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Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/06/30 14:34:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Briancj wrote:
One of the sad results of post-Chapterhouse GW is a prevent-third-party-parts-use design philosophy.


I would not be surprised. It seems the Adeptus Mech Vanguard/Ranger kit was the last one that was remotely friendly to kit bashing.

I guess Frostgrave and Medge are picking up that baton.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/11 11:22:55

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So close to being done!

The Imperial Family of War Rockets are the Battle Fleets standard ship-to-ship bombers meant for space or non-atmospheric environments. They can function in atmosphere but it strains their grav-plates and requires extensive maintenance. Generally dedicated in-atmosphere craft like the Marauder are preferred.

The Class III War Rocket has a crew of seven - Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator, Vox/Auspex Operator, Belly Gunner, Bombardier and Tech Priest. The final two being located in the rear section. In addition 2-3 repair servitors are usually onboard for both routine and combat repairs.

Each War Rocket has more than enough firepower to decimate a City Zone or tear through even the reinforced armor of a star ship. Even Knights and Titans must pause when they detect the approach of a flight of War Rockets with a payload of plasma bombs.

To be done, decals, highlights and... is that it? Wow.

With 3 Ferratonic Furnaces, 2 Alchomite Stacks and lots of random Valkyrie and Ork Fighta Bomba bits it probably cost almost as much as the resin model but this one is MINE and that makes the extra work and time well worth it.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/14 17:51:06

Post by: Captain Brown


Well the big guy is still flying and the base has not collapsed so that worked out. The sheer size of the War Rocket is demonstrated with those troops for scale.



Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/14 20:38:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I'm as shocked as anyone the whole thing didn't fall apart when I breathed on it. Let me tell you Revell plastic cement does not #$%@ around. Doesn't seem available in the US though

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/19 20:31:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So this kit has followed me around for over 10 years since I started my quest for the perfect Imperial car but I finally built it.

1/48 Tamiya Citroen Staff Car, ~$20 and just about the right size. It looks small when models are in action poses but if they were standing normally, and had less than 3 arms, it would look perfect.

The original plan was for the Patriarch to be busting out Incredible Hulk style but he's too big, and the car too small for that particular idea. I think it works though, sort of a homage to the old armored Limo.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/21 19:55:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Well this isn't good.

Not good at all.

I was sent the wrong item and allowed to keep rather than attempt an international exchange. So now I have 5 plague terminators.

My first real army was Nurgle Imperial Guard, followed by Plague Marines.

I didn't realize just how much stuff is out there now, termis, plague marines, a host of characters, plastic plague bearers, even plastic Mk 3 marines for some regular dudes... I could redo the whole army!

It is only the soul-crushing thought of buying and painting rhinos again that keeps me from heresy.

I will be strong, I will finish my cult, and move on to my civilian/spaceport.

Well maybe just paint these five, I mean since i have them.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/22 15:05:06

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Well this isn't good.

Not good at all.
It is only the soul-crushing thought of buying and painting rhinos again that keeps me from heresy.
Ain't that the truth. I'm resurrecting some old armies for 9E and man, I do not want to buy or build or paint yet another of that same rhino

Anyway, good luck with your Surprise Cameo Bad Guy Squad

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/22 15:35:34

Post by: monkeytroll

The war rocket is looking great. And big. Great big rocket.

As to the sudden unexpected Nurgle incursion, you wouldn't have to build and paint lots of rhinos.

You could build a bunch of custom flying slug transports instead.....

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/22 18:15:21

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thanks guys!

I did a thing tonight.

It was a night of lasts in many ways. I saw someone do a Chaos Warrior Arbiter in an Inquisition warband and had to do one. And it worked! As it happens this was my last Chaos Warrior though

Strange how the 2000s Chaos Warriors make better Imperial Agents and Space Marines than Chaos...

I also wanted a squad that was undercover in trenchcoats, so my last four Empire Militia coat bodies and last Elf Archer went to this.

A quick evening's work, reminded me a lot of those days of the 2000s just smashing bits together to make something that was never meant to be. Current kits are just too specific and locked to a single build.

Not that I would trade these days of plastic Necromunda, Adeptus Mechanicus, Custodes and Genestealer Cults but I do miss the Empire Militia and similar kits.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/22 18:58:19

Post by: brushcommando

Very cool looking chaos marine! And I hear you. I just put together a battle company's worth of the old space marines. It's a kind of farewell project before they go the way of the dinousaur/squat and I found myself lamenting that I would never be able to have as much fun mixing and matching bits from various kits with the primaris stuff.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/22 20:37:14

Post by: Vermis

Kid_Kyoto wrote:The original plan was for the Patriarch to be busting out Incredible Hulk style but he's too big, and the car too small for that particular idea. I think it works though, sort of a homage to the old armored Limo.

Funny, I was getting an Avengers-film-battle-in-New-York-traffic vibe off it. Nice.

Kid_Kyoto wrote:It was a night of lasts in many ways. I saw someone do a Chaos Warrior Arbiter in an Inquisition warband and had to do one.

Very Blanchey!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/22 21:23:17

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 monkeytroll wrote:
The war rocket is looking great. And big. Great big rocket.

As to the sudden unexpected Nurgle incursion, you wouldn't have to build and paint lots of rhinos.

You could build a bunch of custom flying slug transports instead.....

Make the slug bodies out of clay, attach extra GUO and beast of Nurgle heads, then a plasticard howdah for the marines and...

Oh why do I even listen to you!

Nah the thinking now is Terminator Daemon Bomb army with some of the plague mortar tanks for presence on the board.

Now can someone tell me why the Great Unclean One is NOT in the Death Guard list? Don't you people have a $140 model to sell?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/31 13:18:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Well July is over and my month-long new model fast can end as I order some-

(looks at calendar)

July Thirty-ONE?! When did they add that!

Ah well I can wait another day.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/07/31 14:54:31

Post by: Viktor von Domm

LOL... you are truly a card

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/01 13:13:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
LOL... you are truly a card

OK now it's the real August 1 and the order for 36 Maelstrom's Edge Broken is in. AKA 40k civilians.

Of course I won't see them for 2 months or more but that's the world these days.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/01 16:53:12

Post by: Viktor von Domm

it´s a bit like drinking before 12 o´clock...somewhere it is already 12 o´clock...so...in a way it was August 1 already somewhere too...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/02 12:13:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Kids are asleep, homework is done, time to get painting and...


Which is why I have the rechargeable lanterns!


40 more children have joined the ranks of Unity, 40 more converted Chaos Cultists.

20 shotgunners.

20 double pistols (count as shotguns)

And a command section

Left to right we have the Countessa, a noble-born rife champion who found the value of Unity.
The legendary gunfighter and master of disguise Tan Zar.
Doctor Venom, originally assigned to investigate a report of Xeno virus in the slum sector he came to embrace Unity as Unity embraced him.
Doctor Mindbender, whose strange gifts help to enlarge the circle of Unity
Cultist Commander, who ssserved many yearsss in the defenssse forcesss and now assssssitsss the ssservants of Unity
And finally Laird Estroy, his clan has supplied weapons since the wars of Ancient Terra and now advises the forces of Unity.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/03 14:28:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more backlog assembled today.

I picked up these 2 Tamiya US Army Staff Cars (1/48 scale) back around 2008 or 09 figuring they'd make good IG staff cars. Well then I moved, and moved again, and got married and kids and long story short today I got around to building them.

They have diecast metal bottoms giving them a nice weight especially for tabletop use. And they look like the perfect size for an officer, driver and maybe an aide and bodyguard.

They seem OOP now which is a shame, glad I got them when I did.

(2020 self high-fives 2008 self. 2008 self sneaks away and washes his hands.)

And FINALLY used up my last 20 Chaos Cultists. AND used some of the various Tamiya and Dragon bits I've been hauling around forever. This squad required a few conversions which was especially annoying since I've run out of H2H guys and only had rifle men. So a simple weapon swap required cutting away the left hand so it could be holding a grenade launcher rather than rifle. I manage to do it and only pricked my thumb once so that's a win.

But it's nice to finally be done with the Cannon Fodder portion of the army and finally change focus to something...

Oh sweet mercy what have I done...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/05 08:43:13

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And got to some frontlog as well.

Built the traitor guard from Servants of the Abyss/BSF in record time. They'll count as more Neophits for the Cult, 1 squad of riflemen, 1 of double pistols (count as shotguns).

They need some more cleaning up and more hand swaps for differentiation but are very nice figures.

A word on the Abyss kit, I got 2 of them plus 21 of the traitor guard from a bits site to make 2 squads of 20 (+extras). Since it's half the villains from a board game it's a fairly random assortment of stuff. 7 traitors, 2 Ur Ghouls, 2 beastmen, 2 Negavolt dudes, 2 spindle drones, a psyker and a random stray Chaos Marine. I heard there's 40k rules for them in BSF but they're not included here.

Of the 7 traitors you get: A sarge, a flamer, 2 pistol dudes, 2 rifle dudes and a grenade thrower with a rifle. All are fantastic looking figures with dramatic poses but, other than the 2 riflemen who are aiming, not very conductive to making units. The running dude shooting his pistol is awesome, but 3 or 4 of him in a squad just look like doubles, no amount of simple weapon or head swaps will help. And of course the models are designed to frustrate converters, one guy has part of his head attached to his rifle, so good luck converting that!

They also need the spike count reduced by about 50% but that's easy. Heck you could lose half the spikes just getting them off the sprue.

It's possible to make a 10 man cultist team out of just the Servants box, 7 traitors, 2 beastmen and then a Negavolt dude or rogue psyker as the boss. But you'll end up with a lot of random odds and ends. Almost all of which can be used in a Chaos army, except for the spindle drones, I've no good ideas on how to use them. Probably just turn them into xenos ships for BFG.

Glad I got them but man, GW is just making it hard to play their damn games.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/05 10:54:05

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Are the spindle drones the smooth little robots? Would you be willing to trade one away for some spaceship stuff?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/05 10:54:38

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Are the spindle drones the smooth little robots? Would you be willing to trade one away for some spaceship stuff?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/05 10:56:06

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Are the spindle drones the smooth little robots? Would you be willing to trade one away for spaceship parts?

Weird double post. Dakka is slow.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/06 09:05:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thanks for asking but looking at them they should make for some nice Necron escorts or something.

Besides, somehow the mail in Egypt is worse than the mail in India and with the pandemic things are taking 2 months+

They should be fairly cheap on bitz sites or ebay since well, no one has any use for them.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
If anyone is wondering I found the Servants rules for 40k. They're meh.


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/06 09:20:03

Post by: Fifty

I don't know exactly what it is about this guy that makes him so cool, but he really has that "Don't F with me" vibe.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/06 15:13:32

Post by: Viktor von Domm

he has a certain mando look going on?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/07 11:32:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So excited with the new Necromunda terrain!

So many conversion and layout possibilities!

$4 toy pipes. I'm thinking gunmetal spray, grey spray and brown ink and they're done. Do they need a base? I am a bit worried about sliding.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/07 13:31:51

Post by: Meer_Cat

Awesome find, those pipes- I'm jealous! I'm always on the lookout for toys like that and I agree- the possibilities are huge for all the things you can do with those.

As for basing, I've had the same internal discussion about pipe terrain when I was making plaster casts with the Hirst Arts molds: to base or not to base? The first pieces I made actually went into a little diorama/scenic deployment bit, so no need. For loose pipes, I'd be tempted to to cut circles the diameter of the pipe mouth that touches the table out of one of those magnet advertisements that come on the new phone books and stick to your refrigerator- this might be enough to keep them from sliding. Or even that rubbery shelf liner you get in rolls from the dollar store- anything like that might work well. But I would mount them on a full base- running end to end of the section- unless they prove tippy or you want to scenic the base to reinforce the visual idea of the terrain (street pavement, metal grids, etc).

My two cents, anyway.

Again- fantastic find- I look forward to seeing what you do with these!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/07 16:02:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Hrm thinking of weighing down the ends with rocks and capping them. that should help.

On the Wargaming Toys thread someone suggested these aquarium supplies as walkways...


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/08 23:56:09

Post by: Meer_Cat

Holy cow! Aquarium under-gravel filters and all the other fish crap cleaning paraphernalia are natural-born Necromunda-ish terrain pieces- great idea! I'm wondering what other common, household items are just lying about, their utility waiting to be discovered ...

On that note, I am starting as a special project a vehicle scratchbuild made from nothing except the bits my wife has saved out from the trash during the lockdown. It's promising so far.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/09 12:57:52

Post by: Max Moray

Can't waint to see how those pipes look painted and weathered. I would not base them, just use some weight as suggested.

In the meantime I need to find such toy pipes...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/09 18:03:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Max Moray wrote:
Can't waint to see how those pipes look painted and weathered. I would not base them, just use some weight as suggested.

In the meantime I need to find such toy pipes...

Don't know about Germany but in US Amazon I found a few sets in the $20 to $30 range. They're also apparently on Ali Express.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Some more productivity to celebrate the Stay-Cation

WIP still but getting there.

Staff cars are done and look GOOD.

So it's been about a year since I arrived in Cairo, time to take a little look back at what I've gotten done.

Arbites Class of 2020

Penal Legion

Imperial Navy adjuncts.

More big pictures to come, Arbites Army, Genestealer Cult, Imperial Air Force and some stray space ships.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/09 23:00:58

Post by: Briancj

Congratulations on the productivity!


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/10 04:33:56

Post by: Viterbi

Nice overview and good thing not going mad with all mass-infantry

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/10 15:42:44

Post by: Boss Salvage

Congrats on painting so many of the things! Especially all that infantry

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/10 21:14:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Congrats on painting so many of the things! Especially all that infantry

It's easier if you don't paint them that well

Anyway, so after the class of 2020, I figured I would do a group photo and broke out the folding table.

