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How did you get in to wargaming?
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Walked past/into a hobby shop
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Black Library books
Lord of the Rings crossover
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Made in at
Blood Angel Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries


when going to school i played with airfix and assembled lots of planes, tanks etc.
later on i drifted into cosims but never got my friends really into it.
then a friend of mine showed me the GW homepage and all these armies and - i got addicted.

Made in gb
Worthiest of Warlock Engineers


My dad was a golden demon winner and a collecter of dwarfs-he has(or had) atleast one of every dwarf figure ever produced. One day in York we went into a GW and i saw the skaven warlord figure and things generaly went from there......

as a foot note my little brother got himself a set of squig hoppers on that day.

Free from GW's tyranny and the hobby is looking better for it
Made in ie
Jovial Junkatrukk Driver


Random surfing the web.

motyak wrote:[...] Yes, the mods are illuminati, and yakface, lego and dakka dakka itself are the 3 points of the triangle.
Made in gb
Beast of Nurgle

dante43dd wrote:when going to school i played with airfix and assembled lots of planes, tanks etc.
later on i drifted into cosims but never got my friends really into it.
then a friend of mine showed me the GW homepage and all these armies and - i got addicted.

Mine was a very similar story was always into building models as a boy especially aircraft etc, one time at school a friend of mine is telling me about Warhammer and I thought why not give it a go, a couple of my other friends started at the same time and eight years on we all still play, one of my friends went on to make a career of it painting minatures for a living.

I've collected most fantasy armies, at the moment I'm using Lizardmen and Ogre Kingdoms and Space Wolves for 40k.

40K - Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard, Genestealer Cult, Iron Hands

AoS - Blades of Khorne, Kharadron Overlords, Lumineth, Nighthaunt, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Stormcast Eternals, Sylvaneth

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I was introduced to wargaming by a friend with the game Battlemech then evolved into warhammer 40k
Made in us
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation

Im from the town of Dachau and one of the guards who would sit and guard the old gas chambers used to read black library books and eventually just gave me a model and told my parents about a gaming club.
Grimdark place to learn about 40k ^.^
also sorry if this offends anybody but I am from thr town and visited the camp grounds because it was the only thing to do in town at the time.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Nurgle wrote:Im from the town of Dachau and one of the guards who would sit and guard the old gas chambers used to read black library books and eventually just gave me a model and told my parents about a gaming club.
Grimdark place to learn about 40k ^.^
also sorry if this offends anybody but I am from thr town and visited the camp grounds because it was the only thing to do in town at the time.

Well a cop to be exact.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/06/15 03:49:29

Made in gb
Smokin' Skorcha Driver

Deepest, darkest Buckinghamshire, UK

I was raised by Erks* and, as such, did not have much say in the matter.

* Half elf, half ork**

** Yeah, that's right - ork with a 'k'. No, it doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to

28 mag: 28 MAG

My Facebook page: BRASS MONKEY

Instagram: BRASS MONKEY 
Made in us
Smokin' Skorcha Driver

Clthomps wrote:

My parents bought this and the whole family would play. we would each control part of the factions, rather than the whole. i played the goblins.
then my brothers started playing WHFB. i started playing orcs.
then we moved on to 40K and i started playing orks.

Incidentally, did anyone else who had Battle Masters ever have trouble with that ogre? ours had to be given a "tutu" (a pink hair tie) in order to stay together.

"Friglatt Tinks e's da 'unce and futor git, but i knows better. i put dat part in when i fixed im up after dat first scrap wid does scrawn pointy ears and does pinkies." Dok chopanblok to Big Mek Dattrukk.

Victories against: 2 2 1 11 2 3 1 2
Died havin fun wid: 3 2 1 4 2 2 2 5 1
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

I voted "shown by friend" though here's how things really went:

We were sitting Kuwait, waiting for a bird up north.. I had run out of books to read, and asked my buddy if he had a good one I could borrow for a bit... He let me borrow either the UM Omnibus, or the Soul Drinker Omnibus.. either way, that intro made me ask him more about the 40k universe and eventually looked on the GW site, and started collecting/playing.
Made in us
Spawn of Chaos

Magic The Gathering and then other people playing 40k around me.

Made in eu
Wicked Warp Spider

A cave, deep in the Misty Mountains

Saw another kid's white dwarf in school about 5 years ago.

Craftworld Eleuven 4500

LoneLictor on thread about an ork choking the Emperor:
 LoneLictor wrote:
I like to imagine the Emperor kills so many Orks that he ends up half buried beneath a pile of corpses, with only his head sticking out. A lone grot stumbles across him, and starts choking him.

Then Horus comes across the lone grot, somehow managing to kill the Emperor, and punts it into space.
Made in pa
Regular Dakkanaut


To tell you the truth I started in Mage Knight and Heroclix along the other line of Wizkids and Wizards OTC minis.

