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Ezra Tyrius
Profile User History
Post Count: 1216
Ranking: Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

Joined Dakka on: 2014/06/23 16:30:38
From: In the Warp, getting trolled by Tactical_Spam, AKA TZEENTCH INCARNATE
Occupation: Fighting reality

Interests: Warhammer (40k), AOS

Biography: I've been painting WH40k models since I was around 8 years old, but I couldn't find enough time to make much in the past few years. Now, I'm returning to my old hobby, hoping to learn some new tricks along the way... (my painting isn't that great, nor are my conversion skills)

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63 1216 1434 0 0.33

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Posting Areas:
Post Percentage Post Count Forum
38% 464 Dakka P&M Blogs
36% 440 Dakka Fiction
7% 89 Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
7% 87 Painting & Modeling
4% 43 40K Background
2% 22 40K General Discussion
2% 20 Painting & Modeling Showcase
1% 14 Dakka Discussions
1% 13 Forum Games
1% 9 News & Rumors
0% 6 40K Army Lists
0% 4 Painting & Modeling Tutorials
0% 3 The Horus Heresy
0% 2 Introductions

Topic Posting Areas:
Topic Percentage Topic Count Forum
21% 13 Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
16% 10 Painting & Modeling
14% 9 Dakka P&M Blogs
11% 7 40K Background
10% 6 Dakka Fiction
10% 6 Painting & Modeling Showcase
6% 4 40K Army Lists
5% 3 Dakka Discussions
3% 2 40K General Discussion
2% 1 Introductions
2% 1 Painting & Modeling Tutorials
2% 1 The Horus Heresy

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