I'm gonna need a bigger table.

I'll do that math later but 200? 300 infantry? 10+ tanks? 20 Cavalry? Heaven only know how many points.

In case you're wondering, the main divisions are:
Judges - 70+ 2nd edition models, count as Krieg
Gendarmerie - 50+ models, count as Cadians
Penal Legion 1 Data Slaves - 30+ models, Count as Krieg
Penal Legion 2 Jungle Work Camp - 30+ models, Count as Catachans
SWAT (Sky Warden Attack Team) - 20+ models, count as Scions
Planetary Security - 30+ models, count as conscripts
Motorpool - 10+ tanks

Plus assorted random units and mad ideas.

Like say an ambulance and fire truck.

But the table lacked room for the fortifications so...

Fortress Precinct!

And y'know, I still have 20 Necromunda Enforcers and 10 more Van Saar to build...

Not bad for a 2 year project Maybe I'll actually play in a year or two. There has to be at least ONE competitive build in there.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/11 17:08:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Got some terrain kits today...

#sorry #notsorry

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/11 17:28:59

Post by: ElAntiguoGuardián

Wow there are a lot of painted models! Congrats!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/11 17:30:31

Post by: Mothsniper

That is friking awesome!
I still cant finish my guard in 8 years, and prob an eighth of what you got.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/11 21:58:58

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Meanwhile downtown...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/11 22:05:57

Post by: Meer_Cat

Excellent massive army shot! "Whom the gods would make great, they first make mad." Well done staying focused on all this!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/12 13:04:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And the next glamour shot, the Imperial Air Force.

Besides the TIE I have 2 more scrap rockets I'm working on and then maybe finally the landing ships I've been thinking about for years.

Now for the Cult...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/12 15:08:03

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i really like the TIE fighter idea... will it be more like the Tie tank or really an airborne fighter? if the latter i´d add a bit of width to the wings...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/12 22:56:05

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

The TIE tank would be brilliant. Either way, that’s an inspiring conversion.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/13 01:00:47

Post by: Meer_Cat

All this talk about the 'TIE Tank' reminds of a very early computer video game some kind soul sent us during Desert Shield called "A-10 Warthog". It was a flight simulator and had various missions programmed into it. Unfortunately, none us could actually play well enough to make the thing fly and do whatever it was supposed to do. But you could set the player mode to "indestructible plane, unlimited ammo" (essentially: Pre-Beginner level, so you could learn to play well enough to survive flak and dogfights and such) which allowed us to drive the plane over the ground, shooting up tanks. You could drive right through them and because you were indestructible, keep right on playing.

So now I have visions of an up-armored TIE Fighter with treads on the bottom of the vertical wings driving along, shooting up Leman Russ tanks.

Rock on, Kid- rock on!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/13 08:27:46

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And the last of the class of 2020, Unity!

Unity is a registered faith-based social welfare organization dedicated to the so-called 'four arms' of Unity:


Unity welcomes all Children of the Father from the Highest Spire to the Lowest Sprawl. Embrace Unity, and Unity will embrace you. With four arms.

WIP obviously, still have 20 Cultists of the Abyss (not to be confused with Servants of the Abyss), 10 Golitaths and 2 Tauroxes to build. And then the Meat Wall is complete.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
as for the TIE, I assure you it is fully operational.

It flies by uh, anti gravity and stuff. Whatever the heck makes Impusors and Falcons fly, that's what makes this thing fly. OK?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Meer_Cat wrote:
All this talk about the 'TIE Tank' reminds of a very early computer video game some kind soul sent us during Desert Shield called "A-10 Warthog". It was a flight simulator and had various missions programmed into it. Unfortunately, none us could actually play well enough to make the thing fly and do whatever it was supposed to do. But you could set the player mode to "indestructible plane, unlimited ammo" (essentially: Pre-Beginner level, so you could learn to play well enough to survive flak and dogfights and such) which allowed us to drive the plane over the ground, shooting up tanks. You could drive right through them and because you were indestructible, keep right on playing.

So now I have visions of an up-armored TIE Fighter with treads on the bottom of the vertical wings driving along, shooting up Leman Russ tanks.

Rock on, Kid- rock on!

I had that exact game, it was a lot of fun. I still remember the campaign, the final mission was a Soviet push across West Germany and you would just run out of bombs and ammo long before they run out of tanks.

As for a TIE tank, Lucas already beat you.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/13 16:29:27

Post by: Viktor von Domm

as for the TIE, I assure you it is fully operational.

I see what you did here...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/13 22:14:34

Post by: Meer_Cat

Holy felgercarb that thing is cool! Who knew that fever dreams were contagious!?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/14 00:01:25

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

If you ever need a Unity teacher for some reason, you could do worse than basing him on this guy:

The four arms of unity: Strength through discipline. Strength through community. Strength through action. Strength through pride.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/14 07:45:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I don't have a problem!

YOU have a problem!

20 more cultists, now at 180 neophytes alone plus hybrids and whatnot.

OK. I may have a problem. And that problem is I'm still shy of 200!

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

The four arms of unity: Strength through discipline. Strength through community. Strength through action. Strength through pride.

I've been trying to get the four arms perfect but now I think I should just change them every time I say them.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/14 07:58:29

Post by: Viterbi

Nice army shots! And if they ever see a gaming table, I hope you will have movement trays

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/18 08:05:19

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Y'know @#$% 2020, it's time to party like it's 1988!

32 year old sprues from Chaos Orc Superstore, lasgun from Mad Robot.

Childhood goal #532 ticked off!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/18 08:19:51

Post by: Viterbi

That is cool as heck! Just visited their store, they have some squats in the used section

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/18 20:35:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So I've made jokes before about having guardsmen old enough to vote (plastic Cadians are from what, 2002?).

I just realized the RT guys are 32, old enough to drive, vote, drink, join the army, marry a stripper, father a kid, find out she was sleeping with your best friend while you were on deployment, wonder if the kid is really yours want to divorce her but can't because it would break your son's heart and so endure a loveless sham with no escape.

Yeah, these guys have seen some things no man should ever face.

In an unrelated note they have also been in combat.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/19 06:47:42

Post by: Viktor von Domm

I just realized the RT guys are 32, old enough to drive, vote, drink, join the army, marry a stripper, father a kid, find out she was sleeping with your best friend while you were on deployment, wonder if the kid is really yours want to divorce her but can't because it would break your son's heart and so endure a loveless sham with no escape.

that sounds awefully like real life expierience... hope not...

also... i have some already assembled ones with original weaponry if you ever should find the need to have...moooorrree...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/19 08:32:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
I just realized the RT guys are 32, old enough to drive, vote, drink, join the army, marry a stripper, father a kid, find out she was sleeping with your best friend while you were on deployment, wonder if the kid is really yours want to divorce her but can't because it would break your son's heart and so endure a loveless sham with no escape.

that sounds awefully like real life expierience... hope not...

also... i have some already assembled ones with original weaponry if you ever should find the need to have...moooorrree...

Maybe someone's but not mine insha'Allah.

I have daughters for one thing.

As for your offer... don't tempt me. And surely don't tempt me by posting pictures here!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Speaking of 1988...

Got a classic patriarch with half a throne and no back

But when I put him on his new throne he immediately leaned back like he was chilling out. Which works so well for him.

No mistakes! Only happy accidents!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/20 06:55:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And the Class of 88 is ready for painting!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/20 08:08:30

Post by: brushcommando

Oh wow. Those guys are pretty cool. I love seeing retro models get paint. Are you going for a classic scheme or going to modernize them a bit?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/23 08:45:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Hrm, not sure if the flash was harsh or what, this guy looks a lot better in person.

Or, alternately, I need new glasses

Class of 88 progress. They're going to join my 2nd edition Cadians and count as Storm Troops/Scions.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/23 09:50:20

Post by: Viktor von Domm

whenever i read cadians i secretly read canadians... i think someone should act upon it and make a canadian cadian themed army... really... it needs to be done...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/23 12:44:31

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
whenever i read cadians i secretly read canadians... i think someone should act upon it and make a canadian cadian themed army... really... it needs to be done...

The rumor is it was no accident. Cadians are from a cold world of mountains and forests and Canadians were famous for their...

Would you like to know more?


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/23 15:21:52

Post by: Viktor von Domm

thanks for the read, on a related matter...it is always totally overwhelming to read such immense casualty numbers... who in today's times would march into such a mincer on his own free will? i mean nowadays you would now the outcome and your chances for survival...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/23 19:24:41

Post by: Max Moray

The exiled Arbites vet, who just returned to the city from the northern wastes is a great conversion. Don't think it's the flash, it's mostly the focus, which is slightly behind the model.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/08/24 07:04:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Max Moray wrote:
The exiled Arbites vet, who just returned to the city from the northern wastes is a great conversion.

Is that what you see? I was thinking more along the lines of:

"Did you get a load of Frank's get up?"
"How could I miss the smell? Does he ever wash that thing?"
"He still doing his whole 'one man bringing the law to the Ash Wastes' thing? I mean he's investigating art forgery on level 77 for the Emp's sake"
"I think he's just building a myth, y'know laying the groundwork for a book deal after he retires"

Nah, I have an incredibly stupid over the top background for him I'll get around to writing up with pictures one of these days.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/01 12:59:49

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some recent progress.

Escorted by a veteran of the Necromundan 88th, Agent [Redacted] hunts carriers of the Xeno Virus in the pipe-filled recesses of the underhive.

Eraser Squads do not exist. If they did exist they certainly would not wear civilian clothes and secretly assassinate influential critics of the Imperium with weapons that literally vaporize the body leaving no clue as to their fate.

Hmm. If you leave off the wings, engines, turret, air scoop and guns the Storm Raven makes for a fairly OK helicopter type thing.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/03 06:54:14

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Flying circus, season II

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/03 23:49:31

Post by: Meer_Cat

With this mob, you need a "BRRRRRRRT" emoji!

"You can never be too rich, too handsome or too heavily armed."

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/05 00:46:55

Post by: Llamahead

 Meer_Cat wrote:
too heavily armed."

Different meaning when it comes to Genestealers.......

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/05 05:10:57

Post by: Viterbi

New flyers should be interesting!

And on a different note, I visited the gallery section of my account for the first time since I'm on this forum. I didn't know people could comment on your pics and I'm very sorry, because I missed your two comments

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/08 07:35:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Still not a fan of this model. Even with wheels it still looks about 25% too short, the cabin could not possibly hold 10 models.

I had 2 from the Tempestus start collecting box and I'll be using it for my Genestealer Cult. But it's just a bad model.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/08 11:08:48

Post by: Theophony

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Still not a fan of this model. Even with wheels it still looks about 25% too short, the cabin could not possibly hold 10 models.

I had 2 from the Tempestus start collecting box and I'll be using it for my Genestealer Cult. But it's just a bad model.

I like your flyers and eraser models that don’t exist .
I also agree on the truck. I think they should keep the cab of the truck but then remove the rear compartment and make it an Imperial 18 wheeler truck. Then create a trailer for it which could either be a flat bed for transporting tanks and supplies, or an armored box to hold munitions or a command center.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/09 20:16:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I'm calling these guys done.

Best plastic IG ever. Prove me wrong.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/10 00:28:48

Post by: Meer_Cat

No argument- best plastic IG ever; brings a lump to my throat of nostalgic melancholy. I miss the good ole days, sometimes. Great job, and I continue to like how your toy pipe set has come out- excellent conversion!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/13 16:44:08

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Just to be clear

I am not starting a Death Guard army. And certainly not a Terminator Daemon Bomb one.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/15 09:20:48

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So a few years back I was looking for the perfect Imperial Troop Shuttle. I still have the plastic storage bins and bits sitting on a shelf to make one day.

But then I found this...

A not~Helicarrier about a foot long (I estimate) big enough to carry some cargo crates or a tank or two on its deck and infantry in its hull.

I found it on an Egyptian site but haven't seen it on any US sites so far.

Amazon.in has the whole line and better photos.


Inshallah it will be a quick and easy addition to the Space Port project.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/16 19:17:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Well I'm happy, already ordered another one.

The plastic is a bit cheap and light, but the design is good. I'm thinking one will be an army transport, moving troops and tanks around the planet. The other will be a civilian cargo ship, I'll cover the deck with crates and barrels and it'll be sort of a tramp freighter of the skies.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/17 14:16:11

Post by: 416_SpaceWolves

Can't wait to see what you do with this. Will you build a bit of a side wall? I'm picturing the DDay Troop Carriers, or the Gorgon Assault FW vehicle.. The front does seem angled well to represent a "ramp" of sorts.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/17 23:17:32

Post by: Meer_Cat

Flip the bits bin upside down on top of that puppy and you have a flying Goliath troop carrier. Just sayin'.

Great find with lots of possibilities.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/18 20:46:51

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Here's number 1, going for a Tramp Freighter of the Skies vibe.

#2 is delayed because my kids go to it first

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/18 21:14:27

Post by: Boss Salvage

That looks great with the stowage to recontextualize it! Great find.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/24 07:13:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I've wrestled Helicarrier 2 from the girls and gotten started.

While the Helicarrier can handle one Chimera/Rhino type vehicle fine, I really wanted them to carry two.


Remove the control tower, move it back to rest on the heliport fill in the gaps with plasticard...

Not a bad evening's work.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/24 07:37:10

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i would suggest adding some sort of securing mechanism... like bands or clamps... could even be a magnetic system...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/24 07:59:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I'll be adding thin strips of plasicard as straps, this is definitely a more low tech sort of operation.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/24 10:02:27

Post by: Max Moray

Nice carrier! Straps would probably look good, chains or steel ropes are used on tanks on semi trailer tank carriers IIRC.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/24 14:06:36

Post by: Viterbi

No, I won't look, if I can buy that carrier in Germany, no, I won't look, if I can buy that carrier in Germany...

