn't like the style that GW chose for the Kruleboys, I much prefered the older style of Orc!" or something similar, instead we get things like "truly awful", "crappy details" "fail!" "design mess"

I get that internet hyperbole is very much a real thing, but I really can't stand the somewhat childish notion that minis that we don't personally like are referred to as trash or similar insulting words.

I insulted the Kruleboys? Dude your sole post is insulting my personal opinion on toys... Just count the adjectives you personally labeled me and look at yourself first.
*disclaimer - No harm intended at the Orruk race called Kruelboys.

No, I'm not attacking your personal taste, I'm saying that I dislike how you word it. I find it (not you) childish.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:35:35

Post by: NAVARRO

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Tittliewinks22 wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

You speak with such authority when it's subjective.

That's it. Rather than them saying "I really didn't like the style that GW chose for the Kruleboys, I much prefered the older style of Orc!" or something similar, instead we get things like "truly awful", "crappy details" "fail!" "design mess"

I get that internet hyperbole is very much a real thing, but I really can't stand the somewhat childish notion that minis that we don't personally like are referred to as trash or similar insulting words.

I insulted the Kruleboys? Dude your sole post is insulting my personal opinion on toys... Just count the adjectives you personally labeled me and look at yourself first.
*disclaimer - No harm intended at the Orruk race called Kruelboys.

No, I'm not attacking your personal taste, I'm saying that I dislike how you word it. I find it (not you) childish.

Last one for its you getting OT, and you find justifiable and totally OK saying my opinion is awful and addressed childish like while you say it's insulting or feel insulted me describing an orc mini as awful.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:42:42

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 NAVARRO wrote:

Last one for its you getting OT, and you find justifiable and totally OK saying my opinion is awful and addressed childish like while you say it's insulting or feel insulted me describing an orc mini as awful.

No buddy, I'm not saying that your opinion is awful.

I'm saying that there are better ways to word it.

But I totally agree, we are way off topic

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:45:11

Post by: Goose LeChance

Tsagualsa wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

I like both the Kruleboys and OBR for their '80/90s fantasy paperback cover pastel-coloured hallucination' aesthetics, they look like they stepped out of a Blanche painting or some Heavy Metal album cover. They are truely 'retro', faux-nostalgic for a past version of themselves that never existed. They look like Warhammer Fantasy Battles would have looked in the 80s if today's technology had existed back then, if that makes any sense.

GW probably wouldn't have survived as long as it has if the Orcs/Tomb Kings/Vampire Counts looked like OBR or Kruleboys let's be real.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 15:49:39

Post by: NAVARRO

 Taarnak wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

You can like them, or not, but recognize that your opinion is subjective. Just as mine is, which is what I was getting at.

I hate, hate, hate the aesthetics of the GW Ork/Orc. I like the aesthetics of the Kruleboyz. There was no tangent. We are discussing the same thing.

Tangent was the post I quoted not what you said.
Tangent was me saying I find that Lot of minis awful (initially was talking just how they look) and then tangent was people saying you cant say that because design is an "achievement"...
Yes all personal opinions are subjective no news there.

I do wonder how O&G will be in Old world and I expect them to make Orcs like they used to and not like AoS Kruleboys. I think Old world Orcs may well be the update I was so eagerly waiting for in AoS.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 16:14:11

Post by: Mentlegen324

 BertBert wrote:
I'm not too worried about the possible AoS-ification of ToW.

GW will want to keep those IPs separate and consequently they will likely have different design philosophies. AoS was purpose-built to look and work differently from WHFB, so reversing this course would make little sense to me.

On the other hand, there are some GW-greenlit designs in Total War: Warhammer that are cause for some concern, as are some of the late End Times releases, so it remains to be seen how this turns out.

I'll just say that the recently published renders seem fairly consistent in design with WHFB. Contrary to the above, I can see cities of sigmar becoming a tie-in to ToW Empire design-wise, maybe even as a 1:1 equivalent and stepping stone for people who want to branch out from AoS into ToW. Seraphon and Vampires are largely ready for ToW as they are.

What TW:W designs are you referring to?

I don't think there's any reason to be concerned about it, really. Model-wise perhaps we'll get some of the over-the-top poses and such, but in terms of aesthetics the stuff shown this week and the artwork from a while back suggests they're not going to change the core look of anything to a significant degree.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 16:22:48

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Probably referring to the flinging that happened here when the kislev concept art was shown and a loud portion were shouting about it looking OTT/flanderized for fantasy. I rather liked them myself.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 BertBert wrote:
I'm not too worried about the possible AoS-ification of ToW.

GW will want to keep those IPs separate and consequently they will likely have different design philosophies. AoS was purpose-built to look and work differently from WHFB, so reversing this course would make little sense to me.

On the other hand, there are some GW-greenlit designs in Total War: Warhammer that are cause for some concern, as are some of the late End Times releases, so it remains to be seen how this turns out.

I'll just say that the recently published renders seem fairly consistent in design with WHFB. Contrary to the above, I can see cities of sigmar becoming a tie-in to ToW Empire design-wise, maybe even as a 1:1 equivalent and stepping stone for people who want to branch out from AoS into ToW. Seraphon and Vampires are largely ready for ToW as they are.

I don't really see that. The Seraphon in particular you can tell haven't been designed with ranking in mind. The Saurus especially with outstretched arms and wide stances. The cities stuff as well really shares little design cues from empire if you actually compare what has been seen.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 16:33:07

Post by: Mentlegen324

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Probably referring to the flinging that happened here when the kislev concept art was shown and a loud portion were shouting about it looking OTT/flanderized for fantasy. I rather liked them myself.

I assumed it was that but that stuff is in-line with how Kislev has been depicted before.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 18:24:05

Post by: BertBert

 Mentlegen324 wrote:

What TW:W designs are you referring to?

Mostly the giant elemental ice Bears, war sleds and elemental ice weapons on the elemental ice guard.

Cathay was surprisingly grounded overall (except for the montgolfieres ), but I'm not a fan of the characters morphing into dragons. That seems to be a bit high on the power scale for humans.

Chaos dwarves also get the obligatory giant demon engine despite having lots of center piece units already. While I acknowledge the demand for it, I dislike this tendency to always go bigger.

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:

I don't really see that. The Seraphon in particular you can tell haven't been designed with ranking in mind. The Saurus especially with outstretched arms and wide stances. The cities stuff as well really shares little design cues from empire if you actually compare what has been seen.

Agreed, ranking will be a problem if they don't upscale their bases. I've seen the new Chaos warriors ranked up with a bit of clever positioning though, so it won't be impossible for Saurus either. In any case, I was referring to their designs, which haven't changed one bit from their classic depiction. Salamanders are back to the classic dimetrodon design, slann/kroak haven't changed either and the new eoraptor riders are basically new skink cavalry.

There hasn't been much on Cities of Sigmar as far as I'm aware, but the arsenal preview would slot perfectly into an earlier empire setting, with more primitive muskets and otherwise fairly generic medieval/renaissance melee weapons. CoS might become their own thing altogether, it's just a hunch.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 19:00:14

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Problem with that line of thinking is that right at the start of this GW stated that all old armies would be immediately playable. Which won't be true if they start messing with the base sizes.

On the chaos side of things, the obvious problem there is that the new ones carry AoS specific elements, such as Stormcast helmet trophies. So even if you can rank them up, they're not fantasy agnostic.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 19:17:20

Post by: kodos

There were never really rules for base sizes in the first place, so there is a high chance that there won't be some this time

and if it goes the way of all GW games, that you should use the base the model came with, all old armies are playable at the beginning, it just will change as time goes by

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 19:19:58

Post by: Voss

 kodos wrote:
There were never really rules for base sizes in the first place, so there is a high chance that there won't be some this time

and if it goes the way of all GW games, that you should use the base the model came with, all old armies are playable at the beginning, it just will change as time goes by

Quite a few editions of fantasy had very clear and specific rules for base sizes (I certainly wouldn't have rebased 80 ungor twice without rules). The 'whatever' is more recent and mostly 40k. (AoS started without it to try to ease the transition, but I'm pretty sure there's documented 'right size' now).

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 19:23:20

Post by: Tsagualsa

Voss wrote:
 kodos wrote:
There were never really rules for base sizes in the first place, so there is a high chance that there won't be some this time

and if it goes the way of all GW games, that you should use the base the model came with, all old armies are playable at the beginning, it just will change as time goes by

Quite a few editions of fantasy had very clear and specific rules for base sizes. The 'whatever' is more recent and mostly 40k. (AoS started without it to try to ease the transition, but I'm pretty sure there's documented 'right size' now).

I distinctly remember huge tables of 'suggested' base sizes published in WD now and then, probably mostly for the tournament scene.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 19:36:35

Post by: Taarnak

 NAVARRO wrote:

Tangent was the post I quoted not what you said.
Tangent was me saying I find that Lot of minis awful (initially was talking just how they look) and then tangent was people saying you cant say that because design is an "achievement"...
Yes all personal opinions are subjective no news there.

I do wonder how O&G will be in Old world and I expect them to make Orcs like they used to and not like AoS Kruleboys. I think Old world Orcs may well be the update I was so eagerly waiting for in AoS.

My mistake then.

I would expect Orcs and Goblins to resemble the old world Orcs and Goblins. I imagine there will be some updates, but within the same aesthetic. Kinda like what was done with the Killteam Orks for 40K. I can't see them deviating as much as the Kruleboyz did.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 20:14:53

Post by: tneva82

Goose LeChance wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

I wouldn't trust them with anything, the people who made WHFB what it was are gone. All the new 40K stuff looks exactly like AoS because it's all the same sculptors with the same training and the same orders from the top.

This is why BFG is the last hope, it's nearly impossible to mess up the ship design unless they start putting 'my little pony heads' on the front.

Same except 40k stuff is lot less imaginative. Aos is where interesting sculpts arb.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 KidCthulhu wrote:
MvR wrote:
These new releases are quite interesting for what they potentially reveal about the number of models that will come in boxes, which, in turn, could offer clues into how the game will be played.

The Bret release has six swords and one axe. Five of the swords are of the same size, one is bigger. Does this indicate that these knights will be released in boxes of five? The five smaller swords are for if you want your whole unit to match, and the bigger sword is one for your leader if you wish to build a command group.

Releasing the cavalry in sets of five certainly matches current GW policy regarding mounted units, and I think all of this hints at bigger base sizes - not much of a shock there - and smaller armies than were seen during Fantasy, especially at the end. It does however raise questions surrounding how the Bretonnians will play - will the lance formation still remain? Do I need to by two boxes of these knights to make a full usable unit? I think the second is unlikely, as they will want to make things as accessible as possible, and as much as GW likes to charge as much as they can, there is no incentive to pick up this stuff if to get one unit on the field you need two boxes.

As there are the options of lances, swords and axes for the Bretonnians, it perhaps suggests the weapon options will be the defining factor in how units may be different from each other, which may prevent a large amount of rule bloat and memorisation, but may make some factions feel very similar to each other.
What if they put six knights in a box? You could still do lance formation that way, right (first rank: 1 model, second rank: 2 models, third rank: 3 models)?

Or the lance formation isn't practical nightmare of 5th but 6e style.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 NAVARRO wrote:
 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
 Taarnak wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
Well if its orcs on the starter I don't think they can do a worse job than Kruleboys. Truly awful lot.

And I think Kruleboys are the best Orks/Orcs they have ever done. lol Really not a fan of comedy orks with heads growing from their chests...

I think the Bretonnian and Tomb Kings stuff looks good. I also hope Bretonnians vs Tomb Kings is the way they go for the starter set.

Agreed, the Kruleboyz are the best Orc models that GW have ever produced. I can understand not being a fan of the aesthetic, but they are objectively technically excellent sculpts, so calling them "truly awful" is a truly awful take.

Anyway, I'm getting excited for Brets, they can't come soon enough!

