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Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

That’s a stonking great haul of old hammer! I quite enjoyed sorting through my pile a few months back and lining up infinite projects. I really should sell more than just bits and thin out some of the stuff that just doesn’t interest me (looking at you 5th Ed Undead rabble)

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 gobert wrote:
That’s a stonking great haul of old hammer! I quite enjoyed sorting through my pile a few months back and lining up infinite projects. I really should sell more than just bits and thin out some of the stuff that just doesn’t interest me (looking at you 5th Ed Undead rabble)

"lining up infinite projects" sounds like a good summery of the Veteran hobby experience
I'm in the same boat but dealing with by boxing up and leaving till later (probably indefinitely infinitely).

Talking of never ending projects,
Still working on my 500 points for the slow grow, main problem being I keep changing the list!

Settled on getting at least 3 colours on all the models I'll be using and then go back and finish each unit properly when I've got time (3 colour min for competing).

Breaking it down, thinking this will be the final scheme for the pink horrors, not sure about their flames yet but probably going to go yellow/standard flame same as blues and brims.

Also been working on the Daemon prince, really enjoying the idea of him being a ascended son of Malice, binding daemons to his armour to use their abilitys to his advantage. Also quite nice contrasting the malice black and white scheme with little spots of bright colour. Overall really enjoying the project so far (so much so I think I need to pause to get the 3 colour min on all the other models before I come back to it).

I'm also thinking about how to do the wings (older pic). I'm considering doing a black and white optical illusion pattern based on one of Bridget rieleys paintings (If you haven't seen them I've got the pic below). Basic idea being that I want to try and get that same optical illusion feel on the inside and outside of the wing, it's on point for the theme and would be a cool fluff piece as to how the deamon prince manages to overpower daemons from the other powers, confusion illusion hypnosis sort of vibes.

And finally, been playing a bunch of test games trying to get daemons to work in this rule set (no Deepstrike) as well as getting used to playing Orks + Primaris marines, highlights below.

So far I have not been able to get a list that works without Deepstrike. It's kinda the cornerstone of the faction in that alot of the stratagems are Deepstrike related as well as balancing out units that are a bit weak or slow by having the ability to Deepstrike or be put back into Deepstrike during the game. Without that, all the units seem to massively under perform... Buuut still trying to make it work. Worst case scenario I'll just lose all the 500pt games and try and win all the 1000+pt games.

Anyway, as usual thanks for looking
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

So a couple more updates,
Won my first 500pt game with Daemons! was against a beginner Necron player but we played well and was an enjoyable game all round. Think I may have been underestimating the survivability of the horrors and overestimating the damage output of the winged daemon prince. Have since tweaked the list again, going to get another test game in this week hopefully. Anyway, some actions shots below
Moment the reanimated Necrons overlord gets his revenge on the daemon prince who just killed him
(2nd time this has happened to me in game, gets you really considering your investment into trying to kill the overlord in the first place)
And the ever impressive nie unkillable pink horrors, not amazing damage output but just for survivability I think I'm going to be running them quite often (bit daft they end up being more survivable the plague bearers though)

Also on general updates, got alot more washes and highlights done on the daemon prince + the magnatising of his back spikes for the winged and non winged variation (going to be playing non winged nurgle aligned +enhancement tomorrow see how that goes).

+slowly working through painting the pink horrors. Hit the 3 colour minimum on everything but the brimstone horrors now so going to go back and get all the pinks to the 2nd highlight stage and then reassess.
Also, messing around with sculpting my changling, green stuff sculpting in so hard but don't get any better by avoiding it. Hoping to get a decent amount done tomorrow.
Anyway, thanks for looking
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

So as a change of pace, DEFF DREADS!!!

So I repainted and magnatised a bunch of Deff dreads today for my/my brothers orks. Made a bunch of weapon options (lots of kustom Mega blastaz).

Also spent the day magnatising all of my deamons. Switching from the warhammer carry case (it's been awful for damaging a breaking models in transit) to magnatised easy store boxes (did the same for the orks hence the Deff dread refresh and the extra magnets)

Lots of Warhammer admin essentially, want to get these dreads finished then get some ork games in, got a solid 1000pts now so looking foward to see how they work on the table.
Thanks for looking

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/10/16 19:01:13

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

So, Chipping away at my Daemons as usual but had a great set of games today against my brother testing out his orks for the first time. Was his first proper game of war-hammer so elected for a very simple list with only two data sheets to have to think about (Deff Dreads and Ork Mek). Did well and very enjoyable games to play, high lights from both games below.