Really a great base for conversions and a good addition to your fleet.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/24 14:20:18

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I dunno about Germany but apparently it's on Amazon UK and US Walmart.


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/25 15:23:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some small progress, got the Tauroxes/count as Goliaths assembled.

Such a terrible, terrible kit

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/25 16:14:41

Post by: Fifty

That heli-carrier really is a very good find. I can imagine reading about them in a Gaunt's Ghosts novel.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/28 10:51:43

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Ole Fatty is getting there.

But oh my Emperor how many more cultists to paint?

I am never doing a horde army again.

(orders 36 Broken Rabble from Medge)

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/28 15:25:00

Post by: Boss Salvage

I didn't realize that classic papa was so big!

Also good luck with the cult legions

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/09/30 09:30:57

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Been a while since I did an Inquisitor and his loyal band of weirdos.

Delaque Necromunda gang obviously, the kit has it's drawbacks, everyone is a head taller than other humans, no one is aiming just sort of pointing their guns in the air. But for an Inquisition band it works. So far we have the Inquisitor (trying to decide what goes in his hand, might just keep it empty), his loyal #1 a former Rogue Trader with a cool hat, his priest, his psyker, his crazy knife girl, his circular saw-handed carpenter, and his scribe. His two gunners, his tech priest, his medic, and the Thing in the Vault which he does not talk about are still coming.

Not totally sold on the elf head, but I like how it invokes the pointy hood without looking too KKK.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/02 07:31:54

Post by: Max Moray

The band looks very good. As an avid reader I especially like the one with the pointing gun and the open book. 'Read or die!'

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/03 13:28:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Inqui-who? Never heard of them we are um, mining surveyors here to survey the mines as we mine surveyors so often do. Nothing remarkable here. I doubt you'll even remember us tomorrow. In fact, it might be best for your health if you didn't...

The Arbites are getting some more riot breakers.

This is gonna bit a bit of a slog just because there are SO FEW options. I mean seriously, who makes a kit with 2 bodies and 3 arms? However good looking they few options are this has to be a low point in GW history.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/03 18:05:31

Post by: Viktor von Domm

what head does the second ogryn wear?...people need to know...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/04 12:05:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
what head does the second ogryn wear?...people need to know...

Those are both out of the box. The robo head is one of the (few) options.

My formal review:

3 stars of 5

Let me start by saying that, once assembled, both of the figures on the sprue are gorgeous. The Ogryn with two mechanical claws looks properly beefy and heavy, ready to tear apart a truck. The Ogryn with a gun arm and a wrench looks vicious and scary, you would not want him running towards you! The figures have power cables and servos making the bionics look more industrial than the usual ones. There's also four heads plus a fifth mechanical head to give them some distinction.

The problem is, those the only two you can make. The sprue in this kit literally has 3 arms for 2 bodies, plus a gun arm. Oh yes, you can leave off an arm and make a one-armed Ogryn too. But I can't really consider 'leave off an arm' to be an option, even if the instruction book does.

And even worse, it was not necessary. While there's a limited amount of space on a sprue, there are also a lot of unnecessary parts. The arm gun for example comes in several pieces, as does the mechanical head. Even the eye lens is a separate part! It's hard for me not to look at this and feel that some parts could have been simplified to make room for another arm so every Ogryn could have two arms at least. Or maybe another hand so they could hold something other than the same wrench.

This is an ongoing issue with GW kits. They are increasing being made for display rather than modelling and converting. They have fewer options and almost no cross-compatibility with other kits. For example the neither the heads nor the hands in this kit work with the fantasy Ogre kits, further limiting your options. And for a gang-building game like Necromunda this hurts our ability to make our own gangs and models.

So... if you only need 1 or 2 this is a fine kit but if you intend to make a whole gang you'll struggle to differentiate them with only 3 arms for every 2 figures.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/04 13:31:04

Post by: Viktor von Domm

thanks... and read your review... bugger...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/05 08:01:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Since this has unexpectedly made it to the front page I thought I'd put up a link.

I did over a hundred propaganda posters for my Arbites Facebook group, you can find the full sized ones here:


Once reduced to 5% or 10% they fit on most terrain.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/05 23:57:29

Post by: Meer_Cat

I love the one "Notice: Reading False and Misleading Notices is a Crime!" It's like saying "Don't look at the blue fish" in a poster.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/12 20:27:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Despite my misgivings the Brute Squad does look good enmass.

Fist dudes count as Bullgryn, gun arm dudes as Ogryn.

Still irked about the whole 3 arms for 2 dudes thing but now I'm tempted to pick up just ONE MORE box so I can have 2 squads of 9.


It's not the world's greatest conversion but I was able to get one Ogryn to have a 'slung' rifle.

In my head the cyber arm swings the gun up and it plugs into his stump. It's ain't much (I've mentioned how annoyed I am with the lack of options) but it's something.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/10/13 13:35:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

One last WIP.

Looking at my Arbites army pictures I felt like I needed a more impressive commander. Dudes in thrones always look more authoritative and GW did just put out a cool mobility throne so...

It worked but I definitely do NOT recommend the throne for this sort of conversion. The new throne is very narrow and there's almost no space between the throne and the lectern. I had to sand down the hips of a Taurox driver to get him to fit in the chair. Seats and treads from a Taurox might work better. If you're doing a more conventional model you should probably leave off the throne and just have the guy stand behind the lectern, but it's so tall it will need cutting down.

So yeah, GW made a throne too small for most models to sit in, with a lectern too tall to stand at. Which actually might just be an indictment of Imperial design...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/16 11:46:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Wow a whole month without updates.

Well first off I finished my two Taurox/count as Golitath trucks for the Genestealer Cult.

Not bad, but just an awful kit. It really needs the wheels to even start to look good, plus plasticard to cover the windows. Won't be buying it again.

Then after doing my army shots this summer I decided the army needed more impressive Chief Justice. So...

Supreme Chief Justice Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Emeritus Yusef Bin'El'Deen, is now entering his 400th year in the service but still as sharp as ever, though restricted to his Mobile Judicial Pulpit.

Sadly he has to count as T3, 5+ save officer unless I decide to make him Iron Hand or something.

The throne is from the new objective pack and... was a challenge. It's too narrow for most figures (forget getting a marine into it) but a Taurox driver worked after some filing. It's also too tall, and the lectern is also taller than most figures. But the end result with his feed dangling is kind of appropriate for the Imperium, making him look small and overwhelmed by the trappings of office. If you want to use the objective throne I'd leave off the lectern and have a figure stand in front of the throne.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/17 16:03:45

Post by: Max Moray

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Not bad, but just an awful kit. It really needs the wheels to even start to look good, plus plasticard to cover the windows.

I think they look fine, there are lots of wheels indeed.

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

The throne is from the new objective pack and... was a challenge. It's too narrow for most figures (forget getting a marine into it) but a Taurox driver worked after some filing. It's also too tall, and the lectern is also taller than most figures. But the end result with his feed dangling is kind of appropriate for the Imperium, making him look small and overwhelmed by the trappings of office. If you want to use the objective throne I'd leave off the lectern and have a figure stand in front of the throne.

How about a mini standing on the seat and yelling over the lectern for heretics to get off the lawn? Anyway, I really like your chief justice and imagine he'll run over a lot of stuff and people, because he won't see where he's driving. And isn't that exactly what 'justice is blind' means?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/18 07:18:14

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So working on a terrain cargo shuttle from a Trek runabout.

What do you all think, warp nacelles (which are presumably antigrav units or fuel tanks or something)

Or cargo crates?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/18 16:34:19

Post by: Eilif

I like that shuttle ALOT.

I do think it needs some plating or something over the cockpit window area. That front indention is one of the most recognizable elements tying it to ST. The other item that would be good to mod or drop might be the Warp naceles. Without the transparent front caps of the Naceles and with a modified cockpit it greatly reduces the ST'ness of it.

Cargo Crates are pretty cool. Some kind of landing gear in place of the Warp Nacelles maybe?

Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. I've been tempted by that kit many times over the years.

I think you saw these years ago, but maybe you'd find some inspiration for bashing spaceships here:

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/19 07:00:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Eilif wrote:

I think you saw these years ago, but maybe you'd find some inspiration for bashing spaceships here:

Thanks for the link, your work is always an inspiration.

Yeah the cockpit is getting some modification. I think I'll go with the cargo crates, just to change the lines of the ship a bit if nothing else.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/22 11:50:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Went with the crates and started adding a rhino front to the cockpit.

May add some of the huge GW pipes to the exterior to make it even less aerodynamic!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/28 14:31:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And now for something completely self indulgent...

Inqui - I mean um, Mining Surveyor DiCote and his retinue.

It's a shame how terrible the 8th edition Inquisition rules, and I don't even think there's a 9th edition set but these guys can always work as IG if they ever hit the table.

Mining Inspector DiCote and his companion the 7th son of a Rogue Trader Dynasty now, for some strange reason, working as a shuttle pilot for the Inq- Mining Surveyor.

Tech Priest and medic

Priest and scholar

Psychic Support

Imperial Guard veterans

Death Cult Assassin and Combat servitor

And once again the whole band with their completely unremarkable shuttlecraft, the sort of broken down wreck that no one of importance would ever be caught flying in. Hence there's no reason to pay attention to it.

A fun little project, the Delaque models have a lot of potential, except for being head and shoulders taller than any other humans in the game. And it's nice sometimes to just do a small project rather than a whole huge sprawling army. Yep nice to call this one finish...


Hello there.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/29 08:46:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some back of the envelope math I want to save...

Different ways of doing 30 Imperial Guard

2 Cadian Boxes $72/20 models
1 HQ $36/5 models
1 Heavy weapons set $40/6 models
TOTAL $148
(all options)

1 Heavy weapons set $40/6 models
4 Push Fit Cadians $40/20 models
1 HQ $36/5 models
TOTAL $116
(all options)

5 Push Fit Cadians $50/25 models
1 HQ $36/5 models
(no heavy)

3 Cadian Boxes $108/30 models
(no heavy, limited specials)

Obviously this leave out buying bits, scratch building or stretching heavy weapon boxes

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/11/30 13:04:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some progress with the Ogryn, managed to find some bits that can replace the right arm the kits omit.

Interesting that the gun arms look pretty natural on the left arm.

Anyway as noted they'll serve as Ogryn in my Arbites army along with the 2 fist dudes who will be Bullgryn.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/09 07:41:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Inquisitor DiCote gets a second wave of minons! Just a fun side project.

With =I= rules so neglected I'm thinking DiCote may end up counting as an IG officer with a command squad so he gets the 3 advisors, Ordinance, Astropath and Fleet. Love that pickelhelm for the officer.

Some minions, a hacker, a sanctioned mutant and Arbites dude. They can just count as normal henchmen with guns or powerfists or as command squad members.

And the four assassins. Happy with 3 of them, not sure about the Culexus, maybe paint will make the difference. But I worry I should have gone with a crouching body for him.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/21 12:53:44

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Opened quite a few boxes of shame this week and actually counted up what I'd accumulated in various moves and such.

I've got 120+ metal Cadians and RT Imperial Army WIP.

Will count as Scions by virtue of their shoulder pads and 3 decades of experience fighting for the Emperor.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/25 02:11:55

Post by: Meer_Cat

Truly El Regimento de los Viejos.

I'm right there with you, just don't have quite as many. My preshiouusss....

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/26 21:53:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto



Let's not do that again.

It's just some metal infantry, how long could it take?


Here we see Inquisitor Kuroda consulting his Sky Marshals before they lead the Inquisition Storm Troops on a jump.

And granting his benediction to several demi squads.

As well as 30 members of the Archadian 87th, a long-serving unit as can be seen from their mismatched weapons and armor.

And finally 7 full squads from the Cadian 95th...

And the entire drop regiment, 130+ metal dudes.

Still more to do on them of course, including at least 50 more =I=s for their shoulder pads. But I think they are suitably impressive en mass. Just a wall of red, black and gold.

Trying hard to ignore the part of my brain that says just 20 more riflemen and I can have 11 full squads of Cadians instead of just 7...

Play us out Sky Marshal Anoke!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/28 17:18:46

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
And the entire drop regiment, 130+ metal dudes.
Yowza! Impressive work Kid.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/28 19:48:18

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Boss Salvage wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
And the entire drop regiment, 130+ metal dudes.
Yowza! Impressive work Kid.

Don't be too impressed. It's a bit above my slop-n-go standard of old but still not... y'know, good.

But there are a lot of them.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/28 21:34:04

Post by: Meer_Cat

Still, truly an impressive effort- very well done.

And never get tired of requoting the original Napoleonic wargamer who got me started down the long road to insanity: "In mass, lies perfection". The large group has a quality all its own and defined by itself.

Plus a great unifying theme!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/29 06:44:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thanks guys!

And yes. I just bought 20 more so I can "finish" this particular army.

Now onward to the Arbites and Inquisition!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/29 14:10:28

Post by: Max Moray

Great job, but my first thought was: why didn't he paint 150 for more squads? Just kidding, great achievement. Have fun with the missing twenty as well as with the others!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/31 02:29:58

Post by: Eilif

Old Metal IG always brings a grin. Nice collection.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/31 06:27:14

Post by: Miguelsan

When are you getting back to Japan? We need to play horde vs horde.
(And I have to take out the boys for a group photo too)


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2020/12/31 18:37:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Miguelsan wrote:
When are you getting back to Japan? We need to play horde vs horde.
(And I have to take out the boys for a group photo too)


Borders are still closed no?

