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[Campaigns] Campaign idea, 4 armies involved, what do you think?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Tough Tyrant Guard

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Hey guys,

A couple of friends and myself are planning a campaign to play in the near future. I'll post the background and brief scenario outlines to be examined by you guys. The armies involved are Scouts, Ultramarines, Eldar, and Tau

An old Imperial outpost on the Eastern Fringes of the Galaxy is currently home to a Chapter of Scouts. Unfortunately, the seducing power of Chaos has briefly touched this world, tainting the Chapter and wiping out any resistance. Decades later, the Imperium has finally realized that they have lost contact with this world and have sent a company of Ultramarines to check it out. Meanwhile, an Eldar pirate force has descended upon this world preparing to wreak as much havoc and chaos as it can. A Tau expeditionary force looms closer, hoping to claim this world for the Greater Good

Scenario 1:
500 points. All 4 armies. Capture an objective (a land to orbit communications post). Successful capture of this communications post will enable the army to utilize orbital strikes in future scenarios (more later).

Scenario 2:
1000 points. 2 Armies (so two seperate games simoutaneously). Cleanse.

Scenario 3:
1500 points. 2 Armies (two seperate games simoutaneously). Prisoner Snatch. Any models in a unit that are run down in Close combat are taken prisoner. Vehicles and Dreadnoughts cannot count as prisoners. Two campaign points per prisoner taken (more on campaign points later).

Scenario 4:
2000 points. 2 Armies (two seperate games simoutaneously). Capture another communications post.

Scenario 5:
3000 points. 4 Armies. Fluff wise, the armies will form 'truces' with eachother so teams of 2 (makes the gameplay so much simplier) the winning side will then turn on each other so that only one army will emerge victorious and claim the world as their own.

Orbital Bombardments- For each communications post you capture, you are entitled to a set of orbital bombardments in each scenario. A set is D3 markers that are placed after each army has deployed. At the beginning of each player's shooting phase, before anything shoots, each marker is scattered D6" and a large ordnance blast is placed. Anything under the template gets hit with S6 AP-, any vehicles or things with armour values take a S6 hit to rear armour.

In the final scenario the set becomes D6 + 1

Campaign points: Campaign points will be earned after each scenario. Things like capturing an objective will earn points, any surviving units over half strength will earn points, any surviving vehicles, any prisoners etc. Before the final game, you may spend the campaign points you earn on bonuses. I haven't actually thought up the system, but I was thinking for x campaign points you can add another slot into your FOC, use another army's armoury up to a certain amount of points, buy more troops etc.

So what do you think?

(Behemoth - 2,000 Points Painted)

(Alpha Legion - 2,000 Points Painted)
- Favourite Opponent - Local RTT Dec. 2018

(Vior'la Sept - 1,000 Points Painted)
- Medusa V Veterans, Konor Veterans

(Steel Legion - 1,000 Points Painted)
Made in us
Sentient OverBear

Clearwater, FL

I like the overall approach, but in the final game when allies turn on each other, it could be VERY lopsided.  You may want to have a seperate play-off after that game to make it a little more fun (unless the two players don't know in advance that they'll be turning on each other; that'd be a riot).


Trust me, no matter what damage they have the potential to do, single-shot weapons always flatter to deceive in 40k.                                                                                                       Rule #1

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Littleton, MA

The armies involved are ... and Tau

Scenario 3:
1500 points. 2 Armies (two seperate games simoutaneously). Prisoner Snatch. Any models in a unit that are run down in Close combat are taken prisoner. Vehicles and Dreadnoughts cannot count as prisoners. Two campaign points per prisoner taken (more on campaign points later).

Ahem. Be sure not to create scenarios that work against an army's MO. Give the armies the choice of objectives in this one (sayyy the Prisoner Snatch, or Recon-like goals). Otherwise you are pretty much just giving the Tau player a big disadvantage in the middle game here. Chance of winning combat? Nil to low. Chance of running down troops with initiative 2? Nil to low.

Next question: how are you going to deal with "And they shall know no fear"? Normally Space Marines cannot be "run down" in close combat. Do you make it impossible for their opponent to get any campaign points? Or do you hinder the UMs by weakening the ATSKNF rule?