ORKS VS Daemons of chaos: 500pts

ORKS VS Primaris Crucifiers: 500pts

In addition to the games themselves i always find the prospect of playing games quite motivating to get some more painting done. Got the bases sorted on the Pink and blue horrors as well as my Malal Daemon Prince. Still chipping away but very glad to have hit the 3 colour minimum on most of the models so can chill out on the painting pace. Think the next think im planning is going over the Brimstones and getting the 3 colour minimum done as well as getting their bases sorted (will mean 5/6 of the units i will be using will be fully based so very close to being sorted )

Also, testing out a check black white base rim on the Daemon Prince. Again Malice themed but not sure if i will stick with it for the time being or test out fully white base?
Cool. That's all for now folks, thanks for looking, comments and feedback much appreciated
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Chipping away at these little buggers. First time painting fire and definitely challenging. Trying to emulate these guys a bit to the best of my ability. Think I'm going to finish my first Squad in the standard flame and then paint the next ten in the blue scheme once I've got the rest of the 500 points sorted out (and maybe Belakor? Although I'm anticipatimg that's not going to be too bad)

Also, as fun as messing around sculpting has been it was mainly because the model hasn't been available on GW's site, sooo once it came back decided I would rather have the original then the one I was sculpting up. Really like the model and really looking foward to getting some paint on this guy during the week.

That's all for now, thanks for looking
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Again chipping away,

Finished the Brimstone Horrors, messed around with having less snow on the bases as if they had melted it but didn't really work. Pretty happy with how these guys turned out, definitely a challenge and glad to have given them a go.
Up next, the changling
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

quick lil update, got some more base colours down on the blue bois,
means everything is now "battle ready" apart from the changling.

probs going to try and get the changling at least mostly down by the end of tomorrow (ready for the first game of the campaign on Sunday (2v2 as well :O )

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

"We shall deny Nurgle their flesh to fester and rot.
We shall deny Khorne their blood and skulls.
We shall deny Tzeentch their destinies and fates.
We shall deny Slaanesh their pleasure and pain.
Death to the Dark God's! For the Renegade God! Let the galaxy burn!"

Malals chosen Prince, once a space marine of the Sons of Malice ascended to daemonhood when he turned renegade against both the Imperium and the forces of chaos that sought to corrupt him.
In a final stand, assailed by the black Legion on all sides, the marine saw only weakness in both the great enemy and his brothers as they were overrun. The two forces, ideologically bound to blindness and slavery in service of false gods, destroyed each other in the name of nothing. Fuelled by the desire to end it all, the marine slayed both his brothers and the traitors, drawing the attention of the dark gods. Each attempted to lure the marine, promising power, pleasure, foresight, and immortality, but he refused them all, cutting down each of the Daemons emissaries and cementing his fate as a renegade to all. Seeing only one option and in a final act of ultimate rebellion, the marine raised his bolt pistol to his temple and fired. Darkness.
Malal appeared before the marine in the space after all death and showed him the truth. The false emperor, the weak gods, and the truest form of chaos. Malal then bound the essence of the slayed gods' Daemons to create his champion's new form.
These enslaved essences of the pantheon allowed the newly born Prince of Malice to use the Chao god's essence against them. Khorne's fury, Tzeentch's sorcery, Slaanesh's speed, and Nurgle's resilience; all just tools to bring about the end of chaos and the universe itself.
Now, a living crucible of primordial energies, The Prince of Malice tears back into the material plane. A harbinger of annihilation, eyes glowing with only the purest malevolence, he seeks out both Daemons and mortals, enslaving them to his cause or draining their essence to further swell his boundless power.

The galaxy trembles as Malals chosen carves a bloody path across time and space, seeking not only the death of chaos but to unravel the very fabric of reality, leaving naught but a void of eternal darkness in its wake.