So maybe Christmas 2021?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/02 00:18:38

Post by: Eilif

DRD has a cheap 3 pack of dishes.
For the same price they also sell a 1-pack with stand.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/02 09:45:03

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Gotta say this is tempting


$10 for a sat dish with a stand

Thanks for the Death Ray Designs link. They also have this 3 pack


Which goes on top of these.


I live about a mile from the local cell company's main satellite uplink and pass these all the time.

So that's kind of what I'm going for. Something suitable massive and important looking.

Also... hexbugs!

These are sort of Lego-like and can probably be build into an array of some sort.


if not, there's always these.



Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/04 07:43:31

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Don't mind me, just parking some images...

The 3rd pod won't be an issue, but fitting it so it still sits on the solar panels might. Maybe just add landing skids to the pod (like the art has I now realize) and avoid the issue entirely? Or just crack oe the wallet and build the whole thing out of GW terrain which would be hysterical.


+ wings?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/04 11:28:12

Post by: KernelTerror

Ooooh yes, please do.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/05 21:06:59

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The spaceport got another ship today, a 2nd hand Marquis Raider model.

I remember looking at this thing years ago wondering if it would work as a Thunderhawk. It wouldn't, but as a terrain shuttle it's perfect.

Roughly 12"x12" it looks the part of a small ground to orbit independent trader ship. It's almost completely flat too for easy storage. Almost too flat, so I'll just assume the pilot spends all this time in the cockpit and has to crawl for access anywhere else. So probably it's limited to "small high-value cargo" and patrons who want to avoid any Imperial complications.

Unlike that flying box with extra boxes next to it, which probably just hauls self-sealing stem bolts and hydro-spanners.

And while Star Trek aficionados may well recognize it from the Voyager pilot, really, who cares? Unlike a lot of ships its appearance won't destroy immersion.

I added some landing gear so it's not flat against the ground but otherwise I think it's good for painting.

So... from memory the spaceport should now have...

2 Helicarriers
2 Space 1999 Eagles
Tomy Car Storm something or another
Marquis Raider
Republic Shuttle

I think I have a Lamda shuttle I could add too.

Quite a busy little place.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/05 21:53:47

Post by: tzurk

Lovely mix of spaceships for the port! Really plays into the "cosmopolitan mixing pot of spacefaring civilisations" idea. Good greebling detail on that raider too - should come up nicely after painting.

The triple tie fighter idea is super cool, and that sector mechanicus (?) terrain piece looks like a great fit.

Thanks for sharing! This is a really inspiring project. I've had thoughts of making an Outer Rim/frontier world trading port but the scale of it has always scared me off. Good to see you making progress here!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/11 14:06:58

Post by: Eilif

That raider is really cool. Reminds me of a gunship. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

My last major terrain project was a spaceport commission but I didn't take enough pics. Kicking myself now...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/11 15:34:47

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Nice collection of ships and shuttles there! That will add a lot of personality and style to your port.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/17 02:37:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Don't mind me, just parking a photo of a drop pod to radar conversion.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/17 14:04:52

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/29 09:18:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more WIP terrain and ships.

Shuttle livery is obviously that of the Universal Parcel Service

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/01/30 00:17:45

Post by: Eilif

UPS. I love it. the brown really helps take the ships out of their universe-of-origin too. nicely done.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/01 22:02:55

Post by: Meer_Cat

"When it absolutely, positively has to be nuked from orbit to be sure overnight...."

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/02 12:46:51

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

No models to show off today, but I do have some fluff for Spaceport Letham. I hope it gives you a nice sense of the place.

Spaceport Lethem

The captains drank and the captains lied.
They sat in cantinas and in taverns. In squares and on broken chairs leaning against walls. They drank everything from imported off-world brews to local rotgut refined from fuel waste. They were all “captains” even the ones who only commanded a one-man cargo shuttle, even the ones whose ships hadn’t flown in years, captains one and all. They hailed from every world in the sector and a few points beyond.
But the stories were all the same.
“Next time I’ll have the perfect cargo lined up.”
“Next time I’ll be up and flying from day one.”
“Next time I’ll make enough to buy a berth and get off this world.”
“Next time… next time will be different.”
But while they waited for next time, they drank.
Many places claimed to be the center of nowhere, but only the spaceport attached to Lethem settlement could make the claim it was build because it was the center of nowhere. Sitting on a blasted plain, still dotted with craters from some long-forgotten war, it was almost equally distant from the savannahs and ranches to the south, the hills and mines to the west and the lumber camps and tropical forests of the east. To the north lay the road to the distant city of Puerto Dolor, and sure enough the next sizable settlement was about as far as the ranches, mines and camps Lethem served. The exact middle of nowhere.
The town had only a few hundred full-time residents. There was a fueling station, several salvage yards, a comm tower and couple of shops, several locked warehouses, and several dozen places to drink. Around the town square there was a small constable’s office and a shrine, and a sealed bunker.
And just south was the spaceport of course.
The spaceport was perhaps an overly grandiose name for a semicircle of landing pads, surrounded by several miles of packed earth which could, in theory, hold a shuttle if you weren’t too picky about how you land. Over a dozen ships in various states of repair were parked there, none of them were less than a century old. A few were so old they could have been part of that first flotilla that settled the world millennia ago.
Flies buzzed among them. Stray dogs lay beneath their shadows. Occasionally a captain walked out to check on a ship, maybe even briefly power up the systems.
A few had sunk into the earth and would never rise again.
This day was like every other. A caravan of trucks arrived from the north, dropping off liquor and ration bars, picking up a load of lumber from a warehouse. A captain managed to get his engines to start after several months of work. An old man was found dead in a ditch. The constable had to drive off the dogs and rats so he could be buried.
And then the great dish on the comms tower twitched. It twitched and it began to turn. And it rotated until it pointed skyward.
Everyone froze, everyone watched. And then they ran.
“A ship!”
A ship had arrived, and now everything would be different.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/02 18:10:05

Post by: 416_SpaceWolves

Well written fluff!! Big fan of your thread and creativity.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/02 22:03:36

Post by: The Power Cosmic

Nice. Very evocative.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/04 07:28:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Glad people like it, now for the other side of the story...

The Phoenician Son broke into real space at the edge of the system, its arrival heralded by howling detectors throughout the system. After exchanging greetings (and bonifieds) with the out-system defenses, it turned its nose in-system and began the nine-day trip towards Yana, the sole inhabited world of any note.
It was an ancient leviathan, its hull distorted by centuries of use and modification. Here and there craters poxed the hull, scars from meteor showers, shuttle crashes and even an old pirate attack, but the ship still cruised onward. Field modifications could be seen with makeshift comms towers, jerry-rigged cargo cranes and private towers for wealthy passengers dotting the hull. Some jutting dangerously far from the ship’s main structure and its protective armor and shields.
Within an hour the aether around the Phoenician Son virtually crackled as thousands of communiques arrived from Yana. Many were routine and expected, long-standing commercial arrangements with the merchants who ran the ship’s cavernous cargo holds and fleet of cargo shuttles. These merchants would haul the high-volume, low-margin, loads of grain, ore or meat. For them it was simply a matter of confirming tonnage, rates and timing.
But within the miles-long ships hull there were hundreds of smaller holds, leased and sub-leased and divided among any number of free traders who frantically reached out to Yana offering their space for the right cargo or passengers. With only a few cargo crates of space they bargained for the highest value loads they could find, talking to dozens of traders across the whole of Yana, making offers for everything from uncut fire gems to used cognator parts to perishable flowers.
No one aboard the Phoenician Son could really say how many free traders there were. They squatted in huge holds that had been partitioned again and again. Unused spaces had been converted, holes cut into the hull for access. Cargo crates had been welded to the hull, jutting out like cancerous growths. In one particularly egregious case, a midshipman secretly rented an emergency airlock to a trader who locked his shuttle’s ventral port to it and rode the ship like a barnacle. The trader then rented his dorsal docking port to another shuttle, who then contacted a friend. In the end a tottering tower of eight shuttles rode the ship for months before being detected by a lost maintenance crew. When he learned of this, the ship master arrested and marooned all of the shuttles, as well as their crews and the discharged midshipman, on a feral world bereft of the fuel or parts to ever reach orbit again. As far as anyone knew they were still there.
Still it carried on, a floating bazaar and warehouse crammed with every sort of mundane and exotic good. Passengers ranged from refugees and indentured workers bound for any port that would have them, to wealthy pilgrims in luxury suites and a small party who locked themselves in their quarters and did not emerge until it was time to leave the ship. In addition. there were an unknown number of stowaways and deserters, but the many hazards of ship life, from radiation, to starvation, to decompression kept their numbers under control.
It was not the only ship that made this run, but the Phoenician Son was by far the largest and richest of the trade ships and its arrival was always cause for celebration on the world below. Lessor vessels would only call on the largest ports, picking up routine cargos. Only the Phoenician Son offered opportunities for even the least ports to trade off-world.
When, after nine days of real-space travel, it arrived in Yana’s orbit a several vast tenders, each one the size of a hab-block but dwarfed by the cargo vessel, were waiting to sate the ship’s thirsty fuel tanks and feed the hungry power cells. As they performed their careful dance to mate with the ship, the Phoenician Son launched its small squadron of interceptors and gunships to fly a circuit around the vessel. Their deployment may have seemed pointless to some observers. Anything powerful enough to threaten the vast leviathan would surely laugh at the stings of a few puny gunboats. But their purpose was not to fight, but to control local space for what would come next.
Finally, the Phoenician Son opened its many docking ports and launch bays, dispatching a veritable invasion of cargo craft to ports across the planet. Almost simultaneously an answering flotilla rose towards the ship carrying megatons of cargo upwards. The ships would rise and fall several times in the next week. Most performed routine, scheduled runs between the ship’s main cargo holds and well-maintained planetary ports. Others raced to snatch up lucrative opportunities or take advantage of last-minute orders.
Passenger shuttles lighted gracefully in the planet’s main cities, carrying couriers, skilled workers, wealthy travelers, and mid-ranked crew members entitled to shore leave. The Ship Master arrived in his person yacht for a dinner with the planetary governor. A shuttle-load of crew who had finished their contracts landed to seek a new life in the outer worlds. A few bulk cargo shuttles headed for penal colonies, mines and prisons looking to buy workers for the lower decks. The ships hunger for fresh flesh was insatiable.
But most ships were filled with goods. Tons and tons of machine parts, processed food, fuel, lubricants and other more esoteric products. They were crammed into shuttles or every class, size and description, many of them as heavily modified over time as the Phoenician Son itself. From boxy and utilitarian Roq-150s held aloft by their anti-grav plates, to fast and stylish Storm Piercers propelled by their plasma jets, to ancient Columbia-class glide shuttles, a veritable parade of the history of trans-atmosphere travel was on show.
Some shuttles would never return to the ship; victims of mechanical failure, human error or financial shortfalls. Others would never return to the planet, having through fortune or guile secured a berth on the ship, a chance to join its unending tour of the sector.
Finally after a week, or perhaps a bit more, the Phoenician Sun will sound a final call for boarding, turn its nose star-ward again for its next jump. There were still five more outer worlds to visit before the ship spirals inward towards the wealthy core worlds. Then it would begin again, returning to Yana in a year or two’s time.

While almost any cargo ship would do for the Phoenician Son, I feel like I should model something now...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/05 14:55:37

Post by: Max Moray

Good job on the ships. The paintjob works very well in creating a consistent 'corporate identity'.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/08 19:52:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And more, glad people like the flavor text.

News spread like a shockwaves across the blasted plain.
Heavy lifters took off from the mines, their holds filled with unprocessed ore rushing to be at Letham when the ship arrived lest they miss their scheduled appointments. Drovers led thousands of heads of cattle north. With only nine days they feared they might not reach the port in time. Tractors dragged sleds of timber along dirt tracks. Caravans of trucks began to assemble. They came from every small settlement, overloaded with anything the owners thought they could sell to the off-world traders.
Within a day, thousands of people were moving towards Letham, in groups or as individuals. In the mountains a solitary hermit lashed his mobile shrine to a shaggy pack beast and began his descent to the plains. No one quite knew how he got word. A trope of travelling minstrels cancelled their next few shows and turned north. A group of boys slipped the razor wire around the camp and moved under the cover of night. A scavenger tribe abandoned the ruins they were searching and rode hard for the south. A miner dug out his box of costumes and makeup and rehearsed his jokes as he climbed onto the back of a truck. For a few days he would not be a lowly miner but a star.
Slowly these drops coalesced into streams, and then into a mighty river of humanity. Roads, trails and paths were clogged with vehicles, animals and people.
Far to the north an armored flier was loaded with a mixed team of inspectors and armored troopers. It sped towards Letham landing outside the sealed bunker. The lights came on, the sensors began to spin, the cannon on its roof swept the sky. The revenue men had arrived.
Within a day it was joined by fliers from two banking houses and an insurance firm. Under heavy guard they opened their shutters and began making short-term loans and issuing policies. Traders lined up outside.
The town itself was just as busy in preparation. The hands on the great dial on the comms tower spun to the number nine and began counting down.
Captains and traders waited for hours to use the few broadcast lines in the comms tower to reach out to free traders on the ship offering their services and their wares. Bartenders opened their cellars and took stock. Teams of workers cleared the landing pads and fields beyond it of any debris. With buckets of white paint and orange flags they marked temporary landing sites in the dirt. Guards were hired for the storehouses and the tents that had sprung up beside them. Three people were shot. The sole fuel vendor adjusted his rates and posted men and dogs at each pumping station. Captains and crews furiously fueled and repaired their ships, making them ready to fly at a moment’s notice, or trying desperately to make them fly again. Two well-dressed women, as alike as twins, wandered the streets watching everything. Mechanics, both trained and self-proclaimed, combed the ship boneyard for any useful parts. Children caught every lizard within three miles for the vendors selling fried reptiles on a stick. The priest wandered among the shuttles blessing them for a modest donation. A merchant sold a pair of cracked anti-grav plates for twice what he’d been asking the week before. His wife scolded him. Had he waited a few more days he would have gotten five-times his original price.
The dial spun day-by-day towards zero. Bunting hung on the shops and homes. Colorful tents appeared around the town. Vendors, buskers, beggars, and preachers wandered the streets. The town’s sole medic set up a triage tent for the inevitable carnage that would follow when men, machines and alcohol mixed too closely. The constable deputized twenty more citizens to keep order. It would not be enough.
The Town Master tried to coordinate the new arrivals, designating areas for entertainment, for vehicle storage, for the market, for sleeping and so on, while trying to keep the roads clear for cargo. He had men dig latrines and mark paths with lights. His efforts had limited success.
With three days to go the school teacher sighted a new star in the sky with her optic set. She charged a coin for townsfolk to come and see incoming vessel. By the time there was just one day to go the ship’s plasma trail was visible to the naked eye. It was after midnight when the ship anchored in high orbit. And hours past that when a new constellation of stars appeared around it. By then the entire town, its numbers having swelled to over ten thousand, was awake and watching.
The shuttles were coming.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/12 10:48:33

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Control tower WIP

4x Proxie Models prefab building (with the roofs adding some girth to the middle) and pizza carton supports acting as WIP greebles for the top.

