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What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/05 21:50:39

Post by: DarkBlack

Some laser cut MDF to multi-base my upcoming nighstalker army

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/06 20:25:24

Post by: Pacific

A copy of 1st edition Space Hulk expansion Deathwing. In excellent condition, looks like it has been stored in a vacuum for 25 years.

Just painting up an original set with the metal terminators (ones I couldn't afford as a kid but always wanted - just now need to think of an old-school, slightly ridiculous chapter colour to paint them up in!)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/07 00:26:27

Post by: Easy E

I picked up the BB Elf team and the BB Ogre.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/11 07:35:54

Post by: wuestenfux

I bought a unit of 5 Hellblasters yesterday.
Think abou a full Primaris army. The days of the normal Marines are largely gone.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/11 07:46:26

Post by: DarkBlack

10 D8, for Vanguard.
My new aaura and classified deck are arriving next week.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/12 02:02:28

Post by: ZergSmasher

Had a quick run to the FLGS today and picked up a pot of paint, a largish container of Vallejo Ground Texture Snow, the new Citadel Painting Handle with the little grappler things on it, and 4 of the Space Marine Heroes packs. Unfortunately, I got 2 each of 2 of the heroes, so I was pretty disappointed by that. Worse, they were just bolter dudes. Kind of sours me on the whole Heroes thing, as that's the main thing I hate about blind buy packs; ending up with a bunch of repeats.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/12 04:32:27

Post by: Skywave

Just bolstered my Thousand Sons with Ahriman, a Maulerfiend, and a Chaos Start Collecting box! Also got the new XL painting handle for good measure!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/12 04:48:37

Post by: cole1114

Blood Angels Jump Chaplain and Sternguard Kits for my blood ravens army, and the deathwatch kill team box along with their commander.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/12 13:58:02

Post by: phillv85

Went a bit mad when I went to pre-order BSF.

Also grabbed:

Lord of Silence Hardback
Plague Wars Hardback
Sly Marbo
2x Flagellants boxes (for conversions)
A bunch of bases
2x White undercoat sprays
2x Space Marine Heroes

Also from a pre-order from Element Games I received in the post:

Derelict Manufactorum
Sector Imperialis Bundle
Series 1 of the Novellas
The other Space Marine novella that released the same day but isn't part of series one of novellas

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/12 13:59:59

Post by: oni

I grabbed the new Derelict Factorum on Sunday. I initially had buyers remorse, but that feeling fading quickly once I started assembling it. It's a fantastic kit. I hope they do more like it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/12 14:08:18

Post by: phillv85

 oni wrote:
I grabbed the new Derelict Factorum on Sunday. I initially had buyers remorse, but that feeling fading quickly once I started assembling it. It's a fantastic kit. I hope they do more like it.

It doesn't look much until you start putting it together does it? I had the same thing.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/12 14:58:47

Post by: Valkyrie

I went over to the local GW during my lunch break, thought of getting one of those random Heroes.

Managed to get the Captain on my first go!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/12 15:03:54

Post by: Rybrook

I bought a 2ed BA death company, full squad of nine plus a chaplain, for a pricey sum of £10 making it £45 odd cheaper than the current sets if I were to buy 2 boxes of 5 DC and the separate DC chaplain

Now to find a bargain drop pod

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/14 02:32:20

Post by: King Thor

Been on a bit of a paint buying binge. Just received the scale 75 fantasy set. The package sat outside for a couple of hours, but most of the paints were somewhat liquid. Thawed them out in front of the fireplace. I have an order of washes and paints on the way from a Secret Weapn, hopefully it warms up a bit when they arrive.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/14 16:12:23

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought one of those texture paints to get red mud. Does what it says on the tin so I guess that's good.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/14 19:37:46

Post by: Jathom

Picked up a Betrayal at Calth box from the FLGS. They had 3 and we were doing a big Apoc battle in the basement so they gave us a discount on GW purchases.

Seemed like the perfect opportunity to start my Iron Warriors!

That and I Amazoned a new photo booth last night. Finally, decent pictures again!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/16 19:30:04

Post by: Rybrook

Bought a few spares from the bay for my death Co.

Chainsword arms
pistol arms
18 Shoulder pads
Thunder Hammer
Power Glove

Just need to get the Calth backpacks for the old look

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/16 22:47:27

Post by: SamusDrake

Last purchase was the Writhing Shadow KT boxset, but I've just ordered two AT Warhounds, and hopefully will do the same for the Cerastus Knights tomorrow...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/16 23:07:33

Post by: amazingturtles

I bought some new brushes, but they have the normal problem of new brushes: they're too nice to use!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/17 00:08:33

Post by: Excommunicatus

The centre-piece of both my 'Eastern Front in spaaaaaace' ruined city board and next year's AoP entry, The Motherland Calls!;

Na zapad, tovarishchi!

EDIT - Updated with better pics.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/17 01:26:55

Post by: doktor_g

@Excommunitatus: that is rad. PM me when that is finished so I can lavash you with praise.

My most recent purchase is a 3d printer and 40 Grots ( God help me)

Oh and this for my ACW game...

[Thumb - 20181108_193444.jpg]

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/17 07:32:52

Post by: Excommunicatus

 doktor_g wrote:
@Excommunitatus: that is rad. PM me when that is finished so I can lavash you with praise.

My most recent purchase is a 3d printer and 40 Grots ( God help me)

Oh and this for my ACW game...

Thanks, I have a plog here that really needs the views, so...


Good luck with the grots.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/17 17:29:12

Post by: wuestenfux

Well, I got 10 Guardian Defenders and 5 Wraithguard from a friend for 30€. Quite a good deal if you ask me. All in the sprues.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/17 23:16:11

Post by: Rygnan

Ashes and Dust for Malifaux. Can't believe I've waited this long but I have him now, nearly finished my Outcasts

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/18 00:23:17

Post by: AegisGrimm

More cars for Gaslands.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/19 17:15:41

Post by: Brotherjanus

Several second edition Batman boxes. I also plan to expand my terrain appropriate for Gotham City. I want a Dark Elf Throne of Blood but it's never in stock.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/20 00:11:23

Post by: TheCustomLime

After a very happy birthday I purchased a new Knight army. I got a box of helverins, the codex and a the Renegade box set on top of the Knight Paladin I recently restored. I also got a Steam tank, a box of state troops and some pistoliers to round out my Empire army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/20 09:52:42

Post by: Ginjitzu

Bought a brand new copy of Silver Tower on Amazon UK for 176GBP including delivery last night, mostly as something to play with my girlfriend. She's recently expressed an interest in painting, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to let her cut her teeth on something so pricey.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/20 10:12:20

Post by: Pacific

Wow.. is it out of print now and so pushed the price up?
Think that's about the same as I paid for my copy of Kingdom Death (although understand that ones a bit less suitable to play with your girlfriend )

Just got this old BB Skeleton mini off ebay, to bolster my Greibo Necromantic team. Just a couple of £ actually, one great thing of the new BB releases is that its really pushed the price down of the old OOP minis.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/20 11:30:18

Post by: Ginjitzu

 Pacific wrote:
Wow.. is it out of print now and so pushed the price up?
Think that's about the same as I paid for my copy of Kingdom Death (although understand that ones a bit less suitable to play with your girlfriend )

Yeah. It's no longer available from Games-Workshop. I'm already filled with regret and self reproach, and I know for a fact I won't even want to look at it when it inevitably reappears on the store for a fraction of the cost, as a nagging reminder of my own impatience and poor decision making skills.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/20 20:09:07

Post by: Rybrook

A ten pack of D20's
5x sang guard bare heads
kneeling command legs
10x calth backpacks
devastator arms with extra hands

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/21 06:36:00

Post by: H.B.M.C.

After waiting a while until everything was in place, I put through a nice terrain order:

1x Blackstone Fortress
1x Thermic Plasma Conduits
2x Promethium Refinery (and not the Promethium Forge, which is what I ordered by mistake last time)
2x Derelict Factorum

So many more buildings!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/25 17:41:00

Post by: King Thor

Picked up some stuff from a local store on their Black Friday sale.

Basically all for Kill Team, unfortunately an awesome excuse to add to the pile of grey.

Luckily my son called dibs on the Orks, so hopefully that inspires him to start painting with me again.