The Necrons rise up from the depths of their ancient tomb world to find an infestation of lesser species. Exterminating millions of imperial citizens in a matter of days the Death Korps of Krieg and Ultramarines are sent to bring an end to the Necrons extermination. Turning the tide the Krieg and the Ultramarines fight valiantly side by side and finally position to deal the fatal blow to the remaining Necrons, seeking to stop the reanimation of the tomb world before their legion rises.
At this pivotal moment, Dark energies engulf the planet, reality begins to tear and split as legions of daemons begin to storm into the material plane. Led by a Daemon Prince of immense power they set about the imperial forces, seeming to leave the Necrons in favor of the harvesting of souls and reaping of skulls. The Daemon prince however pursues a far darker goal, seeking to use the newly rising Necrons as yet another tool in the ultimate game against the dark gods.

The Daemons and Necrons reap a bloody toll crippling the overstretched Marines and Krieg leaving only a handful of retreating survivors remaining. The ever judicious Necrons seeing the imperial forces as defeated immediately turn their guns against their ally of convenience, but before a shot can be fired the Daemons are gone vanishing back into the warp. The warp storms clearing and having suffered heavy damage the remaining Necrons retreat to center of their Tomb world seeking to reactivate the legions reanimation protocols and rebuild to finish the extermination of the vermin inhabiting their world. The Marines and Krieg rally, reinforcing the surface of the world, more aware then ever of the danger lurking just below the surface and just beyond the material plane. The Daemons of Malice, watch, the great game playing out as more souls are drawn ever deeper into the ensuing conflict. The ramifications of the battle ripples out to not just this world, but the entire sector. Reinforcements are ordered, alliances are set and a great many players take notice as a single battle may just have drawn in enough attention to set the whole sector ablaze.
And Malice's great goal in this great game? quite simple, Let the galaxy burn.


sooo Played my first game of the slow grow campaign and really enjoyed it, have been looking forward to playing in the campaign and working on the army for months so was really cool to get the first official game in and have a lot of fun doing it.
Was a 2v2 500pt each game (1000vs1000) with lots of restrictions to keep it nice and fluffy but it worked really well. Played against a great marine and guard player both of whom id be be more them happy to play again as the campaign develops as well as playing with a very experienced Necron player. Overall great experience and again has got me looking forward to playing these guys again as well as playing against other factions i haven't played on the tabletop before.

In addition had a big push to get the 500pts and 1000pts models ready to go ready for the game so,

got the Changling up to battle ready standards

and got started on the biggest model i need to get sorted for the 1000pt stage next month,

Not going to do anything too crazy with Belakor essentially just the standard scheme but am thinking after hes sorted ill circle back and keep chipping away trying to get the pink horrors and Daemon prince finished to a standard im happy with.
That's all for now, Thanks for looking, comments and feedback always appreciated

Made in ca
Death-Dealing Ultramarine Devastator

Nice narration, those demon princes are impressive models and look fun to paint.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Tommygun1918 wrote:
Nice narration, those demon princes are impressive models and look fun to paint.

(The best, really enjoying this one in Particular)

Chipping away at my Prince of Malice,

Lots of highlights all over, washes next and then some choice rehighlights. Going to test the black and white stripe pattern on the cloth and if it works branch it out to the wings as well
Might start collecting heads on the base for defeated enemies in the slow grow as well, could be quite dramatic
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Cool narration Barry, adds some great flavour. The black/white quadrant bases are really cool. I like the sound of adding the heads of fallen enemies to the base of the Prince

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

SnazzRippa's Badmoon Boyz looking for a good scrap push into Daemon infested territory, unwittingly stumbling into the realm of the prince of Malice himself.

Immediately Daemons tear into the materium, manifesting themselves through the damaged fabric of reality. The Boyz gleefully open fire but to their dismay the shots have little effect on the horrors they face before them. The horrors then return fire, literally, burning the orks to the soul before taunting the remaining survivors relishing in their suffering.

The Boyz shaken then find themselves beset by the Prince himself. In a blur of gore he kills 9 leaving only the Nob boss remaining. On the other flank the still burning mob attempt to charge the horrors but are again set alight, this time by a formless being casting even more powerful gouts of flame. All that remains of the Boyz is a pile of ash, boss SnazzRippa belowing a war cry in frustration.

On SnazzRippa's command the Lootaz unload into Horrors. This time the shots find there mark. huge holes split the horrors in two, the lootas celebrations are cut short however as the blasted remains reform into two smaller horrors.

