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Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/02/10 19:35:30

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a nifty set of models. You really nailed a lot of the subtle details-- the paler face and dried foilage on Past, and the wine bottle stand out.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/02/10 20:23:26

Post by: youwashock

The half-full look on Present's bottle is incredibly effective.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/02/13 08:03:52

Post by: Viterbi

Great job on finishing Christmas Present! Just had a look at the Reaper website, they have some fun Christmas minis.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/02/16 23:41:33

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:I just figure its style points on the harp bow. Christmas set looks good too, I like the pants on present and both dresses especially.


JoshInJapan wrote:That's a nifty set of models. You really nailed a lot of the subtle details-- the paler face and dried foilage on Past, and the wine bottle stand out.


youwashock wrote:The half-full look on Present's bottle is incredibly effective.

Thanks! I was worried about that bit, I can never work out how to paint bottles right.

Viterbi wrote:Great job on finishing Christmas Present! Just had a look at the Reaper website, they have some fun Christmas minis.

Thanks! They have a few more they only sell during December, I had quite a few that I got rid of for some stupid reason.

Another mini done, this time it's Cleo (Twisted):-

Bit annoyed I didn't notice her lean in time, but I still think she painted up nice.

On the desk I now have:-

Guy with big sword (Malifaux), the same Elf Archer (She's getting there slowly) and a little girl with a big gun (Twisted).

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/02/17 02:38:35

Post by: youwashock

Cleo's got a great look. Sort of Egyptian inspired steampunk. Old man Gatsu is rad.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/02/25 19:30:52

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Cleo's got a great look. Sort of Egyptian inspired steampunk. Old man Gatsu is rad.

Thanks! I wasn't too interested in Sword Guy when I got the set, but he's been growing on me as I paint him.

Finished another mini, Celine (Games Workshop):-

Took awhile as she was rather fiddly, but came out good in the end.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/02/25 20:51:02

Post by: youwashock

She looks very nice. And since I just finished Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, my brain is telling me she would make a wonderful Gelfling.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/03/05 21:32:31

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
She looks very nice. And since I just finished Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, my brain is telling me she would make a wonderful Gelfling.


Took a little while, but I got a couple more minis finished, first Mikhail XVI (Malifaux):-

Struggled a bit with this one, but he turned out okay.

And Blunderbuss (Twisted):-

On the other hand, I'm really pleased with how this little girl turned out.

Starting new stuff:-

At the back we've got my big Valkyrie lady, and at the front, steampunk Agatha Christie and a Guild Ball guy I need to find the name of.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/03/06 02:08:42

Post by: youwashock

Nice work. Blunderbuss is great. Looking forward very much to Yndrasta.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/03/13 13:14:00

Post by: Viterbi

Now that's a blade you can bring to a gun fight... You could use it as a shield

Also great start on the new minis, love both steampunkers and Yndrasta is just a great mini (I converted mine into a living saint, but have yet to paint her up).

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/04/04 18:12:07

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Nice work. Blunderbuss is great. Looking forward very much to Yndrasta.


Viterbi wrote:Now that's a blade you can bring to a gun fight... You could use it as a shield

Also great start on the new minis, love both steampunkers and Yndrasta is just a great mini (I converted mine into a living saint, but have yet to paint her up).


So it's been a little while. I had to pack my painting table away for a few days and just really struggled to get started again, but I've finally finished something, Venin (Guild Ball):-

He turned out okay.

Hopefully I'll be back to regular updates now.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/04/04 19:25:52

Post by: youwashock

Interesting mini. The way you've painted him, he reminds me a little of Jack Flag.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/04/06 11:43:54

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Interesting mini. The way you've painted him, he reminds me a little of Jack Flag.

Thanks! Yeah, I can see a bit of a resemblance.

Another mini to show off, the Cleric of Maersuluth (Reaper):-

I actually painted him up a couple of months ago for a competition. Didn't do very well but I like him.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/04/06 23:33:31

Post by: Vejut

Nice! I like the subtle corrosion effect on the armor.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/04/12 21:39:46

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
Nice! I like the subtle corrosion effect on the armor.

Thanks! It couldn't compete with the full NMM armour others in the competition had, but I liked it.

