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My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/05/12 11:48:06

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate,

Great to see the crazy project is still ticking along crazily.

Really love your battle reps. Pics are so atmospheric! Aquarium greenery? Looks great.

Chaos Dwarves are coming along nicely. Well done painting up the heroes, and the musician/standard bearer conversions are smart and you pulled them off nicely. They are an absolutely massive unit all ranked up!

edit: marine came up nice and clean. I use Dettol for stripping, but it does tend to need a really good scrub and can end up with some residue stuck in hard to reach places.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/05/14 05:01:47

Post by: Archer

Thanks for stopping by, I have previously tried dettol, found it left a sticky residue that further soaking was required to remove. Plus it is a lot more expensive than IPA.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/05/21 01:48:54

Post by: Archer

Continuing on with the Gate scenario from the campaign, that saw my Iron Hands/Imperial Guard stop an Eldar force effectively coming through some Webway gates, we are going to play it again, but swap roles and I am using Necron as the defenders.

I had committed to supplying some suitable markers for the Necron gates this time around and with the game looming I got my act together and knocked some out. Although my health got in the way and I had to cancel the game, but at least the markers are ready when we managed to reschedule the game.

I tried to copy the beautiful jungle terrain that my opponent has made for our campaign, he was even kind enough to supply me the same aquarium plants he has used. The "rock" is insulation foam that I just tore into with a hobby knife and gave a thick coat of sand before painting. Then arranged some aquarium plants to hopefully blend them into the jungle terrain for our games.

I ended up with some excess Monolith parts that I cut up and fitted into the insulation foam to hopefully appear like Necron tech that has been overtaken by the environment. I used pieces of clear poly-carbonate sheet to fill in the gaps to which I painted a swirl sort of like that on the Monolith's Eternity Gate. I had intended to try some heating of the polycarb to get some interesting effects and although I started experimenting I abandoned it for speed of finishing the gates.

Pictured with a few Necron that hopefully will emerge from the gates during the game to defend them.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/05/21 02:19:57

Post by: Karak Norn Clansman

Wow, impressive hobby work and collection! Lovely stuff. I'm quite speechless at both the quantity and creativity here.

Please, do not hesitate, but sign up here on Chaos Dwarfs Online and share your Dawi Zharr updates there as well: https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com/

Lots of people will like to follow your CD army there.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/05/21 10:24:59

Post by: Archer

Thanks Karak Norn Clansman. Appreciate you dropping by. I will have a look at your link. May be how I can find some models for Hobgoblins for the second Chaos Dwarf army I am planning....

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/05/27 11:48:56

Post by: Archer

Very quick update (and a truly hideous photo, sorry). But I decided very last minute to knock a model (or two) out for the May painting comp over on Oz Tabletop Wargaming. The theme was something inspired by Star Wars.

So I decided to do a Kroot "Bounty Hunter" and his faithful Kroot Hound. They eventually will go into a Radical Ordos Xenos Inquisitors Menagerie, but for now they are my painting comp entry.

Meet Kurg and Krug.....

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/06/07 01:31:35

Post by: Archer

Ok, so I had intended to post this last week as we played another game in our campaign. But I got distracted and failed to post. So here we go, memory is a tiny bit foggy now, but the pictures will probably remind me. Remember, we are still playing this campaign under 8th edition rules.

We played a repeat of the Gate scenario from last time. But this time I was "defending" with Necrons emerging from their previously dormant gates (which I finished painting on the Sunday before the game). We decided it was only fair to play the scenario exactly as we did last time (even though we had identified things that could be improved). So my opponent set up his beautiful mixed Marine army to investigate some Necron gates. Inquisitor Dial decided it wasn't worth his time to have a look, so he delegated the task to a pair of Lieutenant's, I really hate that Burning Blade artifact.......

Such a good looking army. I again was worried about the Terminators. I don't know what peoples complaint about them is, but I find getting through that 2+ save an absolute pain in the proverbial. My opponent had not been anywhere near as aggressive in building an army for the scenario as I had been in the previous game. But he had a secondary plan that would unfold later that I hadn't considered in the previous game.

A pair of the gates on the left hand side of the board. The central bunker hadn't made an appearance yet in our games and has a removable lid so you can fully use the internal space during games. We rolled off for first turn and my opponent won. I started to get a sinking feeling as this is exactly how the last game started.....

With no opponents yet to appear on the table, the Marine army surged across the board. I don't think my opponent rolled anything less than a 5 for the advance rolls on any unit and that sinking feeling started to grow as a wall of Terminator and Power Armour started to rapidly cross the table.

However, unlike my poor opponent last game, I was lucky and came up with a 6 for gate activation on one of the gates and chose to dump a twenty man Warrior squad onto the table. I figure they could throw out a fair bit of firepower and had enough bodies to tar pit anything trying to reach the gates nearby. Hopefully reinforcements would arrive in time and with the Reanimation Protocols I thought the squad would hang around for a little while at least.

I was wrong.....

Unfortunately I really couldn't get a good bead on anything I wanted to shoot at, so unleashed on the Rhino and was actually pretty happy to knock a couple of wounds off of it. But that didn't slow the Marines advance down all that much.

A combat squad of Vanguard Veterans, Lieutenant with Burning Blade and a Rhino all decided that the Warriors had to go. But before they charged in anything that could draw a line of sight opened up on the squad.

From a glorious 20 down to a much more manageable 10. Terminators, Tacticals and the Veterans all took a toll at range. With only 10 Warriors left I was now thinking it only a matter of time before I lose the whole lot and Reanimation would be impossible.

Unsurprisingly the Rhino charged first (I have decided that I really don't like tanks "charging" into combat, I think let them ram/run over things sure, but to be able to tank Overwatch I think is a little much. Ok, rant over). Any hits I did score I wasn't able to add much to its wound tally and the Vets and Lieutenant waltzed into combat ready to try to annihilate the Warrior squad.

And in short, they did, almost. These Marines get so many rerolls it can be a lesson in pain and my poor Warriors were like wheat to the Scythe. Even though two survived, morale soon saw to them and the whole squad disappeared into thin air. With my plan of the mighty tar pit now evaporating, I hoped my gate rolls would be good and I could exact some revenge.

And I was EXTREMELY lucky, with three 5's I managed to bring in three new units. I started on the left flank bringing in another unit of 20 Warriors to try and slow down the marines that seemed to have decided the left flank was worth more and there was a lot more targets on this side.

The right flank was going to be much kinder to me and I brought in a 10 robot unit of Immortals with Tesla (having NEVER played Necron before today outside of tiny, tiny games, I didn't know what these did and by the end of the game loved them). There first mission was to dislodge a combat squad of tactical marines that were firing rockets at my poor Necron from the safety of a ruin.

To really spice things up I brought a unit of Praetorian's in right next to the Veterans, as per the scenario rules units summoned through the gates act normally (although always counting as moving) when they appear. You want to play in melee? I can accommodate that....

So the Praetorian's charged the Lieutenant and Veterans as overwatch wasn't much of a threat. They did exactly what I needed them to do and wiped out both groups. I am not sure if I also charged the Rhino but ignored it or consolidated into it after the combat. Either way I had it in combat to at least shield me from the Terminators a little bit.

Now, this Campaign is going to be decided I believe (I am still a little fuzzy on the end game details) on who can retrieve the most STC fragments. There are rules for trying to gather them during games (Ultimately you roll a D20 and on a 20 you find one, plus a heap of bonuses to apply to improve your chances). Now when I was the attacker in this game I ignored trying to find the STC Fragments and instead built an army to close the gates. My opponent cleverly though saw this game as a great opportunity to try and collect the fragments. Something that I hadn't considered; and this Praetors of Orpheus combat squad decided to quietly duck inside the bunker to their left to look for fragments.

Undeterred by the loss of the Veterans and one Lieutenant the Marines press toward the gates. A lot of these photos focus more on the right flank, but you can see the Necron Warriors on the left flank being approached rapidly by another Lieutenant (with Jump Pack) and one surviving member of a Veteran combat squad my Warriors almost shot off the board (I split their shooting between the Veterans and a Terminator squad. They almost wiped out the Veterans, but didn't get a single wound on the Terminators from 20 shots....)

The Rhino dumped its cargo of Marines and fled the scene, so now my plucky Praetorians had a Terminator squad approaching and a fresh squad of marines. I wasn't so concerned about the Tactical Squad as they lacked melee weapons to crack the Praetorians, but the Terminators were a different story.

After weathering a hail of shots from Terminators, Tacticals, one Veteran and a Lieutenant the big squad of Warriors received the charge. With only 7 of them left it wasn't looking good for them to survive.

But I continued to roll well for reinforcements and I chose to bring in some speed. Tomb Blades to be precise and they dropped right next to the Gate to try to buy more time for reinforcements. I had considered bringing the Overlord in, but unsupported he wouldn't have lasted against the Terminators.

Over on the right I dropped another unit of Tomb Blades right in front of the Terminators. I figured they would at least be a speed bump and get to shoot the Terminators and then overwatch if they got charged. Then I could get the charge with my Praetorians in my following turn. You can see the Immortals are still trading shots with the Tacticals in the Ruin ahead of them.

A wider shot to show whats going on. The Silver Skull combat squad are fresh from having closed the gate to the left of the photo, so I was down to three gates to bring in reinforcements, I pretty much dominated the right side of the board, but the left was in the hands of my opponent. Another Praetors of Orpheus combat squad are combing the ruin for STC fragments and their is one inside the bunker as well. I am hoping I can deal with the Terminators on the right quickly and readjust to try to hold the still open gate on the left. At this stage I still had an Overlord, Cryptek, Scarab Swarms and Deathmarks to deploy.

So unfortunately I had run out of steam and forgot to take anymore photos after this point. But we were at the end game anyway. I had Scarabs come in (and I used the stratagem where you can blow up a scarab base to inflict mortal wounds to troll the Terminators). I lost both lots of Tomb Blades after they did some decidedly average shooting which was disappointing as they look cool and are really quite expensive units; although I guess they did cause 4 unsaved wounds on the Terminators on the left.

But I dealt with one lot of terminators with the Praetorian's (they are formidable). However, I lost use of a second gate.

Next up I brought in the Overlord and Cryptek and along with the Praetorians and Scarabs they moved over and cleaned up the remaining Terminators, Lieutenant and Silver Skull combat squad. The Immortals stuck their Tesla Carbines into the bunker and toasted the Praetors of Orpheus.

So ultimately I think the Marines were left with a single combat squad (I think...) left at the end of the battle (i did blow another Scarab base up to kill the Lieutenant which I found disturbingly satisfying). Technically the Necron had won, and had given the Marines a seriously bloody nose. However, in the over-arching scenario Inquistor Dial has taken a formidable lead as his forces were able to salvage another 2 STC fragments.

So I think in the wash up, they lost this battle but are well placed to win the war. Curses.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/07/09 06:06:03

Post by: Archer

It’s been too long since I posted. No actual progress to show really. I have allowed myself yet again to become distracted by too many projects all at once so am taking tiny bites out of a lot of things. Not great for updates since I don’t tend to like WIP photos. But does keep things fresh. 

So far I have been working on those little modular cottages. I have added an extra layer of thatching to the roof as it was a little sparse. 

I am also well toward getting to the next stage of the Iron Labyrinth terrain I got a heap of last Christmas. I have also prepped 12 large cylinders to act as some serious line of site blocking terrain. I plan to prep it the same as the Iron Labyrinth and pipe network, hammer tone paint and then the rust technique. 

I have also managed to put a magnet under the base of almost every model I have to make transportation easier (I made a travel case that has metal trays in it). I am also about 3/4 to varnishing my whole collection for a little better paint protection. 

On the painting table I am close to finishing Mortarion for the Death Guard for my mate (that will leave just the Spartan), I have put a hold on the Bull Centaurs as they just aren’t thrilling me. I am halfway into the three k’daai fire born for the Chaos Dwarf army so they shouldn’t take too much longer. 

I am sure there are a few things I have forgotten, but I am still chugging along and am actually really enjoying my hobby at the moment so I think that is a positive except for my lack of posting on this blog. 

Thanks for reading and hopefully have some photos soon. 

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/08/07 11:38:11

Post by: Archer

Right, so it has been some time since I managed to get myself organised enough to post. Computer issues being one of the biggest problems confronting me. But I have managed to stabilize rather than fix it for now. But I have not been idle. Much work has been undertaken especially towards terrain. I really think that I am approaching a critical mass of personal terrain and I am hoping by some time next year I will have enough terrain to handle almost any sized table with any theme you could want.

But lets get into some pictures because that's what we are all here for isn't it?

First up, with the introduction of 9th edition for Warhammer 40k I made the firm resolution that I would not amend my exhaustive lists that are driving my collecting to bring them in line with 9th. They have been amended as necessary based on the final Chapter Approved values for 8th edition and when I eventually adopt (if ever) a new edition of 40k I will make my armies work as best I can. To that end a couple of my completed armies are in need of some additions to bring them up to the 2,000 point mark. Namely this is the Orks (where I will add a 5 man Flash Gitz mob and 3 more Nobz who are currently on my painting table) and my Aeldari army that will have another Warlock (also on my painting table) and a squad of Storm Guardians.