SnazzRippa filled with rage charges the prince of Malice along with one of his best Dreadz Gutstompa. The Dread charges into the back of the Prince his piston driven claws gouging into the wings as SnazzRippa's UGE CHOPPA swings wildly at the Prince's torso. The prince however breaks free of the mechanical beasts grip and with a single stroke of his blade slices the Deff dread in two. Looking down on SnazzRippa the prince stares into his soul and before the ork warboss could even comprehend what had happened his arms, legs and head all tumble to the floor separated from his torso by the Daemons blade.

Upon seeing there warboss quartered the remaining orks seek to flee, driving the grots foward to cover their escape as lootaz fire off there retreating volleys. The grots are of course obliterated by the Prince who with a gesture slits all 10 throats at once.

The lootaz are the last remaining orks in the realm, the Prince attempts to charge them leaving no survivors but their Deffguns provide enough of a deterrent to halt the rushing prince's charge.

The 5 surviving orks narrowly escaping the wrath of the Daemons of Malice, no doubt with a lasting impression of the Dangers of "lookin fora scrapp" in the Prince's domain....

So, great game, very happy with how I played, really feel like everything came together in this game and did manage to kill all but one of the enemy's units. I did however not secure the objectives early enough and unfortunately because of the Daemon Prince failing battleshock twice (6+ on two dice failed twice ) and failing the charge of the lootaz (with a CP reroll).
Either way happy with how I played but gutted it resulted in a draw in the end rather then the win.

 gobert wrote:
Cool narration Barry, adds some great flavour. The black/white quadrant bases are really cool. I like the sound of adding the heads of fallen enemies to the base of the Prince

Thanks Gobert, I've had a few more battles now but I think I might just do it for champions beaten and make that my kinda side quest going through the slow grow.
(so far would be: warboss skull, S.O.B Morvenn Vahl, Terminator sargent) I think I've got most of them but would be a cool little addition.

Still working on the DP, happy with how the stripes turned out on the wings, was originally imagining them a bit tighter but just couldn't get it to work with the tape I was using without being waaay too fiddly. Need to go back over and highlight + add in damage ect, but overall quite happy.

Plan is still to chip away at the DP and then get to work on finishing the pink horrors (especially as they are performing so well).
That's all folks, thanks for looking, comments and feedback always appreciated
Made in tr
Regular Dakkanaut

So, got my first Greater Daemon, the lord of Change
Have got the wings ect but immediately broke them off so I could try and get them magnatised, same with the base. Thinking about glueing the feet to two small bases then magnatising the small bases to the bigger base rather then trying to drill into his feet (lessons learned from be'lakor).

Great to have my first greater Deamon in the bank ready to go (and for quite cheap, got him for £50 2nd hand premade). Got me thinking about the army as the whole and progressing onto the next 1000,1500,2000 points for the slow grow. Would love to get all 4 of the greater daemons represented as per my original plan eventually but need to be a bit picky about which is next for a good 1500/2000pt list. LOC is quite a general one and can fit into most lists at any point, but a big melee threat to complement the LOC's would be great. Thinking either Shalaxi or skarbrand next, as these would finish off either the slaanesh or khorne sub armys I've got within the force as. Whole and be that big scary melee threat.

Aaaanyway this is what everything painted is looking like so far about 1690pts, quite light in the Nurgle representation but planning to do Plaguebearers and another 3x Nurglings relatively soon (then LOC).

And this is everything I've got atm bar the LOC (which isn't attached to his base) about 2260pts.

End goal for the army once I've got:
1 Greater Deamon
1 hero
10 Infantry
5/6 special
3 heavy cav or equivalent
Would be around 3485pts

That's all for now, comment's and feedback much appreciated, thanks for looking
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Great looking army! The stripey wings on the daemon Prince are cool. Planning anything funky for the Lord of change?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 gobert wrote:
Great looking army! The stripey wings on the daemon Prince are cool. Planning anything funky for the Lord of change?