I got two minis finished now!
First there's the Sniper (Kingdom Death):-

Who ended up rather colourful!

And Mun Gun Low (Enigma Miniatures):-

I'm really pleased with this one.

Working steadily on other stuff:-

Agathas back, along with my Cursed City Leaping Vampire and a Funky Elf.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/04/12 21:44:13

Post by: youwashock

KD sniper is fantastic. The cleric, too. Love the barnacles and starfish.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/04/23 06:13:12

Post by: Viterbi

Great work on the finished minis and the next batch is looking promising too! Love the lady on the right, kinda like Miss Marple with a gun vibes

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/04/24 22:28:44

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:KD sniper is fantastic. The cleric, too. Love the barnacles and starfish.


Viterbi wrote:Great work on the finished minis and the next batch is looking promising too! Love the lady on the right, kinda like Miss Marple with a gun vibes

Thanks! Almost right, she's a Steampunk Agatha Christie.

Another two minis down, yay!
Leaping Vampire from my Cursed City set (Games Workshop):-

Not too happy with her hair, but the rest looks okay.

And a Jungle Elf Warrior (Durgin Paint Forge):-

His little facemask didn't work like I wanted (No metallics on the next one), but overall I'm happy with him.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/05/01 06:08:31

Post by: Viterbi

Having a good hair day is half the battle won Both look cool!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/05/04 19:52:13

Post by: aku-chan

 Viterbi wrote:
Having a good hair day is half the battle won Both look cool!


Another finished mini, Agatha Christie (Twisted):-

She's a little slanted (Gotta start letting the Greenstuff on their bases fully dry before attaching) and googly eyed, but I'm pretty happy overall.

The table continues to be full of stuff:-

Now there's a Mirror Mage, Cursed City Evil Wizard and a Kingdom Death Knight in fabulous but totally impractical armour.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/06/05 20:13:51

Post by: aku-chan

A month between updates isn't too bad.

Struggling to paint again. So I dug something simple out of my pile of Reaper minis, just to attack with paint when I felt like it, took a couple weeks but he's done!

Ogre Chieftain (Reaper):-

Kept it simple, but I don't think he looks too bad.

Now the hard part is to keep painting.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/06/06 23:03:04

Post by: Syro_

I like how it turned out, it looks like a fun mini.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/06/23 06:13:33

Post by: Viterbi

Nice work on the ogre and hope you'll be able to tackle the other stuff soon!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/06/27 21:59:51

Post by: aku-chan

Syro_ wrote:I like how it turned out, it looks like a fun mini.


Viterbi wrote:Nice work on the ogre and hope you'll be able to tackle the other stuff soon!

Thanks! I'm sure I'll get to them one day.

Yay! Not quite a month since the last update, I'm improving!
Not anything I was originally working on again, but another guy is finished, Obulus (Guild Ball):-

Kind of annoyed his face is so washed out, it looks much better in hand, but as least it's another mini done.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/07/24 16:55:45

Post by: aku-chan

Still struggling with the painting...

Rather than fight against my current high level of easily distractedness, I'm going to try and lean into it, and rotate what I'm painting each week (Don't know if it'll work, but anything is worth a try at the moment).

So this week I've finished my Alpha Armour Survivor (Kingdom Death):-

Who I'm very happy with.

And I've been working on a Zeus-alike Storm Giant from Reaper:-

Next week I wanna try to finish a Kingdom Death pin-up for their competition and work a bit more on Torgillus from Cursed City.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/08/02 14:54:44

Post by: aku-chan

Made decent progress last week!

Kingdom Death Pin-up is all done, and looking pretty decent, piccys will have to wait until the competition is over though.

Also finished Torgillius the Chamberlain (Cursed City):-

Really pleased with him, particularly my attempt at doing a bit of writing on his noticeboard thingy.

This week I'm working on Lady Lamplighter:-

And the Mirror Mage:-

See how far I get on these before the week is up.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/08/07 20:16:10

Post by: aku-chan

Didn't get much done this week, the warm weather is making me lazy, but I got a little further on the girls:-

This week I'm working on Badar:-

And the Ferryman:-

Although, with the hot weather set to continue, I'm not sure how much actual progress I'll make.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/08/14 21:24:12

Post by: aku-chan

After a couple days of staring at Badar and the Ferryman, I gave up trying to find the enthusiasm to paint them (Swapping what I'm working on regularly works, planning it all out on a rota doesn't).

