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Made in au
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Albany, Australia

"paint twice as many models as I buy" - that's what I need for this year. Impressive output for 2020 - quantity and quality - well done.

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Great recap and hope the eyes are getting better soon!
Nighthaunts look so cool in your scheme, love the group shot of everyone together.
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Wow! They look great all together, the contrast method certainly helps up the numbers pretty well. Best of luck with the hobby resolutions

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

250+ minis painted is a cracking year all told Maharg. That is one hell of a Nighthaunt army that Mortal Realms has provided you with, I abandoned my sub relatively early as the amount of miniatures it provides is huge.

I am really digging the Stormcast and their colour scheme and also the Old School Chaos BloodBowl team, much better sculpts than the current plastic team IMO.

Best of luck in sticking to your resolutions in the coming year.

Thanks. Not all of the spooks were from the magazine, I got a little carried away and bought a big army box too! Glad you like the stormcast, I like it too though not sure how many of these will get done as they do take a while to paint. I definitely want to get the Cursebreakers done for Underworlds then add a few archers to have all the options for a Warcry warband too. The rest might well sit in the cupboard of shame for years to come..

Wow! They look great all together, the contrast method certainly helps up the numbers pretty well. Best of luck with the hobby resolutions

Thanks Gobert. Contrast has certainly sped things up and lockdowns and generally staying in has given a lot more time too

Great recap and hope the eyes are getting better soon!
Nighthaunts look so cool in your scheme, love the group shot of everyone together.

Thanks Viterbi. They use a slightly more complicated scheme for contrast so glad to hear the extra work is worthwhile

"paint twice as many models as I buy" - that's what I need for this year. Impressive output for 2020 - quantity and quality - well done.

Thanks. It's a commonly made resolution here but I've never managed it. Maybe this is the year?

First update of the year and I've finished my first model - a Northstar miniatures dwarf. I got his and four others for Xmas from a friend. I made these a priority to finish these early on as traditionally I build the minis he gets me but almost never get around to painting them. Time to break that tradition!

Other than that I've been building the other four dwarfs along with a couple of Underworlds warbands. I'm thinking of painting one or more of the Sylvaneth for this month's painting challenge. The theme is new tricks, so at a basic level it's a new faction for me and I'm thinking of doing some OSL effects for a new technique though these might be a bit complicated for learning this
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Ooh, that dwarf is really cool. His shield is simple but I think it looks fantastic. Well done for breaking the tradition of not painting the gifted minis too. Best of luck with the OSL

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Nice classic-looking dwarf mini. Can't wait to see the Sylvaneth!
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Good start to 2021 Maharg.



Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Beautiful work on that dwarf's face! Congrats on a productive 2020 - so many interesting armies in one blog - and good luck this year too! OSL is on my to-do list to experiment with at some point too. Sylvaneth are definitely an interesting medium for it rather than plasma guns or bionic eyes. Excited to see what you come up with!

t z you are k 
Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

I'll echo above by congratulating you on a productive 2020! Loads of stuff to pore over.

The dwarf looks great, nice classic styling to him.

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Ooh, the tuft of grass peeking through the snow. Excellent.

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Really cool dwarf mini, the shield really sells it.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks everyone. It's been a while since my last post, I struggled with motivation in January, if it wasn't for the painting challenge I don't think I would have painted anything. I didn't fancy experimenting on the sylvaneth, that can wait for later in the year. Instead I painted a few more dwarf warriors

Painting motivation hasn't struck yet this month either, but at least I've built a few things - a small high elf army for use in Oathmark, some hormagaunts and a few small bits of terrain

I think I'll try painting the gaunts and terrain bits first, something simple to get me back painting, then on to this guy for the showing off themed painting challenge
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Already excited for the painting comp orc, he is a show-offy one!
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Sorry to hear that the mojo had gone. Hopefully the terrain and quick-nids bring it back, because I’m excited to see you progress the Elves!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

I've had a similar start to the year it seems, not a lot of painting and a bit of building.. No worries, the mojo will come back!

The dwarves are looking grand I think!

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Good luck finding that rhythm again. Flash boy looks cool.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks for the comments.

