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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 06:06:10

Post by: Roknar

Hola fellow Despoilers,

I've always been lightly converting models here and there, but only recently have I gotten more serious about it and with the new true-scale models I started my foray into greenstuffing, so I figured I might as well start putting some of this stuff online.
Don't expect regular updates, much less painted models, but who knows. I never even considered making a blog about this a possibility, but here we are.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 06:20:22

Post by: Roknar

Let's start with some of the older models that are now questionable at best...
I can try and get better pictures, but I didn't feel like digging out the models. They're somewhat burrowed at the moment lol.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 06:33:32

Post by: Roknar

Now onto why I started making this thread into the first place. The new sculpts.
I see a lot of people going all gribbly and over the top with their chaos models, but I always preferred a more disciplined, organized look while still undeniably being corrupted and these new kits with some Forgeworld sprinkled in works really well.
First I tried my luck on terminators, because their awesome, rules be damned. And bringers of despair are extra awesome (although the detachment is a bit of a stinker. Give me back BS/WS2 termies)
Except that I'm not a fan of the rounded shoulder and being Black Legion I wanted to go for more of a Justaerin vibe, aka cataphracti. There is no way I could do the actual justaerin up to the level of the new models, although the scale is very similar, so I just slapped cataphractii shoulder on there and called it a day. Apart from having to hide some huge gaps it worked out pretty well I think, plus its been 10k years, why wouldn't they have replaced parts.

I also liked the powerweapon cabling on previous models so I added those with the greenstuff world cable maker (worth it's weight in gold).
I have to get the small version though, the large one was sufficient, but I can't get all types of cables to work on that scale, hence why they're all the same. The fur is from a template which works great , provided you don't start messing with the fur right away like myself. So the fur on the cape could be way better looking.

(pictures are straight, dakka is turning them sideways for some reason)

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[Thumb - 2019-09-17 21.48.41.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 06:36:43

Post by: Roknar

Chains are from zinge industries iirc. I want to go back to this one and intersperse some smaller chains and hooks if I can figure out a good way to do them.

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[Thumb - 2019-09-22 01.05.39.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 06:41:29

Post by: Roknar

At the end of this I learned that applicators are a thing, which would have saved me a ton of glue...
I hope it won't be too visible that the straps are different dimensions, I screwed up making the right side and they ended up being half the thickness. Also switched to smaller coins, these are actually from gates on a block of resin nuts and bolts. I couldn't find any plastic rods small enough, or rather it was either too small or too big.

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[Thumb - 2019-09-28 22.09.59.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 06:46:02

Post by: Roknar

The icon of vengeance is pretty meh, but I wanted to model a banner anyway because rule of cool. I could not for the life of me, figure out a way to add a melee weapon and have it not look ridiculous, so he's hell be going without one. But then I don't mix weapons unless it's the champ so that shouldn't be an issue. Might add one to his base. Also this model made the heatgun pay for itself on that banner...jsut...ignore that the windflow makes no sense lol. Once I had something that looked ok I didn't want to touch it anymore.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 06:55:37

Post by: Roknar

Last Terminator I could make. I want a unit of ten for plasma doubletap + ..stuff based on all marks, but at this point I'm out of bits. Plus I'm not quite sure yet how to pull that off. The good stuff is locked behind the daemon keyword and the stratagems make no sense. Nurgle is...OK, I guess? tzeentch doesn't even apply and khorne is super expensive to play on top of a previous cacophony. The apostle only buffs himself with cult prayers because..reasons? and the master of possession, who deals exclusively with daemons, somehow doesn't know any cult spells, pure genius there GW. Which really only leaves the sorcerer, but that at least 2 cult sorcerers or a boatload of CP for a mediocre unit at best...sigh

Also the axe was a failed attempt for the previous guy, but I decided to keep it anyway since it fit the theme.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 06:56:59

Post by: Roknar

Group shot so far.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 07:03:30

Post by: Roknar

Also working on a kharybdis to taxi the terminators, or keep them safe turn one and give a bit of extra movement, then barrel it into the front lines so I can have the termies ready for an apostle turn 2 (Also because it looks badass). Nothing to show there though as I'm waiting for stuff to cure to do the trimming, which takes time as I have to do everything 5 -10 times...So In the mean time I started in regular CSM, as I want to avoid cultists as much as possible, though I'll probably pick up some blackstone fortress renegades for that as you need the CP badly, doubly so if I want to avoid dipping into corsairs or other legions.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 07:08:00

Post by: Roknar

I want to try to have some chain cannon squads run forward and maybe some with actual heavy weapons in the back.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 07:09:04

Post by: Roknar

And the obligatory banner for CSM

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 14:06:18

Post by: Flapjack

Lovely conversions and greenstuff work. Nice job.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 14:17:44

Post by: Not Online!!!

Why is this thread not appreciated more?

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 15:02:49

Post by: gobert

Sweet Termie conversions! Hoping that you get around to throwing some paint at them soon. The Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard are really nice minis, I’d recommend them to anyone

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 18:16:46

Post by: Roknar

And another run of the mill csm. Noticing the limitations of the current kit now.
For whatever reason they decided to make ALL bolter left handed and on top of that, all but one is two-handed, so much for diversity. And the extra hand covers details so it's really not worth getting rid of imho.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 22:19:29

Post by: Roknar

Went for a shielded shoulder pad instead of adding spikes, simply because it's much less hassle and it still gives a vibe of ghosts from an bygone era. You don't really see that kind of shoulderpad anymore among csm, but I've always liked it.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 23:09:17

Post by: Bellerophon

Some really nice conversions and greenstuff work there. Characterful and fitting. Good work!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/24 23:22:42

Post by: Roknar

Back to work, was on holiday for making most of this, so thanks all so far. I'll keep going, but obviously that will slow me down.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/28 21:55:48

Post by: Roknar

First real attempt at scribing. sure get's your heart pounding lol, bit rough but should look ok from a distance.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/11/30 19:20:56

Post by: Roknar

Chaos milling 2.0
I forgot that I had milling drill bitsand one of them is triangle shaped.
To late to fix the previous part, but then I like both designs so it's gonna stay.

[Thumb - 2019-11-30 20.16.28.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/12/04 19:51:16

Post by: Roknar

I still need to add nuts and bolts to the trimming and add legion emblems, but otherwise that would be more or less the final look.
I am considering to add horns/teeth to the legs maybe. Haven't given the storm launchers a closer look yet, can probably do something with those too.
Any thought would be welcome, at this point I still consider the conversion WIP.

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[Thumb - 2019-12-04 20.34.29.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/12/15 22:22:38

Post by: Roknar

Decided to add more trimming. Done with the storm launchers apart from some cleanup, and working on trimming for the claws

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[Thumb - 2019-12-15 23.15.12.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/12/26 04:24:24

Post by: Roknar

Next CSM champion in the works while I wait for the trimming

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2019/12/28 02:57:04

Post by: Roknar

Still in progress. I need to find myself some tutorial on tattered cloth, just randomly tugging at it is not exactly optimal

[Thumb - 2019-12-28 03.49.23.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/04/06 23:19:27

Post by: Roknar

Next gunner on his way and the legs on the kharybdis are done, just need to get my hands on some sons of horus etched brass to finish the doors and I think that's it.
Still need to hide the transition from the ammo-feed, they don't really match. Not quite sure how to go about that yet.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/04/17 19:04:06

Post by: Roknar

Next terminator in progress

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/04/17 20:09:54

Post by: ph34r

I like the use of gargoyle heads.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/04/18 01:26:13

Post by: tzurk

Mate that claw is fantastic - super intimidating, and the tweaks you're making are working. Some really tight conversion work going on here with the terms too - and I am a big fan of the huge mace on your DP. Thanks for sharing!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/04/26 23:37:06

Post by: Roknar

Not much progress.
I was going to have the head follow the barrel but I rather like the look of this.
I need more expressive heads like this, never payed much attention to faces. I usually like the brooding implied brutality of certain helmets, but the this looks really dynamic.
Brings a certain life to the mini. I've been lowkey looking for helmetless heads, but so far I've come up short.

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[Thumb - 2020-04-26 03.18.11.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/04/27 02:03:00

Post by: MegaDave

Just found this blog, loving everything in it, those are some crazy dynamic terminators!