The rest of the week has been spent painting Barbarians:-

I'm not doing too bad batch painting these guys.

And assembling ugly dudes:-

Forgeworld resin has got so much better! It's a shame their old Empire stuff is OOP, I'd re-buy it all!

This weeks plan is to stick with what's on the table, see how much I can get done before I get bored of them.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/09/02 11:59:08

Post by: aku-chan

My streak of painting 1 mini a month continues

Finished one of my batch of Warhammer Underworlds Barbarians plus their mutant cat thing:-

Pretty happy with them.

Just gotta keep nibbling away at the pile and try not to get too disheartened by the glacier-like speed of my progress.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/09/03 22:05:32

Post by: Vejut

Looking good, and hey, even if its slow, its two more models done than you had before.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/09/09 14:22:36

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
Looking good, and hey, even if its slow, its two more models done than you had before.

All I really want to do is paint slightly more minis than I buy.

Bad dose of flu messed up most of this weeks painting plans, but I did make a little bit of progress:-

Zeus is coming along nicely.

As is the Chain Lord.

Hopefully I'll get better soon and I can start making more progress.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/09/11 12:54:25

Post by: Syro_

Those two are looking good so far, and hopefully you are feeling better.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/09/26 11:46:42

Post by: aku-chan

 Syro_ wrote:
Those two are looking good so far, and hopefully you are feeling better.

Thanks! Took a lot longer to get back to full health than it used to (The cost of getting older I guess), but I'm feeling a lot better.

Still struggling a bit on the painting front, but I'm slowly making progress:-

Zeus shouldn't take much more work.

Lots to do on the Chain Lord.

And I've just started on Guan Y (Who, for legal purposes, is an entirely original concept and totally not a Space Marine!), I think I need to tone down the top of his head.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/09/26 12:56:41

Post by: Vejut

Nice progress, and all the flesh looks good! On the legally distinct from a space marine, I dunno, on its own I feel the top looks fine, just kind of a seam at the brow I think? Maybe bring that up more?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/10/10 09:14:21

Post by: Viterbi

Great work on those skin colors. The Chain Lord's look especially lifelike!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/11/01 22:19:45

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

It's been a little while.
Was feeling very low for a few weeks and the hobby bore the brunt of it, at one point I had everything packed up ready to be dropped off at the local charity shop. Fortunately, I didn't do anything drastic in the end and I'm slowly getting back at it.

Painted up a Guild Ball mini, Brisket:-

Not sure which version of Brisket this is, but I'm happy with how she looks.

Now I just have to keep the momentum going!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/11/02 01:20:30

Post by: Vejut

Definitely glad you didn't bin things. Brisket is a solid paint job too!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2022/11/08 21:47:17

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
Definitely glad you didn't bin things. Brisket is a solid paint job too!

It was my laziness that saved the day. Even all boxed up, there was just too much stuff to deal with.

Unfortunately, my painting momentum didn't last and everything is all packed up again. I'm not wallowing in self-pity this time though, so I do intend to start up the hobby again one day, I just don't know when.

Until then farewell!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/01/02 13:44:45

Post by: aku-chan

Hello again!

New year and a new attempt at keeping this thread going!

Been managing to do a bit of hobbying most days lately, and finished a couple minis.
There's Lady Florence (Games Workshop):-

Not completely happy with this one, was a more complicated mini than I thought and I kept finding bits I'd missed, but at least I stuck with it.
And Zeus (Reaper):-

A lot more pleased with this one, in places he's a bit more basically painted than he should be for such a large mini, but I think he looks good.

And I'm making steady progress on a couple other minis, but lately I've been bogged down getting some Malifaux stuff assembled.
I'll try and make regular updates, but I'm not really set up to take Work In Progress pictures any more (I haven't set my painting desk back up and don't think I will, I seem to be doing better without a constant reminder that I should be painting).

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/01/02 22:40:32

Post by: youwashock

Zeus rules! Glad you are still at it!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/01/03 00:05:50

Post by: Vejut

Good to see you back at it, and yeah, Zeus came out looking nice!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/01/15 19:57:29

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys! Glad everybody likes Zeus.