It's been over a month and while I've not been that productive I have got a few bits done. First up are the little pieces of scatter terrain and the contrast paints came out to knock out a few 'nids

I also got the Flash Git finished in time for the painting challenge. It was a little rushed in the end but turned out fairly well and some good practice for some chipping and weathering

On the painting bench at the moment is some more scatter terrain and a Space Marine for the painting challenge
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Progress is progress Maharg...whatever the amount or speed.

Flash Git turned out really well.



Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

Great to see some Tyranids, the scheme is really cool. I enjoyed that Flash Git for the painting challenge, he's a clean paint job but suitably weathered too. Good start on the marine as well, that panel lining is ace.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Great to see some Tyranids, the scheme is really cool. I enjoyed that Flash Git for the painting challenge, he's a clean paint job but suitably weathered too. Good start on the marine as well, that panel lining is ace.

Thanks Tyranid Horde. I just went with the old school tried and tested genestealer blue and purple scheme for the nids, simple and effective. The all contrast method makes them fairly quick too. Going to have to up my game with the marine having seen the wip from yourself and others in the challenge

Progress is progress Maharg...whatever the amount or speed.

Flash Git turned out really well.

Thanks Captain Brown. Usually slow progress here, but it's better than nothing.

This week I painted up a few small bits of terrain, should be useful for some games of Warcry once the lockdown is over. I tried to add a moss/lichen patch on one of them to break up the stone colour - looks ok but I think would look better covering much more of the models which was more effort than I was willing to do, so instead I just flicked a few blood splatters on the rest of the pieces and called it a day

And a little bit of work on the marine, his armour is slightly more red now, not that you can really tell from a poorly lit and focussed picture
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Great clean work on that Marine. Flashy turned out sweet! Magnificent yellow.
Made in gb
Indescriminate Explicator

Northern Ireland

Your terrain looks great, as do the Northstar Dwarf. The Flashgit is awesome, great bit of painting, the skintone is so nice.
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

The yellow on the git is fantastic, great job. The terrain looks great, and quickly knocked out. Marine is looking redder already

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

That Flash Git certainly lives up to his name, very impressive weathering on him. The Marine looks great as well, is he a BA? If so I admire the more sombre red.

Painting Warhammer 40,000 Conquest a P and M blog : https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/763491.page 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Great clean work on that Marine. Flashy turned out sweet! Magnificent yellow.

Your terrain looks great, as do the Northstar Dwarf. The Flashgit is awesome, great bit of painting, the skintone is so nice.

The yellow on the git is fantastic, great job. The terrain looks great, and quickly knocked out. Marine is looking redder already

That Flash Git certainly lives up to his name, very impressive weathering on him. The Marine looks great as well, is he a BA? If so I admire the more sombre red.

Thanks Youwashock, Robertsminis, Gobert and Listentomewarriors. I can't take the credit for the yellow and skin recipes as the model was painted copying an old White Dwarf Eavy Metal masterclass article. Its quite fun trying to replicate these, I don't have the skills to emulate the finished model but I always learn something. The marine is going to be a Blood Angel Listentomewarriors. The plan is for it to get more red, probably using pure red for the edge highlights.

I haven't got a lot done the past week, just a little progress on the marine - got a few of the smaller details done and he's now a little more red. Time for a familiar but slightly altered picture

Only a few days until the painting challenge deadline so I'll need to pick up the pace

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Pace was picked up and the marine is now finished, so this will put an end to the run of the same picture of a marine with almost imperceptible changes! I am pleased with how the armour turned out, struggled slightly with getting photos to show the correct colour, these aren't bad but not quite red enough when viewed on my computer (looks about right on my phone though, maybe my computer is the issue?). I struggled with the freehand chapter symbol on the right shoulder - fiddley wing pattern combined with the need for symmetry was too much for my skills. I gave up trying to get it perfect, instead I tried to hide the mistakes with the application of battle damage. Not sure I got away with it

Now to decide whether I can be bothered to paint the rest of the Indomitus marines like this or if I need to go for something a little less time consuming
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

That’s a lovely red you’ve achieved Maharg, nice and dark, but still red. The gradient on the colour are very smooth with the edge highlighting finishing him off well. The chapter symbol is impressive freehand, I’d say the damage has hidden any imperfections well. Good luck in the comp

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Yeah that freehand is REALLY impressive! The "battle damage" effect actually makes it look more impressive, even if you did it to hide imperfections.

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Very cool marine, love the subtle damage to his armour and the freehand looks amazing!
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada


Marine is suitably weathered.



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