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"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/25 16:17:40

Post by: Commander Cain

So it begins...

As some of you may know, I have been blathering on about starting a Thousand Sons army for months. I finally have enough progress for it to be worth showing you!

The Idea

What if the Thousand Sons had not turned to Chaos? As many of you may know, the Sons remained a loyal legion until the very end when the Space Wolves were unleashed upon them for practicing forbidden sorcery. I intend to create an army of these marines as if they had never betrayed (or been betrayed by) the Imperium.

While I am concentrating on the models atm, I do intend to write up a decent story line eventually. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

The Army

At the moment I only have a vague idea of how big this force is going to turn out, however, I think that two Fellowships (companies) should suffice.

Being a completionist I am also obsessed with owning every single variant of armour, tank and whatever else might interest me plus things of my own design!

The Finished Product

For those of you just joining the blog, fear not! Paint does indeed show up as well as does the quality of modelling

Here's a few more recent pictures to give you a taste of what lies ahead as my skill have improved significantly since 2011!

The Models

Enough Chat! I have already started work on a few marines, care to take a look?

While they may look very rough at this stage, once they are all cleaned up and painted they should look quite the part!


Scarab Occult Veteran

Tactical Squad Marines

Assault Cannon Marine

Multi-Melta Marine (a very fun conversion)

Assault Marine

Raptora Cult Marines

Auto Cannon Marine and Pyrae Marine (he is holding some fire but it looks very odd in these pics!)

And finally, a sergeant with unfinished staff (pics seem to have been slowly getting larger, ah well!)

Well, that is pretty much I have for you right now, hope you like what you see!

Next up, paint!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/25 16:32:26

Post by: Red Corsair

Cool idea! Maybe a walk through of what you plan on using the different marines for....especially the assault canon guy

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/25 17:20:15

Post by: Obsidian Raven

Awesome conversions! Will definitely be watching this

I think it may be worth your time to look at the Dornian heresy, if you dont know about it. It is a very well written fan made alternate history, switching the traitor legions for loyalist legions. I really enjoy it, and it has loyalist Thousand Sons with very a interesting history.

Take a look.


Edit: maxmini also makes a not-thousand sons helmet in their "steam knights" helmet range.

the first helmet is very similar to the thousand sons pre-heresy helms in the horus heresy artbook

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/25 17:20:36

Post by: A Kvlt Ghost

That autocannon looks awkward as hell, sorry. The multimelta is cool though, where's that heat vent from?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/25 17:23:57

Post by: NathanD298

Really good looking conversions there! love the look of that Raptora cult sergeant/captain!!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/25 18:02:21

Post by: neil101

Great start, assault cannon and melta look very nice , autocannon looks a bit weird,the rest are cool.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/25 18:32:31

Post by: Commander Cain

@ Red Corsair. Thanks! I will probably just throw all the fancy/illegal weaponry into a Dev squad and leave it at that, I may get a few bemused looks if I try to field the assault cannon guy in a game!

@Obsidian. Thank you sir! I have actually read the dornian heresy works, while I liked most of them, the 1k sons tale seemed a bit lacking at the start. While I may take some parts from it, most of the fluff will be my own work.

Also, I will probably be picking up some Maxmini stuff along with the new kromlech heads, too good to resist!

Any other sites that I have not yet come across would be very appreciated!

@ Kvlt Ghost. Yeah, I made the AC very quickly, any suggestions on how to improve it? The melta vent is from a Landspeeder`s missile pod, waste not want not!

@ Nathan. Thanks!

@Neil101 Thanks! Any ideas on how to improve the AC?

In other news, a mysterious package has arrived at the door, I suspect there could be some marine bits inside!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/26 16:19:29

Post by: Obsidian Raven

I meant to ask in my original post, but which codex are you using to represent them?

edit : on top of that, i want to ask if you could give me a run down of the guy made from the AOBR Captain. It give me an idea for a conversion, as I'm making a conversion for a friend who recently got into the hobby, and i didnt think of using the AOBR captain on it.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/26 22:10:32

Post by: Commander Cain

Always wanted to quote myself!

Commander Cain wrote:
I have also decided to make this army with no thought for rules or gameplay to allow me free reign with converting and modelling.

I figure if I do want to use them in a game anyway, I will either use the BA or SM 'dex simply because everyone else chooses to play them a Grey Knights! SW is also an option as they can take lots of libby's iirc.

The conversion was super simple, all you need is a aobr captain (obviously), a regular marine torso and shooty right arm , DA head and a backpack.

Replace the aobr guys torso from the body and replace it with the marine torso.
Cut the fancy gun away from the captain's body then stick it back on to the body.
Then, slap the new head and pack onto the marine, easy!

Only problem with this conversion is that I need to sculpt a loincloth back on to him as there is a blank space left after changing torsos.

I have a whole bunch of Black Reach guys that are all getting chopped up for this project, I WILL make them look good!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/26 22:50:09

Post by: Obsidian Raven

Commander Cain wrote:Always wanted to quote myself!

Commander Cain wrote:
I have also decided to make this army with no thought for rules or gameplay to allow me free reign with converting and modelling.

I figure if I do want to use them in a game anyway, I will either use the BA or SM 'dex simply because everyone else chooses to play them a Grey Knights! SW is also an option as they can take lots of libby's iirc.

The conversion was super simple, all you need is a aobr captain (obviously), a regular marine torso and shooty right arm , DA head and a backpack.

Replace the aobr guys torso from the body and replace it with the marine torso.
Cut the fancy gun away from the captain's body then stick it back on to the body.
Then, slap the new head and pack onto the marine, easy!

Only problem with this conversion is that I need to sculpt a loincloth back on to him as there is a blank space left after changing torsos.

I have a whole bunch of Black Reach guys that are all getting chopped up for this project, I WILL make them look good!

oops, i totally missed that comment in your older post my bad. Well, i have the same thought with My CSM army now. I'm not really planning to play for it (in fact, the game doesn't appeal to me in the slightest) so I'm basically throwing the codex out the window and going for "the rule of cool". I actually need to update my Blog ive done a lot of models and havent posted in my blog for a while because of real life issues.

Unfortunately, i tried it, and my plan for the model im making wont work with the AOBR captain, but i think i may be able to make him into a neat heretic to lead a squad of mine.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/26 22:59:06

Post by: JohnnoM

I'm subscribing just to see the contemptor, they rock!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/26 23:32:43

Post by: GiraffeX

Looking good so far, always like the Thousand Sons.

Are you going to be painting them in the red pre-heresy scheme?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/11/26 23:41:40

Post by: Commander Cain

I sure am! Red all the way

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/01 15:46:08

Post by: HAZZER

The stuff looks great I'm going to love watiching this plog!Can't wait to see mroe!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/01 16:23:29

Post by: VenerableDreadnoughtKroak

Who this is great subscribed

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/01 16:38:30

Post by: Brother-Captain Scotti

I love thousand sons very much and look forward to seeing more!

Just can't help wish their heads were a bit more thousand sons like, just my 2p

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/01 17:10:48

Post by: kestral

I would like to see more "Egypt" stuff. Alternately, more "sorcerous" stuff. I feel like they don't look different enough from regular marines yet, although paint could help that.

The guy holding the crook (Anhk?) is going in the right direction. I like the idea of fire throwing guys.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/01 20:27:14

Post by: Commander Cain

Don't you worry yourself about them not looking egyptian enough scotti and kestral! I have a whole bunch of stuff planned for these guys and will probably be changing some of the heads for the new Kromlech ones when I make a bitz order!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/05 04:56:10

Post by: The Dwarf Wolf

Hey bro, great ideia, im looking forward for this... and you give me the ideia for my next army.... chaos wolves, as if they had turned to chaos during the great heresy

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/05 11:01:29

Post by: Commander Cain

Khorne Wolves! I have always wanted to see someone make an army of them. Perhaps we should team up and write up some fluff for our armies?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/05 12:13:37

Post by: inquisitive inquistor

Great mini's.

@ Commander Cain :
There is a good bit of fluff for Khorne Wolves in the Dornian heresy pdf from bolter and chainsword to use as a spring board.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/11 14:46:06

Post by: Capitansolstice

That is a really cool idea, cant wait to see how it turns out

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/12 00:27:29

Post by: zariart

Cant wait to see some of this painted,looks original so far.
Fluff for your stuff,it helps get you get in your armies head.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/12 21:13:46

Post by: Azazelx

Looks promising. I'm keen to see them with paint on!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/12 21:43:20

Post by: Llamahead

Interesting idea doing an alt history 40k army. Might be worth having a look at the War Gods of Aegyptus line fr inspiration.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/12 23:04:42

Post by: Commander Cain

Thank ya folks!

Fluff is incoming, my basic idea is for a space-roaming leigon, cast away from their home planet ( Prospero) due to an invasion by the Space Wolves who have recently turned to the worship of Khorne. I do not want to get too ahead of myself so I will have a sit down in the near future and get the good old pen and paper out and get thinking!

@Lamahead, That Aegyptus line of models is making me want to find a way to fit an Egyptian style daemon army into the force, darn you!

On the model side of things, I have made up a couple of termie squads and will get some pics of them up when I have access to a computer and camera, stay tuned!

Thanks again for the kind words, they keep me motivated to keep this project running smoothly!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/12 23:41:28

Post by: medabee

Any idea when we can see some of these bad "good" guys painted?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/13 00:54:30

Post by: Commander Cain

Just as soon as I get some red paints!

In all seriousness, I will be buying all the GW paints that I am missing after Christmas along with bits from various companies.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/21 01:36:05

Post by: mxwllmdr

This is most likely the coolest idea for an army that I have seen on a long time. Subbing to see where it goes, Commander. Also, thinking of building a 1K Chaos Army myself. Maybe we can do an internet match when they are done! HAHA. Keep up the good work, please put some wips in as you are working on these. I am not very good at conversions and would be very interested in seeing your methodology.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/21 21:06:05

Post by: Ovion

For the bases is that just plastic netting like what's used for gardening and such?

It's a reasonably effective grill pattern.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/21 22:15:21

Post by: mxwllmdr

Whatever it is I like it, looks like diamond plate steel like would be on the floor of a very large spacecraft or tank.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/22 01:47:25

Post by: Commander Cain

Yup, it was a big roll of netting used for interior walls.

They are not going to be like that for long however. I am torn between basing them on city ruins or a better looking starship interior.

I shall get some pics taken tomorrow of the new figures I have put together. So far I have a 5 man Raptora squad, Corvidae squad and Pyrae squad along with a termie boarding team!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/22 16:39:22

Post by: Commander Cain


Boarding Terminators

As the years after the heresy progressed, the Thousand Sons found themselves without a home planet. Left to cruise the stars in their huge battle barges, it was not long before the Thousand Sons became adept at ship to ship combat. Heavily armoured troopers would launch toward the enemy craft in boarding ships. Among the elite of these were the boarding terminators. Armed with specialist equipment, earned through their pacts with the Adeptus Mechanicus, these warriors would punch through any opposition they met in their path.

Full Squad


Lightning claws

Heavy Lascutter

Heavy Incinerator

Thunderhammer trooper

Individual fluff will be made once they are cleaned up, converted a bit more and painted!

Raptora Cult squad

The Raptorae are telekines, trained in using their own telekinetic power as a means of both offense and defense. Offensively, Raptorae could direct physical objects at enemies, as well as simply use their powers to directly manipulate enemies; ripping parts of them off. Defensively, they generate 'kine shields', barriers of invisible physical force that blocked attacks. Kine shields were not just generated for personal protection; Raptorae could also project this ability to shield others.

Squad shot

New guys

Athanaen Cult squad

The Athanaeans are telepaths, able to read the thoughts of others as well as transmit their own. Athaneanans complement Corvidae in intelligence operations - while Corvidae interpret what may happen and influence strategy, Athaneans are able to discern current movements and influence immediate tactics. Athaneans also provide secure communication. Battlefield roles involve direct intelligence gathering and transmission.

Squad shot



Apothecary with Needle pistol and Chainsword

Despite the Thousand Sons being able to use their powers to heal, apothecaries were still needed on the field of battle, often recruited from the Pavoni cult, these figures were invaluable in the more intense fights.

Next up, Pyrae cult!


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Pyrae Cult squad

The Pyrae are pyrokinetic, able to both generate and control fire. Their powers can also be used to make them effectively immune to pain or injury caused by fire. They can project the fire they generate in many ways, principally as variations of shields or projectiles. The temperature and lethality of flame can be controlled; as it is warp-powered, Pyrae fire can become exceedingly lethal to not only anything it alights to, but also anything in the immediate vicinity of the flames. Pyrae teachings also seemed to include the ability to control and manipulate automata, such as Robots and even Titans. (Thanks Lexicanum! )

Squad shot


That's all for now!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/22 16:52:18

Post by: mxwllmdr

Loving it, man. What's that pole behind the thinderhammer trooper? Love the phot backdrop too. Wicked good choice.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/22 17:03:31

Post by: Commander Cain

Pole is a bit off of the bastion kit!

Backdrop is from the FW masterclass book, best painting book in existence imo!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/22 22:13:00

Post by: Capitansolstice

Commander Cain wrote:
Backdrop is from the FW masterclass book, best painting book in existence imo!

I agree!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/23 15:04:58

Post by: Commander Cain

Forgot to show the pic of another assault trooper!

Anyone know of a good set that comes with lots of force axes? I wanted to give the whole squad weapons like the one above.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/23 15:42:11

Post by: RSJake

These bits are on Ebay, at the following link. They have multiple units. You would just have to cut off the blade in invert it to look like the one you are talking about.