Otherwise things look like a pretty good start, though I agree that the players shouldn't know that they are going to have to turn on eachother at the end... you may want to give them foreshadowing, but don't out and tell them immediately

"Even the nostalgia was better in the old days." -Ed Brayton, 12/16/05  
Made in ca
Tough Tyrant Guard

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Hmm, good point Ryo (btw, I am the Tau player), it was just an idea I threw in for variety, but I'll definetly look over it again.

Roughly speaking, each army will earn 150 CP for winning a game, 25 CP for losing, and each game, 5 CP for each unit remaining above half strength, and 10 CP for each vehicle remaining that can move and shoot something (one shot missiles count as weapons ie. seeker missles/hunter-killer missiles).

Here is the campaign points (CP) reward chart:

+1 HQ slot- 225 CP
+1 Elite slot- 250 CP
+1 Troop slot- 200 CP
+1 Fast Attack slot- 225 CP
+1 Heavy Support slot- 250 CP

Use of another army's armoury- 100 CP
(Maximum 100 points of equipment)

Lay of the land- 200 CP
(Up to three units may infiltrate if they do not have the ability)

Aerial Support- 200 CP
(Up to three units may deepstrike if they do not have the ability)

Preferred enemy- 150 CP
(Always hit one army in CC at 4+ or better, re-roll all shooting misses that are 1's)

Concentrate fire- 100 CP
(+1 to D6 roll in final scenario for orbital bombardment markers)

Zeroed- 50 CP
(Scatter is reduced to D3" for orbital bombardment)

Here we make our stand- 150 CP
(Re-roll all failed morale tests)

Divine Intervention- 100 CP
(One shot 2+ invlunerable save for any model)

Reinforcements- X CP (Max. 200)
(2 CP equals 1 point you may use in your army, round up)

I'm really curious as to what anyone thinks of the CP chart.

(Behemoth - 2,000 Points Painted)

(Alpha Legion - 2,000 Points Painted)
- Favourite Opponent - Local RTT Dec. 2018

(Vior'la Sept - 1,000 Points Painted)
- Medusa V Veterans, Konor Veterans

(Steel Legion - 1,000 Points Painted)
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Littleton, MA

Posted By orchewer on 02/12/2006 11:43 PM
Hmm, good point Ryo (btw, I am the Tau player), it was just an idea I threw in for variety, but I'll definetly look over it again.

Roughly speaking, each army will earn 150 CP for winning a game, 25 CP for losing, and each game, 5 CP for each unit remaining above half strength, and 10 CP for each vehicle remaining that can move and shoot something (one shot missiles count as weapons ie. seeker missles/hunter-killer missiles).
Don't ditch the idea, mind you.  Just give it a bit more thought.  Instead of campaign points, I'd try to work it into the VP conditions. (Gain double VPs for any unit destroyed in assault for someone that has chosed "Take prisoners" as their mission goal?)
I'd also probably give a sliding scale of campaign points based on how well you do on each battle instead of limiting yourself to win/loss (i.e. figure out points for everything from the loss or tie to the glorious slaughter on the other end)
As for the campaign points, honestly I've no idea on how balanced this is.  One thing I might suggest as a change would be to allow everyone to buy orbital bombardments, but give the person with the comm array a discount in purchasing the things, or give them a lower scatter for free.  I'd also give the winners of the com arrays the possibility of losing the things (i.e. if they are defeated in any later battle in a glorious victory or the like)

"Even the nostalgia was better in the old days." -Ed Brayton, 12/16/05  
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User


hmm i dunno, i think that when the armies turn on eachother will set it up for the conservative army to win. It'll just make for a slow game, i think that you should give some benefits to the army that kills the most, hence the most aggressive and probably the one that got shot the most. Maybe let that army gain all victory points back and turn them into army points, same with the other army, let them use their victory points. That way, it'll make for a more balanced game

Hmm, whats this? a chaos dreadnought? oh and you didnt see my 3 wraithlords...oh thats just too bad... 
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User


also, norwegian, maybe to drag out the campaign you could use the campaign points and victory points to add onto the armies, instead of having a set amount. But of course, there would need to be a set moderator, someone unlikely to cheat. possibly you?

Hmm, whats this? a chaos dreadnought? oh and you didnt see my 3 wraithlords...oh thats just too bad... 
Made in ca
Tough Tyrant Guard

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Campaing edits

Scenario 3:
1500 points. 2 Armies (2 games simoutaneously). Capture objectives

Description- A stalemate has occured in the battlezone, with neither sides budging an inch. Capturing a small town between the two armies may serve as an operations centre to break this dead-lock.

