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Dakka Jargon Glossary (updated 8/24/06)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Longtime Dakkanaut

Well, thanks to some help I've resurrected this from the previous versions of Dakka.  Now you too can understand what people are referring to when they say things like "Lustwing," "Grey Tome," and "Daemonbomb." 


Babyfex - Any Carnifex taken as an Elites choice.


BGB - Big Grey Book (see Grey Tome)


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">The Big Five[/b] - Term coined by Cash for discussions of WFB. Refers to the five easy points of combat resolution available to large blocks of infantry: 3 ranks, standard, and outnumbering.


BRB - Big Red Book (see Red Tome)


Brettonian RAF - Highly mobile Brettonian army led by a Lord on a Pegasus, allowing the player to take multiple units of Pegasus Knights. When combined with several Lances of Knights (preferably the cheap Knights Errant), this army allows the Brettonian player to break enemy units with Lance charges and funnel the pursuit into other enemy units using the Pegasus Knights to create de-facto walls, allowing the Lances to break multiple units in consecutive turns. An incredibly powerful WHFB army, which, although somewhat common, is not as overused as the Flying Circus.

<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">[/b] 

<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Choppy[/b] - Ork slang for assault. Used to refer to the assault portion of a list. "Is the list choppy enough."


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Daemonbomb[/b] - A Chaos Space Marine army designed to quickly move icons into position, followed by the summoning of ridiculous numbers of Daemons that actually make up the bulk of the army.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Dakka; Dakka Dakka[/b] - Ork slang for the noise automatic weapons make. Also used to refer to the shooting component of an army. "Do I need more dakka in this list?"


Dakkafex - A Carnifex with two twin-linked Devourers and Enhanced Senses.

<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Eye of Terror (EOT)[/b] - A place where Chaos Space Marines retreated after the Horus Heresy.  Also used to refer to the offical GW Forums.


Fish of Fury - A Tau tactic (although it could also be used by the Eldar) in which a Tau player moves a Devilfish close to an enemy unit and disembarks the Firewarriors while keeping the Devilfish between the enemy and the Firewarriors. The Firewarriors may rapid fire at the enemy (since Skimmers do not block line of sight) while the intervening Devilfish prevents the enemy from assaulting them in the subsequent turn.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">FLGS[/b] - Friendly Local Gaming Store.  'nuff said.


Godzilla list - Any Tyranid army with two Hive Tyrants and between four and six Carnifexes. Typically: one Hive Tyrant with wings, one Tyrant with 2-3 Tyrant Guard, 3 Dakkafexes and 3 Gunfexes.


Gunfex - A Carnifex with a Venom Cannon, Barbed Strangler, Enhanced Senses and Reinforced Chitin.


Hidden Powerfist/claw - A unit with an upgrade character who has a Powerfist/claw. As he is part of the unit, he may not be individually targeted in close combat and is therefore "hidden" ( as opposed to an independent character who always fights seperately in close combat and is therefore not "hidden" ).


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">IT???[/b] - Acronym for In Tactica: (whatever).  Something of a tradition started on Older Dakka by Apollyon and his In Tactica Berserkis, referring to especially thorough tactics articles that follow the naming convention, like Janthkin's "In Tactica Legio Mechanicus" and my own "In Tactica Daemonicus Exterminatus." 


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">KOAT[/b] - Kult Of the Armored Top - Not seen so much anymore, but its an Ork Kult of speed list where all trukks have armored tops, and the primary weapon of choice is the burna. A very powerful army that was widely considered abusive until armored top was revised.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Kyoto-pattern Inquisitor[/b] - For Daemonhunters. Originally an Ordo-Malleus Inqusitor armed with a psycannon, with a loyal retinue of 2 heavy-bolter warriors, 1 plasma cannon warrior, 2 sages, and 1 mystic. A dakka-heavy squad. Some players like to add an Emperor's Tarot to the Inquisitor's wargear, but its not entirely necessary.  4th Ed renders it far more vulnerable, leading to the Inquisitor becoming an Inquisitor Lord, and filling out the retinue with cheap bullet-catchers.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Lust[/b]-(or blood, plague, change, etc)-<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">wing[/b] A style of Chaos Army that uses large numbers of Terminators and Daemons, and only Terminators and Daemons.  First created by Arch-Magos Alchemys. In a mission with Deep Strike, this army starts with nothing on the table.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Mauleed-pattern Marines[/b] - A style of Space Marine army that has about a 70/30 split of shooting and counter-assault. Multiple 5 or 6-man lascannon/plasma gun tactical squads and 6 or 8-man 4-missile launcher devastator squads form the core of the shooting element.  Generally has a small but potent counter-assault element.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">MEQ [/b]- Marines and EQivalents, an army whose basic troop type has a Toughness of 4 and a 3+ armor save (i.e. Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, and Necrons...the most likely of opponents).