[Thumb - IMG_7330.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_7331.JPG]

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/25 18:06:09

Post by: DarkBlack

Mantic's new nightstalker warband booster, can't wait to get an army of these.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/26 10:33:20

Post by: tneva82

Preordered knight command terminals so that I can actually play with cerestus knights, mortis transfer sheet and box of ceresteus knights for 3rd one(after getting 2 from FLGS) to get free postage. Figured might just as well pay 25 for knights rather than 10 for just postage. Basically 2 knights for 15 euros.

Will have to see rules before deciding how to paint the 6 lancers. Is max unit size 4? If yes might initially paint them in 2 colour schemes and get later another box for 4 per banner. If 6 will be more of Q do I do 1 big banner or 2 small ones.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/28 21:10:58

Post by: SamusDrake

A pot of leadbelcher, AT Cerastus Knight Lancers and a set of 50, 5*1mm magnets.

The magnets are for two warhounds and for later purchases involving reaver titans. Not sure if they will fit the Warlord titan, but I doubt I would get one to be honest.

I think I'm going to leave at that until the new year...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/28 22:02:36

Post by: Horst

I just bought 3x IG Start Collecting packs, 4x Cadian Infantry, 2x Demolishers, and a Shadowsword. Should be a nice way to start an army

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/29 08:03:01

Post by: lord_blackfang

My Black Friday purchases were a Tabletop Tyrant foam case backpack (at 20% off), 3 Mek Gunz and 2 Start Collecting! Flesh-eater Courts. Also backed The Everrain kickstarter.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/29 08:18:23

Post by: tneva82

SamusDrake wrote:
A pot of leadbelcher, AT Cerastus Knight Lancers and a set of 50, 5*1mm magnets.

The magnets are for two warhounds and for later purchases involving reaver titans. Not sure if they will fit the Warlord titan, but I doubt I would get one to be honest.

I think I'm going to leave at that until the new year...

You will want at least 1 warlord ;-) If not 2 or 3!

More seriously those are the magnets I use for all my titans including warlords and indeed 5mm diameter is what the pre-designed holes are for so no worries on that front.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/29 10:30:13

Post by: Rygnan

Black Friday for me was Booster Gold, Blue Beetle and Gotham by Gaslight Batman from Knight Models. Been meaning to pick up Blue and Gold for a while and the exclusive Gaslight Batman was enough to tip it over with a group order.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/29 16:40:11

Post by: SamusDrake

tneva82 wrote:

You will want at least 1 warlord ;-) If not 2 or 3!

More seriously those are the magnets I use for all my titans including warlords and indeed 5mm diameter is what the pre-designed holes are for so no worries on that front.

Trust me, if I had the wonga, I'd swap my three dinky Questoris Knights for four of those bad boys. Decked out with guitars, drums and a micro(?) phone, sat on a custom built display diorama that has a button which plays Queen's "Princeps of the Universe" .

Cheers for the magnet advice, because there have been times since the release when I've thought "goooo on! do it! treat yourself!". That new Warlord variant almost pushed me over the line...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/29 16:45:51

Post by: ChargerIIC

After my bits supplier lost my package of bits, reordered more ork arms. This after the first seller refunded me after discovering the stupid arms weren't actually in stock after all.

At this point I may be forced to lurk the gaming tables with a pair of model clippers and an emergency smoke grenade.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/29 20:33:52

Post by: xKillGorex

Picked up some tanks and bits on the warlord games Black Friday sales which are in the post and grabbed a bag of those cheap Christmas pine trees that people use for the displays at Xmas.
They are pretty basic out of the bag, looks like they are dipped in plaster on the ends of the branches and hot glued in to a crappy plastic base. So pulled the base off of one, hit it with some hair spray and covered it with some woodland scenic snow flock. Then some varnish and repeated a couple more times. Not to shabby looking now.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/29 21:18:20

Post by: leopard

Bought the SAGA Anglo Saxon plastic starter, a unit of archers and some dice

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/29 21:27:09

Post by: Captain Brown

Traded for nine old hybrid Ork Stormboyz.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/30 06:56:16

Post by: H.B.M.C.

After all of this nonsense arrived I noticed I'd been sent a set of Regulators rather than another set of Conduits.

Thankfully they're sending a set of replacement Conduits for free, and they said I can keep the Regulators!

And I also went and got that new Necromunda character, the two big Van Saar weapon sets, and the Mechanicum transport.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
My Black Friday purchases were a Tabletop Tyrant foam case backpack (at 20% off), 3 Mek Gunz and 2 Start Collecting! Flesh-eater Courts. Also backed The Everrain kickstarter.
Most of the Flesh-Eater Court armies I've seen really benefited from Mek Gunz. Good choice.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/30 15:05:51

Post by: wuestenfux

Last buy were 5 Scourges.
I figured that there is only one special weapon of each type in the box.
So I will need 4 boxes in total.
Not bad anyway since I could also play them as Shadow Spectures.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/30 16:08:16

Post by: Pacific

Just got my copy of Highlander: the boardgame in the post

(although technically it was purchased probably about a year ago!)

Bagsy the Kurgan

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/30 17:35:28

Post by: Krinsath

I went a bit mad at a FLGS holiday sale and purchased essentially two FoW armies; buy 1 get 3 free on older sets and blisters is an irresistible siren's song. I then needed to order in more stuff to finish off a few choices I was missing which in the end cost more than I spent acquiring the other 2/3s of the armies even with a holiday sale at that vendor. Because what I really needed was more WW2 stuff to not paint...

Still, with some other things that were free on the purchases I ended up only spending ~50% of retail total on everything which is none-too-shabby.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/11/30 20:52:01

Post by: Easy E

 Pacific wrote:
Just got my copy of Highlander: the boardgame in the post

(although technically it was purchased probably about a year ago!)

Bagsy the Kurgan

Why did I only learn of this now!?!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/02 14:41:46

Post by: Motograter

My recent buys have been blackstone fortress, box of gsc neophyte hybrids and gsc brood coven hq box.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/02 17:02:57

Post by: wuestenfux

Bought a box of Scourges yesterday.
Need 4 boxes for 3x 5 Scourges (bomb) and 1x 5 Shadow Spectors (proxy).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/03 12:34:06

Post by: Techpriestsupport

Well I "bought" the necron half of forgebane from a guy here but the post office seems to have lost it and he says he will refund me the MO i sent him.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/03 12:42:10

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Kill Team: Rogue Trader
Box'o'Electro Priests

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/03 16:24:54

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought an M3 Lee to turn into a battlewagon

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/03 17:58:55

Post by: DarkBlack

My beyond Coldfront has finally gotten to my corner of Africa.
Splitting it so just getting the ALEPH. Gunbot away!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/05 21:13:13

Post by: lord_blackfang

 lord_blackfang wrote:
My Black Friday purchases were a Tabletop Tyrant foam case backpack (at 20% off)

*le sigh*

Got sent the regular (non-backpack) case. Now I probably get to do the jolly dance of international returns and hoping I get reimbursed for the 20-30 euro postage.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/05 21:34:00

Post by: TheCustomLime

I bought a box of Empire Flagellants on a whim. They look like they'll be fun to paint but I'm fairly certain they're not very useful. Ah, well, I collect the Empire for their looks mostly. And to blow the hell out of stupid elves/norsemen/other humans with inferior hats.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/05 22:02:24

Post by: Pacific

Got this pretty cool ratmen team from Meiko Miniatures (Comixinos in Spain had quite a good Black Friday discount on). Right that's it now - no more miniatures until the ones I have are painted! .. Really!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/06 07:11:29

Post by: xKillGorex

Had some stuff turn up from warlord games from their Black Friday sales, two kits of which are the Sherman v.
Took a quick look at them and thought I’d seen the kit somewhere before, then it dawned on me that they are upscaled Plastic soldier company kits.