If you haven't started painting already, what do you think about a few more rivets on the detailing you did for the karbydis?

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/04/27 05:29:05

Post by: Roknar

Err, yes, oops.
That was planned indeed, thanks for reminding me

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/02 05:27:58

Post by: Roknar

Two more clothy bits, still no clue how to do it outside of sheer dumb luck.
Also looking a bit too top heavy I think. I've always been meaning to add the odd skull, but he already looks kinda busy with the cloth shoulders.
And there is also the matter of the trophy rack. neither the old nor the new fit. I don't really know what to do.maybe something similar to abaddon.
A bunch skulls might wotk but I'd rather not go too heavy on that, least not on non khorne marked.

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[Thumb - 2020-05-02 07.15.20.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/05 23:41:43

Post by: Roknar

Calling this one done and working on making his mirror with the cataphracti legs.
Which so far is turning out to be way more challenging and I'm not sure that will work, but I'm too far to turn back now.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/06 05:04:34

Post by: Insectum7

These models are great, dude!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/06 05:44:04

Post by: kavika0311

Fantastic work Roknar! That's some damn good conversion work.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/13 17:15:39

Post by: Roknar

Next set of legs in progress (with a missing stud)

[Thumb - 2020-05-13 14.50.26.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/16 17:25:17

Post by: Roknar

Put together the legs. now I hope I don't mangle the toes too much trying to fill that in.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/17 05:40:03

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

These are really grand! I hear what you're saying about the gribblies versus the disciplined look. Chaos leaves a lot of room for interpretation and you could reasonably accept both as a reasonable vision of how the warp provides the dark reflections for the human soul. I personally am more in the line of your disciplined look. It's more compelling, character-wise, a little more tragic.

That Terminator with the trophy rack is really dynamic looking - great silhouette, really carries the motion well.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/17 13:17:47

Post by: Roknar

Exactly, for me Chaos Marines work best when they are actual characters. With motivations thoughts, and ambitions.
And for Black Legion specifically that means a sense brotherhood, which doesn't work as well if they're simply "the villains", or all berserk/mad all the time like the csm in that movie that shall not be named.
That also then goes on to the models, the less "human" they look, the more they are detached from these things and they become something else.

At least for non cult models and certainly those higher up on the totem pole who would have a stronger will to resist the touch of chaos despite it being a futile endeavor.
Cult marines would have given up some degree of control, starting a downward spiral into becoming puppets of their respective gods.
So it makes sense that these would be a bit more unhinged. It is a rare individual indeed that can follow a god and stay somewhat sane.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/17 13:33:21

Post by: Turaxa

Really good conversions these, you've got the "chains, spikes 'n' furs" motif down without going OTT with it.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/17 17:01:19

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

 Roknar wrote:
Exactly, for me Chaos Marines work best when they are actual characters. With motivations thoughts, and ambitions.
And for Black Legion specifically that means a sense brotherhood, which doesn't work as well if they're simply "the villains", or all berserk/mad all the time like the csm in that movie that shall not be named.
That also then goes on to the models, the less "human" they look, the more they are detached from these things and they become something else.

At least for non cult models and certainly those higher up on the totem pole who would have a stronger will to resist the touch of chaos despite it being a futile endeavor.
Cult marines would have given up some degree of control, starting a downward spiral into becoming puppets of their respective gods.
So it makes sense that these would be a bit more unhinged. It is a rare individual indeed that can follow a god and stay somewhat sane.

Completely agree. It's fun to play those tensions off each other too, with the temptation of power always hanging over them, available only at the cost of madness, you realize that chaos marines are actually some of the mentally strongest individuals (or at least single-minded) in the galaxy.

I don't know if I can explain quite what I mean, but it's like; we have a template for what an Astartes is, loyal, transhuman supersoldier. Then the heresy happens, and a lot of Astartes (and primarchs!) don't know what to do with themselves - the core sense of their identity has been gutted. So some loyalists fall into despair and go on quests of redemption, but most, like Guilliman and Dorn, go on a crusade of rebuilding and consolidation so that Never Again does a civil war break out. For the renegades, so many of them fall into infighting and despair and just lose themselves utterly to Chaos - but the Black Legion offers a new, constructive, identity for them - something they can build on and develop. That's really interesting to me - most Astartes never make a choice in their lives, ever since they were kids they were psychoindoctrinated to obey. The Black Legion is all about making choices. It's why I think the Priimaris-replacement storyline is actually compelling, and it would be really neat if it ended up leading to a second civil war - can you imagine all tacticals, rather than be replaced or cross the Rubicon Primaris, decide to go renegade?

Anyhoo. Alls to say, I think your conversions here do a great job of capturing the spirit of the disciplined (but still just a bit gribbly!) Chaos Warbands. Are you planning on including any cult models in the near future? It would be fun to see your take on them.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/17 19:07:51

Post by: Roknar

I pretty much agree with everything you said.
The black legion is so much more than "vanilla csm", which while we're at it, also goes for ultramarines.
As for the Black Legion, one part I also like, is that they effectively did what NO other Legion has done.
Even back in the good old days, there were rivalries between the various legions, which have only gotten worse over time, on both sides.
And yet Abaddon has somehow managed to unite all colours of marines under a common cause. And not just when pushing for a crusade.

And this calls to exactly what you said, the basics of what an astartes is.

Also this, soo this:
chaos marines are actually some of the mentally strongest individuals (or at least single-minded) in the galaxy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and yes, cult units are planned, like 2030 or so given my snails pace.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/17 23:22:51

Post by: kavika0311

 Roknar wrote:
I pretty much agree with everything you said.
The black legion is so much more than "vanilla csm", which while we're at it, also goes for ultramarines.
As for the Black Legion, one part I also like, is that they effectively did what NO other Legion has done.
Even back in the good old days, there were rivalries between the various legions, which have only gotten worse over time, on both sides.
And yet Abaddon has somehow managed to unite all colours of marines under a common cause. And not just when pushing for a crusade.

And this calls to exactly what you said, the basics of what an astartes is.

Also this, soo this:
chaos marines are actually some of the mentally strongest individuals (or at least single-minded) in the galaxy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and yes, cult units are planned, like 2030 or so given my snails pace.

Absolutely agree. The Black Legion books are really helping fix this issue too. At least lore wise, less so on the tabletop. I am loving the Terminators Roknar, especially the "clothy bits" you don't seem to know how you're making. lol.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/18 22:28:02

Post by: Roknar

This is kind of the idea I'm going for.
The axe arm is going to need some work, not quite sure how to go about that yet.
Gotta say I'm a bit a afraid he might end up being a bit hulking up top, the angles are mighty sharp for them cataphractii shoulders.
I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/24 02:32:25

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Hmm, when I first saw it I didn't see it as "hulking" as much as him striding forward very intently. Especially looking at him head-on like that. But I can also see maybe raising the waist a little and keeping the step a little more shallow. I like the ax at wasit height like that.

Are you planning on making a 10-man squad of 50/50 Cataphractii and 40k Terminators?

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/24 15:51:13

Post by: Roknar

He isn't hulking yet, but once I add the catphractii shoulders and hide the gaps it might be. I cut the arm a bit to change the angle and I think that should solve that problem. The legs are already fixed, but the intent stride thing is what I was going for so that's ok. Making it more shallow would have made it look the same as the regular legs, except a different pattern.

As for the mix, I'm not sure.
In this case I wanted to use the eye of horus belt buckle and removing that was not so easy. And I was a bit converned it wouldn't fit well with the new models so I ended up using the cataphractii torso.
And then I had the legs lying around and figured I might as well use them, though I was concerned they were too skinny.

Getting towards the end of this model, I think I quite like the last two models, but they're a lot of work.
I'm trying to make each terminator somewhat unique and this is a convenient way to achieve that.
I'm definitely considering it for the remaining 3 . Not making a heavy weapon terminator as don't see the point with the current rules, we'll see with 9th.
I do like the look, but I'll likely wait for csm dex 3.0 before considering that.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/25 23:35:31

Post by: Roknar

still plan on adding chains and the odd skull or horn to the shoulders.
And I'm not sure how I feel about the waist, seems a bit on the skinny side compared to the shoulders., but only from behind.
I'm also not completely sold on the head. I was hoping I could make that a bit more interesting when painting.

