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Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/14 23:49:35

Post by: War Kitten

Nice to see Hissy back in a (relatively) good mood, also nice to see that HIssy didn't rip you to shreds Ratius

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/15 00:12:59

Post by: Ratius

Just found 6 spore mines under my bed (and one in my Pint).

Its better than the 9 I found when I first left Her Highness....... xxx

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh very nice! I have always loved that model, though I have heard its legs can be fragile. How do you plan on basing bear?

Bear is the guy assembling/painting him Ustrello - Im afraid I didnt do a thing

Im actually hoping to mount him on a standard GW Flyer base (under the chin) - and leaving the legs off the ground.

i.e. the legs wont support him at all - I have read they are too fraglie unless heavily pinned.

Has anyone else done this - on a flyer base - just under the Chin/Face piece?

Other than that Ustrello - I do not know - any ideas yourself?


Stompy going to collapse under his own weight Ratiussss?

No Your Highness. He is not.

We have had some fun tonight. But dont EVER think me or Bear will mess up Stompy. Hes....our Beast as much as yours.



Hissy ressspect what you jussst said

You know what Hissy? I never gave up on you.

So dont give up on me.

Ratiussss, damn you.........

(Got her again Peeps !)

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/15 00:44:22

Post by: War Kitten

Only 6 spore mines? Hissy IS in a good mood. Nice to see you two getting along.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/15 00:49:24

Post by: Ustrello

 Ratius wrote:
Just found 6 spore mines under my bed (and one in my Pint).

Its better than the 9 I found when I first left Her Highness....... xxx

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh very nice! I have always loved that model, though I have heard its legs can be fragile. How do you plan on basing bear?

Bear is the guy assembling/painting him Ustrello - Im afraid I didnt do a thing

Im actually hoping to mount him on a standard GW Flyer base (under the chin) - and leaving the legs off the ground.

i.e. the legs wont support him at all - I have read they are too fraglie unless heavily pinned.

Has anyone else done this - on a flyer base - just under the Chin/Face piece?

Other than that Ustrello - I do not know - any ideas yourself?


Stompy going to collapse under his own weight Ratiussss?

No Your Highness. He is not.

We have had some fun tonight. But dont EVER think me or Bear will mess up Stompy. Hes....our Beast as much as yours.



Hissy ressspect what you jussst said

You know what Hissy? I never gave up on you.

So dont give up on me.

Ratiussss, damn you.........

(Got her again Peeps !)

I have heard that people make scenic bases, and cleverly attach/pin a leg or two to a building or some strategically placed debris.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/15 23:45:59

Post by: LeCacty

Aww swarmy is so cute . Great job(s) Ratius! Loving this.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/17 19:20:20

Post by: War Kitten

So nice to see that she's forgiven you. Keep up the good work

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/22 10:08:56

Post by: Ratius

Thanks peeps, on holidays for a while but we'll be back soon with some updates. Keep watching under your beds.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/22 11:18:35

Post by: Theophony

She has forgiven you AND now you go on vacation. Are you temping fate?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/22 20:33:50

Post by: Trondheim

Now this was a great update, and dat terrain made me drool with envy

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/29 10:55:11

Post by: Ratius

If you go to Terra today,
You're sure of a Big Surprise,
If you go down to Terra today,
You better not close your eyes,
For every Bug that ever there was,
Will surely be there,
And thats because,
Todays the Day,
Hissy's Hive has their Picniiiiiiic.....

Hissy coming to Terra Readersssss.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/29 13:54:23

Post by: LeCacty

Erm... wat?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/29 14:22:16

Post by: Ratius

Erm... wat?

Erm... wat?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/29 16:30:31

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

I for one welcome our new Tyranid overlord. OH! Excuse, Overlady?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/29 19:04:01

Post by: Nevelon

Quite an impressive hive mustering off to war. Bon Appetite!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/29 20:30:33

Post by: Theophony

off to buys some bug bombs.

That is amazing work. Also that would be the coolest idea for an army transport case (picnic basket).

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/29 20:54:36

Post by: War Kitten

Stock up on bug spray lads. Looks like we'll need it.
In all seriousness that is some truly epic work

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/30 03:38:18

Post by: AUGmaniac

Make a note: Call the Salamanders, we need a few more flamers.
Ratius, I love the hive scheme, and Hissy... well, Hissy is probably one of the better running themes I've seen and I do love it whenever she pops up.
Keep it up dude!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/30 06:50:01

Post by: Mad..

Never seen a hive fleet song in tune with teddy bears picnic... I like it!

Good to see Hissy is back, I was worried she had snuck into my Hive Fleet for a while... that would be scary.

I like the foam on the terrain, reminds me of the slime from Ghostbusters 2.

And... stompy is almost there... so close!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/30 09:32:12

Post by: Ratius

Thanks for all the love as usual peeps

So Hissy, is the Hive all back in order?

Yesss Ratiusss.

So what did you do?

Well firssst Hissy blow Sistersss out airlock.

What?! Hissy no!

Do not worry. Hissy send Crony to collect them after a few days. But lesson hasss been learned.


Next Hissy calm Triggy down. He wasss crying that Hissy took Wizard hat off him. He liked hat.

Awww poor Triggy.

Then Hissy send 50% of Termagants back into spawning poolsss. Filthy little creaturesss. So more space in Hive again now.

Sounds like things are going well!

And finally Hissy blow Broodlord and Lunchstealers instruments out airlock.

Crony collect them too after a few days?

Absssolutely not.

Well done Hissy, all sounds great so!

Now show more of Hive Ratiusss before Hissy blow you out airlock.

Holy Emperor!


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/30 10:59:18

Post by: LeCacty

Glorious. Any plans for new additions? Hierodules? Spores? Hierophants? Harridan? Other stuff?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/30 13:57:39

Post by: War Kitten

That is a truly great looking force. Hissy must be proud

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/30 21:10:10

Post by: Ratius

You can see Hissys WiP Heirophant on page 10 Cacty. I'll get some more pics of him up this week.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/30 21:47:42

Post by: LeCacty

 Ratius wrote:
You can see Hissys WiP Heirophant on page 10 Cacty. I'll get some more pics of him up this week.

Oh crap, totally forgot about Stompy!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/08/30 22:36:04

Post by: Theophony

I see the old screamer-killer carnifex in there. Such a great model for its time.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/01 15:49:02

Post by: Ratius

Yo Hissy! All well in the Hive this week?

Yesss, all settled and back in order.

Excellent! Well our friend Bear sent on a few more pics of Stompy - he just needs a bit more carapace feathering and some "goo" on his pores and then we (I) have to base him!

Sssso slow. Hissy want to ride Stompy around NOW!.

Oh be nice Hissy - you want him to look the best right? - look hes fighting Dark Angels!

What are Dark Angels?

We fought them before Hissy, waaaaay back when you were purple in Bears house.

That isss not Hissy Ratiusss.....

Wow, good spot Hissy its one of your Sisters leading the Hive I see.

Filthy Sissster.

Why are they called Dark Angles if they are white and green?

Uhmmm, I have no idea.

So do you think Stompy will win?

Of courssse. If he dosent hesss going out the airlock too.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/01 15:52:40

Post by: Nevelon

Stompy has got those marines right where he wants them. And they are mostly terminators, and those all suck, right?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/01 15:53:21

Post by: Theophony

They are Dark (meat) Angels, the other dark meat

I hope stompy can pull his weight, or your going to need a bigger airlock.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/01 20:30:21

Post by: LeCacty

Aww yiss!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/02 18:22:05

Post by: Ratius

How isss Stompy doing Ratius?

Forget about Stompy Hissy! I forogt to tell you, the Hive is involved in a Round Robin tournament!
We played game 6 last night. It was the Hive VS Eldar.


Here is turn 1 deployment.

Where is Hissys Broodlings?!

We played a kinda of reserve list Hissy. Remember we talked through the tactics for it?


Ermmm, well ok. We did anyway. Here is the Hive forces for the tournament.

+++ New Roster (1847pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Hive Tyrant [Electroshock Grubs, Hive Commander, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]

Hive Tyrant [Electroshock Grubs, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]

+ Troops +

Genestealer Brood
····6x Genestealer [6x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood
····6x Genestealer [6x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood
····5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood
····5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Termagant Brood for Tervigon
····30x Devourer Termagant [30x Devourer]

Tervigon [Cluster Spines, Electroshock Grubs, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Scything Talons]

+ Fast Attack +

Gargoyle Brood
····12x Gargoyle [12x Blinding Venom, 12x Fleshborer]

Gargoyle Brood
····12x Gargoyle [12x Blinding Venom, 12x Fleshborer]

Hive Crone [Drool Cannon, Scything Talons, Stinger Salvo, 4x Tentaclids]

+ Heavy Support +



Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

Where is Hissy?

You're cowering, I mean, placed tactically behind one of the Sisters. See?

Hissy sees. Did Hissy kill whole Eldar army?


Did Hissy kill half Eldar army?


Did Hissy kill any Eldar army?

Well you did jump 24", and manage to shoot the Eldar Autarch after stealing the initiative. You shot him up good earning, First Blood, Slay the Warlod and a kill point.


But eh.

But what?

Well the whole Eldar army turned on you and well, you know. It didnt go so well after that.