Having built their 1,72 scale Sherman it’s still going to be fun getting them on the table.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/06 15:50:24

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought another keyforge deck. I think I might have a problem.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/07 16:31:12

Post by: dreadblade

Just picked up a Landspeeder from my local GW

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/07 16:47:14

Post by: DV8

Tiny Cerastus Knights!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/08 06:00:22

Post by: Bobthehero

The FW Dol Amroth Knights

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/08 12:15:03

Post by: Excommunicatus

10 more soldats for the meat-grinder
A Basilisk

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/08 13:57:14

Post by: wuestenfux

Bought the next box of Scourges today.
Need 4 boxes for 3x 5 Scourges (bomb) and 1x 5 Shadow Spectors (proxy).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/10 05:34:12

Post by: ChargerIIC

Some properly green flock. Trying to get a copy of the latest White Dwarf but I think I'm out of luck at this point

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/10 22:28:39

Post by: dreadblade

Just ordered the SM Commander to finish off my 800 point army (to become a lieutenant with a storm bolter and lightning claw)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/10 22:30:57

Post by: Horst

Just ordered Creed and 2 Armored Sentinels... CA point drops ftw.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/12 16:42:04

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought a GSC Goliath Truck for my Orks because it's the Orkiest vehicle I've ever seen

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/12 19:24:02

Post by: TheCustomLime

I bought the eight edition WHFB rulebook. Now I just need to find someone to play it with!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/12 20:52:34

Post by: DarkBlack

 TheCustomLime wrote:
I bought the eight edition WHFB rulebook. Now I just need to find someone to play it with!

Someone has probably recommended trying Kings of War instead already, so good luck with tbat.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/12 21:41:46

Post by: Rygnan

Not bought, but I got given the new Robin and Goliath set from a friend as an early 21st birthday present. Super stoked with it, despite having to tackle with Goliath being finecast tier resin and a pain to deal with

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/15 20:36:24

Post by: leopard

Bought Cruel Seas from Warlord, have also ordered CA2018, but its not here yet (ordered with a few other bits, one of which is out of stock)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/22 08:44:04

Post by: wuestenfux

Bought a Venom and ordered 3 Ravager and 2 Razorwing Jetfighters.
Trying to rebuild my Druhkari.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/22 09:08:31

Post by: Rygnan

Big mix of things today for me. Bought off a friend 7 Knights of Dol Amroth and Prince Imrahil, and after a local Batman tournament I picked up the older metal ninja sets for the League of Assassins. Trying to buy up the older range of League stuff before they go OOP in anticipation for more new resin stuff.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/22 10:22:29

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Slaaneshi Harp Lady
6 Fiends
15 Flesh Hounds

Now we just await some plastic Khornate Heralds and a new KOS and there will be virtually nothing I cannot do from a daemonic perspective (other than Khornate/Slaaneshi Chariots).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/22 20:43:59

Post by: phillv85

A Noise Marine

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/22 21:53:09

Post by: BrookM

Three sets of servo arms from Anvil Industry and a load of heads and some models from Statuesque Miniatures.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/23 07:18:19

Post by: TheCustomLime

Got a Primaris Librarian. I'm impressed with how clean this model is and it requires minimal clean up. However, yeah... $35 is a tough pill to swallow. I'm glad I'll only need one of these but still. This model could have easily been a $10 blister pack.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/23 15:41:56

Post by: yellowfever

I got a box of Wulfen for my brother.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/25 19:54:06

Post by: Egyptian Space Zombie

The Iwata Eclipse airbrush bundle. I figured that it makes more sense to get something that helps me paint faster than more models.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/26 22:07:17

Post by: Captain Brown

GW Plasma Conduits set at 25% off.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/27 06:43:13

Post by: Skywave

Local store had a boxing day sale, so got me some Genestealers, and a box each of Rubric, Scarab Occult, Sorcerers and Tzaangor, along with spray paint and 2 texture paint pots.

Also ordered a Maleceptor/Toxicrene box while I was there (direct product not normally stocked, but they can order it).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/27 19:16:26

Post by: Captain Brown

Ork Card Set.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/27 19:58:50

Post by: leopard

Death Guard army deal box, plus a box of nurglings, because nurglings are cute.

plus two copies of "Open Fire" for a friends offspring

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/12/27 20:14:41

Post by: dreadblade

 Brother Castor wrote:
Just ordered the SM Commander to finish off my 800 point army (to become a lieutenant with a storm bolter and lightning claw)

And now post-CA 2018 I've just ordered another TAC squad box to make up for the 100 point drop!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/02 15:34:27

Post by: Rybrook

Bought a 95’ tigurius just because and a 3 1/4” foam die as a turn counter

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/02 15:47:02

Post by: Reanimation_Protocol

 Rybrook wrote:
Bought a 95’ tigurius just because and a 3 1/4” foam die as a turn counter

a ninety five foot Tiggy? now that's dedication to the chapter right there .. bordering on worship, and worship is Heresy! ... *BLAM!*

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/02 15:48:35

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought a set of Puppetswar Orcs to go with my Kromlech and GW ones. With any luck, All 50 Ork boyz will look nothing like each other.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/02 16:11:55

Post by: Freeflow44

Fifty 15 ml dropper style bottles and a bottle of liquitex flow improve from Amazon. I'm transferring all my GW paints from the awful paint pots to dropper style bottles

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/02 18:06:04

Post by: Overread

Daughters of Khaine Battleforce!

Should be the last time I need to purchase a Cauldron kit and possibly the last time in a while buying Khinerai. Not that I dislike either kit, but this leaves me with 40 khinerai and 4 cauldron kits. So that's more than enough of both for the while.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/02 18:36:29

Post by: lord_blackfang

I finally received the Kill Team starter I ordered 15 weeks ago.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/03 21:19:02

Post by: DarkBlack

Hotwheels for Gaslands.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/03 22:16:12

Post by: JamesY

Delaque gang and some grass tufts.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/03 22:17:58

Post by: Rygnan

Gandalf the White for my Fiefdoms

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/04 03:55:43

Post by: H.B.M.C.

1x Bloat-Drone
2x Plagecrawler

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/06 03:08:50

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Used my Christmas money to get the Champions of Death team and finally the Ork Codex and datacards.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/06 09:27:20

Post by: squilverine

I was given a copy of kill team rogue trader for Christmas which I already has so swapped it for 3 armoured sentinels and 2 squads of Armageddon Steel Legion. I also bought 2 sets of Leman Russ tracks so that I can use up the spare bits from my FW Bombard kits to make full leman russ'.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/09 18:30:05

Post by: Captain Brown

CA 2018.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/09 19:44:42

Post by: Agamemnon2

Traded in a pile of retro games in my annual collection decimation, bought the new Marine and Dark Eldar codices (will have to go back for the Guard one). Thought I might like to play a game of this edition sometime.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/09 21:05:23

Post by: DarkBlack

Ordered two Infinity miniatures from Shae-Konnit split miniatures.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/09 21:15:55

Post by: Reavsie

CA 2018 & Stirland Battlemire for Mrs R's Daemonettes

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/10 16:42:40

Post by: thesilverback

Chapter Approved 2018 and Primaris Reivers

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/11 09:49:29

Post by: Rygnan

My local is clearing out all their old Batman stock, so I picked up a fair bit. Arkham Origins Bane starter, Dark Knight Rises Bane, Bane Thugs, Mercenaries, comic Deathstroke and Nyssa Al Ghul. Finishing up the crews I want to play as the metals are now OOP, just some more stuff to paint even if I don't use them in games

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/11 09:58:23

Post by: Agamemnon2

 Rygnan wrote:
My local is clearing out all their old Batman stock, so I picked up a fair bit. Arkham Origins Bane starter, Dark Knight Rises Bane, Bane Thugs, Mercenaries, comic Deathstroke and Nyssa Al Ghul. Finishing up the crews I want to play as the metals are now OOP, just some more stuff to paint even if I don't use them in games

They are very nice miniatures. I picked up a Superman and a Supes/WW/Batman Dawn of Justice triple pack from a convention last summer, as they were tremendously discounted. The DoJ designs for Batman and Superman are ugly and the miniatures could not salvage them, but the rendition of Wonder Woman is a lovely graceful sculpt that I really wanted for my collection. The single Superman even has alternate chest emblems so I could make him into Soviet Superman from "Red Son".

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/12 04:24:57

Post by: Rygnan

 Agamemnon2 wrote:
 Rygnan wrote:
My local is clearing out all their old Batman stock, so I picked up a fair bit. Arkham Origins Bane starter, Dark Knight Rises Bane, Bane Thugs, Mercenaries, comic Deathstroke and Nyssa Al Ghul. Finishing up the crews I want to play as the metals are now OOP, just some more stuff to paint even if I don't use them in games

They are very nice miniatures. I picked up a Superman and a Supes/WW/Batman Dawn of Justice triple pack from a convention last summer, as they were tremendously discounted. The DoJ designs for Batman and Superman are ugly and the miniatures could not salvage them, but the rendition of Wonder Woman is a lovely graceful sculpt that I really wanted for my collection. The single Superman even has alternate chest emblems so I could make him into Soviet Superman from "Red Son".