I really like it when they add cables under the skin and such but I don't think I can pull that off.
Modelling corruption would be out, I'd only make it worse. I don't hate it, but I feel like it could be better.

plasma is passable from a distance. It's based on an older csm plasma pistol, cut down the middle and extended a bit via copper cabling.
The grip is an old school berzerker axe that did not have a hand attached, I really really miss those weapons.

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[Thumb - 2020-05-26 01.07.28.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/26 09:01:39

Post by: Honingtomaten

Lovely models mate!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/26 17:26:06

Post by: gobert

You’ve made him have a great dynamic pose and the mixed generations of armour are perfect for Chaos Terminators too. The green stuff fur is fantastically done too, it even gives a nice sense of speed to him. Looking forward to the rest of the squad!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/27 01:37:37

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

He's looking mean! I don't personally see a problem with his waste myself, I think it looks proportional. Likewise, I actually really like what you did with his combi-plasma.The little spacer or whatever this is that you put on top of both hides the join, or rather makes the join look like a byproduct of the manufacturing process.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/05/31 16:38:05

Post by: Roknar

Calling this one done I think.
But I'm pretty much out of bare heads that I would consider.
If anybody has a source of heads it would be much appreciated.
I tried looking at age of sigmar, but nothing really works there imo, save for the odd character or god specific heads which are not really on the menu yet.'
nu-marines also didn't really strike me as useful, like maybe one or two heads per box and the rest I wouldn't be able to use.
There is no way I'll be able to make my own. I lowkey tried following a tutorial for a skull but that was an epic fail.

[Thumb - 2020-05-31 18.12.35.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-05-31 18.12.40.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-05-31 18.12.50.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-05-31 18.13.06.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/06/14 02:40:08

Post by: Roknar

Number 8 is officially underway

[Thumb - 2020-06-14 04.29.02.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-06-14 04.29.58.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/06/14 02:52:40

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Ooh, is that the Chaos Biker head? That is one of my favorite heads of all time - it is so expressive and angry. Fits your Legion aesthetics perfectly.

Honestly, in terms of sources of heads, I say go with 10 chaos biker heads and call it a day!

I like the axe resting on his shoulderpad there. Excited to see him grow a pair of legs.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/06/14 13:28:31

Post by: Roknar

Yep, that's the one.
Altough in this case it's more a placeholder I think.
I was planning to go with the havoc head and add some cables since he already has connection ports and I am somehwat trying to for that 3d edition cover look.
Not decided on hair yet. On the one hand I don't want any to stay true to the inspiration, on the other hand I want to with old school tassets on the shoulders and belt, flowing in the direction of the plasma and that would a nice bit of flow.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/06/18 13:14:57

Post by: Roknar

Working on the legs.

[Thumb - 2020-06-18 15.08.39.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-06-18 15.09.22.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/06/20 03:27:46

Post by: Roknar

Need to do add the piston on the front leg and some way to attach a skull or so on on his hip.
Turns out I missed a part and his right thigh plate is way too thick, gonna have to cover that up.
I also kind of want to add the shoulder lenses/lights as per the older sculpts.

[Thumb - 2020-06-20 05.14.28.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-06-20 05.13.47.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-06-20 05.13.37.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/06/23 17:59:27

Post by: Roknar

could use some feedback on the tassets.
They're supposed to be leather and I want them to have some movement
I'm going to add similar straps to the shoulders also moving in the same direction,but I'm not sure if this is a bit much.
Nevermind potentially adding some weights on the tips, though I'm not sure how to do that.

I like the look of it but I'm tempted to just leave it like this.

[Thumb - 2020-06-23 19.40.54.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-06-23 19.41.21.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-06-23 19.41.59.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/06/27 00:57:12

Post by: Roknar

Toned down the movement on the hip a bit , looks better to me.
I tried the same thing on the shoulder. Not quite convinced yet, but I'm not sure where else to go with that so it'll probably stay like that.
I did plan on adding a bit of fur lining along the edges, on the one had to differentiate it further from those already using similar shoulders and on the other to smoothen the transition, not quite happy how that turned out.

[Thumb - 2020-06-27 02.08.22.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-06-27 02.09.05.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-06-27 02.09.30.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/14 20:08:00

Post by: Roknar

Ok, finally....
Took me a while to get around to finishing this guy but I think it's done.
2 more to go. And now with the buffs coming up, I wonder if I should make autocannon guys, I do like the look.

[Thumb - 2020-08-14 21.47.45.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-08-14 21.46.22.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-08-14 21.46.16.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-08-14 21.46.05.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-08-14 21.45.51.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/23 19:56:00

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Man that guy looks dope! Really dig the cablework on his power axe, love the way it's curving. Are those brass details on the shin guards?

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/23 23:27:12

Post by: Roknar

The eye is a brass detail and just BARELY fits. The pointy arrow is sculpted on.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/24 20:45:49

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Ah, well done! Nice crisp edges.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/26 22:52:48

Post by: Roknar

With the termies on hold for now, it's back to regular marines.
This one is a bit barebones compared to the others maybe but he felt kind of ok like that.
MINOR repositioning of the left arm and some rags to cover it up, the rest are just straight up kitbash.
Don't want to go too fancy on the run-of-the-mill marines. Nothing particularly Blacklegiony about this one apart from the oldschool shoulderpad and backpack.

[Thumb - 2020-08-27 00.34.10.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-08-27 00.33.26.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-08-27 00.32.15.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-08-27 00.31.45.jpg]
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[Thumb - 2020-08-27 00.31.37.jpg]
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[Thumb - 2020-08-27 00.31.17.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/26 23:41:18

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nicely done. I think you've definitely got parchment/cape effects covered. It's nice to see that one of the older plastic heads still fits the new CSM. I personally feel that the new, bulkier CSM models really demonstrate their veteran status.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/28 20:43:35

Post by: Roknar

Messing around with a potential painting scheme.
Whiteish shins to show their roots, and a nice background for cthonian runes (or stuff).
Usual brass trimming and black, though going over the forgeworld art again I think I might make it a dark dirty gray metalish thing, point is, some sort of black, not green as the lunar wolves might have had.
And maybe a red glove on the right hand on the odd guy to honour the talon of horus.

So a sort of word bearer ish spin in keeping a history on the shins and not forgetting their roots.
Still far away from actually painting anything so I'm still open to suggestions. I'm really not good with colours
(this is all done roughly in photoshop)

[Thumb - scheme_test.png]
[Thumb - scheme_test_glove.png]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/28 20:50:20

Post by: Vejut

Sculpting and kitbash looks great. Colors, possibly its the yellow piping by the head and the digital metallics being more orange, but the colors are possibly reading a bit busy? I'd also consider swapping the memorial hand to the other side, so its one mass of red, rather than some black here and red over there. On the other hand, the background story and leaving yourself some freehand room is nice!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/08/28 21:59:51

Post by: Roknar

I see what you mean, but I'm not so sure it wold bee too much.
It's essentialyl basic black legion with white shins. I tried it on a squad shot and it doesn't really look any more busy than normal.

tried with and without hand, It think it could work but only if it's subtle, like a stipling as opposed to opaque red and on top of the black armour.
That said, I think I actually prefer it wihout the hand, at least in as a general thing

[Thumb - squad runes.png]
[Thumb - red hand.png]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/02 23:05:46

Post by: Roknar

Another regular marine.
No WIP since it's pretty much just a normal guy with different shoulders.
Kind of screwed the pooch with the chain. I was trying to think of something to make him look a little more legion-y and wanted to to try sculpting a small chain.
Which didn't go anywhere and instead I ended up just slapping what I had on it for scale and tried to sculpt it on the model.....without a refresher on how to actually sculpt it.
It didn't stick well and once I had some glue on it, I wasn't able to fix the mess I already had.

I need to try some other time and give it more time to harden, see if that helps any. Though I'm finding it pretty hard to even tell what I'm looking at.
Nevermind making even smaller links, which I would like to have.

Anyway, adding the coins went a long way to giving him that final push. It doesn't show much on camera, but it's surprising just how much small things like fetishes/chains etc in the right place can change the mod of the miniature.
Same for the last guy, that fur was only supposed to hide the joint but it totally changed the aesthetic.

