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hardened vet. vs. plt. command sqd?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Oklahoma City, Ok.

here's the background: i've got the Command plt. geared to lead only(J.O., standard). and 2 plt. HQ. 1 is 4 plas/chimera suicide, and the other is also a Ld. bubble sqd. i'm trying to decide whether to add another plt. HQ. with 4 meltas, or a H.Vet. sqd. with 3 meltas. which ever i choose will ride in a chimera. vet. sgt. bp./ ccw 5 troops w/ 3 meltas chimera 169 J.O., I.D., carapace armor, bp./ccw. 4 troops w/ meltas chimera 176 thanks for you input.

"But i'm more than just a little curious, how you're planning to go about making your amends, to the dead?" -The Noose-APC

"Little angel go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say" Weak and Powerless - APC

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Which doctrines are you using?

It can make something of a difference. For example, if you're running Mechanized, then a Chimera-based suicide team has better odds of survival than it would in a mostly-infantry army (target saturation). Also, including Veterans will use up a doctrine. You could also choose to deliver a melta squad via Deep Strike, or Infiltrate, in which case you could get 2 Vet squads for the cost of a single mounted team.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Oklahoma City, Ok.

well i've pretty much decided on:
I.D. and R.R.
not sure as to the rest yet.
the list i want to make, i don't want to use D.T. i want to wait and see how the whole can "just the plt
H.Q. can drop" or the "whole plt. has to drop" arguement is resolved.
i'll be running 2 russes, 1 bassy and 2 chimeras. so not mech.
i was going to use the standard 0-1 elite vet. choice, or the plt. hq. as another suicide chimera sqd., line filler, etc...

"But i'm more than just a little curious, how you're planning to go about making your amends, to the dead?" -The Noose-APC

"Little angel go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say" Weak and Powerless - APC

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