A quick evening's work and hopefully a quick paint too once I build the radar dishes and such.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/12 13:47:37

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Will you be building a gantry for that hatch halfway up, or will it be treated as an openable window?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/19 21:59:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some progress this week.

first off a good scale shot of the runabout. Great kit, I totally recommend it, especially since Amazon has it for $25 or so.

Then some civilians, 1 Reaper, 3 Maelstrom's Edge Broken. More of both on the way.

Finally some of the shuttle captains who keep the port alive. All Reaper Bones (and more on the way).

Still thinking of swapping the middle guy's hand for a hook or claw. I mean if you're going to do space pirate you've gotta do space pirate right?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/20 13:47:31

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I 100% support going full space pirate.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/23 07:28:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Another important citizen of Spaceport Letham, High Hierophant Horatio Hye.

Reaper "Brother Lewis" figure, a nice one-piece model.


Great impressive figure, a nice blank back for freehand or adding bits.

But he's pretty much a spot on Catholic Bishop, with his crook and mitre and cross. Too much so and needed some grim darkening.

So after a visit from the bits fairy.

No major surgery, just a few minutes and some crazy glue and I think it works.

Now for some bone, purple and gold.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/23 10:13:29

Post by: Viktor von Domm

I´d add a speaker bit to the priest...otherwise a nice one!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/24 18:18:21

Post by: Eilif

Nice ecclesiarch!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/02/27 08:29:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And done!

Bishop Hy blesses a shuttle pilot before he embarks on his mission.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/06 08:12:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Continuing to pull stuff out of the boxes of shame.

Tonight's project Mark Copplestone security guards from the Future Wars line (to serve as Space Port Constables). Great sculpts full of character and in logical poses too.

Mix of models from EM4 (who got the original molds) and Northstar/Copplestone Castings (who got recsulpts from Copplestone). Great models and cheap too.



Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/07 12:30:26

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Undistinguished Bones Cleric dude defects to another religion entirely.

Maybe 10 minutes of cutting and filing. Plus a decade or two of hording bits

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/07 23:22:03

Post by: Meer_Cat

Excellent conversions! It's great to have a ton of bits and gubbins floating around- but you have to have the eye to see how they can be used, as you have done here. Well done.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/08 04:16:17

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I second the admiration of your conversions. Very on point for the grimdark feel.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/16 05:56:33

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Assembling Runabout #2, trying something a bit different by leaving off the side engines entirely making a skinny shuttle.

Maybe add another set of winglets and some bits to hide the engine attachment and it's done.

For contrast, here's Runabout #1

Might need to buy Runabout #3... Such a good kit.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/21 16:32:24

Post by: IGtR=

Great kit, and (as I have said in other threads) I am always a fan of you glamming it up so that the machines are not carbon copies. When you look at a board it is nice to see unique vehicles rather than row upon row of the same vehicle, and in practice, most vehicles have some modifications etc. to them so that no two are alike. Your plog certainly has variety

Thanks for sharing

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/21 19:09:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 IGtR= wrote:
Great kit, and (as I have said in other threads) I am always a fan of you glamming it up so that the machines are not carbon copies. When you look at a board it is nice to see unique vehicles rather than row upon row of the same vehicle, and in practice, most vehicles have some modifications etc. to them so that no two are alike. Your plog certainly has variety

Thanks for sharing

Thanks, hopefully I'll get a nice group shot before too long.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/30 20:34:55

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Two more shuttles ready to take flight!

Another Runabout, and 2001 Moonbus. The Moonbus is a reissue of an older kit and just annoying to build. Nothing quite fit right and it took a lot of squeezing. I was also let down by the design. 2001 was a serious hard sci fi film famous for the quality of its designs but this was disappointing. It's supposed to skim over the lunar surface but it has no where for the fuel and reaction mass of its thrusters! Certainly not in the same well-thought-out-league as the Clipper shuttle and Discovery.

I like that its not as famous as the Runabout or other ships I'm using, and it makes a great boxy passenger shuttle, but I don't think I'll build another one.

Plus I have to tear off the damn engine and straighten it. Why did I notice that after the glue dried!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/30 23:29:22

Post by: Meer_Cat

Agreed- 2001 is an excellent hard science sci-fi movie and the Moon Bus makes for a great shuttle. I suspect that the engine was just fine until you weren't looking and then the gremlins came out and did their thing. (Unless you happen to have had a Northrup Grumman engineer named Murphy helping on this job?)

Nice work all around.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/31 14:15:44

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh however will I turn this Medieval peasant into a 40k peasant?

How can I make him fit?

(spies sprue of gas masks)

Et viola!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/03/31 21:36:55

Post by: Meer_Cat

That is fantastic! The combination works perfectly- simple yet elegant in its simplicity. Rock on!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/04/01 10:50:13

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

I really love when folks explore life in the 41st millennium outside the battlefield. You do a great job with all the interesting and unusual models and the unique conversions. Shuttles are looking great.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/04/03 12:09:12

Post by: Eilif

Nice work. Despite the assembly difficulties you've got me thinking about getting the moonbus now...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/04/10 12:48:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more civilian WIPs.

First off a slew of Reaper Bones townsfolk from various sets.

Some mercenaries and nare'do'wells. I have to recommend Reaper's Dreadmere mercenaries, a great looking set full of character.

Some of the great and the good

A mysterious cyborg who haunts the town with his two assistants.

And finally some Maelstroms Edge Broken.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/04/10 19:09:18

Post by: IGtR=

Nice work on the civilian ragtag gang

Thanks for sharing

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/04/24 15:16:24

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

A wandering peddler leads his pack "animals" to the space port.

Medge drones with some bits from the old Imex chemical plant for platforms and some resin crates I got on ebay in 2015 (I know this because they were wrapped in newspaper from 2015 )

I'm especially proud of how awkward and overloaded they ended up looking. Impractical complicated machines doing the work a simple truck could are an important part of the 40k universe.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/04/25 21:47:52

Post by: Meer_Cat

Very imaginative- the kind of second-hand utes a back-country peddler could afford and tinker to keep running, and then have to overburden to get any profit value!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/04/30 13:54:01

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Great sadness at the Kyoto homestead.

After (literally) years of planning and gathering bits I started my cargo shuttle, the Roq-50.

With a Container Store box as the core, the plan was to add bits and build a ramp so Rhinos and Chimeras can just drive off of it.

BUT my superglue does next to nothing to it. Bits never adhere or fall off in a stiff breeze. I tried scruffing it but it made no difference. My guess is it's the box's PVC plastic.

Should I try 2 part epoxy glue or give up and build myself a styrene hull?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/04/30 22:06:05

Post by: Llamahead

Another option might be UHU or a glue gun? Filing it might also help.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/01 10:55:06

Post by: Meer_Cat

The 2-part epoxy should surely hold, but Camkhieri gave me a tip back when I was building the Athena halftrack and had trouble getting things to stick, which was to add some baking soda to the cyano-acrylate glue- it acts as a super accelerator and made it much easier to get things to bond.

I'm not sure if it would help get the superglue to 'bite' on the slick plastic, but I found that it did bond hard plastic to: white metal, 'milk jug' plastic and soft 'engineer' plastic. Might be worth a try.

Depending on where the glue had to go, I would either put down the glue and then sprinkle baking soda on it, or put down the baking soda and drip the glue onto that.

It can leave a visible slushy line if you're not careful. I found it looked rather like weld lines- although that may not be suitable for a craft intended for atmospheric and exo-atmospheric flight.

I frequently use JB Weld Steel 2-part epoxy for connections that have to be really tough.

Good luck! This already looks to be a very interesting project.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/01 11:46:48

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thanks for the tips, between here and Facebook I think I have a couple of options. Insaniak, the king of gluing together things that should never never be glued together recommended something called Loktite Plastic Bond so I may try that. And lots of scruffing.

Giving more than a passing thought to Legos.

Kyoto Secunda and her clone sister Kyoto Secunda Prime have surely outgrown their duplos right?

I mean I bet they'd never even notice...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/03 09:37:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto


WIP Runabouts.

Trying to resist temptation to build Runabout #4.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/11 11:16:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Don't mind me, just parking some inspiration.

Cool box submarine from Japan's Ultraman. If I have to go with plan B for the cargo shuttle it makes for a nice base.

No model in the right size but that's what foam core is for.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I can stop any time.


To my credit some are already in progress.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/12 12:04:52

Post by: tzurk


I do a Bones run every once in a while with my DND group - I think we need to hit $80 for free shipping so we always go a bit burko on the bones. Good haul!

Hope the cargo ship works out for you, that's an exciting build.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/12 17:25:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some progress today

The great and the good

A crew

Some Macro Servitors ready for work

Some wanderers in from the wastes.

Some bodyguards and naer'do'wells.

As you can see whoever has the gasmask concession for Letham is making a fortune.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/14 08:58:14

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So Kyoto Secunda and her clone sister Kyoto Secunda Prime painted their first models last night.

Reaper Bones figures we'll use for Talisman Legendary Journeys.

Not bad for 2 eight year olds.

Kyoto Secunda's Ogress.

"Now I'm an expert on Daddy's browns"

Kyoto Secunda Prime's Ranger and Sorceress.

"I picked green because it is a forest color and red because it looked magical"

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/14 12:21:06

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Those are both fantastic! Very crisp and clean for 8-year-olds.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/14 12:59:46

Post by: Ragsta

Loving the civilians and trade caravan creations, grim dark needs more of this fun. All of the shuttle projects are looking great already, your star port really is a tonic for the weary hobbyist!

Re. PVC project, I would have suggested epoxy but I know the plastic you mean and I still wouldn’t be certain... :S

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/15 07:41:55

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some bits of scatter terrain.

2 guard huts (Proxie Miniatures walls, bits from Medge and other places, plastic Easter egg for the dome)

A building offering hot showers to weary spacemen. (Plastic container and Medge terrain sprues)

Or is it hot showes...

And most in demand objective in the game... the outhouse!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/24 09:46:55

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Working the backlog...

31 more IG and 2 sentinels.

Enjoying the Proxie Miniatures brick walls for terrain, they should look like they're moving through a ruined slum.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/24 14:45:53

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

You’ve got some work to do!
And the painting skills of Kyoto Secunda are quite good. Way to raise ‘em right.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/24 15:04:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:
You’ve got some work to do!
And the painting skills of Kyoto Secunda are quite good. Way to raise ‘em right.

Just ordered the Frostgrave female wizards and soldiers, so now they can be introduced the wide wide world of plastic glue.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/28 21:49:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some progress on the space port.

Going for the ugliest color scheme I could think of

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/28 22:32:17

Post by: Meer_Cat

UPS colors- pretty ugly, alright!

Cool scatter terrain and excellent demonstration of use of M-Edge bits sprues.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/30 08:22:00

Post by: Llamahead

Your not planning to start them on an Airfix Spitfire . Your definitely not British as I would guess it's 95% of British peoples first plastic kit.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/30 10:49:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Meer_Cat wrote:UPS colors- pretty ugly, alright!

Cool scatter terrain and excellent demonstration of use of M-Edge bits sprues.

I've got Medge, IMEX chemical plants, Proxie, Reaper and a pet store hamster wheel in there, it's a who's who of scratch building!

Llamahead wrote:Your not planning to start them on an Airfix Spitfire . Your definitely not British as I would guess it's 95% of British peoples first plastic kit.

Mrs Kyoto is Japanese so their first kit was a Tokyo Olympics Gundam

Last night's effort was a Revell U Wing fighter kit. Pre painted, cut off sprues, just super easy to assemble and look good.

If you don't lose a piece of the lower hull when you're throwing out the packaging of course...

It's about 1/72 so can't really pass for a shuttle but makes a fine 1 man fighter/courier thing. It has lights and sounds but I popped out the batteries.

Used my new 2 part grey stuff (cheaper than green, good for bulky jobs without detail) for a base and got this.

Still needs more distressing but should be a quick and easy terrain objective.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/30 14:39:36

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

That's a really cool crash. Did you decide to wreck it because you threw away a panel? Or was it a happy accident?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/05/30 15:05:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:
That's a really cool crash. Did you decide to wreck it because you threw away a panel? Or was it a happy accident?

It was always going to be a wreck, I knew it would be too small and I need some wrecks/junkyard ships for the port. So I wasn't toio upset.