Was hoping to have something finished by now, but I'm getting there slowly:-

Really close to finishing the Slaver Lord and Potion Girl, Skelly Dude is getting there and I have my first Juggernaut all prepped.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/01/28 18:04:29

Post by: aku-chan

Woot! I've finished things!

First there's the Chain Lord (Necromunda):-

Really happy with this one, I think he turned out quite good.

Second there's the Potion Girl (Kingdom Death):-

Not too happy here, struggled to figure out how to paint a lot of her.

And finally, the Skeleton Captain (Cursed City):-

Pleased with this one too, especially his cape!

All that's left on the table now is this pair of fatties:-

The Shackle Man and the Smug Juggernaut.
Going to be busy building things though, picked up some more Necromunda stuff and I'm worried I'm going to lose those teeny tiny pieces.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/02/03 19:31:46

Post by: aku-chan

Still building things, so no new painting done yet, but I can finally show-off this Pin-up girl I did last year for a competition (It took them a long time to get it all wrapped up, as is the Kingdom Death way!)

Ram Armour Pin-Up (Kingdom Death):-

Didn't get anywhere in the competition (There was a lot of very fancy painting going on), but I think I did a good job on her.

And now back to building, my Gunsmyths arm needs gap-filling.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/02/12 21:20:31

Post by: aku-chan

Woot! Finished building stuff:-

And now I realise I left 3 minis (A Corpse Grinder and the House Griem pair) out of the group shot

I also received my Kings Coin from the Kingdom Death competition:-

I know that everyone that entered got one, but it still feels like I accomplished something!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/02/13 20:55:18

Post by: Boringstuff

Nice work on assembling all those models, also that coin doesn't look half bad! :O

Insert snarky comment here about KD putting more effort in for that than delivering on promises. XD

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/02/14 19:16:27

Post by: youwashock

She's quite pretty, aku. Congrats on snagging that coin.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/02/24 17:48:04

Post by: aku-chan

Boringstuff wrote:Nice work on assembling all those models, also that coin doesn't look half bad! :O

Insert snarky comment here about KD putting more effort in for that than delivering on promises. XD

Yeah, you'd think they would have more important things to spend their time and money on, but apparently not.

youwashock wrote:She's quite pretty, aku. Congrats on snagging that coin.

Thanks! Yep, rather happy with her.

Finally finished my Smug Juggernaut (Malifaux):-

I'm really pleased with how he turned out, but it shouldn't have taken me the best part of two months to paint him.

Got three more minis on the table:-

Hopefully they don't take me as long to paint.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/02/24 21:49:58

Post by: youwashock

Wow. You always have wild looking minis to paint. Who's the guy with the axe and tiki mask?

Smuggernaut looks awesome!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/03/13 21:02:30

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Wow. You always have wild looking minis to paint. Who's the guy with the axe and tiki mask?

Smuggernaut looks awesome!

That is... *Looks up website* Prophyrion, he's from last years Special Edition Malifaux set.

So, I had plenty to be working on, but my brain decided to paint skeletons, and, of course, I couldn't paint any skeletons I had lying around, I had to build some new ones:-

I'm making decent, if slow, progress though.
And then I had to build more stuff just because:-

Hopefully I'll have something done next time, although I did well on Ebay for some Marvel Crisis stuff, so who knows what I'll be working on.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/03/13 23:01:03

Post by: JoshInJapan

There's nothing wrong with building stuff. It'll all get painted eventually, right?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/04/02 19:03:12

Post by: aku-chan

 JoshInJapan wrote:
There's nothing wrong with building stuff. It'll all get painted eventually, right?

That's the plan, but I think I've long since passed the point where I can get everything finished during my lifetime.

Was determined to actually finish something before I posted an update, it's only one skeleton but it's a start:-

At least he looks decent.

I built a few more minis, but a really gappy Kingdom Death mini has put me off assembly for a while, so back to painting:-

Harmony, Owl Knight (I think Kingdom Death has a bit of a scale creep problem) and Mecha Dragoon.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/04/06 12:36:23

Post by: aku-chan

Harmony (Guild Ball) got wrapped up fairly quickly:-

Think she turned out okay considering she's a bit dinky.

