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Made in us
Been Around the Block

Fortress of Angband, Thangorodrim

And looking at the page numbers Cruentus posted, LotR barely takes up 30% of the content. That's hardly "OMG the GW iz floodin uz wit LOTR!!!!"
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Posted By Scarella on 07/16/2006 4:17 PM

Well better than the canadian one where they devote a fair number of pages on the Felix+Gotrek diorama which is pretty much useless since the scale is incompatible with any game system... ugh and the foil wrapping is rather lame...

Canadian WD.... less content... weird smelling paper... the only good thing is that it isn't shrink wrapped so one can look inside prior to purchase...

consider yourselves lucky, you could be getting the canadian WD...

to be fair, the felix/gotrek diorama is a collectors item not meant for play (although you could if you don't mind a few oversided models) but meant for those that like t collect or paint very nice showcase pieces.. again these weren't and aren't geared for the gamer but more for the guys that like to collect nice models to paint..

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Regular Dakkanaut

Posted By Born Again on 07/17/2006 12:28 AM
Only if you're a LOTR guy. When LOTR came out, I was under the impression it would be around while the movies were being released, then be relegated with the other 'specialist games'. They're still treating it like a new release. Sales wise, it doesn't make sense to concentrate on it so much when WHFB and 40k are their biggest sellers.
have we come to the point in gaming history that we have become the 40k guys or the fantasy guys or the LOTR guys.. is this like Lord of the Flys where the fat ugly ones are in one game and nerdy glass wearers are in another and the (LOTR) guys are in the 3rd camp and we try to kill each other because we think our own form of nerdiness, geekiness, fanaticsm is the only way?  holy crap next thing you will tell me is there are black gobbo guys and white dwarf guys and we turn miniature gaming into some sort of racial, color, creed, country etc segregationlist society.. and at that point i have to wonder is anarchy the only thing gamers want, cause that's a crock of bunk..

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Posted By Balrog of Morgoth on 07/17/2006 10:47 AM
Then you obviously got the wrong impression.  LotR has a far, far larger fanbase to tap into, and it makes sense for GW to try and get a piece of the action, especially if rumors of The Hobbit coming to movie screens are true.  The line was still selling respectable numbers last I recall.
What rumors?  Before it comes to a movie screen, it has to be produced and filmed.  Before that, pre-production has to occur, like signing a cast and crew.  Before that, it has to have a script.  Before that, a company has to own the rights free and clear.  None of those things have happened, so your rumors are just that...rumors.  Until the rights are cleared up, you are still 3 years away from seeing the film.  They don't magically appear out of the ether.

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Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator


Alright back on topic   Here are the breakdowns.  The breakdown for each game system includes ads for said system.  If they were multiple ads in the same page range, I added them to the 'ads' section.

So, here we go:

Ads      15.5% (20 pages)
LOTR   35.7% (46 pages - this inlcudes about 36 pages of ads.  If you take out the ads, this drops to about 12% actual content).
WFB     25.6% (33 pages)
40k        23.3% (30 pages)
Golden Daemon  14.7% (19 pages)

Total of about 148 pages, give or take, not counting the order sheet, etc.

Haven't had time to actually read the issue yet, so no comment from me on the content, but the Battle Reps do look more like the old-style, more text, than previously.


Legio Suturvora 2000 points (painted)
30k Word Bearers 2000 points (in progress)
Daemonhunters 1000 points (painted)
Flesh Tearers 2000+ points (painted) - Balt GT '02 52nd; Balt GT '05 16th
Kabal of the Tortured Soul 2000+ points (painted) - Balt GT '08 85th; Mechanicon '09 12th
Greenwing 1000 points (painted) - Adepticon Team Tourny 2013

"There is rational thought here. It's just swimming through a sea of stupid and is often concealed from view by the waves of irrational conclusions." - Railguns 
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Incorporating Wet-Blending

Houston, TX

Posted By two heads talking on 07/17/2006 11:27 AM
have we come to the point in gaming history that we have become the 40k guys or the fantasy guys or the LOTR guys.. 

Yes. People will not stop griping about LOTR coverage. Apparently, like the abused child kicking a puppy, it is how they get their GW frustration out.

I just laugh everytime someone says the GW hobby and then go play a wargame with a less atrocious rule set.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

LotR has a far, far larger fanbase to tap into, and it makes sense for GW to try and get a piece of the action, especially if rumors of The Hobbit coming to movie screens are true.

Except that large fanbase is NOT reading WD.......If you want to reach them, ads through Dragon, Dungeon and elsewhere would be a better way to tap them....

Hope more old fools come to their senses and start giving you their money instead of those Union Jack Blood suckers...  
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5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

-Sorry OTT but why do you think they are not reading GW? Its my understanding GW still sells a good amount of these guys-probably more to the ture painter/hobbysist than the gamer set. WD mini and terrain articles are perfect for that.

-Come on if WD doesn't cover your areas of interest complain about those areas of interest first.

-Batrep decent? I haven't read one completely through this year. Without a new army to feature i wonder how the two armies are presented (OMG a fair fight!).

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Over there... no, wait, AARGH!

Posted By two heads talking on 07/17/2006 11:27 AM
have we come to the point in gaming history that we have become the 40k guys or the fantasy guys or the LOTR guys.. is this like Lord of the Flys where the fat ugly ones are in one game and nerdy glass wearers are in another and the (LOTR) guys are in the 3rd camp and we try to kill each other because we think our own form of nerdiness, geekiness, fanaticsm is the only way?  holy crap next thing you will tell me is there are black gobbo guys and white dwarf guys and we turn miniature gaming into some sort of racial, color, creed, country etc segregationlist society.. and at that point i have to wonder is anarchy the only thing gamers want, cause that's a crock of bunk..