I own most of those sculpts, I actually really like that Superman. My Knight Models collection is huge, this latest lot of purchasing is mostly just to finish up collections for certain factions that I've only started recently as I'm a completionist

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/12 11:14:59

Post by: DarkBlack

Beserker Brock Riders for Kings of War, what's not to love about crazy dwarfs riding giant badgers?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/12 23:13:41

Post by: Rygnan

Bought mounted Strider for my Rangers. Other than mounted Rangers and Halbarad, I now have every profile for the army, so now just waiting until the Grey Company list is out to see what I get

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/12 23:22:55

Post by: leopard

Death Guard infection node arrived today

bought two boxes of Venomthropes to be delivered likely Monday

tried to buy some movement trays for Sharp Practice and was foiled by PayPal being aggravating

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/14 05:30:08

Post by: argonak

I grabbed a Kill zone Sector Mechanicus before they went out of stock and I'm very happy I did! Considering Kill Zone Death world now to go with it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/14 18:03:29

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought a Mage Knight Dwarven Steam Behemoth. Next conversion project underway.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/16 01:44:28

Post by: Jammer87

Bought a metal OOP troll on amazon and the new three troggoth set.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/16 10:36:22

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I can't afford it, but the Start Collecting Tempestus Scions. Feth you GW and your needless greedy price increases.

 argonak wrote:
I grabbed a Kill zone Sector Mechanicus before they went out of stock and I'm very happy I did!
From where? I've not seen one anywhere!!!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/16 19:24:53

Post by: dreadblade

Picked up the SM Datacards and Open War cards today.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/16 20:10:11

Post by: JohnHwangDD

I bought a handful of Escher Gangers and a pair of metal Terminator Lightning Claws for a conversion.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/17 00:28:52

Post by: Rygnan

Box of Warriors of the Dead. Almost finished up my Rangers/Dead of Dunharrow army where I can have either at 750, waiting to see what changes come to Grey Company though.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/17 12:16:16

Post by: AegisGrimm

Slowly buying one of every ship for Star Wars Armada before it finally withers away. Just nabbed an Interdictor Star Destroyer on Amazon for 18 bucks (thats about 57% off!).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/17 12:21:53

Post by: Overread

 AegisGrimm wrote:
Slowly buying one of every ship for Star Wars Armada before it finally withers away. Just nabbed an Interdictor Star Destroyer on Amazon for 18 bucks (thats about 57% off!).

Is it actually going to die? I thought they'd just launched a freaking several foot long Superstardestroyer model - not the kind of release one expects from a game about to die?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/17 14:46:47

Post by: Dr.Scheme

Just got some resin bases from DragonForge. Specifically a slate wasteland base with flight stand for my land speeder, some 32mm ancient ruins II bases for deathwatch and a base for a knight

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/17 21:50:45

Post by: Rygnan

Resin League of Assassins and Talia al Ghul. Now that the batbox is out, and those aren't in it, they're safe buys

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/18 12:22:04

Post by: AegisGrimm

 Overread wrote:
 AegisGrimm wrote:
Slowly buying one of every ship for Star Wars Armada before it finally withers away. Just nabbed an Interdictor Star Destroyer on Amazon for 18 bucks (thats about 57% off!).

Is it actually going to die? I thought they'd just launched a freaking several foot long Superstardestroyer model - not the kind of release one expects from a game about to die?

It's really anybody's guess. On one hand they are releasing a giant fancy model, but on the other hand it's the only model to even be previewed for nearly a solid year, and it's 200 bucks, which is a pretty high price to ask for the ONLY thing to be released in the future.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/18 21:54:30

Post by: squilverine

I finally managed to pick up a sisters of battle repressor kit to use as transport for my arbites. I went into my local GW to get a rhino for it and couldn't resist a box of boing grot bounders. Am trying really hard not to pick up a box of trogoths tomorrow

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/18 22:02:26

Post by: JohnHwangDD

Ordered a Canoness to completely my Sisters army

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/19 03:05:06

Post by: privateer4hire

Ordered a copy of Horizon Wars after playing my buddy last week. Pretty cool mecha rules esp. since I'm not really a fan of the genre.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/19 22:21:05

Post by: xKillGorex

Ordered a Spectre miniatures Humvee with a few add on upgrades along with a meaty gua minigun armament system. Should give my spec ops team some bite.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/20 01:48:25

Post by: carlos13th

I picked up a space marines battleforce (Which will be turned into and kitbashed for deathwatch), an imperial bastion, a starter paint set (Which will be given to the GF) and a storm of sigmar set (I will split with the misses) for £50 which was I felt was a solid deal.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/20 09:21:53

Post by: wuestenfux

DE has been my first army when I started 40k.
Now I'll reboot the army. Therefore, I've bought a few web-based units: 3 Ravager and 2 flyers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/20 11:06:32

Post by: Wolf_in_Human_Shape

Karanak and 20 flesh hounds from Wrath & Rapture and 3 CSM rhinos with trim, havoc launchers, and combi-bolters from Subtle Discord/The Dark Works + FW World Eaters rhino doors. Super stoked.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/21 09:56:28

Post by: tneva82

2 warlord weapon sprues, 2 new reaver titans, riders of rohan, eomyr, 3 hunters, titan death, gondor at war.

Time to paint is going to be an issue...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/22 20:19:30

Post by: Stevefamine

I just ordered a Tyranid Heirophant from Forgeworld for a birthday gift for myself today. I recently picked up a new airbrush as well for the holidays.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/22 23:42:14

Post by: CragHack

Everything's in a period of two weeks
20 Breachers
x2 Achea /w Maulers
x2 Achea /w Plasma
TS Contemptor
A bunch of special weapon upgrades.
Troll Hag
Heresy rulebook
Both Cawdor weapon sets and x2 sets of heads
x2 packs of Zarbags, Eyes of the Nine, trolls and chaos warriors sleeves, dice for all of them
Night gobbo armybook, warscroll cards.
x1 Troll HQ
x1 Box of new trolls
Damnation of Pythos
Praetorian of Dorn
Master of Mankind
Gondor at War
GF9 Adult Red Dragon
GF9 x2 Hill Giants
GF9 Water Myrmidon
GF9 Tomb of Horrors
GF9 Dracolich

I'm seriously running out of stockpiling place

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/23 01:34:33

Post by: parakuribo

Limited Edition Moja Alga + Arida(Freebooters Fate)

Praetors with shotguns and Decapitator to use as legionnaires and berserker champion(Void 1.1)

Black Widow hunter and Sebek Defender(Elfball)

Everblight Battlebox(Hordes, Got it from Miniature Market as soon as the sale started)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/23 02:18:22

Post by: timetowaste85

One Slaanesh SC box, one Infernal Enrapturess, two boxes of Daemonettes, a Baldwin’s Vortex and some bases. Slaanesh army is getting BIG!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/23 05:00:04

Post by: DarkBlack

More Mantuc dwarfs (rangers and sharpshooters).
The guy who cuts MDF does troop bases in pairs, so I had some extra bases in need of dwarfs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/24 19:35:31

Post by: Dr. Mills

Just some paints really and a tool

Averland sunset, seraphim sepia, waaagh! Flesh, 'ardcoat, lahmian medium, and the citadel saw.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/25 00:04:19

Post by: Mattlov

Just bought the Battletech Beginner's Box to check it out (it's nice!), a Reaper Fire Giant, some pink paint, and a Monsterpocalypse building.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/26 01:36:45

Post by: timetowaste85

Just got Malign Sorcery and a Heldrake for $100 total!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/26 07:22:29

Post by: thekingofkings

2x blisters of Arnor Command, so glad GW is bringing back the classics, but I can imagine the ebay scalpers are going nuts

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/26 16:01:23

Post by: wuestenfux

Today, I bought the 4th box of Scourges.
Now I can equip all 4 units with the same weapons.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/26 17:02:10

Post by: amazingturtles

Just some good old fashioned black paint. Also some balsa wood, just in case i need to make something out of balsa wood.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/26 17:48:46

Post by: Mattlov

And I just bought a DreamForge Leviathan, in both scales. The big boy to be an Imperial Knight attachment to my Grey Knights, and the smaller to be a Reaver Variant in Titanicus.