Other than that I would look at bits sites. Good luck! I love the stuff you have going on here!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/23 17:19:54

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Excellent work! I especially like that you didn't go w/ the "traditional" Thousand Sons helms as they would have (as Loyalists) kept up-to-date w/ the most current armor types and would have abandoned those "hey, hit me in the head!" helms long ago.

The conversion work is inspiring and very well done. I'm enjoying this thread a lot so far, subbed!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/28 10:13:51

Post by: zariart

Great work,the bases are fitting of such dynamic looking figures.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/28 11:05:25

Post by: prototype_X

Curse you. Your thread has made me need to make some khorne wolves. Need. More. Cash...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/28 12:45:18

Post by: Flying Pooo

Awesome army idea and the models are awesome too!

Can't wait to see more! Subscribed

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/28 13:08:27

Post by: Thatguy91

Absolutely stunning work! Love it!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/29 23:38:47

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks for the comments folks!

Here is your New Years eve-eve update!

I got myself some red paint for Christmas so have some guys painted up for you. Pretty pleased with them. I chose a fairly bright, clean paintjob, very 'eavy metal style!

First up, a good old tactical marine!

Termie Sergeant (converted from Aobr guy)

Group shot

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/29 23:41:00

Post by: prototype_X

Looking good, I like your bases, did you make them yourself?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/29 23:43:46

Post by: Commander Cain

yessir! Just a bit of flat plastic and some bitz!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/29 23:52:19

Post by: prototype_X

Thats what im trying to do at the moment. its not too sucseesfull, Theres pictures in my blog if you want to see. How do you get them round enough? Is there a quicker way than cutting the rough outline then filing?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/30 00:23:07

Post by: Flying Pooo

Those are some beautiful Smace Marines!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/30 01:09:17

Post by: Commander Cain

prototype_X wrote:Thats what im trying to do at the moment. its not too sucseesfull, Theres pictures in my blog if you want to see. How do you get them round enough? Is there a quicker way than cutting the rough outline then filing?

Well, from what I could see, you are working with a much thicker material. The technique remains the same however, I did indeed cut out a rough shape, then sliced away the remaining edge with a craft knife that I placed so that it followed the angle of the sloped part of the base. Filing would probably leave you with a rougher edge in the end methinks.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/30 01:21:12

Post by: prototype_X

Hmmmm, tahnk you, how thick is the stuff you are using?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/30 01:29:35

Post by: Samus_aran115

Wow :O

Really cool stuff here. Great work so far!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/30 01:42:53

Post by: Commander Cain

Samus and Pooo, thanks!

Mr X, umm, pretty thin, roughly the thickness of a toenail...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/30 17:08:10

Post by: mxwllmdr

That Termie Sarge is Awesome, Commander. Thinking about doing the same kind of bits based bases for my Chaos guys. but then again the cracked earth eggshell look is cool, too.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/31 02:55:48

Post by: zariart

I like the background image. gives it an Adeptus feel.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/31 03:07:53

Post by: Johnny-Crass

This is awesome!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/31 12:22:40

Post by: zariart

Maybe we can do an internet match when they are done! HAHA

is there such a thing?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/31 15:26:17

Post by: Horus Aximand

You're stuff looks pretty good, but have you seen the alternate history on the Bolter and Chainsword? It's based around if Dorn became warmaster and became corrupted instead, and has loyallist Thousand Sons. You should check it out, maybe for some more inspiration!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/31 16:21:10

Post by: Tibbsy

Good stuff here, I may have to use some of these ideas in the Pre-Heresy Thousand Son I'll be doing eventually... Great stuff so far!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2011/12/31 16:23:28

Post by: Asherian Command

How did you do the Assault cannon?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/02 11:24:36

Post by: HAZZER

Looking good man Looking good! That paintjobs is sweet keep it up!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/06 18:09:59

Post by: frostaxe707

as said needs more tzeentch icons+ weaponry
concept and poses are great!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/06 18:25:50

Post by: Johnny-Crass

frostaxe707 wrote:as said needs more tzeentch icons+ weaponry !

Why? From what I can understand they are still loyal

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/08 21:22:52

Post by: cormadepanda

Cain you saw my stuff and i felt like i had to see yours. Your stuff is awesome! thousand suns are my fvorite marine chapter and i always liked the alternate ending idea keep it up i wanna see a full army!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/11 02:57:30

Post by: mxwllmdr

I do love this but the Chaos in me is screaming TZEEEEEEEEEEEEEENCH!!!!!!!! Are you sure you don't need those icons? I have some I could send you....

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/12 00:35:27

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks guys! Really appreciate all the comments, well besides the heretical ones of course!

Finished painting up the medic with needle pistol but I am just waiting to get some decent pics of him. Until then, I have got to share this little idea of mine, tell me what you think!

Alternate future Deathwatch!

Three weeks before the infamous Istvaan dropsite massacre, chief librarian Ahriman and many other members of the corvidae cult began to receive horrific visions of the events that were quickly unfolding. Unable to prevent the full disaster that was about to unfold, Ahriman did the only thing he could, cause as much chaos and disruption among the ranks of he soon-to-be traitor legions as possible. This was no easy task if it was to be accomplished in time to cause the maximum damage. Visiting his old friend Amon, the esteemed captain of the 9th fellowship, the two unleashed the wrath of the Thousand Sons.

Amidst every single legion of the Adeptus Astartes lurked an agent of the Thousand Sons, these troops were known as the Hidden Ones. These deep cover spies had been placed methodically to gather intelligence about their fellow battle brothers, without even being aware of the fact that they served the XV legion. Ahriman had Amon contact each member of his company, who were all scattered throughout the galaxy and release the barriers around their minds. Each were told of the situation and told what their part to play would be, to gather together every loyalist marine they could gather to their side and convince them of the events that were soon to unfold. Many the Hidden Ones approached were unable to believe such high tales but there were others who had witnessed strange things during their time in service, rituals that bordered on heresy, strange occult practices and the dark looks in the eyes of their primarches.

When the time came, these marines who were loyal to the Imperium of Man over their battle brothers banded together, organizing a vast rebellion, coordinated through the psychic abilities of the Thousand Sons. These noble warriors were to converge in the Istvaan system to provide an extra punch to aid the warriors of the Imperium who would be desperately outgunned against the traitors.

On the eve of battle Ahriman met with the Space marines that the Hidden ones had recruited on the flagship Photep. Greeting them all in a booming voice that filled the grand chamber in the center of the vessel he addressed them all. "Battle brothers, warriors of the Emperor, a great tragedy is soon about to befall us, we will be betrayed by many of our fellow legions, while I may not be able to change the course of events that is coming to meet us, WE can still make a difference! You all have a part to play in the coming hours, you shall rally to the beleaguered defenders on Istvaan V and smash these heretics, with my own legion at your side the tide can be changed, history needs not go in this direction, it is in our hands, let us take advantage of this and aid our comrades!" Pausing, Ahriman allowed his words to sink in then raised his staff and screamed "For the Emperor!" at the top of his lungs. Roars of approval met him and each Marine in the chamber raised their fists, readying themselves for the incoming battle.

Within the hour, each loyalist was garbed in jet black armour, representative of their new status and battle brothers with the exception of the right shoulderpad, still proudly displaying their founding chapters colours. Emerging from the Warp, the newly anointed Deathwatch and the Thousand Sons shot toward the planet of Istvaan V...

Phew, that took a while to compose! For those allergic to text block, the general idea is a Deathwatch made up of members of the traitor legions, supported and commanded by the Thousand Sons.

I think I may build a squad (or two!) of these guys to go along with the Sons to act as an elite unit with varied skills, I am rather looking forward to it!

Any input would be greatly appreciated, be it ideas for the models or the fluff, I am eager to hear your thoughts!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/12 00:41:46

Post by: Skrall

Ok, my advise...

If your doing thousand sons as a loyalist legion, you REALLY need to explore the symbology and design of them. get yourself some of the tomb kings kits and play with the swords and shields, the concept is nice but... the modelling just makes them cloaked blood angels at the minute.

Sorry man, nice models, but they don't quite reach the level i think your aiming for.

-oh and you can produce the scarab easily with green stuff,

it'd do a lot for you, and all it is (basically) is a off circle with three lines in it.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/12 00:54:08

Post by: Commander Cain

Ah don't you worry about them looking too plain, I am already in the process of giving all the sergeants (including the 'finished' termie captain) sickle swords, converted from GK bitz, I am also waiting on many bitz from the likes of maxmini and kromlech!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/12 16:11:21

Post by: HAZZER

I REALLY REALLY like your idae for deathwatch man! they are lookign good! The fulf is greatm, how about using them as sterguard or vanguard?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/12 20:07:49

Post by: mxwllmdr

The idea of a joint Legion Deathwatch is cool, and the right shoulder pad is like a shoulder sleave insignia of former wartime service (Combat Patch). Me like....

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/12 21:17:16

Post by: GiraffeX

A Chaos Deathwatch squad would be really cool, its an excellent idea the best of the traitor legions.

Looking forward to seeing these guys wish I thought of something along those lines, they will make an excellent chosen squad.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/20 18:18:30

Post by: Redaxe13

These models are really really nice. Thousand son's is by far my favorite legion out of both loyalist and chaos. However, the lack of traditional Thousand Son's Iconography is making me cringe. You have Blood Angel's and Dark Angel's symbols still allover them, but no Thousand Son's symbols. I love the idea, but I just don't think a red paint job makes them Thousand Sons. The thousand sons where always a unique legion, and to take that away their symbols and iconography is pretty much blaspemous. I understand you're getting new heads for them but you really need more iconography than that.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/22 21:12:25

Post by: Norn King

I love the termie.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/24 15:47:24

Post by: mxwllmdr

Good morning Cain, Where are all the new shots?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/24 23:16:05

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks folks!

Keep them criticisms coming for I know it means I will end up with a better result in the end!

Just for you Max, here is the update I have long been procrastinating about...

Thousand Sons Apothecary

Armed with his trusty chainsword and needle pistol, the apothecaries of the Pavoni cult are an essential component for the legion.

It was only after I finished painting the red that I remembered that apothecaries are white...ah well!

Give me a few minutes to upload some more wip pics! 1K son honour guard 'ere we come!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/24 23:28:18

Post by: Perkustin

Surely all isn't dust?


Solid painting and some of the conversions are Neato. Especially the minigunner!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/25 00:04:25

Post by: Commander Cain

Thank ya sir!

Okay, as promised, WIP shots.

Thousand Sons Honour Guard

Pretty pleased with these guys, they are a mix of the Calgar boxed set and GK plastics and an Emperors Champion.

For the obligatory finecast review, the emperors champion was perfect, not a single flaw, barely even a mold line on it! The Calgar set was a disappointment however. The bolter molds were misaligned badly though did not have any bubbles, the two similar guard are riddled with bubbles, one specifically was so bad on top that I had to chop the head off entirely! Calgar and the other guard were pretty good, nothing a modeler like myself could not fix. Oh, I was also sent the wrong sprue as the set did not come with Calgars head and a few swords, instead I got two of the bolter sprues (both badly misaligned as I said). No matter, I bought the set to chop up anyway!

There, now that that nastiness is out of the way, let's get cracking!

Hmm, this fella is missing a hand...

Start of the company master


Banner Bearer

Guard (hopefully I can fix up the "U" on the belt to look like a scarab)

More guard!

Group Shot

Thousand Sons Techmarine

Thousand Sons Librarian

Thousand Sons Inquisitorial Overseer

(Fluff coming soon )

Thousand Sons Inquisitorial Praetorian Guard

While you can't tell yet, these guys are on Warmill bases, fantastic things!

The assembled Command Squad

In case any of you were wondering, the sword conversions are simply chopped up GK swords and spears, very effective imo!

I made up one for the termie captain on the last page...

Whew, see what you made me do mxwllmdr? I just go crazy!

There ya go folks, all caught up.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/25 00:15:21

Post by: Perkustin

Now this guy i LOVE! Awesome conversion.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/25 00:37:09

Post by: HF Izanagi

Awesome! Glad to see you starting on your blog! And why the hell didn't I think of alt-future 1K Sons...

Ah well, I love the look of yours- especially the Honor Guard. And your awesome khopesh weaponry! I'll be keeping an eye on this, as I've got no time at the moment to continue my own Sons. Perhaps watching will get me back on the horse...?

Keep up the great work, Cain! I like the mix of red and robes for the Pyrae!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/25 00:51:17

Post by: Obsidian Raven

Your conversions are top-notch! I must say, they are exactly how i believe a conversion should be!

I MUST ask, how did you make the needle pistol? Im building an assassin with one for Inquisimunda, but havent got any idea where to begin

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/25 01:12:18

Post by: Commander Cain

Obsidian Raven wrote:Your conversions are top-notch! I must say, they are exactly how i believe a conversion should be!

I MUST ask, how did you make the needle pistol? Im building an assassin with one for Inquisimunda, but havent got any idea where to begin

Thanks! Hmm, the body of the pistol is a dark eldar shruiken pistol with the spikes removed. Now I honestly can't remember where the ammo cartridge came from though it could have been a little bit from he baneblade kit, I shall have a look for you!

Thanks Izzy and Perkustin!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Found the bit! Listed as " baneblade tools" http://www.bitsandkits.co.uk/baneblade-tools-p-1310.html

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/25 02:02:34

Post by: mxwllmdr

Worth the wait, Cain. Just don't make us wait too much longer for paint...... LOL

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/25 09:26:01

Post by: neil101

WOW ! Absolutely fantastic stuff CC , the conversions are sublime and so in keeping with the theme , between you and perkustin Your seriously making me want to do some pre heresy stuff. lots of character these dudes.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/25 17:05:53

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Your conversions are so solid... just wow. Amazing stuff here, very happy to see an update!

