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YMTC - Fall Back Board Edge  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
OPTION A (read below for details). 67% [ 33 ]
OPTION B (read below for details). 29% [ 14 ]
OPTION C (read below for details). 2% [ 1 ]
OPTION D (read below for details). 2% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 49
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Made in us
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA


The Fall Back rules found on page 48 of the rulebook says: "A unit falls back directly towards the closest point of the player's table edge or of the base line where the unit deployed/entered the table if it came on at a different place."

A sample Table Quarter mission ("Cleanse" on page 81 of the rulebook) says: "Divide the board into four quarters. Both players rolla  dice, highest score picks which quarter to deploy in. The other player's deployment zone is the opposite quarter."

A sample Long Table Edge mission ("Seek and Destroy" on page 82 of the rulebook) says: "Both players roll a dice, the winner chooses which of the long table edges to deploy in. His opponent gets the opposite deployment zone, so both forces start along opposite long board edges. . .players take it in turns deploying a unit at a time in their deployment zone, until all their available models are on the tabletop."

A sample "L shaped" deployment mission ("Patrol" on page 191 of the rulebook) says: "Both players roll a dice, the winner chooses. . .a corner as his deployment zone. Units may be deployed up to 12 [inches] onto the board. . .units may be deployed up to halfway along each board edge."

QUESTION: When units Fall Back, which table edges (or parts of a table edge) do you play they fall back towards?

OPTION A. In a Long Table edge deployment game, units fall back directly to the closest point on the player's long deployment board edge only. In both Table Quarter and "L Shaped" deployment games, units fall back to the closest point of a table edge portion that makes up the player's deployment zone.

OPTION B. In a Long Table edge deployment game, units fall back directly to the closest point of a table edge portion that makes up the player's deployment zone (even if that means a portion of one of the small board edges). In both Table Quarter and "L Shaped" deployment games, units fall back only to the portions of the table edges that make up the player's deployment zone.

In a Long Table edge deployment game, units fall back directly to the closest point of a table edge that makes up the player's deployment zone (including the entire length of the small board edges). In both Table Quarter and "L Shaped" deployment games, units fall back directly towards the closest point of a table edge that makes up the player's deployment zone (one short board edge and one long board edge).

OPTION D. Something else entirely: reply exactly what it is below.



I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games?
yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
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Longtime Dakkanaut

I'll have to look at the rules, but I was thinking about how the rules for sustained assault fit in with all of this.
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Fresh-Faced New User

Posted By skyth on 10/02/2006 2:34 AM
I'll have to look at the rules, but I was thinking about how the rules for sustained assault fit in with all of this.

Very carefully.
Made in ch
Regular Dakkanaut


B may be more RAW, but I've always played A and A also makes more sense when you consider that the terrain actually carries on on each side.

-"Subtle is subjective, of course; in a finesseless game like 40K, anything that isn't a brick to the head is downright sneaky..." ->lord_sutekh 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Looking at the rules (table edge), A's long-edge is obviously correct. However, with the table quarter and L-shape, the edge becomes slightly unclear; with a literal reading of the rules, however, I think it would be C's, as those are literally the 'edges' (although not the deployment zone).

But, if I may be hypocritical for a moment, I always play it as A, since it just makes more sense to me. But then again, I very rarely ever play table quarters or L-shapes, so it doesn't really come up...
Made in us
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine

Los Angeles

The people I play with always go by A...Yak's previous poll about reserves coming in, we also played by A. Those people that chose B on Yak's PREVIOUS poll should also be picking B here. Why the wording in one rule means something completely different when it comes to a different rule is just silly to me.

I play

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Fresh-Faced New User

i put D, as i'd say they fall back towards the corner
Made in us
Tough Tyrant Guard

Sacramento, ca

Awell it table edge of your deployment zone, which means sides too of the table( my under standing) but heres a another question, about Eldar/ dark eldar web way portals since those are consider(sp) table edges would you fall back toward them if they were closer??
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I put B. It may be that it's a holdover from 3rd Edition with no basis in fact.

However, the sustained assault rules seem to support my choice, by allowing opponent units to re-enter the field of battle on any portion of the board edge that was not in my original deployment zone.

By implication, that suggests that the board edge I retreat toward would include _all_ portions of the board edge that touched my initial deployment zone.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Glendale, AZ

A. Seems the most logical choice, and since I play "good for the goose, good for the gander" offers the least abusive interperetation regarding reserves deployment.

Mannahnin wrote:A lot of folks online (and in emails in other parts of life) use pretty mangled English. The idea is that it takes extra effort and time to write properly, and they’d rather save the time. If you can still be understood, what’s the harm? While most of the time a sloppy post CAN be understood, the use of proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling is generally seen as respectable and desirable on most forums. It demonstrates an effort made to be understood, and to make your post an easy and pleasant read. By making this effort, you can often elicit more positive responses from the community, and instantly mark yourself as someone worth talking to.
insaniak wrote: Every time someone threatens violence over the internet as a result of someone's hypothetical actions at the gaming table, the earth shakes infinitisemally in its orbit as millions of eyeballs behind millions of monitors all roll simultaneously.

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