Well, I wasn't originally but this did get me thinking

As I buy most of my models 2nd hand (for savings) I don't always get the setup I'd prefer. When I got this one as you can see earlier on it had been assembled both hands on the staff which is fine but I was planning on running him with the rod of sorcery weapon as well as the staff (extra shots). Original plan was just to have him used as a counts as but then with a little fiddling I took the axe from the Deamon prince kit and some dragon ogre parts and fashioned a nice little magical hatchet.
Next step, I really want to get all my Deamons capable of traveling easily without the need for massively tall cases so needed to find a way to have him lying flat so he would fit in magnatised boxes. Decided that lessons learned from Be'lakor rather then drilling into the feet I would instead glue them to bases and secure the magnets underneath (so far significantly stronger grip). This left two 32mm bases sticking out from the base though so broke up some fantasy bases I had left from the dragon ogres and made a shattered earth effect. Not sure what I'm going to do in the cracks but atm I'm thinking lava or magical energy. Lastly the staff, if left attached massively reduces the angles the model can be stored at successfully, so again with a bit of drilling have magnatised the wrist for easy transport or even weapon swaps in the future if I fancy it

Fiiinally, I got some base coats sprayed on this morning. Not going to do anything too crazy on the paint scheme pretty classic lord of Change vibes but I think the skull head, base and staff I might do something a bit different with.

Aaaanyway, thanks for looking as always comments and feedback much appreciated
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

So should be working on magnatising the wings but got excited and started on the base. First time painting lava but alot more confident since painting the Brimstone Horrors. Plenty still to do but very happy with how it's going
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Looks great! The blue on the red base will stand out fantastically.

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Looks great! The blue on the red base will stand out fantastically.

Thanks Gwyn Chan, still going with it and very happy with how its turning out so far

Right, its been a while, have been posting on insta alot more recently but have more then enough to justify a proper Plog update.

So first things first, i'm still working on the lord of change, enjoying the process of allowing each part to inform the next as im going on, thinking about each element for a decent amount of time before starting it. Really enjoying painting it so far but quite nervous about washes. Feel like i've laid down alot of colours im really happy with and although i would like to get a bit more depth into the recesses i don't really want to loose too much vibrancy from the top. May require poping and getting a decent blue wash as well as some extra highlights for the gold and silver.

In addition to the Lord of change, Christmas was very plentiful for my hobbying

Shelaxi Helbane , spend christmas day assembling and magnatising a few bits so she can be stored in my magnatised really useful boxes. Very cool model and once complete will mark the finish of the original plan for the slannesh army (1/4 done)
(original plan to have represented from each god:
1 greater Daemon,
1 hero/herald
10 infantry
5/6 special
3 cavalry/equivilent)
couldnt resist getting some paint on this morning but think i will be putting it on the back burner now until ive got the lord of change, plague bearers and screamers finished (need them for the 1500pt stage of the slow grow campaign)


Annnnd finally, have played a bunch of games, went 3 wins in a row at the 1000pt stage of the slow grow beating SM, SOB and Chaos SM until i came up against Nids for the 2nd time this edition. Not going to do a full Bat rep but some highlight pics below, really great and enjoyble game but wasnt smart enough with the primary objectives and lost.

So next on the check list:
1) finish Lord of change (or at least battle ready)
2) Finish Plague Bearers (or at least battle ready)
3) pick up and finish screamers of Tzeentch (or at least battle ready)
.....4) paint Shelaxi (going to be very difficult to fight against the shiny model syndrome but it much be done)

Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for looking
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Merry Christmas Barry! Loving the Lord Of Change and the slaaneshi daemon is a very nice Christmas present!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


I just enjoyed looking through your whole blog, and am looking forward to keeping an eye on your progress. I'm especially enjoying the daemons.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

The death Korps of Krieg dug in and sworn to protect the industrial zone prepare to endure yet another assault. This time though not by marauding Ork warbands or Nercon automaton, but by the dark gods them selves.

Leading the charge Belakor and the Prince of Malice carve through the kriegsman who seem to be hurling themselves at the daemonic monsters.

Armored reinforcements arrive, sentinals and hellhounds blasting superheated rounds point blank into the Daemon princes, but to little effect.

Belakor charges the hellhound piercing its fuel tank and detonating the crude machine from the inside out. Enveloped in flames he bursts forward again into the shaken sentinel rocked from the previous blast.

