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Made in us
5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

< them. find as events major or tourneys additional add to try Will WFB). for around looking 40K, img](predominantly 0pt[ 0in MARGIN:>

<?xml:namespace prefix = o />  Texas Events incoming months
(predominantly 40K, looking around for WFB). Will try to add additional tourneys as find them.

Owlcon ? WFB and 40K tourney. Weekend of February 11th. This is a well regarded set of tourneys run along with the overall Owlcon gaming convention at Rice University. Go to owlcon.com for more details

Battlefield Games weekend of March 11th: 2000pts of wh40k, 40$ entrance
Battle Field Games in Killeen Texas
2201 w. Stan Schlueter Loop
(254)554 5596
Note winners receive a large, painted Tau army (I believe 2000 points)

Battlefield Games
Battle Field Games in Killeen Texas
2201 w. Stan Schlueter Loop
(254)554 5596
1st Warhammer FB RTT. W/trophies 2250 20$ 10 am

Battlefield Games
Battle Field Games in Killeen Texas
2201 w. Stan Schlueter Loop
(254)554 5596
15th 40k tourney 2000 pts 10 am 20$

Houston GT (Texas Championships) Weekend of April 28-30 at the Downtown Hyatt Regency. 40K and WFB (there may also be EPIC/BFG gaming)

Huntsville RTT
Game: Warhammer 40K
Points: 1850 pts. standard RTT Rules. special characters
Registration 8:00 am
Start: 9:00 am
Duration: Three Games
Nice Resin GW Trophies
Location: Huntsville Texas Gorree Unit Clubhouse TDCJ (Call for Directions)
Participants: 25
Cost: $20.00
POC: 936-291-1998

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Groves, TX

The Dice Monkey s are hosting a tourney on Feb 2 with prizes that will gift cert for the book stan. First prize is usually about 100 dollars worth of GW or anything in the store. Hope you guys can come. More details are at:


If you live by the blade. You die by the blade.
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