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[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/03 18:40:11

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Those are pretty cool. Love the Heavy Bolters.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/03 18:43:10

Post by: Alpharius

But at least they'll look so good while dying!

Seriously though, nice looking painted miniatures (truly miniature miniatures!) though - wow!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/03 19:45:28

Post by: leopard

they are a work of art and truly wonderful

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/03 22:54:48

Post by: Sherrypie

Deserts can be cold, too, like Gobi in Mongolia

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/03 23:08:43

Post by: Albertorius

Thanks, guys . I'm going slowly, but I hope it won't be much longer until I have the full 2000 points painted...
 Sherrypie wrote:
Deserts can be cold, too, like Gobi in Mongolia

There is that, at least xD

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/04 18:02:34

Post by: Albertorius

Well, it's been three productive days, and I finally have all the regular IG squads I need for the army painted.

Just finished the last Command Squad and the HW teams:

So I have a full Epic 40k foot company (because you are limited to 10 regular units per detachment, and you must also add a Command Squad per each 3 units, so for IG the limit is actually 9), plus three squads to reinforce armor detachments:

Now I only need to finish the two ogryn squads and all the infantry will be done.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/04 18:28:28

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

One day I’ll take a half decent photo, but it’s not today.

But other than Terminator peturges and basing? Infantry all done!

[Thumb - IMG_3745.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/05 16:02:25

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

All about that base.

[Thumb - IMG_3746.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/05 16:05:56

Post by: leopard

niiice, sponged?

have done similar for some roadways here, though started with zhandri dust. that a grey base there?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/05 16:12:36

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Used the large citadel dry brush for it.

Mech Standard Grey spray, Army Painter Castle Grey stippled, then Celestra Grey stippled, then a thinned wash of Agrax.

Once I’ve got the dudes on the bases, the Plasma Gunners are going to get a Baharroth Blue rim, for ease of in-game visual reference,

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/05 18:41:24

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Called it a day.

[Thumb - IMG_3749.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3750.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/05 20:34:27

Post by: leopard

very nice, and yes I've not done it yet but the plasma support guys here, and flamers for the Auxilia are going to get some nice, very visible markings added

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/05 20:58:55

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I have added a blue glow to the Plasma Guns, but I still think a quick rim paint will be fairest all round. Especially if I include Plasma in my general Infantry as an upgrade.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/06 14:03:07

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

And here we go. Family Photo.

Still need to paint up some Command Squads, but that’s the infantry done.

[Thumb - IMG_3751.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/06 17:17:36

Post by: leopard

very nicely done them

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/06 17:19:01

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Awwwwww shucks.

Having a break right now, but back to assembly in an hour or so.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/06 17:23:21

Post by: leopard

have 12 vanquishers primed and ready to paint here, a job for tomorrow I feel though

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/06 17:25:59

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Nice! Reminds me I need to sell on my newly acquired Solar Auxilia gubbins.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/06 19:56:01

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Think I’m done for the day.

Four Kratos simply awaiting their sponsons.

[Thumb - IMG_3753.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 09:37:05

Post by: Pacific

Some lovely work guys!
Albertorius, as per usual those are fantastic - I don't think I've seen Vostroyans (is it?) at Epic scale before, they work really well with the snow bases.
MDG - those look great and I am impressed by your output! Are you planning on painting up the Solars from the set as well?

Something a bit different now: this is first baby steps for a mega-participation game I am planning (probably still at least 12-18 months away as my output is quite slow). For a bit of fun, £10 to the charity of the person's choice for anyone that can guess what they are meant to be or at least what race/faction. I will give some clues: They are 'Great Crusade/30k'-era, almost *nothing* has been written about them (I have spent many hours trying to find anything I can, and it is still going to require a fair bit of hole-filling in terms of sorting out the miniatures and workable army).

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 12:52:36

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Solars are for selling or Swapsies. Want to focus on Dark Angels for now.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also, Enslavers I reckon?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 14:21:44

Post by: Pacific

You are very, very close (think of them in 30k context).

Other clue - possibly the biggest threat ever to humanity. And actually MDG think the Dark Angels had a pretty big involvement..

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 15:26:38

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Oh those buggers! Rangadsan?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 15:33:23

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Probably all I’m getting done today due to other commitments.

However, if I’m home at a reasonable hour can probably pump out that HQ stand I need. And get the new infantry sprayed.

[Thumb - IMG_3756.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 17:08:58

Post by: Pacific

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Oh those buggers! Rangadsan?

Well done, sir (well.. Rangdan, but I think Jeremy Paxman would have accepted it, so so shall I!)

Let us know the charity name and I'll pop the tenner over.

Coming along very nicely with the armour there.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 21:22:51

Post by: leopard

point one: I'm enjoying how easy the contrast paint range makes painting these little swine.

point two: I really hate how contrast rubs off in a gentle breeze or if you so much as look at it

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 21:56:01

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I’ve been using Army Painter “Speed Paint”. And whilst I have a surprisingly gentle touch for a big sod, I’ve not noticed anything rubbing off.

Also? I have a backflow Incense Burner which has a Stag’s Head. I know kind of want a Warmaster Titan, with Stag Antlers coming out it’s bonce. To really capture that Calibanite Field.

Guess my friend with the 3d Printer is about to be bribed/threatened/cajoled into helping that happen!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/07 22:33:51

Post by: leopard

its weird, not all contrasts do it, but some seem to be a really heavy pigment in a really thin layer, fine with a brush of even just plain medium or matt varnish over, even just a wash helps

annoying, I use Garaghak's Sewer for the SA tracks, goes on nice, its a nice colour.

paint order is:
- hull
- hull colour markings
- exhausts
- tracks
- metallic

by the time the metalic is done the tracks will need touching up, and the hull will in places

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/09 09:50:46

Post by: westiebestie

I've worked on 3 Legions during the Holidays.

Iron Hands Fire Raptor Gunship Wing, consisting of ships
'Vindictum Ferrus' & 'Gloriam Manus'

Alpha Legion Contemptor, in chipped irredescent Teal & Bronze.

Iron Warriors Deimos Predator

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/09 09:53:34

Post by: leopard

seriously liking the weathering on that predator

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/09 11:34:38

Post by: Albertorius

Those all look very neat! Well, except the IW Pred, that looks dirty

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/09 19:02:02

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

And final (for now!) set of Infantry all painted.

As with last time, just waiting for the bases to dry, then I can whip round and finish off proper.

[Thumb - IMG_3765.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3766.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/09 20:05:49

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Group shot of that set.

[Thumb - IMG_3767.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 09:55:14

Post by: Albertorius

A gaggle of classic plastic ork Stormboys ready for action:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 09:59:57

Post by: leopard

remember with some fondness my 1st edition armies, the Orks were never the largest but were always a blast to use

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 10:18:07

Post by: Pacific

Lovely work guys!

I love those old Stormtroopers and that's a great job on them. From memory, although they weren't very strong or tough they had a good movement rate and I believe could act independently (which was useful for Orks and objective grabbing). Are you doing a collection of Orks then Albertorius or is that just a one-off?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 10:28:05

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Tonight, I blitz out 12, count ‘em, 12 Contemptors.

Expecting it to take maybe an hour, perhaps two depending on drying times.

Which leaves me four squadrons of teeny tiny tanks for the rest of the week.

Pull that off? And that’s 1,500 points.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 10:32:37

Post by: leopard

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Tonight, I blitz out 12, count ‘em, 12 Contemptors.

Expecting it to take maybe an hour, perhaps two depending on drying times.

Which leaves me four squadrons of teeny tiny tanks for the rest of the week.

Pull that off? And that’s 1,500 points.

nice with the contemptors, faced someone with 12 last night, he was only running eight to have six laser cannon ones

they died, and fast, but they were pretty much at the top of the list for "they die now"

amazing just how quickly you can churn this stuff out and have it look good really

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 10:34:29

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Key for me is grey base, dry brush silver, Speed/Contrast.

Instant highlights and shading. Ideal for Epic.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 10:38:37

Post by: leopard

have found contrast is perfect for the infantry, though my marines don't use it the SA have and its excellent, also really good on the highly detailed SA tanks. I've got an alternative baneblade is more "meah" on as there are flat panels and some fighters where it looked rubbish

but for the actual small stuff is amazing and the silver drybrush works wonderfully

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 11:00:23

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Lovely work guys!