It really is a sickness, people...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/26 23:38:44

Post by: Rygnan

2nd hand stall at Cancon led to some good buys. 8 Morgul Knights, 8 Black Numenoreans and a full metal McMourning crew for Malifaux all for $70

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/01/27 11:15:24

Post by: wuestenfux

Well, I have a GK army.
After the pt drop in the recent CA, I'll start playing it.
For this, the last item required was the codex. GK here I come...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/01 19:38:41

Post by: Private Benjamin

Imperial Guard : Air Wing Detachment

(Astra Militarum) 2 Valkyrie Foam Tray (BFL-4)


This tray can hold two Valkyries, two sets of detachable wings and multiple weapons.

Custom text is not available on this product.

4 inch (102 mm) thick tray.

Tray Dimensions - 15.5W x 12L x 4.25H" (394W x 305L x 107H mm)

The Foam Tray was priced at $ 24.99 USD and i received a discount of $ 7.50 ; this tray can hold two Valkyries, two sets of detachable wings and multiple weapons.

Photo of the BattleFoam double Valkyrie Foam Tray with Foam Topper :

Photo of the Foam Tray with two (work-in-progress) Vulture Gunships ready for transport :

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/01 20:01:38

Post by: Bobthehero

Uh, pretty neat, I might have to get that at some point when I get more flyers

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/01 21:37:00

Post by: ChaoticMind

SW Legion Imperial Specialists to see just how bad scale is between Imperial Assault and Legion.

My findings indicate good enough for me. Imperial Assault models are the scrawny 5 foot nothing people and Legion is the 6’6” slabs of muscle.

Also 5 Blick Red Sable 00 watercolor brushes for $18ish. Gave me around a 50% discount, there the right size for most of my work, and I’m hard enough on brushes it makes sense.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/01 21:42:58

Post by: leopard

Death Guard half of DI from ebay to provide a few characters to the bods I'm slowly building up and to pad them out generally

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/01 23:38:20

Post by: Stormonu

Sadly, one of the local game stores is going out of business - but that did mean some good deals. Unfortunately, they sold all their 40K/AoS stuff to the OTHER game store still in town.

I did manage to pick up some starships for Armada and the Elemental Evil boardgame.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/03 02:55:40

Post by: Skywave

Tyranids Harpy and a box of gaunts, a Maulerfiend, and an Eldar Start Collecting box.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/03 03:00:34

Post by: ScootyPuffJunior

I got the core set and the ninja expansion for Test of Honour at 40% off from my FLGS.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/03 03:52:08

Post by: AegisGrimm

Grabbed the last box of Clanrats from my LGS. Needed them for an ongoing project (not even for Age of Sigmar!) and didn't want to gamble on them ever coming back at GW.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/03 06:12:50

Post by: timetowaste85

Triumvirate of Ynnead to make an Infernal Enrapturess, Daemon Prince and Lord of Slaanesh and a SC Slaanesh box. Should basically have my full Slaanesh Daemon army til Fulgrim and a new KoS arrive.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/03 07:11:49

Post by: privateer4hire

Just pre-ordered the GSC codex plus a box of the new dirtbikes
from the FLGS

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/03 07:48:12

Post by: wuestenfux

Well, bought another Venom for my rebuilt Drukhari army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/03 13:10:51

Post by: dreadblade

Decided to stop being a tightwad and ordered the BRB and CA 2018...

Also picked up February's WD whilst out

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/04 15:13:49

Post by: Hawky

Last thing... A 20pcs of second-hand Skitariis.

I have a New Year proposition that I'll not buy new models until August. And because I said NEW, not Nth-HAND, it doesn't count. They were dirt-cheap too.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/04 19:54:36

Post by: Captain Brown

Purchased two foam trays to finish off two armies storage and transport issues.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/05 08:57:43

Post by: stroller

Squigs. Many more squigs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/06 05:53:52

Post by: Agamemnon2

One of the original Rogue Trader egg-shaped Sentinels. Found a seller on ebay who wanted £24, which isn't appreciably more than the plastic kit (it wasn't particularly cheap as far as these things go, except most other sellers want 10-15 quid postage on top of the sale price). Plus I'd always wanted one of the goofy lil things. Just have to try to source a 60mm base for it from somewhere.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/06 06:25:36

Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

Sealed a deal for some OOP Renegade Ogryn and a few FW terrain pieces

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/06 06:33:01

Post by: Agamemnon2

Nice, a lot of the FW terrain items are worth their weight in latinum these days. Someone was selling one of the Earthshaker emplacements a while back for something in the vicinity of £180.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/06 19:06:09

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought Kill Team Arena. The price tag had me nervous if it would be worth it, but now that I've gone through the contents I think it definitely is.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/07 00:23:49

Post by: timetowaste85

Just scored a NIb copy of Daemonettes for $18!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/07 00:30:36

Post by: Overread

Managed to get a metal doom flayer for Skaven off ebay at a good price - sadly this meant I missed a chance to get four Island of Blood ogres and two packmasters; though those models seem to appear semi-often on ebay at least whilst the Doom flayer in metal is rather on the rarer side (and many of them are seriously overpriced and/or missing parts)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/07 00:35:25

Post by: Freeflow44

Azrael...I wanted ro hold out for a new sculpt, but I need him to build the Dark Angels Plasma Deathstar to compete in my local meta. I have 15 Hellblasters painted and ready to go

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/14 21:04:45

Post by: xKillGorex

Getting back in to my team Yankee project so picked up the stripes book, the aavp7 box and some camels. Yes camels for team Yankee lol

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/14 21:32:33

Post by: Asherian Command

Sekiro Shadows die twice, and i am planning on buying shadow spear.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/14 21:33:21

Post by: Octopoid

Just picked up Haarken Worldclaimer and the Blackstone Fortress box. Will be buying Shadowspear when it comes out.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/15 19:25:38

Post by: Captain Brown

I have been gifted with 5 Grots and 2 extra Grot heads.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/15 21:26:33

Post by: Stevefamine

 Octopoid wrote:
Just picked up Haarken Worldclaimer and the Blackstone Fortress box. Will be buying Shadowspear when it comes out.

I want Blackstone but 99% sure I'd barely get around to doing anything with it other than paint one off characters


after the Tyranid Hierophant splurge which I won't even start working on for 2-3 months.....

Picked up the 5e DM Screen on Amazon

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/16 00:08:23

Post by: ChargerIIC

My local store dug up a bunch of terrain crates from mantic for cheap. Now I've got a whole new round of painting to do

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/16 12:00:00

Post by: dreadblade

Just ordered some WH40K wound markers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/17 11:02:58

Post by: wuestenfux

My rebuild of Drukhari becomes more and more shape.
Yesterday, I bought the cards for 12 Euro.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/18 08:36:50

Post by: Ginjitzu

Just placed an order for 1 space marine tactical squad and 1 space marine command squad. It's a little annoying that the apothecary can't be bought individually, but I already have plans for the other models anyway.

Still clinging on to the hope that oldmarines won't be Exterminatused any time soon.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/24 13:53:05

Post by: SamusDrake

The Dreaded Ambull!

In the mood for painting something other than Titans and also been watching old creature fx movies lately, like Creature from the Black Lagoon and The Fly II. I like the colour scheme GW has done, but I'm considering a jungle scheme instead as I intend to use him primarily in Lost Patrol...



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/24 14:01:56

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Starn’s Disciples, 2 x Aberrants, 2 x Sanctus, Jackal Alphus, Abominant, CA:18, Gangs of the Underhive, Necromunda Rulebook.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/24 14:02:53

Post by: timetowaste85

The Skaven book. I had 1000pts of Skaven kicking around, so I figured I should snag the Battletome and have all the Chaos gods represented (except Beastmen, cuz I don’t have stuff for them).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/02/28 20:45:12

Post by: Captain Brown

Purchased one more foam tray to finish off an army's storage and transport issues.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/01 06:25:18

Post by: inflatablefriend

Local store birthday was this week, pain in the to get there but bagged the two birthday models and Severina Raine.