Exactly the same scheme as the rest of the army, did have to convert the Fusion guns. I also did the same as the other Storm squads and two of the swords are a blue to represent the different weapons (it used to be Power Swords and now I think its chainswords).

This makes the army quite large with 4 Defender squads and 3 Storm squads. Lots of bodies and it looks pretty good spread out across a battlefield.

An interesting side note is I discovered the Dwarf Artillery army I did was actually short on points somehow. Not sure if I had intended something previously and forgot or what. But I was tempted to juggle a few things and force in a Gyrobomber. But I scrapped that for a number of reasons. 1) I really don't like the newer Gyrocopter/Bomber 2) Was looking to save some money 3) I had this guy kicking around from Mordheim and points wise he fitted perfectly as a Dragon Slayer Hero.......

So let me introduce Barack Barksson, Dragon Slayer. Currently recuperating at Kark Veng and goes out with the Artillery Train to help out and deal with any horrible gribbly that tries to drop in and threaten the Cannons and hopefully meet a glorious death in the process.

Next up is back to the Chaos Dwarfs. Sort of. Here is the first of my K'Daai Fireborn. Now as I understand it, these are suits of Chaos Dwarf forged armour possessed by fire daemons. They won't survive the battle ever as they start to take damage from turn 1 so are a real smash something quickly sort of unit.

Here is number 2. The models are packed with detail, but it is generally all flame and armour plate so I was struggling to add a little bit of interest to the models. Then it occurred to me that the armour is carved with a lot of tiny little runes and if I could highlight them it may add that little extra point of interest I felt they were missing. So I ended up going with green as it was quite a contrast to the other colours already used on the models.

The 3rd and final K'Daai. Probably my favorite pose as it looks threatening. Plus I like the helmet.

They rank up surprisingly well considering the strange poses they are in. Although I did keep it in mind when gluing them to their bases. So the only thing left is to do a movement tray for them, a coat of varnish and some magnets under the bases.

So although my attention has been firmly on building and painting terrain I am still managing to get progress on the armies themselves (even if a fair bit of it has felt like back tracking).

Automatically Appended Next Post:

So the next painting update I wanted to share is the next step in getting the Death Guard commission finally finished for my mate. I have had this guy "almost" finished for an absolute age and I have been putting off trying to finish him. But I finally summoned the courage and here he is......

Daemon Primarch of the Death Guard, Mortarion.

I pretty much used the same painting formula that I used for the rest of the army so far.

I had no particular reason (or guidance) for the choice of parts to use (you can choose an alternate pose of weapons on this guy).

But overall I am pretty happy with the look and result.

Interesting story though is somehow I lost one of the wings of the orange imp behind Morty. Not sure what happened, but between a house of dogs, cats, toddlers and a wife that loves the vacuum cleaner I have not managed to find the lost wing. So after much swearing, cursing and trawling ebay to see if I could find a replacement I cut the surviving wing off and made a quick mould off it and cast a replacement. I think it just works.

There is a face under all that detail. I swear.

Really happy how the Scythe turned out. I did try a bit of verdigris on the metal of Mortarion (not something I have really done on the rest of the army). Unfortunately I went a little overboard and in particular the brass ended up looking solid green and needed me to repaint it.

The wings actually were something I agonized over and I had the rest of the model complete except the wings and I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with them. In the end I went with a green as I didn't want to stray into the white/bone that is often used. Partly as I don't think my painting skills were up to it and partly it would be the only model in the entire army with those colours. I think it works though against the olive green of the armour.

A bit of a nod to Typhus I think, but I really like the flies pouring out of the vents.

In true Nurgle fashion the myriad of little Nurglings laughing and capering along make the model really enjoyable and fun to paint. Probably just as Papa Nurgle planned. My wife dared me to paint each a different vibrant colour and I accepted her challenge. I don't think it detracts at all from the Primarch.

So there you go, my progress since my last post. Haven't got any of the terrain to a finished state yet. But it has dramatically progressed from where I was. Hopefully have some more frequent updates soon.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/09/10 11:52:59

Post by: Archer

Another delayed update from me which isn't unusual. But I am still ticking along in the COVID afflicted world. I do hope anyone out there reading is safe and as well as can be.

In Australia it is on the brink and New SOuth Wales (the state I live in) is well into the Delta Strain and we are all currently supposed to be staying home as much as possible, but seems that message doesn't apply to some.

I have now been working from home for about three months now and I am thankful my employer is happy with that my productivity and focus on my work is pretty poor in my opinion.

However, I am able to get some decent hobby progress as I am often in the home workshop doing some prototyping which allows me to pop into the hobby side of the shed and do a few odds and ends.

I am really focusing on terrain at the moment as I feel I am reaching a critical mass of terrain. I still have heaps to do, but I think I am well on my way to not needing or wanting anymore terrain after what I have on the boil at the moment.

But enough chat and on to some pictures. So I have mainly been focusing on the medieval village and I have put the finishing touches on the next two buildings.

Here are my long houses. They are MDF laser cut buildings that I have done the same texture technique for the white parts as I did on the previous small houses. Then I did the same thatch roof as well to tie it all together.

The cool part of these is the buildings are modular so they can be pulled apart to allow for gaming inside them.

One day I may put some tavern furniture inside if I find some that is cheap and looks good.

They are both two floors and you can pull the second floor off as well. It will be a tiny bit odd that they don't have a floor on the ground floor. But I am not going to lose sleep over it.

For scale you can see a few Ork Nobz wandering around, they are a lot bigger than I had originally thought, which is cool as it will add mass to the village quickly.

I did paint the door larger than what had been etched by the laser and you can see compared to the height of the Orks it was probably the correct decision.

And finally you can see one of the original smaller famrhouses thrown in for reference. I think they go together well and look like they could be from the same village. I made a mistake and I didn't notice it until I took this picture that i used a different brown for the timber between the original 4 houses and these two. But again, I won't lose any sleep over it.

I have almost finished another two of the small houses (which will bring the total to 6 small houses). The plan is also for a really large hunting lodge, but the place I have bought the laser cut building for has had catastrophic issues with their laser so I am not sure yet if I will ever get that one.

I am hoping next up will be the castle walls for the village as I am keeping them pretty simple and depending on the pieces to wow an onlooker rather than a detailed paint job. I hope. Time will tell.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/09/29 11:24:53

Post by: Archer

So yet again I have let the hobby progress slip.  But this time it has been beyond my control unfortunately.  Seems the Gods decided to test the family as we have had a fortnight I wouldn't wish upon anyone.  I don't plan to have any hobby in this post so if listening to a frustrated man vent some steam feel free to skip it.

A bit of background first.  Our older German Short Haired Pointer (GSP) Lily who we have had for almost 10 years was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer a couple of months back.  She had surgery on her neck to remove the lump and get it tested.  Seems Thyroid cancer is so rare in dogs they tested it three times to make sure.  The long and short of it is its super aggressive and the vets gave us between 4 and 12 months with little chances of treating it.  The pathology also showed it had ruptured from the tumor into the vascular system so could (and we were assured would) show up anywhere in her body.

Long and short of it we were preparing to give her the most comfortable end to her life as we could as she has been the most spectacular dog I have ever had the honor of knowing.  I have had absolute trust and faith in her and it is such an unfair end to it all.

But life wasn't meant to be easy.  So we had noticed that since the surgery (and in hindsight perhaps longer) Lily wasn't her usual self and I have to admit my wife and I were a little wary of her.  This came to a head a couple of weeks ago when Lily and our other GSP (Holly) got stuck into each other and my wife got in the middle of it trying to break them up.  This resulted in her getting bitten by Lily several times.  Which resulted in a late night visit to the emergency room and plans for surgery when they could fit her in.  That ended up being a 4 day wait in hospital before they got in, cleaned her wounds and stitched her up.  She ended up with 30 stitches I think and fortunately it was relatively superficial.

But, that was not the end of it.  Discussing it with my wife we knew that now there was but one way forward, but we would wait until my wife got home so she could say goodbye.  But two days later, Lily again snapped and this time I saw it coming and could intervene before she could get into our other dog, but that meant she got me instead.  Unlike my wife though she only got me once, but it wasn't great.  Her teeth in the wash up got 60% of the way through my forearm and damaged muscle and tendon.  It was one of those strange moments that after she got me she let go very quickly with that look of 'oops' on her face like she knew she had done something very bad.

So the wash up from that is my wife was discharged from hospital the day that I was admitted and I had surgery much quicker.  The surgeon said I got really lucky and will not experience any lasting issues.  But I am now 9 days post surgery, still on heavy antibiotics, can barely use my right hand when attempting to do my physio exercises and at all other times it is in a splint to keep it fully immobilized which will be for at least another 2 weeks....

We had our beloved Lily put to sleep while I was still in hospital so I didn't get to say goodbye, but unfortunately with the change in her behavior and 2 young children at home we just couldn't wait.

Then to kick it all off my wife was informed that on the day she was discharged that she was considered a close contact of someone that had COVID on her ward and therefore we have had to get tested and isolate.  Strangely I have never been contacted even though I came into the same ward as she was leaving....go figure.  So we have been stuck at home with the kids who are both too young to really comprehend where the other dog has gone.  It has been quite har

So I guess I just needed to purge as we lost our dog and my wife and I are injured.  Wounds will heal and we will remember the 10 amazing years we had with Lily, but right now it is just a mess.

Thanks for reading and to those that have already assisted us so much.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/09/29 13:42:24

Post by: Ragsta

I’m very sorry to hear that this happened. This sounds like an extremely painful parting (please forgive my choice of words). Sometimes things REALLY don’t go how we would like them to, and it’s awful :(

As you’ve said you have the memories, and I’m glad for you both for that. I hope you both heal up and recover even stronger!

Kind regards

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/09/29 16:17:10

Post by: Theophony

My condolences for the loss of Lily. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet, much less to have it happen in a way that could shadow all the good times.

The Covid thing is easily explainable by the contact happening while she was in and the person testing before she left and isolating before results were back. Sorry, I work in a childrens hospital and have to explain things like this to parents of kids needing surgery on an almost daily basis.

Hope you mend up quickly. The kids will understand eventually. We had to put our Beagle (Sunny) down when the kids were 4,2 and 2 and they still fondly remember Her almost 14 years later.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/10/02 08:41:38

Post by: Camkierhi

Bud, so sorry to read that. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and hope the family bounce back. Absolute bummer. It is always hard to loose a friend, but under these circumstances, that's really harsh. Sending manly man hugs to you and your family. RIP Lily.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/10/03 00:27:03

Post by: Archer

Thanks all for the thoughts. In regard to the COVID thing we sort of expected it having us both end up in hospital. But the timing just felt like another kick in the gut.

But we have now returned two negative tests and the isolation ends midnight tonight our time. Yay.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/10/26 13:50:10

Post by: IGtR=

That sounds awful for all of you. My condolences for your dog, and the Covid really is just the kicker on top. I have found over the past 18 months, those tests have a habit of hitting everyone whenever they are at their lowest

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2021/10/28 11:17:56

Post by: Archer

Thanks all, I have been fairly insular the last 5 and a half weeks as I try to patiently await my wounds to heal. I have a follow up on Monday which will be the 6 weeks post Op where they will be doing some tests to see how I am going.

The wrist is feeling pretty good and hope to get the all clear to start tennis and training again. Plus hope to get the painting bug back soon.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/01/01 11:14:36

Post by: Archer

Hi all (well those that may happen to be still reading this painting log) it has been one hell of a previous year for me and the family and it has pretty much put a halt to any hobby progress. So I had previously posted about our dog being put down after biting both myself and my wife (both requiring surgery) our very old cat being put down after 20 years. Well 2021 wasn't finished with us and I ended up having another surgery to fix my nose. In the words of the surgeon I had a "horrifically deviated septum" most likely from my days playing rugby and boxing. Although it was a planned surgery it didn't quite go as expected.

What was supposed to be a 1.5 hour maximum surgery turned into an almost 6 hour marathon after which the surgeon said he had never seen a nasal cavity like mine and hoped to never see one like it again. So I am on the slow road to recovery (it's a 3 month recovery process). But, this wasn't the big kicker. Just before I had my surgery, my father in law (in his 70's) had a fall and broke his leg, which in turn required surgery as he had split the top of his Tibia off and it had to be wired back together, so he is in a pretty heavy duty brace for at least 4 months and he is the primary carer for my mother in law who is in a wheelchair. But again this wasn't the kicker either.....

My 20 month old daughter for a little while now has had severe pain in her hip and got to a point of being unable to walk on it. It took about 10 weeks, but we eventually ended up at Westmead Children's hospital that discovered an infection in the fluid around the hip and also in the top of her Femur. So for the medical boffins it was Septic Arthritis and Osteo-Myelitis. This required surgery and a bit of a stay in hospital as they were figuring out the long term care. At one point they didn't know if she would be home for Christmas. They ended up putting a PICC line in and then deciding to remove it when they were having trouble organising ongoing at home care due to where we live. So, she is SO much improve from where she was. But we are on a regime of 6 hourly antibiotics for the next 3 months with regular hospital visits to check her progress. She will likely be under medical care for a number of years to make sure that the growth plate at the hip hasn't been affected. Otherwise her leg's may grow at different rates. So fingers crossed on that front.

