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Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/10/29 22:58:44

Post by: monkeytroll

Always fun to see some post-apocalyptic vehicle shenanigans

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/10/31 14:18:25

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Looks like some fun candidates for a destruction derby

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/11/01 17:56:11

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys.
Had a very satisfying evening opening these.

Some lovely sculpts in this one oddly enough the traps are possibly my favourite part. Looking forward to giving the game ago soon as well. Models are roughly 32mm with the monsters slightly more substantial. Well worth a look at for player characters for Roleplay games as well as the models are at least CMON or Mythic Battles quality and I'm rather happy with them.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/11/10 16:30:50

Post by: Llamahead

We'll start with more vehicles

5 is a brutal ram from a construction vehicle

While 6 is a grenade launcher toting family saloon.

These CAVs have also been done

as has this Knight

Mortimer while he suffers from PVC face is almost my last model before Black Plague is completed

Only the Zombie Minotaur (who should be done this evening) to go...........
I've also got interesting RL stuff next week, I've got a job interview for promotion at work on Tuesday wish me luck regardless I'll be treating myself to something next week.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/11/10 17:01:30

Post by: Theophony

Cars coming along nicely, and congrats on getting close to done on Black Plague.

Looking forward to some close ups of the Village attacks stuff.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/11/10 18:09:40

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Pretty nice! Saw some people playing gaslands at the club the other day, seems like fun.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/11/10 19:11:28

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice selection of cars, and good luck next week!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/11/10 20:15:07

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks guys they are just fun to do close ups for Village Attacks will get done as it gets painted. Conan and Massive Darkness are currently the priority for that and I'm just going to start rebasing Green Horde as fantasy requires square bases.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/12/08 13:36:36

Post by: Llamahead

Last couple of weeks have been interesting to say the least. My van was written off in an accident which I escaped with minor injuries, basically some sprained neck muscles but the ones with irritating side effects so it's a several week long hangover for me. Equally I got the promotion at work and received a large bonus from the A14 as well. The Van has been replaced and so alls good......
Naturally I've been using painting to relax and so here go's
CNS Athena Battleship of the Athena Class.

A sadly neglected project I'm glad to get back too.
A Battery 2nd Company 511th Hrin Artillery

C Battery 1st Company 232nd Hrin Infantry

Glad to get back to the lighter vehicles for this project.

Bishop, Rhino 2 and Growler. All of these are from the 2nd Strike Operations kickstarter and this converted Ork Speedsta is on a Reaper hull.

For Massive Darkness a band of Gobbo Archers enters the fray

and from Conan these Picts also arrive

This Loka Sorceror and Musketman enter the fray for my Arab warband

and this Heresy Snow Troll is also finished

Delighted with the Snow Troll

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/12/08 15:20:25

Post by: KernelTerror

Nice ship !
And good to hear all worked out in the end, get well rested Llamahead !

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/12/08 17:19:33

Post by: Theophony

Glad you escaped in relatively good order.

That snow troll is great, but how does one troll the snow? Does one say look out here comes spring? Or point at it and say Frosty the snowman was here and took a dump?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/12/08 19:29:25

Post by: monkeytroll

Sorry to hear of the van, but good news that you're okay, and that you got the promotion.

Nice variety in the latest batch, ork speedsta and the snow troll are my favourites there

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2018/12/09 22:16:42

Post by: inmygravenimage

Glad you're ok. Loving your tiny spesssheeps as ever!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/02/03 21:19:06

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys. The combination of a bunch of training courses new responsibilities and Christmas kept me off Dakka for awhile but fortunately it didn't keep me from painting so this will be a rather full post.
We'll start with a different scale of Spaceship with this Doomwing.

Keeping in the future we have the 3rd and 4th platoons of 11th Company 3rd Witham regiment.

Slightly larger in size we have this supprting Dictator B

More recently we have these three post-apocalyptic racers for Gaslands.

Bulk of the stuff is for fantasy however
These dwarves are from Loka and have came out ok.

Generic models for a wide variety of games. Very different style to most of the dwarves available these two models also came from Loka a powerful Demon and an Elemental construct

These familiars are from Guilds of Cadwallon

A construct from Warmachine

Hyenas from Frostgrave and Conan (a youngster perhaps)

Swamp Zombies from Frostgrave decided to chuck them here as I won't field them in my Undead army.

Mongol Soldier

and Shevastas the thief from Conan.

Possibly should have gone for a more ethnic skin tone with him

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/02/04 07:12:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

Great to see someone else with the Gaslands bug!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/02/10 18:49:13

Post by: Wirecat

This time it is hyenas and gaslands for the win! I'd object to bases being too flat and too similar, but the foliage mix You are using is very good - which one if You don't mind answering?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/02/10 19:19:18

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys. It's' my own mix model railway gravel and about half a dozen variants of Woodland Scenics grass scatter with some lichen and sticks as well. Hope that helps and yes it's the same I use pretty much everywhere as it's a good generic European mix.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/02/17 16:49:05

Post by: Llamahead

Got a fair bit painted since last we spoke.

Happy with this Concussion CAV it's my first try at flecktarn camouflage will have a go on a few more I reckon.

Two Arabs next a Templar and a Treasure Hunter.

Victoria a Warrior Priestess from Massive Darkness

A Hippogriff from Loka

Lizardmen from Massive Darkness

A Werebear from Massive Darkness

and finally a Low Troll also from Massive Darkness

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/03/09 09:34:27

Post by: Llamahead

More stuff for you.
An Arab Knight and Mongol Swordsman for Frostgrave

Both Fireforge plastics. Oddly enough I didn't back their kickstarter as for fantasy gaming I prefer their historicals.

A Goblin Shaman from Massive Darkness

and Pirates from Conan

as well as a Familiar from Guilds of Cadwallon

and finally Elementals and a Wood King from Loka

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/03/10 15:23:41

Post by: Theophony

Nice looking additions to the collection. Love the Arab guy and mongol swordsman (though I think his arm looks a bit long, might just be the angle).

I never got into Cadwallon, but that figure is really fun looking as well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/03/30 21:12:29

Post by: Llamahead

Yeah it was part of Rackham's Aarklash world stillone of my favourite gaming settings sadly badly tarnished by the kickstarter mayhem. These familiars actually came from a tiny CMON board game I got cheap for the figures 4 different Imp sculpts which I'm gradually working my way through. Heres another.

Had some leave to use so I spent a lot of it painting quite a few board games models got done

From LoKA and Dungeon Saga

Tortured Soul, Angel and Druid all earmarked for Frostgrave

From Conan

Picts and Hyena also earmarked for skirmish

and from Massive Darkness

Orcs and a Hellhound (even though it looks like a lion to me)

I've also got a Frost Spider and a War Maiden done as well

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/03/30 23:09:31

Post by: inmygravenimage

Wow, man, you've been busy! That first dungeon saga model is definitely your best, too.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/04/21 12:16:56

Post by: Llamahead

Well been delayed by real life but heres my Slaute loot.

New miniature bag to supplement my old one. Steeply discounted Malifaux and Hordes goodies. Lots of Frostgrave Plastics and the Female Paladins. Slingers and Archers for my Greeks and Twilight critters for various uses. Good show well worth doing I enjoyed it less than some layers but I've had a mild stomach bug and work has been irritating lately.
Wizard Sprue

2 of these in a box and just fun

Women (Soldiers 2 Sprue)

Excellent run of the mill female fighters


2 kinds of sprue in the box the other has slightly different bits excellent kit.

Painting next everything heres justified by Frostgrave.
Pelias from Conan

Viking from Fireforge miniatures (still bemuses me wonderfully exotic historicals fairly boring geenric fantasy models.......)

Shield wolf Sword Maiden

Midlam Miniatures Marksman

Cultists from Loka

Water Elemental from Loka

Gaz & Prug from Massive Darkness

Toy Spider

Hoarcat from Malifaux

Constructs from Warmachine

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/04/22 22:51:31

Post by: Captain Brown


That was quite the haul from Salute.



Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/05/26 11:45:41

Post by: Llamahead

I always feel that at Salute I should spend money. The train tickets and entry make it expensive and I may as well try to save the money in postage. I also don't tend to drip spend so I'll drop a lot at once. This was as my income used to be highly variable so I either had money to spend or I had time to spend, so buying models when I had money made sense. Equally it can get daunting to see the piles of shame.

But here's the finished stuff

I decided to have a 6mm binge this month
Command Vehicles for several formations.

A7V liftvans for air transport

A Grizzly CAV

A bunch of dirty rats (Massive Darkness)

Some monsters for Frostgrave
Obsidian Golem (Mantic)

Giant Snake (Conan)

Lahmia (Loka)

An Arab Apprentice for Frostgrave

A Pict Shaman

and finally a Woodland Indian

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/05/27 18:32:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Wow. You've been busy! Love the snake especially!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/07/28 20:34:45

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers this'll be anoter large one as I haven't updated in ages.
Snakes and a Snakeman for Frostgrave

2 Ninjas and a Thief

Tracker. Musketeer, Man-at-Arms, Amazon and a Gruardsman

An Elf Mage, 2 Familiars and a Dryad Queen

The Man-Ape and an Ice Elemental

and finally a bunch of Goblins

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/07/29 05:43:13

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lots of stuff love the ice elemental

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/08/25 10:49:20

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers just a Gaslands Van for now more to come later today.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/08/25 20:34:09

Post by: inmygravenimage

Who doesn't like a bit of Gaslands?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/11/09 16:14:55

Post by: Llamahead

Whoops I forgot that post
Been painting as normal recently just not getting around to uploading so I have a bit of a backlog. So we'll start with the monsters.
Bugs (just Halloween toys picked up a load more recently)

Robots (War machine models picked up at a steep discount at Salute a few years back)

Elf King (Loka model)

Obsidian Golem (Mantic)

Sabre Tooth Tiger (Reaper Bones)

Weretiger (Massive Darkness)

Fire Demon (Massive Darkness)

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/11/10 14:39:00

Post by: Llamahead

Conan's the theme for this post. Bunch of model's from the Monolith board game

Belit's Guardsman




and Conan himself.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Some Massive Darkness miniatures for you.

Gobbo Boss

Ratling Boss


Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/11/11 18:54:57

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Quite the update. Loving the conan model, like his agressiveness.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/12/27 17:30:34

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers the models from the Conan game are fun, I especially enjoy the slinking pose this Conan has it's not the usual regimented pose or dance fighter you so often see. Theres also a new Kickstarter with a bunch of the models available cheaply.
I've decided to have a quick look at where I am with my modelling at the moment and in this post I'll discuss Sci-fi but first new models.


Starhawk VI



As you can see none of these CAVs are in my usual Urban Camo scheme. Thats because I recently acquired an Algoryn army and I'm looking for a decent woodland camo scheme and I can't quite seem to find it yet. The Algoryn army is going to be my main focus for Sci-fi this year and it'll be nice to paint 28mm troopers again. I'll still grind away at my 6mm collection when I fancy a change of pace and expect to see more practice CAVs soon but it's not going to be my main focus.

This also came off the desk

Gaslands is a game I want to be able to host but the problem has been working out a flexible track system. To get a track to work out required precise measurement and math with matching pieces. Then I realised I could just make the barriers which wil give me much more flexibility and be far easier to store expect a lot of these come the new year!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/12/27 19:44:30

Post by: Theophony

Nice assortment of Mechs there.

Gaslands car looks great. Good idea for the track solution.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/12/28 10:56:36

Post by: inmygravenimage

Love the Gaslands car. I forsee great things!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2019/12/31 11:15:05

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys I've been mucking about with the model side of Gaslands for a while but I've found a group that plays and I'm planning to sort something out to host. The terrain won't be fancy but will be flexible similar to my dungeon tiles I did a year or so ago.

I'm also reviewing my plans for the year. This post will be boardgames. Theres 5 I'm painting models for regularly at the moment. Massive Darkness, Loka, Conan, Zombicide Green Horde & I've just started Joan of Arc. While I own both Dungeon Saga and Guilds of Cadwallon they are pretty much model sources. I also have Rising Sun, Village Attacks, Death may Die, Aeronautica Imperialis and Mythic Battles Pantheon which I haven't touched (My cupboard and shelves of shame are rather imprssive. I've backed Bloodborne and expansions for Joan of Arc and Village Attacks and I want both Ankh and Mythic Battles Ragnarok, I'm also highly interested in the Monolith skirmish game. Basically I switched my GW habit over to board games and haven't looked back. Current focus is going to be to finish painting one project before starting another with Loka almost finished and Massive Darkness and Conan both fully rebased. My desire to have all my fantasy on square bases is certainly causing issues but ah well. Here's some Models

Massive Darkness
Ajax felt like he should be flamboyant.




Djinn and Fire Elemental


Waterhorse Demon



Madrigal from Dungeon Saga and a familiar from Guilds of Cadwallon

Apologies from the flock I took the photos before I rushed home for Christmas so they're not the best

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/01/01 12:16:55

Post by: Llamahead

Skirmish models is the last part of the review. I'd like to get either Warlords of Erewhon or Dragons Rampant played regularly at the club. I've found a FLGS which plays Frostgrave regularly and will start attending as thats a perennial favourite. I'd also like to try Ghost Archipelago and Rangers of Shadow Deep. The final game I'd like more of is Open Combat. What can I say I enjoy generic fantasy skirmish. I'm not particularly planning to buy more this year although I've recently backed Bones V and rceived Bones IV so can't really proclaim innocence. I've also got a bunch of board games acquired for this Bloodborne in particular and now for the models.

Arabs for the warband an Infantryman


and Musketeer

Native American Thief

and War Maiden Templar

3 Lizardmen Frostgrave Snakemen and GW Skink.

A Beggar

A Goblin

A Vaplorhine

A Beetle

And finally a Gorilla

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/03/08 11:24:48

Post by: Llamahead

Got really behind on updating this blog but I've definitely been painting. Got loads finished in the last 2 months. This post will be board games rank & file.

Loka's almost done heres some Drichean tribesmen and Dwarves. Only another 7 models to complete

Massive Darkness is fully undercoated heres Lizardmen, Goblin Archers and Ratkin. Quite a few more models to go......

Conan is also present with Guardsmen and Pirates

I'm hoping to finish all 3 of these by the end of the year. Currently I'm also prepping Green Horde and Joan of Arc. Rising Sun, Village Attacks, Mythic Battles Pantheon and Death may Die haven'teven been looked at yet. That ignores the expansions for Village Attacks, Conan, Joan of Arc and the comple gme for Bloodborne I've backed. Hmmmm bck to painting.......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/03/22 15:54:53

Post by: Llamahead

More models today with an assortment of characters mostly from Boardgames but a few random models for Frostgrave as well.
We'll start with a Druid for Loka (only 6 more to go)

Next to Massive Darkness.
Sylvan an Elf

Myriam (who will almost certainly find use in Ghost Archipelago)

and some Orcs

I'm getting there for this game but it feels far more of a chore than Black Plague did.
Now to Conan just backed the latest kickstarter and I might get it finished before the next lot arrives.........

Belit's Guard

Finally for Board Games a Familiar from Guilds of Cadwallon

Now for some none board games models
Dynamic Lenore from Hasslefree

Fat Fergus from Red Box Games

Monk from Reaper

A pair of Arabs

Reaper Goblins

Reptiles Frostgrave Snakeman and from GW and Iron Gate Scenery vanilla Snakes

Obligatory Coronavirus thingy. It's not really affecting me much as I have no kids and work in construction so currently I'm continuing comparatively normally. Good luck to anybody who's ill or who's job is under threat however.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/03/22 20:15:03

Post by: inmygravenimage

Good to see you back in action. Love the Arab shields especially.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/04/04 09:54:35

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Graven I've been painting just not posting. Well had a week and a half stood down as my company dealt with what they should actually do and conflicting advice from various companies and the government. I had some leave I hadn't taken and I'm back to work relatively normally on Moday. So I'd better get some of the back log posted. This is rather large as to be honest I've doubled my usual painting output at the beginning of the year and I'm actually posting less but painting more. On to the models-

Pair of Queens from Loka meh models minor conversions so they don't match my other pair.