Even after 3+ saves?


Even after jink saves?


Even after passing crashing tests?

Yes. You died.


But look how the game ended.

Hive win?

It was a draw Im afraid leaving the Hive after 3 games on 4 points 1-1-1.

Hmmm, Hissy be back.....

Hissy have to have a talk with the Hive.

Swarmy prepare airlock.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/02 20:08:35

Post by: LeCacty

Oh gak Rattius! GTFO!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/03 19:53:37

Post by: Ratius

The tournament continues tonight Hissy but youre not playing.

Who isss?

Orks VS Eldar *cough* top of the table clash *cough*

Hissy had wordsss with Hive lassst night.

Oh and?

Hissy switch army around to include 2 Sister Flyrants + Hissy, podsss with Carnifexes, lots of gribblies and more Shrikes.

You cant change the army in the middle of the tournament Hissy! Beside we dont own any pods yet.

Hissy use scenery as podsss.

No Hissy, that is not fair on the other armies.

Fair? What isss fair?

Well its sort of like being nice, being balanced with the other armies, you know giving everyone an equal chance.

Hissy not underssstand.

Hmmm. Well, you cant change your army and thats that.

Hissy hate you. Hissysss team falling behind in the league.

Well its a double round tourney so you can eanr more points when you replay the other armies.

Hissy better (Hissy fiddle scoresss when Ratius sleepsss)

Anyway heres the last two pics of Stompy before he gets a final finish. Hes still eating Dark Angels.....


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/03 20:23:40

Post by: LeCacty

ETA on stompy's arrival? He looks so good....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/03 20:28:04

Post by: War Kitten

Stompy is looking great, can't wait to see how he looks when he's done.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/04 07:22:15

Post by: EyeamRai

Love this blog!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/04 19:03:02

Post by: Ratius

Thanks as always for the support guys.

ETA on Stompy is next Thursday. I'll collect him likely that weekend and see how I can base him up.
Bear was on the drink last night so got nada done


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/04 20:51:39

Post by: LeCacty

Wait, so you DONT keep Bear locked in a basement, nourished only with painty water and empty sprues, painting eternally? I'm calling heresy.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/04 21:08:48

Post by: Trondheim

I support the notion of imprisoning Bear! He should slave away for the hive mind! Unless he wants to be flogged

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/04 21:10:53

Post by: LeCacty

 Trondheim wrote:
I support the notion of imprisoning Bear! He should slave away for the hive mind! Unless he wants to be flogged

It puts the paint on the model!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/05 10:58:21

Post by: Ratius

Hahaha guys

Bear moves fast when he wants to though.

Hissy creating holding chambersss for Bear incassse he dosent finish on time.

Comfortable place Hissy?

Hissy put Sistersss in there too.

Poor Bear :(
Nothing to report today Im afraid Hissy. We still have 2 Gargoyles to finish off. After that, its either another scenery kit bash or I break out the credit card again.

Credit Card.

Easy for you to say. What should we get so?


Yes they've been on the watch list for a while. But are we sure we'll use them?

Hissy load them up with goodiesss.

Im sure you will. I suppose with our lists of late being reserve stlye they might work well. Plus it would allow us to get Carnis in quicker and maybe even a Tyrannofex.

Yesss, good ideasss.

Man I thought this blog was coming to a close.....

Shut up Ratiussss.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/05 11:11:57

Post by: LeCacty

O noes! Blog? ENDING!?!?!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/05 13:16:41

Post by: Theophony

There's space for YOU in a holding chamber too Ratius if you think the blogs going to end. Her Majesty has many loyal followers

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/12 10:09:32

Post by: Ratius

Hi Hissy. Look what I found under the bed this morning.

Spore Minesss?

Thankfully not, no. I found these guys.

What are they Ratiusss?

You didnt spawn them?

Hissy not recall.

Well what do you think they are?

Hmmm, armored with gunssss. Old Warriorsss?


Old Carnifexes?


Hissy give up.

They are old metal Hive Guard Hissy.

Hissy pretty sssure Hive hasss never used thessse even with proxy.

I'd agree with that Hissy.

Why they not assembled for Hive?

Because they are closes to being a nightmare to do.

Hissy care not. Get glue and get working Ratiusss.

Yes oh Hive Queen.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/12 16:05:36

Post by: LeCacty

"Old metal Hive Guard" These guys are considered old now? *checks GW* THERES A NEW KIT? Thanks Ratius, I feel old. Cant wait to see these OLD guys painted up. Definitely my favorite Tyranid model and really favorite unit. Blind bugs FTW!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/12 16:07:06

Post by: Ratius

An absolute nightmare to assemle though LC.
I tried a few years back and gave up and Im useless at pinning - their arms and guns are sooo weighty.
I'll give it another pop this week if I get time however.
They are pretty cool models.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/12 16:09:35

Post by: LeCacty

Really? I never had any problems. Huh.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/16 04:11:57

Post by: War Kitten

I tried to assemble those little buggers once. Absolute nightmare...

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/16 20:08:14

Post by: LeCacty

War Kitten wrote:
I tried to assemble those little buggers once. Absolute nightmare...

Heh... BUGgers...

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/30 16:01:11

Post by: Ratius

Yo Hissy.

Yo Ratiusss.

How goes it in the Hive?

Good Ratiusss, what is update for today?

Straight to the point huh? I see.
Well we got these guys done.


Well thats was it really.

Two Gargoyles? Issss that supposed to be funny?

Eeeek. Eh no, its all we really had left Hissy. But look how many we have now!

Hmmmm. And what is that grey thing in the background. Hissy ssssure it is not part of Hive.

Eeeek. Its, erm, well.


Ok, ok its an Imperial Guard Leman Russ battle tank.

What is it doing on workbench?

Well I had a quiet Sunday and assembled it.


But wait, we are waiting on two of these to arrive Hissy!
Thats god news isnt it?

Hmmm, Hissy suppossse that is acceptable.

(phew). They are due to arrive tomorrow or Friday Hissy. Im wondering if we should do them up as Tyranocytes or Sporocysts.

Hissy thought idea was to start getting more Podssss.

Well thats true Hissy but we can easily proxy the Sporos as pods and that allows us to make some nasty Mucaloids too.

Hmmmm. Hissy decide in next few daysss and let Ratiusss know.

Yes oh High Queen, thy word is my Bidding.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/09/30 20:25:11

Post by: LeCacty

What aboot the Hive Guard? Maybe a maleceptor and a toxicrene too

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/10/02 09:27:06

Post by: Ratius

I see you have been going through my mail Hissy.

Hehehehe, look what Hissy found.

You really should ask me first Hissy.

Shut up Ratiusss. Hissy decide we should conssstruct klts as Sporos and make Mucaloids and mini spores too.

Ok, I think thats a good idea but maybe we should ask the readers what makes what?

Good idea, Readersss usually smarter than you.

So guys a few questions about the kit:
1. If we make tyrannocytes, can we also make the smaller spores and a mucaloid? Or are mucaloid parts used in the Tyrannocyte?
2. If we make Sporocysts are there any left over parts we can kitbash into more scenery etc?
3. How big is the Sporocyst compared to the Tyrannocyte and vice versa, in terms of height and width?

4. Will kits help Hissy Hive to win more games and dominate Galaxy quicker?

Thats hardly a valid question Hissy!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/10/02 10:28:16

Post by: evildrcheese

I can't help answer you questions as I'm just a budding Tyranid player myself, so I'll leave that to the "pros".

Just wanted to say I've really like the style of tour blog and good work on expanding the Hive Mind.

Play nice now both of you.


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/10/02 17:54:35

Post by: Ratius

Thanks evil, welcome to the blog

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/10/07 11:54:46

Post by: Ratius


Yes Hissy?

Hissy has a present for you.

Oh goody more spore mines

No Ratiusss, something nice.

(Right where is the catch here?)

Uhm ok.

Hissy and the Hive say:

Oh my, well thanks so much you guys, thats a lovely thought!!! I hadnt realised its been 6 years to the day since we joined up!

Now, how isss Hive doing?

Back to business eh, oh Hive Queen? Well we played a game last week that you can read up on here - although you were actually playing so if you dont remember, you need to lay off that Ork fungus again.


Did Hissy win Ratiusss?

You'll have to go and read it Hissy!

Well, how did Hissy do?

Not bad actually Hissy, you earned two points for the Hive!

Good for Hissy, Hissy go read resssults to Hive now.....

(Ssssh everyone She might not like it.....)

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2015/10/20 06:09:32

Post by: Mad..

 Ratius wrote:

So guys a few questions about the kit:
1. If we make tyrannocytes, can we also make the smaller spores and a mucaloid? Or are mucaloid parts used in the Tyrannocyte?
2. If we make Sporocysts are there any left over parts we can kitbash into more scenery etc?
3. How big is the Sporocyst compared to the Tyrannocyte and vice versa, in terms of height and width?

I have one of these kits and have worked out what you can do with them pretty much:

1. If you make tyrannocytes, you still get spore mines, in terms of the mucolid you would only have the "head" left as the tentacles are used up on the tyrannocyte. You could always make some tentacles if you can.
2. If you make a sporocyst, you get the smaller spore mines, and can make a mucolid as well, there will be some bits left over that you could use for scenery but I'm pretty sure they will be fleshy bits and bio cannons.
3. Not entirely sure on actual measurements, but the width of both is similar, the tyrannocyte is a lot taller than the sporocyst though. The tyrannocyte is taller than a Imperial knight and a marine drop pod.