Now to keep this momentum going!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/04/06 14:19:12

Post by: Vejut

Good to see this back, and the minis are looking good!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/04/06 18:17:06

Post by: youwashock

Harmony looks quite cool. That Owl Knight is really something. Bet it turns out sweet.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/04/06 23:46:02

Post by: JoshInJapan

Harmony looks great. The highlighting on the tank-top is particularly effective, and as always, I like your use of purple.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/04/14 20:24:06

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:Good to see this back, and the minis are looking good!


youwashock wrote:Harmony looks quite cool. That Owl Knight is really something. Bet it turns out sweet.

Thanks! Yeah, I think the Owl Knight is the best mini Kingdom Death has put out in a while, although it's a shame his helmet isn't held in place by yet more hands like the artwork.

JoshInJapan wrote:Harmony looks great. The highlighting on the tank-top is particularly effective, and as always, I like your use of purple.

Thanks! Yeah, I was pretty pleased with how her vest turned out.

A bad back has put a stop to any painting this week (I thought exercise was supposed to help not hurt!), so I've done yet more building:-

Wasn't planning on getting back into Marvel Crisis Protocol (My brain is never going to be happy that I can't have all the things), but I ended up getting some cheap off Ebay.
Forgot how badly some of their early stuff goes together though, my poor Captain Marvel has even more gaps this time around!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/04/14 23:08:53

Post by: tzurk

A weird and wonderful mix of minis in here mate, thanks for sharing! Nice to see some of what's out there.

Your skin tones are amazing and I love how much purple is popping up.

Seems like you're in a good rhythm at the moment - build, paint, build, paint, build. Keep it up!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/04/18 01:32:11

Post by: youwashock

aku-chan brings the variety, that's for sure. Speaking of which, I can't wait to see some of that smooth, vibrant aku-style applied to those MCP minis.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/05/05 21:19:59

Post by: aku-chan

tzurk wrote:A weird and wonderful mix of minis in here mate, thanks for sharing! Nice to see some of what's out there.

Your skin tones are amazing and I love how much purple is popping up.

Seems like you're in a good rhythm at the moment - build, paint, build, paint, build. Keep it up!

Thanks! I do wish my build:paint ratio was higher on the painting side though.

youwashock wrote:aku-chan brings the variety, that's for sure. Speaking of which, I can't wait to see some of that smooth, vibrant aku-style applied to those MCP minis.

They're in the queue, unfortunately there's a lot of other stuff in there too!

Had a bit of a motivation dip, did get one mini finished though, the Gentlefolk Lancer (Twisted):-

Who doesn't look too bad.

Working on a bit of a big project now:-

Glutos is coming!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/12/14 19:17:33

Post by: aku-chan

Howdy y'all!

I'm still painting, not particularly fast or consistently, but I let my poor thread die.
However, next year I do want to try harder with this whole painting thing, and part of that is resuming regular-ish updates, so I thought I'd start by showing off what I've been doing these last 6 months.

First there was a pair of Ghouls, Uncle Gregor and Aunt Vanya:-

Then there was Astri:-

Plus, Siobhan Adhair (She's a 1:1 scale fairy):-

Next, Polyxeni the Mirror Mage:-

Followed by, Coleman Stryker (I picked up a few Privateer Press minis when they nuked their old stuff):-

And, Tevurua the Glade Maiden:-

And finally, Yndrasta:-

That may not seem like a lot, but there's quite a bit of part painted stuff too (That's also something I want to work on next year, actually finishing what I start!).
At the moment I'm trying to finish a set of Witches (I wanted them done by Halloween, but at least I'm getting there), I've finished 2 witches and their cauldron:-

I'm hoping to get the final Witch done by the end of the year, still got a bit to do though:-

And then I can finally have a good go at my motorbike dude:-

See y'all in the new year!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/12/15 02:12:21

Post by: Meer_Cat

Geez that's an impressive body of work to show! Welcome back!