Almost there only another 6 models to do.

Giant Spider from Massive Darkness

Happy with this. Nice simple job took ages to photograph though.

Swamp Daemon from Conan

Really happy with this as well.

Constructs. Cyriss thingies from War Machine

Nice and simple

Slate Ridge Mauler

Old Wyrd Miniatures metal actually one of the first models I got for Frostgrave. Glad to see it finally finished.


Reaper Bones simple and fun.

Boar Croc

From Wargames Terrain Workshop this is an excellent fun vehicle. Well moulded and good value. Excellent place to look for creepy alien critters.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/04/04 10:04:40

Post by: monkeytroll

Good to see the variety as always. Some great monsters in that lot.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/05/30 11:08:34

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Monkeytroll and after all that nice variety a bunch of simple Reaper Cav's





These were a bunch of test pieces to see if I could find a nice woodland camo scheme for my Algoryn I ended up going for the scheme you can see on the Razor as it combined contrast with practicality. Really behind on my blogging hopefully I'll get back on track this weekend.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/06/05 21:58:03

Post by: Ragsta

That Boar Croc is cool, and curse you for leading me to that website!! I do like random fauna and flora, I may end up getting some. You've been super industrious with all these models, mate!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/06/05 22:47:28

Post by: Theophony

I’m going to have to look for one of those slate ridge maulers, just a nasty looking beast. Nice work on the monkey, mauler and croc.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/06/06 16:07:02

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys.Finally got round to putting up some of my Antares blokes. Before the pandemic hit I was playing the game fairly regularly. Think 2nd ed 40k with out the disgusting power gaming. Crunchy squad based skirmish. I've got three squads and a support weapon done.

I went for a woodland camouflage to fit my terrain and I'm happy with what I've done so far. At the moment my man of the match is usually the X Launcher the varietyof ammunition really helps.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/06/06 17:14:48

Post by: Theophony

Great timing. I was just reorganizing my stuff in the basement and came across all my BtGoA models and was thinking of building more Concord models and Ghar. I like the woodland scheme you got there .

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/06/07 10:57:33

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Theophony got the Concord from Strike on Kar A 9. Might have a look at trading them or start a new army. My mates got Concord and all the light drones and vehicles do intrigue me. Fast and elite. I've played Ghar as well but don't have any models. The assault walkers are brutal. I'm hoping for a rule adjustment which makes the high power settings on the Plasma Carbines and Overload Ammo effective against them. Going to bung up a bunch of rank and file board games models now. I've got a rather satisfactory posting back log to get through including spaceships, various characters and monsters so if you've got a preference for the next batch feel free to chip in.

Conan Guardsmen.

Gradually getting there with Conan.

Loka Dricheans

Lokas actually completed. This means I can start on a new board game when I feel like it.

Massive Darkness Goblins, Lizardmen and Ratkin

Been on a big push with Massive Darkness lately.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/06/14 12:19:27

Post by: Llamahead

This'll get complex lots of models from widely differing sources. We'll start with something simple. My fourth Algoryn Squad

A pair of Warmachine Cyriss constructs.

From Massive Darkness



From left to right top to bottom Mila, Ostara, Azrael, Goblin shaman, Ogre Shaman, Valerie and finally Owen.

These are from Conan

Lion, Zelata, Shafira, Forest Demon, Valeria & Zelata's Hound

Random Henchmen next,

From left to right top down, Shield Maiden Ranger, Arab archer, GW Halfling, Bones Dreadmere Mercenary, Fireforge Russian, Fireforge Mongol, Wargames Factory Zulu, Gripping Beast Arab & Fireforge late Scandinavian

Random Monsters next.

Reaper Bones Giant, Loka Elemental, World of Twilight Frenu, Malifaux Poison Gamin and Reaper Toad

and finally Lizardmen.

Loka Snake Queen (completing Loka), Iron Gate Scenery Snake, Massive Darkness Reptisaurian Agent, Frostgrave Snakeman and Reaper Bones Snakeman. Hope theres something there to tickle your fancy!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/06/14 12:59:21

Post by: Theophony

Awesome update some really nice paintwork there.

As for taking down Ghar, I barely played the game, but it seemed that shear weight of fire and pin markers was what was needed. Then hit them with the drone weapons. It’s like soldiers shooting a tank with M16s. It doesn’t work, but keeps the driver from sticking his head out until the RPG or air strike hits it.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/09/11 13:31:34

Post by: Llamahead

Well I didn't back Massive Darkness 2 none of the models really grabbed me unlike last time. But heres a bunch of models from the first kickstarter.

Need to fix the base again
Orcs and Little Ned painted as a big Orc



and a Reaper Snakeman

I also spent the kickstarter money on some new toys Frostgrave 2nd Edition and a bunch of the plastics as well as the Gaslands parts and a bunch of Halflings


Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/09/11 19:28:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ah, the glory of North star's gaslands sprue.p

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/10/03 13:04:18

Post by: Llamahead

I indulged myself again recently after picking up a bunch of the Red Alert models in their 30 odd starships for a tenner bags from Plastic Soldier Company I took advantage of their recent 60% off offer to pick up the boxed game and all the expansions. At £100 for the basic box it was too much but at £100 for all the expansions it got brought. Frankly the cloth and models are seful enough to justify that price. Now originally these were destined to become merchant ships but now I probably do need to work out two proper colour schemes. Here's some photographs of the ones done as merchantmen however.
First all of them

The Federation

The Commonwealth

Most of the time I've seen these painted they've been absolutely standardised I won't do that and I'll also probably mix the ships in both fleets as that is common naval practise and will provide a bit of visual interest. Any preferred schemes on show. I should probably go red and green to match the tokens but I could do with some inspiration.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/10/03 16:19:50

Post by: Mallo

Those ships are really cool!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/10/03 16:58:39

Post by: Llamahead

Cheap to £10 for 30 odd ships ain't bad at all. The £100 main game is a bit expensive but on sale at £40 for approximately 100 of those ships and the cloth? Bargain I'm considering another.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/10/03 21:32:24

Post by: Ragsta

Aw nice, good to see someone taking advantage of those PSC ships! I like your mix and matching, and the varying paint schemes are nicely done.

Good call on mixing the ship variants too - anything that creates some narrative is a good thing!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/10/04 09:45:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

These look great. Always loved your take on spessheeps

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/11/28 14:18:41

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys some more Algoryn I've almost finished my starting force of these guys. One more squad and a vehicle.
AI squad 5

Command Squad

Personally I'd have liked a bit more ostentatious gear for the officer but while it suits "Hollywood" sci-fi to have heroes dramatically fighting it suits realistic sci-fi to have them leading far less ostentatiously.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/12/13 12:07:13

Post by: Llamahead

More board game figures today I've been pushing these as ideally I wanted to get Conan and Massive Darkness finished by the end of the year. Lockdown has helped but I won't quite manage it I have however got a fair chunk of Conan figures done.
Bellit's Guardsmen boring and uninspired

Guards boring and useful



Various Critters

Hydrastus & Shubba

Khostrel Khan & Taurus

Olgerd Amboola and someone I can't recognise

Thak and a Daemon of the Outer Dark

and finally the man himself Conan, Balthus and a Dancer

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/12/13 21:01:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Wow, busy boy. That dancer at end is a cracker.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/12/19 13:00:44

Post by: Llamahead

Getting close to having Massive Darkness done unfortunately I won't quite finish it by the end of the year I'm also neary there with Conan as well but again it won't be until 2021......Here's a bunch of heroes with monsters and minions to follow.