Had to order the birthday ones to store though, which is a pain!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/01 13:02:28

Post by: phillv85

Just got 2 Techmarines with Servitors.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/01 14:05:27

Post by: Nurglitch

Gretchin! Not only are they conveniently priced, I need some for...reasons.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/01 14:43:16

Post by: SamusDrake

super-small fine detail brush and one of those silicone flat-chisel brushes for sculpting.

Was going to grab a copy of White Dwarf but there was nothing Adeptus Titanicus related save for a rather impressive 40K-scale Vassel-house collection...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/02 08:28:31

Post by: Rygnan

Restocked on glue and green stuff, and picked up Dimitrios for Arena Rex

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/03 15:43:34

Post by: dreadblade

Just picked up the March WD.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/03 16:17:47

Post by: AegisGrimm

Technically my latest wargaming purchases were a couple of cool Lego minifigures, to go with my old collection. I am easing my 4 year old into wargaming with small warbands of minifigures fighting each other with some super-simple rules and custom dice (as he also loves rolling dice).

Hopefully this afternoon it'll be a squad of Classic Spacemen led by Lucy from The Lego Movie fighting some Pirate-convicts led by Metalbeard over the contents of a crashed Blacktron spaceship, while the 2yo takes a (much needed) nap.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/04 01:08:14

Post by: Ginjitzu

 AegisGrimm wrote:
Technically my latest wargaming purchases were a couple of cool Lego minifigures, to go with my old collection. I am easing my 4 year old into wargaming with small warbands of minifigures fighting each other with some super-simple rules and custom dice (as he also loves rolling dice).

Hopefully this afternoon it'll be a squad of Classic Spacemen led by Lucy from The Lego Movie fighting some Pirate-convicts led by Metalbeard over the contents of a crashed Blacktron spaceship, while the 2yo takes a (much needed) nap.

That sounds wonderful. #Goals

My pick ups this week are the tactical and command squads I ordered last week, and some ushabti bone to replace the pot of bleached bone that I finally decided to call retirement on.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/04 03:23:32

Post by: Captain Brown

Two bottles of paint.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/04 16:55:16

Post by: inflatablefriend

Burrows and Badgers, looks like an entertaining game to try.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/06 16:49:25

Post by: SamusDrake

Robot Jox shenanigans AHOY!!!

Adeptus Titanicus: Rules set.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/07 08:26:37

Post by: DarkBlack

Gotsome 15mm late Medieval knights from Essex Miniatures.
To replace the (later) knights I have currently, because I decided to got with The Holy Roman Empire instead of the assorted generic medieval stuff I had that could pass for most European armies if I insisted.

Also I like the look of Gothic plate, definitely more than the plumage of the later stuff.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/08 18:12:07

Post by: Stevefamine

- Big order from Iron Wind Metals for Dnd Minis grabbing old Ral Partha Sculpts
- Ordered more smooth on resin
- Traded an old Malanthrope for a World Eaters FW Dreadnought
- bought a stack of chessex dice for my dnd group on sale for 2.99 ea for the one of each packs

Eyeing up the dungeon'y/darker ground mats from FAT MAT

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/10 15:52:36

Post by: TheCustomLime

I bought a box of skeletons and a necromancer. I want to make a Legions of Nagash army but slow-grow it. Buy as I paint, y'know?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/11 15:18:19

Post by: Freeflow44

Pre-ordered Shadowspear, splitting it with a friend, I'm getting the Primarus Marines

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/11 15:59:05

Post by: amazingturtles

I bought some posterboard and markers, i'm working on a board game idea. Something simple and silly and fun, a vaguely quest like game involving monsters as the playable characters. I'm working on it for my nephews, who tend to like the more non human miniatures, and i want to make something where they are the heroes.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/11 18:23:33

Post by: ChaoticMind

I was weak and got the limited edition hi-viz green Battlefoam 720 bag. At least I actually was planning on getting a good stiff sided case anyway...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/11 18:38:50

Post by: Captain Brown

Silver rattle can for terrain paiting.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/13 11:04:38

Post by: Commodus Leitdorf

Bought some Pistolier bitz off Ebay as I needed them to finish up a project. Otherwise I've been very good at not buying this year and focusing on painting stuff.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/13 14:29:30

Post by: Captain Brown

Two folding table to use for table top now that I have room to set it up at my residence.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/14 17:38:02

Post by: amazingturtles

I got some nifty and cheap barrel type things!


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/15 07:15:45

Post by: PossumCraft

Got some Woodland Scenics trees and some Gamers Grass grass tufts.

Tufts are great, trees are somewhat weaker than i expected for the price.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/15 12:47:02

Post by: lord_blackfang

I am having a truly cursed experience trying to get a hardcopy of Frostgrave.

I ordered it direct from Osprey on Feb. 11th along with Scrappers and Dracula's America.

It took them a whole week to dispatch (Feb. 18th)

The parcel arrived about 10 days later and was missing Frostgrave. It was on the invoice but the box was outright too small for another book, so obviously a brain fart on the packer's part. Contacted Osprey immediately.

It took them about 4 days to respond, this was on March 1st, to say they'll check up on it.

5 days later I followed up saying they've had plenty of time. It took them another 4 days to respond, saying they will resend the book.

This morning I got an upcoming delivery notice from DHL, so I stayed in and waited. At noon I got a "failed delivery" notice. I can only assume some lazy donkey cave wrote off all his afternoon deliveries to go home early for the weekend.

I has now been 32 days since payment.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/15 14:03:08

Post by: DV8

Vallejo White Surface Primer, and nozzle + 0.2mm v2 needle for my H&S Infinity CR. I wanted the AmBots box but GW messed up and didn't send them to my LGS this week. #SadFace.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/16 00:48:46

Post by: H.B.M.C.

After spending a few weeks working 14 hour shifts I am finally free of regular debt (and I've got even more OT coming in soon!)... so I went looking for bargains.

1. 3 Helbrutes for about 50% retail. You can't buy them in non-GW stores except as part of the useless Start Collecting! Chaos Space Marines box, and I've wanted to get 3 since they first game out.
2. Two boxes of Centurions for 35% off. Better than any discount store here, so why not?
3. The last Promethium Refinery on sale with my usual discounter. GW don't make it any more, so I figured sure, I'll get one of the last around. Also picked up the Robo-Ambulls and a texture paint spreader, as trying to do that with brushes is awful.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/16 01:14:35

Post by: Voss

Rock Trolls (new plastics). Rather happy with the kit, amused by the fact that there are three more torsos/arms and 5 more heads, but not legs, bellies or necks. I would have expected more overlap in the arms, but no, they're all distinct assemblies.

Less amused by the fact that they took five weeks to get here (four for the rest of the order), and this has become the norm for Warstore orders. I was willing to give a pass on the Black Friday sale, because of the shopping/shipping season and the sale, but not on the order in January or this one in February that didn't get here (10 hours away) until mid-march.

The discount vs free shipping from GW isn't a big as it used to be, and this turn around time is woeful. Had I not needed replacement hobby supplies (which I'll never order from GW), I'd have very much regretted this nonsense.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/16 02:59:32

Post by: Generalstoner

I got a Sacristan forge terrain box, the tectonic fragdrill and the legio krytos transfers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/16 07:26:17

Post by: Dysartes

A single column card storage box, so I could decant my L5R dynasty and clan packs into a single location, rather than having 14 plastic packs scattered around the flat...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/16 16:34:13

Post by: Rybrook

Just won on ebay a 2nd ed SM attack bike

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/16 22:54:11

Post by: ZergSmasher

Just picked up the Shadowspear box at my FLGS.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/18 13:20:01

Post by: wuestenfux

Two finecast (hopefull not failcast) Techmarines, one by ebay and one by mail order.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/18 16:14:32

Post by: Stevefamine

Picked up an OOP metal Chaplain for a Jump Chaplain for my Ultramarines

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/19 00:00:50

Post by: Captain Brown

Bottle of varnish.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/19 11:13:38

Post by: Rybrook

Found a resin recast of the SM bike squad upgrade torsos on the bay, I had them in metal many years ago and now I don’t have to make my own that would probably look better anyway

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/21 15:43:06

Post by: SamusDrake

Just ordered a pack of Warhound weapon cards from the local GW store, and picked up a pot of Eshin Grey, ready for painting a second AT battle force of Knights....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/21 19:59:11

Post by: DarkBlack

Some battle for skull pass dwarfs. Missing the cart though.