So all in all, 2021 was a pretty dismal year for us (like many I would guess). So my wife and I are keen to get into 2022 and put 2021 behind us. I have even managed to paint my first model in what feels like forever. Hopefully life will be a little smoother for us this year and I can be more active in the hobby community than I have.

Thanks for reading and maybe some pictures in the near future.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/01/02 15:40:01

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Here's hoping you were just getting the next 10 years worth of shittiness all in one year!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/01/30 20:34:47

Post by: Archer

Well we are at the end of January 2022 already. I know it's a cliche, but time really does fly. It seems like just yesterday I finished off an Eldar (Aelari for the legal team) Warlock on the first while watching the New Year roll in. The year so far has been much more kind, we knew it would be a better year when our daughter cracked her head on one of our front windows and broke the glass, but didn't cut herself! A win finally. Although I did cut myself while cleaning up the mess.....

But we aren't here for idle chit chat, we are here for progress. So onto some pictures.

First up is the model I finished at about 1:30am on the first of January to usher in the New Year.

I have said it before, but will say it again, 8th edition saw an end to me modifying the army lists I use as a guide to collect these armies. It was a good opportunity to tidy the lists up based on the final Chapter Approved of the edition and that required me to add a couple of models to a few of them.

So my Eldar had room to squeeze another Guardian Storm Squad and Warlock into their ranks. The Guardians were completed a little while ago and it was just this guy to go. I took the opportunity to replace his Witchblade with a Singing Spear as I already had this sculpt in the army with a Sword. I couldn't quite remember the formula I used to paint the rest of the Warlocks in the army, but I feel I got pretty close.

The other army that needed some reinforcements were my faithful Orks. I have 5 Flash Gitz assembled and undercoated and awaiting painting (they have just been upgraded to actually sitting on my painting station now). But first of all was a few more Nobz to bulk out the small Nobz mob that the Warboss usually hangs out with.

I was able to add in another Power Klaw (which the mob only currently has 1 which is just not enough) and a 'Uge Choppa. I could potentially split the Mob and run them as two small units if I felt like it so built the 3rd Nob to be a Boss with his flashy boss pole just in case....

And the final picture show today is a unit that languished from a lack of drive from me for some time, but now has been finished off. The Bull Centaurs for my Chaos Dwarfs.

First up are the rank and file, they are really big boys and I think I actually would have preferred them to be cavalry sized rather than monstrous cavalry as they look a little silly sitting next to the Chaos Dwarf infantry.....ah well, at least they are done.

Of course I needed a Standard Bearer so converted one to carry the inner part of a pen with a suitably large and oversized icon on top.

My musician was kitted out with his drum courtesy of an Imperial Guard searchlight......I think I like him the most.

Finally is the unit champion, to better highlight who he was he has been collecting shields as trophies so I hung a few over him. I think it works quite well without being over the top.

All ranked up and nowhere to go....hanging out to get back to face to face gaming....

Well as you can see I have been managing to get some progress done and have been enjoying having a brush back in hand. 31 days into the year and 10 models completed, not a bad strike rate.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/01 01:38:24

Post by: Archer

I would like to pose a question to the community, I am getting to a point where i need to replace a lot of empty paint pots and am considering moving into the realm of other paint brands.

Shock horror I may actually give up on GW in regard to paints (maybe). I have already moved away from the brushes for fine detail stuff (still like their drybrushes).

Any recommendations? I am looking at Vallejo or Army Painter at the moment.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/01 06:47:58

Post by: Ragsta

I switched to Vallejo with a sprinkling of Army Painter - but maybe worth looking up some AP reviews before using those. The only GW I have left are w bunch of the technicals…

New additions look great, the Centaur unit is most impressive! I gave up following army lists yeeears ago - it’s all about rule of cool these days with me. Although that usually means loads of minis anyway….

As discussed previously, last two years have been a suckfest for many people and I’m glad things are improving for you now!

I’ve taken to writing down my paint schemes in little note books these days as I always forget theme- the Warlock looks good tho!


My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/09 04:20:55

Post by: Archer

@Ragsta I like the idea of keeping a notepad of my paint schemes, very clever.

So I have been at the hobby grindstone so to speak and wanted to show off my latest progress. Took a slight break from the Chaos Dwarfs to get some of the scatter terrain I have had lying around for an absolute age out of the way. I really want to try to clear the terrain backlog this year and feel it will also help to break up the army painting. So without too much more prattle:

Fences and Gibbets. A couple of in progress Flash Gitz to give a sense of scale.

There is enough fences to make a 9"x9" enclosure as per this photo. Unlikely I would do something like this for most games, but then again maybe it could serve as an animal paddock as I do have some well's and food troughs floating around somewhere too.

When I first built them I thought they were a tad low, but with the Ork next to them they are about right I think (the Flash Gitz are pretty beefy).

Three different styles of the Gibbets, so i dressed a pair of them up with some well and truly dead occupants. Or are they?

I had some skeletons left over from the Tomb Kings army and they fitted just about perfectly. Quite happy with how they look.

They wouldn't stand up on there own too well and definitely would have been a pain during gaming. I made the bases from a couple of pieces of cardboard laminated to give a little extra thickness.

All the fences will give a nice ability to dress up the table, I think they will work very well in a small and dense Mordheim game with all the houses dotted around as well.

Thanks for reading and the next post I hope will have something large in it......

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/16 00:30:18

Post by: Archer

I must be motivated, another post so soon after the last one. So I had hoped to post a "large" update and it looks like I was successful. Bear with me as some of the photos are a tad iffy. It is a wonder that I can get any painting done in our home as the lighting in the rooms is utter trash.

I have had this model kicking around for decades and really wanted to get it done. After dragging it out of a box and evicting the resident spiders I assessed the damage. I am not sure what my younger self was thinking, but it needed some TLC. But you of course have no idea what I am prattling on about, so here are some photos of where I ended up......

I present the Games Workshop Warhammer Fortress. After having spent years being ignored and abused I have managed to repair it will enough to paint and I am pretty happy with how its come back together.

It is truly a massive piece of kit and will dominate any table that it is setup on. I do like the idea of it being modular as even the towers could be used on their own or with only a couple of sections of the walls to stretch across the table.

Anyone interested in how long this terrain is this photo has a tape measure next to it for reference, those that need the conversion it is roughly 5' 6" long......I think it would see more use dividing a table than being the square fortress.

One of the sins of my younger self is the placement of the ground floor doors, they made no sense and for some reason I had placed them all on the outside of the fortress when it was set up... Quick escape perhaps? So I carefully remove them and a portion of the wall and swapped them around so that when assembled it makes more sense. Amazingly the brick work lines up really well when I was moving the doors so I had little work to do.

The next major issue was that I some how had lost one of the front gates entirely and the other one was in two pieces... I have a pretty good memory, but I have no idea what happened. The door on the left is my scratch built replacement and the one on the right is the repaired original. I ended up using springs to mount the doors as the original hinges were not going to last.

A look from the inside, now the scratch build is on the right. I used cardboard to make the cross pieces. It matches close enough for this modeller to be happy. Still want to have a chat to my younger self......

To add some extra interest to the walls I add some "moss" growing, I tried to keep it sensible as I wanted the feel of a "lived in" Castle so I kept the moss away from areas where I imagine the inhabitants would bother to clean it off. So no moss inside except for hard to reach places.

Using some in-progress models to demonstrate price (since painted once migrate out to the Hobby part of the shed once finished). Here we see an almost complete Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard with a Fireglave examining the gates.

While more of his friends have already mounted the walls and are enjoying what its like to be the height of a giant.

This cheeky fellow has even managed to climb up to the top of one of the Towers.

I am getting slight Helms Deep flash backs and wonder what Gimli could have achieved with a rifle....

Wide shot of the Castle "swarming" with Chaos Dwarfs.

Much better light in this shot. I really need to see if I can find some nice siege equipment now. Battering Ram, ladders, boiling cauldron of oil and some piles of rocks....

My wife's Ugg boot clad feet for scale. Don't tell her she made it into the photo, I would be a dead man walking.

It is a pretty simple paint job, but I think it works well and was easy to do on a large scale so that was nice. I was a little worried that the castle was a little warped, not sure that this was a design flaw or my terrible treatment of it over the years. My solution was to brace it internally and then fill the whole thing with expanding foam to stiffen it up. I am glad I did and it has made it much more rigid and has taken most of the warp out of the pieces to boot.

All in all, it was a long process but am very pleased with the results.

Thanks for reading and my next update may just have those Chaos Dwarfs finished off.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/17 21:03:37

Post by: Archer

Very quick update on progress.

First up is some really quick and dirty medieval scatter terrain:

Four outhouses to add some character and get in the way of line of site and charges in Mordheim most likely.

Really, really basic and not planning on them winning any votes, but they are done and will look good sitting behind a house somewhere.

Some of the laser detail is really cute too.

Now onto the main point of this post, I would like some opinions. I am almost finished the first lot of Infernal Guard for the Chaos Dwarfs (these are 20 armed with Fireglaives) and will run as two small units of 10. They have no command group so what you see here is the two basic poses (front and rear ranks). Overall I am ok with them, but they are very dark (and the poor quality lighting doesn't help). I just feel that they are lacking "pop" and wonder if anyone has some ideas? It is hard when they are pretty much an armoured shell with not that much point of focus. I tried highlighting the armour again and found I really didn't like it as they got far too shiny and "do-gooder" look to them.

Anyone want to venture some ideas?

Also, I have decided to keep a model count painted for the year and hope to manage 365 models. An extra motivation hopefully to get things done. This will not be anything more than if it is a single model (terrain pieces included) it counts as 1 to save on working out a system for bigger stuff. So, based on that simple criteria I have so far this year painted........33 models out of 49 days. Not too far behind and I have almost finished these 20 Chaos Dwarfs. I think at least for now I can do this.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/17 22:30:56

Post by: MobileSuitRandom

Hmm, I actually like how ominous the Chaos Dwarfs look with their featureless helmets ... things that come to mind might be adding a bit more colour to their beards (dark red?), or maybe chaos stars (or parts thereof) applied as a kind of crude war paint to the helmets? Differentiating the metal parts of the guns a bit more could help - especially the barrel and the blade, maybe add some kind of patina to the barrel?

Oh, and what were you thinking of for their bases? Something bright might change the entire atmosphere quickly, either "nice" bright like a friendly lawn or "nasty" bright like lava, green swampy goo etc.?

Also, that fortress!!! Remember the adverts from my own teens and ... it's still pretty intimidating!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/18 01:53:22

Post by: Camkierhi

Too much spectacular work. I'm blown away dude. Brilliant work.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/18 03:12:56

Post by: Archer

Unfortunately the basing will be the same for the other finished models for the army which is a black "ash" with some tufts of dried grass. Not that much of the base is available on Dwarf models, but it is another dark element on the models.

I think MobileSuitRandom you may have hit on an idea, a way to distinguish the units from each other could be a coloured insignia on the helmet, keep it small but allows a spot colour to be added to an otherwise flat area. Could maybe expand it to the backs as well if I felt it necessary.

Thanks for the idea.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/20 21:28:27

Post by: Archer

What madness is this? Yet more progress? I must have really caught the motivation bug or something.

So I would like to thank everyone (from this site and others I post on) for their ideas on how to solve my issue with my Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard. An absolute wealth of ideas, but in the end I went with this:

I think the bold red on half of the helmet ties it to the hem of the armoured skirt and also breaks up the solid helmets quite nicely and I am much happier with them. I also had the opportunity to distinguish the units by one having the right side painted and the other the left. Not much of a difference, but will allow me and opponents to remember which one is which.

Unit one, in the photos it shows some paint that looks almost textured and it is true I am literally scraping the bottom of the pots. I have a heap of new paints ready to go and replace my current ones, but I haven't cracked them open yet. I am going to be largely switching from GW to Vallejo with my paints (unless I find that Vallejo are trash and I will keep looking).

Unit two, 10 Chaos Dwarfs in each and the plan is that they will sit between the 2 bigger blocks of Infernal Guard and try to support them as long as possible. Time will tell.

Even with the red on the helmets I think they retain enough of the dark brooding look.

When I sat down to give the split helmet colour a try it became obvious that they wanted me to do it as the helmets have a fine ridge down the centre that made keeping a crisp line between the 2 colours really easy.

So there you have my first two units of Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard, I am much happier than where I was with them several days ago. That leaves me the two combat blocks of Infernal Guard and this Chaos Dwarf army will be complete! I am hoping that with the paint scheme sorted out now I will be able to breeze through them much faster than these ones. We shall see.

Oh and with these twenty complete my yearly total has increased to 53 models painted in 52 days, so just ahead on the count now. I am planning some more laser cut MDF fences (different style to the previous ones) that are VERY simple so should help keep that number in my favour.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/22 15:03:24

Post by: Ragsta

Vallejo paints won’t disappoint- I’ll go out on a limb and say that now.

Dwarfs look excellent- they remind me that I really need to add some brassy paints to my collection.