In other news...

100+ posters for Unity. Gets a bit repetitive but fun. We are the World lyrics, campaign slogans, anti-vax memes all repurposed as propaganda for this charitable mutual assistance organization. Tired of division? Join Unity. Embrace Unity and Unity will embrace you. With four arms. Hear the word of the Father, and you will never be alone again. Never.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/02 12:49:17

Post by: Eilif

Nice progress on the port. Those Unity signs are fantastic. I've been OD'ing on Conspirituality and Cult podcasts so this sort of gaming crossover is weird but great.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/06 09:18:31

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So yeah, everyone looks at the recycling bin and says hmmm sometimes. Right? Perfectly normal really.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/06 12:48:46

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Are we doing a rocket ship?
We're doing a rocket ship aren't we.
*Cue Lego Movie SPACESHIP meme here*

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/07 23:09:01

Post by: Meer_Cat

Look at the bin and go 'hmmm' my left foot- I've used stuff I picked up off the parking lot! This is looking interesting already- rock on!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/08 00:00:52

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Excellent use of recycle bin salvage.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/08 10:57:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

A good night with Crazy Glue

Supply Drop

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Definitely liking the Stargrave crew set.

Feels like the sci fi kit I've been waiting 20 years for. 5 bodies, 15 sets of arms and 20 heads on every sprue. So basically buy a box of these and count on having enough rifles left over to equip a box of cultists or whoever.

Size wise a bit smaller than GW, even older GW.

Cadian, Stargrave, Empire, Medge Broken

Not a deal breaker for me, but worth noting.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/12 11:07:13

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So the Renedra Middle East Buildings are my new favorite thing in the world. Thanks Insaniak for the tip!


(technically called Afghanistan To Middle East Two-Storey Houses if you're looking)

You get 3 slightly different ones, (each made from 2 sets of identical walls, one blank one with windows), about 6"x6" with lots of room for customizing and decorating. I like how one floor has carpets molded to it so you can have figures sitting or lying there. Flat roofs are much more practical if there's little rain or snow and if you don't have AC, lying on your roof was the best way to get some sleep in the summer.

And finished building my 20 Stargrave crew.




Who says there's no grenade launchers, sniper rifles and flame throwers in this box?

Seeing if I can do a captain and first mate out of the box.

And played with the free Cultists and Gnolls from the Nickstarter.

Lots of bits left over, fun kits to build. Going to have to get more after I catch up on some painting.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/16 14:43:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some mostly finished shuttles. Now need to finish the landing pads... work, work, work

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/06/23 19:14:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

To be clear I'm not doing a Thunder Warrior army, just a one off proof of concept sort of thing.

He'll count as an Ogryn bodyguard should he ever see the table.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/04 17:15:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

WIP Gendarmerie (basic IG) for the Arbites.

A colonel supported by 4 infantry squads, an inquisitor and 3 sentinels.

For the bases they got ruins decorated with obviously heretical messages like "Peace", "Justice" and "Protest".

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/06 17:33:00

Post by: Captain Brown

I hope the Sentinels have loudspeakers to advise the cultists to disperse.

Nice details on the Heavy Weapon Team bases.



Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/06 18:16:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I love the Sentinel kit it's the rare IG kit that actually has all the options on it and more.

I think we can figure one of the roof do-dads is a loud speaker.

Squad close up, I'm thinking the need more fliers to trample on.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/09 08:55:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Got some paint on my Thunder Warrior

Fairly happy with the muted scheme.

Also started work on my Revel Halo Pelican model. Quick build, maybe 20 minutes and that includes taking out the batteries from the electronic sounds part. 1/100 scale but works for 28mm, about Valkyrie sized. My only complaint is no weapons for the pylons. But that's what bitz boxes are for right?

Also got in my metal Cadian Special Weapons just in time for them to go OOP.

While these models should never have existed, all special weapons should have been in the plastic set, they are nice and will work OK with my 2nd edition Cadian metals.

Or I may keep them in a blister and sell them later to pay for the kids' college.

Decisions, decisions.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/12 22:51:16

Post by: Meer_Cat

That Pelican looks like it was actually designed for Warhammer- perfect size and sculpting.

Yup, the siren call of metal minis in blisters. The soft susurration of the Sibyls sneaking into your dreams whispering "Open me, you'll paint me if I'm open."

Resist you must!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/18 22:10:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Bitz drop!

Coming together...

Getting there

Imperial heavy lifter shuttle (counts as Sky Talon Valkyrie)

Formally referred to as the "Salmo Ventus heavy lifter", this shuttle's front attachment point has given it the nickname "Chin Hook".

The name is of course a pun because why even name things if it's not a pun? Besides being a Pacific Northwest tribe Chinook is also a work for a strong wind off of the Rockies and a species of salmon. Hence the Salmon Wind Chin Hook.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/19 22:03:47

Post by: Meer_Cat

"Chin Hook"- geez I'm slow! I've parachuted out of them and didn't get the pun until you actually explained it!

Excellent build- the kitbash gives a very solid, satisfying 'lift anything' vibe.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/19 22:19:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Meer_Cat wrote:
"Chin Hook"- geez I'm slow! I've parachuted out of them and didn't get the pun until you actually explained it!

Excellent build- the kitbash gives a very solid, satisfying 'lift anything' vibe.

High praise indeed. It still needs something, maybe some grappling arms on the waist. But I'm just glad it hasn't fallen apart in the night.


With its cockpit repurposed for the Chin Hook, the Inqui-I mean Mining Inspection shuttle, got a new cockpit made from Ork Dakkajet bits. Seriously, the Ork Dakkajet has an insane amount of excess bits, there's like 3 or 4 ways the build the cockpit alone.


I want to address the rumors I'm starting a Space Marine army.

I am not.

When I started my Arbites army my backup plan was to do a Police/Urban Combat themed Marine force called the Emperor's Finest. And these are just some spare marines from the bitz box I'm using to see how it would have worked. But I'm not going to start a whole marine army.


No way.

I'm just wondering how many marines I have in my bitz box anyway.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/07/20 20:06:03

Post by: Viktor von Domm

is it the white bolters or why do i get a captain future vibe from the marines???

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/08/23 16:58:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oof. A month between updates, I can do better than that. Not much much better mind you, but better.

First off, as the foremost authority on civilian vehicles in 40k, I found some great trucks for the space port.

If you're looking, they are Jada "Just trucks" 1952 COE pickups, ~$8 diecast toys.

I also got a new 6'x4' mat. Melee Mats Moon if you're looking.


Thin but minimal crinkling up, a bit of terrain in each corner will keep it flat. My only complaint is the oversized out of scale tracks across it

But it's grey enough that even my brown terrain stands out.

And very much how I imagine the ground around my wasteland spaceport looking so I'm happy.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/08/23 20:46:02

Post by: Meer_Cat

The gaming mat is aces- really does contrast nicely with your spacecraft livery.

Nice find with the die cast trucks, too. With cargo they very much look like reasonable facsimiles of transport that would be found in the far future with rivets. Have you thought about adding an inflated 'skirt' around the edge and making them hovertrucks? Either way, a nice addition!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/08/24 01:57:52

Post by: Miguelsan

The tracks are from a Dune harvester, Kid.
Beware the Moonworms!


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/08/25 12:36:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

2 more works in progress

A Dakkajet to Avenger (#3 for me, have to get a shot of the whole air wing soon).

And the Chinhook heavy lifter.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/08/26 08:04:02

Post by: Illumini

Your conversions are really great, and love all the civilian stuff.
I think the flyers could do with a recess-wash to bring out the panels

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/08/29 14:34:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Just playing with the bitz box, not like starting a new army or nothing.

Ager Magistratus has a nice ring to it.

As does "The Emperor's Finest".

Not that I'm starting a marine army or anything.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/08/30 15:48:17

Post by: Theophony

Always loved the idea of Field Police, even converted a few back in the day to go with my Adeptus Arbites. The store I worked at had these eyeglass repair kit displays at all the registers, each one had flashing red lights that attached to a AA battery pack. I condensed those down on a daily basis and brought home all the light kits when the displays ran empty. The Field Police had The older Rhinos with the flashing lights . "Pull over Abbadon you !"

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/08/30 22:01:32

Post by: Meer_Cat

Perish the thought- new army indeed!

Nice sound to it: The Emperor's Finest.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/03 08:46:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more WIP from the bitz box marine army I'm definitely not starting but just playing around with.

Seriously though where did all these marine bodies come from? I've not bought marines in over 10 years!

Nothing too extraordinary, need to fix the gap in that jump pack and file that pistol.

The only interesting thing, besides seeing how many shades of grey GW plastic has come in over the years, is that the sentinel chainsaw (one of my favorite bits) is the perfect size for some sort of exo-skeleton chainsaw attachment (counts as Evicerator). I figure it's standard urban combat equiment for clearing debris, cutting through bulkheads etc.

Thinking of replacing all the normal chain swords with some kind of baton or club. Cracking skulls is much more 'law enforcement' than hacking up bodies with a chainsaw.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/03 08:49:19

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Theophony wrote:
Always loved the idea of Field Police, even converted a few back in the day to go with my Adeptus Arbites. The store I worked at had these eyeglass repair kit displays at all the registers, each one had flashing red lights that attached to a AA battery pack. I condensed those down on a daily basis and brought home all the light kits when the displays ran empty. The Field Police had The older Rhinos with the flashing lights . "Pull over Abbadon you !"

If you have pics I'd love to see them.

As for pull over...

"Attention Defiler! Pull over to side of the road and have your license and datafax ready."

[Thumb - warhammer_40k__dark_heresy_17___book_of_judgement_by_thefirstangel_d4gy22n-pre.jpg]

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/05 08:27:32

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Went with the shock mauls over the chainswords. It took almost my entire stash of Skitarii mauls but I think it's worth it.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/05 12:48:38

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Seriously though where did all these marine bodies come from? I've not bought marines in over 10 years!
I once sat down with the parts to build 20 Assault Marines and finished the session with 30 Assault Marines.

It can happen!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/05 13:02:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Seriously though where did all these marine bodies come from? I've not bought marines in over 10 years!
I once sat down with the parts to build 20 Assault Marines and finished the session with 30 Assault Marines.

It can happen!

I think I bought one box of assault marines, in 1999.

And I know I built them because they were my tests for a samurai marine army (never got beyond those 5).

Somehow I was able to build 10 assault marines (I had to bitz order the jump packs) all with beaky heads and X strap torsos out of spare bitz. Plus 20 or so starter set marines.

Also I never want to see another damn chain sword again.

So about 50, 60 test models now...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/05 14:29:27

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Yeah. "Test" models.

And I specifically ordered the parts for 20 Assault Marines all with Mk.6 beakie heads. All 30 of them have beakie heads. Funny how that happens.

Now I genuinely don't know how many unbuilt Van/Sternguard Marines I have, and I know I have even more spare Marines on top of that (probably one section of a bits box with 20-30 legs alone). Then there are the Deathwatch Marines. Must be, 40 or them untouched on sprues.

Still not as bad as the recent clean-up I did where I kept finding full Custodes sprues in the weirdest of places.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/06 00:47:53

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Great looking beakies. I will always love the old marines. And you have done some really unique poses and bits. I hope you will decide to paint these guys up at some point.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/10 19:40:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Making some fancy pants judges now...

The BB Imperial Nobility look absurd but they're easy to head swap and a lot of the more over the top bitz can be omitted to make some classic Imperial Noble/Officer types.

And they're fairly cheap on ebay now.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/11 03:27:35

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I've seen people converting Blood Bowl humans into Necromunda minis. They work surprisingly well.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/11 06:55:01

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Definitely a fun kit. As usual there's some annoying steps that seem designed to confound converters (each one had a unique neck so you have to file them to do head swaps), but overall fun.

This guy worked out so well I might expand the Mobile Oppression Throne to include a multi melta servitor and a scribe

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So much fun.

After some thought I figured a skull head dude admiring a skull was too much skull so I went with this.

Old Chaos Warrior head with a shield.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I've seen people converting Blood Bowl humans into Necromunda minis. They work surprisingly well.

They are fun and convertable models, but HUGE, they tower over 3rd/4th edition marines and anything human. Fine for assassins and the like but troublesome if you're mixing them into IG or Empire for that matter.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/18 16:10:27

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So a few pages and years back you'll find my Space Fleet mania.

One unrealized project was doing a fleet of 9 Gothic Battleships for the nine Loyalist Founding Chapters.

But of course that plan required a several OOP models so I've kept an eye on ebay hoping to eventually score enough.

When I saw some today I figured I should first check the Closet of Shame to see how many I already have and, therefore, how many I need.

Now my Closet of Shame ain't got nothing on HBMC's who manages to find whole unpainted armies there but it's OK.

So what's the count?

So, to make my set of 9 ships I need uh... Negative Three more. Apparently I already have 12 unpainted ones.

Still maybe I should get some in case I run low.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/09/19 23:51:17

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Now my Closet of Shame ain't got nothing on HBMC's who manages to find whole unpainted armies there but it's OK.
Whole unbuilt armies. There's a difference.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/10/22 10:27:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh dear. I think I did a thing.


2 tank pods, 1 smaller tank for the pilot and engine, walkways for the solar panels...

Yeah, this could work.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/10/22 17:37:42

Post by: KernelTerror

Brilliant idea ! Looking forward to it !

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/10/25 10:05:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The motor pool is growing.

The new Rhinos (not even 20 years old!) are nice models, shame about the price.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/11/12 18:20:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Man this Empire BB team is just more fun than a barrel containing monkeys!

The Throne of Judging Folks... the City Baron's personal transportation.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/11/24 14:31:48

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Yeah this is going OK.

Lots to do of course but it looks possible.