[Thumb - 2020-09-03 00.42.07.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-03 00.42.31.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-03 00.43.59.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/02 23:39:13

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice chain sculpting too. Love that grenade hand.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/04 17:21:35

Post by: spiralingcadaver

Those are some gorgeous terminators. I might need to steal some of your ideas when I build my next ones.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/06 23:28:11

Post by: Roknar

Started riveting the kharybdis aaaand ran out of rivets. Need to make a new order so that that's on hold for now.
Started work on the next basic marine all bluetac-ed. He's a little on the passive/basic side.
I think I'll try converting an oldschool shoulderpad with an older helmet and adding a topknot.

This like my third attempt or so and the first one that's not a complete disaster. Still pretty far from where I want it to be though.
I also have no clue whatsoever how to do the cloth part of the topknot. Ideally I'd like something with interspersed spikes like the new ones.
But I can't even copy those, the detail doesn't really pick up. it's so small.

Tried with some metal bands that are the right size for the cloth at least but I might abandon that.
It's hell to work with.

[Thumb - 2020-09-07 01.08.58.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-07 01.08.44.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-07 01.08.28.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-06 18.55.24.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-06 18.55.19.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-06 18.55.09.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-06 18.55.01.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/13 23:52:05

Post by: Roknar

Not 100% happy with this one, but eh close enough
Skulls in particular are kinda big

Automatically Appended Next Post:
No idea why dakka turned all the pics upside down, but they're fine when you click on em

[Thumb - 2020-09-14 01.25.59.jpg]
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[Thumb - 2020-09-14 01.26.26.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-14 01.26.37.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-09-14 01.27.18.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/14 01:31:36

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice wirework on the trophy skulls. Esp. impressed with the knots!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/14 21:17:35

Post by: Roknar

Ghetto turntable setup - check


Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/15 20:22:09

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice! I like the reaper chaincannon with the gargoyle head - did you extend the ammo pack a bit? It looks like the belt feed has some putty on it or similar.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/16 05:38:30

Post by: Roknar

Indeed, repositioning the cannon made it such that ammo feed didn't quite reach the backpack.
So I had to extend it, but the zinge industries ammofeed looks a little bit different, so I tried to bring them closer to each other by separating each bullet with some wire.
The original has a sort of wire across and between each bullet that would have been fiddly with greenstuff and it has about the same gauge.

In retrospect I should probably have tried to make a cast of the ammo first and then add additional greenstuff feed.
Figured that you probably wouldn't notice too much once the model is coloured in.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/09/16 18:57:54

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Yeah, for sure; and the only reason I could tell unpainted was because of the color difference with the plastic. Well done!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/02 06:02:11

Post by: Roknar

More or less settled on a logo and name:
Harbingers of Perdition.

I was thinking Knights Perdition, rolls of the tongue better, but there isn't really any knightly theme going on here.
I'm not 100% onboard with Harbingers but I haven't been able to come up with a better name yet.
Other names in the running were:
Ashen Scorn/Brotherhood
Circle of Scorn
Disciples of Hatred

The logo is an attempts to incorporate tradition, the claw of Horus and the eye.
And playing on the "traditional" Horus/Black Legion Iconography, totally not because I am incapable of making my own gak up
I also wanted something I could feasibly at least attempt to sculpt/make.

[Thumb - Harbingers_of_Perdition_logos.png]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/11 04:57:39

Post by: Roknar

Next guy is getting more concrete. Gonna make him a reaper/chainfist.
The updated reaper autocannons are kind of meh. I'm going to be trying to be withing 12 inch and then the plasma profile is better, but whatever, I like the look.
I guess on the plus side it's going to be two guys that don't kill themselves.

I also derped and made two right legs, but I didn't want to cut off another leg to make it a right and left, guess I'll just have to cover it up.
Not shown: finaly added rivets to the kharybdis.

[Thumb - 2020-10-11 06.37.49.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-11 06.37.46.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-11 06.37.43.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-11 06.36.24.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-11 06.36.17.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-11 06.36.00.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-11 06.35.55.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/13 20:07:06

Post by: Roknar

Not quite sure yet where to take this model.
I was going more for a determined step, but it ended up being more of a run.

I'm trying to keep them marching but not too aggressive to give me some room for potential khorne terminators (still got some FW torsos lying around I'm hopeing to use at some point)
But they wouldn't be getting a big guy with autocannon so that's not really an issue. And he does have a chainfist I'm eager to use.
I get extra attacks as Black Legion after all, so that's some juicy damage.

[Thumb - 2020-10-13 21.39.47.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-13 21.37.57.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-13 21.36.48.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/14 03:10:18

Post by: darkkt

This whole thread is fantastic! these are some sweet conversions

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/14 05:35:07

Post by: Roknar

Thanks, anybody got a suggestion for which pose to go with, or an alternative? Keeping in mind that the legs are basically done.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/14 05:43:09

Post by: darkkt

Out of the three you've suggested I prefer the second as it looks like he's using the cannon as a counter-weight to compensate for the aggression of the moving chainfist swing.

The first is ok, the third I personally dont like - the leaning straight forward cannnon and arm reached to the side fist suggests to me he's tripped on something and falling forward. He's trying to brace his fall with the cannon arm, the fist becomes less purposeful, more 'flailing'.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/18 23:10:27

Post by: Roknar

Went for the middle option and it's starting to come together.
Although this means you won't be able to make out the teeth around the power cable, so much for that.
The two right legs is not really visible anymore unless you know about it.

Had to redo the top arrow on the kneepad, managed to break it off and loose it, this is is a bit big but oh well.
It bothers me more that it set before I could align it properly, is there instant glue that is less....instant?
I've been using wood glue for parts I know I won't be able to align immediately, but I'd sleep better knowing their stuck on there with super glue.
Then again it holds REALLY well on wood, so maybe that's unfounded.

Still not 100% settled on the chainfist, but with the new buff I kind of want to add one.

[Thumb - 2020-10-19 00.51.48.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-19 00.51.56.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-19 00.52.04.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-19 00.52.12.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-19 00.52.44.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/20 22:20:08

Post by: Roknar

Getting there, next up is to add the shoulders, trophies, and I'm missing the knot on the bandages.
Kind of want to modify the head some more but I'm really not sure what to do. That is the actual head.
Tried adding a scar over the eye on a test piece but I wasn't convinced.

[Thumb - 2020-10-21 00.03.30.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-21 00.03.37.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-21 00.03.47.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-21 00.03.53.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/22 23:18:37

Post by: Roknar

Almost there. I need to add racks, finish the head up and maybe add some cabling on the shoulder.

[Thumb - 2020-10-23 00.59.22.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-23 01.02.48.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-23 01.03.12.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/24 20:13:30

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

This guy's terrifying. Great work on the posing.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/25 03:10:39

Post by: Roknar

Thanks, although it's more of a happy accident than anything else
Gonna have to do some clean up once the milliput dries but otherwise I'd say this one is done.
So now I can stare at the wall fro a while to get an idea on how to do another reaper termie. And how to get a decent chainfist.
Not a big fan of the forgeworld one, or the new version. but that's all I got it seems.

[Thumb - 2020-10-25 03.58.21.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-25 03.58.30.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-25 03.58.44.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-25 03.59.01.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/25 21:42:51

Post by: Roknar

Was thinking something like this maybe for the next guy?
I try to avoid adding stuff to the base for the same reason I wouldn't consider using NMM or models form other armies.
And why I will probably go with relatively simple bases. Takenb out of context they look off

like your dissecting a space marine while fighting kroot...sudenly it looks weird, nevermind dragging the corpse around with the model everywhere it goes.
But in this case I think it helps give the shooting position a bit more weight.
I would add (hopefully) some bullet belts with ejecting shells.

[Thumb - 2020-10-25 22.30.05.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-10-25 22.30.33.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/27 22:28:17

Post by: Roknar

Rough mockup of the weapons.
might add a tooth or two around the ammo feed and muzzle

[Thumb - 2020-10-27 23.10.48.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/10/28 20:40:37

Post by: Roknar

So um...scale creep is a thing lol

[Thumb - 2020-10-28 21.32.34.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/02 01:04:54

Post by: Roknar

Wondering if I should add stuff to the chain but I think it's already pushing it as is.