I'm particularly impressed with the stitching on Vanya's cloak, Astrid's eyes and the cloak shading in blue you used with Yndrasta. I have to chuckle at my own impateince, because even as I was reading your description of the (first) two witches and their cauldron, I was thinking "But there;s three witches in MacBeth!" and then you immediately showed the third one you're going to do (not that witches have to come in threes! )

Always a pleasure to see what you've been up to.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/12/19 00:49:14

Post by: youwashock

Hey! Good to see you back! Fun stuff, as always. Love Yndrasta and the Glade Maid. Best of luck in the new year!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/12/19 21:18:40

Post by: Vejut

Solid bit of work. I like how yndastra's feathers came out!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2023/12/19 23:05:16

Post by: JoshInJapan

Lovely work, as always. I'm always impressed at a) your use of bright colors (something I can never seem to make myself do) and b) how smooth your shading and highlighting are. I look forward to seeing what you do in 2024.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/01/01 22:53:56

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys, it's good to be back!

Over Christmas I managed to finish my Witches Set (Reaper):-

They turned out okay, mostly I'm just glad I finished them.

Currently I'm working on this guy:-

He's been sitting unfinished for far too long!
And this guy:-

Slowly nibbling away at him.

Also built my Death Chicken and Oblivion Armour Set from Kingdom Death. The new armour sets are so much better than the old ones, but (Much like their bigger models of the past) the Death Chicken is gonna need some gap filling.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/01/02 18:08:39

Post by: Vejut

Witches are looking good!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/01/14 18:32:52

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
Witches are looking good!

Thanks! I think the blonde one turned out the best.

So I had a plan for the new year.
I'd picked a handful of minis that I'd work on for the next couple of months, then pick out another batch etc.
Only problem is, it only took a couple of weeks before I got fed up of seeing the same minis on my desk every day.

Now those minis are stored away in the Cabinet of Unfinished Things, and I'm getting this guy finished:-

It's going well.
I've also been slowly prepping another set to work on:-

But this time I'm going to be smart and keep them out of sight until needed!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/01/14 18:57:03

Post by: youwashock

Is that guy riding some kind of giant rabbit?

Lots of cool stuff coming up, for sure!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/01/15 11:28:59

Post by: Vejut

Definitely some fun stuff. Nice progress on the beastie. And yeah, I generally find when my desk starts getting a lot of active projects on it my brain starts getting iffy on them, glad I'm not the only one.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/01/21 21:50:45

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Is that guy riding some kind of giant rabbit?

Lots of cool stuff coming up, for sure!

Yep that's Zacchaeus:- The Winters Chill, he's one of those new 3d printed Warmachine figures, took ages clearing all the supports out of his nooks and crannies!

Vejut wrote:Definitely some fun stuff. Nice progress on the beastie. And yeah, I generally find when my desk starts getting a lot of active projects on it my brain starts getting iffy on them, glad I'm not the only one.

The idea was, that by having everything on the desk, I could jump between minis whenever I got a bit bored, didn't work out like that though...

Making steady progress, keeping my desk clearer is working.

Didn't get quite as far on this guy as I would've liked. Got some smudges on his skin painting his poncho, and I could not remember what colour mix I used (I know it's a grey and a flesh tone but that's it), so I had to re-paint his back.

This guy has made his way from the box to my desk, he's going well so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/01/22 01:13:52

Post by: youwashock

Glad the new workflow is helping. The Stormcast gent is looking good. The white lion kneepad stands out as a nice detail. Good choice.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/05 18:22:01

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Glad the new workflow is helping. The Stormcast gent is looking good. The white lion kneepad stands out as a nice detail. Good choice.

Thanks! I hadn't actually painted that bit yet, but I did go down a similar route.

Was trying to get something finished before I did my next update, still haven't quite finished the big orc but did get Hendrick done:-

I think he turned out pretty decent.

Started a new mini but it's for the new Kingdom Death painting competition, so it will have to remain secret for now.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/09 15:18:55

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Love the teal highlights going through - the scabbard and the scale skirt. Good job!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/10 04:11:18

Post by: Vejut

Nice! liking the cloak fur!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/11 00:09:26

Post by: youwashock

Hey, it still works.