There's still time to switch it to a more conventional design rather than a reference to a Star Wars ship like 4 people on Earth remember, but damnit if I'm going to this I'm doing it right.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/11/24 18:07:22

Post by: Guardling

Haha, that looks fun!
The solar panels look a bit small though, especially on the bomber, do you have any of the secmech "curved' walkways to widen it?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/12/05 13:22:46

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Hrm. I don't speak Latin but I think my Google Translate for Field Police "Ager Magistratus" is actually Fields that are Police-like, rather than Police who hang out in Fields which would be Aliquam Agri neither of which is what I wanted.

Military Police gives me Magistratus Militaris

City Police gives me Urbis Magistratus

The Emperor's Finest (policemen) comes out as Imperatoris Optimi Lictores which I do like.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/12/09 16:37:09

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Yeah more test models. Cause I don't have nearly enough projects now.

Mark III marines + Death Guard bitz, mix of terminator and DG bits from a site.

The new DG models are fantastic, but too, too much for the line troopers, Mark III marines are suitably massive and brutal but still plain enough to be troopers and not possessed monsters.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/12/09 18:53:51

Post by: monkeytroll

Test models are just ways of slowly whittling at the inbuilt bits whilst potentially revealing ways to make big inroads on the grey pile (although I know it's far more than just grey in your pile).

The Mk III does fit in nicely, Papa approves.

Don't you get Optimi Lictores when tyranids invade Cybertron?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/12/09 19:53:43

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And the rest of the 7 man squad.

Lots of changes in how DG are armed since the last time I built them. Tons of weird weapons with identical sounding names. They can still get plasma and melta guns but no flamers only plague spewers or whatever they're called. No 2x plasma, BUT the champ can have plasma. And 2 different banners, the 'does a mortal wound' one and the '6 auto wounds' one.

Have to try a fighty squad next with the various maces or whatnot and the swords of bad sniffles.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/12/11 18:52:27

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Got the JLA Flying Fox toy.

(Yeah, projects, many.)

She's a big girl, could easily carry 2 rhinos or 100 troops.

The forward ramps are just the right size for IG models to do a Normandy Beach charge.

It still needs a lot of work (when?). Engines, hull details, hatch details, filling in the disk launchers etc but if you're looking to add a large shuttle to your terrain or games this is a good way to go.

On balance the Star Trek Runabout is better and less work, but now suddenly OOP.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2021/12/11 19:45:59

Post by: monkeytroll

Looks to have plenty of potential. Those front hatches could become breaching rams, could maybe fashion some small, standardised shipping containers that load via the hatches. Seems like there could be some interesting salvage from the interior too.

Is it tall enough to carry a rhino - if the front was converted to one big ramp would it appear to work?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/09 18:27:48

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

First model of the new year!

Discovering that Marvel Crisis Protocol was plastic is NOT good news for my ability to focus!

"Rorque Monteban is a man who enjoys the finer things in life. As a leading import-export specialist at Spaceport Letham he can afford those things. Three livers to screen toxins, four beating hearts to ensure adequate blood flow, and the sense of security that only 500 pounds of vat-grown muscle can bring.

He's a big boy, I knew MCP figures were big and Kingpin is huge even in that crowd. I feel like he needs more though. I'd planned to use a Marine head but the scale was just too off, he looked even more pin headed than he does now. Maybe a servo skull or a servant on his base?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/09 19:30:41

Post by: Myrthe

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
First model of the new year!

Discovering that Marvel Crisis Protocol was plastic is NOT good news for my ability to focus!

"Rorque Monteban is a man who enjoys the finer things in life. As a leading import-export specialist at Spaceport Letham he can afford those things. Three livers to screen toxins, four beating hearts to ensure adequate blood flow, and the sense of security that only 500 pounds of vat-grown muscle can bring.

He's a big boy, I knew MCP figures were big and Kingpin is huge even in that crowd. I feel like he needs more though. I'd planned to use a Marine head but the scale was just too off, he looked even more pin headed than he does now. Maybe a servo skull or a servant on his base?

Great idea to use Kingpin !! What about pairing him with a cyber animal ? Granted, most might be too small in scale next to him but, perhaps, a wolf from the Space Wolves ?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/10 15:04:32

Post by: Capt.

Myrthe wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
First model of the new year!

Discovering that Marvel Crisis Protocol was plastic is NOT good news for my ability to focus!

"Rorque Monteban is a man who enjoys the finer things in life. As a leading import-export specialist at Spaceport Letham he can afford those things. Three livers to screen toxins, four beating hearts to ensure adequate blood flow, and the sense of security that only 500 pounds of vat-grown muscle can bring.

He's a big boy, I knew MCP figures were big and Kingpin is huge even in that crowd. I feel like he needs more though. I'd planned to use a Marine head but the scale was just too off, he looked even more pin headed than he does now. Maybe a servo skull or a servant on his base?

Great idea to use Kingpin !! What about pairing him with a cyber animal ? Granted, most might be too small in scale next to him but, perhaps, a wolf from the Space Wolves ?

What about the cyberdog from the game Inquisitor? That was a much larger scale than standard 40k I imagine that one could be found on the bay of e's

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/10 18:53:24

Post by: monkeytroll

Perhaps a little lackey, or servo-droid carrying a plate full of sweet-meats, a hookah or some other fancy.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/13 08:06:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

More Death Guard test models. Still mostly Mk III marines with some modern DG bits along with some older chaos and zombie bits.

As it turns out the chest plates on the new DG are a tad too big for other marine armor, green stuff makes it work and the gaps between the back plate and chest are hidden by the backpacks, but still annoying.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/15 10:04:01

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And more Death Guard. First off my one squad of actual DG models.

Freaking epic awesome models but... OMG such a pain to assemble, with guns and arms and tentacles and spikes all needing to be aligned just right... You need 4 hands just to build an infantry model. And painting is going to be a new world of annoyance.

There doesn't seem to be any sort of command squad/vets/chosen in the DG codex so I guess they will just be a hideously expensive squad with all the plague shillelagh and bubonic cricket bat type weapons.

Back to Mark III kit bashes.

They need more hobby knife and pin vice battle damage but are basically done. This squad is just starting down the road to corruption with just chaos guns and a shoulder pad on most of them.

Now I still need to sort how I will do bases and then I can start painting.

Oh and 3 more squads so I can have 7 squads of 7 plague marines.

And rhinos...


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Busy weekend modelling wise.

Started on my Daemon Prince and decided he should be sitting down so he can have a drink with my enthroned Genestealer Patriarch. He also needed a nurgle belly.

Wings will be added after painting, but the next job is the base full of body parts and such.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Finally the crime boss got some new shoulder pads.

Still needs more bling and something on the base but I think he's shaping up well.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/17 18:35:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

OK I think that's basing sorted now.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/21 16:04:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Squad 5/7

Nothing terribly interesting about them but I am proud of the guy with the Banner of Wounding on 6s in the second shot. Just 2 Death Guard arms and some extra skulls and he looks totally bad ass.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/29 14:37:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And finally squad 6/7 the Swamp Bellies (Death Guard chest plates+Mark III Marines)

And 7/7 Squad Come At Me Bro

So I now have 7 Squads of 7 Plague Marines (plus 7 possesed, and 5 terminators, soon to be 7). Now for Rhinos and bases and then painting. Ug.

Oh and a surprise which is in questionable taste.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/29 22:06:55

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Oh and a surprise which is in questionable taste.

You piqued my interest with "questionable taste."

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/01/31 09:44:51

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

It's not so much the prurient type of bad taste. I don't work blue.

It's thinking of a giant covid spore to lead the army.

[Thumb - coronavirus-covid19-stock-images-picture-id1226465910.jpg]
[Thumb - s-l1600.jpg]

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/12 20:43:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I don't think I ever posted a painted pic of these little guys. So uh, here's one.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/13 11:22:21

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Every model is an Arbites model once they have a Salet Helmet on!

I got the Orlock wreckers and arms masters mostly for the 2 doggies and Hammer Time, but the remaining 5 models make for a nice drop troop execution squad.

(Counts as 5 man Scion squad with 2 flamers)

I do like how the sarge came out, just pointing at you and coming with his knife. A guy with a gun is scary but you more or less know what he's doing to do, a guy calmly walking towards you with a knife? That's scary on a whole other level cause you don't know where he's going to put it or what he's going to cut off.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/15 08:25:01

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So yeah this thing.

I was all set to praise the model to the heavens. It comes with a neat internal frame to hold all the sphere parts, the spikes are all designed so they can only fit in the right hole AND if you're having trouble (like say because the instructions are misprinted ) the numbers for each spike are clearly printed inside each indentation.

Unlike so many other GW models this one seems to want to be built and was actively engineered to make it easy!

(I assume the model was outsourced since this is so unlike GW)

But for all of that it still has cracks! The sphere almost fits perfectly but not quite. I don't know if you can see it in the picture but the model is on my desk not I can see them from 3' away. Maybe paint and green stuff will hide them but still...

Anyway this floating virus spore will either serve as a daemon prince or as that plague furnace terrain thing, haven't quite decided.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/15 10:14:28

Post by: Ian Sturrock

What is the giant covid spore, incidentally? I am clearly out of touch with GW models...

The new plague marines are indeed a PITA to assemble but they're actually pretty quick and easy to paint, I found, especially with Contrast and a bit of medium. Not that that has led to me finishing painting the horde of them I got from the relevant Hachette run.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/15 10:44:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Endless spell, the Purple Sun of somebody or another.

I'm now thinking Daemon Prince, the face has a lot of personality and I like the idea of it just floating around and people dropping dead.

Besides it's a skull with spikes! Basically GW design distilled into one model!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/15 21:38:10

Post by: Ian Sturrock

Perfect! Found one on sprue on eBay for £9.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/15 23:19:47

Post by: Meer_Cat

Hey Kid- you'll have to add some rivets, then you've got the demonic presence of Games Workshop!

Very interesting piece and yes, I can see the cracks/seams, but they look like a very little greenstuff or even a bit of heavier paint will handle them.

Rock on!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/17 08:34:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Going back to an old WIP inquisitor

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Ian Sturrock wrote:
Perfect! Found one on sprue on eBay for £9.

For anyone else looking turns out the Purple Sun is not with the "Endless Spells" but with the "Malign Sorcery"


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/20 01:00:42

Post by: Olthannon

That Inquisitor is awesome, love the greasus goldtooth pose.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/20 08:27:58

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Two more WIPs...

Got some cheap rhinos from a bits service but just the bare bones, no hatches or extras. Which is fine for Nurgle I think, the wooden hatches and patches add a little something.

Unfortunately bare bones also meant no tracks, but I had literally sprues full of the old Leman Russ/Chimera tracks to that worked too.

And finally want to recommend Apoxie Sculpt, a 2 part putty that comes in 1lb containers. It doesn't hold detail like green stuff but if you need to make some cheap and cheerful bases it works fine.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/20 19:41:26

Post by: Guardling

Nice idea with the boarded up hatches, definitely makes them unique...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/21 20:07:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So in Greek Myth Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, emerged fully grown and armored from the head of Zeus. I always thought that was a great metaphor for inspiration, that feeling when there's an idea gelling in your head and beating on your skull to get out.

So yeah...

How about this guy

Stromcast Lord somebody or another into...

This guy.

Shoulder gun, sheathed sword, hammer counts as the fist, and get a unique primarch who can count as Papa Smurf. And has a better pose.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/24 22:24:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And another WIP. I really need to paint something one of these days...

Anyway since I started my mad quest of building every flier under the sun out of the Valkyrie and Dakkajet kits I can't count how many times I have been asked where is your light Counter Insurgency (COIN) scout plane?

Well I guess I can count. It's zero.

But I still wanted to do it.

First off the Bell of Lost Souls has this great conversion:


And here's mine...

I built mine out of some job lot Valk bits so had to make some compromises, but the basic recipe should work out of Valk kit.

Built the cockpit normally, then sawed off the bottom half inch. Built the booms normally then joined them with a 1/2 inch plastic rod. Then stacked a second rod on top to hold up the wedge-shaped bit. Had to saw the wings a bit shorter since I didn't have the bits for the VTOL jets. Finally used a plasma conduit as the turbine on the bottom. Detailing and weapons will follow.

And best of all this recipe leaves most of the bits you need to do a Valk to Arvus Lighter conversion.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/25 00:50:06

Post by: Meer_Cat

That is a 'way cool conversion! Like if an F4 Phantom and a Ju-88 Stuka had a love child, this is what it would look like!

Seriously- very nice work.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/25 15:04:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thank you for the kind words!

Finished the detailing last night, looks pretty good, can't wait to get some paint on it.

Temped to buy a valk and see if can do the 2 for 1 deal

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/25 20:10:09

Post by: kestral

Neat stuff - rhinos with boards nailed to them is pretty solidly 40k, but the bloodbowl conversions the best. Getting a plane and an Arvis from a valk is a sweat deal.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/25 20:32:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 kestral wrote:
Neat stuff - rhinos with boards nailed to them is pretty solidly 40k, but the bloodbowl conversions the best. Getting a plane and an Arvis from a valk is a sweat deal.

I have enough random Valk bits to build myself a nice Double Wide shuttle.

I was wondering what to count it as, then I remembered I'm starting a Space Marine army (remember when I started that space marine army? maybe I ought to finish that).

WIP shot, I think the recipe is pretty obvious (2 valk hulls next to each other, storm raven turret for the cockpit, bits to taste), just have to sand down the fronts of the hulls to get a join and there's some gaps to patch.

So anyway double wide valkyrie shuttle counts as a Storm Raven.

Gotta get back to the TIE lander too.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/26 20:47:17

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Arvus Family Photo

After the double long and the double wide, what next?

Double decker?

