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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


So- long story short (HA!) I went back to school to get my BFA vs my whiney small BA in Drawing. I took Printmaking and Painting 1 this semester and will NEVER do 2 studio art classes back to back. But, to fill in for actual hard work, I did 40k imagery I'll share with you alls. I just find it funny that 40k fan art can be bad MS paint memes.. then, this: (Apologies for watermark, but have to keep everyone honest- including the AI robots.)\

So, we have an oil painting of Fulgrim, and his snakey form. I'd envisioned that the dark shadows was his evil side, but it came our more like a weird sort of Two Face. I don't have any fondness for the Emperor's Children or Fulgrim in particular- but I thought it was appropriate to do him first, as the whole Dorian Grey vibe of the novel. I want to do a whole series of these- got Angron "fleshed out" and on the canvas. I have a feeling the 4 Chaos god's champs will be easier than the other Non-Daemon primarchs, IE: Kurze, Peter Turbo, Horus. If I do Loyalists Primarchs I think I'll do more of then/now vibe- maybe even do a kind of "Loyalist Daemon" look for some. Whatevs, it's my interpretation!

The MECHAnicus priest is called that because I wanted a more anime/ mecha look. This one was a Lithograph, and we had to do one part traditionally by drawing, but the other by scratching into the silicone covering. So- did the background with scratches, used some fine grit sandpaper in areas to make it more "hazy" looking.

Krieg Guardsman. Yes, I knows it's the meme but to me it's funny, because it got into a gallery showing of print students in a local framing shop. I took the image seriously and wanted to keep a dark aesthetic, but be able to make a cohesive image. This is a linoleum print, from carving into a lino tile and I did the noob mistake and forgot the image gets reversed when printed, hence a left-handed guardsman.

Last but not least is the Ad Mech logo, reinvisioned. I don't hold the mechanicus is any particular high regard- but I feel that they encapsulate the whole of 40K: dark pseudo-science religious dogma. I agree with Bricky from Adeptus Ridiculous, that no matter what army you play you have to agree that the Ad Mech just look freaking cool. This was my final, and it's an acid-etched copper plate. It ticked me off because you have to spray paint in small dots so the acid "pits" and doesn't make open areas. Weeeelll, first time it took me 2 hours to mask off and put it into the acid 4 different times.. then, I took the paint off and the plate was still all shiney. The spray paint was too much, and it came out too light. So I get the genius idea to spray it again and darken the areas already there.. Opposite problem: too LITTLE spray, so it came out dark! Errgh! I manage to save it by taking a dremel tool and an aluminum eraser guard and get the pipe areas back. It kinda worked out, as it makes it all grimdark, and the organic skull parts are more textured to look like bone.

So, there you has it. Just showing off here because DeviantArt can't believe I'd actively change emails after 10 years. Comments? Questions? Flames? Lemme know!
[Thumb - FulgrimPort1.jpg]

[Thumb - Mechanicusprint.jpg]

[Thumb - KriegPrint.jpg]

[Thumb - SkullcogPrint.jpg]

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

The mechanicus gives me an anime feel. Something about the pose and the size of the weapon in his right arm.

SkullCog looks spot on 40k art to me.

Krieger's proportions seem off. Legs too short I think. I'm no artist though, just trying to provide some feedback.
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


I draw Warhammer stuff sometimes. Not as much as I did in the past. You can find a bunch in my other accounts gallery under Deffdred.
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