First some Bones models which snuck in



Now the Massive Darkness heroes







Automatically Appended Next Post:
Realised Sybil being a sneaky elf had escaped the first round of pictures

Snake Demon





Bones Rogue

Bones Daemon

Malifaux Poison Gamin

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/12/20 16:05:22

Post by: inmygravenimage

You HAVE been a busy boy!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/12/22 21:27:27

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Always a pleasure to see new work. How many painted figs do you have now?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/12/30 12:41:05

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers over 660 finished this year lockdown was good for painting...... Skalk great to see you back! The answer is I don't know I've set myself the 365 challenge for the past 4 years and completed it then you add he fact I'm a bit of a hoarder and have been doing this for a couple of decades and it adds up.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2020/12/30 14:15:28

Post by: Syro_

Wow, that is an amazing amount of painting to get done. Nicely done! Even your 365 in a year is more ambitious than I think I would be able to handle.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/01/06 18:48:25

Post by: Llamahead

Fortunately things like the Starships don't take too much time and I'm fairly much a base colour ink syle painter. Nothing complex for me.
Speaking of Starships


I've been reviewing projects as I go this year and frankly with the Starfleets mainly I just want to continue painting them and having fun I've got loads of these ships but they are rather fun to paint so thats no chore. Scenery is he main thing I wan't to look at. I've got a bunch of polystyrene balls to paint up as planets and moons. So that should be added an easteroid field would be nice and I have a few stations to do as well. No purchases to be made or really desired for now although if the core game go's to £40 again I might pick up another........

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/01/06 20:16:25

Post by: inmygravenimage

I've always loved your starships.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/03/21 18:09:32

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Graven. I've been a bit behind with my posting lately so these are a bunch of models useful for Frostgrave which I've painted up over a while now.
Barbarian from Shieldwolf

Tribesmen from Warlord Games

Paladin from Shieldwolf

Peasants from Reaper Bones

Rangers from Reaper Bones

Arabs from Gripping Beast

Mercenaries from Fireforge

Mercenary from Frostgrave

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/07/15 16:53:40

Post by: Llamahead

Haven't been keeping up with posting at all lately so I've set myself a 1 a day challenge on my various blogs. Just get 1 model up a day until the backlogs done.
So Frenu

Winged Pterodactyl things from Twilight. Simple and fun I've painted these individually as something quick to force me to process other models. I also picked up this toy truck a while back.

Earmarked for Stargrave it's a bit tall but it's got a good all terrain look to it.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/07/17 22:11:05

Post by: Llamahead

A group of Constructs or large robots useful for both Frostgrave and Stargrave.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/07/17 22:24:54

Post by: inmygravenimage

Good catchup work here!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/07/19 06:37:25

Post by: Ragsta

Great efforts as always, sir. That lorry is a good find too!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/07/19 19:37:44

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys. This is the last of my Algryn Squads I've ot a vehicle painted up but currently my Algoryn collection is complete. I've a squad of Concord troopers and Drones from one of the starters I'll do up. I'm actually very happy with the project and can't wait to get some games in with the completed force a definite possibility now lockdowns ending.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/07/20 18:47:37

Post by: Theophony

Looking good with the Algoryn .

I love the Algoryn and the Concord from Gates of Antares. The Ghar are nice too, but I have a feeling that their battlesuits were supposed to be much bigger (looking at illustrations), but budget wise they were made smaller to have more figs per side. I wish the Rock guys would get done in plastic, but I think BtGoA is pretty much dead since I haven't seen any new models for them in a long while.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/07/25 11:43:15

Post by: Llamahead

Yeah It's sad it never really took off like Bolt Action. It feels like a better balanced version of 2nd Ed for me lots of nice fiddly options. There was some talk of a 2nd Ed but I think that probably got splatted with Covid and Warlords desire to do every genre of WW2 and the Napoleonic. If I'm still playing Antares when the gaming club restarts I'll expand the force. Thinking about it their are very few options I'd definitely want to add to the list. Maybe another squad support weapon and now for something mildly different a modelI've only just finished. Lenore from Hasslefree. Oddly enough she pretty much somes up why I like lower fantasy. Simple, stylish, characterful and easy to paint she's earmarked for Frostgrave. I've also been playing with the Stargrave models and they fill much the same role. Excellent modular simple plastics I've already got more than I require for the game......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/08/08 17:13:52

Post by: Llamahead

Is the first of my completed Stargrave Troopers. I'm really enjoying how nice and simple they are to paint. This lads in relatively simple semi camouflage colours as is the next lad I'll show off. I'm really enjoying the simple chunky and effective detail. I used a Zulu head with this chappy as why not?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/08/14 10:57:31

Post by: Llamahead

2nd Stargrave Trooper. Nice chunky and simple to paint I'm enjoying these a lot. The barrels are something I'm delighted by just 2 plastic bottle tops stuck together with a piece of cotton bud plastic added to make an opening and finished. 20 barrels in minutes for free. Should scale nicely as Stargrave 40k scatter and my Wargames club starts back up on Tuesday!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/08/16 21:05:03

Post by: Llamahead

Looking forward to returning to gaming tomorrow and heres the final piece of my current Algoryn force. If I can start getting games in again I do fancy expanding this with Hazard Suits and Jetbikes possibly another starter army set. We'll see. This is the Avenger I've painted the options and need to find some thin steel tape for magnetising them.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/08/21 09:59:38

Post by: Llamahead

Obsidian Golem aiming for Frostgrave. Now the club has started meeting up again I'm hoping to get involved in a campaign for Frostgrave fairly soon. Eqally I've already got Stargrave and Oathmark booked for next week.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/08/21 15:34:13

Post by: inmygravenimage

He's looking ace, one of your best buddy.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/08/29 09:35:18

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Graven really happy with him. I managed to resist the urge to tone him down with ink which really works with the effect I wanted.

Got my first game of Stargrave in on Tuesday. Literally dusted off a few models from the 24th Islandlwanda and the Conclave of Hrin for the game. The crew of the Zulu Dawn performed reasonably well but I concentrated too much on getting stuck in to combat and not enough on looting. Pillage then burn. It turns out a combat armoured Zulu veteran captain with Void Blade is a bit of a combat monster accounting for the clear majority of my kills. I did enjoy the rules it plays a lot like Frostgrave but the 2 loot types cause a bit of variation. Also really happy with the terrain I made. Here's the crew of the Zulu Dawn.

I also followed a random youtube video to make sprue barricades. Simply take a sprue frame and add random bits to it like so.

I tried to follow the logic of bracing bars and plates too make a quick rickety fence. More carefully cut card panels would produce a better more solid building but I wanted rickety and abandoned. I painted it using my simple techniques and it worked nicely, Added some foliage as well.

With my latest crewman to give a sense of scale. Easy cheap and fun highly recommended.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/05 21:41:57

Post by: Llamahead

Decided to bung up this batch of Lizardmen. Can anybody name all the manufacturers?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/07 16:07:41

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

I don't know the name of the Lizards but the urban wasteland barricade is pure brilliance. Consider that idea borrowed.

re: painted miniatures: if you still have a place to sleep I wouldn't call it hoarding. And never forget that storage containers can be very comfortable if you roll out a memory foam mattress.

Also, those Obsidian Golems a awesome! What scale are they (like how large are they compared to say a Brettonian?)

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/08 19:47:51

Post by: Captain Brown


Fence is a brilliant, yet so simple piece of blocking terrain.



Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/12 11:19:37

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Skalk great to have you back he's on a 50mm base and big chunky ogre/troll size.
Skalk and Captain Brown steal away and thanks!

Described how I made them on the LoER thread nice chunky techy data terminals and another Stargrave trooper.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/13 19:09:02

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Man I want one of those Golems. Or a few. Once again Llamahead influences my miniature collection.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/15 20:56:36

Post by: Ragsta

Productive as ever, my friend, loving the latest goodies.

And you flushed Skalk out of hiding too!!! :O

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/18 21:04:46

Post by: Llamahead

Good to have both of you about and this model Skalk is one everybody needs.

There is just something about a Giant Ground Sloth attack.......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/19 17:31:05

Post by: Llamahead

Mimic. Nolzurs miniature an absolute classic

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/09/19 18:05:03

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh, that is a mighty big licky tongue.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/10/01 20:53:22

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

This was the most recent model I blame you for:

A Giant Ground Sloth, eh? 40mm base? 25?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/10/02 09:58:58

Post by: Ragsta

Really liking those Stargrave troopers, it looks like they do indeed paint up really nice. Extra points for the Giant Sloth and Mimic attack - I think I had nights out which ended a bit like that back in the day.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/10/02 10:33:37

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys glad you like them. The Stargrave plastics are excellent. Easily on par with the Frostgrave kits and nice fun and simple to paint expect more rather soon. Speaking of stargrave been making some data terminals for the data loot markers. The spray paint didn't quite work out

However I've decided to go for concrete instead which will look good with the texture. I also decided to add more gribblies as I've been in the big city of Norwich for the last couple of weeks for work and took advantage of that. Here's a rather confused orc from Massive Darkness for scale as well

Speaking of work heres where I was working.
In this hole.