And kudos to you for bringing that fortress back to life! I remember those, happy times scampering about wielding White Dwarfs…

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/02/23 23:20:28

Post by: Archer

I just need to knock off the last model for the Death Guard I am doing for a mate and then I can say goodbye to most of the GW paints, just don't want to mix the paints now while I have the Death Guard recipe down pat. But sort of not looking forward to the Spartan, such a crappy quality model.....

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/03/07 01:19:24

Post by: Archer

Spending the day trying to work from home as the flooding hitting Australia's East Coast has us temporarily cut off from going anywhere. We are in no danger and likely never would be (we live on a mountain), but the road down the hill has been cut off for now.

So I have been having some solid (if not spectacular) progress on painting; the Chaos Dwarfs are on the very slight back burner as I have focused on knocking off some more long ignored terrain pieces. So, they are not the most interesting or well painted things I have done, but they are finished and can be ticked off the list (and add some much needed numbers to the yearly model count). First up is some stuff for any futuristic/modern games I may play.

A pair of forklifts, I am still amazed these are MDF models, they didn't look like much when they were just flat sheets, but have taken on a life of their own now assembled. I did the same rust effect on them I have done for the pipelines and in hindsight should have painted the non-rusty areas first as it has left them a little lumpy under the paint.

But what are forklifts without something to move around, so we have two sizes of crates and a few pallets to move them around on. I included the in progress flash git to give scale, which is also probably a mistake because these Flash Gitz are big boys.

Another shot of the forklifts doing their thing.

As you can see the Flash Git almost dwarfs the Forklifts, yet I could quite easily put an Imperial Guard Sentinel Pilot into the Forklift seat without much problem, seems the Orks breed them big these days.

Both forklifts and all the crates and pallets hastily assembled into a barricade for the plucky Flash Git.

Wonder if this Ork has ever played Jenga?

More MDF terrain and this time we have some stripped down Satellite dishes. I really like these as they have two points of articulation (that by some miracle I have maintained even after painting) and they rotate in the base moving the two cogs there.

Again I did the rust effect and did a few other colours after the fact to add some level of interest.

My current favourite scale model stands in again to show that these Dishes are a pretty reasonable size.

Then back to the medieval/low tech stuff, more fences. This time super simple and more livestock fencing than picket fencing.

They originally had tapered ends on the bases which I pruned off so that they would be able to butt up end to end without a gap between them.

Very, very simple, but they came together quickly and I think they look pretty good (especially when you consider the effort and time expended)

Just like the previous fences I pared the mdf bases back so they tapered down to the ground rather than having an "unnatural" square edge to them, I think it adds just a little more to the model.

So I have also got the basecoat down for the silver on the remaining Infernal Guard and will get a wash onto them in the next couple of days hopefully. With these terrain models painted I am now up to 81 models for the year out of the 66 days we have had so far, so the simple and nasty terrain has me well ahead so will buy me some time to get actual figures finished now.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/03/29 03:10:03

Post by: Archer

So I have fallen off the painting wagon (again), but it seems that my lifestyle and genetics have caught up with this almost 40 year old and the dreaded kidney stone has surfaced.

Up until now I am the only male member of my family that doesn't suffer gout (thank you for being a non-drinker) and almost every member of my family (brother, mother, father, cousins, uncles) have had multiple kidney stones over the years.

Let's say it is definitely the least fun I have ever had lying down and although the pain has eased at the moment and the scans are done (just waiting for the doctor to tell me what the next step is) I am still a little tender.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/04/20 20:26:25

Post by: DaemonColin

It's been a while since I've dropped in, but it is amazing to see you still keeping this up!
Chaos dwarfs are looking awesome, you forget how insanely detailed some of the older fantasy miniatures are until you see them again, especially with such a great paintjob. That MDF terrain is pretty cool too, make a quick and easy addition to the tabletop.

Hopefully you are back to full health and the painting table soon, but in the meantime chill out and get plenty of rest!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/05/07 15:02:31

Post by: Camkierhi

Liking the equipment. Forklift etc. Looking brilliant.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/07/26 20:15:56

Post by: Archer

So, it has been some time. When I last left you I was being treated for kidney stones and I guess you can probably tell by my long absence that it wasn't quite what I was expecting. So what I had been assured was a "simple and straight-forward procedure" ended up with four surgeries, what was described as a horrific fungal infection of left kidney that led to a short bout of renal failure. So ended up in hospital for a little while and a long recovery that was completely unexpected.

I also know now why I never dabbled in drugs as I was tripping hard on the combination of drugs I was on and still find it hard to look at my bathroom floor the same way...but with a supportive family and a stupidly understanding employer I am finally starting to feel half normal. Although a bout of COVID and now the tail end of a cold or flu I am feeling well and truly beaten up. But, the fact I am posting back here is a sign of the bright horizon can be seen and that some painting progress has been managed.

So without dwelling on the horrific, let's turn our attention to the positives and have a look at what I managed.

When I left off last time I had managed to get to within the finish line of the Chaos Dwarf army I was doing. With only two units of Infernal Guard between me and ticking another one off the list. So I am happy to say that they are now complete. This is a pretty crappy photo (when are mine not?) of the front row. I followed the half red helmets of the units of fireglaive users and kept that going on the shields.

This is the other unit (same configuration). I copied the helmets onto the shields to break that area up a little and decided to use the sickly green from the Heroes on the shield symbol. I actually ripped the symbols off from the standard bearers who have the two tiny symbols on the plaques below the bulls head.

So, this means that the army is now complete (apart from needing to add magnets to the latest units, but that is a minor point). So a quick review before showing the whole army.

Here we have the Lord of the army, my Daemonsmith. He will likely rank up with one of the Infernal Guard units as he is a decent fighter as well as my only magic user. A tough combo to get right. He may end up hanging with out on his own or with the small units of Fireglaive wielders.

The Heroes of the army, a Bull Centaur Taur'ruk and a pair of Castellan's; one with a Army Standard (I know it is very small....)

The Core of the army, two blocks of Infernal Guard for up close and personal relations and two small units to hopefully scare away small units. I am REALLY happy with how their paint scheme has turned out.

The Bull Centaurs, a lot of fun to paint, but really think the scale of these guys is WAY off. But will be amazing missile attracting models right from the start I think.

And finally the rare part of the army my K'Daai Fireborn. I really took a while to be happy with these guys, but they have really grown on me and I think they are my favourite unit.

The whole army together. They are finished and I think as far as the armies done so far they are my favourite. I do have plans in the future to do a second Chaos Dwarf army and it will focus on hobgoblins and war machines to really give me a different feel to this one.

Thanks for reading and it is nice to be back.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/07/27 03:19:57

Post by: Camkierhi

Well they look amazing. Excellent work.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/07/27 20:10:12

Post by: Archer

Question now is which army is next?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So looking at my options I have either:
Warhammer Fantasy Beastman army (lots and lots of Chariots)
40k Aeldari (Aspect Warrior army)
Drukhari (Haemonculus Coven)
Chaos Marines (Bezerker's)
Genestealer Cults (1st and 4th Gen)

Any opinions?

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/02 00:36:37

Post by: squall018

Great to see you back, Archer. I vote Chaos Marines for the next army.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/02 02:15:08

Post by: Archer

Thanks for the vote. The Chaos Marines could be an interesting one as I want to try something different to the red and brass of "normal" khorne Bezerkers and use the old World Eater's colour scheme. But then dirty and obscure it with dried and fresh blood. Not sure if it is feasible, but I will look into it.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/04 05:06:28

Post by: Archer

So the consensus was to stick to a fantasy army (which will help even up the count) and chosen is the Beastmen army centred around chariots.

There will be 11 chariots in total (6 Tuskgor, 2 Razorgor, Army Standard and Shaman in Tuskgor Chariots and Beastlord in a Razorgor one).

Hoping it will be a fairly quick army to paint.....

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/05 06:39:49

Post by: Ragsta

Brilliant results on the Chaos Dwarfs, I bet it’s super satisfying when you set up these finished group shots

Sorry to hear about your woes, hope you continue to feel better! Fungus if the kidneys?? Bloomin eck!! :O Sounds like you have an employer to be thankful for in this regard anyway

Beastmen sounds cool! I wanted Zerkers though… So how about Beastman Betzerkers?

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/06 08:33:06

Post by: Archer

I think I am liking the idea of the Bezerkers more and more so they will definitely be next. But alas no Khorngors to speak of in this army.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/06 09:28:10

Post by: Paradigm

Sounds like you've really been through it, but I'm glad to hear you're starting to come out the other side! Chaos Dwarves are looking mean, live the dark metalwork and those fireborn and super as a spot of colour in the army, and a unit in their own right.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/08 02:44:08

Post by: Archer

@Paradigm, thanks for the vote of confidence, hopefully less whinging and more hobby from me now.

So no photo updates, but I have had some good progress on the Beastmen. As this is a "second hand" collection of models that I am cobbling together I have had to do a fair bit of paint stripping and repair work. But at least ten of the thirty Ungor were new on sprue which has given me lots of parts to repair the damage/missing parts on the other twenty.

Some of the Centigors for an unknown reason had hands and spears removed and replaced with bows. Which I have now fixed. I hope they are fun to paint as I think they are some of my favourite models.

To date I now have all the Chariots (11 of them), the Tuskgors and Razorgors to pull them (8 pairs of Tuskgors & 3 Razorgors) and the 10 Centigors all assembled and undercoated ready for some paint.  I have had to get a little creative on how to attach the chariots to the Razorgors as they are not really conducive to having a chariot hanging off them.

I have also started assembly of the Ungor Raiders as I have had to replace spears with bows and will need to bash some alternative bows together for some of them as I don't have enough "official" ones.  But that should be too hard.

In regard to the chariot crews I need to figure out how to hold them for painting as I will do them separately.  I also need the Beastlord, Shaman and Army Standard to be loose so if the chariot bites the bullet they can run off. But I did that for my Tomb Kings so shouldn't be too hard.  The Army Standard is going to be cobbled together from extra pieces so hopefully he looks the part once I am finished with him.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/26 03:12:15

Post by: Archer

Well it is time for another long overdue update. I have been active, but as usual don't tend to show things in progress.

I hit a snag with the beastmen when I discovered I had run out of static grass that I wanted to use on the bases. So there was a pause in progress while I waited for that to arrive.

But, if I am talking about basing it must mean the first of the Beastmen are ready to show off? Well they are almost.....see below.

These are the 3 Razorgor's that are going to be in the army, however, they will be pulling chariots (hence the elongated bases). For ease of painting I decided to do the creatures, chariots and crew all as separate assemblies.

I think that the Razorgor's are some of my favourite models that I have done so far and I also think they are some of my best paint jobs to boot.

The herd running free; at least until I get the chariots done and them harnessed up. I think I will try to continue this colour scheme onto the Tuskgor's that are pulling the other chariots, but I am experimenting with a pale skin tone washed in blue for the actual beastmen. Hoping that the contrast will help the crew stand out from the chariots and beasts.

From a distance you can't quite see how poorly these models fit together. I really should have spent more time filing and filling. But I was over it and wanted to get some paint going.

I have had to convert the chariots to fit the Razorgors as GW never actually made a model for the Razorgor chariot option. So hopefully they fit ok without looking like they are on too much of a crazy angle.

I think these models really evoke the frothing madman appeal of the Beastmen, not sure the rest of the range is quite so out there though.

I hope that once I settle on a paint scheme for the actual Beastmen I will be able to knock them out fairly quickly. I have the 30 Ungor Raiders on the painting station at the moment and they are "assisting" with testing some paint schemes. We will see if I end up happy with them.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/08/29 15:03:24

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Great work with the bloodshot eyes. They look absolutely crazed!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/09/06 03:39:08

Post by: Archer

Ok so I am looking for some feedback on my idea for the beastmen paint job. The previous photos showed the Razorgors and I want something a little different for the actual Beastmen.

I really see this army in three different parts. The Chariots (which will largely be brown as I am boring), the Beast's that are pulling the chariots (as in the Razorgors and the Tuskgor that are to come) and finally the Beastmen.

So I figure if I go with a lighter tone on the Beastmen it will help them stand out from the rest of the army, especially those that are on board the chariots. Let me know what you think of this Ungor Raider.....

And for reference here he is about to get eaten by one of the Razorgor....

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/09/06 11:44:38

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I think that makes sense, it highlights them as the actual heart of the army.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/09/06 12:08:57

Post by: Ragsta

Yeah I’m liking that Ungor, mate.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/09/06 22:36:00

Post by: Archer

I am getting some feedback from another forum I post on that maybe a blue/grey would work better for the fur. Would definitely compliment the skin and contrast to all the brown leather on him.


My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/09/08 21:30:32

Post by: Archer

So based on some suggestions from a different forum I post on I have made some tweaks to the Ungor Raider I trialled for the scheme of my Beastmen. Let me know what you think of this version compared to the previous one.....

The major changes are the fur has become a blue/grey. This does provide a better contrast to the brown leather and wood on the model. I also tried to blend the flesh a bit better so it isn't as stark a contrast between the light and dark.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/09/12 11:59:45

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Yeah that works better with the skin, I was hesitant when you were describing the idea earlier but it makes sense now that I see it.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/09/12 22:23:47

Post by: Archer

Yeah I was reluctant to change it. But got enough feedback that looking at the original I needed to try it. I am much happier with this compared to the original.