Personally I have one kit at the moment which I will build as a tyrannocyte, but if I had two kits I'd build one of each and get a tyrannocyte, a sporocyst, a mucolid and a bunch of normal spore mines and extra bits

Hope this helps!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/16 12:45:27

Post by: Ratius

Thanks Mad, me being me with the usual abuse from Hissy decided on a strange hybrid which you'll see below.....

*Dons Terminator armor and prepares for the worst*

Hi Hissy and the Hive and Happy New Year!

Go to hell Ratiussss.

(and that my friends is about as consistent as you can get).

How are things Hissy?!

Hissy is packing up Hive to leave for another Galaxy.

Why Hissy?!

Why Ratiusss think?

Errrr lack of updates?

Oh so sssmart Ratius.

Sorry about that Hissy. I lost a bit of motivation before Xmas and let things slide but we're back now!

Do you think Hissy Hive give up when faced with challengesss?

Probably not.....

So excusesss are not good. Show update before Hissy render you back to spawning poolsss.

Right away oh High Queen!

So this morning I delved into the first of my tyrannocyte kits and took a bash at it.

Heres the gang overseeing proceedings with the usual jeers and abuse.

I ultimately decided that I wanted to make the pods but get mucaloids out of the kit too.

As a result I left off the supporting tentacles and managed to get the pod to balance sideways.....

It basically supports itself on two of the side tentacles and I used some glue reinforced bluetac to get more contact points with the base.

Mildly impresssive initiative Ratiusss.....

Wow, thanks!

Heres an unwilling subject for a size comparison

The kit was ok to build, took about 1.5 hours. The astute of you will note however the missing vents on the air brakes, they were obnoxious to get together and in place so I gave up.

Lazy, lazy Ratiusss.

So thats the first of the pods done. I'll try and get the second one done tomorrow and then paint them up during the week.


Ah yes old Stompy, I just havent had a chance to collect him yet Hissy but will next week.


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/16 14:45:55

Post by: Nevelon

Looks great! I like the off kilter angle. Makes it look like it’s just about to impact.

That swooping hawk better get out of there!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/16 16:20:20

Post by: evildrcheese

Yaah having the pod on an angle makes for a really dynamic look great work.


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/16 17:07:34

Post by: Sinful Hero

Glad to see you back to updating Ratius!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/17 06:20:08

Post by: Mad..

Welcome back Ratius and Hissy, hope you had a nice break

I like what you have done with you pod, I've seen something similar recently and really like the dynamic look it gives the model, like it is just about to land, or just landed.

I'm about to build one myself in the near future so I might have a play with the look and see if I can do something similar.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/18 17:06:20

Post by: Ratius

Thanks all, its great to be back and chatting to you again

Hissy saysss thanksss too.

What did you just say Hissy?

Nothing Ratiusss, get on with it.

Well Hissy from zero to hero huh?

Zero to airlock Ratiusss if progress dosent continue this week.

Well, oh High Queen, I got everything undercoated today and will try a bit of painting tonight, otherwise we'll chip away this week and aim for a weekend finish. Hows that for efficency?


I decided to do the second pod as the first as I wanted a second mucaloid and the off angle thing grew on me. They are lookiing well undercoated and I'll keep the same scheme as the rest of the army with the red/black feathering and wash. Im not sure whether to leave the body of the pods white with only minor color on the veins and sac bulges or to wash the whole body aka this guy.

What do you guys think?

The extra bits left over also allowed me to make two cool little objective markers that you can see in the first picture - the little pyramid things.

Hissy want to use pods in game Ratiusss.

Yes definitely Hissy, what should we put in them?

30 dev gaunts Ratiusss for big firepower.

Good idea Hissy or what about two Carnifexes coming in?

Also good idea. Possibilities for smassshing filthy enemiesss is exciting.


How is the Hive in general Hissy?

Good Ratiusss.

And I forgot to tell you but our round robin touramanet finished at xmas.

Resssults for Hive?

You'll have to wait and see.....


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/18 17:09:43

Post by: Nevelon

I think the soft bits might look good with the wash. Give the model a little more depth/detail. If not I think you’d end up with too much solid color.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/18 23:11:17

Post by: LeCacty

Yay Hissy's back! So hyped to see Stompy with the rest of the swarm!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/19 04:12:08

Post by: War Kitten

First I get a box of Sternguard as a gift then Ratius grants us an update and Hissy? Today is truly a grand day. Nice work on those pods.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/19 04:25:41

Post by: Ustrello

Glad to see you back Ratius!

Also Hissy be nice to Ratius

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/19 08:45:55

Post by: Mad..

Pods look good on the table as part of the swarm.... be even better once painted up.

I like the different poses of them.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/19 18:58:02

Post by: Ratius

Glad to see you back Ratius!

Yay Hissy's back! So hyped to see Stompy with the rest of the swarm!

Good to be back mates!

I like the different poses of them.

Thanks Mad!

First I get a box of Sternguard as a gift then Ratius grants us an update and Hissy? Today is truly a grand day. Nice work on those pods.

Today wassss a good day do do da da da dum

I think the soft bits might look good with the wash. Give the model a little more depth/detail. If not I think you’d end up with too much solid color.

Prepare the airlock for Nevelon gribbliesss if idea not work out. NOW!!!

Be it on your head so Nev.....

Option 1 - all white:


Option 2 - carabourg washed


Option 2, option 2 option 2!!!

Ok Hissy calm down! I agree, option 2 is pretty rocking.
Good work Nev, you surived a naked trip out the airlock.

Lucky Nevelon.....lucky.....

Oh be nice Hissy for Emperors sake.

So thats pod #1 done. I'll do up the second later this week and then start into the Mucaloids and spore mines.


Good lord, shes really hyped up tonight.

A few other shots of WiP.

I decided to squash a poor Ork for a bit of fun.....

HAHAHAHAHA, sssilly Ork not quick enough hahahaha

I might add few more bits of detail to the base since they are quite large and a bit empty at the moment.

Squissssh more Xenos Ratiusss!!!

Yikes, going to leave it there peeps before she goes into total meltdown.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/20 06:50:40

Post by: Master Azalle

The wash looks fantastic! Definitely the way to go!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/20 06:57:13

Post by: evildrcheese

The painted pod is looking great, I wasn't sure about the wash at first look but after a second look I think you're right .

The squashed Ork is a nice touch.


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/21 06:02:36

Post by: Mad..

Love the squashed ork.... always good to tenderise the meat before consumption

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/21 20:41:34

Post by: LeCacty

Those pods look epic. Speaking of big space nids, have you ever considered a BFG fleet? I mean, Hissy obviously has a large one one or else she wouldn't have enough airlocks!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/21 20:54:37

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

I'm a little concerned that Hissy is being too nice to Ratius. I sense danger....

And teeth.

Lots of teeth.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/21 21:39:22

Post by: War Kitten

I love the squished Ork on the base. If you have a regular opponent you'd be bringing these against then putting a model from one of his armies (painted in his colors....) is a funny thing to do

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/21 21:44:01

Post by: Nevelon

Glad the wash worked out. Getting shoved out an airlock is so inconvenient.

Keep up the good work!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/22 16:55:35

Post by: Ratius

Glad the wash worked out. Getting shoved out an airlock is so inconvenient.

Very inconvenient for you but fun for Hisssy.

Just stop that Hissy.

I love the squished Ork on the base. If you have a regular opponent you'd be bringing these against then putting a model from one of his armies (painted in his colors....) is a funny thing to do

Haha, Hisssy like that idea. Make opponent mad whilssst Hissy laughs.

How to make friends and be popular by Hissy. Volume 1.

Shut up Ratiusss.

I'm a little concerned that Hissy is being too nice to Ratius.

Hissy rectify immediately.....

Those pods look epic. Speaking of big space nids, have you ever considered a BFG fleet?

Funnily, enough I had considered kit bashing a fleet from extra bits and bobs from the main Nid kits I have. I cant find it at the moment but a while back on here someone had kitbashed a whole fleet using carapaces, tentacles, guns etc from carni and other kits. It was terrific. Just lacking a bit of time at the moment to get around t it.

Thanks Mad, Cheese and Azalle for the feedback too. Always fun to read you guys comments

So a few WiP shots.
I started into the second pod and should ahve both fully done by tomorrow. Im going to do both bases green and use flock as per the other models for consistency. They are coming along well.


And here are the spores and mucaloids undercoated.

We're going to get some games going then using spore firld formation and carnis in pods arent we Hissy?

No Ratiusss, Hissy is going to get games going and crusssh opponents whilst you sit in brooding chambersss and scrub down Mawzy.

Oh no, not Mawzys bath time again.....

Yesss, Mawzys bath time.

But he never sits still Hissy. He just starts dancing and with so many limbs I cant wash them all.

Hisssy care not. Hissy line up Triggy and tervi too if Ratiusss complain more.

So any other news from the Hive Hissy?

Hissy thinking Hive need more additionsss. What else Hive getting?

Well, oh High Queen, why dont i just check my bank balance and maybe go wothout food for the next month shall I?