As the sound of explosions echo through the battlefield the Prince of Malice gourges himself on the Kriegs man. Only a lone psyker remains eyes melting and eardrums bursting under the strain of keeping back the great beast for even a moment.

The Psykers resolve falters, head exploding as the barely contained power he channels bursts from his body. An ordnance team fires at point blank range into the distracted prince blasting gaping holes in the wings of his material form. A bone chilling scream erupts from the beast before he covers the space between them, impainling 3 of the crew on his huge blade. Continuing to fire at point blank range at the Daemon Prince the Kriegman again draw blood from the beast but at the cost of being eviscerated in the blast of shrapnel

The Prince wounded seeks softer targets, more Kriegsman souls to harvest rejuvinate his material form, but before he can locate any such souls an explosion envelops the monster again. A basilisk pointing its titanic cannon directly at the prince fires, the shell detonating on its chest the monster is knocked to the ground reeling. Rage courses through the beasts daemonic veins as the tanks crew hurry to reload, the prince preparing to charge.

But before the prince could even get back to his feet a great Shadow covers the war machine, Belakor tears from the immaterial directly above the warmachine. Plunging down he splits the machine in two destroying it, before taking great pleasure in slicing apart the remaining crew. The dejected prince rages internally at Belakor for stealing his right to revenge but knows better then to let this cloud his judgement, there alliance is tenuous at best and he needs Belakor for now to continue with he greater plan. The Prince of Malice instead directs his rage towards some remaining Kriegman, finding the general of the force fighting off Khorne Juganauts the Prince plucks him from the conflict before slowly slicing off his arms and legs. The kriegsmans still stoic in his resolve refuses to scream as the Daemons prince devours the remaining torso reveling in the suffering the esteemed commander.

The Kriegsman are overrun as Daemons swarm through the industrial complex, already the machines are warping into amalgamated biological mechanical monstrosities. No sane mind could comprehend what was happening here or why the Daemons had taken this complex but even a mad man could be sure that it would not good for the remaining survivors fighting upon the planets surface...


Great game against a lovely army and player. Brings me to W:5,L:2,D:1 as part of the slow grow campaign so far which i'm of course quite happy with and next steps, continuing to get ready for the 1500pt stage.

Finished a unit of 10 plague bearers for the next stage of my list as well as starting on some screamers for the list as well. Plan for these is to have another tough unit to budge from objectives as well as having an innate sticky objectives ability so i don't have to spend a CP 1st turn to lock my home field objective in, as well as a speedy unit i can have rush out and grab a midfield obj for turn 2 deep strikes in the shadow of chaos no-mans land.

Have played some test games with them and am pretty happy with them although i still find it pretty amusing that plague bearers still work out as less durable then horrors even though that is essentially Nurgles whole shtick to be resilient... but anyway.

Lastly, been a bit more active on my instagram at the moment wargaming wise but did a New years post just with how far the project has come,
All fully painted Daemons from 2023, still working towards having painted from each chaos God:
1x greater Daemon, (1/4)
1x hero, (3/4)
10x infantry, (4/4)
5/6x special, (3/4)
3x cavalry (2/4)
Not far to go but still plenty to do.


gobert wrote:Merry Christmas Barry! Loving the Lord Of Change and the slaaneshi daemon is a very nice Christmas present!

Thanks Gobert much appreciated mate (looking forward to finishing the 1500pt stuff and then working on shelaxi (easy 450pts of model to bring it up to 2000pts )

Syro_ wrote:I just enjoyed looking through your whole blog, and am looking forward to keeping an eye on your progress. I'm especially enjoying the daemons.

Thanks Syro really appreciate it mate, still plenty to do but getting there slowly but surely
Cool, right thanks very much for looking guys, comments and feedback always appreciated and i think im going to aim to get another post in this week (maybe sunday) working on the Lord of change and finishing off the screamers of Tzeentch , until then thanks and back soon

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

so, I've essentially moved over to Instagram for most of my Warhammer related endeavors, I've really enjoyed DakaDaka over the years and do enjoy the longer format every now and again, but in general, its just so much easier to make posts on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/daemons_of_malice/
Either way, here's a summery of what I've been up to since my last post:

cool, proper recap posts to come but just a bit of a pic dump for now, played lots of games, learnt lots, plenty more models in the pipeline,
Thanks for looking
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