I love those old Stormtroopers and that's a great job on them. From memory, although they weren't very strong or tough they had a good movement rate and I believe could act independently (which was useful for Orks and objective grabbing). Are you doing a collection of Orks then Albertorius or is that just a one-off?

In Epic 40k they're orks with Assault (+1 Assault value but FP range is reduced to 15cm) and Jump Packs (extra movement, can jump over terrain), which makes them pretty fearsome at assaults for the points, but they are limited to a single choice (1-4 bases) per regular ork warband (except for Blood Axes).

I'm basically finishing painting the plastic stuff I have, most of the other infantry is already painted, save for one bse of boyz, a couple of warbosses and a bunch of gretchins but I have a number of printed units I need to finish too.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 12:55:01

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Cheeky lunchtime session.

Gonna do more Red on these. Like the ends of the Lascannon. Maybe. I’ll see how I feel.

[Thumb - IMG_3769.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 13:57:55

Post by: Malika2

Really love what DoubleBaseFanatic did with my 40mm round bases!

STL's here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/40mm-round-bases-for-6mm-8mm-miniatures-tech-shanty-texture

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 13:59:07

Post by: leopard

nice looking, but used for what?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 14:03:01

Post by: Malika2

Objectives I guess?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 14:03:07

Post by: Crablezworth

leopard wrote:
nice looking, but used for what?

Objectives I think.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 14:07:22

Post by: leopard

objectives are 32mm based though?

I mean they look really good and could be used nicely as simple scatter terrain, I'm thinking of buying some of the ones like the container fast food place etc to include on other terrain items myself

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 14:36:11

Post by: westiebestie

Great looking objectives!

I don't care about their size, I take modelled objective markers of any size over unpainted tokens any day. Both players measure to/from the edge anyway, its the same for both players so who cares if they are 25, 32 or 40mm.

 westiebestie wrote:
I've worked on 3

Iron Warriors Deimos Predator

Thanks for the kind words about my Pred.

To go with it I just finished my first IW Infantry base. I am doing the opposite of speed painting for this new army, as I already have my IH to play with I am in no rush. Wanted to see if I could challenge myself to some plasma glow in 8mm. After some experiments this is what I came up with.

And I settled on a bases with an abandoned settlement overblown by martian dust for basing. To tie in with the Martian dust/rust weathering on my vehicles and offer a warm complementary colour.

Iron Within, Plasma Without brothers!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 14:42:48

Post by: Sherrypie

Same, cool modelled objectives over cardboard chits any day.

Nice plasma boys, westiebestie. You might want to try a smidge of white ink in the middle for a couple of them, if you want to have some variation in the glow.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 14:44:49

Post by: Pacific

That looks excellent - what colours did you use for the plasma Westie? Really nice colour contrast with the metal.

Agreed on the objective tokens, they look amazing!
Apparently they are available from this shop if you want printed versions:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 15:33:34

Post by: Albertorius

Those are some fantastic IWs, kudos!

Welcome to the fold

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 19:06:39

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

The pitter patter of teeny tiny BIG STOMPY DEFF!

[Thumb - IMG_3774.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 21:34:33

Post by: Albertorius

Rolling them out nicely fast there, MDG! Nice

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/10 21:45:32

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Thank you

I think I want to revisit the Contemptors. Only briefly, but I think their left knee pad could do with being made grey. It matches the spot colours I’ve used elsewhere in the force, and breaks up the monotony of the predominantly black scheme in a way I don’t think picking out further metallics would.v

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/11 12:57:19

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

And onto my Leetle Tanks.

Have done a quick black on one of them, and these are going to take me not time at all. Will consider spot colour placement once I’ve got the gunmetal details painted back in.

Turrets are sitting on wee pillars of Blu-Tak for easier handling.

[Thumb - IMG_3776.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/11 13:49:32

Post by: Albertorius

I have these guys waiting to be painted:

So I did a test:


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/11 13:59:28

Post by: leopard

veeeeerrrryyyy nice

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/13 11:20:13

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Yay! Orkses! Orkses am the best!

Due to experiments relating to a potential YouTube channel, very little achieved yesterday. But progress was still made. Basically sprayed the topside of four Kratos.

Today though I blitz my Predators and Sicarans on a “I’ve stuck to the streak but I’m not where I wanted to be” catch up session. So it’s Supernatural on the box, and out with the paints. Will be relining my wet palette though, as this is gonna take a lot of black and I don’t want it drying out.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also, when I get this all done by 6pm tomorrow and I’ve no more left to paint (other than the Warhounds, which honestly I think I’m gonna sell on)? If it’s Epic Releases next week I’m totally gonna claim it was my project completion which brought that about. And there’s no way you can disprove such a claim, therefore yes?

[Thumb - IMG_3781.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3782.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/14 15:44:01

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Who wants a group shot?

Yeah you do!

[Thumb - IMG_3797.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/14 16:20:52

Post by: leopard

always needed a group shot is

some green shortarse once said something similar, a bloke in thre pub told me that

two starter sets?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/14 16:24:08

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Two starter sets, two boxes of Kratos and a box of Infantry.

Everything there is fieldable in a single army, barring two of the Contemptors.

I think I want a second Demi-Company. But, I’ll have a read of the Garrison first. Certainly I want waaaaay more Infantry.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also need to start thinking about transporting them to games. After all, now I have a painted force, it’s time to smash someone’s face in.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/14 16:49:59

Post by: leopard

for transport here I'm using a "Really Useful Box", with the MDF inserts from Warbases.

currently four of the small half width trays, recently added two more and a deep one and moved to a 9l box.

the smaller height trays fit this stuff wonderfully

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/14 21:05:24

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Odd thought?

Painting the epic scale stuff has me fired up for the 28mm versions. Because if nothing else, I have rapid prototype paint schemes I’m happy with.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 08:51:23

Post by: Albertorius

I personally enjoy much more painting at the small scales, if nothing else because you can be done with them faster ^^

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 09:32:19

Post by: Pacific

Yep I feel the same way. My painting speed is glacial for larger scale things, at least with Epic I would say it is more like moss growing on a rock

MDG - for transport I would consider something like a cheap KR Multicase, one designed for 28mm scale. One space snugly fits an epic stand or a vehicle, I think I could fit about 10k of points (in old money), minus the knights/titans, so it's pretty efficient.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 10:15:02

Post by: zedmeister

Bit of a rough photo, but finished off most of a Solar Auxilia Armoured Company:

2 Malcadors and flying bases to do...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 10:23:03

Post by: leopard

oh now they look very nice, weathering especially

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 10:42:37

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Zooooom dakkadakkadakka!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 11:34:33

Post by: Albertorius

Looking fantastic!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 13:29:32

Post by: Sherrypie

Loving the bold stripe on those birds, zedmeister.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 13:55:01

Post by: zedmeister

Thanks gents, first batch down and onto the next! Probably terrain and bases next while I wait for some free time with good weather so I can prime.

 Sherrypie wrote:
Loving the bold stripe on those birds, zedmeister.

Thanks, painted to fit in with some of my other aircraft:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/15 14:15:09

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Just glued down the turrets on my Kratos. Whilst they have a fairly snug socket fitting, they’re still too easily knocked off. And given the main gun is the bit you swap out? I figured sod it.

Though rules wise, got to admit I can see myself stick with the Kratos Cannon for now. This may change if I feel I need reliable building wrecking equipment, so they’re not being glued.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Sourced and ordered two boxes of Rhinos.

My Lovely Boys won’t be walking into battle. Not if they don’t want to. No siree!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/18 14:58:40

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Rhinos have arrived!

Looks like I’m building tonight, Martha!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/19 10:53:41

Post by: Albertorius

Testing out if I could quickly replicate the original Epic IG cold world camo using just (or mostly) contrasts/XPress paints.

So far, I'm decently happy with it, given the time it took (about 10m for the painting, about 5m for the oxide weathering)


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/19 10:55:31

Post by: leopard

found with the ones I have done that contrast paints are near perfect for vehicles in this scale

and that little beastie looks beautiful

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/19 11:33:33

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Contrast and similar formula paints absolutely are a game changer for Epic.