Hissy not impresssed with your negative attitude.

Say Hissys rulessss again.

1. Hissys Hive is #1.
2. All other considerations rescinded.
3. Hissy is the oh so mighty High Queen.

Write thossse down again Ratiusss and place bessside bed. Read each night.

Yes Oh High Queen, right away.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/22 17:02:00

Post by: War Kitten

The second pod is coming along nicely Ratius. Oh, and if Hissy doesn't start being nicer to you I might have to launch a Deathstrike missile across the pond to where you are. (I love playing Guard)

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/22 17:06:57

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

Ah, there we go. I was concerned Ratius was beginning to grow on Hissy to the point where she didn't want to render him for biomass anymore. :p

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/22 22:47:36

Post by: Ratius

Oh, and if Hissy doesn't start being nicer to you I might have to launch a Deathstrike missile across the pond to where you are. (I love playing Guard)

What? What isss this? Why fight Hissysss Hive?

Hissy no idea but Hissy care lesss. If Kitten do missile ssstrike, Hissy, send Broodlord and LunchStealers to capture Kitten and then blow him out airlock. (Mr. Nevelon. You are sssafe. Kitten take your place now).

I was concerned Ratius was beginning to grow on Hissy to the point where she didn't want to render him for biomass anymore

Once Hissy done with Ratiusss, he goesss to Norn Queen for mind wipe and getsss to scrub Hissys feet for.....EVER.

Ok lads, I need real help here.... Any sort of Alpha strike you can call on her Highnesses Hive would be welcome.

Send whatever forces you can, Im in deep **** here!

*Communique intercepted"

May the Emperor have Mercy on my soul.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/22 23:10:41

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

I'd love to help you, but arrangements have been made. I help provide biomass and I don't get eaten by gribblies.

You're on your own Ratius

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/22 23:28:06

Post by: Ratius

I'd love to help you, but arrangements have been made. I help provide biomass and I don't get eaten by gribblies.

You're on your own Ratius

One for all and all for.....eh?


Thatssss the spirit weaponprime, you ssside with Hissy, and She take care of you when Galaxy fallsss to her Hive.

What if I resist with my Human Brothers and Sisters Hissy? What if Im tired of your abuse and fight back?

Hissy sssay again what?

I will fight you Hissy. Until my last breath.

Hissysss feet are sore. Scrub them Ratiusss.

Yes Oh High Queen....

(PS - calling all space marines and Ratius allies , help wanted ASAP!)

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/23 00:06:18

Post by: LeCacty

It's alright Hissy! Hive Fleet Azathoth's with ya!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/24 06:37:12

Post by: Mad..

Would love to help Ratius,

But given I am also involved with a Tyranid hive fleet and we aren't "allowed" to ally with any other army I guess I'll have to watch from the sideline...


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/24 13:50:22

Post by: Nevelon

<Passes Ratius some hellfire ammo>

I’d offer to help shoot Hissy’s Hive off the battlefield, but there is a big blue wet thing in the way. No response from the Strike Cruiser, so rapid re-deloyment is off the table.

Sit tight, try not to get eaten, and continue feeding us intel from inside the hive.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/24 20:01:59

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

That's the same issue I'm having with helping Hissy. This anomaly is most distressing.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/25 00:36:12

Post by: War Kitten

Alright lads. Deathstrike missile is being launched in 5 minutes. Hold onto your hats.
*countdown begins*

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/25 01:11:06

Post by: LeCacty

*deploys a swarm of harridans loaded with gargoyles* your move m8y

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/25 01:56:43

Post by: Briancj


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/25 02:48:59

Post by: LeCacty

U wot? (sorry for derail ratius)

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/25 02:49:46

Post by: Briancj

I like the work, Ratius. One of these days, I'm going to build an all-pod 'nid army.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/25 04:01:23

Post by: War Kitten

*mass deathstrike launch*

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/01/25 10:24:05

Post by: evildrcheese

Briancj, that is possibly the most beautiful machine created in the name of the Omnissiah.


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/02 17:11:34

Post by: Ratius

Some brilliant replies guys, in stitches here.

Now Hissy just WHAT do you think of that? Look at all the support I have from my Human Brothers and Sisters.



And what isss more Hissy hasss evolved. Evolved beyond your mossst terrifying dreamsss.


Run people RUN!

(PS we do have an update except my stupid iphone is doing a software update so I'll get the finished pod pictures up later).

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/02 17:30:53

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

I for one welcome our new hissing overlord.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/02 18:24:41

Post by: Nevelon

 xXWeaponPrimeXx wrote:
I for one welcome our new hissing overlord.

I, on the other hand, am going to counterattack!

Luckily I’ve got Chaplain Cassius and a drop pod of Tyranic War Veterans on standby.

Can’t have Hissy eating Ratius now, can we?

<Dakka dakka>

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/02 19:54:37

Post by: Master Azalle


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/02 23:21:10

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

*gets out the popcorn to watch Hissy win*

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/03 01:58:32

Post by: LeCacty

After stompy's done you best convert up a hydraphant for Hissy!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/03 02:12:40

Post by: Briancj

I love Hissy's dreams.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/03 02:14:12

Post by: War Kitten

I think I'm going to need some more Deathstrike missiles.
*scurries off to find a vortex warhead*

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/03 16:52:39

Post by: Ratius

I, on the other hand, am going to counterattack!

Luckily I’ve got Chaplain Cassius and a drop pod of Tyranic War Veterans on standby.


You sort of asked for that one Nev

Hissy wants to remind you she sees 10 marines in your picture and 178 in hers.

Dinners is ssserved!!!

I love Hissy's dreams.

Sssssh, dont tell her that. I tried to explain what a salary related job was to her once. She had none of it.

I think I'm going to need some more Deathstrike missiles.

If you load them with spore fungus, it gives her a wicked hangover. Might at least keep her quiet for a bit.....

So Hissy, Pod-tastic huh?


I was thinking though Hissy, how on Earth does a Carnifex get out of one of those without blowing it apart? He definitely cant squeeze out the hole in the top.



Hissy not sssure. Hissy confusssed. Hissy be back.

Well dont take too long figuring it out.

Maybe we should pose her like a "question of the week" something really confusing. Might keep her head down some.

Hissy back.

Too late.....

Norn Queen say Pod poop Carnifex out the bottom.

I see. Im not entirely sure thats plausible but I cant see how a big old Carni gets out any other way without ripping the poor Pod to shreds. Remember Hissy after they land thay can move about.

Hissy know that. Hissy not ssstupid.

Hissy not really interested in inner workings of Hive beastiesss, jussst that they give Hive more power and Galactic Domination.

Well, that they do. Up next is our Mucalids and mini spores. We will have 2 Mucas and 18 minis when done. Is that enough to tie up a corner of the battlefield?

Yesss. Hissy bomb idiot gunlinesss to goo.

Thats the spirit Hissy!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/03 17:07:42

Post by: Nevelon

 Ratius wrote:

I, on the other hand, am going to counterattack!

Luckily I’ve got Chaplain Cassius and a drop pod of Tyranic War Veterans on standby.


You sort of asked for that one Nev

Hissy wants to remind you she sees 10 marines in your picture and 178 in hers.

Dinners is ssserved!!!

Just the tip of the spear Hissy. I’ve got over 200 marines backing them up. When your gribbly little hordes are being outnumbered by the Emperor’s Finest, you should ask yourself if it’s a fight you want to be involved in. Once again: No Eating Ratius! Be nice to him, and someday your hive might be big enough to take me on.

Although full disclosure, If I’m emptying the shelves to fight off a tyranid invasion, my 6 genestealers are probably going to turn on me.
(also, I need to get a new full army picture)

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/03 17:14:45

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

Not to really paint a gross picture, but a Carnifex could come out that hole at the top. I mean... we don't know exactly how elastic they are.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/03 17:53:59

Post by: Sinful Hero

Well, they are nightmare horrors from another galaxy, so that would probably be appropriate.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/03 20:51:12

Post by: Ratius

Just the tip of the spear Hissy. I’ve got over 200 marines backing them up. When your gribbly little hordes are being outnumbered by the Emperor’s Finest, you should ask yourself if it’s a fight you want to be involved in. Once again: No Eating Ratius! Be nice to him, and someday your hive might be big enough to take me on.

Although full disclosure, If I’m emptying the shelves to fight off a tyranid invasion, my 6 genestealers are probably going to turn on me.
(also, I need to get a new full army picture)

Crunchy Marines isss Crunchy.
Besides Mr. Nevelon, everyone knowsss full well if Hissy goesss SuperHissy, your army stand no chance.

Not to really paint a gross picture, but a Carnifex could come out that hole at the top. I mean... we don't know exactly how elastic they are.

Im having bad flashbacks to the end of Prometheus being honest.

Me too.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/04 02:05:35

Post by: War Kitten

I'll send help for your Vets Nev, in the form of the entire Ultramarines 2nd Company! (minus Sicarus because he's a dingus, I have my own Captain)

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/04 05:46:50

Post by: Mad..

Well, this has escalated quickly... but we all know what happened when our Hive Minds first fleet did some major damage to the silly Ultramarines... We have evolved ourselves and tactics since then haven't we Hissy?