Looking at the archaeological remains associated with this.

Looking at this all the time

Theres a major programme of refurbishment going on inside the keep and my company is providing the archaeologists to record the historical remains which are being damaged in the progress. Things like installing lifts, disabled access and modernising fire defense mechanisms are vital to keep these buildings in public use and changing them to make them better fit current requirements keeps them safe for the future.
Figured it might inspire some model makers so theres a folder of images in my gallery.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and Skalk 50mm base on the Sloth it's about GW troll size from Reaper.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/10/03 08:57:45

Post by: Llamahead

Been watching a bunch of Youtube tutorials on terrain recently and I've got way too many empty paint bottles so these happened. There was also a disturbing lack of Rawl Plugs here so that'll be rectified while I'm on my Stargrave terrain kick.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2021/10/04 17:48:50

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

You have one of the coolest jobs on Dakka.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/01 14:45:59

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Skalk I haven't been posting much lately greater responsibilities at work and being out of doors in unseasonably warm but still cold and dark weather meant I haven't painted and posted much lately. I only got 4 models completed in November and while I still made 411 it's my lowest count since I started mehh. I'm going to try and improve on the posting this year with a personal challenge of 10 blog updates a month. I finished off Massive Darkness after finding a missing Goblin and painting him just before Christmas. Photos will have to wait until I'm back from my parents. Conan is literally just a few models off. Currently I've got a Frostgrave campaign going at the club and would like to begin one for Stargrave. I'd like to start playing Gaslands. I've als been getting more and more into scratchbashing terrain for all of these games. However all told I'm happy with how everything is going on at the moment.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/05 16:00:03

Post by: Llamahead

Reaper Owlbear actually really happy with this one.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/05 22:01:16

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lovely lovely reaper

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/06 00:41:19

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice terrain conversions there Llamahead.



Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/13 15:40:23

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys. I've been inspired by the Youtube channel Bill Making Stuff https://www.youtube.com/c/BillMakingStuff to make a Beadbot.

Quiet happy with the guy took longer than I expected but rather satisfying to do. This one may well end up a medium construct for Frostgrave instead. Or possibly painted neutrally to use as both.
I'll also show you another large Reaper monster a Dire wolf curently earmarked for Frostgrave.

I'm also going to show you a quick scale shot.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/16 18:22:33

Post by: Llamahead

Another beadbot and an archer for Frostgrave. One of the nice things about the Frostgrave kits is they allow yo to make more than just caucasians. Equally expecting to be able to make caucasians from a box of historical numidians is daft but for places like Frostgrave it adds variety.

Really happy with these literally just based some Christmas decorations but it gives me 4 eldritch whajamacallits for Frostgrave.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/17 22:55:04

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Those whajamacallits certainly are eldritch. Very fun and creative!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/21 12:22:48

Post by: Syro_

Cool bead-bots! And wow, you have a good eye for picking out those Christmas ornaments for that terrain. They look so cool!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/22 14:28:41

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot kicking myself for not getting more of those ornaments. Getting enough so i could create the image of a tower being raised over the cause of a game would be excellent.....

Simple stargrave trooper.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/01/22 19:21:52

Post by: monkeytroll

Fun beadbots, and lovely spot for those decorations.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/03/06 11:30:55

Post by: Llamahead

Eisenkern Trooper. These will become an army. Simple and effective scheme excellent models. I brought one box to just try out and acquired another box as well as the Panzerjaeger at Hammerhead in Newark. I also treated myself to some cannon fodder and a bunch of critters.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/03/27 13:22:30

Post by: Llamahead

Conan needs a good dust. Oddly enough from the Conan board game nearly there though.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/05/14 14:21:52

Post by: Llamahead

Some Myconids for Violent Fungi in Frostgrave lovely and simple to paint.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/05/22 14:30:21

Post by: Llamahead

Ice Toads cheap halloween toys I'v just got round to basing and painting up.

Hrud Stinger with Gargoyle wings and the join simply hid behind a cloak.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/05/23 21:28:10

Post by: Llamahead

Bonejack earmarked for Frostgrave Shenanigans as a large construct.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/05/24 06:30:25

Post by: inmygravenimage

Nicely weathered chief.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/05/25 23:19:06

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers just simple washes.

More constructs for Frostgrave.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/05/27 05:28:38

Post by: Llamahead

Just a Frostgrave Ranger from the plastiic woman sprue

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/05/28 08:14:16

Post by: Llamahead

A reaper 6 limbed doggy. I'm at least making a dent in my posting backlog.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/05/28 22:38:48

Post by: Llamahead

Robot armed up a Chrmium Charger model from Mantic with a Chainsword and Eisenkern gun for Stargrave.

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Batch of Gobbo's Massive Darkness and Reaper

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/02 14:27:17

Post by: Llamahead

Weirdly enjoyable to paint this one nice and simple and he'll make an interesting NPC or Frostgrave wizard. Reaper Bones scribe

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/02 15:52:35

Post by: Captain Brown

Steady work Llamahead.



Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/03 13:58:32

Post by: Llamahead

Stargrave plastics I've been painting these in random camo schemes which will cntrast nicely with the highly unform Eisenkern

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Thanks by the way CB

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/05 21:53:27

Post by: Llamahead

First of all a random robot well Necron Skorpekh destroyer. Pain to assemble but simple to paint.

Now let me show you Loadertron 9000

and a scale shot saying high to an Eisenkern.

Basically a stationary robotic crane/loader made with beads wire and bottle caps. Should be a fun addition to the board in Stargrave.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/06 10:50:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

The 'cron's big blade is beautifully weathered.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/10 16:37:18

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers seeing your reply made me want to bung this up given your superheroes as Zombicides not Iron Man, Anton Guffen seemed appropriate.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/13 20:24:36

Post by: Llamahead

Been playing with something different this weekend. I acquired a bunch of toy animals to bodge together some critters and heres my first attempt.

With a Fireforge armoured archer for scale. Fun and easy to do for some varied critters superglue and baking powder is your friend and there'll be more to come.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/15 00:38:48

Post by: Syro_

Bodging together monster from animal toys is a lot of fun, enjoy

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/15 05:11:10

Post by: Llamahead

Doran from Zombicide faces off against the Boar Oracle a flying pig one of the greatest of signs and most portentious of beings.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/15 23:30:22

Post by: Syro_

I love it

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/16 05:20:10

Post by: Llamahead

I definitely have been Syro as this Xenos abomination shows.

Related note I really enjoy painting the Stargrave troopers. I've relaxed with uniform just painting random camo schemes and it's been great fun. The simple high relief detail makes painting simple and enjoyable.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/16 07:21:18

Post by: JoshInJapan

Your weird animal kitbashes look like something from the AD&D Monster Manual. What fun models!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/17 13:48:25

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

 JoshInJapan wrote:
Your weird animal kitbashes look like something from the AD&D Monster Manual. What fun models!

That's exactly what it is too! These wouldn't be out of place at all as classic D&D monster miniatures.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/19 10:32:54

Post by: Syro_

 JoshInJapan wrote:
Your weird animal kitbashes look like something from the AD&D Monster Manual. What fun models!

So true!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/19 11:31:58

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers thanks a lot! Exactly the look I was going for especially as the story gos this was how the first batch of D&D monsters were created. Continuing the theme we have the Frilled Beak Frog.

This was a design I wanted to do as alien looking plant eaters should be a large part of any ecosystem and it gives a very alien looking proile. I'm also enjoying the excuse to go looking up palaeontology videos on youtube...