But the Ungor have been put on the back burner as I am moving onto the Centigors as the other forum I post on has a painting challenge that they fit the theme quite well. Just need to get them done by the end of the month…..

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/09/14 02:09:46

Post by: Camkierhi

Good luck with the contest.

Love the choice of skin tone.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/12/09 11:11:08

Post by: Archer

So I have been really slow on any hobby progress, had yet more need of hospital services in our household with my wife needing to get a hernia that was wrapped around her stoma dealt with (it is likely it first developed during her pregnancy with our son; who is now 5. But it came to a head and needed to be operated on). Then I had another surgery on my nose to remove the diseased sinus tissue that just wouldn't respond to antibiotics. But that is now behind us (I hope as I have had 7 surgeries in the last 2 years and am very much over it).

So I have been slowly getting back into the hobby swing, just pottering around on various things and trying to get a few things that have been bugging me for some time off the to do list.

First up in the newly finished things is something that has been bugging me for ages is my paint collection. I mentioned a little while ago (I think) that I was transitioning away from GW paints to Vallejo, well that is all good, but I have a metal GW painting suitcase from yesteryear that had vacuum formed trays that neatly held all the GW paints I could ever want. But the trays wouldn't hold the dropper bottles and I didn't want them just floating around loose as that would drive me bonkers. So this is my solution.......

Two layers of foam, cut to fit snuggly into the case and 234 holes punched into the foam (117 in each sheet) firmly holds the dropper bottles. I have them upside down so I can pick the colour I want quickly and through accident rather than good design the label still sticks out above the foam so I can read the name as well. So all in all it turned out well. I was also very lucky that the dropper bottles are just shorter than the closed case so they fit like they were made for it.

Next up are the Centigor Herd that I had intended to paint for a competition, but alas I failed miserably especially as I have only just finished them off. But They are now done and I am super happy with how they have turned out. I continued the colour scheme of the previous Ungor on the "beastman" part and then moved into browns for the lower portion.

These were second hand and I needed to do some rebuilding of missing horns and someone had replaced the spear on 5 of them with bows.....which was an interesting conversion, but I removed them and added the spears back on (which the previous owner fortunately still had and provided them when I bought the models).

I toyed with a couple of different browns, but ended up with a mustard for the "horse" bits, I think the warm brown vs the cool skin tone works.

I have decided that green will be the army's "colour" for cloth and the like, so I have also repainted the Ungor who had previously sported orange fletching and loin cloth. I much prefer the green.

I think that the Centigor's may be one of my favourite units of any army to date. Not really sure why, but I think they are a kooky unit and have oodles of character.

I messed up the movement tray size (it's too bit). Teach me to glue it together without checking it first. But it isn't horrendous and I won't bother to modify it. You use the bases to determine the actual size anyway......

Here is the unit champion next to the test model Ungor, I think I managed to reproduce the skin pretty well. You can see his new green colours, I think it works much better.

So that is where I am at currently, next time I hope to have finished off some more terrain that has been sitting ALMOST finished for quite a while now and has been bugging me every time I see them sitting 90% finished.

Thanks for reading and good to be back posting.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2022/12/29 11:35:31

Post by: Archer

Slight deviation from the Beastmen and a tiny update before the New Year. I knocked out a little more scatter terrain for the fantasy tables. I also FINALLY finished off the last little outstanding pieces of the medieval houses that I had been neglecting. I hope to get a photo of a table with all the medieval terrain laid out to show it off. But we will see if I get the time and the space.

But the little pieces I knocked off are....

Some wells, every town needs wells.

Thatched roof and stone construction. I basically copied the same concepts from the houses to tie it all together neatly. These were laser cut and I think they are incredibly effective.

The next items I am not super sure what they are, but I filled them with straw, guess they can double as roofing thatch storage or feed bins for livestock. But they add interest and that is all that matters.

Kept them very, very simple, just to knock them out and put them on the finished pile.

A couple of my Marienburgers scouting out the new digs, hopefully the wells aren't tainted.......

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone is safe and happy over this festive season.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/01/02 00:43:16

Post by: Archer

Happy new year to everyone, I hope that the festive season has been fruitful and peaceful.

I thought I would show off some photos to inspire some motivation in myself. So first of all, when my in-laws semi-recently sold their house to downsize I got offered the following cabinet. I was hesitant in regard to getting it to my place, but with a couple of stout lads we managed it...

Seems I can fit about 2 armies per shelf....going to need a lot more space.

I laid out all the "medieval" urban style terrain I had. The two boards made a 3 foot by 4 foot area, so I am pretty happy with how much terrain I have for this style.

Spread out over a full table I think it will make for a really great (if still dense) table. All of the buildings are fully "playable" as in the floors and roof can be removed should someone want to send troops inside.

I then set up the buildings in a really dense "inside" the wall sort of arrangement. Kind of ended up quite claustrophobic. Could be great for a Mordheim game, although some higher walkways are a little lacking.

I am almost at a point of being happy enough to put my medieval terrain collection to bed. I just have a few things left....

I have 2 of each of these (GW Watchtower and Church). So another 4 buildings and I think I can jam pack a table when needed. I also have the bits to attach the Church to the Watchtower into a single bigger building so the whole collection will be able to be modular and always something different.

Thanks for reading and hear to a healthy and stress free 2023 (please...I could really use no more surgeries...)

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/01/06 14:00:05

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That's quite the impressive medieval city!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/01/08 12:28:19

Post by: Archer

Thanks, I hope it will see some use in the near future.

I have made some progress on the last 4 buildings (the plastic GW ones) and hope to have them done before the end of the month. I also managed to get back to the Beastmen, currently working concurrently on the core chariots and crew. Going for a little out there colour scheme on the chariots that I hope isn’t too unusual.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/01/30 03:24:28

Post by: Archer

Quick update, with what I hope some more to follow shortly as I have been getting some good painting progress going. But the issue with batch painting is it is nothing worth showing, nothing worth showing, nothing worth showing, then bam lots to show.

So have put the effort into getting the last four medieval buildings done and I am pretty happy with them. Especially the colour of the roof tiles. Something about it I just like.

Here we see my capable assistant Carl showing off the group of buildiings, the two watch towers and the two churches. I will explain the strange little additional thing in a moment.

One of the churches is a little more ostentatious than the other. Mainly as I didn't seem to have all the same pieces for some reason, but these kits have been in my possession for ages and the reason for the missing pieces is lost to the mists of time.

Like most of my terrain I kept it quick, simple and dirty. Then again that is most of my painting. But I think they look effective and importantly as they are stone constructions look far more solid and intimidating than the farm houses I have already finished.

Here Carl is trying to gain access to a watchtower. They are pretty big and will add some nice vertical terrain. I think they could look quite nice lined up around the Castle. Then again, who would want to be caught in one of these things during a siege?

Carl on the rooftop, what a view for a lowly Ungor. Hope he doesn't get used to it.

Now, the strange little add on piece, I don't know why I only have one and which kit it came off. But it allows you to "connect" a watch tower and church into a single larger building. I think it works pretty well for its purpose and adds some modularity to the kits.

Carl picking a fight with a statue......

Thanks for reading and hopefully have more finished progress soon.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/01/30 06:19:11

Post by: darkkt

G'day mate - these buildings look great. V nice work

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/01/30 07:05:19

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I really like the terracotta roofs on these buildings. Excellent work.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/01/31 11:04:20

Post by: Archer

Another day and another update. Go me. This time though it was a little looking back. As you know the plan is for 2,000 points (give or take a little here and there) for a given army. The problem I had was with the release of changes to points values it would mess with my delicately balanced lists. I chose the end of 8th edition as the tipping point where I would stop chasing editions and points changes. So yes, my armies will be out of date for 9th edition 40k and currently unusable in AoS for most of them, but I had to draw a line in the sand and I am happy with my decision.

Having said that.....these models are the last ones I needed to bring all of the existing armies back up to 2,000 points as per the last Chapter Approved for 8th edition 40k. Bring on the Orks....

I agonized as to what to add to my Orks to bring them up to the 2,000 points and I chose to enlarge the Nobz mob (which I posted a while ago now) and since they are a Freebooterz army I couldn't resist getting some Flash Gitz for that authentic Pirate feel.

I mean, they have Pirate hats, who can go past Orks in Pirate hats? They are a super expensive unit though and I don't hold much hope of them doing anything before they get wiped off the table.

Unfortunately they have been languishing on my painting station for some time and every now and then I would grab one and do a little bit more. It got to a point recently that their unfinished presence annoyed me enough to finish them off. They have far more detail than I had anticipated and I haven't given them the respect that the wonderful models deserve.

I kind of like the way that the basing material has splashed up onto the legs and coats of the models. Kind of ties them to the bases and gives them a weathered appearance.

Thanks for reading and hope to be back to the Beastmen soon, they too have been languishing with my lack of focus.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/03 01:44:10

Post by: Camkierhi

The orksess are AWESOME!

The buildings are not too shabby either, really nice work bud.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/03 11:54:53

Post by: Ragsta

Here's to a very happy 2023 to you and your family, Archer, and HEAR HEAR to less stree and less medical mess for all of us!!

Terrain looks formidably good - if your idea of quick and dirty painting is this good I wish I could emulate it.

You were already bonkers generating these armies in the first place, mate - I think you're right to draw a line points and edition wise. We'll never keep up with GW anyway so just enjoy your hobby!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/04 11:10:34

Post by: Archer

Thanks all, really appreciate you all for swinging by for a looksie. I somehow think my painting looks better in photos than it does in real life. But maybe that is me?

I have all the Tuskgor Chariots and Tuskgors done now (they are separate from each other at the moment). I am doing the bases, then will glue them together. The crew are about 1/3 done so hope to have them finished this coming week.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/20 09:09:20

Post by: Archer

Some more finished models to present. These guys were finished late Saturday night last weekend and I have only just gotten around to snapping some photos.

The first lot of my Beastmen "Core" the Chariots!

All six of the core chariots, this leaves me with the Ungor Raiders to do and then the Razorgor Chariots (of which the actual Razorgors are done) and the Characters. So all in all a big chunk of this Beastmen army is now done.

I am actually pretty happy with how the paint choices have worked out. The chariots are actually a brown base colour with a green wash, kind of wanted to try and convey a sense that the timber for the chariots was freshly hewn and they didn't bother seasoning it, I mean what self respecting Beastman would do that?

I tried to keep the Tuskgor's somewhat "natural" to act as a contrast to the whacky Gors they are carrying. I think it worked pretty well although they do sort of blend into the bases a tad.

The crews are the standard scheme I have developed for the army with the pale white skin and blue hair, I think it really makes them stand out from their chariots nicely.

I gave the snouts of the Tuskgor a nice coat of pink to try and draw a little focus to their faces rather than have them all brown. It is a tad too much of a contrast, but I am not goiing to change them, they are mutants of chaos so a little wild colour is the order of the day.

I am going to have a tiny diversion from the Beastmen for a bit as I am planning a large 40k game for my birthday this year (multiple armies and players) and want to add in some extra Imperial Guard infantry so have dug though my bits box and can pull together a hodge podge of about 27 guardsmen. Really wish I had a few more pairs of legs to make it up to 30, but we will see what we can do......

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/20 11:44:08

Post by: Illumini

Massed chariots look so cool! These are great. I think the tuskgors could look good in your white theme, but this works out well too.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/20 12:25:41

Post by: Archer

I did think about it, but I had already done the Razorgors ages ago in a different scheme and didn’t want to redo them nor continue that theme onto the Beastmen themselves. So the whole army is going to be a bit of a ragtag collection of different hides.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/21 15:56:48

Post by: Ragsta

The Beastman rumble slam swarm looks excellent, and I like the contrast of the skin tones with the wood.

Always good to see more Guard, looking forward to seeing them! You could always convert some of the torsos into hiding in foxholes if you’re out of legs

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/21 20:40:59

Post by: Camkierhi

I will have a rummage and see of o camp come up with some legs. I must have some somewhere!

Love the look of the beastie boys.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/22 04:18:56

Post by: Archer

@Camkierhi, appreciate the thought, but I think I may have a source closer to home (I am in Oz after all).

@Ragsta, thanks, I do like the Guard, have the plans for a second army of them, but these squads will be jumping the queue because I need some extra bodies for a large game that is in the works. So will need to wait for the rest of that army sometime in the future.....

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/23 13:00:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The pink snouts work well, I don't think it's too much contrast at all!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/26 09:50:15

Post by: Archer

So as I said, I have allowed myself to do a slight diversion from the current Beastmen army, but I hope I will remain motivated and it is only a short diversion. I am planning to do a large game for my birthday and in the planning for it I figured some extra Imperial Guard bodies wouldn't go astray. Especially as I would like to do a second Guard army at some stage.