The Apothecary is fine. Think of it as "camouflage" so he's not picked off by enemy snipers

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/26 06:49:17

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

I like the non-white apothecary

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/26 06:52:11

Post by: mxwllmdr

Man, I am really diggin that company master. He is epic, dude.....

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/26 09:36:19

Post by: zariart

Some great looking Marines! I notice you started in on the thousand sons symbols.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/26 10:01:07

Post by: Hologram

Looking good, just a quick question, the (what looks like a) gun magazine on the Storm Bolter of the Inquisitorial Overseer...where did it come from? It looks just like a round canister with the Inquisition symbol on it.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/26 23:12:14

Post by: Commander Cain

The bolter mag is actually the fuel canister off the TAGK set. I was just trying to plaster him in as many inquisitor symbols as possible!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/27 05:52:12

Post by: Hologram

Commander Cain wrote:The bolter mag is actually the fuel canister off the TAGK set. I was just trying to plaster him in as many inquisitor symbols as possible!



Derp, I should have seen that...I have like 10 TAGK kits, lol. Regardless, looking good so far. I'm following with much anticipation.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/27 20:42:37

Post by: HAZZER

Really really am liking the comversions and kit bashes! The command squad is exerllant! Love it!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/01/30 07:54:15

Post by: KOS

really good I like them!

Just how are you going to play them ? Vanilla marines ?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/02/10 15:02:11

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

I’m really enjoying following this. I’ve been wanting to do a Thousand Sons army for a while, and things like this are really inspirational. The kitbashed kopesh (kopeshes?)… ‘sickle swords’ are great, and give a perfect fit to the theme. I was considering seeing if I could snag some of the new Necron power weapons and mesh them up to the marines… but your look is a lot more in line with the marine feel.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/02/10 20:23:00

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks guys! Should have an update for y'all over the weekend. Once again a nice chunky mix of paint and moah conversions! Trying to get as much done this semester as it is my last one before I am off to university!

@ Cutthroat, yeah pretty pleased with the weapons myself, they turned out even better than I thought! Another good side effect is that you can buy them for super cheap, iirc, the Warstore sells a 10 pack of the termie ones for $4!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/02/13 19:04:07

Post by: tantan628

Was searching for inspiration for my during-heresy army, this is looking good.

I also really like the idea, it's good to see something original.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/14 21:59:38

Post by: Commander Cain

Hmm... So I took longer to update than I thought!

Ah well, I have plenty of progress to show you all, including paint!

So, without further ado, let's get cracking!


Pics are a bit dark but you get the idea


This chap is almost done, just need to finish the base and a few scrolls


Scarab veteran

Okay, that's all for painted stuff!

Hope to post another update soon, stay tuned!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/15 06:57:47

Post by: Norn King

Really liking the grey robes.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/15 07:15:41

Post by: Hologram

Really, really sweet shading on the robed maring.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/15 14:06:14

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks guys!

Okay, second update as promised.

Finished off the assault squad. There are actually two squads that I built but all my pics have vanished!

They all need a good clean-up and egyptifying but that will be soon...

Rhino assault vehicle

A fun little conversion!

Group shot

Super zoomy in the gallery folks, give it a visit!

This is the army as it stands. So far it contains:

One tactical squad
Two assault squads
Vet/ Honour Guard
Two termie squads
One cc termie squad
Inquisitor termie squad
Drop pod
Storm Raven
Assault Rhino
Raptora squad
Covidae squad
Pyrae squad
Techmarine & servitors
Company captain...

I have heaps of unbuilt stuff in the bitz box, just waiting for some cool 3rd party stuff to come out before I build them!

Before I go, here is a quick concept I whipped up.

Astartes pattern Lasgun

Due to the Thousand Sons ever increased use as a boarding party. It became evident that standard munitions in the Goodwyn pattern bolter were unsuitable for battle in the more confined areas of spacecraft. The bolter rounds had a habit of ricocheting around the corridors, sometimes injuring battle brothers. Utilizing their newley forged alliance with the Adeptus Mechanicus, a laser powered variant was constructed. Keeping the design as similar as possible, the ad mech downsized the lascannon, making it weaker but also gaining fire-rate. Not only were the new weapons useful in preventing friendly fire, the laser capabilities could be used to burn through some of the weaker bulkheads in a vessel.

All caught up! Sorry for the delay, hope it was worth the wait.

I shall be away on a school trip to Greece and Italy starting tonight, see y'all next week!!!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/15 14:12:58

Post by: Rawson

Commander Cain wrote:Astartes pattern Lasgun

Due to the Thousand Sons ever increased use as a boarding party. It became evident that standard munitions in the Goodwyn pattern bolter were unsuitable for battle in the more confined areas of spacecraft. The bolter rounds had a habit of ricocheting around the corridors, sometimes injuring battle brothers. Utilizing their newley forged alliance with the Adeptus Mechanicus, a laser powered variant was constructed. Keeping the design as similar as possible, the ad mech downsized the lascannon, making it weaker but also gaining fire-rate. Not only were the new weapons useful in preventing friendly fire, the laser capabilities could be used to burn through some of the weaker bulkheads in a vessel.

I love it! Great fluff can make anything work! The only problem I see is your supply of grenade launchers

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/16 00:42:12

Post by: MandalorynOranj

These look great! Only thing is, unless you look really closely on a lot of them they look like Blood Angels, maybe add some more things to differentiate them? Or make the red a little darker?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/24 15:59:25

Post by: Commander Cain

Well, I have returned from my week in Greece and Italy. I have to say that it was the best week of my life! Being fascinated by ancient history, something the two countries are packed with, I am pretty sure it was the best week of my life!

Anyway, I will be back to getting this army painted soon, updates are on the way!!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/31 10:39:14

Post by: Hologram

Commander Cain wrote:Well, I have returned from my week in Greece and Italy. I have to say that it was the best week of my life! Being fascinated by ancient history, something the two countries are packed with, I am pretty sure it was the best week of my life!

Anyway, I will be back to getting this army painted soon, updates are on there way!!

Awesome! Lucky you, I'd love to spend time in Italy. Can't wait to see some new stuff!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/03/31 10:58:35

Post by: lampy

Loving this, keep it coming!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/04/12 17:36:57

Post by: jabbakahut

That Force power generating in that marines hand is awesome, creative idea.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Whole theme and point of the army is cool too!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/04/15 16:56:43

Post by: Ragsta

This all very cool stuff, chief! I'm pretty sure I know which 3rd party parts you're referring to so I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

I support previous comments - if you haven't read the alternate Heresy on Bolter and Chainsword I highly recommend that you do. It will give you even more inspiration.

Keep up your good work, this is some fun stuff so far


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/05/29 20:07:43

Post by: Lysenis

I like this alot. I can not wait to see even more!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/04 16:32:04

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

The Boltgun conversion is excellent.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/04 17:02:23

Post by: Lysenis

Love the gun conversion. Mold I egg with some insta mold and your good to go!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/04 20:36:45

Post by: GiraffeX

Really liking what you've done so far some very nicely painted models, for some reason I had become un-subbed to this thread.

That wont be happing again, I knew I was missing out on something .

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/05 23:56:20

Post by: Commander Cain

Hologram wrote:
Commander Cain wrote:Well, I have returned from my week in Greece and Italy. I have to say that it was the best week of my life! Being fascinated by ancient history, something the two countries are packed with, I am pretty sure it was the best week of my life!

Anyway, I will be back to getting this army painted soon, updates are on there way!!

Awesome! Lucky you, I'd love to spend time in Italy. Can't wait to see some new stuff!

Italy was amazing, best trip I have ever gone on and I have been to a fair few places!

lampy wrote:Loving this, keep it coming!

Thanks! More is on the way

Capitansolstice wrote:Ooohhh Italy!

I miss Italy already.

jabbakahut wrote:That Force power generating in that marines hand is awesome, creative idea.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Whole theme and point of the army is cool too!

Thanks, pretty fond of that guy myself

Jihad_Ragsta wrote:

This all very cool stuff, chief! I'm pretty sure I know which 3rd party parts you're referring to so I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

I support previous comments - if you haven't read the alternate Heresy on Bolter and Chainsword I highly recommend that you do. It will give you even more inspiration.

Keep up your good work, this is some fun stuff so far


The Heresy stuff on B+C was amazing, I almost followed it directly but felt it would restrict me too much.

Lysenis wrote:I like this alot. I can not wait to see even more!

Here ya go

Skalk Bloodaxe wrote:The Boltgun conversion is excellent.


Lysenis wrote:Love the gun conversion. Mold I egg with some insta mold and your good to go!

Hey, you already got a reply!

GiraffeX wrote:Really liking what you've done so far some very nicely painted models, for some reason I had become un-subbed to this thread.

That wont be happing again, I knew I was missing out on something .

Thanks man! Keep forgetting to check up your stuff too, must correct that...

Okey dokey, thanks for being so patient folks. I am into the last week of high school ever so things are picking up a little!

Nonetheless, I have still been busy with painting and modeling the Sons so here is a much needed update.

First up... The Raptora Squad is finished!

They turned out pretty good I think. If I get the time I will pull out the old green screen and photoshop them onto a cool background.

Just off to upload more pics. Back in a mo...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Right. More stuff!

Space Marine boarding squad

(scope looks a little wonky)

Space Marine recon squad

I was looking through the HH artbook when I stumbled across a pic of a TS recon squad, basically marines with lasguns and sensor packs. It was too cool to pass off so I made a few modern day marines! They carry either silenced bolters or sniper rifles as I presume they have a stealth role.

I ran out of marine bitz so salvaged a Space Hulk robot and tweaked him to look a little less temple-like. Worked pretty well!

Last but not least, I have been trying to add a little more style to my current SM helms, raiding a Necron bitz pile. What do you think so far?

I felt that modern day TS's would be a little less ornate but still keep their roots on certain parts of their armour so tried to represent this when I was slicing through Necrons (and my fingers).

That should be all for now I think. Probably have missed a couple of things hiding in a drawer somewhere though.

Thanks for the kind comments and criticisms everyone, keep 'em coming!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/06 15:24:02

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

The Raptora Squad looks excellent! I really enjoy this:

That is an incredibly dynamic pose and looks like he's giving a hand signal to the rest of the squad. I really like that one.

However, IMO this one looks off:

The Bolter is way too big for a single-handed weapon, even w/ Power Armor. Maybe a Terminator could do that, but it's just not selling well w/ MkVII armor. A two-handed pose would be much better.

Just my two cents. Something to consider.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/06 19:03:51

Post by: Commander Cain

Well you are in luck! Just dropped that guy on the floor so I will just reassemble him differently.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/06 19:57:44

Post by: Capitansolstice

They all look amazing IMO!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/06 21:01:22

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Commander Cain wrote:Well you are in luck! Just dropped that guy on the floor so I will just reassemble him differently.

The Gods of Subjective Scale have spoken.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/06/26 18:45:51

Post by: brettz123

I think the problem is there doesn't seem to be a cohesive modelling theme to your army. It is a great idea but it looks like you are just taking every model you own and dumping it in your army.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/07/05 12:28:18

Post by: Wh40kPicasso

Decided to pop in and check out your blog, i like the idea and the story you are forming is quite entertaining as i have always felt that they got the short end of a very long stick. That being said, i really enjoy original ideas like this one. And new original ideas tend to spark off more and keep the cycle going! So keep it going and try to mix it up a bit! I like those steam knight heads too i've been thinking about buying some of those jet bikes for a squad or somethin.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/07/07 16:09:22

Post by: HAZZER

Looking good man! I'm loving your stuff!!!! Keep it up!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/07/09 06:59:36

Post by: yeofooz

I really like the idea of a 'What If..' army theme

Tempting me to do my own version of the World Eaters/Word Bearers

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/10/14 15:50:24

Post by: Commander Cain

Well it has been a quiet few months I know but I just wanted to let you all know I am still alive! I got a bit distracted from TSon's and moved onto a big pile of terrain I have had sitting around for the last couple of years.

I finally finished the fortress of redemption. It is a joy to paint, lots of nice details and looks great on a table.

Pics are pretty zoom friendly so check them out in the gallery!

Pretty pleased with the way the floor turned out. Used lots of FW weathering powders, they work wonders!

And a shot with some more terrain

Finally some daylight and scale pics.

That's all for now! Working on a Warmill fortress atm, could be a while before I am finished...


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/10/16 01:54:27

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

That's some great work! I'm staggered at the quality of terrain work showing up around Dakka recently. You have made an excellent addition to that.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/11/15 14:53:31

Post by: neil101

Brilliant build mate , the colours work well.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/01 14:39:27

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Neil and Stalk!

Figured I would show off The progress on my Warmill fortress. Obviously the doors still need painting and I need to add some more weathering but the basics are done and that is what takes the longest.
Now this isn't all of the fortress that I bought. I have a couple more straight sections and bends but I ran out of black spray paint so they will just have to wait!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/01 17:44:45

Post by: GiraffeX

The fortress is very nice, the weathering is excellent.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/15 19:54:45

Post by: Commander Cain

Thank ya sir!

Well I got distracted from the fortress by exams and now a big box of goodies from Anvil Industries, wonderful stuff that I would recommend to everyone!

First guy I will be using as a MKI Thunder armour marine as he fits the bill perfectly.

Next up we have a more high-tech one laden with all kinds of attachments on his gun.

Finally my favorite so far, a double shotgun wielding guy with a chainsword for when the going gets tough.

Does anyone know any good ways of adding some realistic looking smoke to the shotgun? I was thinking some kind of wire could do the trick..

Anyway, gotta head off to work but I should have lots more updates soon as uni is all done for 2012!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/15 20:01:28

Post by: Ovion

Anvil Industries stuff is pretty damn spiffy.

Painted Cotton wool seems to be the 'common' one for smoke.