I will call them what I want thank you, Sir. Besides just because a mini is flooded with crappy details which are horrible to individually paint, the faces are not the focal point but rather the shields(fail)! Yeah you call it technically advanced I call them a model Design mess. Looking at the champ sprue its a full figure piece split/sliced in 3 very awkward angles (ridiculous), thats very poor no mater how you want to say this sprue design is good.
Not enjoyable to paint or build and all faces look like sucking on lemons!
Aesthetic was what I was really talking about but you went on a tangent.

Well if you want to pay arms and teeth for simple no detall models world is full of them.

Kruleboyz is child's play to paint though. Practically paints themselves.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Voss wrote:
 kodos wrote:
There were never really rules for base sizes in the first place, so there is a high chance that there won't be some this time

and if it goes the way of all GW games, that you should use the base the model came with, all old armies are playable at the beginning, it just will change as time goes by

Quite a few editions of fantasy had very clear and specific rules for base sizes (I certainly wouldn't have rebased 80 ungor twice without rules). The 'whatever' is more recent and mostly 40k. (AoS started without it to try to ease the transition, but I'm pretty sure there's documented 'right size' now).

No base sizes in fb army books.

Gw has never had anything more than suggestions. Any rules been 3rd party house rules

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 20:26:35

Post by: kodos

Voss wrote:
 kodos wrote:
There were never really rules for base sizes in the first place, so there is a high chance that there won't be some this time
and if it goes the way of all GW games, that you should use the base the model came with, all old armies are playable at the beginning, it just will change as time goes by

Quite a few editions of fantasy had very clear and specific rules for base sizes (I certainly wouldn't have rebased 80 ungor twice without rules). The 'whatever' is more recent and mostly 40k. (AoS started without it to try to ease the transition, but I'm pretty sure there's documented 'right size' now).
well there was a base size and unit strength chart in chronicles 3 I think (and for download I guess) during but there were no rules neither in the Rulebook or Armybooks of 6th and 7th (and also non in ravening hordes)

That Ungors got back on 20mm base in 8th was simply because the new box came with 20mm bases and tournaments ruled that 20mm must be used
the only 8th Edition base size charts are community made, and there was never an official one

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 21:32:41

Post by: Londinium

 BertBert wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:

What TW:W designs are you referring to?

Cathay was surprisingly grounded overall (except for the montgolfieres ), but I'm not a fan of the characters morphing into dragons. That seems to be a bit high on the power scale for humans.

They're actually dragons that take the form of humans, as a method of ruling over their human subjects. Can't say I'm a massive fan of shapeshifting dragons and how they put the Lizardmen in the shade as the oldest/most powerful non Chaos actors on the planet but it's definitely not a case of overpowered humans. When Cathay (hopefully) gets a second pass over, be it through TOW 2e or whatever, if they darken up the background a little and make the dragons less altruistic and Cathay as a nation more grimdark, I think Cathay will fit into the vibe of the game rather well. It's like 3e Tau all over again.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/15 23:05:16

Post by: BertBert

 Londinium wrote:

They're actually dragons that take the form of humans, as a method of ruling over their human subjects. Can't say I'm a massive fan of shapeshifting dragons and how they put the Lizardmen in the shade as the oldest/most powerful non Chaos actors on the planet but it's definitely not a case of overpowered humans. When Cathay (hopefully) gets a second pass over, be it through TOW 2e or whatever, if they darken up the background a little and make the dragons less altruistic and Cathay as a nation more grimdark, I think Cathay will fit into the vibe of the game rather well. It's like 3e Tau all over again.

I see, thanks for the clarification. I do like their general design and concepts, so I'm glad my main gripe with them turns out to be unwarranted.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 00:03:17

Post by: Mr_Rose

 Londinium wrote:

They're actually dragons that take the form of humans, as a method of ruling over their human subjects. Can't say I'm a massive fan of shapeshifting dragons and how they put the Lizardmen in the shade as the oldest/most powerful non Chaos actors on the planet but it's definitely not a case of overpowered humans.

As far as I can find, it has always been the case that the Dragons were the original inhabitants of the old world. The Old Ones/Slann basically invaded and took over during a hibernation cycle then forced the truly ancient Dragons to remain asleep by changing the planet’s orbit to bring it closer to the sun. You can see bits of this in the lore of the high elves and Lizardmen but it should also be telling that the most ancient breed of Chaos children are the dragon ogres.

As for the grimderpification, it’s entirely unnecessary; they’re already absentee despotic rulers who’ve abandoned their power to the care of their inexperienced children, except even the traditional way out from under the thumb of such a system is unavailable because they’re dragons and thus not particularly susceptible to the assassin’s knife. They exert absolute control of their populace, directing their entire economy and society towards war in a way the Imperium of Man would look at with envy, which only seems even slightly reasonable because of the clear and present existential threat on their northern border. Guarantee they’ve got “secret” and actually secret police all over, with all the corruption and abuse that implies.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 05:50:24

Post by: bobthe4th

Taarnak 807983 11504524 wrote:

I would expect Orcs and Goblins to resemble the old world Orcs and Goblins. I imagine there will be some updates, but within the same aesthetic. Kinda like what was done with the Killteam Orks for 40K. I can't see them deviating as much as the Kruleboyz did.

If GW do want to use any existing AOS kits to fill out Old World armies they could use some of the Kruleboyz units to represent Hobgoblins. I wonder how east we'll go, and if Cathay and Kislev get versions of their Total War armies?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 06:43:07

Post by: Egyptian Space Zombie

The Chaos Dwarf DLC looks really good. If that army ever makes it in TOW, it's an instant buy for me. I've wanted a big hat army for a long time.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 09:07:46

Post by: JimmyWolf87

bobthe4th wrote:
Taarnak 807983 11504524 wrote:

I would expect Orcs and Goblins to resemble the old world Orcs and Goblins. I imagine there will be some updates, but within the same aesthetic. Kinda like what was done with the Killteam Orks for 40K. I can't see them deviating as much as the Kruleboyz did.

If GW do want to use any existing AOS kits to fill out Old World armies they could use some of the Kruleboyz units to represent Hobgoblins. I wonder how east we'll go, and if Cathay and Kislev get versions of their Total War armies?

Cathay and Kislev in Total War have been designed in concert with GW with the explicit intent that they'll be incorporated into The Old World at some point.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 10:12:38

Post by: Vermis

Vulcan wrote:
... Okay, that's fair.

Don't worry, I was agreeing with you. "This ornament to be placed on a human's head would actually be fashioned by a master blacksmith out of a dirty great chunk of iron!"

"OoOoh, down I go!" moaned Sir Molman.

Tittliewinks22 wrote:to call them anything but engineering successes...

Regardless of anything else, is that really the highest praise, or the first that springs to mind, that might be applicable to gaming minis?

Undead_Love-Machine wrote:but I really can't stand the somewhat childish notion that minis that we don't personally like are referred to as trash or similar insulting words.

Regardless of anything else... don't tie your identity to corporate plastic toy products so much so that criticism of them is 'insulting' to you.

I don't know if any of the rest of you know, but Navarro here is a good sculptor in his own right. I'll keep my own opinion of what's a good mini, but his skill makes me consider his a little more.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 10:45:07

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 Vermis wrote:

Undead_Love-Machine wrote:but I really can't stand the somewhat childish notion that minis that we don't personally like are referred to as trash or similar insulting words.

Regardless of anything else... don't tie your identity to corporate plastic toy products so much so that criticism of them is 'insulting' to you.

You seem to have misunderstood, let me put it to you in a way that's easier for you to understand.

If you're going to critique miniatures, it's my personal preference that you don't do it in the manner of a 12 year old.

Regardless, this wasn't directed at you, so I have no idea why you responded.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 11:01:06

Post by: BertBert

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Problem with that line of thinking is that right at the start of this GW stated that all old armies would be immediately playable. Which won't be true if they start messing with the base sizes.

On the chaos side of things, the obvious problem there is that the new ones carry AoS specific elements, such as Stormcast helmet trophies. So even if you can rank them up, they're not fantasy agnostic.

Good point, I wasn't aware of the SC elements. There are definitely still quite a few unknown factors in all this and I'm genuinely curious how they will bring all of this together.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 11:21:23

Post by: Londinium

 Mr_Rose wrote:
 Londinium wrote:

They're actually dragons that take the form of humans, as a method of ruling over their human subjects. Can't say I'm a massive fan of shapeshifting dragons and how they put the Lizardmen in the shade as the oldest/most powerful non Chaos actors on the planet but it's definitely not a case of overpowered humans.

As far as I can find, it has always been the case that the Dragons were the original inhabitants of the old world. The Old Ones/Slann basically invaded and took over during a hibernation cycle then forced the truly ancient Dragons to remain asleep by changing the planet’s orbit to bring it closer to the sun. You can see bits of this in the lore of the high elves and Lizardmen but it should also be telling that the most ancient breed of Chaos children are the dragon ogres.

As for the grimderpification, it’s entirely unnecessary; they’re already absentee despotic rulers who’ve abandoned their power to the care of their inexperienced children, except even the traditional way out from under the thumb of such a system is unavailable because they’re dragons and thus not particularly susceptible to the assassin’s knife. They exert absolute control of their populace, directing their entire economy and society towards war in a way the Imperium of Man would look at with envy, which only seems even slightly reasonable because of the clear and present existential threat on their northern border. Guarantee they’ve got “secret” and actually secret police all over, with all the corruption and abuse that implies.

Yeah the dragons always have predated the Old Ones but I preferred it when they just animals like forest dragons etc, not civilisation building shapeshifting pseudo-gods.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 12:25:17

Post by: Mentlegen324

 BertBert wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:

What TW:W designs are you referring to?

Mostly the giant elemental ice Bears, war sleds and elemental ice weapons on the elemental ice guard.

All something in-line with how Kislev was before that, really. The spirit of kislev represented by a giant bear, spirits in magical ice bodies, bears as a relatively common trained creature, and magic ice weapons and/or ice enchantments were all something we'd seen already, although I would say that the sled being covered in ice magic rather than just being a sled was a bit much.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 12:27:23

Post by: Mr_Rose

 Londinium wrote:
 Mr_Rose wrote:
 Londinium wrote:

They're actually dragons that take the form of humans, as a method of ruling over their human subjects. Can't say I'm a massive fan of shapeshifting dragons and how they put the Lizardmen in the shade as the oldest/most powerful non Chaos actors on the planet but it's definitely not a case of overpowered humans.

As far as I can find, it has always been the case that the Dragons were the original inhabitants of the old world. The Old Ones/Slann basically invaded and took over during a hibernation cycle then forced the truly ancient Dragons to remain asleep by changing the planet’s orbit to bring it closer to the sun. You can see bits of this in the lore of the high elves and Lizardmen but it should also be telling that the most ancient breed of Chaos children are the dragon ogres.

As for the grimderpification, it’s entirely unnecessary; they’re already absentee despotic rulers who’ve abandoned their power to the care of their inexperienced children, except even the traditional way out from under the thumb of such a system is unavailable because they’re dragons and thus not particularly susceptible to the assassin’s knife. They exert absolute control of their populace, directing their entire economy and society towards war in a way the Imperium of Man would look at with envy, which only seems even slightly reasonable because of the clear and present existential threat on their northern border. Guarantee they’ve got “secret” and actually secret police all over, with all the corruption and abuse that implies.

Yeah the dragons always have predated the Old Ones but I preferred it when they just animals like forest dragons etc, not civilisation building shapeshifting pseudo-gods.

They were never “just animals” though. All the ones the Elves associated with were fully sapient and had to agree to be ridden, except for the ones the Dark Elves drove mad with dark magic in the shell.
Even back when Dwarves were allowed to ally in a random/rogue dragon it was always described as a bargain struck between equals, one that had to be stuck to or the ally would disappear/raze a fort or two for the insult.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 12:38:42

Post by: BertBert

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
All something in-line with how Kislev was before that, really. The spirit of kislev represented by a giant bear, spirits in magical ice bodies, bears as a relatively common trained creature, and magic ice weapons and/or ice enchantments were all something we'd seen already, although I would say that the sled being covered in ice magic rather than just being a sled was a bit much.

