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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

sambojin wrote:
Unkillable Scary Rhinos.
Take a rhino, give it Daemonic Possession and Warp Amp. Now, look at the damage table. There are about 2 results that can now kill the thing. They also have Terror, and debuff leadership at -1/-2/-3 within 18/12/6". Just run them up, and watch everything run away. They're about 100pts, so take two (give one a combi-bolter or Searchlight). Movable terrain/cover, scary ramming (not good against Eldar, but not bad against wraithguard), or just Terrific "sit there and win" causers. Watch out for d-cannons. Chuck in a squad of Noise Marines in your army (they're good anyway), and Slaanesh on your Lord/ Icon, so the daemon engines don't vanish. It's seriously worth it. These things are horrifyingly broken.

Given the limited options for support vehicles, that's a lot of mobility you're sacrificing for RAMMING SPEED! type attacks. I guess it depends on the boards you use. Even our 'greenfield' terrain has lots of woods, stone outcroppings, etc. so limited utility.

As for 3-man squads, one hit with a heavy bolter can splat them. Or a plasma missile. Very brittle.

I prefer larger maneuver elements and since our games always take place in a larger context, wiped out units have negative downstream effects.

That being said, lots of good ideas for Chaos combinations and yet another example of how much variety and subtlety was crammed into my favorite edition.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/01 13:45:51

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Fresh-Faced New User

Not really. If you want a Rhino for your troops, just take one. They're only 50pts.

These things serve a totally different purpose. It's just the -Ld and terror/fear, but that's good enough. Ramming is a side-bonus. And they'll almost never die.

You could take CSM in 5-mans if you want, and they still work out better than Devs or Tacs. 2x125pt units, and a bunch more weapon options. It's kinda like you get a free weapon or two per ten. 4+1 Aspiring Champ works great as well. It's like 4x special weapons, same Ld as SM, and a wargear card, for less than the price of a combat squad, but with heaps more customisability. Awesome for narrative campaigns as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/11 00:40:37

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

sambojin wrote:
Not really. If you want a Rhino for your troops, just take one. They're only 50pts.

These things serve a totally different purpose. It's just the -Ld and terror/fear, but that's good enough. Ramming is a side-bonus. And they'll almost never die.

I'm not seeing the resiliency. Mobility kills on them are same as ever, so having them pinned in the backfield early on seems quite likely. I guess they'll give my boys some easy listening (my strike element always gets mobility killed early on).

You could take CSM in 5-mans if you want, and they still work out better than Devs or Tacs. 2x125pt units, and a bunch more weapon options. It's kinda like you get a free weapon or two per ten. 4+1 Aspiring Champ works great as well. It's like 4x special weapons, same Ld as SM, and a wargear card, for less than the price of a combat squad, but with heaps more customisability. Awesome for narrative campaigns as well.

It's very much a "less is more" army list. Lots of subtle combinations that you can build into campaigns. I'm even now tinkering with new things (to be fair, at the moment gaming is maybe once or twice a year).

Want a better way to do fantasy/historical miniatures battles?  Try Conqueror: Fields of Victory.

Do you like Star Wars but find the prequels and sequels disappointing?  Man of Destiny is the book series for you.

My 2nd edition Warhammer 40k resource page. Check out my other stuff at https://www.ahlloyd.com 
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