I also have 1 criticism. Holding the stock of the Shotgun like that just looks unnatural - unless for some reason he's going to beat someone with it like a flail, I can't think of a reason you'd hold it like that (especially in a combat situation), so it just looks off.
I would remove the stock to match the other one, and have him holding the pistol grip.

I'd also get an ammo belt from Zinge Industries, so that he has ammo for the things.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 01:19:54

Post by: Commander Cain

You know I think you are right there ovion, might just change that right now and see if I can come up with a better pose. I just got too carried away with sticking everything together!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Here we go. This seems to work a bit better! I do still want some ammo belts for him though...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 03:23:48

Post by: SickSix

Nice figures, and uh, nice yard!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 03:38:30

Post by: Ovion

Much better
And search for Zinge - Anvil usedbtheir flexi-shell belt for Bad Santa I believe.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 13:56:10

Post by: Commander Cain

@sick six- Thanks! And if you like the view from the front of the house you should see the back, I live on a cliff...

@ovion- I thought so too, might see if Zinge sells some slightly smaller belts though, the ones on the bad Santa were way too big to actually fit in the shotgun!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 14:36:56

Post by: Ovion

The Shotguns Shells actually measure up as roughly the same as the internal diameter of the Shotguns Barrel
Though Zinge does small, medium and large shotgun shell belts.

I also think doing the shell-belts like this:

like a belt with a 'V' front would look good.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 14:51:20

Post by: Commander Cain

Well I stand corrected then! Any idea what size were used? My guess would be the medium ones..

I like the belt idea as well, that way I could also have a way to attach the sword instead of just sticking it to his leg!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 15:00:41

Post by: Ovion

I believe that it's the large or medium shells... you're probably best asking Joel which he used

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 15:05:27

Post by: Commander Cain

Ah yes! I shall throw him a PM right now..

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And another steam lord...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yet another guy! (I am actually making these in real time, great way to pass the weekend )

It is a little hard to tell but he has an ammo clip in the other hand, it seems to get hidden behind the gun when I take a picture of him!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 18:55:27

Post by: evildrcheese

Nice project, really impressed by the terrain.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/16 23:26:36

Post by: Ovion

Can't help but feel the Suppressor would look better then other way round, but that might just be me.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/17 15:56:59

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks D!

Ovion- I think that is the way they are supposed to face, as it is, it fits perfectly over the "vents" in the gun. Putting it on the other way would still leave them showing , meaning that it would be doing very little suppressing!

Anyway, next up is a pair or Spartan-esque gladiators. I used the arms that were supposed to hold the shields and threw a couple of chainblades on them. Thoughts?

Might make them into a little diorama as they fit together quite well!

Probably more to come later on today so keep your eyes peeled.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/17 16:43:36

Post by: Ovion

Commander Cain wrote:Ovion- I think that is the way they are supposed to face, as it is, it fits perfectly over the "vents" in the gun. Putting it on the other way would still leave them showing , meaning that it would be doing very little suppressing!

Damn - didn't realise that... the only option than would be trimming the barrel down then...
Oh well.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/17 21:18:06

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Great conversions, and man those shotguns are wicked! I need some!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/17 23:11:04

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Stalky! If you were going to get some for your cultists I would wait as Joel will probably release them in a smaller scale for guardsmen early next year.

I got you all some more piccys, slowly working my way through everything!

This guy was a nightmare to assemble, the HB arms don't quite fit perfectly and the ammo belt kept dropping off. Not to mention that he refuses to stay stuck on that base, forgot how tricky textured bases could be! Anyway, he is staying put for the moment so I grabbed a couple of shots when I got the chance...

Also built another high-tech one, might try to gs a grenade being shot, just got to find the thread where I found the tutorial for it!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/18 20:25:52

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Oh man, that HB is wicked! Where did you get that? I really want one. A lot.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/18 21:35:00

Post by: Commander Cain

Here ya go sir! Yours for a measly two English squid..


I shall be back with more pics after dinner...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ah what the heck, might as well post them now...

I tried a bit of reposing on the legs seeing as Anvil does not stock kneeling legs, surprised it worked as well as it did!

Now I really need nourishment!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/18 22:52:48

Post by: Anvildude

So that's somewhere between 6 and 16 Pounds Sterling? (yes, I actually looked up the UK squid market prices for conversion.)

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/18 23:05:14

Post by: Commander Cain

Not exactly sure how to reply to that! I have to admire your efforts though! Didn't even know we sold squid in England...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/18 23:06:23

Post by: Anvildude

You apparently even catch them there. Aren't you in Canada, though? I mean, I know those nutty Northerners still pay homage to the Queen Mother and all that, but I thought they'd succeeded a while ago.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/18 23:08:14

Post by: Commander Cain

Ah yes I live in snowy old Canada but I am originally a Brit, a vegetarian Brit though so not very up to date on the squid industry!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/19 05:48:31

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

My family stopped in PEI for a couple generations on their way to the US from Scotland. Apparently I still have some blood there from what my uncle says.

Anyway, thanks for the link, those guys will be getting an order from me after this stupid "all my mail is late" holiday is over.

*looks again*

Dude, that gun should be Heavy 5. Or 6.

I am so getting one. Or 6.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/24 16:04:46

Post by: neil101

Hey Commander have a great Christmas matey. i had to double take when i looked at those models. nice to see a new project underway mate.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/30 22:16:57

Post by: Sageheart

great models, very active poses

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/31 17:30:25

Post by: HAZZER

looking good so far!!!!!!!! love the AI im considering getting some stuff from them myself lol!!! love the mk 1 power armour very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2012/12/31 19:13:53

Post by: Commander Cain

Skalk Bloodaxe wrote:My family stopped in PEI for a couple generations on their way to the US from Scotland. Apparently I still have some blood there from what my uncle says.

Anyway, thanks for the link, those guys will be getting an order from me after this stupid "all my mail is late" holiday is over.

*looks again*

Dude, that gun should be Heavy 5. Or 6.

I am so getting one. Or 6.

Well if I run into a Mr and Mrs MacBloodaxe I will be sure to get you in touch!

neil101 wrote:Hey Commander have a great Christmas matey. i had to double take when i looked at those models. nice to see a new project underway mate.

Thanks Neil! Always a pleasure to see that you still stick around my humble little blogs.

Sageheart wrote:great models, very active poses

Thanks! If there is anything that bugs me it is static poses, probably the reason why my desk is littered with multiple limbs from my new Dreadball set at the moment...

HAZZER wrote:looking good so far!!!!!!!! love the AI I'm considering getting some stuff from them myself lol!!! love the mk 1 power armour very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I can't recommend them enough, I would love to see what you could do with them!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I am currently digesting far too much festive chocolate (namely two Toblerones, Smarties eggs and some strange Maple square things) and painting up some LotR elves which I have been neglecting for years. I may as well post them up when they are all done. My other blog is years old so I may just throw everything into this one!

Thanks again for visiting!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/01/04 12:03:34

Post by: Ragsta

How did I miss these latest updates? Duh!

I like the Warmill Fortress very much - some fine work there. The Fortress of Redemption also has a beautiful paintjob - excellent choice of colours!

Thank you for showing us your Anvil Industry stuff! I picked up a few of the 'carbines' and chain glaives but I am impressed with the Thunder Armour you're showing.

Gotta admit I didn't think much of them from the site itself. I look forward to seeing more updates - it may well influence me to buy some more bits!

Keep up the good work - I am trying to get some projects wrapped up on me logs too so inspiration like this is very welcome!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/01/04 13:07:27

Post by: Lord General Cheese

It seems the squid market is a promising industry. Hmmmmm?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/01/15 17:45:01

Post by: Commander Cain

Jihad_Ragsta wrote:
How did I miss these latest updates? Duh!

I like the Warmill Fortress very much - some fine work there. The Fortress of Redemption also has a beautiful paintjob - excellent choice of colours!

Thank you for showing us your Anvil Industry stuff! I picked up a few of the 'carbines' and chain glaives but I am impressed with the Thunder Armour you're showing.

Gotta admit I didn't think much of them from the site itself. I look forward to seeing more updates - it may well influence me to buy some more bits!

Keep up the good work - I am trying to get some projects wrapped up on me logs too so inspiration like this is very welcome!

Thanks for the visit! Glad you like the fortress.

I have to admit I was not convinced of much of Anvil's stuff until I got in in my hands. The smaller attachments for example look really grainy on the site but that is simply due to blowing the picture up to a huge size!

Lord General Cheese wrote:It seems the squid market is a promising industry. Hmmmmm?

Indeed, I think I will stick with my ambition to teach if that is alright with you though...

Okayy, my DB set arrived not too long ago and I actually got a model painted already!

Number 88 is perhaps one of the smallest models I have ever painted, he is a head shorter than your average Cadian and goes up to a terminators waist!

However the size does not impede his (?) amazing details and I immediately knew exactly how to paint him. The bad guy in Tron Legacy bears so many similarities I am guessing that 88 was sculpted to look like him. Here is a pic for reference..


A pretty quick paintjob later and I was left with this. I perhaps over did it on the orange, thoughts?

No idea what will be up next. Probably psychology homework but maybe some more DB stuff after that!

Thanks for watching,


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/01/15 20:16:22

Post by: Scott

 Commander Cain wrote:

What do you think so far?


M-I-C ...

See ya real soon!

K-E-Y ...

Why? Because we're gonna destroy you!

These are the only ones I don't like, but maybe they look better with paint.

Anyway, the finished ones look really nice. The Scarab badges look great. Looking forward to more finished dudes....

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/01/16 16:17:52

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Not too much orange. It looks decent as is.

Have to agree w/ Scott, the adornments on the helmets do not add anything positive. To me they look like grimdark hair bows.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/01/16 17:05:34

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks guys! I am well aware of the failings of the above marines, hence why they have been exiled to the bitz box until I can change them up somewhat.

I think I may try to make all the DB figs, the humans at any rate, into Tron-esque models. I have a cunning plan to make some force field type things using see through plastic. I will update she I have made progress!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/01/18 10:18:06

Post by: HAZZER

looking good so afr man!!! Keep it uo dude!!!!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/01/22 03:44:41

Post by: Stormsung

Great use of the Anvil Industries parts, and I'm exalting this thread because of it's content and your helpfulness on the Anvil industries thread concerning others armies and my own.

Love those autosythes!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/02/04 02:21:00

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Hazz and Stormsung!

Got the last of the Anvil stuff finally finished, seriously considering getting more now!

Last of the Thunder armour guys..

The obligatory group shot.

More High Tech..

Moah group shots!

And lastly a gladiator

But wait! Guess I should show what came in the post the other day, kept me busy that's for sure! If you look hard enough you might see the Dreadball guys hiding in the back as well..

Anvil also gets one last shot in the spotlight with this Reaver who came without an arm. Lucky I bought some of the smaller scale bionics eh?

That really is all for now folks. Nothing left to assemble any more, all my Space Marine bits have been neatly sorted and bagged up, even my desk is tidy. All that is left is paint! At least until my Dreamforge guys arrive that is...

Thanks for watching!


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, made a nifty little grenade launcher thingy as well!

It started life as one of the double barrel shotguns and then received not one, but two launcher attachments!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/02/19 13:26:18

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Haz!

Okay, finally some actual Thousand Sons progress. I picked up some of the new GW paints to play around with so decided to put them to good use!

First up we have something a bit different. One of the TS's cults can manipulate their body chemistry, great for healing and making themselves look pretty but I thought I would take the idea a different direction and have them transform themselves into monsters, they also work great as models who have succumb to the flesh change.

Pavoni Terror Squad

The possessed kit is really fun to work with. A nightmare to paint though, very hard to tell where the mutations start and the armour ends! I may go back to these guys and work on the flesh tones some more but as I am in an armour "mode" right now, I figured I would be best leaving them and painting the other 80 guys I have left...

Speaking of armour, I have almost finished my Athanean squad. Unfortunately I seemed to forget what squad they were and the sergeant is now carrying a Corvidae banner, may just have to rip it off as I am not exactly a master of freehand just yet!

You may also notice that I am roughing up the marines quite a bit more than before, 1 because it adds more realism and 2 because it is much easier than highlighting 100 guys in a row, let me know what you think!

Wip Athanean Recon Squad... Kind of.

Plan is to finish these guys off, sculpt some fancy helmets for my assault squads and them get them painted up. I am on my Spring break from uni so have a whole week to get some serious painting done!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/02/19 19:17:42

Post by: GiraffeX

Both units are looking really good, I like the idea about the possessed parts being due to the flesh change.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/02/20 15:07:48

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks mate! The possessed parts were a complete accident, I found them in an old bits box and just had a little spark of inspiration.

Anyway, another day another update. Finished of the Athanaean squad. All that was left were a few pouches and pauldron details (which I am not entirely happy with). Also, in a freak accident I dropped the sergeant and his banner, meant for a different squad, fell off which was rather fortunate. I also finished the drone thing that accompanies the team.

Apologies for the terrible pics, I was too lazy to photoshop them and let Dakka's auto adjust do it for me. Bad idea...

Athanaean Recon Squad

This guy has some tiny little hazard stripes on the side but they don't seem to show up all that well. Dakka also seems to have made all the armour brighter than it really is.. Ah well!

I also ran across a little tutorial on how to make some loyalist Khorne Beserker helmets a while back, here are the results...

And a linky to the thread should you want to try it out yourself.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/02/20 18:41:07

Post by: HAZZER

Looking good matey!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/03/31 14:04:37

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks again Hazz!

Apologies for the long absence, university keep interfering with life. However I am done of classes this month so once all those fun exams are out of the way I can get painting once more!

Just to show that I have actually been a little bit of progress I figured I would show another wip of the assault squads. Armour is pretty much finished but they still need the gold doing and all the silver, flesh and other little things.

So, here we go...