It is absolutely in-line with Kislev, but I find it too narrowly focused on a single motif. I'd have preferred Kislev to be expanded in scope and concept instead, if that makes sense.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 13:19:11

Post by: Vermis

Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
You seem to have misunderstood, let me put it to you in a way that's easier for you to understand.

If you're going to critique miniatures, it's my personal preference that you don't do it in the manner of a 12 year old.

After he said 'truly awful'.

Yes, yes, I get it. Thank you for helping me understand.

Regardless, this wasn't directed at you, so I have no idea why you responded.

I've wandered into someone's PMs by mistake. Help! Help! I don't understand! I'm trapped in here!

Mentlegen324 wrote:
All something in-line with how Kislev was before that, really. The spirit of kislev represented by a giant bear, spirits in magical ice bodies, bears as a relatively common trained creature, and magic ice weapons and/or ice enchantments were all something we'd seen already, although I would say that the sled being covered in ice magic rather than just being a sled was a bit much.

Against all odds I think I still have the 6th Ed Kislev supplement about here somewhere. I would need to check - I beg your understanding - but I remember an Ice Queen sorceress* and a named character with a bear. Heck if I know what came in earlier editions, but I understood the ice weapons showed up in the earliest TOW concept art.

Anyway, yeah, I understand it's like the flanderisation of a space marine chapter with a certain wolfish theme that shall remain nameless. There's an ice queen, and a single bear, so then we've got to have her casting icy spells on weapons and more guys on bears, and before long we've got rymeshard swyrds, spyrs and halbyrds, icyspycycle golems, bears as heavy cavalry, bears pulling chariots, bears for fast skirmishing bowmen, bears lugging the camp wagons, bears and cats, living together...!

At least, such would be my understanding.

* Let it go, let it gooo, a man can have his say-ay-ay... let it go, let it gooo, do you understand that way-ay-ay...?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/16 13:40:48

Post by: ingtaer

Knock off the arguing about nothing or get a ban.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/22 17:03:34

Post by: triplegrim


Some more rumors are floating around, mostly about more news coming soon.

Kislev vs Chaos starter set but possibly bretonnia vs Tomb Kings.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/22 17:20:31

Post by: BertBert

Bretonia vs TK sounds plausible considering they have some of the most sought-after kits these days. Could be an attempt to immediately fulfil that demand and hit the ground running with ToW.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/22 17:21:53

Post by: Tsagualsa

 triplegrim wrote:

Some more rumors are floating around, mostly about more news coming soon.

Kislev vs Chaos starter set but possibly bretonnia vs Tomb Kings.

Of both of these, Kislev vs. Chaos seems to be the more likely to me, because it mirrors the looming conflict of the Great War that this setting is operating under. But who knows, GW certainly has shown more stuff for Brets and TK, so we may be in for a suprise. But then again, both armies are 'expert' tier and TK have a lot of weird special rules that make them less-well suited for a starter box, but on the other hand TOW is an expert product...

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/22 17:35:21

Post by: Dysartes

Until we see TOW, it's a bit tricky to say which armies are "expert" tier and which aren't - it's a long shot, but we can't rule out a more elegant rules design for Brets/TK than when we last saw them in WFB.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/22 17:54:28

Post by: Mentlegen324

 Vermis wrote:

Mentlegen324 wrote:
All something in-line with how Kislev was before that, really. The spirit of kislev represented by a giant bear, spirits in magical ice bodies, bears as a relatively common trained creature, and magic ice weapons and/or ice enchantments were all something we'd seen already, although I would say that the sled being covered in ice magic rather than just being a sled was a bit much.

Against all odds I think I still have the 6th Ed Kislev supplement about here somewhere. I would need to check - I beg your understanding - but I remember an Ice Queen sorceress* and a named character with a bear. Heck if I know what came in earlier editions, but I understood the ice weapons showed up in the earliest TOW concept art.

Anyway, yeah, I understand it's like the flanderisation of a space marine chapter with a certain wolfish theme that shall remain nameless. There's an ice queen, and a single bear, so then we've got to have her casting icy spells on weapons and more guys on bears, and before long we've got rymeshard swyrds, spyrs and halbyrds, icyspycycle golems, bears as heavy cavalry, bears pulling chariots, bears for fast skirmishing bowmen, bears lugging the camp wagons, bears and cats, living together...!

At least, such would be my understanding.

There was more of the fantastical stuff for Kislev than just that before TW:W3 had them:

4th edition Warhammer Armies: The empire, released in 1993 (...or 1996? Found both dates), has Kislev included but is very brief. They are depicted as more of a grounded human faction at this stage, but it's very, very brief; it basically amounts to a small amount of lore of pretty much "There's a place called Kislev" and 3-4 units. Winged Lancers, Katarin etc. Mentions Kislev is ruled by warrior-sorcerers with their magic based on the land itself and Frost/ice focused. Magic Ice Hawks, Ice Bridge that can carry units, Fearfrost as a magic frost sword etc. Art of Boris Usra riding a bear is shown, albeit it seems he isn't actually talked about at all so appears to not be a character...just a guy riding a bear. Also unclear if this is meant to be the same as Boris Ursus a few years later.

The 1996 Citadel Journal list had fantastical elements, including Bear mounts for heroes, Bear Cavalry, packs of bears and Baba Yaga. Common later lore things like their bear god, bears being sacred etc are mentioned here as similar to later lore but i'm unsure what was and wasn't already established in more "official" sources before this article, so while it's debatable as to how canonical the stuff here is (Citadel Journal is an official publication, but people could submit stuff), some of the things included here did also appear in definitely more official sources - I'm just unsure when specifically some of that first appeared and what is and isn't already established for them by the time this article was written.

Their Warmaster army list in 2002, had packs of tamed bears and bear mounts and a spell to transform into a giant bear (and mentions they build temples in which they keep pits full of bears to send out to war). That old art of Boris Ursa on a bear appears again.

The Ambassador series, Written by Graham Mcneill in 2003/2004, supposedly had those mystical fantasy elements included - Katarina apparently summons spirits of Kislev warriors in bodies of ice, for example. Bokha palace also has parts entire sections made of ice.

Their 6th edition army in 2003 did not have much in the way of that side of things, mostly just Boris Ursus as the most out-there in terms of units, albeit the book did depict conversions of both a hero on giant bear and bear cavalry. Their connection to various spirits are mentioned but its unclear as to if they book considers them as real or not. It mentions the religion involving bears with a God of Bears who takes the form of a bear - so despite the lack of bear units, bears are still said to be a very important thing to Kislev overall. Magical lore for different Gods are mentioned. The palace having sections made of ice are mentioned by the book too.

The Warhammer RPG "Realm of the Ice Queen" expansion released in 2007 once again follows the fantasy Kislev side and is the most comprehensive depiction of Kislev out of the lot - because its an RPG there's a lot of stuff. The various spirits mentioned previously are defined more specifically, there's magical creatures like Frostfiends and Firebirds, Hag Witches (like Baba Yaga was) are there, the map of the city of Kislev shows Bokha palace with the ice structure parts, Katarina has the enchanted Ice Palace, it details the importance of the Ice Witches, all the ice magic like ice weapons, the other cults/gods appear again with magic for them etc.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 03:53:12

Post by: herjan1987

I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:

The smallest base size will be 25 mm

Tomb Kings skeletons, horse riders, chariots are comming back, aswell as Bretonnian men-at-arms, long bowmen and plastic knight kit.

Stater set will be Tomb Kings vs Bretonnians

And there are going to be new models aswell for both sides

This is said to be coming from some UK sources, that he was talking to.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 04:14:26

Post by: nathan2004

I just read on another rumor site that it’s projected to drop in November/December time frame. Interesting.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 05:40:21

Post by: ImAGeek

 herjan1987 wrote:
I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:

The smallest base size will be 25 mm

Tomb Kings skeletons, horse riders, chariots are comming back, aswell as Bretonnian men-at-arms, long bowmen and plastic knight kit.

Stater set will be Tomb Kings vs Bretonnians

And there are going to be new models aswell for both sides

This is said to be coming from some UK sources, that he was talking to.

Tomb Kings skeletons coming back would completely ruin any interest I have in them. Well, old kits for both, really. There’s a reason I didn’t start either of them when WHFB was still around, because they still had a lot of old models. That was like 10+ years ago.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 06:06:02

Post by: Chikout

 ImAGeek wrote:
 herjan1987 wrote:
I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:

The smallest base size will be 25 mm

Tomb Kings skeletons, horse riders, chariots are comming back, aswell as Bretonnian men-at-arms, long bowmen and plastic knight kit.

Stater set will be Tomb Kings vs Bretonnians

And there are going to be new models aswell for both sides

This is said to be coming from some UK sources, that he was talking to.

Tomb Kings skeletons coming back would completely ruin any interest I have in them. Well, old kits for both, really. There’s a reason I didn’t start either of them when WHFB was still around, because they still had a lot of old models. That was like 10+ years ago.

Surely this means new plastics for those listed kits. We already seen the knights' helms.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 06:55:50

Post by: MajorWesJanson

Maybe MTOs for the old kits for people who want to expand their old armies?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 07:13:09

Post by: streetsamurai

Chikout wrote:
 ImAGeek wrote:
 herjan1987 wrote:
I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:

The smallest base size will be 25 mm

Tomb Kings skeletons, horse riders, chariots are comming back, aswell as Bretonnian men-at-arms, long bowmen and plastic knight kit.

Stater set will be Tomb Kings vs Bretonnians

And there are going to be new models aswell for both sides

This is said to be coming from some UK sources, that he was talking to.

Tomb Kings skeletons coming back would completely ruin any interest I have in them. Well, old kits for both, really. There’s a reason I didn’t start either of them when WHFB was still around, because they still had a lot of old models. That was like 10+ years ago.

Surely this means new plastics for those listed kits. We already seen the knights' helms.

Yep, no way are they bringing these old disgusting kits back. That would kill tow in the egg

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 08:11:31

Post by: Tsagualsa

 nathan2004 wrote:
I just read on another rumor site that it’s projected to drop in November/December time frame. Interesting.

I said it before, but it bears repeating: they'd be fools if they did not drop at least one box or a collectors edition book this year, as it is WHFBs 40th birthday. Even if the actual bulk of TOW releases much later next year, that's just an easy extra selling point to pick up, especially for christmas sales.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 09:06:48

Post by: Just Tony

Nah, I'm counting on the aftermarket to be glutted with older kits as people move on to upgrade their forces. Once it's glutted, the prices will have to get competitive again. THEN is when I'll swoop in and get a Bret army.

If the no smaller than 25mm square is true, then IF I wind up playing Old World it will be solely with the models I have that already have 25mm bases. Unless, of course, those units get moved to 32mm or something asinine in which case I'll either find a group that isn't bothered by the smaller bases or I'll simply stick with 6th.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 streetsamurai wrote:
Chikout wrote:
 ImAGeek wrote:
 herjan1987 wrote:
I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:

The smallest base size will be 25 mm

Tomb Kings skeletons, horse riders, chariots are comming back, aswell as Bretonnian men-at-arms, long bowmen and plastic knight kit.

Stater set will be Tomb Kings vs Bretonnians

And there are going to be new models aswell for both sides

This is said to be coming from some UK sources, that he was talking to.

Tomb Kings skeletons coming back would completely ruin any interest I have in them. Well, old kits for both, really. There’s a reason I didn’t start either of them when WHFB was still around, because they still had a lot of old models. That was like 10+ years ago.

Surely this means new plastics for those listed kits. We already seen the knights' helms.

Yep, no way are they bringing these old disgusting kits back. That would kill tow in the egg

Not everybody agrees with you about the quality of the older kits. ESPECIALLY the Brets who didn't have a bad plastic set at all.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 09:15:38

Post by: Tyel

Feel the Bret/TK starter "rumours" are just people going "look, they've shown new plastic, QED." And to be fair - it would seem strange for them to make and show them if they aren't planning on releasing them early on in the process.

But it just seems a weird choice for the starter.