[Thumb - 2020-11-02 01.50.03.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-02 01.50.45.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/02 01:27:36

Post by: Arakasi

It is looking good - and sometime less is more. Is the chain going to to hang correctly when it is in place? (It is a bit hard to tell from the images).

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/02 01:34:11

Post by: Roknar

The chain is glued in place, it's not meant to hang relaxed. I intended it to be rocking back from the recoil.
And Less is more is what I'm going for indeed, glad that came over.
The last few models have me thinking I'm going a bit too far and straying from my original intent/models.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/02 01:50:51

Post by: Arakasi

I hadn't considered rocking back from the recoil - so that is probably why it wasn't clear to me what was going on. I look forward to seeing the effect when it is in place.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/10 21:30:41

Post by: Roknar

Getting dangerously close to "too much".
Also this was a bit more than I can handle, but too late to stop,
still need to add rivets, which goes for a bunch of models probably.

[Thumb - 2020-11-10 22.20.15.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-10 22.20.22.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-10 22.20.28.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-10 22.23.12.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/11 04:27:12

Post by: Roknar

Attempt to imitate the justaerin shins.
More or less successful, though I'm not all that happy with the eye above the spikes.
Also need to modify the skull somehow since I'm re-using the same leg in the same pose as a previous terminator.

[Thumb - 2020-11-11 05.14.33.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-11 05.14.48.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/12 03:44:20

Post by: Roknar

Pose testing. Not sure what to rest his foot on, but with the current pose I think I could simply add a small step.
Considering an industrial base.

[Thumb - 2020-11-12 04.28.37.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-12 04.28.48.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/12 11:23:02

Post by: tzurk

An industrial base would definitely match all the industrial details you have going on this fella! Could be resting his foot on a cog or a crate or a pipe.

I think the chain's movement makes sense with him holding the gun forward for a shot like that.

I love the running guy from last page too. And the axe guys from the page before. You are really nailing the hulking/imposing aspect of the terminators here - how they were always meant to be!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/16 07:33:00

Post by: Roknar

Think I can call this base done.
The whole cork and plain plasticard will be concrete. The idea was to keep it relatively clean.
With CSM turning up as a result of a sabotage for example more then then showing wartorn rubble, much as I like that.

[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.11.16.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.11.29.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.11.35.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.11.45.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.12.39.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.13.09.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/16 15:05:52

Post by: Roknar

Calling this base done, it's supposed to be relatively clean.
Planning to add some age to it, ie, cracked paint, hairline cracks in the concrete and such (the whole cork and plain plasticard should be concrete.)

I was going more for a sabotage theme than the usual wartorn rubble, hence the hacked auspex as a teleport beacon or something along those lines.

[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.11.16.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.11.29.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.11.35.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.11.45.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.12.39.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-16 08.13.09.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/17 23:56:32

Post by: Roknar

Actual torso this time with the proper legs.
Also added the tabard with fur, although a bit less crisp this time since I wanted the eye to press down on the fur.
And I sense that I am going to struggle getting a good pose with the gun. I fear it's not going to fit unless I make him gangsta aim with the autocannon.

[Thumb - 2020-11-18 00.45.02.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-18 00.45.08.jpg]
[Thumb - 2020-11-18 00.45.21.jpg]

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/18 00:41:52

Post by: Arakasi

Yes, the torso doesn't appear to follow the line of the front leg anymore. Two potential alternatives - angle the gun out to his right, so it once again follows the front leg direction (and mirrors the angle of the chainfist on the other side), or, angle it up. Either way, if you make his head follow the gun it should look like he is aiming/firing, otherwise it will just look like he is moving (or in the first case, trying for a wolverine look but with a gun and chainfist...)

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/18 04:45:05

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nicely done on the base, love seeing the auspex's guts. Impressive sculpting on the tabard and sundry.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/18 12:30:40

Post by: Roknar

I'll see about the gun tonight. As for the tabard, thanks, tried flattening it and letting it cure for once before working with it. Drives me nuts though lol, you see tutorials and it cuts nicely and stays in shape....nope. Never mind having to wait for it to cure, don't have the patience heh.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/18 20:11:13

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

 Roknar wrote:
I'll see about the gun tonight. As for the tabard, thanks, tried flattening it and letting it cure for once before working with it. Drives me nuts though lol, you see tutorials and it cuts nicely and stays in shape....nope. Never mind having to wait for it to cure, don't have the patience heh.

Totally hear you - only experience I have is with sculpting reigns, I just put it to the side and let it cure overnight. I knew that if I left it in eyesight on my desk, I'd just keep poking at it!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/18 23:40:59

Post by: Roknar

That work? not quite the original pose I had in mind but there is no way I can fit in the autocannon such that he is holding it straight and also shooting forward
Even this is a bigger gap in the shoulder than I'd like, but he'll be getting something similar to the tabard to hide the gaps from the cataphracti shoulders....so hopefully that won't be too noticable
Holding the gun in a different stance altogether might work, but I already added the ammo, so it looks off.

That FW autocannon is a hecking chonker and I still have no idea what to do with the chainfist

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/19 00:22:20

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

This is working for me, it looks like he's bracing his front leg against the recoil. The fist looks good lowered to the side like that, if possibly you could tuck in the elbow more as if he were providing counterbalance.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/19 04:37:20

Post by: Arakasi

I think that works - but your opinion matters the most . It can be challenging when things don't go exactly to plan, but often less than reworking it entirely . Sometimes it even comes out better...

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/23 01:25:18

Post by: Roknar

Last of the Bringers of despair
That said, I need to go back to some of the earlier ones, they don't seem quite up to snuff.
And they need bases....and rivets no doubt, hate doing tiny rivets.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/23 16:26:34

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

This dude is bad business! Really good model composition, all the detail has space to breathe. How long did the spikes on the shinguard take?

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/23 18:07:46

Post by: Roknar

Not that long actually, but I had a dremel tool with a sanding attachement to help. By hand would have taken quite a bit longer. Attaching them was also fairly fast with the tamya extra thin, that stuff dries almost instantly and gets into all the cracks. The spikes were also much less finnicky than the shoulder spikes, those are all sorts of crooked lol, but they're too small to tell

They're square spikes and I don't know if I would say I found a better way of doing them, but at least at that scale it kind of works.
I filed down a flat piece of plasicard at an angle, then cut triangular pieces off. You need to cut off the pieces at an angle but I can't cut straight to save my life anyway so that works in my favour lol.
And it's much more convenient than trying to angle a square rod of plastic. The melting of the glue allows you to adjust the base so that it's flush, assuming it's plastic on plastic,

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/23 20:09:12

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice, thanks for sharing! You inspired me to pick up a box of terminators and have fun kitbashing them, I'm going to experiment with making some of them extra spiky.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/23 20:38:53

Post by: Roknar

Well colour me curious

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/23 22:15:26

Post by: Roknar

Ghetto group shot

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/24 07:10:27

Post by: Arakasi

Looking good all together!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/24 21:39:05

Post by: Roknar

Question: What should I work on next?

I need go over some of the earlier termies and obviously do their bases (painting is still waaaay off)
Or I could continue on with cult terminators. I still have a ton of cataphractii parts left over from this conversion. (and no clue what to do with tzeentch since they don't get anything out of a mark of tzeentch, because reasons....)
Or work on a 20 man strong regular astartes. Think hounds of abaddon. Although I don't have enough dudes for this at the moment (only got like 10).
Characters are off limits since I don't know what relics to go with or even if things like the council will survive 9th.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/29 06:08:06

Post by: Roknar

Currently working on a second base with flush railtracks.
There will be a chaos icon with a skull in the rail road part.
Not sure what else to add yet, but I'm still open for suggestions for what to work on next.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/11/29 07:31:48

Post by: darkkt

Those termies look fantastic in their group mate - every one of them is really individual and characterful. Great stuff.

as for what to work on next... tbh I dont know. I always like to do things broken up into little parts, so if you've done termies for a while, you might benefit from a break by doing your hounds of Abbadon?

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2020/12/02 00:37:06

Post by: Roknar

Servo skull WIP, probably going to ave another chaos icon on the round part and have the skull tap into that.
Idea being that it would connect to a few other distant skulls or ritual sites or whatever to create large scale chaos star or other chaos insignia.
And/or inject some daemonic scrap code, a forgeworld using tracks would probably have a pretty vast network, might pay off to corrupt.

hounds of abaddon, going One?