Three objectives on the board, same rules for determining who claims what objective at the end of the game (see communications post)

- All games except the 1st and last scenario last 6 full turns (both players)

- Orbital bombardment may be bought for 400 CP

- The CP chart is only used before the last scenario.

(Behemoth - 2,000 Points Painted)

(Alpha Legion - 2,000 Points Painted)
- Favourite Opponent - Local RTT Dec. 2018

(Vior'la Sept - 1,000 Points Painted)
- Medusa V Veterans, Konor Veterans

(Steel Legion - 1,000 Points Painted)
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User


Ok heres my system...

First Game:500 Points all 4 players at once
Going for the orbital thing, good idea,
Plus all victory points earned by an army will be recorded, then divided by 4 and will serve as a bonus towards campaign points. Campaign points will also be used as per the above rules

Game 2 oints that you have now..probably roughly around 650
Armies branch out and take up posts, they fight for more favourable positions, obviously the army controlling hte orbital tower will be defending it, the one closest to capture it will be attacking that and the remaining two will be fighting over a village...

Game 3: where it gets complicated
alright, so each army will be getting nearer to 900/1000 points
the orbital guys, if htey won again will be launching an attack on the nearby town
if they lost the last game, they will be still attacking the town, but withought the orbital aid,
the guys who won the town will be defending it
the other two will duke it out over an airport

Hmm, whats this? a chaos dreadnought? oh and you didnt see my 3 wraithlords...oh thats just too bad... 
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User


games 4 to 6 will all be attacks upon army bases, when an army captures a base the losing army will then setup camp in the jungle, therefore encorporating jungle fights,
games 7 and 8 will just be raids upon the army bases to build up points
game 9 will be the all out battle, 4 way
the winners go onto game 10 after retiring to their camps they realize that there is still an enemy upon hte land that they must irradicate, with their new supplies each army pours everything they have into the last battle
the winner wins the winnings...

Hmm, whats this? a chaos dreadnought? oh and you didnt see my 3 wraithlords...oh thats just too bad... 
Made in ca
Tough Tyrant Guard

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Campaign Edits 2

Will use 6ixty9ine's idea of a 10 game campaign map (which he is drawing up at the moment), incorporating Campaign Points and bonus points using victory points

The first scenario of 500 points will use official combat patrol rules published in BBB (decision made based upon realization that a real general wouldn't send 3 wraith lords, a land raider, or 2 hammerheads on a simple scouting mission)

(Behemoth - 2,000 Points Painted)

(Alpha Legion - 2,000 Points Painted)
- Favourite Opponent - Local RTT Dec. 2018

(Vior'la Sept - 1,000 Points Painted)
- Medusa V Veterans, Konor Veterans

(Steel Legion - 1,000 Points Painted)
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User


Alright whipping up some city fight terrain, (i really should get that cutter/shaper for my dremel...would make cutting hardboard soooo much easier..but itsl ike 28 bucks...meh) basing it off of call of duty 2, that game has some sweeet sweet terrain..anyways thats the update..w00tness post 20

Hmm, whats this? a chaos dreadnought? oh and you didnt see my 3 wraithlords...oh thats just too bad... 
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User


ok, i think the fluff should be different..something along the lines of

The city, ravaged for centuries by constant battles over it's streets, the only building left intact is the orbital communications tower, for that is vital. The tower is in constantly shifting sides, as the tower is crucial to winning any war, all the planets inhabitants fight under their banners for control of it. Now, the planet has captured the attention of several races. The eldar, are keen on capturing the city for their own, as it holds beneath it an ancient way portal. The ultramarines, have responded to the calls for aid from a nearby communications post on the planet.( The planet was used as a preliminary training and recruitment grounds for the ultramarines but has since fallen out of communications.) The tau, ever eager to conquer for the greater good have descended upon the world in force. The planets main inhabitants are the scouts that arrived for training, but have since succumbed to the taint of chaos and now are blinded by their faith for what they believe is emperor (but in fact is the traitor horus) and they shall fight for control till the end. Each of the 4 armies have their own dire means to capture the world. But which one of them will succeed??...

Hmm, whats this? a chaos dreadnought? oh and you didnt see my 3 wraithlords...oh thats just too bad... 
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