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Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


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"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in au
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..

Toowoomba, Australia

Still not sure about the boars al having huge manes of hair running down the neck but ootherwise a very cool model.

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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Troll country

Ork Waaghboss mit Moralwert 10 (!), der als General UND Armeestandarte zählt. Er ist dabei sogar so fähig, dass der Effekt im 18" Umkreis gilt (also General und AST Bonus) statt in 12". Er führt eine Waffe, die automatisch verwundet und Rüstung ignoriert und reitet auf einem dicken Schwein, was ihm insgesamt einen 3er RW verschafft. Das Schwein hat S6 im Angriff.

- I am the troll... feed me!

- 5th place w. 13th Company at Adepticon 2007 Championship Tourney

- I love Angela Imrie!!!


Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

In da Mekshop

Hey! A decent orc warboss model! I like the look of this one. I bet this guy will be the standard orc warboss in place of that lackluster plastic nightmare they're foisting off as a Command model.

Hey Drake, what you think - Nelson sculpt, or no? The head and face make me think so, but I'm not sure...

Proud mod of The-Waaagh forum and Vice-President of the Brian Nelson is a Sculpting God Club 
Made in us

Yoor Speeshawl too Gawd!

I wonder if he will come with Morger the Mangler  which was one of the best race specific magic items in the game in 3rd Edition.  +1 WS +1 S +1 T +1 A no armour saves IIRC.

Only now do I realize how much I prefer Pete Haines' "misprints" to Gav Thorpe's "brainfarts." :Abadabadoobaddon 
Made in ca

Tried to clear it up with my suck-tacular photoshop skills.
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Nice pig, but a little sad to see that Gorbad still has the "enormous hunched back/sunken head + piles of fur" problem that the plastic orc command has. w00t for the (Rackham-esque?) checkered weapon though ...

- Boss Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Is that a powerfist or The Right Hand of Doom?
Made in ca

Because I didn't comment earlier...

I think Grimteef's hit the nail on the head. When comparing this as is, or as a base for conversions, to the plastic character set they're releasing, the plastics looks even more dismal than they did before. Assuming this guy's right arm isn't pressed up against his body, he should be relatively easy to convert using the plethora of Orc(k) bits GW has available.

Boss_Salvage: I kind of like the whole sunken head look of GW orcs. It makes them look much more brutal and overbearing than they would were they tall and statuesque. GW's orcs are supposed to be brutal and violent, unlike Rackham's orcs who are more like WC3 orcs, being much more noble and down to earth (As I understand it...). As far as the use of checkers, GW's been using "dags" on their orcs for quite a while now, if anything, Rackham emulated GW! (Gasp)

All in all, I really like the model. If this is an example of what GW's doing with their "collectors piece" special characters, sign me up. I only hope Azhag looks this good!
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


The face is defintely Nelson. From this pic at least, I'd bet a ton of money that it's Nelson's work. That's based on the head. The boots are dead give aways too- only Nelson puts that kind of work into making the feet look that good The next give aways are: the crown on the top skull, the sheild's emblem, the detail on the gauntlet looks telling as well. The one thing that throws me is the apparently poor detailing on top crest of the boar's fur. Hopefully it's just the lack of detail on the pic that makes it look that way. The fur around his face is very Nesloneque. Also note that all the skulls are Nelson skulls. Some GW sculptors are known to use some of the premade Nelson skulls and mix them with other style skulls, so hopefully this also points to this model being Nelsons. I'm pretty confident it's His work, but this pic is pretty hard to be positive based on.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

In da Mekshop

Could possibly be that the boar was someone else, and the Warboss is all Nelson. That's likely with Nelson most likely (or hopefully) working on the 40k ork-side of things.

Thanks for the breakdown, Drake. The skulls are definetly Nelson skulls, you're dead on there, very similar to the Ork Nob with bosspole from the Nob boxed set.

That head would make a great Goff warboss head, I think.

Proud mod of The-Waaagh forum and Vice-President of the Brian Nelson is a Sculpting God Club 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

In your house, rummaging through your underwear drawer

"Where is your god now, Humie? Fly, Piggie! FLY!!!!"

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow"~Oscar Wilde 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


That could be it. The other posibility is that he converted the plastic warboss boar to save time.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

I think the rackham-esque comment had to do with the design of the axe, not the checkers. the checkers was just something seperate. While rackham does checker some weapons, it tends to be goblins, and then they do this awesome fading thing. All in all though, this has to be the coolest warboss in the line, which makes me weep like a little girl. I think these boars are terrible, and the whole line looks like it was done in the same vein as Warcraft 3/WOW graphics. A little too over the top and cartoony for my tastes.
Made in gb
Stitch Counter

Rowlands Gill

he one thing that throws me is the apparently poor detailing on top crest of the boar's fur. Hopefully it's just the lack of detail on the pic that makes it look that way.

Definitely a plastic pig!

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


No- the boar has clearly been modified- most imporently- the rider's legs, armour on the boar and other details, although it's most definetly a converted version of the plastic boar. It's say GW told Nelson to do this so they could minimise his time spent on the project.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

I love <3. Thank you B. Nelson.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


He is a god.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
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