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2021/06/30 06:22:11

Post by: Roknar

Not working on anything specific atm but I figured I'd share some sketching, trying to get a better idea of where to go.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2021/09/05 23:36:32

Post by: Roknar

Not miniature modelling but still modelling I guess.
Finally got done setting up a new rig, so I am getting back into modding for XCOM 2-

Working on a bolter right now, but the UV mapping is killing me. I did not miss it one bit XD.


no where near done working on the UVs so the mag is not even an attempt. Just playing around with colours a bit for motivation and getting an idea for colour schemes.

stills since dakka can't shopw the gif:

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2021/09/20 11:04:34

Post by: Roknar

Finally ready to colour it in. Would liek to hear thoughts.
XCOM allows you to change 1 colour on the gun, so I figured I'd make that the plate.

Other than that though, I'm a little unsure about this scheme...seems a little on the muted side?

(not sure if this will work to share from discord..let's see)

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2021/09/23 22:35:53

Post by: Roknar

think I'm happy with the general scheme.
Any last thoughts before I go back over and touch it up?
(the red spiky thing is what I have in mind in white, just haven't made the texture yet)
I have no idea exactly what to do with the screen yet either

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2021/09/28 22:17:54

Post by: Roknar

Till work in progress but it it's going somewhere

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/05/25 21:21:30

Post by: Roknar

I am not dead yet , I just work in spurts and then don't touch a thing for months.
So heres the next termie base. I was considering adding a lever or so, but I think I'll just leave it like this.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/05/26 12:53:47

Post by: Olthannon

I have been very remiss in not checking out this blog before because wow it's fantastic. You do some brilliant conversions and the bolter mock up for a mod looks great.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/05/29 23:54:15

Post by: Roknar

Well glad you checked it out eventually heh.
Next base complete..... I think.

I was thinking about adding danger stripes when painting, but...I can't tell if something is missing or not
like I look at it and think...no...then I try adding stuff and I feel that it's overkill, too busy.

I'll move on to the next for now...see how I feel later on, unless anybody has any ideas?

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/05/30 06:27:19

Post by: muette

Those kitbashes are top my good sir, kudos to you!!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/17 22:04:08

Post by: Roknar

Thanks, glad you like em.
next bas, bit on the simple side maybe but I'm hoping the eagle will make up for it once painted.
Considering adding adding a straight line or two on the spot with the flag, that or drawing the segment of chaos insignia to compliment the eagle.
Thoughts welcome as usual.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/04 20:14:51

Post by: Roknar

missing a skull that broke off on the termie, but IÄm calling this one done.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/06 17:38:28

Post by: Roknar

4 more to go
Getting harder to come up with ideas.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/11 17:44:18

Post by: Roknar

Anything missing on the base?
was considering to add some pool of blood flowing down from the top.
give him that look of having killed some guy and saying "you're next"

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/12 02:50:14

Post by: Arakasi

FWIW - I don't think anything is missing - sometimes less is more - and you do need somewhere to place the miniature after all . I am enjoying the effort you are putting into your bases - they are like mini dioramas in themselves .

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/12 04:58:48

Post by: Guardling

Your bases are pretty amazing! Look forward to seeing some painted...

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/12 22:32:01

Post by: Roknar

 Arakasi wrote:
FWIW - I don't think anything is missing - sometimes less is more - and you do need somewhere to place the miniature after all . I am enjoying the effort you are putting into your bases - they are like mini dioramas in themselves .

that's the idea. I am VERY unlikely to ever actually play with them...but I also feel like it would be a waste to not base them and having only a diorama.
I'm REALLY bad at finishing that pile of shame and I never had a complete army...not really.
So I'm trying to do a compromise.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/14 16:49:28

Post by: Olthannon

Nice work on these bad lads. Your bases look excellent, a lot of great detail.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/15 22:40:32

Post by: Roknar

Had to give this guy a face lift after doing the other terminators...he wasn't really up to snuff anymore.
Was considering adding some bandages or so to give a more rugged look but I think I'll keep him like this and add some runes or whatever to flat areas.
The scarf could add some colour too.

not sure on the base yet, might try something tiled? I have to find some way to use the renegade guard brass details. Those have panel with rivets that I really like.
Also, seems I ran out of greenstuff, I feel that works better for cloth, so I'm not 100% happy with it, but eh..close enough.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/23 23:00:49

Post by: Roknar

Need to cover up a hole in the conveyer belt where I drilled through but otherwise I think this is done.
Not entirely convinced about the front foot placement mind you, seems a bit flimsy compared to what a terminator might weigh.
Looked sturdier in my mind lol, but it will do I guess.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/24 12:30:54

Post by: Roknar

going to have to do the same with what was supposed to be the champion. Open to any suggestions, I have not started on his base yet and I'm running out of ideas lol

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/25 03:44:01

Post by: Roknar

Update on the champion

Decided to go with more fine details, they make a surprising difference
Though I don't know how I feel about the trimming on the gun and shins, but I don't think I'll redo it.
Just clean it up some. In hindsight I would tried sculpting a custom pair.
I guess that will be for the terminator lord.....some day.

The trimming would be cleaner had I done it from the start, don't want to overdo it now.
Kind of hard to get in now, but the fine detailing is really growing on me.
Sure is tough to get right but so far, even when screwing up a little, I think it works out in the end.
Pretty pointless for the table top though, the spikes only register as spikes from very close up.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/06/29 22:52:25

Post by: Roknar

not much to show yet but the next base is underway
I will probably skip the feet though, can't even manage to draw them at that scale, nvm cut or sculpt them

I also kind of want to add some mini spikes to the axe but with the shoulder and hand it would be overkill I think.
He looks fine but I still feel like is missing somehing tha tmakes him stand out as black legion, I just don't know what to add.
Maybe work some coins into the cape?

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/07/03 23:21:55

Post by: Roknar

Doesn't look nearly as crooked in real life lol

Gonna have to clean up the glue and round off the edges.
Probably add some lights to the diagonal parts, maybe try some cracked marble or whatever where the feet hit?
I also noticed I lost the bandages on the axe somewhere along the way so I'm gonna have to add those again.

But otherwise The gang would finally be assembled and ready to paint.
Not sure where to go from there.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/11/30 21:12:31

Post by: Roknar

OK, not much of an update except to say I'm not dead yet. Got me some heresy beakies, chosen and possessed, greenstuff is on the way. I think next will be the hounds of abbadon. Maybe try and mix in some of the reaver bodies. Though I've seen some neat conversion of them as raptors, so unsure on their use.

Also picked up the new heresy praetors, both from the palstic kit as well as the sons of horus ones. Thinking about turnig the big ol axe guy into a master of excutions, the sword guy into a murdersword exalted champ?...tbd

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/04 17:07:24

Post by: Roknar

Here's what I'm thinking for the first guy saw the legionaries double dagger bit and couldn't resist.
The sprinting pose isn't working quite as well as I thought it would, Though there would be more space to work with.
Still looks good though I think. Getting the angle right on that lifting leg is gonna be fun though...

As for all of these, I will need to add trimming, bolters and pistols...somehow.
I doubt I will use exclusively the heresy armour mind you. there is going to be some mix of the regular csm and the new heresy kit.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/08 01:51:42

Post by: ph34r

The bases and terminators look great. Did you do anything special to get the trophy racks onto cataphractii type armor?

Also that conveyer belt is perfect!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/08 18:20:40

Post by: Roknar

The trophy racks do not fit in either length or width. I only did two cataphractiis, one I added a somewhat curved rack and for the other I extended the torso under the spikes as well as width.

The additional rack can be somewhat seen here:

It lifts and widens the space between them. It ended up a bit thicker than I would have liked but it works well enough in RL. It's on the cusp of looking like an icon though.

The other guy I had to widen the torso:

on top of extending the armour under the racks:

but it's only under the racks, not the rest of the back.
The old metal one would probably fit, they're much smaller.
The newer ones definitely do not fit without some conversion.
I would say you're better of finding some alternative, but it can be done.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/11 23:12:30

Post by: Roknar

Not much here, just a progress shot.
Not going after any plan here, just laying down dome trims and I'll add spikes later.
For the terminators I took more time but with 20 of these guys to do....I'll make it up as I go.

but boy...csm have a lot of trim. For the previous two sets I only had to modify the odd piece, but doing it from scratch...hoo boy.
There will definitely be a mix of the the heresy kit and the new CSM. I don't plan on converting them all.
I don't have particular vison in mind though, just that I want them to be mostly running.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/12 18:54:55

Post by: Insectum7

Gorgeous work on that Terminator champ.