Despite this year’s deliberate, concerted effort I’m usually a reluctant painter. But motoring through this lot has changed that.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/19 13:53:47

Post by: Pacific

Lovely work Albertorius- I think just the right level of Weathering.

Some awesome planes above there as well!

Am hopefully getting some Night Lords finished this weekend, then got a prescription of Prozac arriving so I can get through reading the rest of the rulebook.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/21 19:49:33

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Group shot of everything I have painted, and not far off everything I have. Just the Rhino Transport pool to go now.

[Thumb - IMG_3817.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/22 09:29:20

Post by: Pacific

Very nice MDG! That is an impressive turnaround.

I've got a game coming up this week, so tried to get most of my marine infantry contingent completed. I thought the plastic command officers you get are a bit clean-cut for Night Lords, so I subbed in a few Vanguard miniatures officers. Why is the one carrying an Ork head around while fighting other marines? That's an open question!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/22 09:34:30

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Having an absolute mare of a work day.

Lots of stuff which categorically is not my fault, because it’s cases long since closed that have been passed to me because they’ve gone and asploded, and I’ve never previously been involved in.

And as I’m meant to be winding down my caseload as I’m off Mentoring for four or so months as of next Monday? I really don’t have much else to do.

Might take a half day and distract Mr Brain with Hobby. Got 10 Rhinos to build, then a dalliance with the spray box for them.

Could also do me spare turrets for the Predators and Sicarans, but I’m just not as convinced by them rules wise.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/23 20:15:42

Post by: Crablezworth

2000pts game, solar aux vs skimask mohawk's iron warriors with solar aux allies. Bridge assault


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/25 13:17:46

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I still haven't even decided which Legion to go with (not like I have had much time to paint anyway). But since I didn't like my original attempt at Imperial Fists and Alpha Legion, gave them another try. Either my phone or my monitor really struggles with the purple, the purple on the AL isn't as dark as this in real life (the rest of the colours look pretty much correct though). The 2 IF tanks used slightly different shading methods, up close I think the one on the left is nicer, but from a distance the extra contrast on the one on the right makes it a bit more distinctive on the battlefield.

Not sure I'll go with them, Alpha Legion I'm kind of liking but it's (relatively) more time consuming to paint this scheme than other legions. Might just stick with Ultramarines, then do an allied White Scars detachment, and then one of the Traitors Legions.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/25 14:28:10

Post by: zedmeister

Either way, that's some nice clean work.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/25 15:01:00

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Excited! Just ordered my display cabinet. Should be delivered Tuesday, and will need to rope a friend in to help with the assembly.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/26 11:25:42

Post by: Albertorius

gakky pics, but....

Winter camo LR squadron done:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/26 11:35:06

Post by: leopard

these are seriously nice

amazing, even as they utterly obliterate you

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/26 16:54:51

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik



Very, very nearly done now.

[Thumb - IMG_3829.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/26 17:02:09

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Albertorius wrote:
gakky pics, but....

Winter camo LR squadron done:

Definitely reminds me of the Epic 40k Battles Book and snot nosed kid version of me's failed attempt to make a snow table back in the day

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/27 02:02:54

Post by: Crablezworth

Temple village complex dioama rama. Solar Auxillia vs Raven Guard.


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/27 11:57:43

Post by: Albertorius

leopard wrote:these are seriously nice

amazing, even as they utterly obliterate you

Thank you kindly ^^

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
gakky pics, but....

Winter camo LR squadron done:

Definitely reminds me of the Epic 40k Battles Book and snot nosed kid version of me's failed attempt to make a snow table back in the day

That's what I was going for.... so I guess accomplished? XD

@Crablezworth... as always, your scenery is breathtaking, lovely!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/29 10:37:21

Post by: Gitdakka

Some pictures of this weekends battles. Orks vs nids. The orks ended up a good snack for the nids

[Thumb - 20240127_172902.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240127_172922.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240127_174111.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240127_172850.jpg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/29 11:36:20

Post by: Albertorius

That looks awesome

...poor boyz, though ^^

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Finished my proxy Hierophant:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/29 17:19:31

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I…I…..I’s only gone and run out of Legions Imperialis to paint!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/29 17:44:10

Post by: Albertorius

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I…I…..I’s only gone and run out of Legions Imperialis to paint!

Then you either need more, or you need to start prepping something for Epic

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/29 17:49:30

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

28mm collection is up next. Aiming for 20 Marines every four days.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/30 09:22:41

Post by: Pacific

Very nice Gitdakka, I see you have used the Troublemaker Games mini stomper things there, they look good. I'm sorry that they ended up being used as an aperitif!

Beautiful colours on the Hierophant there Albertorius, it really pops. Love the Dreadnought being about to be eaten, very cool.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/01/30 18:11:22

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Group shot in their newly assembled home, The Display Cabinet.

[Thumb - IMG_3855.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/02 13:09:34

Post by: Albertorius

This has been a mostly productive week!

In addition to the Hierophant proxy, I've been painting some more bugs (swarmlords, canifexes, a load of Lictors and a zoanthrope), plus some bits and bobs of Orks and Space Marines that I needed for Refight 4: The Sulphur River, that I'm gonna host this weeke3nd to teach some new players:

(all of the orks and marines save for the Weirdboyz towers are old plastics, and they still look great IMHO)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/02 17:32:28

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Bought a second cabinet.

Not only is the first one full (not with fully painted, yet), but they’re now 20% off.

Monster monster monster!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/05 12:37:25

Post by: skeleton

Nice tyranids. looking good.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/05 14:22:09

Post by: Albertorius

Thank you!

I hosted two games of Epic 40k last weekend to teach the game for two new players. The first game was the Refight 1: Gogard's Last Stand, which we played on this board (4x4):

Gogard's player rolled a 1 for the shields, and it kind of went downhill for the Gargant from there ^^. Korpse Grinda deployed in the middle of the lower wooded area and tried to advance from there towards the objectives...

...but the Marine player advanced decisively and managed to pincer the Gargant and pour fire on it while the big war engine tried (quite ineffectually) to remove the devastators from the middle ruins

Unabated, Korpse Grinda tried first to assault the ruins and then to move on towards the objective, but the dice were not with them this weekend and it ended up being fired upon by all sides, and eventually imploded amidst raging fires.

The second game was Refight 4: The Sulphur River, which had a bunch of new rules to learn.

The first turn the marines dashed wildly towards both bridges (later on, the Marines player told us that he thought he was going to get victory points for every turn his forces had control over them, instead of victory conditions being checked at the end of the game)

The two ork hordes advanced steadily (the footsloggers as fast as their (little or big) legs let them, while the speek freaks paced themselves a bit

Second turn went very badly for the Marine detachment on the upper bridge, as their assault elements were utterly shot to bits by the overwhelming numbers of the orks when they tried to assault them (the kunning ork warboss had managed to move a stompa very near the mouth of the bridge, so it was able to limit the marines advance heavily from there), while the orks advancing towards the southern were pummeled mercilessly by the Whirlwinds (MVP of the game, right there)

The momentum of both armies was stalled by their respective losses, and each of them tried to capitalize on their original advances... the footslogger orks advanced towards the bridge trying to assault the battered marines, which retreated... but then the Whilrwinds took the chance to rain all the missiles on the charging orks, massacring an astounding amount of them.

Meanwhile, on the southern bridge the marines firstheld their ground and finally assaulted the bridge to throw off the shellshocked remains of the ork warband

At the end of the battle, the marines strongly held the southern bridge but didn't manage to hold back the Warboss on the Stompa from holding the northern one, so the game ended in a tie

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/05 19:18:52

Post by: Sherrypie

Happy new year, everybody. I've been super busy with no time for proper hobbying (except for buying new stuff, I think my pile of unassembled Legions Solar Aux is mysteriously growing every week...), but I did once again organise more Titanicus goodness at the club. This year started with a bang, as our annual-ish AT mega-battle expanded into a two-day narrative event. I wrote custom missions so that we could first play three rounds of 1v1 games on Saturday where the winning side could dictate environmental conditions for the following round as well as earn some neat bonii for Sunday's all-in brawl.

