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Made in gb
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Morecambe, UK

Hi everyone,

Something a bit different for you all this morning! My name is Dr Mike Ryder and I’m a lecturer based at Lancaster University (UK). My colleagues and I are planning to put on what we believe to be the world’s first Warhammer-related academic conference later this year, to take place at Heidelberg University (Germany). The event will be hybrid, so speakers (and other delegates) can also attend online.

If you are an academic / independent scholar with an interest in Warhammer and the grim darkness of the far future then we’d love to hear from you!

Our call for papers is now live on our website: www.warhammer-conference.com

The deadline for submissions is 31st July 2024.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

As a college student myself, this is interesting!

The thing about 40k is that no one person can grasp the fullness of it.

My 95th Praetorian Rifles.

SW Successors

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Sounds like a great venue to sneak in some real world politics with names changed

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Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sounds like a great venue to sneak in some real world politics with names changed

Are you talking about the sleepy Emperor and that orange Abbadon... or this Swarmfleet Russia?
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sounds like a great venue to sneak in some real world politics with names changed

Sneak? Bah. No one bothers with that extra step now.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 MJRyder wrote:
Hi everyone,

Something a bit different for you all this morning! My name is Dr Mike Ryder and I’m a lecturer based at Lancaster University (UK). My colleagues and I are planning to put on what we believe to be the world’s first Warhammer-related academic conference later this year, to take place at Heidelberg University (Germany). The event will be hybrid, so speakers (and other delegates) can also attend online.

If you are an academic / independent scholar with an interest in Warhammer and the grim darkness of the far future then we’d love to hear from you!

Our call for papers is now live on our website: www.warhammer-conference.com

The deadline for submissions is 31st July 2024.

I wish you good fortune in the (academic) wars to come. It's a GoT reference but applicable nonetheless and I do wish you success in the endeavor. While I do not know (nor frankly care about) your personal politics nor that of the other people organizing the conference, I do think that the success of the conference will in large part be reliant on how well you keep the overtly modern day political out of the conference's topics as the central focus. I'm not saying it can't be discussed but rather that it's shouldn't be a one sided echo chamber.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/27 14:28:54

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in de
Shrieking Guardian Jetbiker

Heh, I know one of your organizing colleagues from other conferences ^^ Is this part of the Heidelberg Apocalypse Studies project, then? Guess I'll be submitting something, have enough half-baked ideas on grimdark theory that I should try to articulate eventually

~~~ I Love The Power Glove. It's So Bad. ~~~ 
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Nice. Keep us updated as I would love to watch some of the content live online, even though I am not an academic per se.

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Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


This would be excellent. I wonder if I can swing it with work that I have to go to Germany around this time..

One and a half feet in the hobby

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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Is this in person only or might presenting online be a possibility? I'm a professional philosopher who is currently between contracts, don't have the funds to travel to Germany. I have previously thought about how various aspects of 40k (warp, tyrranids, chaos) relate to philosophy of mind.

Also, it might be worth posting this on the main philosophy mailing list, the Philos L mailing list (https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/philosophy/philos-l/).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/27 21:01:17

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
In my day, you didn't recognize the greatest heroes of humanity because they had to ride the biggest creatures or be massive in size themselves. No, they had the most magnificent facial hair! If it was good enough for Kurt Helborg and Ludwig Schwarzhelm, it should be good enough for anyone!
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

This sounds absolutely awesome. I'll think about attending digitally and possibly submitting an abstract!
Made in gb
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Morecambe, UK

MobileSuitRandom wrote:Heh, I know one of your organizing colleagues from other conferences ^^ Is this part of the Heidelberg Apocalypse Studies project, then? Guess I'll be submitting something, have enough half-baked ideas on grimdark theory that I should try to articulate eventually

There are some connections with the Heidelberg Apocalypse Studies project, yes. I'm not connected with it myself, but it just so happens that a few of our members are involved with it. What a small world it is! You're more than welcome to submit a paper. We're really excited to see what people come up with!

Easy E wrote:Nice. Keep us updated as I would love to watch some of the content live online, even though I am not an academic per se.

Will do! Our hope is that we can make it all available to non-academics as well. We are certainly also opening up attending to those who aren't presenting as the aim is to hopefully start up a bit of a community around this.

Samsonov wrote:Is this in person only or might presenting online be a possibility? I'm a professional philosopher who is currently between contracts, don't have the funds to travel to Germany. I have previously thought about how various aspects of 40k (warp, tyrranids, chaos) relate to philosophy of mind.

Also, it might be worth posting this on the main philosophy mailing list, the Philos L mailing list (https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/philosophy/philos-l/).

Thanks so much for your message. Yes indeed, it is open up to presenting online. In the submission form you can select your preferences (online, in person, or either). The philosophy of mind is perfect fit for 40k I think. The whole chaos-gods as reflections of the psyche is such an interesting area.

Thanks also for sharing the mailing list. I admit, I hadn't heard of it before, and I have a lot of contacts at Liverpool!

Us3Less wrote:This sounds absolutely awesome. I'll think about attending digitally and possibly submitting an abstract!

Great! You're more than welcome

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

For philosophy, you want to be registered on https://philevents.org/
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