<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">   [/b]

<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Nikkenryu[/b] - Style of Tau army with a balance of mobile and static elements that allows for both offensive and defensive flexibility in a variety of tactical situations. Initially created by JTS1486.  May or may not have any applicability now that 4th ed. is in use.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Old Dakka[/b] - The phb forums that imploded in fall of 2005.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Older Dakka[/b] - The old boards that used a UBB forum and died in fall of 2004.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Oldest Dakka[/b] - The even older boards that were an EZ-Board and died long, long, ago.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">OT[/b] - Off Topic. A post or poster which/who has wandered off the topic of the thread or the forum.


Pan Fo - A Warhammer 40K legend. A homebrew fan codex of a race that floats on gas ejected from their bodies. The author (NATO_chrisjm on Dakka) posted it on the GW forums and even showed the codex to Gavin Thorpe at Games Day. The codex is has some rather funny (likely unintentional) typographical errors; including the classic line about the Pan Fo being "reviled" ( instead of "revealed" ).


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Phalanx[/b] - A Necron formation used to make the army as a whole as durable as possible. Normally consists of multiple large units of Necron Warriors all within range of a centrally-placed Lord with Resurrection Orb and (optionally) a Monolith to give Necrons a 75% chance of standing back up. This army makes minimal use of any non-Necron units (favored support units are Destroyers and Immortals), and all units other than Warriors are normally screened behind the wall of Warriors. The Monolith may be left out so as to provide the enemy with no vehicles to shoot at and buy more troops.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Pie Plate[/b] - Ordnance ( 5" ) blast markers.


Psychic Choir - A Tyranid "Godzilla" army list where both Hive Tyrants and 3 Zoanthropes are all taken with the "Psychic Scream" psychic power.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">RAW[/b] - Rules As Written.  Used mostly in YMDC, to refer to the "gold standard" of relying on the officially printed rules to resolve disputes, as opposed to discussions of "designer's intent" that rely on word of mouth, inference, or other sources that are not as widely distributed as the printed rules are.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Red Shirt[/b] - A GW retail or mail order employee.  Generally understood to be utterly useless as a source of product information, upcoming releases, tactics, answers to rules disputes, and other pertinent (at least to us) information.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">RT[/b] - Rogue Trader. Both the standard GW-designed tournament format in the <st1:country-region><st1:place>US</st1:place></st1:country-region> for non-GT local store tournaments, and the name of the original edition of Warhammer 40k. Also sometimes used as acronym for Red Tome (see below).


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">SAFH[/b] - An acronym that has multiple meanings - Shooty Army From Hell is the usual one. SAFH armies have maxed-out heavy weapons designed to stand and shoot, rather than maneuver. Originally used to refer to a maxed out IG army, but can be applied to any infantry-carried heavy weapon based army.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Siren Prince[/b] - A Slaneshii daemon prince with 6+ rolls on the minor psychic power table meant to virtually guarantee the availability of the "Siren" minor psychic power. Often combined with a Daemonbomb-style army (see above).  One of the few things that almost everyone agrees is "cheesy," "abusive," or "broken."


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Standard Rhino[/b], "Stock" Rhino, Factory Rhino - Don't let GW fool you; Rhinos come out of the factory with Extra Armor and Smoke pre-installed. All experienced players consider those two upgrades to be mandatory.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Suicide Command Squads[/b] - An Imperial Guard command squad with 4 meltaguns or 4 flamers, mounted into a Chimera. Designed to advance quickly into the enemy ranks, destroy a target of significance, and then die in the inevitable enemy assault. Popularized by Lord Commander Janthkin.