-- War for the Angel's Grave 3.-4.2.2024 --

An ancient repository of knowledge, a forbidden and sealed esoteric weapon best forgotten or a relic of the broken dream now irrepairably lost? No-one knew precisely what the arcology known as the Angel's Grave held within its confines, but when Warmaster Horus decreed it to be taken, neither did his lackeys question the wisdom of such orders. Under the capricious auspices of the dark gods, god-machines marched into their dropships and hurtled through the blazing voids of the war-stricken galaxy with murder in their hearts...

The traitors slam down on the unsuspecting planet in the dark of night and spread out. From the barely habited outskirts, legios Krytos, Omina and Mortis plunge deep into the planet's infrastructure as the surprised loyalists scramble to face the threat. Legios Solaria, Astorum and Magna jump to hold the line and manage to stem the initial tide despite Krytos wreaking havoc on their communication towers. As the loyalist line refuses to crumble, their reserves in space enter the system and carve a bloody swathe through the traitors' fleet. As burning ships, scrap and satellites fall down on the planet in a rain of fire, the loyalist legios sally forth in a counter-attack to drive the traitors back. This seems to work, securing the defenders a decisive advantage in planetside artillery assets, until for the sudden and totally unforeseen betrayal by the Screaming Skulls! Who'd have thought those guys weren't on our side, absolutely shameful. With this stab in the back, both sides are forced to accept that this conflict will go on for a while and stock up on supplies from the available storages and techno-magi. With reserves from legio Favilla stepping onto the field to plug the hole left by Magna's treachery, the loyalists once more secure the continuing support of the Mechanicum and converge on the final showdown.

Four traitor commanders square against three loyalists with some 30 titans and 20 knights stalking the field. Ultramarines and Death Guard models are there to represent area control over various important objectives on the table as well as the critical supply depots no side can wage war without.

Astorum's supreme loyalist command leaves the supply depot lightly guarded, focusing their knightly allies on the right flank.

Traitors, acutely aware of their tenuous grasp on the planet, guard theirs keenly with the newly arrived Tiger Eyes' deployment.

As the fight begins, deafening roar of war-horns fills the centre as Favilla pushes forwards. Fallen knights are vaporised before their volcano cannons, swatted aside like gnats as more worthy foes approach from Krytos' lines.

On all flanks, forces advance into the fire.

In the middle, Excidium Ultimum and Deus Victrix hear the siren song of the Thunderdome. Two god-machines enter, who will leave?

Fighting intensifies on the flanks, as Mortis reaches one of the habitats in force and knights swarm towards Omina's positions.

Sensing an opportunity, one of Omina's Warhounds sneaks to threaten the loyalist supplies as Krytos' devastating volleys savage the Astorum Warmaster guarding them.

Despite losing its fist to Deus Victrix' fire, Excidium Ultimum saws the upstart God-Breaker in half and casts its broken form down in ruin, almost decapitating Ibn Faruq below with its mass. Glory is fleeting, however, as unabated firepower from most of the Tiger Eyes' battleline causes the injured Warmaster to crash down from its throne all the same.

On the left flank, Solaria's brazen charge cuts deep into the lighter Mortis engines as a column of Ultramarines follows in their wake to wipe out the Death Guard attempting to seize the habitat. Yet with their supplies under threat, it is all nearly futile.

Fighting to salvage the situation, Delictor Profectuum ploughs through Krytos' fire and the wrecked corpses of their comrades towards the supply depot with all systems burning. Perhaps they could have made it, if not for the relentless shelling of Quake munitions raining on them, causing the ground under their buckling legs to undulate like tortured jelly with each booming shot. Valiantly, if desperately, later reserve Cerastoi rush to try and relieve the Ultramarines at any price.

The traitors are similarly pressed, now, with Mortis crumbling before Solaria's advance. Favilla's heavy guns blow out one of Fureans' Warlords nearby and seal the deal as the remaining traitorous knights are slaughtered to the last.

Triumphantly, Krytos' sole remaining Warlord Braccus Rex sidesteps the futile knight charge and guns down the immobilised Delictor Profectuum, trumpeting its ownership of the loyalists' supply depot.

With fires burning all over the broken and mangled countryside, it is eventually clear to the loyalist side that their tactical situation is untenable. While the traitors are trapped and caught stranded in the bigger picture, unable to hold the planet and will soon all be hunted down, on this day they have by the barest of margins bought enough time for their techno-magi to complete their dark purpose at the Angel's Grave itself. For the Warmaster, they cry in the all-consuming ritual flames!


A very slight Traitor victory after six rounds, 225 to 168 points (with one good turn able to swing 50+ points)! Loyalists killed more and took ground more aggressively, but with their supply lines left basically undefended by the supreme command's strategic blunder, they were unable to capitalise on this advantage, scoring no control points for the whole game after the first round. Not that the traitors had much more luck on that front, with loyalists having more men and machines on most strategic zones after the first third of the game, but that early lead let them coast pretty far. That element certainly brought a good dynamic to the match, with everyone involved until the end and multiple possible game-changing maneuvers hanging at singular dice rolls. If Delictor Profectuum hadn't been slowed down by Quake shell and immobilised ½" too far from the supplies, for example, it could have gone very much the other way. Still loving all of that.

Thanks for reading and happy wargaming!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/05 22:29:05

Post by: zedmeister

Fantastic battle shots. Love the combined arms and those ultras mingling with titans give a good sense of scale. Reminds me of the early Titanicus White Dwarf photos

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/06 08:06:06

Post by: Pacific

That looks incredible Sherrypie! What a battle. It must have been a joy to take part in.

As Zedmeister says, very much like early Epic, with the Titans and then infantry scuttling between their feet as they smash each other to bits - just awesome.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/06 17:48:31

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers zed and Paz. Classic White Dwarf imagery is living rent-free in my brains, it'll only get more like that over the years when I eventually learn to get more and more oomph out of my photography

(first time outing new equipment this game, some questionable fumbling with the settings can be observed)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/09 13:22:26

Post by: leopard

Bit of work in progress, heavy support detachment & transports for the XIV

Rhino transports, rear hatch recognition markings as a visual reminder of who rides in them, base colours, shade and initial layering done, still needs highlighting adding though would be happy enough to deploy as they are

two thirds of the infantry, the remaining stick of them needs the brass trim and dark grey weapons casings doing

close up, print lines showing on the lovely little Mk III armour suited bods. the bone colour is washed sepia, nothing yet highlighted though, and to be honest not much is going to be done, perhaps some of the more obvious bits of armour may get the base bone added back, touch up here and there and a slightly lighter green to the shoulder pads and a bit of lighter steel colouring on the weapons.

Brass is VMC "Brass" and a lot lighter than the usual Balthasar Gold, wash & bronze trim I use for larger models, however pleased with how it turned out

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/15 23:50:48

Post by: zedmeister

First of my Alpha Legion in Epic scale. Start off with Xiphons and Fire Raptors

Need to work on even more Epic flying bases rather than those AI hex bases...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/16 11:28:24

Post by: leopard

they look stunning

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/19 07:15:18

Post by: aphyon

So this is a thing we did this weekend-

Infantry on both sides started mostly buttoned up inside the transports but came out to play later-



[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/19 08:40:20

Post by: Pacific

Zedmeister - that metallic blue is incredible! What a lovely finish.

Aphyon - that looks cool, did you say before you use the Apoc 40k rules?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/19 09:09:51

Post by: aphyon

we just used straight up index era 8th ed 40K rules. halved ranges.

My concealed wraithguard were very annoying to the guard player needing +1 to hit.

I also had to dedicate most of my first turn firepower into deleting the reaver titan. that thing hurts, but nothing finishing up with a bunch of pulsars cant deal with.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/19 10:19:02

Post by: Gitdakka

Game this weekend vs my friends sisters of battles. In the end it was down to one failed activation by a formation of repentias and the gargant forcing a win with one blast marker short of being broken.

It was a great fight.

[Thumb - 20240217_143940.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240217_143939.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240217_143943.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240217_143945.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240217_160626.jpg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/20 02:15:31

Post by: Crablezworth

Laser destroyer rapiers are done


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/26 10:01:31

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Kitbash print of a Hierodule.

