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Bounding Assault Marine

Providence, RI

These 3 lists are evil and need to be proved stupid. I just don't know how to do it. Can you help?

List 1: "I hate thinking hard and just want to win. (I play Green MTG)"
720 points: 3x10 desolators
810 points: 2x10 terminators
120 points: Captain in terminator armor, bolter discipline
225 points: 3 5-man sniper scout squads
125 points: Whirlwind
2000 points.

Scout squads hold rear objectives in the open and screen the desolators.
Desolators hide and come out to destroy when the time is right.
Terminators sit on central objectives. Both units could in theory use armor of contempt every turn.

So that's rock, I think this is paper.

List 2: "You can't shoot me or charge me until you bare your neck. (I play blue MTG)"
450 points: 3x10 scout snipers
165 points: Infiltrators led by phobos librarian (if an enemy has dangerous deep strike with rapid ingress, these can screen the scouts and can retreat using squad tactics)
500 points of units that can hide in strategic reserve if necessary. Consider units that refute certain playstyles, like bladeguard with judiciar in case you face a melee rush army, or indirect fire if you aren't facing any.
895 points of either terminators or drop pod units (grav devastators, hellblasters) that can stay off the board until the enemy comes out to grab objectives, and then pounces. Drop pods can come down turn 1 if an opponent tries to rush the scout contingent, which terminators can't do.

Here's scissors.

List 3: "The whole game will swing on the dice rolls/card draws of deployment zone and who goes first. (I play red MTG)"
480 points: 3x bike chaplain with 3 man bike squad with power fist and 2 grav guns
180 points: 2x infiltrator squad (stakes out space for the scout bikes to scout into)
450 points: 3x 6 man scout bike squads, astartes grenade launchers, power fists
495 points: 3x 3 attack bikes, multimeltas
225 points: 3x 5 scout snipers (to hold the backfield and contribute firepower)
170 points of whatever you like.
Now assuming this player goes first:
If facing a shooty army they want to charge turn 1, they can use assault doctrine to get their scout bikers inside the opponent's deployment zone before their charge move, with their regular bikers 6" from the enemy deployment zone, probably in charge range of something.
If facing knights, pop devastator doctrine to get close and shoot, with those bike squads putting out ~27 mortal wounds on a knight (or any vehicle) with oath of moment if the enemy knight starts within 6" of the line. And then add 18 multimelta shots and 18 scout biker krak grenades. Place the attack biker squadrons so that they're mutually supporting in case of incoming fire.
If facing hordes, those scout bikers' frag grenades will get crazy numbers of shots.
If facing deep strikers, this army can spread out so far on turn 1 that the opponent probably won't have anywhere to deep strike. The infiltrators aura will even help restrict units with the 3" deployment rule.
If this army goes 2nd or faces hammer and anvil deployment it might be in serious trouble.

I think that all 3 of these armies would be effective, but each is deeply annoying. Do you agree that they have potential against a 'balanced list'? (I hope not.) Would you field any of these at a tournament if you had the models?

10,000+ points
3000+ points 
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