In relation to your tyrannocyte question Ratius, the description in the rules says: "The Tyrannocyte thunders through the skies to slam into the surface of the prey world, this impact causes its belly to split and disgorge the Tyranids inside. Once passengers delivered the tyrannocyte fills with gaseous emissions and floats eerily into the air"

So yeah, it hits, splits, then re- inflates and floats around shooting and being annoying. I might model one that has it's split belly still while floating around, that would be suitably gruesome.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/04 06:38:33

Post by: evildrcheese

Nice pods Ratius/hissy. Don't forget the bases!


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/05 11:40:48

Post by: Ratius

In relation to your tyrannocyte question Ratius, the description in the rules says: "The Tyrannocyte thunders through the skies to slam into the surface of the prey world, this impact causes its belly to split and disgorge the Tyranids inside. Once passengers delivered the tyrannocyte fills with gaseous emissions and floats eerily into the air"

So yeah, it hits, splits, then re- inflates and floats around shooting and being annoying. I might model one that has it's split belly still while floating around, that would be suitably gruesome.

Look at that Hissy.

Mad 1 - 0 Norn Queen and Hissy.

Mad ssstole that idea from Hissy.

Im pretty sure he didnt.

Hissy knowsss, Hissy seen Mad in brooding chambers with pen and notepad lassst week.

Hissy seen him trying to take notesss on Hive. Hissy sees you Mr Mad. Next time, Hissy send Lunchstealersss after you.

Well maybe Mad was just checking out your wonderful Hive?

Shut up Ratiussss..

Well anyway Hissy, instead of having a lovely lie in on my day off work or play some Blood Bowl, I got to finishing the Mucas and Spores.

Ohhhhh my, what a hard life poor Ratiusss hasss. Ohhhh Ratiusss what can Hissy do for do? Would poor Ratiusss like a little medal?

Errrm, ok sure I'll take a medal for my efforts.

Shut up Ratiusss. Hissy making you massage her feet after thisss.

But my day off

Well anyways

Spores. That gives us 18 in total Hissy.

Hmmm, 6 groupsss of 3 would be nice to play.

Yes indeed.

And the finished Mucalids. These were quite fun to paint and I decided to keep them fairly simple but in keeping with the Hive theme. I left the tentalces mainly white and red to fit the Hive and washed the top with carabourg crimson again. Some minor bits of purple and we were done.

And the two of them finished.

Them and the spores took about 2 hours which wasnt bad going.

Pfff. Should have been much fassster.

Heres our whole sporefield Hissy including our old metal biovore spores. it takes up about two fifths of a board so lots of area denial.

Feet time Ratiusss.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/05 16:36:23

Post by: Master Azalle

Great work on the spores and mucalids! I like how well the hive fleet colors worked on them!

- Azalle

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/05 22:24:46

Post by: LeCacty

Those mucalids look really nice with the wash!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/07 06:02:20

Post by: Mad..

Hissy, there is no stealing in service to the hive mind!

We are all part of one big Hive Fleet remember? Synaptic web of information for us to utilise to neutralise our food before we eat it. I mean when Swarmy "dies" he gets reabsorbed into our collective consciousness and respawns basically rendering him immortal.

Although, the "title" under my name currently says sneaky lictor, so maybe I am pulling the wool over your eyes still

Your scheme suits the mucolids really well ratius, nice work

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/07 13:18:05

Post by: Ratius

Thanks guys

Ok Mad, you left off the hook thisss time.....
As long as you send extra biomasss over to Hissy.

So Hissy we're finished the pods, mucas and spores now.
Heres a group shot of them all done.

Whats next in line?

Thatsss question for you Ratiusss.

Well to be honest Im not sure. I'll get stompy and ase him up but after that we literally have no kits (biomass) to work on.


Eh, well yeah. We've gone through quite a lot last year.

Theresss lots of genusss Hive can spawn. Venoms, Harus, more scenery, Harridans.

Harridans?! Sheeesh, way to final put me on the street Hissy. A Harridan is definitely NOT on the cards this side of Xmas 2016.
But more scenery is quite a good idea.

Well, less belly aching Ratiussss and more scenery making.

Quite the poet oh High Queen.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/07 13:47:04

Post by: Nevelon

Nice little bundle of floating death there!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/07 17:59:15

Post by: KommissarKiln

You know, it's kind of funny to skim through this full blog, from first post to present day. Not only does the hive grow, but the color scheme and painting expertise improves, or should I say, evolves, over the course of the blog. Interesting to look at it that way, if I do say so myself.

tl;dr nice job, looking forwards to seeing what else you have in store!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/08 05:45:20

Post by: Mad..

Thank you mighty Hissy for letting me off the hook.

Congrats on finishing everything you have "in stock" I look forward to seeing what terrain you come up with and what the next Tyranid addition might be

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/08 05:50:38

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

See, Hissy is a benevolent leader so long as you offer her delicious biomass.

Speaking of... I um.... Hissy... because of that stupid human football pass time, I ..... was sorta not able to work on my biomass this week.

Ratius told me you wouldn't mind.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/08 06:58:09

Post by: evildrcheese

Spores, pods and muc's look great. Great work .

What scenery have you got in mind?


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/08 19:59:21

Post by: Ratius

You know, it's kind of funny to skim through this full blog, from first post to present day. Not only does the hive grow, but the color scheme and painting expertise improves, or should I say, evolves, over the course of the blog. Interesting to look at it that way, if I do say so myself.

tl;dr nice job, looking forwards to seeing what else you have in store!

Thanks Klin, welcome to the blog

Im thinking of more of this type of stuff EDC but maybe on a bigger scale. Or buying one of the bigger GW kits and really making it look like its been Hissied.
Its cheap and easy to make and turned out pretty well I think.

So Hissy we have an update on Stompy tomorrow.

A good one Hissy hopesss.

I cant say too much but you may not like it.


Theres a problem. Thats all I'll say.....





Ratiusss, get back here RIGHT NOW. HISSY COMMAND IT.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/08 21:24:42

Post by: LeCacty

Wh... Wha happen?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/08 21:30:32

Post by: War Kitten

Oh dear. I think I need to send a Valkyrie to rescue Ratius. I was gonna do it later, after some planning. But operation: feth over Hissy is a go I guess.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/09 06:03:00

Post by: Mad..

I hope stompy hasn't busted a leg!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/09 06:27:32

Post by: Master Azalle

hang in there Ratius!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/09 06:39:43

Post by: evildrcheese

Yeah that terrain is pretty sweet, is that some kind of expanding foam?


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/09 16:48:55

Post by: Ratius

Ok so Hissy.

Ratiusss. Be very careful with your next wordsss. Hive is at Primary Hunt and Kill statusss.....

So I was in Bears house last Friday and we had a few brews. Remember when you got drunk on fungus. Sort of like that.


Well, whilst me and Bear finished off a game of 40k, our friend Woodsy decided to help Stompy get home.

Get home how exactly Ratiusss?

Well, I didnt want to bring Stompy home in a taxi all exposed + the fungus was kicking in.

So unbeknownest to me he did this.....

*deep breathing and thumps off Hive wall*


So when I got him home I tried to pry the "wrapping" open.....

*deep breathing and thumps off Hive wall*

And I discovered some wounds to Stompy.....

*deep breathing and thumps off Hive wall*

So. He has lost two legs and one of his mouth scythes.

*Collapsing thump*


Hissy are you there?


Swarmy, whats going on?! Wheres Hissy?

Hissy has collapsed Ratius!!! She is convulsing on the Hive floor. What should Swarmy do?!

Holy Emperor! Quick Swarmy get her to the Norn bio chambers!

Ratius, shes gone all quiet, she isnt waking up!!!

She must have had a heart attack from the shock Swarmy and collapsed!

Oh Emperor protect us!!!...............................


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/09 19:01:18

Post by: LeCacty


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/09 19:04:20

Post by: Nevelon

Gentlemen, we have the technology; we can rebuild him. Better, faster, stronger then he was before...

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/09 23:04:48

Post by: KommissarKiln

 LeCacty wrote:

We can rebuild him.
We have the technology.

[Title screen rolls: THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR 'NID]

Edit: Shoot, ninja'd. And my ninja'd, I mean I didn't even read all the replies. But at least it's not directed by Stallone this time, right?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/10 08:23:12

Post by: Mad..

I hate being right... apparently stompy models lose legs semi regularly.

Good luck with the recuperation Stompy!! I'd really like to see you out eating lots on the table

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/10 16:51:02

Post by: Ratius

Swarmy any update on Hissys status?

No change Swarmy afraid Ratius, she still uncounscious.

Oh no, this is aweful.

She was mumbling for a bit, over and over.

Oh yes?! what did she say?

"Woodsy, Hunt and Kill Woodsy". Swarmy unsure of what it means.

(I have a pretty good idea, you're in deep gak if you're reading this Woodsy )

Hissys sisters are here now too in the Norn Chambers.

Oh righto, Im not sure thats a good thing or a bad thing. Have they prodded Hissy to death yet?

Sisters know exactly how to wake Hissy.

Oooooook, whats that?

Cold, cold water. Dump it right in Hissy face now Dissy!

No Dissy! Do not do that! Sissy stop that!

Ahahahahaha. Hissy soaked to death now.

You. Girls. Are. Evil.

Get out of Hissys chambers now.