I'm going for the old school style when Hierodules fell somewhere between Warhounds and Reavers, rather than the modern Hierodules which are tiny little fellas. I do plan on using some modern Hierodules as "Assault Spawns".

The goal was to have something that would fit on an 80mm base (same as Warhound) and looks like it could stomp a Warhound and threaten a Reaver... maybe I made it too small though. It doesn't quite fit on the 80mm base but also is maybe not bulky enough next to the Warhound?

I'll let Dakka decide...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/26 10:54:40

Post by: Pacific

Amazing! I would say that is definitely threatening to a Warhound, and that for sure a Reaver wouldn't be able to ignore that thing trying to chew on it's leg!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/26 19:23:53

Post by: Alpharius

That looks great - well done indeed!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/27 03:10:06

Post by: Crablezworth

The bio titan looks nice on the flat 80mm.

I photoshopped some pics of my marine and aux flyers I got painted into screenshots from the show masters of the air.



[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/27 10:38:22

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Those photoshops look cool! Makes me wish someone would port 40k aircraft into a flight simulator like DCS or IL2, haha.

I found the standard modern Hierophant model too spindly and was going for something more akin to the old Epic 40k model, so beefed up all the limbs and modified the torso so the head wasn't scraping on the ground like the modern Hierophant (what's the point in being huge if your head/guns end up close to the ground? ). I'm tempted to go 10% larger on the biotitan (the biggest my printer can handle without breaking it into smaller pieces) and swap to a 100mm base. This is back when Hierodules were 325pts (compared to Warhounds at 200pts and Reavers at 390pts) so it should feel like it can take on those Imperial Titans.

I do need to figure out a way of modelling "Razor Claws", as that was half the fun of the Hierodules back in the day, taking on enemy Titans in close combat.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/27 17:04:50

Post by: Pacific

Those look amazing Crablezworth! Reminds me that I must start watching that show..

I've finished off some Kratos tanks - have 'accessorised' them with helmet spikes and corpses scattered liberally. These extra bits courtesy of Vanguard Miniatures.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/28 09:24:27

Post by: Malika2

 Pacific wrote:
Those look amazing Crablezworth! Reminds me that I must start watching that show..

I've finished off some Kratos tanks - have 'accessorised' them with helmet spikes and corpses scattered liberally. These extra bits courtesy of Vanguard Miniatures.

I started working on a bunch of tank commanders for Vanguard Miniatures a while back. Sadly enough they got rejected because they wouldn't fit through the canopy.

Ironically enough no one ever asked that same question when it comes to regular Space Marines.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/28 10:25:02

Post by: zedmeister

Very nice Kratos tanks

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/28 15:22:46

Post by: Skinflint Games

Hope no one minds the plug for the blog, but I think this is germane:


Warlord Titan and DIY Thunderhawks up next ;-)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/28 17:12:32

Post by: Crablezworth

@Pacifice the kratos look great!

@Malika I feel like some dozer blade or similar options for tanks that don't have them could be cool for various tanks in the same way they are at 28mm. The kratos are one of the few until recently that come with dozer blades.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/28 17:23:19

Post by: Malika2

 Crablezworth wrote:
@Pacifice the kratos look great!

@Malika I feel like some dozer blade or similar options for tanks that don't have them could be cool for various tanks in the same way they are at 28mm. The kratos are one of the few until recently that come with dozer blades.

Well, there's these: https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/novan-regulars-warrior-ii-dozer-blades-set/

Dunno how they fit on the Rhino or Leman Russ hulls though.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/28 19:14:06

Post by: Alpharius

 Skinflint Games wrote:
Hope no one minds the plug for the blog, but I think this is germane:

Warlord Titan and DIY Thunderhawks up next ;-)

I certainly don't mind!

I hope to find a group (or 1 or 2 other players) for SM/TL in my area this year...or next!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/02/28 20:35:59

Post by: Pacific

Those look incredible Skinflint Games

No problem at all with the classics here!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/02 13:25:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

From the vintage to the Super New.

Just been down to pick up me Spartans and Cards. Also added a third box of Legion Support

Once I can get my hands on another Infantry set, I should be able to field fairly three fairly chunky Detachments (Demi Company, Garrison and Armoured Company).

In two minds on the Spartans though, armament wise. Between the Quad Lascannons and Laser Destroyers are 7” of range, and an extra pip of AP.

High AP is nice of course. But not if I rarely find myself in range to make use of it.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Knackers. Decision made for me on one.

Be very very careful when clipping the Lascannon arrays off your sprue, folks. I knackered one of the barrels good and proper.

Second build I started the clipping at the business end of the barrel, which worked much better.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oooh! Nifty!

Each Spartan sprue has a two pintel Multi-Meltas. Which solves one scarcity problem for Rhinos.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/06 11:44:43

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Quick and rough paintjob on the Hierodule because I'm too lazy to take the time to make him look good...

Sneaky Alpha Legion for scale! (not sure why I chose this model to show scale given that it's also 3D printed and about 5-10% bigger than GW's models ).

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/06 13:00:18

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Haha! The jokes on you because you’ve accidentally made it look good!

Rookie mistake. The sort of error one might expect of a schoolboy.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/06 22:32:25

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I am deeply ashamed :’(

But yeah, flesh is just a wash of agrax over white primer, the carapace is just 2 or 3 layers of contrast/speed paint over white. But the result isn’t terrible for a couple of hours work I guess.

I think my problem with it is that the blue came out a bit too blue, need to be greyed down as I think it's makes it look smaller than it is.

This maybe gives a better idea of scale:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/12 11:16:45

Post by: Pacific

Think thats a great colour combination Skink, the blue looks beautiful (if you're allowed to say that about such a beast!)

I've finished off some Terminators for my Night Lords. Went with the Vanguard Miniatures Renegade heavy armour guys, as firstly I've not been able to get hold of the official ones, but also thought these suited the character of the NL a bit better as a bit less 'clean cut' looking. I removed some of the spikey bits to tone them down a little bit.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/12 11:52:54

Post by: Malika2

Those turned out niiiiiice!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/17 19:47:01

Post by: Sherrypie

3000 points of Legiones Imperialis.

My Death Guard gave the Iron Warriors a thorough trouncing, trampling them into the dust of the city crumbling around them. As is a time-honoured tradition in Epic, things are getting wild when the skies start raining Thunderhawks full of terminators

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/18 12:24:41

Post by: Malika2

Woah....very impressive!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/20 12:20:22

Post by: Pacific

I have already said on another forum, but there is a strong possibility that the Quran was mistanslated from ancient Arabic, and what actually awaits us in heaven is the table of SherryPie's above

Somewhat smaller in scope, here are some air support that I am using as 'counts as' Xiphon Interceptors. These are Renegade Interceptor minis from Vanguard Miniatures - I thought the style of these fitted better with the Night Lords than the official mini, as being a bit more Edge-Lord

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/20 12:42:44

Post by: Malika2

I really need to finish that Fighter-Bomber for Vanguard Miniatures…

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/21 02:47:29

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
I really need to finish that Fighter-Bomber for Vanguard Miniatures…

You absolutely do!

They look awesome Pacific!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/25 13:15:24

Post by: Malika2

 Crablezworth wrote:
 Malika2 wrote:
I really need to finish that Fighter-Bomber for Vanguard Miniatures…

You absolutely do!

They look awesome Pacific!

Thought this WIP shot might be appreciated...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/25 13:42:39

Post by: Crablezworth

Love it, will it have the ability to have external bomb payloads? Even just being able to alternate missile/bomb loads would be awesome. If possible some subtle or smallish turrets, possibly underslung, that look like their traverse could be rear, or just some rear facing weaponry.

Reason being, they'd be great count as solar aux bombers/fighters for LI.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/28 20:12:10

Post by: Crablezworth

Got the dollar store train conversion all painted up finally.