I'd also be incredibly surprised if they brought back kits from 20~ years ago. Agree with those who think this would kill off the system before it even began.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 09:26:36

Post by: Gimgamgoo

 herjan1987 wrote:
I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:
The smallest base size will be 25 mm

Well, if that's the case my (20mm square based) 400+ painted skeletons/zombies/ghouls, 300+ dwarves, 200+ goblins, etc, all tell GW that I'll be sticking with KoW.
No nostalgia money for you GW.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 09:26:54

Post by: JimmyWolf87

 Just Tony wrote:

Not everybody agrees with you about the quality of the older kits. ESPECIALLY the Brets who didn't have a bad plastic set at all.

As ever, the subjectivity is paramount; personal opinion on the Brets is that the sixth edition sets were largely rubbish and inferior to their fifth edition predecessors.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 09:49:20

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

I think that the Men-at-arms and bowmen hold up pretty well, I wouldn't mind at all if the kits return.

I'd love to see new knights though...

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 10:57:57

Post by: ImAGeek

Chikout wrote:
 ImAGeek wrote:
 herjan1987 wrote:
I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:

The smallest base size will be 25 mm

Tomb Kings skeletons, horse riders, chariots are comming back, aswell as Bretonnian men-at-arms, long bowmen and plastic knight kit.

Stater set will be Tomb Kings vs Bretonnians

And there are going to be new models aswell for both sides

This is said to be coming from some UK sources, that he was talking to.

Tomb Kings skeletons coming back would completely ruin any interest I have in them. Well, old kits for both, really. There’s a reason I didn’t start either of them when WHFB was still around, because they still had a lot of old models. That was like 10+ years ago.

Surely this means new plastics for those listed kits. We already seen the knights' helms.

I certainly hope so. ‘Coming back’ made me think returning kits.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 11:27:25

Post by: BertBert

I'm expecting is tomb guard era molds being reused and everything older than that to be redesigned, at least the core infantry and chariots.

Brets vs Tomb Kings strike me as a plausible starter for a couple of reasons:

- They provide a strong visual contrast
- Neither looks like anything AoS-related
- Both are in big demand on the WHFB second-hand market
- We have seen actual renders

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 11:28:29

Post by: tneva82

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
I think that the Men-at-arms and bowmen hold up pretty well, I wouldn't mind at all if the kits return.

I'd love to see new knights though...

Of course with new kits comes for sure new kit prices. Just have to hope # of models needed isn't much bigger than AOS then with 10 models for 45€(or more) prices.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 11:39:16

Post by: MajorWesJanson

tneva82 wrote:
 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
I think that the Men-at-arms and bowmen hold up pretty well, I wouldn't mind at all if the kits return.

I'd love to see new knights though...

Of course with new kits comes for sure new kit prices. Just have to hope # of models needed isn't much bigger than AOS then with 10 models for 45€(or more) prices.

Horus Heresy shows that GW is willing to do larger unit size infantry boxes which have higher sticker price translate to lower cost per model. See 10 man elite Terminators and 20 man infantry squads. Old World could do the same.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 11:49:42

Post by: MalusCalibur

 Gimgamgoo wrote:

Well, if that's the case my (20mm square based) 400+ painted skeletons/zombies/ghouls, 300+ dwarves, 200+ goblins, etc, all tell GW that I'll be sticking with KoW.
No nostalgia money for you GW.

This is the correct response. Everyone who moved on to other games after WHFB, don't for god's sake fall for GW telling you it's got a new hat.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 14:21:12

Post by: KidCthulhu

What if we just want the new hat (ie, new plastic toys to paint)?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 14:28:48

Post by: Bobug

Or like, you know, just play using your models on the old bases. It's not like James workshop is going to show up and cast your models into the void for a 5mm difference in diameter

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 14:35:36

Post by: Vulcan

 herjan1987 wrote:
I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:

The smallest base size will be 25 mm

So our old minis on their old bases will still be obsolete then.

This isn't exactly blowing up my kilt, so to speak.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 14:40:32

Post by: Mentlegen324

A starter set of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings would be a bit odd, that sounds like something that's been said just because those are the 2 things we've seen first.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 14:42:25

Post by: catbarf

What's wrong with movement trays?

Keep your models on 20mm bases, put them on trays that give 4 of them a frontage of 100mm.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 15:13:37

Post by: nathan2004

I don't understand the folks on here that say bringing back old kits is going to kill TOW...Making the old kits made to order is great for the folks (and clearly they are out there given the second hand market) who want to fill out/complete their army(armies) without having to pay out the teeth for it. Those who aren't fond of the old kits can just ignore the MtO and get the rules if they want to try the game out and wait for the new kits to drop. Which we all know will come....how is this a bad thing?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 17:08:48

Post by: Platuan4th

Bobug wrote:
Or like, you know, just play using your models on the old bases. It's not like James workshop is going to show up and cast your models into the void for a 5mm difference in diameter

This. If there are any base rules at all, it will most likely be "the ones the models came with". But I doubt even that will make it in considering GW hasn't done a base size rule or chart for nearly 2 decades.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 17:27:10

Post by: Just Tony

Bobug wrote:
Or like, you know, just play using your models on the old bases. It's not like James workshop is going to show up and cast your models into the void for a 5mm difference in diameter

Squares a rectangles don't have diameters

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 17:28:10

Post by: Theophony

 Just Tony wrote:
Bobug wrote:
Or like, you know, just play using your models on the old bases. It's not like James workshop is going to show up and cast your models into the void for a 5mm difference in diameter

Squares a rectangles don't have diameters

Have an exalt

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 17:41:00

Post by: ImAGeek

 nathan2004 wrote:
I don't understand the folks on here that say bringing back old kits is going to kill TOW...Making the old kits made to order is great for the folks (and clearly they are out there given the second hand market) who want to fill out/complete their army(armies) without having to pay out the teeth for it. Those who aren't fond of the old kits can just ignore the MtO and get the rules if they want to try the game out and wait for the new kits to drop. Which we all know will come....how is this a bad thing?

I can’t speak for others but you’re talking about bringing them back for a made to order (fine by me) where as I (hopefully mis)read the rumour as in bringing the old kits back permanently. The old kits were already the reason I didn’t do TK in 7th/8th edition.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 17:45:51

Post by: Luke82

Bobug wrote:
Or like, you know, just play using your models on the old bases. It's not like James workshop is going to show up and cast your models into the void for a 5mm difference in diameter

The problem is base size is pretty important in the game so it can make a big difference if one player has old base standards and the other has new standards.

As someone with a lot of models on 20s / 25s rebasing will be a non starter, as will having to stop and work out how the base difference has effected the rules interactions every template, spell, moving, combat etc. so I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to be worried about this ‘subtle’ change.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 18:03:25

Post by: Dysartes

I did like the movement tray suggestion someone made up-thread - though you'd probably need multiple trays per unit to allow for different formations.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 18:50:23

Post by: nathan2004

I think a lot of us that have existing collections face a rebasing dilemma if they change base size, be very interesting to see how this is handled hopefully through movement trays.

That way it doesn't stomp on new players collections and allows stuff that's more dynamic to be ported over if players wish from AoS on larger bases. I think this makes the most sense.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 19:09:58

Post by: tneva82

 nathan2004 wrote:
I don't understand the folks on here that say bringing back old kits is going to kill TOW...Making the old kits made to order is great for the folks (and clearly they are out there given the second hand market) who want to fill out/complete their army(armies) without having to pay out the teeth for it. Those who aren't fond of the old kits can just ignore the MtO and get the rules if they want to try the game out and wait for the new kits to drop. Which we all know will come....how is this a bad thing?

You invent idea of mto. Rumour didn't say mto.

What people are objecting is old kits put to shelf. You want tomb king skeletons, you buy the old kit.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 19:29:35

Post by: Mr_Rose

The problem is that the tomb kings skeleton kit was literally the fourth ed skeleton kit with a shield sprue thrown in. It was never very good and the wear on the die was beginning to show even then. By the end of WFB, it was nearly impossible to build due to tiny contact points being obscured by mould slips. If that particular pair of dies still exists, I shudder to think how bad fresh casts out of it will be.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 20:28:12

Post by: Psychopomp

 nathan2004 wrote:
I think a lot of us that have existing collections face a rebasing dilemma if they change base size, be very interesting to see how this is handled hopefully through movement trays.

That way it doesn't stomp on new players collections and allows stuff that's more dynamic to be ported over if players wish from AoS on larger bases. I think this makes the most sense.

It's already handled. Look up Oathmark movement trays for 20mm bases.

Oathmark uses 25mm for all non-monstrous infantry. When it came out, it took all the laser-cut MDF movement tray companies out there about five minutes to start offering 125mm frontage trays for 20mm square bases.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 21:09:49

Post by: kodos

Just that formation changes are an essential part of the game, so you need a tray for every possible formation you ant to use

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 21:36:37

Post by: nathan2004

 Psychopomp wrote:
 nathan2004 wrote:
I think a lot of us that have existing collections face a rebasing dilemma if they change base size, be very interesting to see how this is handled hopefully through movement trays.

That way it doesn't stomp on new players collections and allows stuff that's more dynamic to be ported over if players wish from AoS on larger bases. I think this makes the most sense.

It's already handled. Look up Oathmark movement trays for 20mm bases.

Oathmark uses 25mm for all non-monstrous infantry. When it came out, it took all the laser-cut MDF movement tray companies out there about five minutes to start offering 125mm frontage trays for 20mm square bases.

Thank you

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 21:38:59

Post by: Strg Alt

 streetsamurai wrote:
Chikout wrote:
 ImAGeek wrote:
 herjan1987 wrote:
I run a small news page for Warhammer The old World and one of my followers, who was at Adepticon said the following information about the game:

The smallest base size will be 25 mm

Tomb Kings skeletons, horse riders, chariots are comming back, aswell as Bretonnian men-at-arms, long bowmen and plastic knight kit.

Stater set will be Tomb Kings vs Bretonnians

And there are going to be new models aswell for both sides

This is said to be coming from some UK sources, that he was talking to.

Tomb Kings skeletons coming back would completely ruin any interest I have in them. Well, old kits for both, really. There’s a reason I didn’t start either of them when WHFB was still around, because they still had a lot of old models. That was like 10+ years ago.

Surely this means new plastics for those listed kits. We already seen the knights' helms.

Yep, no way are they bringing these old disgusting kits back. That would kill tow in the egg

Why would anybody expect they won´t release new models? It would be an idiotic decision by GW.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/27 22:17:30

Post by: Laughing Man

Especially as they're releasing new factions anyway, like Kislev and its various bear-related units.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/28 02:00:33

Post by: Just Tony

Mr_Rose wrote:The problem is that the tomb kings skeleton kit was literally the fourth ed skeleton kit with a shield sprue thrown in. It was never very good and the wear on the die was beginning to show even then. By the end of WFB, it was nearly impossible to build due to tiny contact points being obscured by mould slips. If that particular pair of dies still exists, I shudder to think how bad fresh casts out of it will be.

It's like GW hasn't figured out the concept of the Master Mold...

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 03:16:41

Post by: tneva82

They do have masters.

Whether they green light new expensive mold is another thing if sales aren't all that big.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 04:12:51

Post by: MajorWesJanson

tneva82 wrote:
 nathan2004 wrote:
I don't understand the folks on here that say bringing back old kits is going to kill TOW...Making the old kits made to order is great for the folks (and clearly they are out there given the second hand market) who want to fill out/complete their army(armies) without having to pay out the teeth for it. Those who aren't fond of the old kits can just ignore the MtO and get the rules if they want to try the game out and wait for the new kits to drop. Which we all know will come....how is this a bad thing?

You invent idea of mto. Rumour didn't say mto.

What people are objecting is old kits put to shelf. You want tomb king skeletons, you buy the old kit.

No, that was me who threw the idea out since there is no solid information on the topic, people shouldn't assume that the old kits will be getting a new shelf release when MtO or Direct Only are other options

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 04:34:02

Post by: tneva82

People shouldn't also make up ideas it would be mto when there's no evidence or even rumour.