I don't expect that I would be able to get the whole army done for May, especially as I would pretty much need to buy most of the army...so I had a poke through my bits box and have managed to come up with 30 Guardsmen (that is what I wanted for the list). Thanks to those that offered to donate parts to get me to the 30 guardsmen. I have taken the opportunity to kitbash/convert a few models for this, one: I enjoy doing it, but don't do it often, two: The army is meant to be a ragtag collection of survivors (with tonnes of abhumans) that have been grouped together so the random collection of Cadian uniforms (some armoured some not) adds to the fact some of the rear guard have been pressed into active service, three: it saves a heap of money using what I have, where I can.

Here is an example of what I have done...

I had a pair of the old metal Cadian standard bearers (I don't need a standard in this army) so one has become a Sergeant (on the right) and I haven't finished him yet, but the other will become a Vox operator.

So all three squads are going to be Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher as these were the models I had available.

The other model I could add to the army from my bits box is a Hydra. I had somehow scored a Foregworld Hydra Turret and until I sat down and wrote out this Guard army I had no plans to use it, but, I have always loved the Hydra model and am happy I now have a place for it. Looking through my bits box I didn't have a full Chimera chassis to use, so I set about seeing if I could build one from the bits I did have.

This is what I pulled out of my bits box as "possible" components. I grabbed anything that I knew was from a Chimera and had my fingers crossed.

First up, I had the outer parts of the track units from a Chimera, and plenty of track, so I had to come up with something to make the inner part of the track units.

I had some heavy carboard that I soak in PVA and stuck two layers together. It ended up almost like plastic...it has worked very well for this.

I am not sure what the actual Chimera parts looked like, it has been ages since I have assembled a Chimera, but I kept it simple and think it worked, it is quite solid.

I didn't take any photos of putting the hull together, but I had the proper rear and top of the Chimera, but I was missing the base and front sections. I think it was a Rhino base I used to get most of the structure underneath and used more of the cardboard to build up the front and give a location for the Heavy Bolter. You see here the cuppola for the gun, I think it is donated from a Sisters of battle Immolator (I think...)

I cut the immolator? top in half and used more of the card to seal it up. It is about the same size as the Hydra turret (although not round) so it didn't look too screwy. You can see I had yet to deal with what to do on the back half of the Chimera. Also, the reason I am mounting the gun so far forward is I saw a Forgeworld one built and the gun was a lot further forward than I expected. It makes sense to me though as the crew and ammo are packed in though the rear hatch and if the gun and all its workings are at the back it would be a hell of lot of effort to climb through it to get to your station. Plus I like how different it makes it from a Chimera,

Test fitting the turret, I glued a 25mm base under the turret to make it sit and rotate neatly inside the cupola.

The tank is very flat, I realised I needed to add some estra details just to break up the surfaces.

Here is my solution to the rear of the tank. I added a little extra height. The sides are I think the front end of a Rhino (maybe) and the resin thing on top is up for anyone's guess, I don't even know when I got it. But it fitted perfectly and it looks interesting.

I started as extra details like access hatches and gubbinz to make it look more interesting.

The tied up tarpaulin hides a large gap...convenient.

The Chimera has these extra armour bits that go on the sides, but I didn't have any so I just added extra things I had lying around.

Vision slit added on the front (driver has to see somehow?) and the obligatory Aquila to boot.

The final fitting. I still have a few gaps to fill and areas to clean up. But it is largely done.

I am really happy with how it has come together. It looks intimidating.

I don't often do scratchbuilding/converting, but I really enjoyed the process and think this army has allowed me to mess around and get dirty (or at least glue everywhere).

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/27 12:55:13

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Great looking ack-ack platformthere. Ready to take down some supersonic void-capable fighters?

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/02/28 07:43:33

Post by: Illumini

That is an impressive "leftover junk" build!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/03/01 04:56:51

Post by: Archer

Main problem for the poor Guard has been Ork related shenanigans….not sure if those things could breach the atmosphere….

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/03/01 06:49:18

Post by: Ragsta

I like the build, and I like the use of all and sundry parts to create some unique and ragtag themes!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/03/06 04:32:36

Post by: Camkierhi

Just perfect. I picked up about 3 chimeras in a bits haul a while back. Now I have no excuse you have done a brilliant job putting them together.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/03/06 11:10:04

Post by: Archer

I need to get some undercoat on it so I can see where I need to do some filling. Always amazes me what a coat of paint will show up.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/03/13 09:31:00

Post by: Archer

So I decided to throw my hat in the ring for the monthly painting challenge run over on Oz Tabletop Gaming as the theme was "Renewal" and I was keen to strip a couple of the Beastmen models and get them done for the army. So I figured the fact I was "renewing" the paint work it fitted the theme (even loosely). So I grabbed the Beastlord and Bray Shaman and threw them in a container of acetone and let it do its magic. Now these fellows will end up in Chariots (along with almost everyone else in the army). But for this painting challenge I stuck with just the Heroes.

This is where the journey started, not my paint jobs and the scheme is so dark it wasn't easy to get a decent photograph. The paint had been damaged and didn't fit my Beastmen scheme so it was easier to just chemically scrub it.

I am always amazed at how some colours are more resistant to chemicals than others. The Shaman cleaned up almost to new status, where as the Beastlord needed a lot more attention and still had paint in the recesses.

And this is where we ended up. I am really happy with them, it makes progress really quick when you have the army recipe written out and you can just keep repeating it over and over. The scheme is the same as I have done for all the previous Beastmen, although the Shaman is the first one to wear any real clothing and I enjoyed being able to paint some more cloth than just a loincloth.

So a short update, but I have started the last of the Chariots now these two are out of the way.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/03/13 13:45:10

Post by: muette

Those Beasts look awesome Archer! Great oldies.
And the IG progress is also very good, great kitbashing on the tank!

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/03/14 03:19:58

Post by: Archer

@muette - thanks for stopping by. The certainly are ancient miniatures. Picked them up cheap when the Warhammer world blew up and I went on a bit of a spree to round out a few Warhammer armies since no one new quite what was happening at the time.

I need to get some undercoat spray to start the Guard, don't fancy undercoating by brush anymore.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/03/23 01:53:28

Post by: wyomingfox

Are those old hammer Bestigors I see?

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/06/04 12:59:39

Post by: Archer

@wyomingfox they are certainly old Bestigors, I am not knowledgeable enough for the exact vintage or even where I acquired them. Sorry for the delay in responding to your query.

So, it seems I have let things slip; again.

As seems to have become the norm for our family yet more medical issues have tried their best to interrupt life. I will keep it brief as we are here to celebrate the hobbies we enjoy so much and not ruminate on the trials and tribulations.

But my father-in-law had a major heart issue develop that has somewhat been resolved but has resulted in 30% heart function and a pacemaker. The are a little cagey about it, but I suspect it is now a when not if scenario with him; so my wife and I are doing our best to help them out and make plans should my Mother-in-law (who herself needs a fair bit of assistance) suddenly finds herself alone.

My son has also been back into the wars with a bacterial infection (called Cellulitis) developed in his left leg and ended up with 6 days in hospital on some pretty heavy IV antibiotics and now he is home 6 hourly oral antibiotics will continue for some time. I have never seen anyone go downhill so quickly and watching (yes I mean literally watching) the redness work its way up his leg over the 9 hours we were in the emergency department was a pretty scary thing, turned up to the hospital with him unable to walk on it and a horrendous temperature. While we were in the hospital being seen to the doctors and I watched a redness develop on his ankle and 9 hours later it had spread all the way up to his hip.

But I am happy to say at least for now everyone is back to happy and healthy (since the pacemaker my father-in-law has boundless energy). I really hope our family will catch a much needed break soon, but we have been hoping for that for a few years now. Just a feeling of being utterly crushed under one incident after another....

Ok, unpleasant stuff over. It seems that even though I have been utterly inactive online that I still have been managing to get into the hobby mood and I suppose it has allowed a certain level of 'normalcy' during long uncertain nights and I have managed a bit of progress. I have been jumping around a bit as I have been pushing forward with the Guard in an attempt to get them ready for the large game I have mentioned for my birthday, but more on that later.

First up, the Beastmen have come along nicely....

Here are the 2 Razorgor Chariots adding some serious punch to the Chariot lineup.

I had to do a bit of work to convince the chariots to even remotely attach to the Razorgors, they are a little "back heavy" but by and large are ok.

I changed the weapons on the Bestigors to add some individuality.

Not going to lie, I really love the Razorgors, although they weigh a hell of a lot, moving them on anything but a flat surface will be a challenge.

Next up we have the leaders of the army as they are supposed to appear.

The Beastlord on his Razorgor Chariot (because overkill is awesome), a Bray Shaman and Battle Standard Bearer on Tuskgor Chariots.

The Beastlords chariot is a total fabrication of balsa wood festooned with shields and other detritus to hide the dodgey chassis.

Brutally ugly. As befits the leaders of any Beastherd.

I have kept the characters separate from the chariots in case they are destroyed during a game or if I happen to want to run them on foot for giggles. At the time of this photo I had yet to finish the Wargor with Standards base. That has since been rectified.

So with these chariots done I am left with a measly 30 Ungor Raiders to complete to finish this Beastman army off! It always feels a little surreal when I get within striking distance of finishing an army off.

Now for something completely different.....back to the Imperial Guard distraction and in particular my attempt at a largely scratchbuilt Hydra (well at least the chassis was, the turret was a Forgeworld piece I have NO idea where I actually picked it up.

But that doesn't matter as for the first time it has tasted paint and I am most pleased with it.

In contrast to the previous Guard army I did way back when, I want a much more "normal" paint scheme for these guys, I think this works.

It's pretty drab, but aren't modern military uniforms kind of dull anyway?

I kept the colour choices pretty limited so the "colours" I did use stand out fairly starkly for a little spot detail.

I am really pleased with it as with the paint on it is hard to tell it isn't a "proper" model. although the weight is a little off. Pity none of my regular opponents have many flyers.....

I did try really hard to straighten the barrels before painting, but I just couldn't get them to stay and finally gave up and made piece with it. The bottom two are good, the top two are still a little wonky.

Now I also managed to get a good lot done with the foot sloggers. The plan for this next guard army is it will be Abhuman heavy (Ogryns, Bullgryns, Psykers, Ratlings etc. etc) but I will have a 'core' of the regulars. The backstory is the actual Humans in the army are a lucky few left overs that are all that remains of their original regiment and have been 'adopted' by the abhumans to add some legitimacy to their own formation and also to do the paperwork for the Ogryns when it comes to requisitions.....

So here is the human core of my abhuman guard army.....

30 Guardsman, with the ubiquitous Missile Launcher and Grenade Launcher. I have a vox in each squad as well.

I used the same colours as the armour of the Hydra on their fatigues and the grey from its guns for their weapons and picked a nice green for the armour. A stripe of colour on shoulder pad or helmet helps organise the squads during games.

There is no difference in each squad as these were all made from leftover parts (hence why there are some unarmoured torso's). But when you can effectively make 27 Guardsmen out of leftover bits you have acquired who is complaing?

I also added the first of the Psykers (again I had the models in my bits box somehow....and the 'Commander' of the human element.

The commanders sword was slightly bent from years of sitting around and instead of trying to straighten it I went the other way and bent it even further. Cavalry sabre anyone?

One big happy family and ready for the big game for my birthday. I hope.

In regard to the big game for my birthday I am happy to report that it did happen (my birthday is at the end of May) so that was awesome. I have a few photos from the event and I will get them up for people to have a look at soon, but it is getting late here and I am utterly exhausted these days.

So stay tuned for more Beastmen and I am very close to starting the next army in the plan.....any thoughts on what it should be?

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/06/06 12:50:11

Post by: Archer

Back again and this one will have just a few photos. What follows is a poor account of the large game that we played in honour of my birthday. This had been planned for last year to see in my 40th, but health and circumstances required that to be postponed.

The photos that will follow are going to be rather slap dash as we weren't really paying attention to the camera and only took photos when it occurred to us, so I won't be giving a blow by blow account, more a rolling tally of events as they became important.

We used 8th edition and cut out some of the more involved rules (command points, Warlord Traits etc. etc) as of the 8 players only 2 of us are regular players (of 8th edition and even then it had been months since we managed our last game). This allowed for some of the guys who had NEVER played a game before not to be to overwhelmed and I am happy to say it worked pretty well even with a game played by noobs.

This is the map of deployment, it was 3 tables arranged as shown, the red deployment was the Chaos Forces and the Blue was the Imperials. The armies involved were as follows:
Chaos - Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors and Death Guard
Imperial - LOTS of Astra Militarum with a tiny contingent of Space Wolves

When it came to deplyment, the Imperial Guard with so many tanks ran out of space for the final 2,000 points, so we allowed them to hold that army back in reserve to be deployed as the Guard commanders needs arose. We had to keep in mind that more tanks would be rolling onto the board from around turn 3 onward.

Both sides were in the region of 9,500 points each so there was a lot of diversity across the boards.

I have shown this carrying case off before, but for reference I supplied for this game 2,000 points of Imperial Guard, ALpha Legion and Death Guard and they all fitted in this behemoth along with rules, terrain and dice/markers.