Here's a lil video


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/29 10:58:46

Post by: Sherrypie

Very neat, especially with the little guys crawling along the rails of the steam engine.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/03/30 07:06:53

Post by: Pacific

Well, it is very early in the morning here in the UK, but I already know that is the coolest thing I will see on the internet today

I've got the Grimdark Terrain engine & train which isn't bad, but I think I prefer that one - just the scale of the thing, you can imagine it as some sort of Chris Foss airbrushed painting, giant sci-fi train pulling millions of tons of ore across the desert wastes.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/02 10:31:57

Post by: Pacific

I have finished off a Thunderhawk Gunship and some Assault troopers as passengers. Really liked the kit it went together nicely, so I've kept as standard and the only thing I'm changing is the base (going for a larger one as the one it came with is a bit weedy for such a mighty craft).
Got a 2k event next month and still got a fair few things to paint (drop pod formation is next up). The 30% allies and formation unit limits I have found fairly restrictive (especially as both titans and Solars have to fit into that 30%), miss the simple Epic Space Marine days of 5 detachment cards and a special card per company, made things a lot more simple

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/02 10:40:47

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I’m sat sitting here, with a mole at the counter. But I daren’t risk a break for the border to release this filthy hostage, as I’m awaiting Royal Mail’s delivery of my LI terrain.

Once it’s here? I’ll get sprue pics for everyone. But tonight’s hobby will be finishing off my 28mm Sicaran Venator. Then…then I’ll crack on with my backlog of Epic Scale Goodies. Which also involves a quick spelunk into the Magic Box O’Stuff, which contains some left over buildings from an aborted Titanicus collection.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
It’s arrived! And there’s a lot of Sprues. Like…lots and lots and lots.

You get two of these.

Eight of these.

And eight of these.

Each sprue can make two smallish buildings. So provided you’re not fussed for height, that’s an awful lot of board coverage for cities. So whilst I’ll likely be in the market for another next month? I’m not feeling terribly short changed by the £85 I spent here.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/03 15:22:10

Post by: Crablezworth

Hawk looks awesome Pacific!

@Mad Doc, the steeple tops I found with my collection got/get in the way of roof space for placing infantry bases, so I removed most of them and used them in conjunction with new civitas ruins sprues when building my ruins. Just a thought, but it's the one thing I'd do differently with LI in mind that has change since mostly building with titanicus games in mind where height was more of a priority. What I'm finding is the more roof space my structures have, the less reliant the games are on needing a lot of sideboard for the bases that don't fit.

More mega train fun

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/03 15:31:43

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

On that? I think I’d just make some building footprint templates for the side board. Then, when I’m garrisoning (or my oppponent), we can put the bulk of the occupying unit or units there, with maybe one base from each up top as a visual reminder.

Or…..just make diddy flags to put atop the building, and refer to the footprint template for who’s in occupation.

Of course, playing Dark Angels and having that lovely Phosphex for free, my opponent shouldn’t expect it to be long before Assault Marines forcibly evict his troops. On fire. Through the nearest window.

And in case of multiple units of the same foot print? Numbered flags and numbered footprint templates.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/03 16:51:17

Post by: Pacific

For building Garrisons, I was just using dice (little dice next to the building, then corresponding dice next to the unit that you have placed on the side of the board) however I found I kept accidentally using them. I got these instead from Mighty Minis, which are down as 'victory point tokens' but I think they're great for keeping track of garrison units


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/03 17:36:55

Post by: Crablezworth

I made this to help track what detachment is in what structure, but from the games played and increase in transport usage by both sides, amount of sideboard usage is really high, so I've been trying to use the structures with the most roof space. The problem we've encountered is when small detachments/remnant detachments like regroup and occupy a structure, if its just a few bases it can be difficult to see/remember to activate on both sides. I also like the visual aspect if all or most models are able to fit on the roof, helps visually ford wide shots to see who is where in terms of structure control.



[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/04 17:54:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

*looks at his post*

*looks at everyone else’s sinde*

I’ve…I’ve massively over complicated things, haven’t I? And utterly needlessly.

Speaking of which, you can keep your wipe-clean, laminated reusable card note taking things. For I have the means and ability to print bathroom tiles instead. Now that’s wipe clean!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/06 13:36:00

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Two sets of ruins procured.

Man, I’ve got a lot of buildings to build now.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/07 17:11:30

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


My stuff.

Just finished painting another set of Infantry. About to assemble the last Support box.

[Thumb - IMG_4193.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/07 21:24:18

Post by: zedmeister


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/08 08:31:31

Post by: Pacific

Very nice work guys! Like the display you have there Doc and the 28mm guys underneath.

Zedmeister that metallic blue is just gorgeous..your only challenge now is going to be how to model twirly mustaches onto minis of that scale!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/08 11:27:15

Post by: Sherrypie

Finished writing an after action report for a big multiplayer mash-up in our Kriegsspielmageddon campaign with over 30 000 points of Epic: Armageddon forces at it, some 80+ pages of narrative goodness in PDF form.

Six players, two months of play, scheming, intrigue and very 40k madness up the wazoo with lots of burning tanks littering the fields as thousands of soldiers and civilians stomp the tortured grounds of Taranus Aegis.
The report contains some crude language, parody of current events and depictions of atrocities one would expect from the grim darkness of the far future.

Read it in the thread:

[Thumb - kansi.jpg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/08 11:59:51

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

 Pacific wrote:
Very nice work guys! Like the display you have there Doc and the 28mm guys underneath.

Zedmeister that metallic blue is just gorgeous..your only challenge now is going to be how to model twirly mustaches onto minis of that scale!

Cabinet is from Argos. https://www.argos.co.uk/product/2253130?istCompanyId=a74d8886-5df9-4baa-b776-166b3bf9111c&istFeedId=c290d9a9-b5d6-423c-841d-2a559621874c&istItemId=rrlrpwrqm&istBid=t&&cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59157%7Cacid:844-913-7556%7Ccid:20354354618%7Cagid:%7Ctid:%7Ccrid:%7Cnw:x%7Crnd:916128238327727901%7Cdvc:c%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:9045105&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20354354618&utm_term=2253130&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=&utm_custom2=844-913-7556&GPDP=true&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphkiNXkrcM2pKn4_jzC894rKsEBxbjHnEwhUUosEI030YLVX9vuNfyEaAqkCEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Pretty sure I got mine cheaper, and the second one at discount.

I do need some acrylic risers though, to maximise space for Epic scale. I did get one, but ended up using to better display my vintage Ghostbusters figures.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/11 00:18:52

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

More progress.

Should have this lot polished off tomorrow, and the Spartans are half sprayed, ready for Friday.

[Thumb - IMG_4204.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/14 07:38:44

Post by: Gitdakka

Here are some pictures of our latest campaign game. This time, the orks surprise attacked an imperial logistics harbour. I custom built the ork vessels mostly out of paper and did some water effects with more paper, cotton and mod podge.

The game was tight, and in the end the orks managed to destroy the AA batteries, landing platforms further up the beach and they prevented the escape of the noble guard commander.

[Thumb - 20240413_111520.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240413_115457.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240413_132317.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240413_125346.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240413_124013.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240413_143836.jpg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/14 07:59:08

Post by: Sherrypie

Those are some very lovely ships, I approve

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/15 08:16:21

Post by: Pacific

Incredible stuff guys! Just reminding me why this is my favourite thread on this forum

Sherrypie - going to be downloading that PDF and setting that up on the tablet for some serious reading, that looks absolutely incredible.

I have finally hit 1.5k points - now have just under a month to do the remaining 500 (which is mostly some marines and drop pods, as well as Sicaran tanks). Am starting to burn out a little (and not just my eyesight) painting tiny lightning bolts on things..

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/15 16:17:37

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Cabinet update.

Need to do a proper list, but probably around 3,000 points at this stage.

Next purchases will likely involve clear acrylic risers, and hopefully more Predators and Sicarans if GW y’know, gives them a proper release.

[Thumb - IMG_4225.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_4226.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/15 20:53:51

Post by: Sherrypie

 Pacific wrote:
Incredible stuff guys! Just reminding me why this is my favourite thread on this forum

Sherrypie - going to be downloading that PDF and setting that up on the tablet for some serious reading, that looks absolutely incredible.

I have finally hit 1.5k points - now have just under a month to do the remaining 500 (which is mostly some marines and drop pods, as well as Sicaran tanks). Am starting to burn out a little (and not just my eyesight) painting tiny lightning bolts on things..