I appears that I have become a primarily dwarf player.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/23 22:57:26

Post by: Captain Brown

Three 2x4 thin press board to lay over my folding tables...makes the Realm of Battle boards really solid when assembled upon them.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/24 17:37:00

Post by: wuestenfux

Bought a Techmarine for my GK army. Fine cast blister. Looks awful.
Need a second one. But its only by mail order.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/25 03:39:54

Post by: Saturmorn Carvilli

An actual purchase I have is Shadowspear. I got most of it built and am in the process of painting it.

I also pre-ordered Abbadon and a box of new CSM. When I pick them up I plan to pre-order a box of new Terminators and at least one box of Havocs. I want to get a second box, but I have a feeling Havocs are going to be more than $45 US. How much more dictates if I get the second box or not.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/25 04:25:35

Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

Just bought three R&H Plague Ogryns off EBay. $60 for the lot was too good to pass up.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/25 06:12:25

Post by: Dysartes

Let's see - last two purchases makes more sense...

A - Ordered the Shadowspear models I was actually interested in from eBay, in the form of the Vanguard characters, Eliminators, and Vanguard minidex. Waiting on Eliminators to arrive at present.

B, Went to Warhammer World on Friday. Picked up the Retro Land Speeder, Van Saar mug, metal Chaos Lord (who was showing as Last Chance to Buy), two Contemptor weapons (Conversion Beamer and Twin Autocannon), both sets of Goblin special players, Josef Bugman (manager/player pack) and the Armoured BB Troll.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/25 13:37:15

Post by: timetowaste85

Got the Blades of Khorne book on Saturday from the local GW and met the new manager. Seems like a good bloke, looking forward to playing there.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/25 14:20:40

Post by: Commodus Leitdorf

Grabbed some of those Nolzur D&D minis for my player characters in a new mini campaign i'm doing. I do like them a lot as they are cheap and have a large variety, but man do they have the nastiest mold lines.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/25 16:48:22

Post by: infinite_array

A bunch of WHFB Orcs & Goblins for Classichammer, a bunch of Mordor stuff for MESBG, a smaller amount of stuff for English Civil War, and rules and paper stands for Longstreet.

It's been a crazy month, but I don't plan on buying much more for the rest of the year.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/25 16:50:29

Post by: Waaaghbert

20 Savage Orruks (or whatever savage orcs are called nowadays) to combine with 40k Orks into Snakebites

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/27 12:29:44

Post by: Rybrook

Found a metal master of the forge, resin would have been cheaper but I couldn’t risk it

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/27 13:15:19

Post by: Nurglitch

I managed to score some Termagants, Hormagaunts, Genestealers, Spore Mines, and a Broodlord for pennies on the dollar. I suspect the seller needed to sell in order to get more of the new CSMs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 04:29:26

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Four Myphitic Blight-Haulers.

Found a guy on Facebook selling them. An hour and a half later he delivered them to my door.

That's service!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 04:40:14

Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

Bought a Steel Legion Commissar, a Steel Legion Sentinel (wow was this expensive!), Steel Legion Lieutenant, Steel Legion Missile Launchers (x3), Steel Legion Heavy Bolter (x2), Steel Legion Lascannon. You might see a pattern here.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 07:45:50

Post by: H.B.M.C.

What's special about a Steel Legion Sentinel?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 08:55:24

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

If memory serves, it was the first Armoured Sentinel Hybrid kit. Came with a Lascannon.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 09:07:57

Post by: Rybrook

some AP droppers:

Anti shine varnish
Chaotic Red
Green Skin

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 17:00:52

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
If memory serves, it was the first Armoured Sentinel Hybrid kit. Came with a Lascannon.
That's kinda my confusion though. The current plastic one makes it redundant. Why pay so much for a metal/plastic hybrid kit when the current plastic kit mimics everything that kit originally did?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 17:51:53

Post by: lord_blackfang

Just picked up the CSM Stargate at the FLGS

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 19:06:01

Post by: dreadblade

My 4 Armigers (2 Helverins and 2 Warglaives) arrived today.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 19:29:12

Post by: DarkBlack

Regiment bases for more dwarfs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/30 20:10:44

Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
If memory serves, it was the first Armoured Sentinel Hybrid kit. Came with a Lascannon.
That's kinda my confusion though. The current plastic one makes it redundant. Why pay so much for a metal/plastic hybrid kit when the current plastic kit mimics everything that kit originally did?

The unique look it has compared to normal sentinels.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/31 06:18:10

Post by: FabricatorGeneralMike

Got a warbringer joy!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/03/31 22:54:47

Post by: ZergSmasher

Started my small Astra Militarum force (mainly just going for Loyal 32 at this point) with a Command Squad. My first Infantry Squad is coming in the mail along with some more Ravenwing Black Knights for my Dark Angels.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/03 19:15:33

Post by: Spacemanvic

Picked up a used trio of Necron Destoyers and Necron Wraiths from Fleabay.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/03 20:58:34

Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

Bought a Steel Legion squad from GW, along with 25mm Necromunda bases. I ordered what I thought were 60mm bases but turned out to be 40mm.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/03 23:51:06

Post by: DarkBlack

Dwarf warband box for Vanguard, a box of iron watch to he built as dwarf rangers and a warcor to be a HVT or xenotech for Infinity.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/04 02:21:25

Post by: timetowaste85

I bought the GW spray black. I know it’s not a primer; I bought it for a solid painted basecoat. Have to say, I put it on the counter next to the unit I want it to paint, and it hasn’t base-painted my models yet. Starting to think it’s defective.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/04 19:32:46

Post by: DarkBlack

Got a hobby saw for the bottom of my Mantic dwarfs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/04 19:39:03

Post by: dreadblade

 Brother Castor wrote:
My 4 Armigers (2 Helverins and 2 Warglaives) arrived today.

Picked up paints for them today

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/04 20:05:47

Post by: DV8

Picked up the Hellenix for Arena Rex at Adepticon, as well as the Plague Angel from Creature Caster.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/04 20:34:37

Post by: infinite_array

I had a kickstarter reward for some 28mm Compagnies Franches de la Marine arrive, along with an order from Walord games for more commanders for my small ECW project. And a friend sent me a box of those new plastic Wizards for Frostgrave for our Wizard Wars idea (Frostgrave where the warbands are made up of only high-level wizards).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/10 07:58:14

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Picked up 10 metal Howling Banshees from eBay, because I'm not spending any money on finecast versions. I've only got to collect shining spears and the forgeworld shadow spectres now to round out my Aspect Host.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/13 13:23:05

Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

Got a NIB Manufactorum set from 2009, plus a lot of sector imperialis bases to use for my Steel Legion army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/14 17:08:12

Post by: Jamie Shred

Behemoth, robots core set and weapon upgrades for fallout wasteland warfare

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/15 07:48:44

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Got some brush cleaner which made my wallet choke. Never got this stuff before so I hope it's decent!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/18 04:45:40

Post by: ZergSmasher

The other day I picked up Nepharya the Necropriestess (from the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy Iron Empire range) to use as a counts-as Warpsmith in my Chaos army. Before anyone says anything about female Space Marines, my fluff justification is that she's not a Marine, but rather a Dark Mechanicus tech-priest (or whatever the Chaos equivalent is called), and she just happens to fight alongside the Heretic Astartes a lot.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/18 22:50:44

Post by: SamusDrake

Local store has ordered a Reaver weapon sprue( dual Gatling blasters at last! ) and a pack of Reaver weapon cards, for collection next friday.

Disappointed to know that GW stores cannot order in Forgeworld items in a similar fashion. Not the end of the world but would have been handy all the same...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/19 07:11:20

Post by: DarkBlack

I have a Mantic ogre warlock on the way, to round out my Mantic ogres that I got on the cheap to have an extra army to do demos with.