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/06/25 21:41:58

Post by: Llamahead

Talking about palaeontology videos

Left overs from the Frilled beak frog and the abomination left me with the bits to create this. Which I really like. I bodged it together to quite deliberately resemble the Crystal Palace dinosaurs from the 1850's and I quite happily feel I accomplished that.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/07/03 18:10:46

Post by: Llamahead

You know that moment when you've pushed yourself to the next level and are really genuinely proud of an accomplishment.
I managed that this weekend.

Designed for Stargrave in real life the Shenanigan is an amalgam of water pistols, parts from toys and kits, bottle caps, plastic gems, clothes pegs and of course Rawl Plugs. To give you an idea of size.

In universe the Shenanigan has started life out as a Federation Scout Ship until the collapse when it found itself being traded between groups of desperados as the smallest practical jumpship it has a tiny crew, cargo bay and only two machine guns but a very capable sensor suit and is perfectly capable of both atmospheric and stratospheric flight. Looking forward to painting her!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/07/03 19:08:14

Post by: KernelTerror

Man, that is a really cool ship, well done !

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/07/05 21:09:27

Post by: Syro_

Awesome job on that scratch built space ship!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/07/05 21:48:13

Post by: Ragsta

Aw yes just look at that build! Great kitbashing, mate!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/07/13 17:18:42

Post by: IGtR=

Love the kitbashing - inspiring me to drag out my collection of random toy animals from the loft

Thanks for sharing

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/08/20 09:50:23

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys far less exciting stuff today just some toy spiders painted up. Unfortunately the rubbery plastic isn't the best for taking spray pint s i recommend trying to get harder plastic versions if you can

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/08/28 10:13:12

Post by: Llamahead

More toy spiders but the harder plastic and some craft gems led to some really nice Glass Spider constructs for Frostgrave.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/08/28 19:58:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Love a toy repaint. Nice job.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/08/29 18:33:02

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Guys

Actually got paint on one of my scratchbuilds. This beadbot owes a lot to TheBrave on here and also to the youtube channel Bill Making Stuff. Youtube terrain channels are excellent ways t get inspiration.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/08/31 22:08:48

Post by: Llamahead

Reaper Golem happy with the sandstone scheme.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/09/18 13:47:30

Post by: Llamahead

Not 11 planned for Frostgrave as well looks better in hand than in the picture ah well at least its that way round!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/09/19 11:41:42

Post by: Llamahead

Princess from Conan not a brilliant picture model looks ok in person.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/09/19 11:42:24

Post by: inmygravenimage


Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/09/19 23:53:41

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

When I saw the original Beadbot build I wasn't really getting it, but painted I totally see the potential and this is IMO one of the coolest scratch builds I've seen you do:

The weathering is excellent. What did you do to get results like that?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/09/22 10:58:24

Post by: bbb

 Llamahead wrote:
Cheers Guys

Actually got paint on one of my scratchbuilds. This beadbot owes a lot to TheBrave on here and also to the youtube channel Bill Making Stuff. Youtube terrain channels are excellent ways t get inspiration.

Bill Making Stuff is fantastic. Great to see a beadbot in the wild. Kudos.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/09/25 15:11:15

Post by: Llamahead

Painted it up as normal then applied a sponge in gunmetal, a rust wash and brown ink. Really simple technique I use for pretty much anything. Talking about Scratchbuilds which look daft unpainted inspired by Bill making stuff.

Great fun to do really easy and cheap. Currently I'm planning to use it as a benevolent oracle or a major demon of good as Frostgrave specifically mentioned Demons are just extraplanar creatures with no particular alignment.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/09/29 18:25:18

Post by: Llamahead

Reaper Cave Bear. Nice simple paint job but looks the part

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/09 21:48:44

Post by: Llamahead

Classic Tiger of Dirz ideal for any game I need an alien dog critter. But I just felt like painting this classic model I've had for ages and posting it after having painted it for the same reason.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/16 21:59:57

Post by: Llamahead

More toybashing it's just fun and big critters are nice and simple to paint.

Earmarked as a -grave beasty suitable for either fantasy or science fiction.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/20 18:30:06

Post by: Llamahead

Sec-Op simpleEisenkern trooper really quick and simple to paint

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/20 19:08:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

I do love the Eisenkern figs

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/22 10:33:40

Post by: Llamahead

Lizardman for Stargrave. Standard Wargames Atlantic Lizardman I'm of 2 minds about this kit I really like the core kit and I like all the seperate options for the arious genres but I'd also like more options for each genre as there's not much variety if you make the kit completely as 1 genre. Really nice models and probbly my favourite plastic lizardman kit.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/23 18:48:38

Post by: Llamahead

Reaper Wizard nice and simple for Frostgrave

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/26 18:51:43

Post by: Llamahead

With Halloween nearly here the cheap packs of toy bugs are back in the shops.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/30 21:52:01

Post by: Llamahead

Nice to get this model photographed I think Malleus the Warrior Priest is the final model I have to post up from Massive Darkness finished painting it up ages ago but still hadn't posted this.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/10/31 20:41:13

Post by: Llamahead

Some models take ages to put up and some models you just really like and put up straight away. This is one of the later, Gannicus is Zombicides tribute to Muhammed Ali who I plan to use as a mystic warrior for Frostgrave.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/11/17 17:48:40

Post by: Llamahead

More Sec-Corp peaked cap cannon fodder from Wargames Atlantic with Stargrave arms. I'm planning to use a bunch of these guys in support of the Eisenkern as auxiliary forces for Stargrave scenarios

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2022/11/25 20:19:38

Post by: Llamahead

Beadbots surprisingly fun and fiddly. Been watching Red Dwarff on Amazon lately and I think something scutter inspired might have to happen.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/06 14:44:52

Post by: Llamahead

Been a while since I've posted one of these up here. Doing the whole start of year project review thing. For a long time micro scale science fiction was most of my modelling and while recently I've been neglecting it for 28mm I still really like them currently I'm planning to continue neglecting it (several friends are interested in 15mm sci-fi which does have an appeal but I'm heavily invested in 6mm). Stargrave also means its currently less of a palette ceanser than it was equally intriguingly Battletech may be starting at the club which would allow these to get some use. So currently no planned purchases and just an aimless desire to play some games.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/08 00:24:25

Post by: Llamahead

These are probably going to be used in Stargrave and are not the beginning of a Necron Army but I had the full squad painted and thought I might as well discuss army based games. Now I have a complete painted force for Beyond the Gates of Antares but only one regular opponent. I'm hmming and hahing about One Page Rules. GW rules have too short of a shelf life for my taste. Firefight is another option but too model specific my Eisenkern and crew are approaching army scale already and some interesting rules suggestions for them would be appreciated. I'm looking for something light and not too model specific any recommendations?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/21 16:16:41

Post by: Llamahead

First model from Death may Die. A cthulu minion called a Hunting Horror. At the moment board game wise I've just finished Conan but have the expansion to do. I'm currently painting up the Green Horde for Zombicide and Time of Legends Joan of Arc as well for the rest of the year I'll carry on painting these. I've got plenty of board game miniaturess to do with Mythic Battles Pantheon, Rising Sun, Village Attacks, Blood born and Wild West Zombicide not touched yet. The plan is to gradually bung these models on the desk mainly focussing on Death may Die for now.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/22 19:13:46

Post by: Llamahead

Megalasaur mix and match critter inspired by early palaeo art expect more of these chappies as their fun to do. I'm going to try and do more scratchbuilding this year with these, more beadbots and some wire constructs on the cards. I've fond loads of great tutorials for these chappies and plenty of other ones to try. The Frostgrave bestiarys provide excellent inspiration for which models to create and I've got plenty of daft ideas.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/23 22:10:02

Post by: Llamahead

Really happy with this. Frostgrave lady for scale with the scratchbuilt house.

I've built several more. They are heavily inspired by https://www.youtube.com/@DevsDice combined with https://www.youtube.com/@WylochsArmory from the Baldurs Gate video with the core walls being made with a cereal box - double corrugated card - cereal box sandwich. Then the floor is added with corrugated card glue gunned in and tiled with card. After that it's clad with coffee stirrers and lolipop sticks with the roof and floors being bodged with more coffee stirrers balsa wood and card slates. It's painted with a texture paint using a thin version of The Terrain Tutors recipe. Eventually the plan is to build enough to cover a 6x4ft board with urban ruins.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/24 05:21:37

Post by: JoshInJapan

The dino kitbash turned out great-- the various parts are seamless. I like the house, as well- a whole table of buildings like this will be a blast to play on.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/24 11:48:37

Post by: KernelTerror

Very nice house mate !