All that trim-work on the power armor guys gives me anxiety tho :p

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/14 18:57:13

Post by: Roknar

Got some new hobby supplies and I just had to show these chains.
Fine detail...actually looks like a chain?

Those are 4 loops around the wrist...with space to spare!
And on top of that, there are two variants.....Expect more of these to show up at a later stage.

Got them at https://www.sceneryworkshop.nl/en/search/chain/
Also got some 1mm springs from AK..those will come in handy too.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/21 12:23:53

Post by: Roknar

Small update.
things are getting spikier.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/24 22:21:45

Post by: Roknar

Another part done. I will be adding spikes and chains and what not a later stage.
If I add them now I'll just end up breaking them off during pose assembly

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/25 20:16:46

Post by: Roknar

First shoulder done

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/26 12:14:17

Post by: Roknar

Ok, I just saw OJSC / osjclatchford re-use terminator legs for truescale power armour.
It worked too well... I will have to re-use some of my justaerin legs.

How does that scale so well ?Oo
I will definitely use this for the hounds of abaddon champ. Make him a big burly dude with power fist.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2022/12/28 17:36:58

Post by: Roknar

Next shoulder done.....I'm going to have to speed those up.
Was an attempt at doing the warband logo, but the claws turned out way to big and I thought the curve of the should would be enough to mimic the eyes, but I'm not convinced.
The next attempt needs to be much smaller and I need to put down an stronger bulge for the eye. Not sure I am able to pull that off, but I will try.

While checking what it looks like on a model I also made a discovery....The heresy kit PERFECTLY fits with the old berzerker kit.
And the old hands also do not look nearly as comically oversized on the new sculpts., despite still being almost twice as big as the current hands lol.
So I am reconsidering my plans.

I still need ACTUAL berzerkers, and I still have the old forgeworld berzerker. (which have to be one of the best kits they put out..my god )
So now I am thinking of mixing in some of the old zerkers with the hounds and using the justaerin legs to upsize the true berzerkers.

And as for re-using the current, well... not so sure either.
They are much harder to repose and you end having to resculpt some detail because they have intersecting parts.
On top of that they resemble the converted pieces very strongly, only with cleaner rivets (which I still need to add, on some terminators too...totally not hiding from that )
I'll probably try to recover some of the cooler shins with moulded details,I find those are rather hard to pull off.

And the feet are just as static....we'll see.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/02 10:43:28

Post by: Boringstuff

Damn, some insane conversions here!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/02 12:29:41

Post by: Roknar

Thanks, and right in time for another (small) update

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/04 22:26:52

Post by: Roknar

Next Shinpad

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/09 12:01:45

Post by: Roknar

Partial fail, and I'm not sure how to correct it, the itty bitty lightning bolt on the top right got partially disolved by the cement.
I still have to do the top side and the finger connecting the middle claw to the lightning. That will at least partially cover the mistake.
I also have to re-re-do the right lightning bolt. The putty mustn't have cured right and is coming apart. That will be fun....

but that thin bolt has taken me longer than the rest of the shoulder so far
this is post attempting the same with brass. That kind of worked too but I I was doing from a brass fence. Cutting out pieces.
I was not able to file down the links, so I canned that.

The arrows as still intact enough I guess, those also lost some shape from the cement.
Still I think, overall it is a success (or will be). I'ts pretty close to the warbands symbol, but aint no way I am doing multiple of these without casting
might have to find a simpler version to do, this could still do for some HQ or so.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/11 23:40:54

Post by: Roknar

ok warband icon shoulder done....I think. the empty space around the back is bothering me a little bit but I think it will work better once painted to provide contrast.
The shoulder is already pretty busy, but maybe adding a bit of a vertical trim could work. Probably better to just leave it alone though.

Some small bits that bother me a little bit, but I can't help but feel that trying to fix them is going to hurt more than it adds.
Besides, a ta distance it's not noticable

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/12 21:40:33

Post by: Roknar

Ok so this update is more for me than anybody else, but if you ever wanted to know if a chaos beaky could work.... I think I can answer that now.
a lot of work ahead of me still but this gave a little boost of courage to keep going with this project.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/12 23:13:56

Post by: darkkt

Love these spikes and other details - really nailing that sweet chaos feel.

Chaos Beaky looking sweet too

Great stuff

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/13 01:05:58

Post by: Jehan-reznor

Great job on the fiddly stuff.
Wouldn't it be easier to do it with green stuff?

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/13 06:53:40

Post by: Roknar

Thanks, both of you.
There are people that perform actual black magic with putty...... I am not one of them .
For me, styrene gives sharper details and is less stressful to work with. I have as much working time as I have plastic sheet. I also do not have to work with super glue, which even with an applicator, is sketchy at the best of times if you ask me.

Plus ,most of my putty is old and isn't behaving quite as nicely as it used to. it keeps sticking to my tools. When it was fresh I could cut if fairly easy with a scalpel. So whenever I can, I use plasticard. And this scale it almost behaves like putty once it comes into contact with cement

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/15 04:12:51

Post by: Roknar

Only the smallest of updates today.
I was going to post another thigh piece today but as I was taking the picture I noticed a part was missing.
No idea how that happened since I can still see the outline in super glue XD.

I will have to redo that, but I guess that means I can post two the next time.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/16 23:40:31

Post by: Roknar

Set of thighs that need to be cleaned up but otherwise more or less done I would say.
I plan on adding more bandage once the model is posed, so I have a better sense of where it needs to flow...kind of screwed the pooch there on the beaky hair.
I intend to have them mostly running/sprinting so the hair should have been blowing the other direction lol

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/27 11:38:01

Post by: Roknar

This started as a different pattern...so this is a rescue attempt of that......which turned into a rescue of a rescue
and somehow along the way..... I ended up with a khorne bobcut that I can no longer unsee
any idea to make it look less like an angry karen are welcome 😄

it's not done yet, I need to clean up the left side,...that also ended up too big.
Both sides are too big actually, when I dry fit, it was smaller and I didn't get the haircut vibe lol.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/29 17:56:31

Post by: Roknar

aligned the shoulder a bit more and added spikes. It looks less karen-y on a model thanks god lol.

next up would be a back pack and an arm..and maybe another beaky

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/29 19:10:03

Post by: Boringstuff

Nice progress, looking forward to the finished thing.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/30 06:21:24

Post by: darkkt

Styrene work is is impressive as always Roknar

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/30 07:07:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

That's some incredible detailing work. Nuce chaos marines.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/30 18:25:28

Post by: Roknar

Lost a little bit of strap on the wrist but that's too bad. Same for the messed up area under the right exhaust, in RL you'll be looking down on it so I'll probably just leave it like that, you don't see it.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/01/30 22:40:43

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Oo, I really like how that backpack came out!

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/02/02 02:58:01

Post by: Roknar

Thanks for the comments yall.

Nother update
Pre cleanup but I think I'll call these done.
The shin is supposed to look a bit rough, but I have trouble settling on just how rough lol
The black stuff is black widow glue...supposed to be a bit more flexible.

I have my doubts on how well those spikes will hold, but I don't see any other way.
Those spikes are not feasible to drill into..possible but I'd sooner break a drill bit and put a hole in me than succeed in that.

I have another arm I want to try but I don't think I'll keep those up. There is next to no point.
You have very limited space and the end result is much like the existing chaos arms...that already have weapons attached soooo....yyyyyeea...
Still want to do the odd one or two just to say I converted the heresy kit completely.
This is after all somewhat of a personal challenge to me and preparation to work on those two new praetors too.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/02/09 19:15:13

Post by: Roknar

If that is not too big already, that's as close to the sun as you can get lol.
And as small as I can make it without a 3d printer....I think.
I haven't tried recovering skulls from weapons...those might be smaller yet.

But I also don't really see how I would make the trim slimmer- Seemed about right, but the heresy shoulder are pretty big already.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/02/18 14:16:26

Post by: Roknar

still need to add some rivets on both pieces but otherwise I'd call them done, minus clean up on the shin.