And looking at 40k/aos/hh it's not like idea of mix of old and new kits at same time is unlikely/rare.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 18:06:54

Post by: odinsgrandson

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 nathan2004 wrote:
I don't understand the folks on here that say bringing back old kits is going to kill TOW...Making the old kits made to order is great for the folks (and clearly they are out there given the second hand market) who want to fill out/complete their army(armies) without having to pay out the teeth for it. Those who aren't fond of the old kits can just ignore the MtO and get the rules if they want to try the game out and wait for the new kits to drop. Which we all know will come....how is this a bad thing?

You invent idea of mto. Rumour didn't say mto.

What people are objecting is old kits put to shelf. You want tomb king skeletons, you buy the old kit.

No, that was me who threw the idea out since there is no solid information on the topic, people shouldn't assume that the old kits will be getting a new shelf release when MtO or Direct Only are other options

GW did made to order for some of their metals. Aren't there logistical problems with doing made to order plastics?

But with some new Bret stuff being shown off, I would expect that they at leave have been looking into making new kits

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 19:12:28

Post by: Greenfield

 Just Tony wrote:
Mr_Rose wrote:The problem is that the tomb kings skeleton kit was literally the fourth ed skeleton kit with a shield sprue thrown in. It was never very good and the wear on the die was beginning to show even then. By the end of WFB, it was nearly impossible to build due to tiny contact points being obscured by mould slips. If that particular pair of dies still exists, I shudder to think how bad fresh casts out of it will be.

It's like GW hasn't figured out the concept of the Master Mold...

There is no master mould for the steel tools used for injection moulded plastics. The moulds are cut from blocks of steel. Remaking them means cutting a fresh one from digital files, if the original design is modern enough, or pantographing an original master model, or potentially nowadays some kind of scan of the original to produce a digital file. But there's no master mould from a which new mould can be made directly.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 19:47:55

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

if, as it seems at the moment, the plastic injection machines are running all the hours they can to support the current release rate a MTO of plastic sprues may tie up the machines too long to be viable (as there will typically be down time when a mould is changed, which usually also means clean up of the machine itself as well. The internet suggests 30 mins to an hour for a 'smooth' change, but i'd guess longer for old moulds that don't quite line up right any more as the could require a fair bit of adjustment to get the casting just right)

metal MTO will be a lot easier as they come from a different machine (or might even be subcontracted? i had thought GW had got rid of all the old metal casting machines or converted them for finecast, but maybe they've bought more)

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 19:58:48

Post by: odinsgrandson

Greenfield wrote:
 Just Tony wrote:
Mr_Rose wrote:The problem is that the tomb kings skeleton kit was literally the fourth ed skeleton kit with a shield sprue thrown in. It was never very good and the wear on the die was beginning to show even then. By the end of WFB, it was nearly impossible to build due to tiny contact points being obscured by mould slips. If that particular pair of dies still exists, I shudder to think how bad fresh casts out of it will be.

It's like GW hasn't figured out the concept of the Master Mold...

There is no master mould for the steel tools used for injection moulded plastics. The moulds are cut from blocks of steel. Remaking them means cutting a fresh one from digital files, if the original design is modern enough, or pantographing an original master model, or potentially nowadays some kind of scan of the original to produce a digital file. But there's no master mould from a which new mould can be made directly.

I certainly expect tooling a new mold to be out of the question for any made to order products.

So it would come down completely to whether or not the original mold has survived and is in their possession.

Made to order resin or metal makes a whole lot more sense. I seriously doubt that they'd reproduce any of their old plastic kits in resin or metal. I'd expect them to make new sculpts before that.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 20:15:47

Post by: Paymaster Games

Nostalgia is not the reason i am excited about the Old World. I finally get to play Warhammer again. Warhammer does not play like KOW. In Warhammer the models matter. The units take wounds models are removed, units are reformed. Heroes and wizards join units and become part of the unit, this does not exist in other games like Kings of War. In other games Skirmishers are just another block, in Warhammer skirmishers are fluid and move and bend between the blocks.

As to new models or rereleased older models, it truly does not matter. If GW's goal it make the game playable on day one older kits would be required. Going this rout would also cost GW nothing since the kits and molds are in cold storage. I would not be surprised if GW releases metal models on the website, given the success of the Steel Legion's return.

The base rumour make no sense. Why would GW make it more difficult for people to jump right in to the game, when they have already said that we can use our old models. Also GW makes very little money on bases, i really do not think that the GW would release bags of bases on release day so we could rebase our models. very silly.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 21:12:01

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

There's nothing been stopping you from playing it any time at all. GW suddenly deciding to sell it again shouldn't have been a catalyst if you wanted to play.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 21:15:08

Post by: Aenar

 Paymaster Games wrote:
The base rumour make no sense. Why would GW make it more difficult for people to jump right in to the game, when they have already said that we can use our old models. Also GW makes very little money on bases, i really do not think that the GW would release bags of bases on release day so we could rebase our models. very silly.

I think that is re: new boxes of models, not something written in the rulebook that forces you to rebase your army.
A bit like it happens in 40k, where new models come out with (sometimes wildly) different base sizes than in the past, but there is no official requirement to rebase (aside from certain tournament circuits like WTC).

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 21:19:35

Post by: Platuan4th

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
There's nothing been stopping you from playing it any time at all. GW suddenly deciding to sell it again shouldn't have been a catalyst if you wanted to play.

As someone who's been able to get semi-regular 8th Ed games since AoS started, THIS. You'd be surprised how many people are willing to still play if someone just asks.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 21:59:02

Post by: Paymaster Games

This is a side note mostly - It is hard to find players for dead games. It does not matter how much you love a game, if you can not find the people to play against its kind of a moot point.

This is one of the reasons i am looking forward to the Old World, i will have people to play against again.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 22:10:52

Post by: Shakalooloo

 Paymaster Games wrote:
The base rumour make no sense. Why would GW make it more difficult for people to jump right in to the game, when they have already said that we can use our old models. Also GW makes very little money on bases, i really do not think that the GW would release bags of bases on release day so we could rebase our models. very silly.

People who already re-based squares to (bigger) circles for AoS won't have to re-base them back if the squares are now the same size as the newer squares.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/29 22:51:38

Post by: Dysartes

 Paymaster Games wrote:
I would not be surprised if GW releases metal models on the website, given the success of the Steel Legion's return.

Not sure I'd call the latest M2O a success, unless you've got access to sales data the rest of us haven't - those prices are pants-on-head crazy.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 04:09:43

Post by: MajorWesJanson

 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Paymaster Games wrote:
The base rumour make no sense. Why would GW make it more difficult for people to jump right in to the game, when they have already said that we can use our old models. Also GW makes very little money on bases, i really do not think that the GW would release bags of bases on release day so we could rebase our models. very silly.

People who already re-based squares to (bigger) circles for AoS won't have to re-base them back if the squares are now the same size as the newer squares.

Bigger bases also would allow for a bit more freedom designing models and still have them rank up.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 06:21:58

Post by: kodos

why it might be true:

it screws 3rd party models that uses the old base sizes and make it harder to use models based for other games (see the similar change from 25 to 28mm Bases in 40k)
while it would work with models re-based for AoS (so keeping those happy that stayed in the GW bubble)

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 09:10:55

Post by: Vulcan

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
There's nothing been stopping you from playing it any time at all. GW suddenly deciding to sell it again shouldn't have been a catalyst if you wanted to play.

The trick is, as always, that it takes TWO to play. And finding that vital second player can be difficult with 'dead' games.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 kodos wrote:
why it might be true:

it screws 3rd party models that uses the old base sizes and make it harder to use models based for other games (see the similar change from 25 to 28mm Bases in 40k)
while it would work with models re-based for AoS (so keeping those happy that stayed in the GW bubble)

Why doing it would be a disaster for GW:

it screws the oldhammer players over.... AGAIN.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 09:39:57

Post by: tneva82

Well GW never promised old bases would remain usable.

But we'll see. If GW intends seraphon, slaves to darkness etc models be usable they need bigger bases than old 25mm squares. So will there be multiple different base sizes, fewer unified ones or are the AOS&TOW chaos/seraphon/skaven etc models incompatible?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 09:46:08

Post by: kodos

 Vulcan wrote:

Why doing it would be a disaster for GW:

it screws the oldhammer players over.... AGAIN.
never change a running system
Specially if base size is not part of the rules at all
And screwing the oldhammer players in 40k was not a disaster either

Because veterans don't like it, is a reason for GW to actually do it

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 09:53:21

Post by: Bobug

Noone is going to stop you from using models that are on old bases... Or if they do they aren't someone worth actually spending your time playing.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 10:09:44

Post by: tneva82

Bobug wrote:
Noone is going to stop you from using models that are on old bases... Or if they do they aren't someone worth actually spending your time playing.

Would be rather inconvenient to play though as nobody is going to let you have advantage in game by having smaller bases. So you need to be constantly factoring in base size they are supposed to be on.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 10:50:06

Post by: Just Tony

Bobug wrote:
Noone is going to stop you from using models that are on old bases... Or if they do they aren't someone worth actually spending your time playing.

AOS was supposed to be base agnostic, and you would be able to use your squares without issue ruleswise. The player base is the ones that forced the base issue through tournament rules and the like. The EXACT same thing could happen to TOW if they go through with the base size change.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 11:33:57

Post by: Tyel

tneva82 wrote:
Would be rather inconvenient to play though as nobody is going to let you have advantage in game by having smaller bases. So you need to be constantly factoring in base size they are supposed to be on.

Pretty sure two oldhammer players who are both using "old" armies on "small bases" aren't going to get that upset by the perceived advantage of it.

It will be tournaments that kick off - like with AoS as people have said. If TOW takes off then a few years down the line showing up with your 20+ year old minis on tiny bases will probably get frowned on. As has happened every time GW up the base size.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 11:58:41

Post by: tneva82

Tyel wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
Would be rather inconvenient to play though as nobody is going to let you have advantage in game by having smaller bases. So you need to be constantly factoring in base size they are supposed to be on.

Pretty sure two oldhammer players who are both using "old" armies on "small bases" aren't going to get that upset by the perceived advantage of it.

It will be tournaments that kick off - like with AoS as people have said. If TOW takes off then a few years down the line showing up with your 20+ year old minis on tiny bases will probably get frowned on. As has happened every time GW up the base size.

Yea but those 2 oldhammer players who play with their old models are pretty much irrelevant.

You think GW goes through all this to give rules to old players who don't buy new models?

No profit there. GW aims for NEW players. You know. The ones who don't have armies already. Those who buy models.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 12:04:54

Post by: Tyel

tneva82 wrote:
No profit there. GW aims for NEW players. You know. The ones who don't have armies already. Those who buy models.

Well yeah. I think GW will change base sizes.
This is also why I think GW will release almost universally new stuff. Their business is selling plastic. The number of buyers for say Skeleton Warriors released in 2002 (or whatever) that were looking kind of outdated in 2010~ never mind 2023 going on 2030 has got to be tiny.

But I don't think that's going to meaningfully stop people playing with their existing armies. At least for a while.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 12:04:54

Post by: Luke82

Someone has never met a WHFB player, clearly.

We all buy loads of models that fit the game we play…. increasingly this means elsewhere from GW as they have gone off on the AoS tangent. This is money GW could have but are losing.

The newbies are all happily playing AoS, spending their money at GW already. Why split that market share with a new game?

This is clearly marketed at lapsed players, not new folks with no attachment to the game already.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 12:10:26

Post by: Apple fox

The question is if GW would burn down there built in player base, it’s a big risk.
It instantly turns day one buy for me into a no buy.
Going to take me a year to rebase things.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 13:02:20

Post by: JSG

Luke82 wrote:
Someone has never met a WHFB player, clearly.

We all buy loads of models that fit the game we play….

If this were true WFB wouldn't have been canned.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 14:28:00

Post by: Paymaster Games

JSG wrote:
Luke82 wrote:
Someone has never met a WHFB player, clearly.

We all buy loads of models that fit the game we play….

If this were true WFB wouldn't have been canned.