Nice job. The teal makes for a great splash of color against all that armor. Digging the cloak.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/11 16:28:35

Post by: IGtR=

Love that Stormcast. There are a few gems tucked away in that range

Thanks for sharing

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/11 18:23:19

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

I changed my mind on how shiny Hendrick was, so I went over him with some matt varnish, I think he looks better now:-

I was also challenged to do a bit of freehand on his scabbard, it's basic but I'm pretty happy with it.

Also finished my Killaboss (Games Workshop):-

He looks good but mostly I'm just glad he's finally finished!

I also finished Mavaro (Reaper):-

Feeling so-so about this one, at least he's finally done after all these years though.

Now I'm working on Damaris:-

Lets see how far I get in a week.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/12 07:28:52

Post by: Vejut

Freehand came out well, and liking Mavaro's skull!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/23 21:29:48

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
Freehand came out well, and liking Mavaro's skull!


Nothing finished at the moment, spending a lot of time on my Kingdom Death competition entry, I got stuck on my first attempt and had to start another one!

But I can show this:-

Egret my Hunters Guild archer.
The return of Guild Ball is on my mind, so I've dug out all my stuff to work on, plus I need to make space for all the new ones I brought to fill the gaps in my collection.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/02/23 21:50:45

Post by: Vejut

Always sucks when you get to the "Don't want to look at it" point before its done. Progress on Egret looks nice though!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/02 21:39:00

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
Always sucks when you get to the "Don't want to look at it" point before its done. Progress on Egret looks nice though!


Finished and submitted my Kingdom Death competition mini, I know it won't win but I like the job I did on it, now to start my Reaper competition mini!

Also finished Egret (Guild Ball):-

I like her, still can't figure out if this is the Hunters or Falconers Guild version.
The Guild Ball stuff rolls on, started on Scourge:-

He's not bad for one of their PVC minis, didn't quite get all the moldlines though.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/02 21:56:42

Post by: youwashock

Quite the pleasant looking fellow.

Egret looks good, too. I like all the stitching picked out and the red hair with the green clothing.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/08 22:42:30

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Quite the pleasant looking fellow.

Egret looks good, too. I like all the stitching picked out and the red hair with the green clothing.

Thanks! I was pretty pleased with myself that I managed to do all of Egrets stitch-work without making a mess.

Didn't make a lot of progress this week, but things are getting there.
The Reaper competition mini got shelved, the casting wasn't great and getting it prepped sucked all the enthusiasm out of me.

Scourge is progressing:-

Just got skulls and rats to paint now.

Salvo is the next Guild Baller on the table:-

Very early days though.

And this guy has returned:-

Thought I could get him wrapped up quickly, but I keep finding little areas I've missed.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/11 01:00:44

Post by: Vejut

The "dang it I thought I got that spot" is always annoying, but he looks pretty good. I like the eyes on the cloak.

And nice progress on scourge.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/14 21:46:17

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
The "dang it I thought I got that spot" is always annoying, but he looks pretty good. I like the eyes on the cloak.

And nice progress on scourge.

Thanks! It was getting up under his feathery bits that were proving tricky.

Finally finished the Owl Armoured Male (Kingdom Death):-

The feathers didn't quite turn out like I hoped, but otherwise I'm happy with him.

Also continued the Guild Ball run by finishing Scourge too:-

Considering how hit and miss Steamforged Games PVC minis can be, this one didn't turn out too bad at all.

Also continued with Salvo:-

Been a bit too shaky lately to tackle his many straps though.

And this determined looking Warcaster has arrived on the painting table:-

Trying to go down a different route than my usual "All armour done in metallics" one.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/15 01:41:02

Post by: Vejut

Scourge and owl knight looking good. Straps are always a pain, yeah. And the warcaster looking like a nice start.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/30 20:55:50

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
Scourge and owl knight looking good. Straps are always a pain, yeah. And the warcaster looking like a nice start.

Thanks! I don't normally mind painting straps but he had four tiny ones on each limb.

Had a bit of a dip in the old hobby mojo, trying to regain it by working on different minis.

Picked a new Guild Baller to work on:-

Vitriol, she's coming along nicely.

And either Callis or Toll (I'm not sure which is which):-

Annoyingly, I didn't think to paint the inside of his armour collar before I did his face and now I can't get a brush back in there.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/30 21:00:33

Post by: JoshInJapan

 aku-chan wrote:

Annoyingly, I didn't think to paint the inside of his armour collar before I did his face and now I can't get a brush back in there.