Squad number one,

Squad two,

I have also started to chop up Coteaz to make him a commander in the army, still needs lots of work to go!

I have also made a Warstore purchase before the new GW laws come into effect, picked up some DV bikers and termies and some other stuff.

This should make a great start for a commander methinks..

Also 10 of these (for all of you who said I need more Egypty stuff in the army!)

And to go with them, some Kromlech pads.

Let the waiting commence!

After I have finished decorating Easter treats I might revisit some old termies and spruce them up as well. Maybe another update today if I feel like it!



Automatically Appended Next Post:
Wow, I surprised myself and not only finished making these guys but slapped some paint on them as well! Might change some of the heads for the ones from Maxmini but these will do for now...

Who knows, maybe I will have them all finished by tomorrow?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/01 15:45:29

Post by: Commander Cain

Well I got one finished anyway! Still need to do the base but I can't seem to paint it to look good so I will leave it until I feel inspired

Actually I have just decided to add some freehand on him. Back in a bit...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
There, now he looks a little less like a GK playing dress up.

Anything else I can do to improve him?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/01 21:32:27

Post by: prototype_X

He looks awesome! I really like the white symbols. As for improvement, it may just be the photos, but the gold on the shoulder pad looks a little bright, perhaps a wash of Devlan Mud could help?


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/02 04:23:40

Post by: Commander Cain

I was actually going for a nice bright gold but I think the pics may have a bit to do with it. I was fiddling around with him in photoshop to get the red nice and accurate, forgot about the gold! There is also some devlan mud (its new equivalent anyway) on them though looking back maybe it would benefit from a second coat...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/03 11:02:25

Post by: Tyranidcrusher

These look awesome, But some do look a bit like Blood angels, but otherwise, Bravo!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/03 18:16:52

Post by: Commander Cain

Well my last marine army were Blood Angels so I think they may have rubbed off a little in some parts!

Minor update on the termies above, I just ordered some Anvil HH pads for them to replace the current ones. They were just giving off too much of a Grey Knight vibe for me, hopefully they should be here soon.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/06 22:51:33

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe




Tight work, as always. I really like the dynamic "I am going to hit you SO hard" pose, the weathering / battle damage is well done, and the freehand came out nicely.

Good job all the way around!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/08 18:57:19

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Stalky! Nice to see you are still around.

Well despite having 5 upcoming exams I managed to squeeze in a bit of painting to relax my brain, pretty happy with this guy overall. I don't want to go too crazy on them as I have another 25+ to paint (though I will have a 20 week long summer break so they should all get done then )

Anyway, here is the chappie in all his glory, minus the new shoulderpads of course...

This will probably be the last you will be hearing from me until the 19th, wish me luck on my tests!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/08 19:27:36

Post by: prototype_X

Looks stunning! I love the pose, and that sword is wicked.

Good luck for your exams mate, I'm sure you'll be fine


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/09 15:24:14

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks man! It's only a history exam today so I should have no problems with it.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/09 15:37:08

Post by: cormadepanda

 Commander Cain wrote:
Thanks man! It's only a history exam today so I should have no problems with it.

simply answer everything with the history of the thousand sons. It will almost 100% be correct history.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/09 15:50:56

Post by: Commander Cain

As much as I would love to explain how WW2 started as a result Mangus and his army of Space Marines marching into Poland I am not sure how well it would go down with the prof!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/09 16:01:00

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

LIES!!! Clearly it was Magnus that was attacked by Poland first, because that is what he said in justification of stomping Poland back into the Dark Ages.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/09 19:33:06

Post by: Commander Cain

Well whatever the case I have now returned from the test. It went incredibly well so I might treat myself to some painting this evening!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/09 22:22:05

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

I really like what you're doing here. Keep it up

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/11 15:27:41

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks man!

Okay then, here is last nights progress. Three down one to go! *Edit, nope, that would be two to go...

This guy was not very photogenic, couldn't seem to get a good angle of his sword. Ah well, you get the idea.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Warstore order has arrived! Update soon.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/12 00:07:41

Post by: Commander Cain

Here be the promised update. I got everything but the pads which are apparently being sent from The Warstore's other warehouse.

I meant to do a proper review of the stuff but got far too carried away and built it all!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ha! Take that auto append! Ahem. Really nice kit, needed a bit of cleaning up but nothing I couldn't handle.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/12 02:40:49

Post by: cormadepanda

oo i like the bikes.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/12 13:32:17

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks! Pretty fond of it myself, seriously considering a whole squad of them.

Got yet another termie done though he has a temporary base, my Warmill one seems to have vanished. Not happy with the gold on the head, might just get rid of that methinks..

Just the Sorcerer to do now then maybe back to the neglected assault squads!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/13 23:17:58

Post by: Commander Cain

I don't think I ever showed these guys off?

Got some more termies to add to the collection. I am thinking I might chop them up a bit and give them some Anvil pads (whenever they arrive that is, they seem to be taking a while.)
Given that the DV ones already have studs on I figured I might Pre Heresy them up a bit, just gotta remove all those pesky DA symbols...

Also picked up some bikers, not sure why, they were just cheap so I thought I would get them while I could.

Ciao for now!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/14 19:54:38

Post by: Ragsta

Your Thousand Son terminators are very cool, Cain, they suit that colour scheme very well indeed.

Your jetbike rider is shaping up nicely! Hmmm, reminds me of General Grievous a little...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/15 01:21:54

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Another excellent model done, and good call on those bikes- they are a lot cheaper right now than they will be in a year once the glut of Dark Vengeance thins out.

*edit for moment*

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/15 20:18:56

Post by: GiraffeX

Your TSons terminators are really nice, the symbols in white really add a lot to the minis and takes them away from being red grey knights.

The bikes look fantastic as well.

I thought I had posted earlier but it appears it must have been in my imagination while ready your blog at work

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/16 19:49:31

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks chaps!

@Ragsta, now you mention it he does a little, I think you may have just inspired my paint scheme for him, a white helmet would look great!

@Stalky, yeah, figured I would get them before GW effectively shuts down the borders, never know when I might need them.

@Gir, thanks! Hopefully the new Anvil pads should help in that aspect even more, does make me wonder why I bothered painting the GK ones at all though...

Speaking of shoulder pads, look what arrived!

Got a single set of these termie pads and then 5 of the Cataphractii style for the rest of the guys (though I just realized that is only 4 guys, darn)

As will all my Anvil Industries stuff, the casting was perfect although I think his mold line removing elves that he employs missed a spot which I had to clean, gasp!

My Kromlech pads also arrived so I stuck a test one onto the jetbiker who had been waiting patiently for their arrival.

Also a perfect cast on all 10 of them and really good details.

So I just have to survive my last two exams and then I should be able to finish off the sorcerer and then get all their bases done, thanks for looking!


Edit: Ooh, 3000th post, huzzah!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/04/21 19:22:52

Post by: Commander Cain

The summer has started! Got all my exams out of the way so the only thing preventing me from hobby work are my now full-time job and sandy beaches.

Really pleased with how they turned out in the end. When they were on the red bases they just blended in too much but now they really pop out, my thanks goes out to Nerdfest for his ingenious marble tutorial. It was quite tricky as I hate waiting for paint to dry before doing the next layer but it is very clever and I plan on doing it for more bases. The only problem was that it has hidden the actual eagles on the bases a bit.

Here is Nerd's blog in case you want to try it out yourself.

Here are the bases in question...

And some shots of the individual guys with their new pads (I decided to give the sorcerer the same pads in the end)

And a couple of group shots.

Now I just have to do another 20ish termies in the same style and I am all done with them!

Probably going to do a heap of infantry next though, asault squad is almost done and I have two tac squads with their armour already damaged up (though I have no memory of doing it! )

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/05/15 21:23:51

Post by: emmens

So what rule sets do you use to play them?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/05/15 21:39:01

Post by: SilverMK2

Very nice marble effect indeed!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/05/18 03:11:45

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

That's a really cool marble effect, really suits the termis!

May have to try that marble effect sometime...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/05/19 18:29:16

Post by: Commander Cain

emmens wrote:So what rule sets do you use to play them?

These toy soldiers have rules to play with? I just collect to paint mate, tried the game itself but I never really got into it. Besides, this way I have no silly rules restrictions and am free to make the army look how I want!

SilverMK2 wrote:Very nice marble effect indeed!

Thanks Silver, quite pleased with it myself.

Matt.Kingsley wrote:That's a really cool marble effect, really suits the termis!

May have to try that marble effect sometime...

Thanks! I would really recommend it, surprisingly easy if you just follow Nerd's tutorial.

Sorry for the complete lack of updates recently folks. I have been working full-time for a while now and get called in on my days off leaving me with precious little painting time..

I am close to finishing a Drop Pod so I may snap some wip shots tomorrow afternoon. Having a little difficulty with large areas of gold on it though so it is taking longer than I thought to finish.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/05/19 19:13:25

Post by: GiraffeX

Wow they look amazing on the marble bases. Looking forward to the drop pod, I'm interested to see how the gold areas work as one of my eventual projects will be an army of gold marines and tanks.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/05/23 16:25:55

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks man! I am telling you now, gold is surprisingly hard to do. Granted I painted it over a red basecoat but it really didn't want to cover at all! I actually wanted to do more white on the pod itself but that was a horrible failure. I think lots of thin layers is the key but I never seem to have the patience for that kind of thing, hence the occasional lumpy spots in my paintwork.

Anyway, here is the Drop Pod itself. Got it all battle damaged up and started on the symbol. I was going to do the same for each door but given how long it took to get this far with it I could be doing them for some time...

Still have to do touchups on the symbol, finish the silver, fix the gold and then there is the small matter of the interior. Wish me luck!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/05/23 17:10:09

Post by: Ovion

 Commander Cain wrote:
Thanks man! I am telling you now, gold is surprisingly hard to do. Granted I painted it over a red basecoat but it really didn't want to cover at all! I actually wanted to do more white on the pod itself but that was a horrible failure. I think lots of thin layers is the key but I never seem to have the patience for that kind of thing, hence the occasional lumpy spots in my paintwork.

Anyway, here is the Drop Pod itself. Got it all battle damaged up and started on the symbol. I was going to do the same for each door but given how long it took to get this far with it I could be doing them for some time...

Still have to do touchups on the symbol, finish the silver, fix the gold and then there is the small matter of the interior. Wish me luck!

Yeah, your problem is the red bascoat.
I always do my gold over a base of Iyanden Darksun (or whatever its equiavlent is now) and it goes on smooth in 1-2 layers.
Looking good though.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/01 16:32:47

Post by: Commander Cain

Hmm that's a good plan Ovion, might try that for my Storm flyer thing (I forget the name..)

Anyway, Drop Pod is pretty much done now, the interior kinda sucks but I had just got fed up with painting the same parts again and again so I will probably return to it one day.

Pics look a bit washed out again. I am now using an IPhone to take 'em but if I can just perfect my photoshop tweaking they should come out looking good! The red is much richer than it appears I think..

I also got distracted and painted up a couple of the Anvil Exo Lords. They look suspiciously like MKI Thunder Armour don't they?

And now for the other guy

Maxmini Pad I believe?

These guys were a joy to paint, in fact I have another shipment coming soon so I will post when they arrive!

Oh, before I leave I think an action shot is needed.

This pic actually shows off the red in its best light for some reason...

Monster sized pics in my gallery if ya want to inspect them up close, remind me to resize them next time...

No idea what's next, might just paint whatever I feel like, maybe one of the high tech Anvil guys?

Thanks for viewing folks!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/01 16:48:44

Post by: cormadepanda

Very sweet. It does look very much like the thunder armor.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/08 18:12:08

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks! I'm a big fan of that style so I just had to grab some when Anvil decided to release them.

Speaking of Anvil Industries, I am making a mini diorama for Gitsplitta's Mantis Maker challenge, here is where I am at so far...

I will take some better shots when I am in less of a rush to get to work but it should keep you all sated until then!

Fluff for the diorama is incoming also. I plan on having it blend into my alternate future story so as to have a tie-in, might use the drones as Iron Men as well. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_Men

Until tomorrow!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/08 18:21:35

Post by: cormadepanda

Nice posing all around, love to see it painted.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/08 18:47:05

Post by: Commander Cain

It will be nice to see something other than red in this thread eh?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/09 19:55:08

Post by: Commander Cain


I posted this in Gitsplitta's thread also but what the heck, may as well update mine as well and throw a couple more angle in the mix...

Just added some GS effects and continued work on the base, almost finished the modelling stage methinks.

Very surprised how fast this is coming along. Just goes to show how a little motivation (and some days of work) can produce great results!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/09 20:46:31

Post by: Dr H

Nice looking dio'. Good GS work. Look forward to seeing it painted.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/09 22:57:09

Post by: Yellowbeard

Wow! Diorama is looking great, CC.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/13 23:08:21

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Yellowbeard! Nice to see some new faces on this blog.

We have paint! I went for a Tranquility pattern on the MW as I had run out of green paint that hadn't dried up...

Quite pleased with it actually, just have the entire rest of the diorama including 4 Iron Men to paint in a couple of days. Should be a fun adventure!

I shall take some more angles when everything is done so I can show off the altered chapter symbol and I still have to add some dust to the feet and paint the pouches.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/13 23:38:03

Post by: Dr H

Looking good. Nice weathering.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/14 00:10:34

Post by: SelvaggioSaky

Just came to this thread to watch the MW comp development and got caught by the awesome work You did 'till now on your TS army
I like every bit of It, keep them coming.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/14 01:47:36

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Dr H! And welcome to the club Selvaggio!

The base got finished in no time at all. A bit of sponging here, bit of weathering powder there and it was all done. I am really enjoying this diorama, I must do more in the future..