Also wondering whether or not I should add some shields into the mix.
And I think they would benefit from some sort of silhouette distortion even if that comes simply from rags flowing in the wind or so.
Nothing concrete comes immediately to mind though.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/02/18 14:37:39

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Excellent work, Roknar.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/02/20 00:16:43

Post by: Roknar

Thanks, ShadowsAndDust.

While I let the putty dry...here the concept for the icon of wrath.
Not sure if I should do it with or without cloth.
The details I have no idea about but I'm thinking something roughly eye shaped + khorne top
Probably a god idea to find room for the odd skull and chain either way
but I think it wouldn't be upright...more slanted sideways and...back I think.
Like the holder is charging forward ready to stab somebody with the no doubt spiked end.... I dunno
Straight usually looks better

Also think I'm going to start building the odd marine.
I wanted to keep options open and just make legs n stuff freely, but fatigue is setting in.
This might be a god time to make a test marine or two and have a more concrete style guide.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/02/27 07:20:54

Post by: Roknar

These two need some cleaning up but otherwise I'm calling them done.
After that I'm missing a head, chest and thigh before I can get to assembling a few models.
The had guard is uneven now, didn't start like that. And the elbow ornaments could be tighter, but I'm tired of working on it. Calling it close enough lol.
Still tempted to back and add more trim or something on the chest but I think that would be a mistake. Maybe add a cable going out but I would need to find a way to get thinner cables for that.
Those side cables are nice but ended being a big thicker than I thought.

And I'll have to re-attach a spike on the shoulder. Good reminder of why I avoid putting spikes on this early

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/03 00:12:30

Post by: Roknar

Pre hair and pre skulls....because there is a high risk of ruining both lol

Going very loosely for this design on abaddon
So hanging pony tails rather than one blowing in the wind

And the other guys chest.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/05 00:47:38

Post by: Roknar

Currently working on lord two-shanks, but he's drying so I was thinking about what the next guy could look like.
The base mk6 legs are pretty darn static, but a few of em will be fine...saves me a lot of sweat and tears.

So I was thinking of maybe making him just kind of walk forwards.
From some angles it works ok, on others I find it a little awkward, so I was wondering what you guys think?
Not sure if I would have the bolter in hand or bolt pistol, but pistol and melee works fine I think.
I'll have to add the bolter elsewhere.

Big ol stick on the other hand I think works best here.
It's a little more vicious looking and doesn't hide the details as much.

For head I'd probably use the beaky with hair flowing down though.
I need a static pose for that anyway.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/06 07:05:36

Post by: Roknar

Knife guy wip, but the leg pose would be final I think.
The tubing is a tad skinny on some angles but I doubt I'll make it look better by going back in.

What still needs to be added is a flowing bandage knot and the holster for the daggers.
and in theory also a pistol somewhere, not sure where yet.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/07 22:28:18

Post by: Roknar

Soooo, yes. I gave up on the idea of putting skulls on this chest.
Couldn't get any good enough looking small skulls. And it wasn't really working well in RL.
So I guess it's going to be a more ornate chest now.

Not sure where I am going with it atm, but I tried making a greenstuff coin based on Valbjorns spacewolf tooth tutorial (actually gemstones but I don't care about that part ).
More or less worked out...gonna have to explore that further in the future.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/15 07:18:54

Post by: Roknar

Pistol and sheathes added.
Next would be the bolter strapped across the backpack, but I have yet to make a successful recast.
I could try an add some coins or chains here and there but the model is getting pretty busy already, I might not.

Feel like it is missing a little bit more obvious son of horus identity but for me, these can be be pretty haphazerd in gear.
Not dead set on making them look like any specific thing really, they would be replacing their armour a lot so of all my units, these would be all over the place.
Plus, being pleb level marines that die often, stands to reason they wouldn't necessarily have heavy warband iconography.

I'll just have to give the champion and icon bearer a bit more attention.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/15 14:30:03

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Nice job with the beard.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/26 17:49:18

Post by: Roknar

Thanks, I believe it was according to a tutorial by Valbjorn on youtube.

Today only a small update. STILL working on getting a decent cast for a bolter...
I'll probably use this helmet as the icon bearer.
I couldn't really think of anything else to add to it, so I reckon I'll put it on the icon bearer to reinforce the corruption.
I'll need a more dynamic pose for that though.
Minus rivets which I am still trying to avoid lol, but those will no doubt break off while handling them so I want to keep those till the end.

Plus another shoulder. Simple but I need some less obvious chaos parts to balance the look.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/26 19:28:33

Post by: Roknar

Somewhat regret leaving the legs in the standard pose...they are virtually unsalvagble as assault legs.
What do you guys think about this?
From the front it looks fine, but I'm a little concerned about the other angles

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/03/27 00:38:08

Post by: Roknar

OK, I lied...one more update today.
Finally calling this one done.
Took me forever to get a workable cast for the bolter, and god praise old school sprues that still had fully modelled weapons without hands.

Also I have a whole tub of greenstuff world powdered resin but the stuff is impossible to work with. at least with fine detail.
It's not that it can't hold it but it's not possible to cast without air bubbles. Tried the mag on it's own and it was literally more air bubble than mag....
Even after taking a torch to it. Smaller details like rivets I cannot even manage to fill.

Now I want to get at least the other body done, it's been taunting me this whole time...
Then it's on to the banner methinks...or champ...no idea. Something I can both freely -_-
The mk6 base legs only really work as walking/standing squad.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/09/23 18:55:25

Post by: Roknar

Not sure when I will continue working on my guys but this has been on my mind for a while now.
Some sketches here for gorivex teeth or or whatever that black legion relic chainsword was called.
It's a one-handed relic chainsword, not dedicated to a god. But technically speaking a daemon weapon.

I'm running out of ideas for what that could look like (modeled).
I need a distinct base shape, because regular csm chainsword already look pretty badass tbh.
And I don't want this to be confused with a regular weapon.

The other thing is that ideally it would have some daemonic elements, but those are pretty hard to pull of for me.
A"regular" fancy looking sword is much more feasible, with maybe some glowy runes or so to keep the daemon bound instead.

And of course the hardest of all, I would like a Black Legionish/sons of horus feel to it, but I am drawing a complete blank on that.
Any thoughts appreciated

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/09/29 17:48:43

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

How wicked those chainblades look! I like No. 4 for the most pronounced hook. The silhouette really sells the function.

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/10/05 19:59:50

Post by: Roknar

I was leaning towards 3 or 4, I guess that settles it then. I'll have to try and make a few variants of those then, thanks.

For now, some more sketches.
So tough coming up with ideas for 20 bodies...

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2023/10/15 16:12:48

Post by: Roknar

Couple variations on the hooked version.
No particular reason to daemonify only the top right version, just kinda happened.
It's not very visible, but the bottom rights is supposed to have the odd horn growing out, but not many.
So more of a slightly corrupted version as opposed to fully bound.

In case it's hard to see, the variations are on the one hand the hook angle, on the other hand a slightly longer neck or base.
Having a hard time to decide which I prefer, but I think it's between the the middle options and the bottom right.
Maybe the middle top one being slightly ahead?

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2024/03/01 17:46:04

Post by: Roknar

Not made AAAAANY progress on the hounds but bolter go brrt!

Shell test

That still counts right?

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2024/03/07 00:34:13

Post by: Roknar

Inching closer. Base model is in the editor with some issues still .
Still a lot of work to be done but looking good all things considered.

Bolter Preview

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2024/03/12 01:22:38

Post by: Roknar

First tests ingame.
Í need to figure out how to add the bolt slamming back... Nobody here happen to be handy with UDK3? lol

but yea...looking good.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2024/03/12 19:14:12

Post by: Roknar

Vibe check for morale.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2024/03/14 15:03:31

Post by: Guardling

Good vibes!
That last guy looks nails...

Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2024/03/15 19:19:14

Post by: Roknar


Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2024/03/17 23:55:59

Post by: Roknar

First set of upgrades almost done....well models at least.
Need to add a scanner or so to the grip and double up the base and sickle mag.

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Roknars blog, putting the legion back in Black Legion @ 2024/04/12 22:47:43

Post by: Roknar

Getting closer to release.
felt like sharing this test.

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