Oh, I hate it when that happens. In fact, that's the reason I prime everything in black these days-- lighter colors are more work, but missed spots don't stand out as much.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/03/30 22:44:15

Post by: youwashock

Owl armor turned out great. Vitriol is a very interesting model.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/04/09 10:17:15

Post by: aku-chan

JoshInJapan wrote:Oh, I hate it when that happens. In fact, that's the reason I prime everything in black these days-- lighter colors are more work, but missed spots don't stand out as much.

I can't go back to priming in black, I have a hard enough time seeing what I'm painting as it is!

youwashock wrote:Owl armor turned out great. Vitriol is a very interesting model.

Yeah, the Guild Ball range has a few of these randomly super-dynamic minis (Or at least it did before they re-sculpted everything, the current Vitriol isn't as interesting).

Was hoping to get things finished over the weekend, but it didn't happen. There's not much left to do though, so hopefully I can get them wrapped up this week.

Vitriol just needs boots, gloves and cane done.

Callis needs more tidying up, but mostly he needs trousers and pistols.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/04/09 12:19:02

Post by: Vejut

Can't forget your trousers, no. Good looking progress!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/04/15 18:52:37

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:
Can't forget your trousers, no. Good looking progress!

Yep, trousers are a must!

Got stuff finished.
First there's Vitriol (Guild Ball):-

Really pleased with this one.

And Armand Callis (Games Workshop):-

He didn't turn out too bad either.

Continuing with the Guild Ball stuff, next to the table is:-

Harry the Hat.

Plus a totally normal owl doing normal owl-ly things:-

This one's going to take a while I think.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/04/16 09:48:33

Post by: Vejut

Looks good, especially liking the damaged skin on the side of vitriol's head.

And on to kingdom of far too many fingers I see! One of the better painters around me rather likes them, and yes, will be a while, but they look great painted...

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/04/21 19:56:15

Post by: youwashock

Vitriol turned out awesome. Love the cane and the burned skin (?). Excited to see how you tackle the KD owl.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/04/29 16:13:43

Post by: aku-chan

Vejut wrote:Looks good, especially liking the damaged skin on the side of vitriol's head.

And on to kingdom of far too many fingers I see! One of the better painters around me rather likes them, and yes, will be a while, but they look great painted...

Thanks! I wasn't sure how to paint Vitirols scars but a dab of Red Wash worked pretty well.

youwashock wrote:Vitriol turned out awesome. Love the cane and the burned skin (?). Excited to see how you tackle the KD owl.


So after staring at the Owl for several days and having no idea where to start on it, I set it aside to do some assembly:-

After all these years I've finally assembled all my Guild Ball minis! (Until they release some more...)

Brought the Owl back to the desk, still couldn't work out what to do with it, so I've returned to minis I'm more familiar with:-

A pair of Ambitious Survivors.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/05/19 10:33:36

Post by: aku-chan

Been letting the painting slide a bit lately (Watching a lot of old Dr. Who instead), but I've finally finished something.

My latest Guild Ball guy, Veteran Rage:-

A fairly simple mini, but he turned out okay.
Here he is with OG Rage:-

Making slow but steady progress on the Ambitious Survivors:-

They're a complicated pair.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/05/19 20:24:57

Post by: youwashock

Loving the blues and red on those guys. Rage is interesting. Imagine being so angry for so long you get a promotion.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/05/20 10:21:01

Post by: Vejut

Its the whiskers, obviously, gotta promote a guy with those sideburns!

And kingdom death looks like its coming along nicely!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/06/03 22:37:35

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

Painting is still going slowly, but I'll get there eventually.

The Female Survivor is almost done, just got to remember to glue the head of her poleaxe back on, the Male has a lot more gubbins going on, so he's taking longer.
I've also almost finished Pride the Lion as my latest Guild Ball mini.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/06/04 02:30:53

Post by: Vejut

Looking good! And yeah, weapon parts falling off are always annoying.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.) @ 2024/06/04 03:00:24

Post by: youwashock

Good stuff. I like the lion mini. I think that without you, I may have never even heard of Guild Ball, much less seen their models.