Anyways, time to put the brush down for tonight, my guilt at leaving this project till the last minute has evaporated a little so I can finally get some sleep.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/14 18:07:31

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

The sponge and rust effect are excellent! Great start all around, but you know I'm particularly partial to dirty rusted stuff. I really like that. A lot.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/17 01:14:30

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Stalky! If I get your approval for weathering I must be doing something right.

I'm just gonna copy & paste what I wrote on Gitsplitta's blog for the sake of finishing what I started, here goes...


Like I suspected it was quite a race to get all done but I think the final product should be worth the wait.

Now, some fluff is needed methinks. Making this up as I go along minus some vague ideas I had along the way.

It is the 42nd Millennium and much has changed in a relatively short space of time. Mankind is but a shadow of its former self, split up into small scattered segments and ruled by a loose alliance of bureaucrats and warlords. Still strong however, are the Adeptus Astartes, those legions that remained loyal after the Heresy developed strong bonds and as such hold considerable power over large tracts of the galaxy to this day.

New threats still keep appearing and threaten to wipe out this resistance. When it is not new alien races seeking to expand their territory, it is Mankind's own past that rises up against them. The Iron Men of ancient Terran myth were sentient robotic beings, once programmed to fight for their masters until the eventually betrayed them. It seems that the robots had been growing in strength over many hundreds of years and they now press toward Terra once more with renewed vigour, with only several legions to oppose them such as the Mantis Warriors and Thousand Sons, who happen to be directly in the path of this new heartless enemy...

There, that should do! Now, what to do with the rest of the robots I bought, hmmm.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/06/19 07:21:34

Post by: neil101

That is brilliant mate , the sense of action is great ..love the posing and the paintwork ,the base is rather cool too and sets the models of perfectly .

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/07/03 16:07:28

Post by: BrotherOfBone

 Commander Cain wrote:
Thanks Haz!

Okay, finally some actual Thousand Sons progress. I picked up some of the new GW paints to play around with so decided to put them to good use!

First up we have something a bit different. One of the TS's cults can manipulate their body chemistry, great for healing and making themselves look pretty but I thought I would take the idea a different direction and have them transform themselves into monsters, they also work great as models who have succumb to the flesh change.

Pavoni Terror Squad

The possessed kit is really fun to work with. A nightmare to paint though, very hard to tell where the mutations start and the armour ends! I may go back to these guys and work on the flesh tones some more but as I am in an armour "mode" right now, I figured I would be best leaving them and painting the other 80 guys I have left...

Speaking of armour, I have almost finished my Athanean squad. Unfortunately I seemed to forget what squad they were and the sergeant is now carrying a Corvidae banner, may just have to rip it off as I am not exactly a master of freehand just yet!

You may also notice that I am roughing up the marines quite a bit more than before, 1 because it adds more realism and 2 because it is much easier than highlighting 100 guys in a row, let me know what you think!

Wip Athanean Recon Squad... Kind of.

Plan is to finish these guys off, sculpt some fancy helmets for my assault squads and them get them painted up. I am on my Spring break from uni so have a whole week to get some serious painting done!

From what I've read in 'A Thousand Sons' mutants were put down, so in an age where mutations are even more feared (41st millenium) surely they'd just be killed? Aside from this, I have also heard that the MKI 'Thunder' guys only lived for a few hundred years, because they were experimental and stuhf (kinda like MKI Spartans). Aside from this, you're a really excellent painter, but I agree with some of the posts saying you need to get on some of that symbology ;D I'd also love to see some converted helmets from the cover of 'A Thousand Sons', because they look SO COOL .-.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/07/03 17:10:45

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

 BrotherOfBone wrote:
 Commander Cain wrote:
Thanks Haz!

Okay, finally some actual Thousand Sons progress. I picked up some of the new GW paints to play around with so decided to put them to good use!

First up we have something a bit different. One of the TS's cults can manipulate their body chemistry, great for healing and making themselves look pretty but I thought I would take the idea a different direction and have them transform themselves into monsters, they also work great as models who have succumb to the flesh change.

Pavoni Terror Squad

The possessed kit is really fun to work with. A nightmare to paint though, very hard to tell where the mutations start and the armour ends! I may go back to these guys and work on the flesh tones some more but as I am in an armour "mode" right now, I figured I would be best leaving them and painting the other 80 guys I have left...

Speaking of armour, I have almost finished my Athanean squad. Unfortunately I seemed to forget what squad they were and the sergeant is now carrying a Corvidae banner, may just have to rip it off as I am not exactly a master of freehand just yet!

You may also notice that I am roughing up the marines quite a bit more than before, 1 because it adds more realism and 2 because it is much easier than highlighting 100 guys in a row, let me know what you think!

Wip Athanean Recon Squad... Kind of.

Plan is to finish these guys off, sculpt some fancy helmets for my assault squads and them get them painted up. I am on my Spring break from uni so have a whole week to get some serious painting done!

From what I've read in 'A Thousand Sons' mutants were put down, so in an age where mutations are even more feared (41st millenium) surely they'd just be killed? Aside from this, I have also heard that the MKI 'Thunder' guys only lived for a few hundred years, because they were experimental and stuhf (kinda like MKI Spartans). Aside from this, you're a really excellent painter, but I agree with some of the posts saying you need to get on some of that symbology ;D I'd also love to see some converted helmets from the cover of 'A Thousand Sons', because they look SO COOL .-.

Yes and no. These are Pavoni. Not mutants. They alter themselves I believe.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yeah, here. http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Cults_of_the_Thousand_Sons#Cult_of_the_Pavoni

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/07/05 02:21:15

Post by: Commander Cain

Yeah you have to remember that I am making up a lot of this fluff as I go along! I promise to get round to filling it out at one point this summer to have a really nice background. interesting point about the MKI guys though, guess it could just be armour passed down through the ages though?

Sorry for the lack of updates though folks! I am in the process of moving house and our new place doesn't have Internet as of now. On the plus side it means less time spent watching numerous shows on Netflix and more time painting, already got a rhino painted that I will post as soon as I am connected again!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and I almost forgot to brag that I snagged 2nd place in the Mantis Maker challenge! Quite chuffed about the victory actually..

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/09/04 19:11:37

Post by: Commander Cain

Huzzah! I now have internet and can once more flood dakka with lots of red Space Mariney goodness.

Now I didn't get nearly as much done over the summer break as I had hoped for as I was working 6 days a week but with the time I did have off I managed to squeeze some painting into my schedule.

Let's have a look at what I got done then eh?

First up, a dreadnought. Pretty simple to paint but the overally effect comes off nicely and should look quite the part once I get round to basing it.

I also did up my Linebreaker Rhino in red (it was previously a Death Company transport). Figured it would be nice to get a bunch of vehicles out of the way to make the "to paint" pile look less daunting...

Finally I have a wip shot of the Pyrae squad that I have had sitting around for ages, not much to see but it is still progress!

If I have the time soon I think I will whip up a green screen and try to take some decent shots of all the models I have done so far, currently my photography is.. lacking to say the least.

I am also nearing completion of a Stormhawk but it is looking incredibly bland at the moment so I need to rummage around for some bits to spruce it up a little.

Well, that's all I think folks. Now that I am back at uni I may have even less free time on my hands but I will try my very best to keep this project going at some sort of rate even if I only update once every few weeks!

Thanks a bunch for reading,

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/09/05 04:03:17

Post by: Galorn

That Diorama base Is amazingly cool.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/09/05 14:23:13

Post by: Commander Cain

Glad you like it Galorn! The whole diorama in general was great fun to make. That reminds me, I have a half painted Mantis Warrior from Gits that needs finishing soon...

Anyway, figured I might as well take some shots of the flyer since I found my camera. Suggestions are welcomed as I know there is a lot of work that needs to be done to it.

Now I tweaked the original model slightly. Adding bolters to the front where lights usually go and getting rid of that awful turret on the roof and replacing it with a missile launcher from a drop pod (complete with swivel motions!). It has certainly helped to streamline the model quite a bit to the point of where I actually like the kit now!

Well, two updates in as many days. Hopefully this will be the start of good things to come!

Happy Thursday.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/09/16 17:11:37

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Everything looks stunning (as usual) but this REALLY captured my attention:

Wow. That is an excellent miniature all around. Great job!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/09/18 23:08:08

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks Stalky! Honestly I think the sculpt is the only thing doing justice on that model. The paintjob was rushed and pretty basic, oops.

In other news I have finally picked up some FW marines. Very proud of how long I held out buying some seeing as how awesome they look...

Anyway, I made the Dev company captain who will also be going into Nerdfest's latest painting competition. I find that I do some really good painting when I have both a deadline and some people to compete against.

I will be posting the other four chappies I bought very soon and also a random guy I painted up once I have some sunlight.

All the best,


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/09/19 20:36:23

Post by: Commander Cain

Here are the rest of the guys that I promised. The guns were a nightmare to attach but in the end I think I got them all positioned nicely.

Finally a good old fuzzy squad picture. Pretty happy with these guys overall, I have yet to add details to them like the captain but I just wanted to get the basic poses done before I lose all the little fiddly bits.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/09/20 14:43:11

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Great looking squad, and nice kit out w/ the weapons, ready for anything!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/09/22 23:30:05

Post by: Commander Cain

Yeah I like a bit of variety among my troops, hence the plethora of different weapons.

Forgot to post this guy as well, WIP obviously but it won't take long to finish him off. I think I may put him in my command squad, just need to think of a good backstory...

Hope you like!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/10/10 07:10:56

Post by: Galorn

 Commander Cain wrote:
Yeah I like a bit of variety among my troops, hence the plethora of different weapons.

Forgot to post this guy as well, WIP obviously but it won't take long to finish him off. I think I may put him in my command squad, just need to think of a good backstory...

Hope you like!


Looking good!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/10/26 15:06:19

Post by: Commander Cain

Hello again folks!

I have a nice big update for you all today, first off, Galorn sent me a couple of huuuge bases for me to paint up. As you can see, they are in the process of being cleaned up as I type. Not sure how well they show up in the picture as the resin is very dark and shiny so it reflects all the light.

A very characterful pair if I do say so myself.

And while on the subject of bases, I got my ks rewards from PDC Gaming which included some hard-plastic industrial bases!

As you can see, lots of detail plus they are a great price (16 for 6 pounds)

Scale shot for those of you who are interested. They are slightly taller than your average GW base but once you start adding stuff to a GW one they end up at pretty much the same height, perfect.

Also in the shipment came some wicked tracked guns, again in plastic.

I first did a dry test-fit and this was the result...

A bit of sanding and liquid gs'ing later...

I also added some bitz to the back as it was very plain.

Pretty pleased with the result. The kit comes with only one type of gun but there is an accessory kit which contains more although I don't much care for it as they are a little plain for my tastes. On the plus side you can make a cool servitor thing with that set.

Did I mention that I bought three?

Salvaged a couple of GW guns and they fit just perfectly! I also tested to see if IG heavy weapons fit and it's like they were designed for that purpose in case anyone was wondering.

Plasma cannon

Assault cannon (with drilled gun barrels )

Now I did have a little trouble cleaning up some parts of the plastic bits as when they got chopped off the sprue you would be left with a little hole as shown below. However I managed to get the offending gaps filled in no time so I'm not going to make a big fuss about it.

Also there are some bits of the accessory sprue that don't assemble very well such as the machine gun and ammo hopper

Again though, very little niggles and it doesn't take away from the fact that I love these kits and would recommend them to anyone especially at 10 quid a model (to put that into perspective, both FW's and GW's tracked guns are 30ish pounds!).

Linky-poo to their site in case you are interested.. http://www.pdcgaming.co.uk/

Well, that's all for now, I'm going to try and get some painting done today so I may have another update soonish.

Happy Saturday,


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/10/27 22:06:55

Post by: neil101

The horus heavies look good, i particularly like the plasma guy.

the lascannon dude looks like he is falling over from recoil on the first pic.lol so tempted to pick these up as well.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/08 02:17:39

Post by: Commander Cain

I'm baaack..

First off, thanks Neil, the LC guy did actually fall over and is currently lying in a bitz box, seems that you cursed him!

Second, I've been playing with plastic as always and whipped up a Dreadknight. I have to say that I like the model a lot more now that I have it in person, especially when you tweak it a little and give it a great big gun...

Blurry IPhone shot for now but once it is finished being chopped up and I have added some more details I shall get some decent pics.

C&C welcome, I especially need some tips on how to 1KSon him up besides a headswap, perhaps some gs'ing is needed?

I also picked up the new Sternguard veteran plastics so expect another update just as soon as I have finished my last daunting university exam of the year, woot!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/08 03:25:15

Post by: Galorn

 Commander Cain wrote:
I'm baaack..

First off, thanks Neil, the LC guy did actually fall over and is currently lying in a bitz box, seems that you cursed him!

Second, I've been playing with plastic as always and whipped up a Dreadknight. I have to say that I like the model a lot more now that I have it in person, especially when you tweak it a little and give it a great big gun...

Blurry IPhone shot for now but once it is finished being chopped up and I have added some more details I shall get some decent pics.

C&C welcome, I especially need some tips on how to 1KSon him up besides a headswap, perhaps some gs'ing is needed?

I also picked up the new Sternguard veteran plastics so expect another update just as soon as I have finished my last daunting university exam of the year, woot!


I'd say check tomb king bits for shields and banmer tops you could use to egypt it up.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/08 15:46:27

Post by: Commander Cain

Oh yes Tomb Kings stuff is on my list for sure. I plan on using the shields for some boarding marines at some point as that should look super cool.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/08 20:29:30

Post by: Anvildude

On the gun... I'd make the rear handle tilting forwards instead of straight up and down- this also would mean that you could possibly use GS to sculpt a nice flowing sculptural detail for a mount instead of just a peg on a girder.

