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[2000] - Tyranid - Assimilation Swarm  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Stalwart Ultramarine Tactical Marine

Epic Character
Swarmlord - 270

Neurotyrant - 105
Tervigon - 190

Termagaunts x20 - 120
Termagaunts x20 - 120

Tyrant guard x3 - 95

Rippers - 20

Psychophage x2 - 250
Haruspex x2 - 250
Norn Emissary x2 - 580

This list lends its emphasis on the two monster blocks on either flank consisting of the norn emissary, haruspex and a psychophage, with the assimilation swarm rules allowing harvester units to heal D3 wounds will allow to heal each other and a combined OC of 22 . Screens and blocking provided by the gaunts with the tervigon boosting their survivabily. And distraction provided by the neurotyrant and swarmlord with the tyrant guard. What do you guys think?
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


It is a bit shooting light. And melee focused on tanky ness. I am concerned a shooty opponent will just shoot you repeatedly until you are dead.

That beeing said I don't know how it plays. You certainly have some damage on the melee department. And perhaps you are though enough. Looks super fun.

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