WFB was canned to protect their IP and not because of sales. It would be good to remember that.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 15:00:06

Post by: Mr_Rose

 Paymaster Games wrote:
JSG wrote:
Luke82 wrote:
Someone has never met a WHFB player, clearly.

We all buy loads of models that fit the game we play….

If this were true WFB wouldn't have been canned.

WFB was canned to protect their IP and not because of sales. It would be good to remember that.

WFB was canned because the previous CEO and the lead developer had a massive falling out when the CEO basically ordered him to make the next edition of WFB a skirmish game because clearly the problem with WFB was the rank file rule set and not the fact that all creative effort behind it was stagnant¹ and the marketing was somewhere between moribund and non-existent. (Allegedly)

¹ twenty years without a single new army/race even with one entirely fleshed out and ready to go already, one that players had been literally begging for, in the form of the chaos dwarfs. Never mind the other “known” races like the eastern humans and the “good” beastmen² of the southlands.

² the ones with big cat features rather than livestock features.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 15:28:16

Post by: BertBert

 Mr_Rose wrote:

WFB was canned because the previous CEO and the lead developer had a massive falling out when the CEO basically ordered him to make the next edition of WFB a skirmish game because clearly the problem with WFB was the rank file rule set and not the fact that all creative effort behind it was stagnant¹ and the marketing was somewhere between moribund and non-existent. (Allegedly)

If that was the reason, I'm confident they will handle it a lot better this time around. One can level several accusations against GW, but they've absolutely made a 180 in terms of reviving past concepts, armies and game systems since.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 15:29:58

Post by: kodos

looking at Necromunda, not really
they just now know how marketing works and that nostalgia sells

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 15:32:01

Post by: BertBert

 kodos wrote:
looking at Necromunda, not really
they just now know how marketing works and that nostalgia sells

Necromunda was completely remade and still gets regular releases, doesn't it?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 15:35:41

Post by: kodos

 BertBert wrote:
 kodos wrote:
looking at Necromunda, not really
they just now know how marketing works and that nostalgia sells

Necromunda was completely remade and still gets regular releases, doesn't it?
if TOW follows the route of Necromunda, people are going back playing Oldhammer very soon and are just happy that once in a while some new plastics come up

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 15:38:13

Post by: BertBert

 kodos wrote:
if TOW follows the route of Necromunda, people are going back playing Oldhammer very soon and are just happy that once in a while some new plastics come up

If it's just that, I'd be happy with it. I want new miniatures to build armies, anything on top is a bonus with GW.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 15:45:36

Post by: Tsagualsa

 BertBert wrote:
 kodos wrote:
looking at Necromunda, not really
they just now know how marketing works and that nostalgia sells

Necromunda was completely remade and still gets regular releases, doesn't it?

Depending on your definition of regular, but yes. Imho one of the bigger drawbacks of current Necromunda is that they don't really give out actual roadmaps like they do for e.g. KillTeam or WarCry, just vague design notes and such. But yes, it is supported frequently.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 16:13:23

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 Paymaster Games wrote:
JSG wrote:
Luke82 wrote:
Someone has never met a WHFB player, clearly.

We all buy loads of models that fit the game we play….

If this were true WFB wouldn't have been canned.

WFB was canned to protect their IP and not because of sales. It would be good to remember that.

Uh huh..we already have Peachy who was working there at the time come out and confirm it was sales. Or lack of them. I'd recommend you go check out that video.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 17:00:21

Post by: Theophony

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
 Paymaster Games wrote:
JSG wrote:
Luke82 wrote:
Someone has never met a WHFB player, clearly.

We all buy loads of models that fit the game we play….

If this were true WFB wouldn't have been canned.

WFB was canned to protect their IP and not because of sales. It would be good to remember that.

Uh huh..we already have Peachy who was working there at the time come out and confirm it was sales. Or lack of them. I'd recommend you go check out that video.

Sales slumpped when they started making units boxes of 12-16 per box but needing 30+ for a unit and still charging the same cost. Players moved over to Kings of War or onto new systems. GW needed to protect what they had so they closed it down and went for a terrible rebrand. I doubt you'll get old Grognards like myself to start spending GW prices for a system that won't have good rules, when they can play Kings of War with the same armies for far cheaper. Disposable income or not, WHFB will not have another hayday like it used to have.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 17:35:00

Post by: Overread

I dunno about that - the wargamer market is arguably way bigger than it was in the golden ways of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

It's fully possible that it can achieve far greater numbers of players; though as a percentage of the market it might be a different level of power. Of course part of that is just that the market for fantasy and sci-fi is more developed than it was.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 21:58:47

Post by: Platuan4th

 Theophony wrote:
I doubt you'll get old Grognards like myself to start spending GW prices for a system that won't have good rules, when they can play Kings of War with the same armies for far cheaper.

As an old grognard, feth Kings of War. It's boring, doesn't feel like Warhammer, and the models are naff.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 22:42:17

Post by: Gimgamgoo

 Platuan4th wrote:
 Theophony wrote:
I doubt you'll get old Grognards like myself to start spending GW prices for a system that won't have good rules, when they can play Kings of War with the same armies for far cheaper.

As an old grognard, feth Kings of War. It's boring, doesn't feel like Warhammer, and the models are naff.

As another old grognard, I love Kings of War. It's not half as slow and boring as WFB was, feels as much like Warhammer as the tales you tell playing it, and the models are the ones I bought from GW for Warhammer. It's all opinion.

Am I excited for New WFB? Not really for the rules, but I'd love to add more figures to my KoW armies. My only issue is that I can imagine the new stuff will have scale creep and make my old figures look tiny.

(And yes, I do have some Mantic figures in my armies - the ones I like, along with a mix of a few other manufacturers)

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/30 22:50:28

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Considering the recent price insanity, I can’t get any more excited for new WHFB minis than I can get for some new water park opening in Dubai.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 00:13:58

Post by: Vulcan

tneva82 wrote:
Well GW never promised old bases would remain usable.

But we'll see. If GW intends seraphon, slaves to darkness etc models be usable they need bigger bases than old 25mm squares. So will there be multiple different base sizes, fewer unified ones or are the AOS&TOW chaos/seraphon/skaven etc models incompatible?

AoS was also supposed to be 'WFB Compatable', and turned into 'NotHammer'. Sure, they attracted enough new blood to make it work, but the old guard left in droves.

TOW is supposed to bring the old guard back into the fold. Making it even slightly incompatible with their existing collections is not going to end well. Might as well save money and reputation and let sleeping dogs lie, y'know?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
tneva82 wrote:

Yea but those 2 oldhammer players who play with their old models are pretty much irrelevant.

Anyone else out there with tens of thousands of points of old models they'd like to play with want to speak out and let this kid know there's quite a few of us out there, MORE than enough money to attract GW's greed?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Gimgamgoo wrote:
 Platuan4th wrote:
 Theophony wrote:
I doubt you'll get old Grognards like myself to start spending GW prices for a system that won't have good rules, when they can play Kings of War with the same armies for far cheaper.

As an old grognard, feth Kings of War. It's boring, doesn't feel like Warhammer, and the models are naff.

As another old grognard, I love Kings of War. It's not half as slow and boring as WFB was...

If the game recommends use of a chess clock to put pressure on the players to play quickly, it's not half as complex and interesting as it's marketed to be.

In my opinion, of course.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 06:13:06

Post by: Just Tony

 Vulcan wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
Well GW never promised old bases would remain usable.

But we'll see. If GW intends seraphon, slaves to darkness etc models be usable they need bigger bases than old 25mm squares. So will there be multiple different base sizes, fewer unified ones or are the AOS&TOW chaos/seraphon/skaven etc models incompatible?

AoS was also supposed to be 'WFB Compatable', and turned into 'NotHammer'. Sure, they attracted enough new blood to make it work, but the old guard left in droves.

TOW is supposed to bring the old guard back into the fold. Making it even slightly incompatible with their existing collections is not going to end well. Might as well save money and reputation and let sleeping dogs lie, y'know?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
tneva82 wrote:

Yea but those 2 oldhammer players who play with their old models are pretty much irrelevant.

Anyone else out there with tens of thousands of points of old models they'd like to play with want to speak out and let this kid know there's quite a few of us out there, MORE than enough money to attract GW's greed?

Some of these kids can't grasp the concept that people may want to own more than one army for WFB. For some reason the thought that the same people who own, like, 6 40K armies won't buy more than one WFB army that they've stopped adding to for decades. It's self-validating insanity on the part of the people thinking no money will be spent.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 07:41:53

Post by: Cyel

 Vulcan wrote:

If the game recommends use of a chess clock to put pressure on the players to play quickly, it's not half as complex and interesting as it's marketed to be.

In my opinion, of course.

Warmachine recommends using chess clock exactly because it's complex and options every turn are numerous, interesting and viable. Without it you get some players stuck in analysis paralysis for hours on end.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 11:28:10

Post by: kodos

 Vulcan wrote:

If the game recommends use of a chess clock to put pressure on the players to play quickly, it's not half as complex and interesting as it's marketed to be.
In my opinion, of course.

there are those games were playing on time and prevent the opponent from having a 3rd turn is a viable strategy to win tournaments and those games that recommend using chess clocks for tournaments to prevent this (and I guess chess is not very complex or interesting as that game invented the chess clock)

and I never found it very complex or interesting waiting there for 15 minutes during my turn until my opponent has decided which charge reaction they wanted to use

I would agree if a clock is fundamental to play the game, because than it would not be very interesting at all, but recommending one for tournaments so that the play who is wasting his time is punished instead of the other is something very different
specially as a lot of non-GW games use a clock for tournaments

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 12:02:35

Post by: tneva82

Problem being you get punished for playing legit army that is even supposed to be common archetype.

But gw values hiding depth(lack of) with needless dice rolls and tournaments looking for profit. And players want all toys without having to compromise.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 13:13:26

Post by: Platuan4th

 Just Tony wrote:

Some of these kids can't grasp the concept that people may want to own more than one army for WFB. For some reason the thought that the same people who own, like, 6 40K armies won't buy more than one WFB army that they've stopped adding to for decades. It's self-validating insanity on the part of the people thinking no money will be spent.

Some of us haven't stopped adding to them, but I'm still missing Ogres and Chaos Dwarfs and am definitely excited to add new armies that didn't have older rules to the collection.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 13:39:37

Post by: Vulcan

Yeah, I have 15,000 points or so of DE and I still periodically add to it.

7,000-odd points of Brets can still use some expansion, along with 6,000-odd points of Skaven - I still don't have any stormfiends, after all.

And now I'm getting a Lizardman army going even without TOW yet, probably up around 2500 points and climbing fast.

If the new Bret minis are compatible with my existing ones, I'll buy them and play TOW. If they're not, GW can go pound sand.

It really is that simple.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 15:51:49

Post by: Overread

I'm still kind of surprised GW hasn't brought DE back under AoS because the whole army is basically there. Heck with the way they teased the latest story for Daughters of Khaine and Morathi I thought they were going to do just that. They sort of soft did it.

That said DoK have become their own thing, but the DE army can certainly stand without them - all they lost was the cauldron and witch aelves; they've got models for everything else - leaders, dragons, infantry, archers, monsters, etc....

Throw a new leader or two in and its a done whole army.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 17:11:40

Post by: Theophony

Maybe now that Mantic has show Off their Dark Elves, GW can go ahead and release something and not worry that Mantic will copy it for KOW.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/03/31 21:21:41

Post by: ingtaer

I see that people still cannot follow the really clear instruction to leave this thread for TOW N&R, mass executions will ensue from now on in.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/01 00:14:54

Post by: makeitorky

I'm really hoping for a box of ork boyz that's just like the 40k one (but fantasy of course). I just really enjoy putting together wacky weird looking orks with all the bits and bobs the come with.

I think the boar boyz art from the news means there might be a chance.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/01 07:02:28

Post by: Aenar

When did we get the last article about TOW? Are we expecting one in April as well?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/01 08:09:16

Post by: Geifer

 Aenar wrote:
When did we get the last article about TOW? Are we expecting one in April as well?