Cheers, do tell what you thought about that whole kerfuffle when you're done! Always keen to hear if I managed to convey the situation out at least somewhat coherently.

And keep up the good work, it's only a zillion more lightning bolts to go

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/15 21:46:38

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Don’t suppose anyone can point me to an online list builder?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/16 09:16:56

Post by: Pacific

Will do Sherrypie

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Don’t suppose anyone can point me to an online list builder?

This one is very good

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/16 11:23:22

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Nice one!

It’s model count is a bit wonky (it’s not separated out Plasma from Missile Support Legionnaires) but it’s still pretty handy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Bit miffed I could only afford two of the 12 Rapiers I’ve painted, but I guess the next step is to grab the models from the cabinet, and line them up to see what’s in what, and that I’ve not listed models I don’t have.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/18 10:38:18

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Thought I'd show off some of my Solar Auxilia (plus Navy) I've painted so far.

The Russes were probably my favourite to paint but quite fond of the Aethons too. I have lots more to paint in terms of infantry and tanks but I'm getting there. Hoping to have what I have so far done by mid-May for Titandeath campaign.



Leman Russes:

Aethon Heavy Sentinels:

Lasrifle Tercio:

Ogryn Charonites:



[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/18 12:23:10

Post by: Sherrypie

Nice work, TH. The lenses liven up the weathered grey quite well.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/18 13:18:52

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Cheers! Yeah definitely feel like if you're not painting the trim on these minis, you need to do lenses or something to add some visual interest.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/19 17:21:20

Post by: Skinflint Games

Love how the Navy is pristine while the grunts are battered to hell - "Auxilia do the dying, Navy just does the flying"

Also, I would struggle to paint lenses like that on 28mm, how you've accomplished it at Epic scale is beyond me!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/21 10:53:32

Post by: Pacific

Absolutely lovely work Tyranid Horde! Some of the nicest Solars/Navy I have seen, that's a cracking colour scheme.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/21 22:19:05

Post by: Sherrypie

The first 60 or so tanks of Selen II's 4th Home Army are getting their gear in order to head towards the painting dock... radio aerials get attached after basecoats.

Yes, I will be converting pretty much every one of the upcoming hundreds of vehicles to be at least somewhat unique. Business as usual

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/22 09:33:39

Post by: Tyranid Horde

 Skinflint Games wrote:
Love how the Navy is pristine while the grunts are battered to hell - "Auxilia do the dying, Navy just does the flying"

Also, I would struggle to paint lenses like that on 28mm, how you've accomplished it at Epic scale is beyond me!

Love the reference! A bit unintentional on my part as the Navy were painted in July last year for the Dakka Painting Challenge and had no time to do weathering! Reckon I'll keep it that way now.

Thanks Pacific as well! White schemes at small scale seem to work really well.

Loving the additions Sherrypie! I considered adding some bits to my tanks but ultimately left it. Might be worth going back in and adding to them though. Especially love the sand bags.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/22 09:38:39

Post by: zedmeister

Those are some nice Solar Auxilia. Going in my inspiration folder...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/25 11:22:56

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Sat down to take some photos of my Adeptus Titanicus Legio Atarus the other evening. They look fine from the tabletop but up close they're not amazing. I painted these to "battle ready" last year and then went through the arduous process of touching them up after assembly. The later titans I do will be better (I hope) as I don't have the same time constraints.

Warhound Pack "Failinis" and "Sceolang"


Reaver Titans "Dearg Doom" and "Duban"


Nemesis Warbinger Titan "Gae-Ruadh"

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/04/29 15:17:25

Post by: Pacific

I'm sure I am not speaking out of turn here Tyranid Horde by saying those are a hell of a lot better than just 'Battle Ready'! They look really good, like the eye glow effect and the little infantry about to be squished on the bases.

I have finished off the last of my Night Lord infantry, these ones are coming in by Drop Pod. I know there aren't any Dreadclaw rules yet, so I guess they will just be standard Drop Pods for now. I tried to copy some atmospheric entry burn effects, although it is underneath so you can't really see it

The marines are mostly as standard, I snuck a few Vanguard infantry onto the Command stand to give them more of a veteran look.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/01 22:35:09

Post by: Pacific

Wowsers, two posts in a row! Have finished off some Sicarians, accessorised them with some helmet poles and corpses (in colours of their accompanying Guard penal regiment )
The extra bits are mostly from Vanguard Miniatures, although I have snuck in an old RTB-01 part of anyone is eagle-eyed enough to spot it!
Will try and get a finished army shot sorted soon.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/02 07:47:19

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

They’re almost too wee. Aye. Too wee. They’re like the sort of models Prince might use to play a game! Too wee!

Humble brag time? Other than my terrain, most of which sits unbuilt as a future project? All my Legions stuff is painted!

At least until about three weeks time or so, as new toys being ordered this Saturday.

[Thumb - IMG_4225.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_4226.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/02 07:59:40

Post by: Sherrypie

Good stuff, Paz and Doc

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/02 14:56:45

Post by: Pacific

Thanks mate!

That is an impressive looking army there Doc! Some collection, how many points are you up to with those now and what next stuff is planned?

So.. I have finally finished my 2k Night Lords army! An event coming up in a few weeks and unusually for me got it done in time (and not still painting late into the evening the night before!)
I will post some accompanying background for them but basically they had been recruiting from a 'prison world' for recruits and auxiliaries (hence the orange jumpsuit guys) - these get used as cannon fodder by the Legion. I'm planning on painting up some 'loyalist' Death Guard for a friend of mine, so will have an interesting narrative spin on things.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/05 06:10:09

Post by: Sherrypie

Great stuff Pacific, they look good together.

On my end, speedpainted a handful of Mechanicum yesterday for today's Epic games.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/05 18:50:05

Post by: Sherrypie

Some NetEA at the club, my AdMech mauled the greenskins twice over with some dubstep goodness while the Eldar and Tyranids had a go at the demo table.

More pictures:


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/06 08:29:22

Post by: SU-152

Amazing minis & scenery!!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/13 08:51:26

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Stunning looking armies MD, Pacific and Sherrypie!

Honestly very keen on getting some terrain sorted soon(ish). I'm nearly there with my LI stuff and I have the manufactorum set to start.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of war doggos for my AT force. Aiming to get done by Wednesday:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/14 18:37:12

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Working on my Warlord at the same time. Pretty happy with it so far:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/16 07:43:01

Post by: Pacific

Lovely work Tyranid Horde! That's a cracking colour scheme/combination, like some of the detailing with the decals too.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/16 07:55:52

Post by: General Kroll

Those titans are really nicely done TH.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/16 09:30:50

Post by: Sherrypie

Indeed. Loving the shading on the bone parts in particular, Tyranid Horde.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/18 23:56:55

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

If all goes to plan tomorrow, I’ll be watching Tales from the Darkside and assembling the rest of my Legion Fast Attack.

Soon as I’ve got all that painted, I’ll take a group shot, with everything presented as Detachments.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/19 10:22:20

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Right. Half way through assembling the Legion Fast Attack, and it’s a really nice kit to work with.

Importantly, right now I’ve nearly got a proper Sky Hunter Phalanx of useful size.

One unit of Outriders will be joining the Demi-Company to give them some rapid responders.

The Landspeeders however are oddly frustrating. Their basic equipment of Plasma Cannon (Light AT) and Heavy Bolter (Light, Point Defence) have the same range, and three shots between them. But, I can upgrade 1 in 2 to Multi-Melta and Heavy Flamer, giving some punch against Armour and dug-in infantry.

I tend to favour specialisation in my head, so I’m not sure how a mixed unit of Landspeeders will perform, but the kit forces me to build one of each load out from each sprue. So whilst I can absolutely field an all Plasma/Bolter squadron, I’ll end up with orphaned models I can’t use.

But man these models are pretty!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
‘Ere we go!

One Sky-Hunter Detachment (2 full squadrons of Jetbikes, a full squadron of Big Speeders, a full squadron of Diddy Speeders, and a full squadron of Outriders) and a squadron of Outriders for my ever-growing Demi-Company.

Plus some spare speeders which I’m sure will find a home somewhere in a list.

Also a second squadron of Sicarans, because.

