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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

WIP: needs more random eyeballs

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

An absolute monstrosity. Fabulously done.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 youwashock wrote:
An absolute monstrosity. Fabulously done.

Thanks! He's pretty vile; just started adding the eyeballs.
Gotta have eyeballs.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Calling him done. Was easier and more fun to paint than I expected.

Made in eu
Regular Dakkanaut

Scrolled through the entire blog - nice conversions & great dirty paintjobs!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Boringstuff wrote:
Scrolled through the entire blog - nice conversions & great dirty paintjobs!

Thanks! Dirty painting is what I do.

WIP: Currently rebasing my Chaos Space Marine Renegades.

... I have no idea how to replicate this shade of red....
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Wow! That daemon Prince is phenomenal! Really reminds me of the daemonic pics in the 2nd Ed books.

I like how the renegades have kept their old bases to use them as toppers for the new size

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks! I'm really pleased with him, even though he turned out quite different from what I originally envisioned. Can't really go wrong with Chaos.

I am currently on downtime from writing, and managed to actually get in a game of 10th.

It did not go well.

This was my merry band who cunningly allowed themselves to be devoured by a swarm of 'Nids as part of a plan to something something Nurgle

Anyway, I was digging through my bitzbox and found some parts to make a Lord of Virulence.

Gun needs more slime.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

... so its been a while.

It turns out getting a puppy takes up a significant amount of painting time. She's a lovely dog mind (though she is currently in her first heat which is... challenging...)

So I have done little. But I did paint that plague dude.

He also led my forces to victory in a rematch.

That aside, I decided I want to change my zombie dragon 'rider'. The colours just blended too much into the base, and the model was never quite right. So I've ripped it off (gulp!) and tried again:

Like the pose. Now just to paint it....

I also built some stuff I had lying around.

Yes that is a big banner pole and no, I have no idea what I will do with it.

Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

That looks amazing.

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Good to see you back. Plague dude looks amazing. Good luck repainting the dragon dude and his Skeleton mates!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks! Some pretty far along WIP

Used contrast paints. Quite like the results. Why do I paint so many models red when I hate painting red?

That said, I do think it pops much better against the grey rock. Pose is pretty sweet too.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Finished the vampire lord + zombie dragon.
I'm happy with the final result, though it's still a pain in the butt to pick up.

Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


That is some pretty awesome work.

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Absolutely stunning!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
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