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The most abusive loyalist Marine list....  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Orlando, Florida

I plan on attending Adepticon in Chicago this year and I have ran into a dilemma. I plan in playing in the Gladiator Tournament and I am unsure how to build my list or even what list to take. For those of you that don't know the Gladiator Tournament in a 2000 point tournament with 0 comp. scores and open to any Forgeworld model (I believe super heavies take up 2 HS slots..). It is basically bringing the most abusive list possible and matching it against other abusive lists.

So here  is my problem, I don't have enough time to paint up a whole new army, so I am looking into basically any loyalist Marine list ans seeing how abusive I can get it.

Current Armies: Blood Angels, Imperial Guard (40k), Skorne, Retribution (Warmachine), Vampire Counts (Fantasy)

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Banelord Titan Princeps of Khorne

Do you honestly think they aren't?

Veriamp wrote:I have emerged from my lurking to say one thing. When Mat taught the Necrons to feel, he taught me to love.

Whitedragon Paints! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/613745.page 
Made in us
Rampaging Carnifex

Drop podding marines are not abusive. They're broken. Just like Necrons, the Siren Prince, and a few things I'm probably forgetting.

They throw the game out of balance for certain armies (generally Tau wind up being the biatch here - as in all of the above cases). There're actually a few armies that have an extremely difficult time handling Necrons, even when tooled out to fight them. Necrons and Tau have no real way to fight the Siren prince. Tau have a woefully difficult game against drop pods.

Drop pods are even more of a rock paper scissors type of matchup for a lot of armies. They compare well to trollslayers in fantasy - some armies just can't win them and other armies they can't win against. Drop pods piss pound Tau and IG, but lose outright to any heavily assaulty army pretty much.

Rock paper scissors is a fun game for about 5 minutes.

(and now I feel kind of gay because I play both trollslayers and drop pods - yeesh, now I need to start a Necron army!)
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

South NJ/Philly

So by that argument, Tau are broken against Orks, as are Necrons.

Yes I can say that against Tau the all pod army is devastating, well at least if you take the Libby with Fear and Fury. However with the new codex this may be fixed somewhat with Crisis and Sheild Drones now working.

But I'm having a hard time seeing how bad they are against Orks, Nids (especially the Godzilla variety), Eldar (especially Mech Eldar), even DE that use a Webway portal/Raider army (where it's a tossup). Even against standard shooty Marines or one of the CC oriented chapters they're going to make for a good game and I don't see how they have a big advantage. Against WH and Necrons they're actually going to have a real tough time.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I would love to face a drop pod list with my orks- they either pod near to me (in which case they are closer and i'll charge sooner) or they'll try and pod futher away- in which case it will be like a normal game with less shooting at me
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I run BA w/ 5 pods, 1 unit of termie command w/ a librarian

2 dreads, 3 speeders...


And as yet the list is unbeaten. The toughest fight I've had was against Khorne Chaos. So IMHO drop pod BA is the cheesiest of the lists right now. If they ever release an update to the codex, I assume it won't be as good.

Made in gb
Sneaky Sniper Drone


BA cant have termie command squads - its honour guard or not. Check the GW FAQ.

Being a BA player, the only thing that puts me off drop pods is only being able to take one special weapon per squad. Ive found that drop pods with apothecaries and double plasma/melta works very well.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Personally I think termie heavy pods are by far the most effective (of the pod armies) for a take all comers list. A termie list has a significantly better end game because of it's shooting.

"I've still got a job, so the rules must be good enough" - Design team motto.  
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Ya I just got a hold of the faq and boy did it change my list...well not really too much but we'll see how it works out. I'm taking more termies now...and i might flat out drop the librarian
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

South NJ/Philly

Posted By mauleed on 02/23/2006 7:30 PM
Personally I think termie heavy pods are by far the most effective (of the pod armies) for a take all comers list. A termie list has a significantly better end game because of it's shooting.

Yeah but the thing is termie heavy anything is going to be pretty effective due to the number of assault cannons you can bring to bear, plus the fact that termies are the most durable platform that can actually have the assault cannon.  The only thing pods bring to termies is removing the risk of deepstriking, which is decent but nothing that couldn't be handled before with some work.

I still contend that your average all pod army, even with Cleanse and Purify as a trait is not abusive so long as:

1.) The pods are modeled reasonably, say 80mm or so wide max.
2.) You're not drop podding Tiggy and 24" FOTD.

I will admit that they're a near perfect counter to what Tau can put out, but having played against Tau numerous times, with my Orks, well lets just say I'm rather happy to see them feel my pain. :p
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Tiggy doesn't make FOTD 24" btw
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

South NJ/Philly

Posted By skyth on 02/24/2006 4:48 AM
Tiggy doesn't make FOTD 24" btw

I've seen the thread, lets just say I don't agree.  Good luck getting that one passed at the GT's this year.

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