[Thumb - IMG_4378.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_4381.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/20 08:12:47

Post by: Pacific

That's a nice collection there Doc. I am looking forward to getting that kit, they are lovely looking little minis.

I am just starting on a next project, which is a Great Crusade-era (hence the MK3) Death Guard force I'm doing for a friend. This will hopefully tie into the Rangdan Genocide project which is the next 'mega battle' we have planned for a few years down the road. My brief is a clean white and bottle green, so need to get a good recipe for it that doesn't take ages (I am experimenting with contrast/speed paints). I'm using square bases as we're likely to use Epic Space Marine/NetEpic rules, and I like the idea of massed ranks of DG infantry lined up and marching forward guns blazing.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/22 22:08:03

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


Outriders now done, Jetbikes to be done and dusted tomorrow. Speeders of both varieties are undercoated, awaiting Grim Black. Might go for that tomorrow lunchtime, as it allows a non-delaying drying period. Which is nice.

Got Friday off work, so depending how pissed I get tomorrow night (payday is always pub night!), there’s every chance I’ll break my own record and have all my Legion Fast Attack bought, assembled and painted within a week.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Once I’m done, I think I’ll do a lovely group shot, Detachment by Detachment. Give folks a better visual reference to what an army might look like.

[Thumb - IMG_4399.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/23 15:24:04

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

And today? Scimitar Jetbikes polished off, Speeders and Sicarans ready for tomorrow.

This is what happens when at the start of the day you’re on 150% of target at work, are already a full week ahead of quarterly target, and frankly couldn’t be arsed to do a great deal.

Super chuffed with how the bases turned out. Just MSG base colour, then a stipple/dry brush in patches of Celestra Grey and that bone colour GW does which isn’t called Screaming Skull but is Screaming Skull, and an Agrax Wash. For me, it gives the feel of dusty wreckage.

[Thumb - IMG_4400.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_4401.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/23 19:14:58

Post by: General Kroll

Looking good so far!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/24 02:23:02

Post by: Gordy2000

This thread is amazing. Here’s a couple of titans I’ve done, and some action shots from a recent epic game (hopefully it’s ok to post old school rather than LI).

Blood Angels and Guard vs. DE

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/24 06:35:20

Post by: Snord

 Gordy2000 wrote:
This thread is amazing. Here’s a couple of titans I’ve done, and some action shots from a recent epic game (hopefully it’s ok to post old school rather than LI).

Very nice, Gordy. Good to see you're still producing such nice models

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/24 07:37:29

Post by: Gordy2000

Thanks Snord - nice to see you posting again. I mostly stick to the Battle Reports thread as I’ve been working through a campaign for the last decade!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/24 12:37:47

Post by: SU-152

I have the very same Cadians for Epic Armageddon. For a second I thought those were my mini in the picture haha!!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/25 09:55:38

Post by: Sherrypie

Welcome to the thread, Gordy2000. All Epic is welcome, half of my pictures are whatever eclectic mixes people have picked up over the decades

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/26 15:20:05

Post by: Sherrypie

4k of EpicAU's Heresy legion lists, Epic: Armageddon. The Death Guard gives the Iron Fourth a solid whooping, though Perturabo's disciples give a grand exit by driving down the XIV command elements with their final titan-assisted charge.

More pics:


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/26 20:07:20

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


Just four Sicarans to go, which will be tomorrow’s job.

[Thumb - IMG_4425.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/28 18:06:04

Post by: RexHavoc

I've shared these a long time ago (in my old hobby plog on here as well) but I've been on a mission to rescue a whole bunch of old photos from the warseer days and port them all over to my actual 6mm fantasy & Sci-fi hobby blog. Mostly as a nice 'keepsake' for myself to look back on. But also I've just started the mammoth task of bringing this force to modern standards- new paint jobs, butchering new plastic tanks, and a few thousand new infantry!

But before I start most of the work (and whilst I wait impatiently for a big delivery from the USofA), I've been reposting my hobby photos of my old Epic 40k Space Skaven force. Photos and paintjobs are from around 2012ish-2015.

A remembrance of what once was, before they become what they should have always been!

I'm very much excited to see this get a total overhaul this year and back on the table- hopefully this time with a full blown themed city table. I might even finish the titan conversions that have been started and never finished numerous times over the years!

Vermin Warlock

Giant mutants armed with Flamers with Giant mutant rats

Vermin troops armed with chemical weapons

Giant Mutant Rats

Imperium slaves entrenching vermin defences

Artillery emplacement, minor rat mutants far right

Unconfirmed sightings of Vermin bio-titans reported moving in the Stein sector

The vermin marching to war (scratch built doomwheel, toy converted into doomhammer

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/28 19:58:23

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

And with this?

My Legions Imperialis Dark Angels are fully painted. Again. Because there’s always New Toys coming down the pipeline, which will swell my ranks yet further.

Probably gonna do a thread later in the week, demonstrating just what a Detachment can look like, from bare bones to as maxed out as I can manage using currently commercially available models.

All welcome to contribute to that one.

[Thumb - IMG_4433.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/29 15:02:53

Post by: Pacific

Very cool Doc - think you've made a good job of making the scheme pop, the DA are definitely difficult to paint in 30k I have found.

RexHavoc - those are amazing. Is that from the Microworld range?
I have thought of bringing some Space Skaven/Hrud as part of our Great Crusade Epic campaigns. Going with a different gribbly alien from that era now, but may bring in some of the new Mantic Epic warpath Veer-myn when those are released, will have to see how the scale matches up

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/29 15:12:12

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

My success is down to three paints.

Mechanicus Standard Grey - Basecoat

Army Painter Gun Metal - Drybrush over basecoat, and for picking out weapons and exhausts and tracks and that.

Army Painter ‘Grim Black’ Speed Paint for the, erm, black.

From there a splodge of red for contrast and yer done!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/29 17:56:54

Post by: RexHavoc

 Pacific wrote:
Very cool Doc - think you've made a good job of making the scheme pop, the DA are definitely difficult to paint in 30k I have found.

RexHavoc - those are amazing. Is that from the Microworld range?
I have thought of bringing some Space Skaven/Hrud as part of our Great Crusade Epic campaigns. Going with a different gribbly alien from that era now, but may bring in some of the new Mantic Epic warpath Veer-myn when those are released, will have to see how the scale matches up

Thanks! These are all pre-microworld stuff!

The 6mm rats (like the warlock and troops) are base models of Irregular with a little sculpting from myself. The larger mutants (like the flame thrower rats) are 10mm scale stuff from Pendraken. Some of the giant rats are from GW actually.

I just ordered a TON of microworld rats as part of 'operation modernise', I'd been putting off ordering them for far too long! I'm looking forward to getting to them! (if only for the fact that its going to artificially inflate my total painting model count for the year by spraying the whole lot brown and basing them in a hurry! )

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/29 22:56:13

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


Annual Bonus next month. Meaning I can easily afford four sets of Legions Imperialis board tiles.


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/31 06:43:23

Post by: Pacific

I won't ask how much a table of those will cost, although think there are definitely worse things the money could be spent on!

I have finished off some infantry for Crusade-era Death Guard, a Battle Company of Assault, Devastator and Tactical marines. Gone for a clean/white and bottle green look, to set them apart from the stained, later representations.

Minis are KMFP MKII design, the bases are also prints. The Baneblade is the standard GW mini, with a cupola marine added. This is a reference to the late 00's pre-heresy days when people first started modelling the era, and the Marine Baneblade started to appear (think there was some Collected Visions artwork on it too)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/05/31 08:27:39

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It’s £280.00.

Which is a *lot*. But with me bonus, affordable.

But affordable doesn’t mean sensible or desirable.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2024/06/02 09:57:23

Post by: lord_blackfang

Not a fan of the LI tiles, they're so flat and featureless they might as well be mdf. And if they come as warped as my Zone Mortalis tiles did it's gonna come off worse as LI doesn't have walls that click in place on top to hold them straight. I would really, really rather get a nice neoprene mat and use the difference on more plastic buildings. One epic trick I saw was to buy a featureless asphalt mat, and put your buildings on bases with sidewalk included. Then no matter how you place the buildings, the space between then magically looks like roads.