This is from one end (although missing most of the end table. I was playing at this end commanding my own Alpha Legion. My Deathguard ally and I decided I would hang back and tie up the Guard on our table and he would push forward to try and sweep the smaller Guard army in the middle of the board away. Death Guard are super slow so it was quite a slog for him. Yes that is a Super heavy at the far end of the playing surface and it started to shoot its Volcano Cannon at us (!!!!) later in the game almost deleting a vehicle with every shot.

A better shot of the end table and my Alpha Legion, I don't have a lot in the army to handle tanks, which my immediate Imperial opponent had in droves, but conversely as a pure infantry army his tanks lacked a lot of good targets. So it was often a frustrating match up, but I had the upper hand as he could kill off a few legionnaires but I could knock out tanks which hurt him a lot more.

You can see a Defiler, Helbrute and Plagueburst Mortar that my Death Guard ally left for me to handle for him and they added a much needed punch against the tanks. The Defiler in particular was the infernal creature of the match at our end of the table and ended up rampaging all over the place.

This is actually a shot of the setup at our end. Notice the bright sunshine? The game went into the night. The Guard tried an aggressive deployment that bought them plenty of room to retreat into as the game continued. It was nice to get my pipe network onto a board. Would have liked a denser setup of them, but didn't want to penalise the vehicles with a lot of dense terrain.

Finally a clear photo of the Alpha Legion (they are tricky to get in focus ;-)). They are a real horde army and with so many bodies they were hard for the massed tanks to actually make a real dent in. I knew that apart from the 2 squads of Havocs that hung way back on the table my best chance against the tanks were my Terminators and Raptors. Although I did fortunately have a good smattering of meltagun concealed among my Marine squads.

This was by late afternoon, the Alpha Legion was just too much for the Guard to handle, the terrain allowed me to creep up with the infantry and then leap over the pipes to assault tanks. Some of my unit took an absolute hammering (Storm Troopers are actually brutal up close as my Chosen can attest), but I had them on the ropes and pushed right back into their deployment. But I had to be mindful reinforcements were available and I didn't want to be sitting in the open and have yet more Leman Russ tanks roll over me.

At the start of the game the Deathguard advanced as one massive horde, but quickly the Foetid Bloat Drones (what an awesome name) began to outpace their brethren, these things are TOUGH, absolute pain in the backside to remove, but don't pack much of a hit. They ended up tying up some Grey Hunters for quite a while before more Plague Marines arrived to help out.

A little further into the game and the Death Guard led by the Defiler and a horde of Zombies makes it to the middle of the board. We hadn't been paying attention to the other end of the table, but got a rude shock when the super heavy tank declared the Death Guard Land Raider as a target and destroyed it in a single blast! We then began hiding our limited vehicles behind whatever cover we could get. It did mean the Defiler was even slower to advance, but once it got into combat it was pretty much invulnerable.

For giggles I set up a 'battlefield reporter' he was in a good position to watch as the valiant Wolf Guard Terminators teleported into the fray to try and stem the unholy tide of filth that was the Deathguard advance. They are a formidable unit, but there was a Lord of Contagion and 3 Deathshroud Terminators heading their way......

This is a shot from the centre deployment looking toward the Iron Warriors and the beautifully painted Guard army of one of my mates (and that accursed super heavy; which I just looked up, its a Shadowsword). The Space Wolves tried to hold back for as long as they could before sacrificing themselves as a 'speed bump' against the horde of zombies that the Death Guard had bought with them.

The bunkers we allowed the Guard to 'embark' into them and they proved a tough nut to crack to get at the unit within (which we allowed to continue to shoot out of).

The centre spread out a fair bit more than I felt was probably sensible, but they did a good job of then retreating and offering a sacrificial unit when they had to. They survived longer than it looked like they would due to some very clever movement.

This is from the other end of the board, it started out as a serious artillery duel (yes this Iron Warriors army has Basilisks, they look sick). Unfortunately the Iron Warriors were just outgunned in the tank department and they began to quickly lose their artillery, but they did have a slew of Havocs and Helbrutes that allowed them to continue to put pressure on the Loyalist tanks even as their own armour blew up around them.

This edge of the end table was an absolute killing ground for most of the game, the Basilisks and Leman Russ dominated an open firing lane down the entire length of the table and they took a fearsome toll from the Deathguard that tried to come at them. It wasn't until we took a gamble with the Defiler and our faithful crab walker took some hits but managed to get into combat with the lead Leman Russ and it was then a fairly quick downhill slide.

Late, late in the evening, my only surviving Chosen and a handful of cultists take some revenge on a poor Infantry Sergeant, him and his boys somehow held out for 3 turns against 3 chosen and what started as 12 cultists. As you can see, they sold themselves dearly as only 3 cultists made it to the end.....

The sun sets as the Imperial Guard prepare to sell their lives as dearly as possible.

I took an absolute beating in the centre as a Hellhound and Storm Troopers torched a Chosen squad badly and one of my Marine squads, I had not expected the Hellhound to be so successful, lesson learned the hard way.

A close up as I am taking body after body as my centre took a beating from the plucky storm troopers. These are truly vintage Storm Trooper models and they look so cool with their Berets. I am glad they did well. At least until I crushed them in an assault with a Chaos Lord and Dark Apostle......

The Havocs kept up an excellent rate of covering fire, but Autocannons and Missile Launchers lacked the sting I really needed against Leman Russ Battle Tanks.

A great shot of the Space Wolves descending to halt the tide of Nurgle. It was spoiling to be a great fight. But I think we knew that they were way too outnumbered, but that is how great Sagas are written. In the end the Space Wolves did WAY better than I would have thought and really the major difference was the lack of characters amongst the Space Wolves (they had none, my mates tiny collection has yet to add any characters to his Wolves). If he had had a Wolf Lord it would have really swung things, maybe not to outright victory, but he would have been better placed to handle the Lord of Contagion and Daemon Prince.

The Blood Claws slammed into the Deathguard and then they were counter charged and it became a massive swirling melee, you can see the Land Raider is no longer present, we had an amazing run that 7 vehicles that were destroyed on this side of the table blew up and the Chaos forces actually lost 25 models to exploding tanks. It felt like we were losing more to that then enemy shooting. Note, Deathshroud Terminators are utterly nasty.

You can see by the lighting that this was into the evening of the game. The Deathguard had finally reached the first line of bunkers (the Space Wolves did a great job of holding the line for some time buying time for the Guard to reorder their ranks to get some decent shooting again.

This is actually on the far side of the centre from where we were set up. The guys in the centre had the difficulty of having to deal with opponents on two sides. But the Iron Warriors really didn't start pressing into the centre as they were really tied up in their artillery duel and the small amount they initially sent to harass the centre was easily dealt with.

Although it doesn't make a lot of story line sense I enjoyed putting my forklift models onto the table. I really shouldn't have asked some of the most inexperienced players to setup the terrain.....

The 'far' table. What I found really interesting is that we were really oblivious to what was going on 14 feet to out right, we were so tied up in what we were doing it was hardly noticed a desperate firefight was evolving at the other side, until they started dropping shells and Volcano Cannons on us. It was I think the opposite of what was happening at our end of the table with the Guard having the upper hand for most of the game.

The Shadowsword, such a cool model, would need input from the Guard Players to know if it actually paid for itself, but the fact it one shotted a Land Raider I would guess yes.....You can see in the background the Iron Warriors managed to make several incursions across no mans land, but they were repelled by mass shooting each time.

This looks like it was mid/late afternoon when the Guard finally turned their guns on us. And let me tell you it started to quickly hurt. The Zombies really didn't like the Manticore or Wyvern and as the least armoured units that we had they really had a hard time.

I wasn't paying attention why but the Bloodletters seemed to take an absolute age to close the distance. But they did eventually start reaping through the Guard in the centre.

This is one of the sweetest Daemon Prince models I have seen and it is SO fitting for an Iron Warrior Daemon Prince. Together with an Iron Warrior Helbrute he led the charge to try and break the Guard in the centre, they were largely saved from his fury by his speed and some clever bubble wrapping with sacrificial units. But he did soak up a stupid amount of firepower levelled at him and shrugged most of it off.

"See this gun here? It is really powerful"

Here come the Iron Warriors, such a beautifully painted and detailed army; really fits the back story of the Legion and I liked them getting in an artillery duel with the Guard.

A mass of spawn and daemons were to lead the charge into the centre. I think in hindsight the Iron Warriors may have wished to instead have used the massed bodies to try and sweep the armour opposite them. But it was a testament to how tough spawn are as they kept soaking up a lot of shooting and did a stellar job protecting the more dangerous units advancing behind them.

Spawn are such awesome and tragic models and I loved to see a mass wall of twisted mutated flesh come rolling/running/sliding down the hill at the enemy.

So confident at the start of the game. Looking every bit the disciplined pride of the Astra Militarum.

Here ends the photos. It was an awesome game and I really appreciated everyone (and their families allowing them) to take time out of their busy schedules to come and roll some dice. We ended up calling the game I think around 9:30ish with the Chaos forces in full control of the left hand table and all but a single hold out on the centre table. The Imperial forces rallied around their Super Heavy saviour held the right hand table and it would have been a blood bath trying to push them off.

I am humbled that my friends wanted to be a part of it as it was quite the logistics effort to get it all together.

I hope you enjoy looking at some of the game and it is a pity I wasn't able to do a more comprehensive blow by blow. But I was enjoying the game too much.

Also wanted to say that this little diary has ticked over the 150k views, thanks to everyone who has dropped by for a look over the years. I appreciate it.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/08/23 22:52:33

Post by: Archer

So I have been quiet as seems to be the norm these days, but I have not been idle. The motivation bug kicked in a few days ago and finished off the Ungor from my Beastmen army (admittedly they were probably 70% done and simply were languishing from my lack of motivation).

But here they are my Ungor Raiders.....

So the plan is to run the 30 as 6 units of 5 Raiders. I know that they won't really be all that effective, but I am planning to make use of the Beastmen "Ambush" ability to flood the enemy with lots of small units that will target war machine crews and lone characters to try to buy the rest of the army time to get in charge range. I figure they will be able to handle most war machine crews if I get good roles for where they come on the board. Failing that they will just be nuisance screens for the Chariots.

I kept to the same formula as the rest of the Beastmen, but decided not to use any gold on these guys as they are the lowest of the low and figured it was wrong they should have any bling.

Not that they really have a leader, this guy has sort of become the default Raiders boss (for no other reason than his horns are the biggest).

It's odd, but these are the first units I have done for my Warhammer armies so far that do not have movement trays. I have considered making some "skirmish" movement trays, but I found a distinct lack of motivation for doing that....maybe in the future.

Now, the most important thing about these Ungor is they herald the completion of this Beastman army! So without further delay I present the Harvesters of Morrslieb....

These are the "core" units of the army, my lowly Ungor Raiders and the 6 Tuskgor Chariots, ready to roll over anything in their way. I hope...

The "special" units, my Favourite of the bunch the Centigor and a pair of Razorgor Chariots. I think they will all attract too much attention from enemy missile weapons, but I hope they do something cool one day.

My 2 "Heroes" a Standard Bearer and Shaman, both of who are loose on the chariot so can keep fighting if the Chariot is destroyed (or I choose to run them without for some reason?).

The Bossman himself my Beastlord on his Razorgor Chariot, its big, its ugly and I don't expect it to get halfway across the table ever....like the heroes he is mot attached should I need him to run around on foot.

And here you have the whole herd. All 2,000 points of them, 11 Chariots, 10 Centigors and 30 Ungors, a tiny, tiny army, but I really like the results and am slightly sad that I have finished the army.

I was afraid that the actual Beastmen part of the army (of which there are only 52 actual Beastmen) would get lost among the chariots and beasts, but I think the choice of the white and blue really helps them stand out.

I also think the hide of the Tuskgor, Razorgor and Centigor's are different enough to be individual, but close enough that there is still a united feel to them.

A Brayherd hopefully soon to see some action on the tabletop....

So, another army down! This one has taken a little while as I have found motivation hard to come by among the stresses and distractions of real life. But it feels good to add another army to the cabinet and move forward. As is the process I am heading back to 40k for the next one and since I need to conserve a little money I am choosing to do another Eldar (sorry Aeldari) army as I have almost all of the models. But in contrast to my previous Eldar (Aeldari) army this one is going to be themed as a Biel-Tan one with a heap of Aspect Warriors with an Avatar at their head.

Most of the army are metal not the oldest of the sculpts, but I think the 2nd generation ones? Once I start getting them sorted out people can tell me their vintage. I think I prefer most of them to the newer Aspect sculpts, but that may just be my sentimentality. I have yet to decide if I will just repair the damage to the painted models or go the while hog and strip them and redo the paint.

The plan is to choose fairly traditional Aspect schemes, but have the purple and green of my craftworld appear as spot colours to tie them to my already finished Craftworld army. I think I just need 7 Swooping Hawks and 3 Wave Serpents to round out the 2,000 points.

Anyway, thanks for reading and hopefully the Eldar will come together quickly (I wish).

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2023/11/07 09:41:31

Post by: Archer

So I let the updates (and painting) slip as per usual, but no big deal, progress has been slow but steady.

