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What GW specialist game would you want back the most?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
What GW specialist game would you like to see back more?
Battlefleet Gothic
Epic 40k
Blood Bowl
Dark Future
Aeronautica Imperialis

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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Inquisitor remains my favourite GW game ever. Really captures the level of detail you get in something like the Eisenhorn books. Down to the individual rounds loaded in the gun. I still get 1 or 2 games a year in. Have lots of 54mm models as well for painting and modelling. BUT. It will never make a comeback. Its to in depth and detailed for GW to sustain any interest in and too complex and detailed for most people these days.

If BFG was done properly i would be interested in playing. And by properly i mean, all races, all ships, full models and supported rule set. Not "set it in the horus heresy so we can make you buy the same ships twice, paint one blue, one red and call it a game".

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/08/02 08:31:06

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
You could give the snarky answer and say "Necromunda", given what modern Necromunda has turned into.

That's kind of how I feel about AI, they brought it back but the gameplay is a big step down over what it used to be.

For a game that wasn't perfect but only needed a few tweaks, they sure did mess it up.

Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Bristol (UK)

I really like new Necromunda, especially after GotU.
I think the most recent book releases have really taken it in a direction I disagree with though.

Definitely agree on Aeronautica, it's a shame as the new models look absolutely superb.
Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

I miss Battlefleet Gothic so much. I got the starter set when I was a kid and loved it to bits. However I didn't really know about forge world and special orders back then, so I was waiting patiently for more models to come to my FLGS that never did. I would love to take a crack at this game again.

Is Aeronautica discontinued? I literally just bought a starter set for it last week. It looks like a lot of fun.

Made in us
Auspicious Aspiring Champion of Chaos


BFG all day

I collect:

Grand alliance death (whole alliance)

Stormcast eternals

Slaves to Darkness - currently Nurgle but may expand to undivided.
Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

I miss Battlefleet Gothic, I only ever got the starter set, but it was a blast. I'd love to see a plastic line with proper support. I'd be all over that.

Is Aeronautica discontinued now? I literally just bought the starter set last week, it looked really interesting.

Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

Dublin, Ireland

I really like the direction Necromunda has taken, and think the new books add so much to the game; I'm excited to see where it will go in the future.
BFG would be an auto-buy, as long as it's a full game with models for all of the main factions. AI was such a let-down. The new models are stunning, but the game is a giant step down from the previous version and the strange decision not to release Chaos models means it feels incomplete to me.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Eastern US

Battlefleet Gothic for me. Void warfare is just as important logistically as ground warfare in terms of narrative.
Made in de

I loved Warmaster. But before my army was ready, it was over again. Now the stuff is lying around unfinished.

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Now that Epic has returned, I want to see BFG return as well. It'd be awesome to play a multi-system Campaign using BFG, Epic and 28mil models, BFG would complete the trifecta

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

I had a lot of fun with BFG and still have my Eldar fleet. But if the game ends up being Battlefleet: Heresy as rumored...I don't really see myself getting into it.

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Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I don't want anything else return the way "Epic" did.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Brigadier General


 Eilif wrote:
Necromunda. Though there's really no reason to wait around for GW. Lots of opportunities for proxies and the rules are still free. Our club is starting a campaign next meeting using Yaktribe's "Necromunda Community Edition" (NCE) verison.

How naive I was in 2015. Thinking that GW could do a tight redo of a fantastic game. As opposed to the rules-bloated mess they came up with that I dropped after a box set and 4 "Gang Wars".

Ironically, my advice remains roughly the same. Skip NewCrowMunda and go for NCE .

Now as the club turns toward a summer Mordheim campaign, I'm torn between thinking it would be a great setting for GW to revisit but knowing full well I'd likely not be interested in the result.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/09 22:17:16

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