Now I just need 3 giants (I'm eyeing the Reaper fire giants) to get to 2000 points.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/23 01:32:35

Post by: Freeflow44

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought with two twin lascannons and. Dark Talon

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/23 03:49:03

Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

A pair of Tallarn Missile Launchers and a Tallarn Sergeant.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/23 10:40:04

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Picked up Yrthrian Mardawn, an old necromunda farseer from the early 00's and his/her bodyguard of fire dragons. Quite excited to get it and managed to pick it up a fair bit cheaper than what I see on eBay so I hope they aren't recasts.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/25 22:01:57

Post by: SamusDrake

Ordered Doom of Molech and a box of Questoris Knights.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/26 22:01:00

Post by: tneva82

Nightbringer. 12 euro's including postage. Not too bad. As long as it's not varnished the hideous paint job should be trivial to remove as well.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/26 22:29:36

Post by: AegisGrimm

The rules for Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes, as well as Galleys and Galleons, which uses the same base rules but is for sailing ships. Finally have a good game to make use of my old Pirates of the Spanish Main pocketmodels.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/04/26 22:32:43

Post by: phillv85

4 boxes of Havocs and 3 books... the Imperial Handbook thing, Requiem Infernal and Lords and Tyrants.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/01 21:02:19

Post by: TheCustomLime

Bought the LoN battletome and a SC: Skeleton Horde box. Not the start of my LoN army but it sure is a nice boost to it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/09 17:31:07

Post by: Captain Brown

Purchased the latest WD for one of my gaming buddies who is on vacation.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/12 05:50:41

Post by: xKillGorex

After picking up the Starvwars legion set cheap online the other week, I’ve grabbed the gf9 galactic bunker , have the revell snaptite A-wing kit coming.
Oh and two packs off hubba bubba gum to make a shield generator terrain piece out of the round containers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/12 06:46:15

Post by: dreadblade

Since I last posted a month ago:

2 more Armigers
Custom foam to transport 2 full Armiger vehicle squadrons
A brand new Imperial Knight Warden for £50 on eBay!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/12 08:19:04

Post by: balmong7

I just bought Looncurse and split it with a friend for the Gloomspite Gitz half. Guess now I really gotta get started on the rest of my backlog so that whenever those new contrast paints go on sale I can paint the Gitz with them.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/19 04:07:14

Post by: TheCustomLime

I bought the Citadel crusade case, a can of primer and a ton of basing material. Gonna finish my marine project yo. I'm so sick of having them being at the back of my head as being 'unfinished' and want to move on to new projects.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/19 04:33:50

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Picked up 10 Squig Hoppers and 10 Squigs off eBay for about 30%-40% off retail.

Also found some walkways, some struts, and stairs (!) for Sector Mechanicus terrain.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/25 04:11:41

Post by: ZergSmasher

Picked up a Whirlwind and some more Sniper Scouts for my Dark Angels.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/25 07:30:17

Post by: Cruxeh

Ended up ordering a Warlord sprue at my local GW, as I want my Warlords to have plasma weapons.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/25 10:32:32

Post by: Zillian

Found a stack of Conquest Magazine Issue 1 at the newsagent, so I bought another copy. Cheaper than buying one of the 3 paints included!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/25 21:09:58

Post by: Appolyon

Janus Draik from the Blackstone Fortress Box.

And some old sentinel, which took a bath in acetone to remove the paint.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/25 21:36:55

Post by: amazingturtles

I caved in and bought something i've been wanting, the chaos warband from shadespire.

They have a puppy!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/05/26 07:50:38

Post by: lord_blackfang

I bought the loon half of Looncurse... then another 50 squig hoppers and two squig herds from a bitz site.

More importantly, two Proxxon hot wire cutters (handleld and table jig).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/06 19:00:45

Post by: Frankenberry

Snagged a set of Vallejo washes and the new Battletech starter (Wolverine and Griffin one).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/06 19:17:00

Post by: infinite_array

I thought I was done buying for the month, but a Dwarf Battleline boxset popped up on ebay for pretty close to the original price. I had to get it!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/06 20:00:31

Post by: TheCustomLime

I bought a Primaris Captain. I'm going to convert him somewhat to look like a Primaris version of my old Space Marine captain that I've had for awhile. Also, give him a Plasma pistol and a powerfist.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/06 21:14:12

Post by: Insectum7

Out of print metal lictor and some SM Scouts off ebay.

In store? Yet another box of Tactical Marines. Yay!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/06 21:18:42

Post by: Ktulhut

Bought a while back but finally arrived, a huge pile of Alien versus Predator models.


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/06 22:37:55

Post by: The Forgemaster

Another Enginseer for AdMech - number 3 (so I have enough HQ's to run triple battalion/brigade & Battalion - I have enough other Dominus/Manipulus/Cawl)
Apart from that - not a lot, asI have a huge stack of plastic that I am slowly building to increase my AdMech list.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/07 08:42:30

Post by: DarkBlack

A D&D marlith, to be a dread fiend in my Kings of War nighstalker army (and will probably show up in something I DM eventually, my other nightstlakers have).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/08 08:50:26

Post by: Rybrook

Bought some VA effects, rust and verdigris also the brassy brass

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/08 18:16:26

Post by: lord_blackfang

Preordered about 10 Contrast paints

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/08 18:52:35

Post by: leopard

popped into FLGS today on my way to pick my better half up from the station, picked up a pot of flat brown paint as I've nearly run out and two more packs of static grass tufts as I got through a pack basing about a third of my American Civil War stuff and I want to get them finished

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/09 02:21:50

Post by: privateer4hire

Wife bought me a squad of OOP necron immortals and an OOP necron lord. She also got a 1/2 price deal on a Necromunda supplement.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/10 05:23:18

Post by: timetowaste85

Bought a second Syll’Esske for conversion reasons! Got a kickass new Slaanesh Prince and a standout Bladebringer out of it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/10 10:18:41

Post by: Ginjitzu

A can of the ludicrously named Mr. Finishing Surfacer 1500 Black, and a pot of Lahmian medium. Gonna see if I can't use the medium to save a couple of pots of metallic paint.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/11 22:23:41

Post by: SamusDrake

Yet another pack of AT Questoris Knights( finally, a lance! ), Wraithbone base colour and Iyanden Contrast.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/12 05:40:36

Post by: Dropbear Victim

Got Zombicide: No Rest For The Wicked $34aus from EB Games. For some reason they've currently marked down just this expansion half price. Was a great deal for a huge zombie dragon, 18 zombie ghosts, 15 rat swarms and a ballista.
Also finally found a 32 Ford for adding to Gaslands.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/12 07:24:31

Post by: DarkBlack

I've ordered a steel behemoth from Mantic for my dwarf army and the Resser cards for M3E.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/13 15:54:26

Post by: ChaoticMind

A 3Lb grab bag of acrylic turning blanks that included cutoffs and malformed pieces for making terrain.

A pic of the first one:

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/13 16:31:55

Post by: stroller

Playmobil roman colosseum for dark eldar comorragh arena / AoS gorefest / Rome:
gangs of war

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/15 21:03:37

Post by: leopard

Box of Gripping Beast dark age cavalry models for my SAGA Anglo-Saxons.

what started out as a small skirmish force appears to be growing

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/16 12:38:06

Post by: timetowaste85

Two paint sets from GW yesterday and a couple cans of spray (Leadbelcher and Wraithbone).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/16 20:26:34

Post by: stroller

Blue horrors - father's day present of £20 store credit....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/16 21:14:31

Post by: Trondheim

A set of new brushes and a few basic paints I have been running low on. Mainly metalic tones and various shades of red

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/16 21:39:50

Post by: ZergSmasher

Picked up a few Contrast paints and some Wraithbone primer so that I could see how those perform. I also got a set of the Citadel paint racks yesterday, and I actually think they are decent. A little pricey for what you get, but not too bad.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/17 21:18:02

Post by: lord_blackfang

My shopping cart at Firestorm Games

Citadel Contrast: Nazdreg Yellow
Vallejo - Acrylic Polyurethane Primer White (60ml)
Vallejo - Acrylic Polyurethane Primer Grey (60ml)
Vallejo - Polyurethane Primer Desert Tan Base (60ml)
Wargames Atlantic - Skeleton Infantry Box Set

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/24 13:20:05

Post by: phillv85

20 new paints, Spear of the Emperor hardback, June’s WD and some static grass.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/24 14:24:49

Post by: bigern314

My recent purchases are a copy of the Kill Team core book. The easy to build Plague Marines and Pox Walkers. Some of the contrast paints to fool around with, and 7 painted PM off eBay.

GW has got me dammit.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2019/06/25 19:04:01

Post by: ArcaneHorror

Two CSM Aspiring Champion models, one for Death Guard and another probably for World Eaters.