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/24 22:15:00

Post by: Llamahead


Sorceress (who needs another dust) for Frostgrave. Frostgrave has been my favourite game for a couple of years now as it's a fun swings and roundabouts skirmish game and frankly I like being familiar with the ruleset and being able to have fun. Painting and modelling wise I've got the female barbarian kit which I've been playing with although my Cultists and sprue of Ghost Archipelago crewmen have gained guns and are heading into Stargrave. So now as I have a larger cast than I could almost ever need I'll just paint as I fancy although thekits are some of my favourite to just play with. So no plans for new warbands just various fun fantasy models.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/28 21:10:43

Post by: Llamahead

Generic Trooperfrom the Stargrave kit I enjoy painting random camo schemes and for my irregular faction I'll keep on doing it I have 3 Stargrave factionny things currently.
Seccorp comprises of Eisenkern and Cannon fodder as a general black uniformed army nice and easy to paint they definitely need the Female Cannon Fodder and have gradually become an army. I'd like to add power armour and heavy weapons support as well as a ship and vehicles to this lot.
My irregular faction consists of standard Stargrave models and is painted on the basis of what I fancy and think would look good is right I have several done in rebel flightsuits and groups in random camos. All good fun. i could actually do with more Captains and leader models for this lot. Shenanigan probably belongs here and as thy release more Stargrave plastics will be added to this bunch.
The Cult of Mithras has been kitbashed from Stargrave plastics and the Frostgrave Cultists I see them as humanity first fanatics and will happily use these as generic cannon fodder and a bad guy crew.
I would like to add a bug faction force for some of the scenarios and to play Operation Last Train.
While I have loads of models for this I'm really enjoying the painting and kitbashing of all of it so I'll definitely be adding more it's great to have the freedom to model what I like and since giving up on 40k due to the amunt of books required I've really missed it.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/29 22:16:19

Post by: Llamahead

Fire Beetle from Frostgrave. My menagerie is the last thing to consider. I think I have proxy models for everything in the first book and can go back and check might be fun to go through and do a post by post entry. I've mainly discussed what I want to do with the scratchbuild bit earlier but I'll just continue grinding out the models which catch my fancy. I've also decided to split this blog into 2 one for science fiction and on for fantasy to get a move on on my posting backlog.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/01/31 00:29:37

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Nice bug.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/02/05 22:00:39

Post by: Llamahead

As I've said before I've got a bit of a post backlogto make it go quicker I've decided to start a new blog for my Fantastical Hijinks keeping Science Fiction Shenanigans here. this is as I actually have more random minions for Stargrave and Frostgrave as well as the boardgames unposted than I do for my various fantasy armies and without further ado here's a stargrave mystic.

I see her as a Solar priestess leading worshippers in some form of cult whether benevolent or malevolent might be up to my whims.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/02/11 20:31:07

Post by: Llamahead

Dusty Seccorp trooper

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/02/11 20:51:34

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh . Eisenkern?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/02/19 16:48:16

Post by: Llamahead

Yep Wargames Atlantic version and I'll be acquiring more as they expand the range

Morgan from Death may Die painted up as Indiana Jones because why not?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/02/25 16:43:09

Post by: Llamahead

Stargrave trooper with the Cadian Flamer showing how unnecessary the fuss was when the sprue didn't come with one.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/02/26 17:38:27

Post by: Llamahead

For some reason the idea of daemon posessed barbed wire both makes my skin crawl and is one of the most 40k ideas ever made literally just by making a wire armature and coiling wire around it these critters are just plain nasty

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/02/28 02:24:55

Post by: JoshInJapan

 Llamahead wrote:

For some reason the idea of daemon posessed barbed wire both makes my skin crawl and is one of the most 40k ideas ever made literally just by making a wire armature and coiling wire around it these critters are just plain nasty

That's a nifty idea!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/03/05 16:16:57

Post by: Llamahead

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxaolUMIxKY Is the video which inspired me to finally do it and now for something less inspiring but useful a Shotgun toting Rebel Alliance inspired Codebreaker for Stargrave.

I also got to Hammerhead in Newark this weekend and treated myself to some plastic cowboys for Firefly inspired crewmen and Wargames Atlantics female cannon fodder to give Seccorp some girl grunts as well as Xenos Rampant and John Lambshead's Sci-fi scenario book.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/03/06 05:59:47

Post by: bbb

Bill Making stuff is fantastic. A great source of inspiration.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/03/12 13:04:07

Post by: Llamahead

Couldn't agree more bbb has mean't I've stockpiled a lot more random junk however.
Here's a trooper for your deliberation

These relatively generic crewmen are great for building up random warbands speaking of that Xenos Rampant looks an excellent flavourful system and I definitely want to get games in. Unfortuntely for saving money by allowing me to use any miniatures I want it will naturally end up costing me money as several of my warband concepts can happily be built up to Xenos Rampant armies. The scenario book is also relatively good most of them look playable and it will help a lot when looking for games at the club. The official Stargrave and Frostgrave scenarios are great but require hugely specific terrrain pieces I gave up on the idea of trying to do them all when one required a gondola (as in cable car), possibly doable among a club but by myself for one scenario......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/03/20 14:39:53

Post by: Llamahead

Coil hound freaking out an unfortunate Seccorp trooper. I'm happy with the really simple scheme and while the gore effect could be better it's definitely given it an other worldly vibe.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/03/21 20:20:30

Post by: Llamahead

Another unfortunate Seccorp trooper

Normal people might spend a day off cleaning the house I spent it making a giant robot. Mainly a plastic easter egg, bottle caps and beads chiefly inspired by Bill Making Stuff Xenos Rampant makes an army of these chappies seem attractive.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/03/21 22:58:04

Post by: Syro_

I love that giant robot! Very nice

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/03/22 02:29:55

Post by: bbb

Great work!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/03/22 08:55:24

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a sweet scratchbuild. I look forward to seeing it painted.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/04/02 20:35:57

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers guys expect more of these to come as I've got quite a few more of those plastic eggs....

Quick scale shot ofthe Dead/mans hand Gunslingers I've picked them up to use for Stargrave and they are fairly compatible with the kits. I'll admit I've looked at several of the Necromunda kits as well but the fact they don't have the same style of universal joint as their competitors is putting me off.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/04/08 22:00:11

Post by: Llamahead

Rasputin from Cthulu Death may Die. Nice simple model

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/04/10 21:47:18

Post by: Llamahead

First posting of one of my forces for Stargrave. The Cult of Mithras.

Whole idea for them is their religious militaristic fanatics who live on an old derelict battlecruiser and worship the craft as a war god.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/04/14 03:51:44

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice! I love the incompatibility of the various 'grave kits.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/04/15 21:31:16

Post by: Llamahead

I think you mean compatibility Josh but your right it's absolutely excellent. I'm really hoping they produce some nice burly power armour at some point. Heres a dusty old cyborg for your pleasure.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/04/28 20:15:48

Post by: Llamahead

I really should have dusted this poor Seccorp trooper.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/04/30 21:25:16

Post by: Llamahead

Both Hunting Horrors from Death may Die

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/05/08 20:23:56

Post by: Llamahead

Thehead on this RPG trooper comes from a RGD games Faun

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/05/13 21:08:32

Post by: Llamahead

Nice simple female trooper.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/05/14 19:40:02

Post by: Llamahead

Seccorp trooper with heavy weapon.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/05/27 21:36:13

Post by: Llamahead

Alien sniper from the Stargrave kits.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/06/04 21:02:59

Post by: Llamahead

The house got painted https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/808783.page
as did this mildly alien trooper

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/06/10 21:43:27

Post by: Llamahead

Another Trooper I'm painting these Stargrave models in a wide variety of mainly camo style schemes to represent various survivors and also because it's more interesting and allows them to be used in multiple crews. I'm also looking forward to adding the Scavengers to the bitz box.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/06/11 19:45:16