Also, the forward handle needs to be directly over the barrels- center of mass. Because if it's off to the side like it is now, the gun would just tilt down or up due to barrel spin, throwing off the aim something dreadful.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/09 09:02:19

Post by: emmens

Wow! what bits went into the flamer there?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/09 13:12:55

Post by: rohansoldier

Awesome work so far!

Will be keeping an eye on this.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/09 13:39:43

Post by: Theophony

Awesome work, that gun is . If its not too late you may want to pivot the right foot out more, it would be a very if guilt stance o hold as is. Otherwise this is sweet. Are you going to replace some of the writing with hieroglyphs?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/09 13:41:47

Post by: MagosBiff90

Some really awesome work going on in here! Got to admit i do love the Pre Heresy TS!!!

Really random question but it has been bugging me....... The Pages your possessed marines are show on........ looks like technical drawings of tanks etc...... what is it?!? lol... I am thinking pages from an Imperial Armour.... lol..... sorry.... just really wanted to know! haha!

Awesome looking titan aswell dude!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/09 18:20:40

Post by: Commander Cain

Anvildude wrote:On the gun... I'd make the rear handle tilting forwards instead of straight up and down- this also would mean that you could possibly use GS to sculpt a nice flowing sculptural detail for a mount instead of just a peg on a girder.

Also, the forward handle needs to be directly over the barrels- center of mass. Because if it's off to the side like it is now, the gun would just tilt down or up due to barrel spin, throwing off the aim something dreadful.

You have a good point there mate. I will try to repose it a little but with the arm being all one piece it was incredibly difficult to get him to hold the darn thing at all!

emmens wrote:Wow! what bits went into the flamer there?

Pretty much every gun that is included in the kit actually. The tubes were from a space gun I had from the tracked guns (top of this page I think) Pretty pleased with how it turned out in the end.

rohansoldier wrote:Awesome work so far!

Will be keeping an eye on this.

Thank you kindly good sir!

Theophony wrote:Awesome work, that gun is . If its not too late you may want to pivot the right foot out more, it would be a very if guilt stance o hold as is. Otherwise this is sweet. Are you going to replace some of the writing with hieroglyphs?

Hieroglyphs. That is an amazing idea! May be tricky to sculpt such a small area but I'm gonna try it now..

MagosBiff90 wrote:Some really awesome work going on in here! Got to admit i do love the Pre Heresy TS!!!

Really random question but it has been bugging me....... The Pages your possessed marines are show on........ looks like technical drawings of tanks etc...... what is it?!? lol... I am thinking pages from an Imperial Armour.... lol..... sorry.... just really wanted to know! haha!

Awesome looking titan aswell dude!


Glad you enjoy them Biff. The drawings are from the FW masterclass book (vol.1) An excellent read if ever you want to pick it up.

Thanks for the input folks, 'tis nice to see that people enjoy my work!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/09 18:25:22

Post by: Anvildude

Don't be afraid to chop and re-pose. Especially on those big models, it's a lot easier than you think to fill any gaps that might result with greenstuff- and on mechanical things like the Exo armour, you can usually cut it in such a way that the joint can actually 'rotate' as it would if it were real, meaning no wasted material.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/09 19:24:12

Post by: Theophony

For the hieroglyphs just use a flat edged blade in your hobby knife to cut out all the imperial latineese, then apply greenstuff in the open squares and fiddle around .

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/15 21:40:21

Post by: Commander Cain

Well, I dropped the Dreadknight and it fell to pieces so it looks like he is getting a serious repose...

In other news I built some veterans/bossman marines. The new veteran kit is amazing, so much variety and plenty of bits to keep converting dozens of guys after the first five.

I didn't have any real inspiration when making these guys, just that I wanted them to look very individual and I think I pulled it of quite nicely!

Master of the Watch

I found some GK leftovers so I used one of the arms on this fella and then added some Egyptian bits to him to finish off the look, pretty pleased with him overall.

Master of Rites

Pretty basic conversion, I just used mostly bits from the vet kit and stuck on a bit of a Necron staff then attached some speakers to the backpack.

Corvidae Sorcerer

This is perhaps my favorite model, not only do I really like the Corvus Armour but I had a resin robo-bird lying around just begging to be stuck on.

Thousand Sons Champion

This guy looks a bit boring still imo, I might tweak the iron halo on his backpack to be a 1ksons symbol and give him a chunkier sword. May also give him a helmet instead if I can rummage up a suitable looking one.

Master of the Arsenal

I figured since this guy has the pick of the entire armoury he needed a unique gun to accompany that role. I decided on a needle gun, an old RT weapon that has since gone out of use. I based the weapon loosely on this picture.

And that's all the building for now I think. May attempt some painting after dinner as I now have literal hundreds of models needing attention!

Thanks for watching,


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/15 22:23:02

Post by: Obsidian Raven

I love this Thread!

How did you pull off the needle gun? is it anvil industries?

I'd be interested in replicating it for an Inquisimunda Assassin.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/16 01:17:32

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks dude! It is indeed Anvil or at least most of it. The body of the gun the the Melta and the las bit is from the sniper. It also has a panzerschrek from Dreamforge as the bottom barrel but really any tube would do.

Keep an eye out as I may try to whip up a web gun soon, those things are just too cool..

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/16 10:26:11

Post by: Obsidian Raven

 Commander Cain wrote:
Thanks dude! It is indeed Anvil or at least most of it. The body of the gun the the Melta and the las bit is from the sniper. It also has a panzerschrek from Dreamforge as the bottom barrel but really any tube would do.

Keep an eye out as I may try to whip up a web gun soon, those things are just too cool..

Awesome. I gotta stop putting off my order and get that stuff i need from anvil! The products look great.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/16 14:06:43

Post by: Ovion

Yeah, Anvil is damn good.

Their parts have always been amazing.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/17 15:53:19

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Wicked decent job on those conversions. Every one of them look ready to do some damage!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/22 14:18:21

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks guys! Pretty pleased with them myself as well.

So I've had this Banebade sitting around for years now with no real idea of what to do with it. After seeing a couple of awesome super heavy models recently I decided to take the plunge and actually finish building the beast. While I still have some work to do on it I figure a few WIP shots were needed.

Not sure why I chose to have an all LC tank but I had a lot of the guns in my bits box and decided to put them to good use. I also converted the demolisher cannon into a mortar/thunderfire cannon type thing.

Any suggestions on what else I can add? Atm it is still looking very Imperial Guard'ish so I may try to smooth off some surfaces (which means cutting off rivets, gasp!) but apart from that I am open to ideas. While it is not technically a Fellblade I may draw some design features from it to make it more space mariney.

Anyway, that's all for now. I have painted a basic squad of marines but have yet to add the fine details so I will wait till that is done before I post pics.


ps. I need a name for the tank! Ideas?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/22 16:24:32

Post by: Commander Cain

It seemed like a good idea at the time but I am still chopping an hour later...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/22 22:21:07

Post by: Commander Cain

And here we have it. A fully de-riveted Baneblade. I think I may just add a few more accessories to the hull and call it a job well done.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Hmm, just noticed that the wing of the scarab on the front has fallen off, probably should fix that before I lose it.

[Thumb - IMG_0452.JPG]

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/22 22:49:32

Post by: monkeytroll


Burn the heretik, burn him with burny stuff....

What about filling a few panel lines to make it appear more in line with the marine aesthetic? Possibly add an extra layer of plasticard in a few spots?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/23 01:39:02

Post by: Commander Cain

Hmm, that's a good idea mate. I'm all out of plasticard at the moment but I may have to get some just for this project now...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/23 04:25:11

Post by: Lord Kaesar II

I know this sounds like an intensive alteration, but what if you were to extend the track cover to just at or a little beyond the front wheel, as well as changing out the lights for Rhino lights? Both might make it seem a little more "armored battle tank for the Marines" rather than "ornate battle tank for veneration"

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/23 10:25:37

Post by: the shrouded lord

It's beautiful without the rivets.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2013/12/23 11:17:53

Post by: Theophony

Name wise how about "king scarab" or "iron scarb" or for a different note "beast of eternity"

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/01/12 03:27:23

Post by: Commander Cain

Hello again folks. Just wanted to check in to assure you that I am still around! Apologies for the tardiness of my replies, they completely skipped my mind..

Lord Kaesar II wrote:I know this sounds like an intensive alteration, but what if you were to extend the track cover to just at or a little beyond the front wheel, as well as changing out the lights for Rhino lights? Both might make it seem a little more "armored battle tank for the Marines" rather than "ornate battle tank for veneration"

Hmm, I like those ideas! Rhino lights are a definite possibility, I think I may have some lying around actually. .

the shrouded lord wrote:It's beautiful without the rivets.

Shh, not too loudly the league of extraordinary riveters might hear us!

Theophony wrote:Name wise how about "king scarab" or "iron scarab" or for a different note "beast of eternity"

Well King Scarab sounds a bit too much like an exotic food dish but the other two are sure contenders, thanks!

I have been mainly focused on Deadzone stuff as of late but I did manage to partially (my superglue stash was drained dry) assemble some FW kits I bought a few weeks ago.

First off the landspeeder. Quite a beast I have to say as it's far bigger than the plastic version, should be very fun to paint up.

I also started on the Whirlwind but this is the spot where I ran out of glue as I went to put the tracks and exhausts on...
What a tricky thing this was to assemble. Lots of the parts were warped and still don't fit perfectly despite pinning and soaking where needed. Still, the finished product is well worth it!

Seeing as I am back at uni now I will be posting less but I managed to fit all my courses into two days of the week (!) so I still have a decent amount of free time in which to hunker down and paint some stuff.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/03 21:52:53

Post by: Commander Cain

Just a quick bit of progress to keep this blog going. I have a squad of 6 bikers and finished the first test model to see how it would look. Pretty happy with the finished product!

I may try to finish the rest of the gang off or go back to some other half-finished projects next. Only time will tell...


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/04 00:54:00

Post by: the shrouded lord

ho did you make those helmets?!
are you going to cast/sell them!?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/04 01:24:16

Post by: Commander Cain

As much as I would like to take credit for the helmets they are actually sculpted by Maxmini! You can pick some up here if you were interested. http://www.thewarstore.com/product73913.html

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/04 03:17:30

Post by: Theophony

I like that jackal head , not something I would have even though of, great idea.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/10 23:17:40

Post by: Commander Cain

 Theophony wrote:
I like that jackal head , not something I would have even though of, great idea.

Very pleased that I bought multiples of those helmets, they are brilliant!

I promised more paint and here it is. Finally finished the MK1 squad I built ages ago. These guys were a joy to paint, unfortunately I don't think Anvil Industry stocks them any more due to them focusing on their own range instead (which I am most displeased about! )

Anyway, here are the marines in question. Might add some purity seals to them at some point but apart from that I think they are all finished..

In other news I finally bought some more superglue so I can rebuild the dreadknight who I have also been tweaking to give hime some hieroglyphs in place of the writing on the feet and pauldrons, still too wip for pics though.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/11 07:18:29

Post by: Sageheart

Looking very cool!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/11 07:40:55

Post by: the shrouded lord

Cain, I'm honking of starting a chapter called "survivors of III" they will be made up of loyalist elements of the world eaters (who no longer get the nails), thousand sons, emperors children, and most importantly the hounds of loken my space marine chapter. This thread has given me heaps of inspiration for the thousand son part, thanks much.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/11 15:19:16

Post by: Commander Cain

Sageheart wrote:Looking very cool!

Thanks Sage!

the shrouded lord wrote:Cain, I'm honking of starting a chapter called "survivors of III" they will be made up of loyalist elements of the world eaters (who no longer get the nails), thousand sons, emperors children, and most importantly the hounds of loken my space marine chapter. This thread has given me heaps of inspiration for the thousand son part, thanks much.

Glad to be of use. Perhaps we can team up once your project is underway, we could come up with some fluff that fits both armies and make a proper narrative out of it.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/03 21:04:37

Post by: the shrouded lord

 Commander Cain wrote:
Sageheart wrote:Looking very cool!

Thanks Sage!

the shrouded lord wrote:Cain, I'm honking of starting a chapter called "survivors of III" they will be made up of loyalist elements of the world eaters (who no longer get the nails), thousand sons, emperors children, and most importantly the hounds of loken my space marine chapter. This thread has given me heaps of inspiration for the thousand son part, thanks much.

Glad to be of use. Perhaps we can team up once your project is underway, we could come up with some fluff that fits both armies and make a proper narrative out of it.