March 13, which means we got one article each for the last three months. Hopefully that continues. It's starting to look like a pattern, but GW has not committed to more than, to paraphrase, more articles as we get closer to release.

The interesting thing will be to see if we get anything during Warhammer Fest at the end of April and beginning of May, and if and how that affects the series of Warhammer Community articles.

Edit: Also for ingtaer, I don't think there's a link to that article in the first post yet:


Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/01 08:33:21

Post by: Mr Morden

 Aenar wrote:
When did we get the last article about TOW? Are we expecting one in April as well?

I would think we might get one - but it looks like main focus will be on new edition of 40k for a bit

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/01 08:47:56

Post by: Matrindur

 Aenar wrote:
When did we get the last article about TOW? Are we expecting one in April as well?

Since they did one every month this year I would expect another one this month.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 14:34:19

Post by: triplegrim

The Green Knight is the focus of 40 Years of Warhammer this week.


This magnificent figure was sculpted by the legendary Michael Perry. Incredibly, it was one of the first models he completed after losing his favoured hand at a battle reenactment – and it remains one of the all-time greats in the Citadel catalogue. The scalloping on the caparison is flagrantly detailed, and the weight of the steed is appreciable both in terms of the exquisite sculpting and the mass of the metal in which it was cast!

Had no clue Michael Perry lost his hand.

The year 1996 was a glorious one for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. This was the year in which the fifth edition of the game was released, a boxed set featuring brand new armies for both the Lizardmen and the Bretonnians – and with these new forces came powerful new heroes.

Spearheading a stunning new range of miniatures, the noble knights of Bretonnia came clattering in on bright-caparisoned chargers, led by the Champion of the Lady of the Lake – the mythical Green Knight. The ethereal Protector of Bretonnia would materialise from the wild places, rearing up on his huge shadow steed to batter the enemies of the realm

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 14:42:52

Post by: Platuan4th

 triplegrim wrote:

Had no clue Michael Perry lost his hand.

Yep, he lost his right hand when a reenactment cannon he was manning misfired/exploded. Had to reteach himself to sculpt with his left hand.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 14:43:20

Post by: Tsagualsa

 triplegrim wrote:

Had no clue Michael Perry lost his hand.

Not only a hand, his dominant one iirc. Happened while he was loading a cannon with black powder, which accidentally ignited. He got a prosthetic system subsequently, and re-learned to sculpt with his other hand.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 14:44:51

Post by: KidCthulhu

Man, I wish I never sold my Green Knight.

I didn't realize Michael had already lost his hand when this model was sculpted. I'll never forget seeing Michael pick up my Games Day 2002 entries with his prosthetic during the Golden Daemon judging. Super nice guy, BTW.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 15:37:15

Post by: nathan2004

I know they’ve both moved on but to have the Perry brothers come back to work on new sculpts would be a dream come true for me.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 15:56:10

Post by: NAVARRO

 nathan2004 wrote:
I know they’ve both moved on but to have the Perry brothers come back to work on new sculpts would be a dream come true for me.

Not sure how much of traditional sculpting is still done at GW.

The green knight always has been one of my favourite models, its just perfect isn't it?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 16:02:36

Post by: JimmyWolf87

Probably my favourite GW model. Even if there's more intricately detailed or more technically impressive stuff, that thing just oozes character and managed to look entirely unique amidst a whole faction of 'armoured man on horse'. I'm glad it escaped the range refresh in 6th edition. Wish everything else had.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 16:54:33

Post by: Shakalooloo

Huh, I remember the Green Knight being the final model Michael Perry sculpted before he lost his hand; when Repanse de Lyonesse was released, WD made a big fuss over that model being the first post-prosthetic sculpt.

Of course, over twenty years of memory degradation may well mean I'm wrong.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 17:05:14

Post by: Tsagualsa

 Shakalooloo wrote:
Huh, I remember the Green Knight being the final model Michael Perry sculpted before he lost his hand; when Repanse de Lyonesse was released, WD made a big fuss over that model being the first post-prosthetic sculpt.

Of course, over twenty years of memory degradation may well mean I'm wrong.

I could look it up, i have the corresponding WD somewhere in the basement

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 18:07:45

Post by: MaxT

 Shakalooloo wrote:
Huh, I remember the Green Knight being the final model Michael Perry sculpted before he lost his hand; when Repanse de Lyonesse was released, WD made a big fuss over that model being the first post-prosthetic sculpt.

Of course, over twenty years of memory degradation may well mean I'm wrong.

I remember the same - so at least if we're wrong, we're wrong together !

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 18:21:29

Post by: triplegrim

I know Faeit has a low ranking around here, but its a rumor at least:


New Base for new produced and sold Sets;
-25mm - small Infantry
-30mm - larger Infantry
-60mm - monstrous Infantry,
-30mmx60mm - Cavalry

There will be no rules for base measures, you can use your old models with their old bases. You even could use rebased Models with Movement trays for round bases.

Launch Set will be (as said) Empire vs. Orcs
Bretonia and Khemri were previews to show "those factions are not forgotten, we will bring complete new Stuff for them!"
Khemri will get the biggest range overhauls
Some older Models will return to production
First (6) Factions to get releases will be Empire > Orcs & Goblins > Chaos > Kislev > Bretonia > Dwarfs.

I can believe the bases thing, with 25mm being the smallest size for anything they release. Standard gw size creep, and will make models more stackable.

The release order may be true. Orcs have been the most common entry in starter sets, a fan favorite and especially for new entries into the hobby and younger players. Empire in the starter for obvious reasons.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 18:22:10

Post by: herjan1987

The Green knight one of my favourite Bretonnian model! I like him so much that got him in metal and resin ( the later via a lot ). But I wonder why did they show off the plastic knight kit and the Grail knights aswell

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 18:50:03

Post by: nathan2004

Subtly building hype for TOW and new Brets haha. One can hope they come sooner rather than later.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 21:29:44

Post by: jullevi

 NAVARRO wrote:

Not sure how much of traditional sculpting is still done at GW.

2015 Adeptus Mechanicus Tech Priest Dominus was the last model to involve any amount of traditional sculpting. Everything since has been 100% digital (except for some terrain pieces and FW models).

I really like what Perry brothers created in the nineties and for LOTR but their last efforts after Middle Earth journey (couple of Empire clampack characters and VC Black Knights) were nothing to write home about.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/05 23:28:25

Post by: RustyNumber

Not sure how to feel if the base increase is true. On one hand I'm a grown adult who can happily play a friendly game of mandollies with mixed base sizes, hell it seems like a lot of historicals merely have recommended basing options.

On the other hand.... I have so many existing models that will be "wrong" ._.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 03:07:47

Post by: tneva82

 Shakalooloo wrote:
Huh, I remember the Green Knight being the final model Michael Perry sculpted before he lost his hand; when Repanse de Lyonesse was released, WD made a big fuss over that model being the first post-prosthetic sculpt.

Of course, over twenty years of memory degradation may well mean I'm wrong.

It's possible for both to be true. Repanse was first he sculpted with prosthetic, green knight was first to be released. Gw doesn't always release in order models were completed.

Indeed article says specifically one of the first modeis. Not the first model...

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 03:20:39

Post by: PenitentJake

Let me just say... Bretonians have a lot of potential for Sisters conversions- if I recall correctly, those Brets dug on the Fleur de Lys and had models representing Noble Ladies and Sorceresses.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 07:15:43

Post by: Fayric

 herjan1987 wrote:
But I wonder why did they show off the plastic knight kit and the Grail knights aswell

Imagine you joined the hobby after AoS was established. Those knights would give some context to the weird malplaced medieval knight.
And at the same time generate some easy nostalgia for the veterans. (its a really nice paintjob too )

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 13:26:00

Post by: Warptide

 triplegrim wrote:
I know Faeit has a low ranking around here, but its a rumor at least:


New Base for new produced and sold Sets;
-25mm - small Infantry
-30mm - larger Infantry
-60mm - monstrous Infantry,
-30mmx60mm - Cavalry

There will be no rules for base measures, you can use your old models with their old bases. You even could use rebased Models with Movement trays for round bases.

Launch Set will be (as said) Empire vs. Orcs
Bretonia and Khemri were previews to show "those factions are not forgotten, we will bring complete new Stuff for them!"
Khemri will get the biggest range overhauls
Some older Models will return to production
First (6) Factions to get releases will be Empire > Orcs & Goblins > Chaos > Kislev > Bretonia > Dwarfs.

I can believe the bases thing, with 25mm being the smallest size for anything they release. Standard gw size creep, and will make models more stackable.

The release order may be true. Orcs have been the most common entry in starter sets, a fan favorite and especially for new entries into the hobby and younger players. Empire in the starter for obvious reasons.

So it's a general increase in base size overall? Interesting. I am relieved new base sizes aren't required (knock on wood), but I'm looking forward to seeing how base size affects gameplay. I might leave my old armies on old bases rather than redo them entirely if it doesn't impact much, and use new bases for a new army when I start one.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 14:00:58

Post by: herjan1987

 Fayric wrote:
 herjan1987 wrote:
But I wonder why did they show off the plastic knight kit and the Grail knights aswell

Imagine you joined the hobby after AoS was established. Those knights would give some context to the weird malplaced medieval knight.
And at the same time generate some easy nostalgia for the veterans. (its a really nice paintjob too )

Started my journey of Warhammer with Total War: Warhammer early trailers. I was bit of on the fence to buy minis, when they started the "Great Purge" of Fantasy minis. If I was 2 months early then I have had bought a bucket loads of those knigths aswell as Tomb Kings and variuos other minis like the High elf Handmaiden.

Btw someone noticed on Facebook, that the Green Knight on the last celebration video has bigger base, then he used too.

The 25*50 mm base

The celebration video base

See the little cloth/feathers on the horses head is out of the base on the original and it is still inside the base on the celebration video.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 17:14:47

Post by: nathan2004

That's a very interesting observation...Did anyone that played Brets in 8th have the Green Knight on the larger base?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 17:20:57

Post by: BertBert

The base also seems to be warped and not flush with the surface. Could that be a resin base?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 17:24:19

Post by: herjan1987

 nathan2004 wrote:
That's a very interesting observation...Did anyone that played Brets in 8th have the Green Knight on the larger base?

Out of the question, that he is one a bigger base in 8th. The base size chart on the Eight edition for life forum says he is on a normal cavalry base.


Also I own two Green Knigths and they are both on 25*50 mm rectangles.

So its more likely, thats a 30*60 mm base. Streghten that his horses tail also not on the edge like on the old 25*50 mm cavalry base.

The warpines of the base can be basing material.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/06 23:54:32

Post by: Shakalooloo

PenitentJake wrote:
Let me just say... Bretonians have a lot of potential for Sisters conversions- if I recall correctly, those Brets dug on the Fleur de Lys and had models representing Noble Ladies and Sorceresses.

My original Canoness still proudly sports a back banner pole claimed from the Green Knight himself.

EDIT: And from scrabbling deperately through Reddit (puttup) to prove to myself I'm not being Mandela Effect'd:

some guy on reddit wrote:Green Knight is released in WD 206 and Michael Perry talks about it a bit on pg 81 "Altogether it took about three and a half weeks to sculpt. It was the last thing I did before my accident, so obviously it's quite special because of that."

My WD206 went long ago... Anyone able to confirm?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 05:39:30

Post by: Vulcan

 Warptide wrote:
So it's a general increase in base size overall? Interesting. I am relieved new base sizes aren't required (knock on wood), but I'm looking forward to seeing how base size affects gameplay. I might leave my old armies on old bases rather than redo them entirely if it doesn't impact much, and use new bases for a new army when I start one.

Two main effects on gameplay come to mind.

1) You get a higher attack density out of smaller bases. More attacks in a smaller area means a potential for more wounds to be inflicted.

2) Possibly more importantly, more models fall under templates when using smaller bases with the potential for more wounds to be suffered.

Then there's the undesired hobby effect of mismatching scale of minis and inability to field them together in the same unit without rebasing or some such. Which is why, if this is true and new models have larger bases, while I might play the game, I'll be unlikely to actually buy any of the minis. I imagine many others with extensive existing collections will feel the same.