For this round of Eldar (Aeldari, Space Elves, whatever) I am doing a polar opposite to my previous Eldar army that was a Ulthwe theme (Guardians and Psyker) although in my own Craftworld scheme. This time I am doing a Biel-Tan inspired Swordwind (So all aspect warriors). Now Eldar was my first love when it came to 40k and I have an EXTENSIVE collection of older metal models hiding under a layer of dust and neglect, so I am going to slowly dust them off and give them the love they deserve.

To that end first up is a squad of Fire Dragons, nothing like dumping them next to a tank and watching it burn. I can't exactly remember when these were painted, but I think I was still in school so it would be around 25 years ago at least they got their first coat of paint...

A tad garish and lacking any real defining highlighting details. Now a note on colour choices. I want to give each Aspect it's own identity, but I will try to include my Craftworld colours in a subtle way to tie them to the other Eldar army. So I will try to sneak a little green and purple on them where I can.

And this is where they have ended up...a lot brighter and bolder.

I was a tad disappointed that I didn't have a Fire Pike Exarch, but kind of reason if something can stand up to 9 Fire Dragons one Fire Pike isn't going to tip the balance and a Flamer is a nice deterrent from getting charged.

I think the clean up has gone reasonably well, they have a sort of 80's/90's cartoonish element that I am finding kind of endearing.

The green is a bit strange on the Yellow, but I think it links nicely into the Craftworld colours so I won't be changing it yet.

I am debating whether to paint a Wave Serpent (or three! The only non-Aspect part of the Army) or continue with another Aspect, Howling Banshee's perhaps?

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/01/22 23:21:13

Post by: Archer

Well I am at it again, never seem to have the time to drop by and update this. But progress has been slow and I have been busy. The major painting achievements have been to paint the inside of the house. My Wife decided she needed a change and five rooms a corridor and three feature walls later it is done. Happy Wife and then I got some piece and quiet to get some small scale painting done.

First of all I have continued with the Eldar and managed to knock off the unit of Howling Banshees. This is what they looked like before I started the revamping process...

Not sure what I was going for all those years ago, but they never quite looked finished. I do like the Purple hair and Green tabards as the tie in to the Craftworld colours so that was going to remain.

And this is how they ended up:

Not totally happy with how the blades ended up, I used an ink and should have thinned it more as it really ended up pooling in a much rougher way than I had anticipated.

But much happier with the armour and think the purple and green work well as a whole.

I quite like this version of the Howling Banshees, but I never liked how 'heavy' the Exarch looks compared to her squad.

A shot of the Banshees and Dragons, I think they are quite 'traditional' Aspect schemes and pop nicely.

Next up is a squad of Dire Avengers, in all the years I have collected my Eldar, I have never actually painted a squad of these guys, I always just relied on massed Guardians, but this army will be getting two squads of them. So no before pictures for these guys, but I will be sticking to the blue and white as is traditional. Thinking green guns and purple mohawks to tie into the Craftworld though...

The other painting progress is I have FINALLY finished the Spartan Assault Tank for the Death Guard I have been doing for a friend. It is the last model of the army (I will get an army shot when I get a moment) and has been sitting collecting dust for far too long, so I pulled my proverbial finger out and finished it off.

It's a massive model and I tried to add some gribbly elements to tie it into the modern 40k Deathguard Aesthetic.

A lot of parts were donated from the extra bits from the Mortarion kit.

It's a pity you can't actually jam a Terminator in here.....

All the doors and weapons are movable still (hence why that side door has a gap...)

It's dirty, it's grimy and thank god it is finished.

Originally I had a resin version of this tank to do and it's what kicked the motivation out of me as the kit was absolutely terrible. It was taking so much effort to assemble it and when I heard a plastic version was on the way I spoke to my mate and we shelved the resin one, waiting for the plastic. I had sculpted a lot of the detail onto the resin one already so I got the chisel out and carved them off and transferred them onto the plastic.

Everyone needs tentacles.

The three vehicles of the army, a Plaguecrawler, Spartan and humble Rhino.

I also have a distraction I may paint as for Christmas I got the Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat with its 8 Battlemechs, I am thinking of dividing them into two Lances and painting them for two different Houses. Anyone have any thoughts of schemes?

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/04/09 05:04:33

Post by: Archer

It has been far, far too long since I popped through and made some rambling comments with some random pictures to accompany them. So I managed to motivate myself to wander in and time to throw some randomness around....

I have been plodding along with painting, nowhere near as much as I would have liked. But life has gotten very busy and I have been allowing computers to suck up too much of my free time.

First up in the finished pile is some Dire Avengers for the Eldar army that is currently in progress.

I have gone with a pretty traditional scheme of blue and white, although the Craftworld colours of green and purple have made themselves known just so you don't forget where these noble warriors hail from.

I didn't have a suitable weapon (or shimmershield) for the Exarch, so a short rummage in the bits box and a few odd pieces of metal and I have a passable setup, probably not as useful as other Exarch options, but due to the short range of Shuriken weapons it is likely they will end up in combat eventually.

I have another squad of Avengers in this army and I am debating reversing the colour scheme to differentiate the squads, but I am also wary since there is already so much colour in the army that it could be even more distracting and all that white could be horrible.

Glad to have finished them, hope to have the Dark Reapers finished very soon (I did only need to paint 2 from bare metal and clean up the other 5 so hope to have another update soon).

Onto something more random, my first attempt at a Battlemech. I call this Catapult 'The Bumblebee' I wanted to play around with painting it slightly differently to the standard base/shade/highlight, it looks a little rougher in the close ups than it does in the hand, but overall quite happy with the result.

I tossed around painting the 2 lances that I have (from the starter box) in two different schemes. But I have always liked the idea of a Mechwarrior mercenary company after my love affair with Mech Commander so have settled on the idea to paint each mech as a unique scheme to show the Mercenary's are not really unified in their efforts.

I started with very little plan for this model, apart from the initial thoughts of yelllow and he kind of developed from there. Not as much black as I was originally intending, but I figure there is enough to provide details.

I figure that the ostentatious paint job doesn't matter as the victims of the Catapult rarely actually get a look at it before they are bombarded by a hail of missiles. Next up I think I will do the locust, but can't decide if I should do it green or brown...

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/04/10 21:01:40

Post by: Archer

Seems I have more to show (or at least a tiny bit).

The next addition to the Eldar army is a unit of Dark Reapers. Now I must confess that five of these models were painted many, many years ago (in excess of fifteen I would guess). So I needed to try my best to match another two to the rest of the unit as I am still all these years later quite taken with the paint scheme of these guys.

The two "new" recruits are the two with no 'rocks' on their bases, they are on the far left and right in this picture. They aren't perfect reproductions, but they are close.

Funny note, the new Reaper on the right I had the body, but no launcher, so with a bit of greenstuff I made a mould off the other launcher and then used a bit of polyester resin to cast a replacement for the missing one. It holds up to scrutiny pretty well, but up close the detail is a tiny bit 'soft'.

Of all the variations of the Dark Reapers that have been available, I think these are definitely the ones I like the most. I just think they embody the sinister and dark aspect of the Dark Reapers backstory better than a lot of the other options.

You can see how old these models are as I haven't washed the dust that they have accumulated off of them, it is very obvious in this photo from the back.

My next squad for the Eldar is my all time most used Aspect, Striking Scorpions. I remember back in the day they would almost be the first unit I would include in an army (may have been that they for a long time were the only Aspect I owned). It got so bad for my regular Imperial Guard opponent he asked me to take a break from the Scorpions. I have yet to decide if I will do a total repaint, modify the existing scheme or just do some paint repair and call it a day. I may take a photo of where they are currently at and see what peoples opinion is.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/04/22 03:16:32

Post by: Camkierhi

Love the Aeldari! Fantastic work.

That Spartan is awesome. And excellent work on the battletech stuff. Beautiful detail and quality all round bud.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/04/25 20:25:39

Post by: Archer

Thanks for dropping a comment Camkierhi, it is a weight off to have finally finished the Spartan (and therefore my friends Death Guard).

So I have been working on my Striking Scorpions.  Was agonising over whether to just clean up the damaged paint or do a different scheme.  Went with trying to improve what I had and ended up pretty much destroying the original paint.  It once was a black and orange scheme (I figured the many years ago it was painted that I wanted to stay away from the traditional green Scorpion theme as the Craftworld's main colour is green).  But I think since my painting skills have improve enough they won't just look like a Guardian with a sword.

I will put up an original photo of the squad at some point so you can see if I have managed to improve them or whether I will regret to decision.  I have also taken the opportunity to convert the Exarch to the 8th edition weapons of Scorpion Claw and Biting Blade.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/05/22 22:24:07

Post by: Archer

Seems I have done something I didn't think I would ever do and have begun looking into the amazing range of 3D stl files available for proxy models for the tabletop wargaming scene. With the large game Korocite is putting on I want to use it as motivation to get more of my second Guard army finished (especially as my birthday netted a super heavy tank for the army that will be built as a Stormlord). Initially I was set to just add the Stormlord, but I got to some googling and am really impressed by the scope of 3D sculpts available and with access to multiple 3D printers I decided to take the plunge and see what I can do.

Will see how the first lot go as I am printing some proxy tanks to use as a Hellhound and a Devil Dog, need to check the scale, but the detail seems very nice.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/05/23 23:32:15

Post by: Archer

Have made some progress with the 3D printing of some proxy models. The first ones were the Devildog and Hellhound, am very impressed with the sculptors work and printed very easily with no fuss whatsoever.

So this will be my Hellhound, really blown away by the sculpt and print quality.

This is the Hellhound next to the chassis of the Hydra from army these models will be added to. Scale is almost perfect so very happy on that front.

Have a very contemporary feel to them, but I love the addition of a trailer to carry that volatile fuel, little impractical for the tabletop, but I like it too much not to include. I do plan to run a flexible hose from the tank to the turret, not sure what I will use yet, but figure it will look cool to have a fuel line. Especially when an enterprising ork climbs on board to cut the line.....

Made a bit of a mistake in my enthusiasm and glued the track guards in place....will make painting the tracks a bit of a pain in the backside, but oh well.

This one will be the Devildog (melta weapon variant of the Hellhound). I won't be using the trailer with this one as I figure that it doesn't use a liquid fuel for the guns so doesn't need an auxiliary tank.

The two new tanks side by side.

Next up is the model I plan to use as a Primaris Psyker (pseudo leader of the army). I am pretty happy with him, the blindfolded eyes is kind of creepy. Do think he needs a more ostentations staff, but we will see.

Since the army revolves around abhumans I will have a full 9 man unit of psykers. I have 3 of the GW ones (two are painted already). Pictured here are the first three 3D prints to go with the 3 official ones. This GW model was recently picked up and will undergo a repaint to join the others. I think the 3D prints fit the GW aesthetic very well. Will swap the arms around the torso's for the next three to make a little variation.

So I need to run a toothbrush over the prints as there is a little debris from me cleaning them up with the hobby knife, but I am very happy with how things have gone so far. On the printer at the moment are 5 Ratlings and once the print proves successful I will print the rest of them (plan to have 20 Ratlings in the army). Then I will get onto the Ogryn and Bullgryn proxies.

Thanks for reading.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/05/24 19:41:07

Post by: IGtR=

Interesting to see the side-by-sides

Love the tanks. Psykers are interesting, although perhaps a touch too spindly for my interests (although weedy psyker mutants seems appropriate...)

Thanks for sharing

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/05/25 12:34:25

Post by: Archer

I think the weediness is more from the fact they are likely 28mm scale rather than the 28mm "heroic" scale that is GW's actual scale.

But I agree with you the weedy mutant psyker physique will hopefully make them stand out more against the regular guardsmen.

My Crazy Army Plan - 16 Down and onto Imp Guard, Eldar on hold for now, 2,000 Points for each Army! @ 2024/05/28 04:08:09

Post by: Archer

Very quick update, I am changing tack with my painting. With the next large scale game set for the end of August I really want to try and get my second (and last) Imperial Guard army finished to participate. I already have the Guardsman and Hydra finished (and they had a fine showing in the last big game valiantly being a speed bump for some Nurgle Terminators) and I want them to be joined by the rest of the army.

To that end, the Eldar are taking a break for the near future and the poor Striking Scorpions I was working on are going for a bath in a noxious chemical as I have really messed them up unfortunately. But I need a break from the pointy ears and I have started painting the Devildog and Hellhound and once I get some plastic glue I will begin assembly of the Stormlord.

I also go this guy off the painting table:

I believe this is a Locust, I am very fond of light Mech's in Mechwarrior and in a demo game I played against myself this guy nearly pulled off a win solo against an Awesome....who knew that heat was such a liability....

I kept the paint scheme pretty simple, but stuck with the plan that this mercenary band allowed each Mech Warrior to personalise their Mech's.

I find it interesting that the purple has almost taken on a slight metallic hue which was not my original plan, but will experiment with more grey paint in the future.

The Banana Catapult and the Blueberry Locust ready for action. I like the idea of the Locust calling the shots for the Catapult tucked in behind a cliff.

I think the next Mech I do will be a spilt colour one, maybe red and white.

Also, for the Abhuman Guard army I am doing, the first batch of Ogryn, will be two squads of 5 Ogryns and a 10 man unit of Bullgryns, then the Stormlord has a nice choice of nasty surprises to carry.

Thanks for reading.