Cube of 4?

Maybe I can make a Thunderhawk out of Valkyrie hulls?

We shall see.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/26 21:12:05

Post by: Olthannon

Oh damn, that Valk jet looks absolutely superb. I've been thinking about what kits to convert up for a archaeopter for my admech and you have given me some cracking ideas!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/27 21:15:09

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

OK I officially LOVE the Outcast gang sprue.

10 shotgun Arbites using the 'football' body.

Psy judge, judge and assassin from the female great coat.

Just a fun kit, could have been a ton better with 2 different sprues but still a lot of fun. It's like the kit I've been waiting years for.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/27 21:17:02

Post by: Camkierhi

Its always interesting coming here.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/28 05:46:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I can't promise good painting, or lately any painting at all, but I'll definitely have something interesting.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/02/28 18:42:24

Post by: The Power Cosmic

I got the small box of the hive scum over the weekend. Are you dong anything for the big gaps in the coats where the 2 halves of the bodies join?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/02 19:49:32

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more outcast WIPs.

Female judges using the great coat body. I didn't really have any issues with gaps, but the 2 part body is a complicated join, if you miss a stub from the sprue you could mess up the whole body.

WIP genestealer cultists. The padded armor body is another good one, looks like something someone might wear, good pose too. The bald head with the tuft is funky and off putting enough for cultist.

Grr, out of focus.

Of the 4 bodies (why or why didn't they do a full sprue! why!? ) 3 are really good. The football one, the great coat and the padded armor. Then there's this one. The makeshift armor is fitting for Necromunda but now every 4th guy is wearing the same makeshift armor. With the same bullet holes in the same places.

And while the coats have a fairly good running pose, these guys look like their skipping. And the fact they all have the same wrench bouncing off their hip is really annoying, I've been snipping it off.

And of course all the arms are locked into pairs. The guns have a hand or fingers molded to them and each is different so this arm can only hold the shotgun and that one can only hold the lasgun. Even the single weapon arms some are burly, others thin. The knife and the revolver look like they go together but the lasgun and the axe are clear mismatches. Maybe the thin arms are supposed to be for the female body? But just putting sleeves on every arm would have made that irrelevant.

So as usual this is a good kit, even a really good kit, that could have been better even with the 1 half sprue limitation.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/04 12:39:25

Post by: Camkierhi

It's quite a huge collection of these fellas now. Any chance of an army shot. Even unpainted I bet they are impressive.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/11 17:55:50

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Camkierhi wrote:
It's quite a huge collection of these fellas now. Any chance of an army shot. Even unpainted I bet they are impressive.

The last shipment of them should be arriving shortly and then I'll do a group shot. Something like 20 more judges and 30 more GS Cultists (when mixed with some other odds and ends).

Meanwhile for reasons known only to the Hobby ADHD gods I'm looking at finally finishing my 130 man+ metal Cadian army. (Count as Scion drop troops)

I have 20 more rifle men to add and ended up with some odds and ends. Can't get Simple Green here so the stripping job is not as good as I will like but primer will hide it well. And yes, I am stripping someone's black paint job so I can replace it with my (undoubtedly worse) black paint job.

A bit of snipping and the waving sgt gets a standard. The power pack lascannon crewman will be a medic and I have a pretty decent suicide command squad.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/15 20:24:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Still lots of detail work to do and bases but the idea is there, 150+ metal Cadians (counting as Scions/Storm Troopers)

Gets up to 170~180 with the Imperial Army dudes.

Should I go for a nice round 200?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/16 00:04:51

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Those are some pretty impressive Cadian shots.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/16 08:15:28

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Should I go for a nice round 200?

make it 300... has a better ring to it...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/16 15:08:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Well #$%^ me.

• For every five models in the unit, up to two other Tempestus Scions may replace their hot-shot lasgun with a flamer, meltagun, plasma gun, grenade launcher or hot-shot volley gun.

This was not the rule when I started this project. When I started it was 5-10 models, 1 sgt, 2 specials. Now it's 4 specials if you have 10 guys.

That changes things. A lot. Every one of those squads can have FOUR plasma/meltas rather than two.

Plasma meltas that went OOP 2 or 3 months ago and now sell for like $20 a piece.

(As it happens I have six of them in blisters, but I'd thought they might pay for the girls' college one day, I suppose I could extend the barrels on some of the guns to count as volley guns...)

Of course you can bet as soon as I start adding guns 9th edition will kick the number back down to 2.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/16 23:39:25

Post by: ph34r

You're making me sweat for my 10 man 4 plasma Inquisitorial Stormtrooper squads

For the plasmas/meltas, is that using the newer, Eye of Terror era Cadian metal special weapons, rather than the classic cadian sorts?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/17 06:27:11

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 ph34r wrote:
You're making me sweat for my 10 man 4 plasma Inquisitorial Stormtrooper squads

For the plasmas/meltas, is that using the newer, Eye of Terror era Cadian metal special weapons, rather than the classic cadian sorts?

Yeah. Early on I made the Executive Decision that 3rd edition metals were acceptable if I could not find 2nd edition dudes. I'm not proud of this compromise, but a man does what he can. Most of then specials are 2nd edition but there's some 3rd sprinkled in. Soon to be more I guess...

Of course there's also these guys...


Resin and $60 a squad though Which I guess is only $5 more than GW.

The same thing happened to me with the Arbites. I build my 2nd edition metal guys to use the Krieg Engineer rules (5-10 men, shotguns, 2 specials) but in 9th Engineers lost their specials... So I guess they're scions too, with hot-shot shotguns.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/17 19:27:33

Post by: Olthannon

Yeah I like the variety of Victoria miniatures but not the price!

That's an awesome looking force.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/17 20:10:23

Post by: Polonius

As a fellow maniacal metal collector, I know it's hard to hear, but please listen: collect what you like, but only worry about what's "optimal" up to the maximum size game you'd actually ever play. After that, it's just for looks, so go rule of cool.

I'm jealous of the old school cadians. when I started 40k, I went with praetorians, but if I could do it over again I'd go Cadians.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/18 01:34:09

Post by: Captain Brown


Old classic metal all the way man.

Nice seeing a classic Cadian metal army painted up.

Sadly I sold all three metal Cadian armies I painted.



Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/18 08:03:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Polonius wrote:
As a fellow maniacal metal collector, I know it's hard to hear, but please listen: collect what you like, but only worry about what's "optimal" up to the maximum size game you'd actually ever play. After that, it's just for looks, so go rule of cool.

I'm jealous of the old school cadians. when I started 40k, I went with praetorians, but if I could do it over again I'd go Cadians.

They are good fun models, quick to paint and look good. And frankly I like the design a lot more than the plastic cadians.

But the math on this quickly becomes comical.

I have 11 (mine goes up to eleven!) 10 man squads, cleverly named Squad A-K. Which means I need 22 (!!) special weapons to bring them to full firepower.

Which also means I displace 22 riflemen. As it happens I have 2 unaffiliated riflemen at the moment so if I'd have 24 spare riflemen, and if I just add sixteen (!!) more OOP special weapons I can have 4 more full squads bringing things up to a nice 15 squad army (plus random demi squads of RT Imperial Army dudes and command squads).

So really all I need is 38 Cadian plasmas and meltas!

No really what I'll do is shuffle guys and make 3 or 4 full firepower squads because really these guys were supposed to just be an auxiliary for my metal Tallarns and Mordians.

Though an all dropping army of 200 guys backed by fighters and bombers would be hysterical!

EDIT - and then he remembered... sometimes people carry guns on their backs.

So then I just need 18 plasma/meltas and to glue them to backs. And I already have 8 spare models, so just add 2 and have 12 squads, full strength and firepower.

This, unlike adding 38 OOP special weapon dudes, is actually doable.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
OK time for some army shots...

Inquisitor Kuroda maintains a rapid response force of drop troops for situations where more finesse is required than a Marauder Bomber run. Deployed by Glide Chutes from orbital shuttles, they can hit any battle zone on the planet within hours of the order being given. Supported by aircraft from navy and armed with large amounts of plasma and melta weapons, their attacks hit harder than most would expect.

The Drop Legion is mainly drawn from the Cadian 94th, but with elements of the Necromundan 87th and 88th drop forces. The force is unique in that every member has been officially recorded as Killed In Action and their families are already collecting pensions, this give their attacks the nickname the Dead Man's Drop.

173 Metal Cadians and RT Guard (OK 15 or so plastic RT IG too)
11 Full Cadian Squads
3 Full Imperial Army
3 Plastic Imperial Army Demi Squads
3 Command Squads
5 officers

With the realization I can convert more special weapon dudes I think I may end up with one more Cadian Squad and a Command Squad.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/19 14:39:26

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Next up some Mordians. I started on them a few years back (helpfully they were wrapped in newspapers from 2016 ) and it's time to do them.

A mere 55, barely a 1/3 of the Cadian force.

Plus some assorted odds and sods, RT, 2nd edition and Necromunda.

I ended up with one spare Mordian, thinking he'll become a (counts as) Vindicare assassin, mostly because I love the idea of turning a 5 point guardsman into a 100 point assassin.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/20 19:23:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And when I finish them I've got 100+ Cawdor and Redemptionists (with some Orlock and Catachan metals thrown in) to rebase and finish.

I swear. They must breed in the dark.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/20 19:29:12

Post by: Big Mac

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
And when I finish them I've got 100+ Cawdor and Redemptionists (with some Orlock and Catachan metals thrown in) to rebase and finish.

I swear. They must breed in the dark.

I know what you mean, my IG females are working overtime breeding new IG ; currently 767 painted, 949 collected, my goal is over 1k IG models.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/20 20:01:52

Post by: Camkierhi

So much awesome to see. Been pouring over the photos.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/20 20:28:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I think I went on my METAL IG/Necromunda kick at the perfect moment. It was around 2010 before it all went OOP, long before Necromunda 2017 was even rumored and when people were selling whole squads and gangs for like $20 a pop.

Now that all of this is OOP for 10 years or more I see single models going for $20. So yeah now that I'm finally trying to do that last 25% I'm really enjoying it.

The army concept (besides stuff I liked+stuff I could find) is that it's an Inquisition Army with different arms from different worlds he's active on. The Cadians are an elite drop Legion, the Mordians are Navy armsmen (hence the red shirts), the Necromunda dudes are a people's crusade, and the Tallarn (who started this whole thing) are his elite fanatics.

And as promised, the Mordian Vindicare.

I should also note, on my desk are still the Nurgle army, the fliers and some converted gunfighters. It will all get some love in time.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/03/22 08:03:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Quick and dirty (and blurry ) progress pic on the Sniper.

He just makes me happy. A sharp dressed man taking care of the rabble in the underhive.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/04 21:13:13

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So 56 well dressed Mordians

The fluff is they are an Imperial Navy landing team, which is why they must always look their best. They are representing the good ship Heiankyo and the Emperor's Navy, every button must be polished, every bit of braid immaculate.

They don't have heavy weapons because, well, that's what air support is for.

Going to add a few more bits and bobs to it. Looking through my closet of shame I found some more Sharp Dressed Men to join them.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/07 13:10:52

Post by: Ragsta

Far too much old school goodness being displayed here. I lament selling off a wodge of old Cadian metal years ago!

Landing party looks cool, and I love the landing craft accompanying them.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/07 13:47:03

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The good news is, that's not even their landing craft, it's on loan from the Arbites until their real landing craft is ready

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/10 20:25:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Coming up in the 'to be finished' pile a collection of Inquisition scribes, scholars and savants.

Maybe they'll have rules by the time I finish them.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/14 23:12:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Valkyrie family pic

You've got Valtures and Vulkuries and Arvus Lighters, and Ageas Landers and a Chin Hook heavy lifter.

One of these days I need to actually build a straight Valkyrie...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/14 23:33:22

Post by: Miguelsan

Getting prepared for that "I autowound you with 400 flashlights" ?


Edit: BTW don't mind those disreputable looking men in a big truck outside your place. They are there just to help moving "some" stuff across the ocean.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/23 09:23:03

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Not much to show off this week but halting progress on a half dozen or so projects.

The two daemon princes are ready for painting. Happy with both of them, especially the fly dude. He's converted to sit on a throne, he's got 2 clear resin fly wings for later and best of all he's dangling a guard helmet from one claw as if to say:

"Yeah, that time I infected a planet with Nurgle's Rot XIX, that was OK, but remember that time I killed a guardsman? That was epic."

OK so when I said I was basically done with the Mordians and Cadians, I may have misspoken...

Looks like I may have some spare Praetorian flamers if anyone is in the market.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/23 12:05:47

Post by: Meer_Cat

That's a lot of classic WH40K foot soldiery, there. Impressive collection.

I was pleased to see that the assembly of the big spore demon thing seems to have gone well. If I recall correctly, when you dry-fit the pieces you were concerned that there were gaps that were hard/impossible to correct via positioning. In this photo, hover, I can't spot any seams, so ya done good!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/23 20:56:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Who says converting metal is hard?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/04/27 03:35:35

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Who says converting metal is hard?
It is. Turning a Kasrkin Sergeant into a Standard Bearer wasn't easy. Nor was turning another into an officer with a completely different head.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/03 21:37:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Eid Mubarak everyone!

Celebrating the end of Ramadan with the traditional Painting of the Metal.

This weeks progress, 30 or so IG metals.

The Cadians in the fore are there to bulk up the special weapons in my Inquisition drop troops. Probably don't NEED to do it, but darn they are fun to paint.

The Praetorians will join the Mordians as a vet squad. Bulking up the Imperial Navy landing party to a good 70+ models.

Still happy with my Well Dressed Vindicare assassin. And my non-vampiric Fleet Officer behind him.

Going to add a Well Dressed Eversore too because it will just be too funny.