Summon Horde - Vampire Counts army with maxed-out magical heroes and items used to summon ridiculously silly amounts of skeletons and zombies.  Popularized by Therion. 


TFG - That (insert favorite word beginning with the letter F) Guy.  Everyone knows who we're talking about here...its the one guy that every FLGS or tournament has, who smells/cheats/whines/lies/kibbitzes/etc., generally proving at occasionally stereotypes do have a basis in reality. 


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">The Blue Tome[/b] - The Battlefleet Gothic rulebook.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">The Grey Tome[/b] - The 4th Ed. Warhammer 40K Rulebook.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">The Red Tome[/b] - The Warhammer Fantasy Battles rulebook.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Torgoch-pattern Shas'el[/b] - For Tau obviously. A Shas'el with twin-linked missile pods, plasma rifle, and a hard-wired multitracker. Much resorting to the calculator led to the conclusion that this was the most efficient command suit for Tau armies, at least in 3rd ed.  In 4th, with the relative paucity of Rhinos, it becomes slightly less effective.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Turn Signals; TSOALR[/b] - Turn Signals on a Land Raider. Widely considered the funniest online 40k comic ever. www.turnsignalsonalandraider.com


Tzeentch Flying Circus - Tzeentch Demonic Legion consisting entirely of flying models, designed to shoot and avoiding charges until perhaps turn 5.  An incredibly powerful WHFB army, albeit overused.


<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">YMDC[/b] - On Oldest Dakka (e.g. EZ-Board era) the rules forum was known as "You Make Da Call" and was unofficially known as the "mosh pit" of Dakka.  It remains so to this day...if you're answering questions, be ready to back up your answers with rules.  Quotes are best.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/03/10 09:04:39

"I was not making fun of you personally - I was heaping scorn on an inexcusably silly idea - a practice I shall always follow." - Lt. Colonel Dubois, Starship Troopers

Don't settle for the pewter horde! Visit http://www.bkarmypainting.com and find out how you can have a well-painted army quickly at a reasonable price. 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

WOW that a lot of writing how long did it take you to write? all of what you put is very intresting i don't understand why no-one has said it very intresting. Vinci

with peace there is war. with war there is Destruction. Learn to be ready for war 
Made in au
Nimble Ellyrian Reaver

Australia, mate

well done old bean, but don't happen to have a definition for FZORGLE?
Made in us
Mutating Changebringer


Posted By Teh_K42 on 10/28/2007 10:50 PM
well done old bean, but don't happen to have a definition for FZORGLE?
Fzorgle = Lash of Submission

As described by Triggerbaby at;

The rules for the Lash aren't entirely clear, but it looks like one might be able to target enemy units in close combat. And naturally, once somebody asks the question, Gav will immediately pipe up and give an enthusiastic albeit unofficial yes. Because he is a goddam sped.

But the possibilities for abuse are both game breaking and amusing!

  • Charged by my Beserkers? Fzorgle! You will be charged again next turn by my Furious Repeating Charge!
  • My Oblits are stuck in combat with Scarabs? Fzorgle! Not when the Scarabs love the great taste of leaving combat to jump into dangerous terrain on the lava tables.
  • I have been charged by your Slugga Boys? Fzorgle! I think you'll find they prefer to stand in a circle front of my Defiler.

And let's not forget that if normal targeting rules are superceded, you can always fzorgle independant characters out of attached units and into harm's way.

Even outside the balance issues, the lash is just a terrible idea. It adds more movement to the round, and movement is the most time-intensive aspect of game. Large units take a couple of minutes to move, particularly for players who are used to moving small units. Like Chaos players. And as mentioned before, it sanctions your opponent to put his greasy sausage fingers on your models. I don't want your Cheetos dust on my Talos, fatty, and I'm assuming the sentiment is mutual.

Oh, and I love how it forces a pinning test on top of the movement. It's like the designers weren't sure if anybody would want it. I envision the following: "All it does is move enemy units? Disgusted snort. Hey, stupid person, we're trying to get rid of the useless, fluffy wargear that so bothered everybody in the last edition. Fix it, post haste. Limpwristed dismissal accompanied by small fart."

Lastly, I vote for calling our new friend the Fzorgle PrinceTM. It sounds stupid and makes absolutely no sense, just like the Lash Of Fzorgling itself.

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