Which, from GW's viewpoint, rather defeats the purpose of the release....

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 05:59:46

Post by: kodos

the simple difference between 20mm and 25mm bases and what was a gameplay reason they exist in the first place is that you get 6 model files for 20mm in the space of 5 files for 25

depending on how the rules will be for multi charges and/or if solo heroes are a thing this can be a big difference

if there is a general increase in base size, playing 20mm bases against 30mm bases won't be a thing for long

on the other side, classic magnet bases still exist (the magnetic rubber sheets) and just putting a 25mm sheet underneath the 20mm bases to put them on a tray is not really an issue
(and was already the solution back in the days were GW's 25mm bases were only 23mm wide)

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 06:17:46

Post by: Tygre

 Shakalooloo wrote:
PenitentJake wrote:
Let me just say... Bretonians have a lot of potential for Sisters conversions- if I recall correctly, those Brets dug on the Fleur de Lys and had models representing Noble Ladies and Sorceresses.

My original Canoness still proudly sports a back banner pole claimed from the Green Knight himself.

EDIT: And from scrabbling deperately through Reddit (puttup) to prove to myself I'm not being Mandela Effect'd:

some guy on reddit wrote:Green Knight is released in WD 206 and Michael Perry talks about it a bit on pg 81 "Altogether it took about three and a half weeks to sculpt. It was the last thing I did before my accident, so obviously it's quite special because of that."

My WD206 went long ago... Anyone able to confirm?

* Enters vault of my ancient White Dwarfs * "204, 205, 206. Here we go."

I can confirm that the quote is in White Dwarf 206, page 81, 1st paragraph.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 17:45:24

Post by: Orchomen

 BertBert wrote:
The base also seems to be warped and not flush with the surface. Could that be a resin base?

It's not warped, it's round...

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 17:49:44

Post by: BertBert

Orchomen wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
The base also seems to be warped and not flush with the surface. Could that be a resin base?

It's not warped, it's round...

Are we talking about the same picture?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 17:54:51

Post by: Shakalooloo

If that's the original model from way back when, it's possible the base has warped over the years since, especially since they've repainted it at least once (so it ain't green no more).

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 17:59:44

Post by: BertBert

 Shakalooloo wrote:
If that's the original model from way back when, it's possible the base has warped over the years since, especially since they've repainted it at least once (so it ain't green no more).

But it can't be the same base because it's noticeably bigger than the classic WHFB cavalry bases. Could be a custom display base though and entirely unrelated to a potential new basing system.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 18:02:10

Post by: Just Tony

Did none of you notice that it's posed at an angle? If you take one of your Calvary bases and turn it 30° from facing laterally across you to where it's sort of turning towards your shoulder, it's going to make the base look longer because you're looking at both sides of the edge instead of just the long side itself.

EDIT: typed face instead of edge, and corrected it

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 18:04:40

Post by: BertBert

 Just Tony wrote:
Did none of you notice that it's posed at an angle? If you take one of your Calvary bases and turn it 30° from facing laterally across you to where it's sort of turning towards your shoulder, it's going to make the base look longer because you're looking at both sides of the edge instead of just alongside itself.

EDIT: typed face instead of edge, and corrected it

The video has a 360° shot, it's definitely larger.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 18:23:24

Post by: herjan1987

 herjan1987 wrote:
 Fayric wrote:
 herjan1987 wrote:
But I wonder why did they show off the plastic knight kit and the Grail knights aswell

Imagine you joined the hobby after AoS was established. Those knights would give some context to the weird malplaced medieval knight.
And at the same time generate some easy nostalgia for the veterans. (its a really nice paintjob too )

Started my journey of Warhammer with Total War: Warhammer early trailers. I was bit of on the fence to buy minis, when they started the "Great Purge" of Fantasy minis. If I was 2 months early then I have had bought a bucket loads of those knigths aswell as Tomb Kings and variuos other minis like the High elf Handmaiden.

Btw someone noticed on Facebook, that the Green Knight on the last celebration video has bigger base, then he used too.

The 25*50 mm base

The celebration video base

See the little cloth/feathers on the horses head is out of the base on the original and it is still inside the base on the celebration video.

Tony here is a picture from the video compared with an older image from the same angle.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 20:23:30

Post by: Just Tony

I saw it, and between positioning and orientation of other model elements I think it's a standard cav base.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I think if we got pictures of both models from head on showing the front edge of the base that you'll see it's probably going to match up a little better

[Thumb - Screenshot_20230407-162001_Chrome.jpg]

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 21:32:18

Post by: jojo_monkey_boy

It's true, it's also noticeably wider than the bases in the plastic knight photos below.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 21:38:11

Post by: Kalamadea

No, it's absolutely a longer base. This unpainted one is on a standard cav slotta base is taken from a higher angle, but still shows the base extends from the butt to the foreleg and the tail and most of the plume extend beyond the base. On the new green Knights the base is clearly longer, and extends includes the plume and tail

[Thumb - knight1.png]

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 21:53:30

Post by: Breotan

I'm a little disappointed in the rumored release order. Empire is not lacking for plastics and had a lot of updates before WHFB got squatted.

Brets on the other hand really do need a lot of love. And since they're mostly cavalry, they'll be an expensive army to get into without the support of a box set.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 22:00:30

Post by: tneva82

 jojo_monkey_boy wrote:
It's true, it's also noticeably wider than the bases in the plastic knight photos below.

Random thought. It's on aos cavalry base. 75x42mm.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 22:10:48

Post by: herjan1987

Does anyone has a Green knight with square base at hand? If not then I will find the ones that own to settle this question.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 22:28:24

Post by: RustyNumber

 Breotan wrote:
I'm a little disappointed in the rumored release order. Empire is not lacking for plastics and had a lot of updates before WHFB got squatted.

There's probably data from the TW games showing how popular Empire is to play which might be a factor. Though to be fair playing as humans with sweet gunpowder weapons and charismatic voice acting in a game is completely different to picking a TT army to assemble/paint/play.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/07 22:34:25

Post by: GaroRobe

 Breotan wrote:
I'm a little disappointed in the rumored release order. Empire is not lacking for plastics and had a lot of updates before WHFB got squatted.

The thing is, it's very likely that the current Empire range will be mostly wiped out once the new City of Sigmar models drop. Things like the Celestial Hurricanum, Gryphon, demigrph knights, and thing will be okay, but I imagine the basic troops, cannons, and anything that was released in the last Empire wave will be replaced.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/08 01:55:54

Post by: sniffer_squig

Continuing the off-topic BUT regarding the green knights the studio painted up two versions over the years. There is the original Mike McVey paint job with the more intricate banners and was featured in White Dwarf at the original release. I saw the real thing at the 'eavy metal desks at the NIA Games Day way back when and asked how he'd done the freehand vines and they said 'no idea and he did it in no time too' There is a later studio version (too late at night to find the WD ref now!) where they said they'd redone it and given it less ornate banners but no real explanation why they bothered. The McVey version was certainly on a classic cavalry base as per attached.

[Thumb - Green Knight.jpg]

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/08 20:02:56

Post by: triplegrim

 herjan1987 wrote:
Does anyone has a Green knight with square base at hand? If not then I will find the ones that own to settle this question.

I have one in resin. It came with a 25mmx50mm cav base like any other cavalry.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/08 22:47:22

Post by: ingtaer

Wow, what a fascinating discussion that has nothing to do wit the topic. Again. Offenders will be shot at dawn.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/10 13:41:59

Post by: herjan1987

Triplegrim sent me a photo of his own Green Knight with a 25*50 mm base and yeah, if we compare it with the one in the video we clearly see the diferrence.

So its likely safe to say we are getting new bases.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/10 20:44:17

Post by: Egyptian Space Zombie

Not the worst thing, but hopefully spacers will be available. So many cav units basically could not fit in two ranks with current bases.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/10 20:54:48

Post by: Mentlegen324

Is there actually any indication that's been rebased for ToW, though? Has that specific painted model been shown before and has been re-based since the last time it was seen? Some other models for that 40 years of Warhammer thing haven't been rebased with something more current, like the original Space Marine.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/10 21:36:56

Post by: jojo_monkey_boy

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Is there actually any indication that's been rebased for ToW, though? Has that specific painted model been shown before and has been re-based since the last time it was seen? Some other models for that 40 years of Warhammer thing haven't been rebased with something more current, like the original Space Marine.

GW has never sold 30x60 rectangular bases before and, outside of what we've been told about ToW, has otherwise entirely abandoned rectilinear bases. A rumour comes along that they're increasing the base sizes in ToW, including one with the dimensions of 30x60, and then less than a week later, this green knight appears on a noticeably larger base.

Are you suggesting that they custom made a larger base to place this previously painted green knight on just for the lulz? What else would it be rebased for?

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/10 23:49:57

Post by: BlackoCatto

Or it's just on a round base that would have been used for AoS.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/11 02:05:58

Post by: jojo_monkey_boy

You can see the corner edge in this photo. It's not a rounded base.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/11 07:47:47

Post by: kodos

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Is there actually any indication that's been rebased for ToW, though?
not necessarily for TOW, it was just shown with the new base in context to TOW
might be still a different reason why they have done it and had no other picture available

other possibility is that GW is re-basing and painting stuff to make new promo pictures for the TOW books from ranges that are not yet produced or designed (hence no 3D print available)

other point is, there were no rules for bases in the last 2 Editions of Warhammer, so good chance there won't be any in the next ones and GW just puts models on the base they think it will look best

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/11 08:11:08

Post by: Mentlegen324

 kodos wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Is there actually any indication that's been rebased for ToW, though?
not necessarily for TOW, it was just shown with the new base in context to TOW
might be still a different reason why they have done it and had no other picture available

other possibility is that GW is re-basing and painting stuff to make new promo pictures for the TOW books from ranges that are not yet produced or designed (hence no 3D print available)

other point is, there were no rules for bases in the last 2 Editions of Warhammer, so good chance there won't be any in the next ones and GW just puts models on the base they think it will look best

It's one of Mike McVey's models painted to a quality worth them highlighting in the article which they haven't really done on others, it just seems more likely to me that either it just happened to be put on that base in the first place, or the perspective just makes it seem like its bigger, than they've risked damaging an old exceptionally painted model by removing it from the base to put it on a new one just to tie it in with the Old World.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/11 08:16:52

Post by: kodos

Just look in the comparison made on the last page and posts above yours

it is bigger and not just looks like it (specially as perspective is out of question with a 360° view)

and you can make bases bigger without removing the original one, not like we have been already thru that with the increase from 25 to 32 in 40k

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/11 09:00:55

Post by: herjan1987

 Mentlegen324 wrote:

It's one of Mike McVey's models painted to a quality worth them highlighting in the article which they haven't really done on others, it just seems more likely to me that either it just happened to be put on that base in the first place, or the perspective just makes it seem like its bigger, than they've risked damaging an old exceptionally painted model by removing it from the base to put it on a new one just to tie it in with the Old World.

They can always cut the base. Lets not forget, GW was the one, who showed, the players how to do that. Also the Green Knight has really small contact point with the base so there is less possebility for faulire. This could be a metal version of the model, and therefore there is even less chance of breakage.

Why rebase him? Maybe, because its a timeless model and they will re-release it, its actually a one of the romours, that old models will be available again. You know dont fix what is not broken.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/11 13:41:11

Post by: MajorWesJanson

Could be rebased to match the basing style of new units for group photos.

Warhammer - The Old World news and rumors. Pre orders. p.280. @ 2023/04/11 19:40:17

Post by: triplegrim

New rumor from Faeit 212. The Old World will be a small 2023 release (as Epic).

Seems credible. Even logical, if its going to come out in 2023.


Warhammer The Old World will be just (like Epic) a small release. We get the Launch Box, Rulebook, the Compendium and an Accessories Pack for returnee Players.

They want to fill the "40 Years of Warhammer" Topic without blunders. Bigger releases then in Early 2024 before they go "all in" with Warhammer Age of Sigmar...

Youtubers have also picked it up.