Swarmy please keep them out of there in the future.

Sure Ratius.

Ok, so I'll go get working on Stompys recovery if you can keep work working on Hissys?

Check in with Swarmy tomorrow Ratius for an update.

Will do.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/10 17:01:35

Post by: Master Azalle

Swarmy, stay strong young underling!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/10 21:22:06

Post by: War Kitten

Let us have a moment of silence for our unconscious friend Hissy.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/11 06:09:27

Post by: Mad..

Must be serious if the close proximity of the sisters to Swarmy didn't even make her wake up!

Wonder what the rest of the hive is up to while all the bigger creatures are distracted

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/11 06:15:42

Post by: evildrcheese

Nooo! Poor Stompy! Poor Hissy!



Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/11 17:02:26

Post by: Ratius

Must be serious if the close proximity of the sisters to Swarmy didn't even make her wake up!

Haha Mad exactly!

Let us have a moment of silence for our unconscious friend Hissy.....

Thanks WK xxx

Any update Swarmy? How is Hissy today?

Still same Ratius. Still unconsious.

Stable though?

Unsure Ratius. Perhaps in body but in mind?

Oh dear.

Her mumblings continued "Woodsssy will be devoured. No. Better. Feet rub ssservent for all eternitiesss"

Well shes dogged, I'll give her that.

Have the Sisters returned?

They try. But Swarmy put Triggy and Mawsy outside chambers and Crony on air patrol.

Excellent work Swarmy, you're a true friend to Hissy and a great Nurse.

Speaking of Nurses, maybe this will cheer Hissy up. I got to work on Stompy and hes currently rejuvinating in the Hive.

Is he in pain Ratius?

No, hes very peaceful Swarmy. He just needs some time to rebuild his strenght and rest. He'll be a bit stiff but we'll get him a good run out against some tasty Orks soon.

Oh and Ratius, Hive prepare something for Hissy.

Not the airlock I hope? I have enought problems this week without beating that lot into shape.

Awwwww, thats the cutest ever Swarmy!

Come on Hissy, we want you back so much now!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/11 17:07:01

Post by: Nevelon

So the instinctive behavior of the hive when all the synapse is busy is to write get well cards?


<scribbles notes in the anti-xenos tactica tome>

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/12 16:44:09

Post by: Ratius

So the instinctive behavior of the hive when all the synapse is busy is to write get well cards?

Haha Nev! Only in Hissys crazy Hive.

Hey Hissy, if you can hear me, I got stompy back on his feet.
He needs crutches for a bit but hes doing well. I hope you're doing ok.

I'll get some more detailed pics of him up tomorrow for you too.

I also wrote you a poem Hissy

Remember when we was in that shop,
I seen you, thought shes worth a pop,
Been 20 years,
We still goin strong,
I’ll always be there to catch you.
We got the Hive,
With so much fun,
It keeps on growing,
We just run and run,
And when you wake up and want to rant,
I’ll still be there to catch you.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/12 16:58:04

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

Awww, Ratius. You're trying so hard to make sure Hissy doesn't destroy you when she's well again.

I'll put in a good word for you. Dunno what the word of a lunatic counts for though.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/12 17:20:47

Post by: Nevelon

I was expecting a big cast on his leg that all the hive could sign.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/12 17:24:36

Post by: Sinful Hero

Get well soon Hissy.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/12 23:33:51

Post by: LeCacty

 Nevelon wrote:
I was expecting a big cast on his leg that all the hive could sign.

That would be so friggin adorable!
Nice drums ratty

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/13 10:05:57

Post by: Ratius

I was expecting a big cast on his leg that all the hive could sign.

That would be so friggin adorable!

Haha, I so should have done that!

Maybe if I put Hissy in the kick drum LC and pound on it, she'll wake up

Awww, Ratius. You're trying so hard to make sure Hissy doesn't destroy you when she's well again.

I'll put in a good word for you.

Just send loads of biomass WP, I'll feed it to her instead of her eating me.....

Morning Swarmy.

Any update on Her Highness?

No real change Ratius.

Oh dear. Well hows the Hive doing?

Everyone is very upset except for Sisters, Broodlord and Lunchstealers. They leave graffiti on Hissys chambers door.

So rude of them, shocking. What did they say?

It reads things like "Dont wake up", "Hive is oursss now" and "You'll go out that airlock".

Holy Emperor, so mean! When Hissy wakes up theres going to be a reckoning of Galactic proportions.

Yes, Hissy will not be happy.....

Well in the meantime hopefully Hissy is happy with some more work I did. I did up the two little obj markers. These were very easy to piant and quite fun. We can also proxy them as more mines if we need.

Very nice Ratius.

And if this dosent wake her up nothing will, some shots of the big guy.....

Face and jaws

Upper carapace

Front leg



Wow, Ratius, hes great.

Yes thanks to Mr Bear for all that work.

Did you see that Swarmy?


Hissy, she twitched.

And there again!


Hissy, Hissy, can you hear us?!




Yes, Hissy, its me, we're here!





Hissy, what, what are you trying to say?!







Hissy, Hissy whats your prediction for this? Hissy?!


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/13 17:15:46

Post by: LeCacty

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/13 22:54:41

Post by: KommissarKiln

I'm just going to take my business, and my planet, and move it out of your Hive's impending warpath. Stompy looks great, however!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/14 03:45:58

Post by: War Kitten

*casually whistles and steps aside to escape the oncoming gak storm*
Nothing to do here..

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/14 05:56:19

Post by: Mad..

Good to see Stompy is back up and... well not quite running

Hissy woke up rather fast when Stompy came back, so I guess that's something.

What armies can Woodsy muster in his defence? Got a hive fleet after him now!

Ps: Stompy looks great, nicely painted, I like how the carapace has got the little bits of green in it, works really well.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/17 17:15:20

Post by: Ratius




Hissy! You sexy hunk of Biomatter you. How goes the recovery?!

Hissy ssstill weak and recovering.

But you're getting back to full strenght arent you?

Yess, soon. Hissy hasss several things to sort out.

Like what Oh High Queen?

Firssstly Hissy hunt down Woodsy for all eternity. Secondly Hissy punisssh Sisters for horriblenesss when Hissy ot of action.

Terrific Hissy, that sounds like a fight?

Yesss. A fight to end all fightsss

So whos on your team so?

Hissys Team isss:

+++ New Roster (1625pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Unbound Army (Faction)) ++

+ No Battle Role (HQ) +

Hive Tyrant [Adrenal Glands, Electroshock Grubs, Old Adversary, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Regeneration, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]

The Swarmlord [2x Bone Sabres, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 3)]

+ No Battle Role (Lords of War) +

Hierophant Bio-titan [2x Bio-cannon, Lash Whip, Regeneration, Scything Talons, Spine-cloud Spray, Toxic Miasma]

Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

Wow, what a team Hissy. Swarmy was so good looking after you when you were ill and Stompy will relish his first fight.

Hissy confident in teamssss ability.

I have heard the Sisters have put together a team themselves.....

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Unbound Army (Faction)) ++

+ No Battle Role (HQ) +

Hive Tyrant [Old Adversary, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Shreddershard Beetles, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]

Hive Tyrant [Old Adversary, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Shreddershard Beetles, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]

+ No Battle Role (Troops) +

Genestealer Brood
····Broodlord [Adrenal Glands, Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]
····Genestealer [Rending Claws]

+ No Battle Role (Fast Attack) +

Dimachaeron [Grasping Talons, Sickle Claws]

+ No Battle Role (Heavy Support) +

Tyrannofex [Regeneration, Rupture Cannon, Stinger Salvo]

Tyrannofex [Regeneration, Rupture Cannon, Stinger Salvo]

Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/17 17:35:50

Post by: Master Azalle

Oh might, a family feud of TyranicProportions!!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/17 18:49:04

Post by: alabamaheretic

Why is the mortal kombat theme playing in my head right now.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/17 22:28:15

Post by: KommissarKiln

Teach those lunchstealers how bad it is to be thieving meals from people/Hive Tyrants/misc. entities! Few things are more dishonorable than that!

P.S. Sounds like a cool batrep in the making.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/18 00:01:02

Post by: LeCacty

Hissy's Hive: Civil War

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/18 01:44:07

Post by: War Kitten

Get the popcorn boys, this is fixing to get interesting.

I got 5 bucks on Hissy, those lunchstealers got nothing. Anyone care to take me up on it?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2016/02/18 06:04:33

Post by: Mad..

Whoa, must be serious, Hissy and the sisters have even sprouted wings for this one!

My money is on Swarmy being the deciding factor in this one, while the stealers jump all over stompy and Hissy fights the sisters. Swarmy will start laying the smack down with his crackling bone sabres and psychic might!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/12 17:48:42

Post by: Ratius


Good lord, Hi Hissy!

What is thisss 8th Hissy been hearing about?

It's a new edition of Warhammer Hissy. Like remember when you played back in 1995, that was 2nd edition.

Hissy sssstill here.

Oh don't we know it.

So is Hissys Hive getting huge buffssss and abilitiessss?

No info yet Hissy, GW is drip feeding us stuff atm. Hopefully though we can get to use some of the more unloved genus, like Warriors, Hormies and Triggy.

Yessss, Hissy was close to shooting them out airlock to be honesssst.

Ah Hissy, come on now.