Keep up the fight!  
Made in us
Shunting Grey Knight Interceptor


I used to play TCG and there was always a big group playing with little models and tanks and I used to listen and watch them as they would play, some getting to the point you could hear them outside the store. One day I decided to go talk to them and that was when I decided it was much better than card games. At the time they were playing WHFB but they alternated campaigns between WHFB and WH40k so I decided to get a fantasy army. After looking around I bought a few boxes of dwarfs. After playing a few more games I decided that they weren't the army for me so I sold the army and bought some High Elves. After I got about 1000pts we ended up switching campaigns so I had to decide on a 40k army to start a slow grow with. I chose Tau cause I liked the look of the battlesuits. After about 20 games with them I really really hated them. Sold them and bought Space Wolves. I like playing both 40k and WHFB the sad part is that I have 8 armies but each one is only about half finished and I just can't bring myself to just finish one all the way, since I like to mix it up every few games.
Made in us
Wicked Canoptek Wraith

Where you least expect me

My fifth grade English teacher showed it to me

Made in nl
Fresh-Faced New User

I know about wargaming since i was about 10 year old but i've never gotten into the hobby cause it was to expensive. I have played all the dawn of war games and i think they are awesome. Recently i found out that a few friends of mine actually play warhammer but they never talked about it. I guess they are shy about it or something. So i just started playing warhammer now 15 years later .

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/10/17 23:20:52

Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator


my brother introduced me to warhammer 40k he pointed me at the space marines i walked over to the tau and orks.

Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.
George S. Patton : The wode capn deaf klawz Freebooters Shas'O Storm knifes Shan'al  
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

Minnesota, land of 10,000 Lakes and 10,000,000,000 Mosquitos

Dawn of War all the way.

Basically I played the first game and was enthralled by it, I loved the story and the weird aliens that were represented in the game (weird at the time, I mean). Couple guys started getting into it, and from there, it's history.

My Armies:
Kal'reia Sept Tau - Farsight Sympathizers
Da Great Looted Waaagh!
The Court of the Wolf Lords

The Dakka Code:
Made in pt
Death-Dealing Dark Angels Devastator

Linho, Sintra

There was a WHFB tournament (I think it was still 5th ed) in the same day I attended a MTG one... suffice to say you can guess what happened.

=====Begin Dakka Geek Code=====
======End Dakka Geek Code======

WH40k 5000 pts +/-
WHFB: 6000pts +/-

Made in us
Just the Bare Metal

brooklyn,new york,usa

Actually i started in wargaming at compleat strategist and one or two wargaming shows in New York City that is where i brought my first figures i know it was a Raf Partha Half - Ogre Giant and i went to my first MFCA show at Chester,Pa.

marc yablon  
Made in us
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

New Hampshire



Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Reading, England

Saw my cousin painting these cool looking models, Blood Angels. He showed me their codex and after months of bothering my parents I got my first box set. The one with paints and 5 Marines. Never looked back.

Bruins fan till the end.

Never assume anything, it will only make an ass of you and me. 
Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


I wandered into the GW shop in Vancouver when I was like 10, it all went downhill from there

Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

minnesota, usa

I got the game Space Marine from Relic Stuidos. I loved the campaign, and the multiplayer. But mostly I just loved the universe, these great big stompy power-armor clad guys talking in calm English accent... brutally destroying armies. The game got me into the tabletop game, along with the encouragement from a few friends.


My Warlord Class Titan
My Stompa 
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

Victoria, BC, Canada

Walked past a GW in Victoria about 8 years ago. Went in, checked it out, went home. Came back a few days later and bought my first set! Havent quit since then haha!

40k Orks 12000 points and growing
Ultramarines 2500
Salamanders 3500
Necrons 4000
Skitarii/cult mech 2500
Vampire Counts 3000 Points

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I started pretty young. My dad was into WFB and 40k,and I remember I'd look at the pictures of the old rule books and white dwarfs. So when he would go get new models I'd go with him to the store. One day when I was 6,I asked if I could get some,and he started me out with Space Marine Tac Squad. I had him paint them as Ultramarines since they were the ones on the box haha. Very fond memories of GW as a kid,glad he started me out.
Made in us
Sword Knight

They do miniwargaming at a store I went to for MTG when I moved here and ever since I started playing I've bought bery few packs and much more plastic/metal.

Made in us
Combat Jumping Garuda


I got my start by walking by a few people playing and me calling them nerds. A conversation ensued with "the smart one " and I was then somehow duped into playing.

I love wargaming now.

Made in us
Sword Knight

After I moved my parents were looking for just about anything I could do to make some friends. I already played MTG and the store had Warmachine as well, so I got quite a bit of money and they doubled the amount I had to help me start playing.

Made in my
Kinebrach-Knobbling Xeno Interrogator


Walked past a hobby shop at 11 and started playing at 15

Made in us
Thane of Dol Guldur

Me and a guy had a common friend who died in a car accident. We talked at the funeral, and afterward he rung me up and invited me to hang over at his place. He's been into the game since 2nd I think, and has a gaming room that's as close to Disneyland for wargamers as I've seen so far. Wargaming looked like fun, so I tried it out, greatly enjoy it, and happily fell into a gaming club of cool people with more-or-less similar interests.
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