I'd be honoured.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/12 03:20:32

Post by: Commander Cain

Well once I have some solid fluff worked out for my chapter I shall PM it to you. I already have a mass of ideas whizzing around but all these university papers really suck up a lot of my time...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/12 03:26:45

Post by: the shrouded lord

tell me about it, altough mine are more math homework papers. so many of them...
it would be great to hear your fluff.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/12 03:43:27

Post by: Commander Cain

I shall write it all up sometime next week as that is our mid-semester break. Can't wait.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/12 04:16:28

Post by: the shrouded lord

heres the fluff of the main, they are luna wolf survivors:

Name: hounds of loken. Note- common name: Luna wolves.
Founding: Founding: after the istvaan massacre, dosens of space marines ramained alive, many of these would later turn to chaos in desperation, and join their original legions, but a small group of luna wolves, led by an un-named hero, refused to bowl to corruption. seizing a landing ship left behind by the world eaters, they made flight to terra. they greived when they discovered the fate of the emperor, and voweled vengeance on the arch-traitor, after a decade of purity tests, it was decided they would be allowed their own chapter of space marine, for the high lords saw potential for a distraction, a chapter so consumed by the desire to kill chaos that all chaos forces in vescinity would have to use resources just to not be over-whelmed.
it was not for a century that the flaw showed itself, on the battle field of derviss VIII
Gene-seed: Horus. -note: cursed by the chaos gods, see "the flaw" below.
Homeworld: Archerin betaris.
Homeworld details: archerin betaris' surface is a barren wasteland, a mysterious virus having killed all things living well before the imperium arrived. But, many species of fauna and flora have developed in the cavernous tunnels below the surface, and this is where the hounds of loken make their home.
Organization: unlike most chapters, the chaplains of the hounds of loken disperse among the chapter, acting as sergeants, comand squad veterans and even (in the case of the high-chaplain) a captain. An unusual number of terminator armour are found within the armouries of thehounds of loken. By the same leaf, very few bikes are there, leading to the belief of a trade between the hounds of loken and the White scars. Besides this, they primarily stick to the codex astartes (even though I'm using the chaos codex )
Combat doctrine: the hounds of loken display a unique love of close combat, but at the same time, will hold a gun line as rigourously as they will charge the enemy.
Beliefs: the hounds of loken believe that the only way to honour the original luna wolves, those purged in the istvaan III incident, is to completely eliminate all remnants of a chaos warband before moving to a new target, they currently have their eye set on a small black legion warband "the suns of the stone"
Colours and heraldry: white with silver or black lining. Black wolf head, often against a crescent moon.
Battlecry: for them! For the emperor!

"From the arch-traitor, from Horace, we were created, and from Horus, the arch-traitor, come our foes. We are the avengers of our name-sake, the honourable dead that would not bow to Horace, to them, we owe our lives, for them, we will crush the arch-traitor's pawn, for them, for the emperor!" chapter master solace.

Recruitment: The hounds of loken recruit from the hardened tribes of their world, whom construct huge underground cities.

Notable members of the hounds of loken:
Chapter Master: Solace.
Chief Librarian: +++error+++
Captain of the 1st company: torgaddon. Named for the ancient hero.

Notable engagements:
The battle of mortals:
Hive fleet kraken threatens the forsaken knights chapter planet, and thehounds of loken first, second and third companies rush to their aid, lead by solace himself.
Relationship with the forsaken knights:
The forsaken knights share a deep found bond with the hounds of loken, even lending forces on long term scales to each other, the chapter masters of the luna wolves and forsaken knights, solace and the shrouded lord respectively, are close friends.

The mournival: solace keeps a council of: the high chaplain, chief librarian, first captain, and second captain, known as the mournival.

The flaw:
The hounds of loken gene seed is cursed. Some space marines of the chapter slowly devolve into rambling monsters, mutant things of hordes appearance. Their like ness to chaos spawn could spell the doom of the chapter, and any brother afflicted is immediately placed in stasis, the current total being 142 afflicted, they are hidden at the core of the hounds of loken fortress, and a closely guarded secret, solace has voweled to save his chapter from this affliction, but unlike the thousand sons, who were afflicted similarly, solace has set a line in the sand between what he will, and won't, do.
The dark on the horizon:
Known only to solace and his mournival, solace bears the first signs of the flaw. It seems ha has henceforce held it back by pure force of will, but even that is failing. Unless a cure can be found soon, he will almost certainly fall...

do you reckon that would fits in descently with what you have in mind?
im thinking that with my world eaters/thousand sons they will be loyalists who escaped the respective purges and decided to join the chapter, the emperors children will be istvaan III survivors. will post pics when i get round to doing a thousand son.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/12 04:24:08

Post by: Commander Cain

Nice stuff! I am actually planning on having the entire TS legion on the side of the Imperium. In my alternate universe they never fell to Chaos, instead the Space Wolves were the ones who turned. Lost of thinking still needed to be done though, I gotta create a whole new universe here!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/12 04:43:33

Post by: Nevie

Oh I love Anvil Industries

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/02/13 20:33:47

Post by: Commander Cain

@Nevie, they are fantastic aren't they? Sad to see the SM bits not getting as much attention these days.

I just wanted to make a quick announcement that I have made a quick start on my fiction and posted it (most appropriately) in Dakka Fiction. Feel free to check it out and provide some feedback.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/03/03 23:33:04

Post by: Commander Cain

Got a little wip painting to show you all (doing well aren't I?)

I have just finished a monster research essay but with two more still to write I may be a little silent on Dakka for a while. None the less I have still started on my boarding termies from ages ago and even painted the bases which is something of an act of heresy as far as the rest of my army is concerned. Lots of details still to put onto these guys but half an update is better than no update right?

I am finding the helmets a little bland for my tastes and that they blend too much into the rest of the armour, any suggestions on how I can fix this? I was thinking some freehand scarabs or maybe even painting the whole thing a different colour. While helms with red detailing perhaps?

Anyway, I should really getting back to doing some real work, see you all soon!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/04/25 03:47:28

Post by: Galorn

Looking Really good Man, as to the helmets maybe a golden hue to match the shoulder details?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/04/28 23:08:56

Post by: Commander Cain

Thank you kindly sir, thinking you might be right about the gold on the helmets. I tried white and it just looks strange.

I actually just finished another 10 termies so I will have to post some pics soon. Seeing as classes have finished for the summer I intend to make a lot of progress!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/04/30 20:20:26

Post by: Commander Cain

Here is my monster update as promised.

I wanted to do a full photo shoot of the army as it stands but it doesn't all fit in one space at a time!

Instead I simply broke the army up into chunks and snapped some pics that way, enjoy.

Also, they are probably best viewed in the gallery as they are very zoomable..

First off, cultists and their support tank.

Then the Recon team featuring a bunch of bikes, speeders, snipers, a drop pod and a flyer.

And the terminator teams along with a dread knight.

Let's not forget the mini Mechanicus force I seem to have ended up with. Did I mention I bought a Leviathan!?

And last but not least, all the rest of the troops plus their tanks.

I also mentioned finishing off some terminators so here are some more close-up shots of them.

They still need some freehand symbols but apart from that I consider them all finished. Not sure whether to paint a tank next or finish off a bit of infantry. Guess the amount of red spray I have left will determine that...


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/04/30 20:21:06

Post by: Commander Cain

Oops, don't mind me while I fix technical problems..

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/05/13 16:17:52

Post by: Commander Cain

Introducing the captain of the First Company, Khalid-Madu.

Clad in artificer terminator armour, this giant of a Space Marine is the first of a new breed of Thousand Sons. Having embraced his powers of sorcery to a whole new level he is able to conjure up giant beasts of the warp to obey his commands be in on war-torn battlefields or in the inky depths of space.

I am considering buying a Daemon Prince to convert into the captain as well. It could represent him unleashing his full power. Could be quite a challenge but an excellent project for the summer!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/05/22 18:58:32

Post by: Commander Cain

As I am still in a painting phase I decided to get another termie out of the way. This time it is the sorcerer Onouris Neith, a loyal advisor to the legions top ranking individuals and despite many offers of promotion, has decided to remain a member of the Scarab Occult so that he may train new generations of space marines in the way of warp-wielding.

For you people trying to figure out the bitz to this guy, the base model is the Space Hulk librarian with a different head and modeled in a much more aggressive pose. He also has Anvil Industry pads and power fist as well as a Necron glaive (which I just noticed still needs more painting) to finish it off..

Next up will be some power armoured vets and then maybe time for some marines that are not red!


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/05/23 18:46:59

Post by: Commander Cain

Here is the first veteran as promised. Only a dozen or so to go now...

Anyway, I'm off to make some money!

Feel free to leave a comment, it's getting awful lonely on my blog these days..

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/07/18 01:46:50

Post by: Commander Cain

Oops, been a while since an update! I have been working furiously during the summer and as such have had very little "me time". That being said I still managed to whip up some new dreadnoughts for the army. Enjoy

These kits are really quite awesome. there are tons of different build options and handy little spare bits.

While they are all awaiting some greenstuff work to Thousand Son them up I couldn't resist showing off some pics of them first!

I am most excited about the librarian dread. I tried a heap of options for the staff arm and ended up just building my own as I wasn't a fan of the pre-built one that comes with the furioso dreadnought kit.

Tune in soon as I will post some pics of the new and improved dreadknight as well as his big brother...


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/07/25 18:02:14

Post by: Commander Cain

Here is the improved dreadknight as promised. I decided that even with my old configuration the termie still looked like he was in a baby carrier so I layed about with the craft knife and built something new.

Behold, the MKII Deredo pattern dreadnought!

I shall have to take some better quality pictures once I get a new camera. I may have left mine sitting in a mine shaft while in Spain..

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ooh, here is the old model for comparison!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/07/26 16:44:04

Post by: Commander Cain

I also finished adding a few touches to the Leviathan so here are some wip shots of this fella...

It should look pretty awesome once I slap a few layers of paint over it!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/07/26 16:52:33

Post by: Moltar

That thing looks beast. I'm not sure if you're already planning on it, but you may want to beat up that rhino side some, instead of just having it laying there.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/07/26 17:03:41

Post by: Commander Cain

Oh yeah the Rhino section is just a placeholder for now, damage is incoming!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/07/28 05:08:56

Post by: jabbakahut

That dreadnought looks so much better like that. I really like the design.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/01 17:34:57

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks man! Yeah I'm really glad I changed it, thinking I may have to get some of the other badly designed GW kits to see if I can improve them as well.

Just finished building a jetbike from Kromlech, hope you like it!

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/01 17:51:40

Post by: happygolucky

Awesome stuff

Just wondering but how did you make the Deredo cockpit with the Marine inside?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/01 18:39:15

Post by: Commander Cain

Thanks! The cockpit was super easy to make. You simply remove the terminator body and replace it with the top section from a venerable dreadnought kit and then fill in the gaps with GS and a few left over plastic bits. Here's a better pic for ya

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/01 18:43:28

Post by: happygolucky

Interesting, thanks

May have to steal this idea and modify it for a Hellbrute compartment for my own CSM Forgefiend/Maulerfiend conversion ideas

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/10 20:31:44

Post by: Commander Cain

Go for it man! I'm considering getting a hellbrute to add to this same army as well, just gotta figure out how it will fit in fluffwise..

I'm not normally one to post WIP painting but I figured some of you may want to see the progress I am making on the super heavy tank, still a looong way to go yet!

Hopefully I will have this beasy finished in the next day or two and then maybe onto the whirlwind that is hiding in the background.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/10 20:59:05

Post by: monkeytroll

Biker looks cool, been meaning to pick some of those up for a while now....coz obviously I need more resin to lie around the place

Fellblade is looking good.......although.....I'm thinking it might look better if you put all the rivets back on

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/10 21:21:30

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I second monkeytroll's sentiment, that biker is really cool. All you conversions here look great.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/15 00:46:48

Post by: Commander Cain

monkeytroll wrote:Biker looks cool, been meaning to pick some of those up for a while now....coz obviously I need more resin to lie around the place

Fellblade is looking good.......although.....I'm thinking it might look better if you put all the rivets back on

Thanks man! Yeah those bikes are awesome, the casting was awesome, just wish they would come with legs...

I'll just whip out the ol' rivet gun for the next tank for ya shall I MT?

Warboss_Waaazag wrote:I second monkeytroll's sentiment, that biker is really cool. All you conversions here look great.

Thankyou kindly sir! I should have an especially awesome conversion coming soon should I find the time..

Well, the Fellblade is pretty much finished barring a few touchups and any little bits that you guys feel I should add. Very big pics so feel free to check them out in the gallery.

I tried to include plenty of little details such as the leaky oil barrel and marble engine section, might add some more freehand though, it also needs a name once I can think of one that will fit.

I have to say that the dusty engine filter is my favorite part of the tank, not really sure why!

Hmm, need to clean up the gold around the engine section. Marble was super fun to paint though..

I considered giving the driver a big fancy crest but then decided that it would be rather impractical given the confines of a tank!

There, it's only taken me about four years to get round to painting this beasty but I think it was worth the wait. Perhaps I will buy an actual fellblade next?

Edit: Dang, still on page 10? I feel sorry for you people with slow internets who have to load all those pics...

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/17 01:03:38

Post by: Commander Cain

Look what just arrived! Looks like I have some extreme fixing up to do...

[Thumb - IMG_1166.JPG]

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/17 13:20:39

Post by: monkeytroll

Cool, what's the plan for the flyer?

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/17 22:52:42

Post by: Commander Cain

The plan is to make it pretty! I don't want to chop the whole thing apart, just get rid of the silly goldfish profile and tweak the wings a little, it should be all finished by tomorrow.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/17 23:34:32

Post by: Anvildude

Honestly, just swapping the engines with the bolters should be enough.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/18 18:36:30

Post by: Commander Cain

Swapping the engines and bolters was the first thing I tried actually but it really doesn't look good! The whole ship looks really unbalanced..

Here are a few shots of the progress so far. Plenty of time left for changes if anyone wants to chip in with some ideas! I'm thinking I need to play around with the fuselage a little more but I am pretty content with the way the front has turned out.

Hmm, need to drill out these gun barrels. I hate assault cannons!

Hope you all like the changes I made, more to come soon.


"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/08/22 02:57:16

Post by: jabbakahut

Yeah, not a fan of the non-FW marine flyers.

"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- So much paint. pg 31 @ 2014/12/10 22:43:30

Post by: Commander Cain

Hey guys, fear not, I am still alive!

Having survived yet another semester of university I am taking what small part of the Christmas break I have to myself and using it to get some painting done.

As some of you may have already seen, I painted up another Mantis Warrior for Gitsplitta's competition. Unfortunately I didn't win this year but I am still mighty pleased with the result! It makes a nice change painting green armour for once.

In other more Thousand Sons related news I have broken out their allied Mechanicus force. While a little on the small side I hope to expand it quite considerably in the near future! Here is a little teaser until I have some completed models to show y'all.

As always, thanks for stopping by!