What new kitssss for Hissy and the Hive?

No news again Hissy. We kinda ran out of stuff to do at the end didnt we?

No Ratiusss. YOU ran out of thingssss to do. Hissy still spawning away.

Well thats not an image Im dwelling on.

Get some gamesss going for 8th so Ratiusss?

Definitely Hissy, we'll playtests some stuff once it drops.

Good. Hissys Hive hungry. Put us up firssst against stupid old Ghazghull and hisss delicious fungi.

Yes Oh High Queen, your wish is my command.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/12 19:18:29

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

Hissy is still doing better than me.

I havent actually played a game since 3rd edition :/

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/12 21:31:34

Post by: Ratius

Get back on that horsssse WeaponPrime. Tassssty marines for Hissy to eat

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/12 21:58:14

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

 Ratius wrote:
Get back on that horsssse WeaponPrime. Tassssty marines for Hissy to eat

Y-you're right!

I can do it!

If Hissy believes in me then anything is possible!

I just have to believe too, and trust in my dice!

*rolls all ones*


I rolled ones! I ROLLED ONES!!


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/12 22:27:07

Post by: Nevelon

Good to see Hissy alive and kicking. 8th looks to be a good time, hope everything works out for the Hive in the transition.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/15 06:31:27

Post by: Mad..

Woohoo Hissy has taken a break from spawning to grace us mortals with her presence again. I wondered if 8th might get her attention.

Nice to see you again Hissy and Ratius, shall we get on with consuming the galaxy?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/15 11:09:45

Post by: evildrcheese

I've missed this blog. Hopefully we'll see more activity after 8th Ed drops


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/24 16:23:23

Post by: Ratius

Yo Hissy, look at some of this juciyness for the Hive when 8th comes:

Oh boy, do I get a nice buff in 8th?

You certainly do Swarmy!

I’d be remiss if I didn’t start out with my all time favourite Tyranid unit: the Swarmlord. He is an absolute beast now, as he should be! With a Toughness value of 6, 12 Wounds, a 3+ save and a 5+ invulnerable save (increased to a 4+ invulnerable save in melee) he is not easily taken down. This can be further enhanced by casting Catalyst on him (and did I mention he’s a potent Psyker, too?) to give him a 5+ save vs Wounds suffered.

But it’s not just defence, oh no, Mr. Swarmlord brings the pain in combat as well. With a base of Strength of 8, 7 Attacks, hitting on a 2+, with an AP value of -3 and D6 damage a pop, the Swarmlord can lay low even Titanic units in a single round of combat. Truly a fearsome adversary.

However, his ability that I have found to be most useful is Hive Commander, which allows a friendly unit to move in the Shooting phase. This is incredibly powerful for the sudden added mobility. For Hormagants, with their blisteringly quick Movement of 8″, this means a potential 16″ move before attempting a charge. Or he could simply use it on himself and move up to 18″…

Oh that looks great, I havent been off the shelf in quite a while.....

Very goodsss. Hissy is pleassed with this as Swarmy was always her favourite Ally.

And oursss.

Yes he is oursss.

Get out of here right now Sistersss. Hissy wil blow you out the airlock or render you back down into goo.

Well I guess even with a new edition some things never change in the Hive

Hissy you wont like this next one though. LunchStealers got a huge buff so keeping them and Broodlord under control in the Hive might be waaaay more difficult.

Genestealers, who are the iconic Tyranid unit in my eyes, are absolutely lethal. Not only are they incredibly fast with an 8″ Move themselves, they can also charge after advancing. With their shiny new 5+ invulnerable save, they’re also hardy, and I often cast Catalyst on them too, because I am a mean, mean man.

But to really crank the power up to 11 with Genestealers, take them in units of 10 or more to trigger their Flurry of Claws special rule, bumping them up to 4 Attacks each. Combo this with the Broodlord (who is also, utterly deadly in melee) to also give them a +1 to hit in the Fight phase. That means a full unit of 20 has 80 Attacks hitting on a 2+. With their Rending Claws – which bump up to AP -4 on a 6 to wound – very few units in the game can withstand a full strength Genestealer charge!

Filthy, rotten LunchStealers. Hissy remembersss..... Do not worry, Hissy will simply use them as shock troopsss as they should be used. Then Hissy wade in and take all glory

Good girl Hissy!

And finally no more cowardly gaunts running away Hissy!

And Synapse, hmm, what type of benefit does that provide? Nothing less than immunity to morale for friendly Tyranids units within range. Bring on the hordes of little gribblies!

A gloriousss time for the Hive

Hail, oh High Queen, hail to thee.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/24 23:47:50

Post by: Master Azalle

Oh, High Queen Hissy! How good it is to see you grace the interwebs again...

(psst! Ratius! Don't worry, the Angels of Vengeance haven't forgotten you! hang in there Brother!)

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2017/05/25 01:46:33

Post by: War Kitten

Hissy's back boys and girls! Its a glorious day to be alive!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/11 12:49:17

Post by: Ratius

There once wasss a man called Ratty
Who Hissy thought wasss quite batty
He gave up on her Hive
So ssshe ate him alive
And now shesss all happy and fatty

Hello tasssty readersss and welcome to Hissy blog. Not Ratiusss blog. Hissy blog.
Ratiusss has been sent to the reclamation pools for digessstion. Bye bye Ratius. Good ridance Ratius.

(Please send help quick peeps, call the Deathwatch if you have to).

So Hissy back with update of blog sssince Ratius give up.

Hissy spawn new bio formsss in war to take over known Galaxy.
Here sssome to see.

Hissy get filthy hormagants to make sssuch creaturesss for her. Hissy not lower herself to such worksss.

Hissy even ssspawn extra bitsss for her creations so she can have more Neurothropes (see ssspine piece?)

So Hissy now have three of thessse lovely creaters and two of these faithful beastsss. Good no?

Hissy even fight other filthy Galaxy dwellersss since disssgraceful Ratius now in pools. But you wait until next episssode of Hissy Hive to see winner.

Bye bye.

(Help get me out of here peeps, we cant let her go on like this..... )

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/11 13:24:49

Post by: Briancj

Well thank goodness, Hissy. That Rattius guy had clearly given up, so it's good to see you've picked up the blogging/acidic etching.

Good riddance, Rattius! *waves at nutrient pool where Rattius was dumped*


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/11 13:31:27

Post by: ChaoticMind

YAY! The queen has returned! I think you may need to have the hormagants check the digestion pools. Your ex-jester is still making obnoxious noises.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/11 15:38:31

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

The return of the Queen! Praise Hissy!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/11 18:43:37

Post by: Ratius


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/16 09:27:50

Post by: Ratius

Hi Readersss

Hissy back with update. Hive continue to grow and evolve with thessse three new bio forms.

Hissy going to proxy them as Hive Guard with cannons or shocks and add them to thisss old group. Hissy not discriminate between old bio genusss and new genusss.

Hissy also has Hive working on getting new bio forms ready for battle. See how nice and fresssh they all look. Cold in Ireland. Hissy not really like cold.

Observant readersss will notice how Hissy's powerful and inventive mind make 3 Neurothropes from only one box. Hissy smart. Hissy good.

Hissy continue working on Hive thisss week.

Hissy also find strange writing on wall of Ratius cell. Poor Ratius. Good riddance Ratius.

Day 1.
Hissy has locked me into some sort of holding cell. The smell is atrocious and I can see no latrine facilities. Hissys idea of a joke I assume.

Day 2.
Hissy thought it would be amusing to throw a giant Ripper into my cell this morning. It sits in the corner simply leering at me. It smells too.

Day 3.
Hissy is either racist or ignorant. I believe the former. She has taken to feeding me nothing but mashed potatoes.

Day 4.
I have managed to get a message on dakkadakk asking for a rescue or better yet Deathwatch team to help me.

Day 5.
Still no sign of a rescue and that Ripper thing is edging closer every day.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/16 09:37:58

Post by: Not Online!!!

Do you hear the voices too??? Eerrrmm wait i now don't hear them anymore?

I also would like to know the magic for the neurotrophs

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/17 07:57:54

Post by: Ratius

Thanksss for interest not online. Hissy not add you to digessstive pools quite yet.
Hissy make extra Neuros by cannibalising extra partsss from biomass chambersss.

Hissy take spike from Harpy tail piece for one Neuro and stick to back of head.
Hissy take tail toxin spike from Trygon kit for other Neuro and stick to back of head.
Hissy do good no?
Then Hissy find ssspikey bits from random biomass and stick to forehead of both Neuros.

Hive now hasss two old Zoanthropes and three Neurothropes for maximum ssssmite spam.
Hissy happy.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/18 14:54:46

Post by: Not Online!!!

*stares at obvious chaos corruption.

I draw the line at animal abuse.

I'd say that worked well enough

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/19 12:00:36

Post by: Nevelon

Nice evolution Hissy. Where there is will and biomass, there is a way.

Ratius: I’ll try to prioritize some Deathwatch in my painting queue. Although at the rate I paint, you might want to look into other escape options...

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/19 13:47:30

Post by: Not Online!!!

The 31. Searches for frontline soldiers ratius.
Of course how do you feel about our Lord on saviour khorne?