I definately don't want that situation. I'm just surprised that something like LOTR, with a limited amount of potential as far as releases go (I mean, they can't make up new races or fluff like they can Fantasy or 40k) is still getting so much new stuff. I'm sure it sells by the bucketload... But, if they plugged it and put it in stores and gave it new releases, so would Epic or Necromunda or Mordheim. I just think there comes a time when any game apart from WHFB or 40k must be scaled back. If the Hobbit hit the movie screens, however, I could understand more LOTR stuff. It just seems odd right now.

"You can shut us out, but you will never shut us up" - Sid Vicious 
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Madrak Ironhide

Warmachine guys, too! Does that make us "The Others"?

Can I be Him?

Get your own Dakka Code!

"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
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Stitch Counter

Rowlands Gill

Bat Reps apart (which had become poo in their own, very special, way), are any of those items listed actually worthy of the epithet "article" yet or are they all still thinly veiled adverts with 6 words per page and large areas of white background and photoshopped pics of minis?

UK Issue 320 (=US Issue 319) was touted by Che on the now-defunct WD-forum as being the issue that would be the first that could incorporate any changes that arose out of all the post-UK issue 315 (the GIANT issue) complaints, due to the 6-month time lag between WD being written and released.

At the time I thought he was blowing so much smoke, but if there has been any return to the direction of an actual magazine as opposed to a catalogue this would be interesting to see...

Personally I'll be leafing through a copy on the newsagent shelf in a couple of weeks as my sub died last month and there's no way I'm renewing it for the kind of rag WD was in the UK issue 319...

Made in us
Been Around the Block

Fortress of Angband, Thangorodrim

Posted By dienekes96 on 07/17/2006 11:30 AM
Posted By Balrog of Morgoth on 07/17/2006 10:47 AM
Then you obviously got the wrong impression.  LotR has a far, far larger fanbase to tap into, and it makes sense for GW to try and get a piece of the action, especially if rumors of The Hobbit coming to movie screens are true.  The line was still selling respectable numbers last I recall.
What rumors?  Before it comes to a movie screen, it has to be produced and filmed.  Before that, pre-production has to occur, like signing a cast and crew.  Before that, it has to have a script.  Before that, a company has to own the rights free and clear.  None of those things have happened, so your rumors are just that...rumors.  Until the rights are cleared up, you are still 3 years away from seeing the film.  They don't magically appear out of the ether.

I never said they were anything other then rumors, so what you're ranting about I have no clue.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Bucharest, Romania

Posted By chris_valera on 07/14/2006 2:54 PM
Posted By 2112 on 07/14/2006 2:28 PM
I thought this was going to be an informative review..

You're right, someone should write an informative review of White Dwarf, one that discusses the magazine's contents and the merits of each individual article.

I bet it would go over well here on Dakka.


The funny thing is, I used to do the WD reviews EVERY month for about a year.  Then you started in with your "Chris Valera Reviews" garbage, a good 2 weeks after I already reviewed said issue. Which means, genius, you weren't reviewing anything.  You just used your "review" as an open mike to bash everything GW.

Living in the Northern Va area, I usually get my issue around the 10th of the month, so it wasn't a hassle to do the reviews.

But I stopped doing the reviews because I got tired of the "GW sucks" attitude on this forum.  I did my fair share of bashing GW, but I've decided its a waste of my time to bash GW.  I like alot of their products, I like their games, and their magazine has some good stuff (from time to time).

Now as far as this issue goes...

The 40K batrep isn't that great because it's in the new sleek style where they avoid the details and give you a general overview.  It was SM vs Necrons and it wasn't too exciting of a report.

The WFB batrep was quite good, IMHO, because if was in the old more detailed style.  Dogs of War vs Dwarfs+DOW.  The objectives were interesting, the battle report was informative and I enjoyed reading it.

There are some Eldar articles but nothing on the new stuff, although the modeling section is nice. Painting schemes for the new Eldar sniper teams and a section on Warp Spyder conversions.  There is also some modeling on 40K mercenaries, modeling on WFB duelists, and a painting section on High Elves.

A little too much LOTR for my taste, but they are promoting their new box set, so its no wonder.  They are coming out with new LOTR models, which are all still pretty nice.  The LOTR batrep was interesting.  Poor Alessio Cavatore had to do both LOTR and 40K batreps.  I think the guy is busy enough.

It's not the worst issue, I'd give it a C-.  There are some interesting things in there.  But if you don't have a subscription, I would recommend against buying it.

How's that for fair reporting on an issue?

Edit: Just a quick edit to add comments.


"In The Grim Darkness Of The Far Future, There Is No Reason To Be Ashamed Of An Unfurnished Basement." ~ Jester (talking about Wraithlord gibblies) 
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Tunneling Trygon

The House that Peterbilt

The funny thing is, I used to do the WD reviews EVERY month for about a year. Then you started in with your "Chris Valera Reviews" garbage, a good 2 weeks after I already reviewed said issue. Which means, genius, you weren't reviewing anything. You just used your "review" as an open mike to bash everything GW.

Quoted for truth.

snoogums: "Just because something is not relavant doesn't mean it goes away completely."

Iorek: "Snoogums, you're right. Your arguments are irrelevant, and they sure as heck aren't going away." 
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