Post by: Llamahead

Decided I wanted an even more massive and impressive coil beast. I didn't quitegetthe centipede or praying mantis I wanted but I quite like this massive hound or dinosaur beastie.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/06/18 20:54:55

Post by: Llamahead

Fanatic made from a combination of Frostgrave Cultist and Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder parts. Currently I'm looking forward to the female cultists and scavengers. I've already decided I need both fantasy and science fiction female cultists now my Nurgle forces have long been mixed but for Science Fiction I'm planning on rival cults.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/06/25 21:16:33

Post by: Llamahead

Sniper who could have done with a dust.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/07/09 20:44:35

Post by: Llamahead

Catgirl with a HMG. Painted in a rebel pilot inspired scheme which I've used for several of these crew models.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/07/15 20:49:29

Post by: Llamahead

Just a simple recruit with a pistol.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/07/22 21:21:24

Post by: Llamahead

Worker drone from a GW Necron kit.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/07/23 20:27:37

Post by: Llamahead

Sometimes you just want to make a puppy! Mr Flibble is random toy bits glued together in a new way.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/07/29 20:08:39

Post by: Llamahead

Three of my painted Coil Hounds the middle one has been paintedusing a combination of Tamiya Clear Red and PVA which works far better. I've really been enjoying creating these wire sculptures and have load more to do. The plan is to use these as Eldritch abomiinations for Operation Doggerland next year.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/07/30 20:34:06

Post by: Llamahead

There is something rather creepy about fireball toting little girls....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2023/08/05 21:15:00

Post by: Llamahead

Lizardman recruit.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/01/08 22:47:05

Post by: Llamahead

A pair of Byakee from Death may Die my plans for board games this year is to carry on grinding out Death may Die so hopefully I'll get the core game done before the expansion comes out. I've got several more to do with Zombicide Old West probably ending up on this blog when I get around to it.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/01/10 16:47:34

Post by: inmygravenimage

Good to see you back buddy!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/01/12 06:45:34

Post by: Ragsta

Lovely hobby efforts as ever, mate.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/01/13 23:13:57

Post by: Llamahead

Wire Wolves literally just twisted wire to represent barbed wire along with PVA and Tamiya Clear Red to represent the ichor. I've made a bunch of these twisted wire sculptures of various creatures to posess the wastes of Doggerland. All quiet on the Doggerland front still fascinates me as a setting but it's very much a WW1 battle game and while adding vehicles and support weapons intrigues me they are absolutely directly tied in with the traditional nations but irritatingly with only following British practise on squad sizes and not allowing them to vary. I do however own French, German and British troopers based on the Wargames Atlantic plastics. I'm also trying to decide how I want to make the regular models for each nation.Prim and proper? Horribly mutated? Ramshackle? Dual Purpose? The rules are also chunky and specific and I'm not sure they quite do what I want. Planet 28 or Xenos Rampant might work better. Stuff to ponder over.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/01/29 22:42:13

Post by: Llamahead

My epic stuff has been on a backburner for a while overtaken by skirmish warbands and the fantasy armies. Will legions imperialis change that? Possibly not it doesn't include Orks but I'd still like to get some games in so I'll wait to see what the rules are like as I've still not seen much about that.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/01/30 16:57:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

Looks great, proper grungy.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/02/17 22:09:39

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers this Trooper is a nice simple Stargrave model nice that she's a she waited ages to get decent plastic women kits and these are wonderful for it. Random Stargrave models have rekindled my interest in Sci-fi painting over the past couple of years and I'll keep turning them oout I could do with more hero models and would love them to make a Captain box at some point!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/02/18 10:57:16

Post by: tzurk

Stargrave seems like such an awesome game system with wonderful modeling opportunities, would love to get my hobby group into it! Great weathering on both her and the gargant. Also love her basing - looks very earthy and natural!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/02/25 11:40:43

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers mixing a bunch of flocks together is what does it.Stargrave is a great system Tzurk.While it lacks the easy narrative hook of Frostgrave it givs far more variety of Warbands. The rules are simple and straightforward allowing the interactions to make the game complex. My main bugbear with it is th lack of customisable weapons although thats the trade off for making it easy to port any models in.

Here's Elizabeth a Death may Die survivor. I'm really enjoying painting these as they give far more variety in colour choice and styles than military stuff. Changing period is also allowing me more variety.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/03/10 20:08:11

Post by: Llamahead

This chap is a Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Crewman brought into the future as a Stargrave crewman. At Hammerhead I treated myself to some of Wargames Atlantics Bugs and some more Cannon fodder so expct a bug horde to be coming at some point in the future,

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/03/15 10:51:31

Post by: Ragsta

I love that Gargantuan, the use of old and newer pieces is so darn good!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/03/17 21:54:54

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Ragsta

This poor Seccorp Trooper is facing up to two adult Harvesters and a larvae. These are the Wargames Atlantic bugs and are nicely chunky. Basing however was going to be a pig. Cool models though. Fortunately I'd decided to play with making some "sprue goo" which is literally just melting down the spare sprues with acetone and using it for stuff and it's worked excelletly here. Just 1 word of advice buy the decent pure acetone as it produces a far more useful consistency than the less pure stuff.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/03/24 22:47:03

Post by: Llamahead

Dang this model doesn't look good blown up in hand it's fine though. Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago crewman, Gripping Beast Arab head stargrave bits give a nicely ethic crewman.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/03/29 22:36:04

Post by: Llamahead

Seccorp trooper. Nice simple and useful.I see these as NPC models rather than PCmodels for Stargrave although I am toying with the idea of running a more narrative campaign based upon their rise in a sector.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/03/29 23:03:05

Post by: JoshInJapan

That trooper looks good. Sometimes you just need some dudes with rifles, and this model fills that role perfectly.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/03/31 21:02:47

Post by: Llamahead

Yep simple and effective the Wargames Atlantic Cannon fodder really provide some nice useful bodies.

This Desperado is a lot more individual based on the Frostgrave Scavenger kit with a Great Escape Games Gunslingerhead gives the look of a ruffian mercenary which I like.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/04/01 22:18:52

Post by: Llamahead

This trooper needed a dust. These Stargrave troopers I've been going for a random mix of schemes both the converted cultists and Seccorp have a defined role while these are designed to be able to join any force. I might see about heckling some people into a Stargrave campaign I personally feel it needs a more developed narrative than Frostgrave and I'm developing a hankering to run an in depth campaign at some point soon.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/04/01 23:32:50

Post by: JoshInJapan

 Llamahead wrote:
I personally feel it needs a more developed narrative than Frostgrave and I'm developing a hankering to run an in depth campaign at some point soon.

I feel the same way about both Stargrave and Ghost Archipelago. Both benefit from having an ongoing storyline, while Frostgrave works just fine as PvP.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/04/06 21:46:42

Post by: Llamahead

My thoughts exactly what I'm aiming to do is create a campaign sector with several mercenary contracts to perform each month encouraging the players tocome up with the scenarios rather than a straight linear campaign. I've got some ideas.

Mystic based upon one of the metals given a staff made with beads.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/04/07 21:31:31

Post by: Llamahead

Just a generic trooper again in a British WW2 inspired scheme

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/04/21 20:04:25

Post by: Llamahead

Vera is a generic Frostgrave crewwoman with a big gun which naturally she calls Baldwin as I jus had to when I saw that head.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/04/28 20:11:01

Post by: Llamahead

Scratchbuilt drone based on a heavily greebled easter egg. Lots of Rawl plugs were sacrificed with a Stargrave soldier for scale.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/05/05 23:13:33

Post by: Llamahead

These are just kids play balls with craft foam plate shapes, greebles and pin attenas stuck to them. Cirrently I'll probably use them as warbots. I'll also use some smaller balls at some point to make minions.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/05/06 22:23:49

Post by: Llamahead

Simple stargrave trooper.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/05/26 23:04:29

Post by: Llamahead

The use of the cowboy headreally makes this guy.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-It's a Ball planet @ 2024/06/09 20:16:20

Post by: Llamahead

Another stargrave trooper