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/19 14:02:48

Post by: Theophony

Hush you Ratius. Might have sent you a Titan group to help sooner, but you were quiet too long Nd now the genestealer cults have infiltrated everywhere. You should have warned us earlier, now all the defense we can muster must protect the dorito supply chain .

Hail hydra.....I mean Hive Queen Hissy

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/26 10:59:42

Post by: Ratius

Day 6.
Hissy continues to feed me nothing but potatoes. Sometimes mashed, sometimes boiled. Always horrible.

Day 7.
The giant Ripper seems to have lost interest in me and has taken to rolling around the cell hissing and grunting. Cant sleep.

Day 8.
Still no sign of a rescue. My faith in Dakkadakka has deserted me.

Day 9.
The Ripper has disappeared. I feel sort of empty without its constant hissing.


Hi tasssty Readers.

Hissy has done very well thisss week. Look at what ssshe get Hive to paint.

Hissy now have 3 more creaturesss to proxy as Hive Guard and extra Smite ssspam. Hissy happy.

And look at new style of basesss. Ratius alwaysss so lazy with basing. But Hissy do better. Much better.

Hissy also thank tasssty readers for support. Ratius never give Hissy enough support.

Hissy continue making progresss with Hive and be back soon with more to ssshow.

Bye tasty Readersss!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/26 12:11:56

Post by: Briancj

You never really understand how Genestealer Cults start, until you realize you've been rooting for the Hive Tyrant.


Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/10/26 16:17:42

Post by: Theophony

 Briancj wrote:
You never really understand how Genestealer Cults start, until you realize you've been rooting for the Hive Tyrant.


They start the same way as all GW armies (cults).
1. I’ll just buy one to paint, I’m not building an army .
2. Wow, I liked that, maybe I’ll buy a kill team worth, so I can have diversity when I play that game.
3. Might as well make a small detachment, it’s just a few more models.
4. Wow , the that model is bonkers cool, I’ll never use it, but it will look great with my detachment.
5. With that model I’m almost at 1000 points, might as well grab enough as the FLGS is running a 1000pt league.
6. That model that looked cool for the league isn’t performing well, and for the sake of my gaming manhood I need to buy the win, so I’ll get the ugly overpriced model with killer rules to show them who’s boss.
7. Escalation league? Well I’m at 1230pts now might as well buy 20more points to get me to the next point level.
8. Next round of escalation is 1500points. Might as well bump my psyker pool up a bit.
9. I already have enough, but the start collecting boxes are going up $5, so I’m going to double down even though I only need one model in there.
10. Pictured in White Dwarf magazine for having 30,000points. Would thank his wife, kids and friends for their support, but never got married/been on a date and it’s tuesday so “friends” haven’t bathed in a week so just goes to check DakkaDakka to see a really cool figure for a new faction that he’s definitely not going to start buying, but just wants to paint it up for fun

This message is not endorsed by DakkaDakka or any of its readers.

Ratius, the ripper disappeared?

We’ll keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t begin to act strangely. They’ve been known to lay eggs in people. Like the zombie wasps.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/11/02 09:44:53

Post by: Ratius

Hi again tasssty Readers.

Hissy has dilemma today.
Hissy has enough biomass from this

to make more powerful unitsss.

Hissy has option to make brother for lovely Swarmy or another Hive sister on foot or with wingsss. Hissy not really want more annoying sssiters though. Sisssters infuriate poor Hissy.
Look at how they annoy poor Swarmy

What tasssty readers think Hissy should do?

Thankfully no noissse from Ratius today. Maybe he finally fell into digessstive pool.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/11/02 16:34:37

Post by: ChaoticMind

From a command perspective, which ever would be most valuable on the battlefield.

From a chunk of biomass touched by chaos, which ever would throw the delicate balance of power over there most out of whack.

So at a guess, fly-rant sister for tactics, and for personal entertainment a brother for Swarmy thus terrorizing your sisters into rashly engaging in a foolish course of action doomed to failure.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/11/02 21:39:36

Post by: Theophony

Hissy should (in my humble unevolved and undigested opinion ) , make sister with wings. She will look up to Hissy. Adore Hissy . If not Hissy can pluck off her wings and throw her into that reclamation pit with old Ratius...... forgot not to mention him as he’s been safe for a bit. Stupid inner dialogue hasn’t been working since those two guys with three arms knocked at my door and gave me pamphlets about universal truth .

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/11/03 21:18:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

In my humble opinion, Little things are only as useful as the ammount of Flagbearers you have.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/11/30 10:40:01

Post by: Ratius

Well tasty Readersss, the big reveal isss today.

Can you guess what Hissy choossse for Hive from Hive Tyrant kit?

Hissy choossse!


Wait, so I have a Brother?

Yesss Swarmy, you have a tasssty new Brother. Hissy like him.....

Excellent, we likesss both old Swarmy and new. Hisssssss, mmmmm, Hissssss

Excellent, we likesss both old Swarmy and new. Hisssssss, mmmmm, Hissssss


New and old Swarmy jussst for Hissy. All Hissy.

(Think I'll grab a Bioship with him and get off this crazy train)

A good day today Readersss. Yes?

And no sign of idiot Ratiusss. He quiet of late.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/11/30 12:31:57

Post by: Nevelon

That’s a lot of stabbing sword things going on there! Nice build.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2019/11/30 13:00:24

Post by: ChaoticMind

Ooh, beautifully stabby boy you got there!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2020/01/11 11:58:00

Post by: Ratius



Hissy what is going on?

Ratiusss, the filthy Ratiusss has escaped Swarmy.
Hissy knew something wasss up. Hissy knew Ratiusss too quiet of late. Hissy knew.

Where could he be?

Send out Lictorsss and DeathLeaper now Swarmy. Hissy tell gribblies to secure bio-locksss. Hissy tell Triggy to patrol underground Hive. Hissy tell Gargoylesss to sweep Hive roofs.

Ok Hissy , I'll gather the Hive.

Hissy not let that filth essscape. He neglect Hive for so long and expect Hissy to not forget. Hissy never forget. Hissy smart. Hissy strong. Hissy is Hive Queen.

Ohhhh Hissy. I'm back.....

Whilst I give Hissy some well deserved payback heres the next batch of her miscreants to get painted hopefully this week.
After that I'll try and get up a batrep.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2020/01/11 12:15:27

Post by: Nevelon

Ooh, floaty brains and stabby monsters. Nice ends of the nid spectrum.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2020/01/12 18:05:38

Post by: ChaoticMind

Hmm, I think the new additions to the swarm have tricked Ratius. One pulling psychic trickery and the other puppeting his body makes more sense than him escaping the Glorious Queen Hissy!

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2024/04/29 09:09:54

Post by: Ratius


Ohhhhh boy.....

Ratiussss you filthy waste of biomassss. Hissy close to rendering you down into soup for ripper swarmsss.

So sorry Hissy. I had some things to deal with on my home planet hence my hiatus.

Hiatus? Hissy and Hive been wandering aimlesssssly through Galaxy awaiting new biomasss. Nothing much left for Hive after eating mossst of Galactic core.

Well at least you stayed well fed.

Sssssilence! Ratiusss last warning from Hissy and Hive. Hissy expect BIG progresss.

OK ok, message received! I did get someone close to your heart completed during our hiatus.

Our hiatussss?! Hissy sure you mean YOUR hiatussss.

Yes of course my mistake your highness. Well here he is all for you.....


(I think shes collapsed)
So Hissy?

.....g-g-good Ratiusss. Good.

Phew, got away with that one so. Look a group shot.

So I'm just old biomass now I suppose?

Of course not Swarmy 1.0. I still love you as does Hissy. Just think we can cheat in a game and use you both

Interesssting Ratius, interesssting.

A few more of Swarmy 2.0. Hes still learning english but says hello through roars and hisses anyway.

We like too.

Back to cleaning the biopitsss you rotten sistersss. You get no meeting with Ssswarmy 2.0. EVER.

Hissy postpone your rendering for a while Ratiusss.

Thank you oh high queen.

Hissy demand what isss next.

(For the Emperors sake Im just back )

Spore mines Hissy, we need to finish them off.

Pffff from Swarmy to spore minesss? Not very exciting Ratiusss.

Every bit counts Hissy....

Get to work Ratiusss. Hissy only ssslightly happy you return.

A wins a win I suppose.....

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2024/04/29 09:54:22

Post by: Nevelon

You going to let Hissy know that the Big Bag for 10th is Tyranids. So many new hungry maws to add to the swarm. Some brand new, others re-done classics, evolved into a new age.

Any plans/roadmaps for where the hive is evolving?

Good to have you back.

You’ve been gone since 2020? Heh. Hissy will be glad to know that I’ve been harboring a splinter fleet over in my blog since you’ve been absent. Up to a respectable size at this point. Had some fond thoughts of you swarm while I was building my own.

Hissy the Hive Tyrants Horrible Hive (updated 29/4/2024) @ 2024/04/29 23:39:31

Post by: Overread

Has it truly been years since the last Hissy update? Time flies past too fast!!

I bet this means poor Hissy hasn't even found out that Tyranids ate a whole key-world- that they appeared in Leviathan nor all the awesome new swarm models that have evolved!

Why I bet she's not even been introduced to the new good looking Biovore or perhaps even the very dashing (you can tell cause he's wearing a long coat) Deathleaper!