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Help on sketching a new army.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Hi folks,

I've got my next idea for a 40k army (well, apart from BA Romanians but those I can get off the shelf), but there are a few thing I can't reach a decision yet.

Firstly, general concept of the army:

there meant to be a private paramilitary militia to go along with my space marines, trained and equipped (small arms wise) by them, but fairly limited in heavier vehicules, with some preference for urban areas.

For there infantry, I'm looking for sculpts that give them an "elite" look, steel legionnaires could have been a go to but since they're out I thought about those https://www.myminifactory.com/fr/object/3d-print-steel-guard-squad-of-the-imperial-force-203510. A friend of mine could print them for me if I give him the STL files.

Secondly, for their vehicles, I'm looking for a brand that'd do pick up trucks in an appropriate scale, and convert them as some form of technicals. Thought that could be an original thing to bring on a 40k table. Depending on where it goes, maybe towed artillery too?

Which brings us to the last part I'm on the fence about.

At first I was thinking of using 6th Militarum Tempestus codex, as you're basically playing on stromtroopers and light vehicules.
But then I read Krieg's assault regiment list and thought that I might be able to use it as a base for the army, which as got more options, especially towed artillery. But leight weigh vehicules are less convincing profile wise than the taurox at first glance.

Anyway, there you go, if you've got any miniatures brands to recoment that'd do, an opinion on the best list to use, or general advice, I'll be thankful!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/28 14:39:31

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
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