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Stealthy Edits of Datasheets from PDF to book not called out in Errata FAQs.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

I realize we haven't seen many Codex drop yet, but I noticed there were changes from PDF Datasheet to Book. that didn't show up in an FAQ/Errata/etc on Warhammer Community.

For Example:

Robute Guilliman used to let you nominate a second target after your OOM Target that you got Reroll Hits and Reroll Wounds when attacking them. This wasn't AS good because a lot of things triggered specifically on your OOM target and the second one was not your OOM target. Then OOM lost reroll Wounds. I was re-reading the datasheet today, and I realized they changed his special ability from Name a second target that is yadda yadda like your OOM target to - yadda yadda If your Primary OOM target is destroyed this second target becomes your OOM target - which will now trigger the stuff triggered by your OOM target. That feels pretty suble but significant for people who both play and play against the faction. I figure I'm not the only one who checked out each PDF for that army's bells and whistles to file away if/when I played them. I'm also willing to bet the Guilliman change isn't the only one. Has anyone else found any others?

My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. 
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Umm. The codex replaced the PDF's. New rules. Of course they don't show up in FAQ/errata as the PDF's are no longer applicant?

Of course needs to be careful to check datasheet changes but that's not really that different to usual. Was there errata to 8e codex datasheets to match 9e datasheets?

There's no more free datasheets for marines as PDF.

Tyranid codex likewise had whole bunch of datasheet changes. And so did admech, necron, dark angel.

Basically when codex comes out the PDF can be thrown to bin unless you want to play without codex with your friends. And you def should reread every datasheet and don't assume you know the rules. That's the way pretty much every rule error that isn't just not bothering to read rule and apply it literally comes from. Remembering how it used to work.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

tneva82 wrote:
Umm. The codex replaced the PDF's. New rules. Of course they don't show up in FAQ/errata as the PDF's are no longer applicant?

Of course needs to be careful to check datasheet changes but that's not really that different to usual. Was there errata to 8e codex datasheets to match 9e datasheets?

There's no more free datasheets for marines as PDF.

Tyranid codex likewise had whole bunch of datasheet changes. And so did admech, necron, dark angel.

Basically when codex comes out the PDF can be thrown to bin unless you want to play without codex with your friends. And you def should reread every datasheet and don't assume you know the rules. That's the way pretty much every rule error that isn't just not bothering to read rule and apply it literally comes from. Remembering how it used to work.

That was why I said Stealthy rather than Stealth.

And why I suggested people post up some of these changes that are easy to overlook. Especially the ones like Guilliman where it's ALMOST the same so its easy to scan and see what you expect.

My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. 
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