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How many members of your family are wargamers?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
How many members of your family are wargamers?
Nobody (not even me)
Just me
Male siblings
Female siblings
Male parent/grandparent
Female parent/grandparent
Wife/Husband/Significant Other
Male children
Female children
Other relative (write in)

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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

As suggested by Dastardly Dave. (No offence to the mass of other poll options currently waiting to be posted - just first one I randomly picked). Multiple choice is enabled.

Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
Made in gb
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God

Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways

Just me and my brother. My wife sometimes expresses interest, but usually is busy doing other things so does not have the time to invest in getting into it.

Made in gb
Chosen Baal Sec Youngblood

Me and my step brothers, and my step dad. My dad shows some interest but not much.

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

 GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy and paste it into your sig and add 1 to the number after generation. Consider it a social experiment  
Made in us
Winged Kroot Vulture

My wife said maybe one day she might want to try it out...but only on her terms (translation: never).

I'm back! 
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Stealthy Dark Angels Scout with Shotgun

UK Nr. Oxford

Was originally just me, but got my girlfriend's son into it and from there she has taken interest int he modelling and painting aspect of it, currently helping him with his army, but I believe it is not long before she tries gaming with them.

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

where am I? *looks around* Well i'm...errr...I...I...don't know!

Why would you be on Dakka if you didn't wargame?? The "Nobody" option strikes me as being kinda odd...

Made in gb
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God

Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways

Imperial Monkey wrote:Why would you be on Dakka if you didn't wargame?? The "Nobody" option strikes me as being kinda odd...

Some people might just be on here just for the painting and modeling, or for the fiction, or just for the OT forum.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut


I'm the only one. Unfortunately, my brothers all call me a nerd for it even though it's a sociable and fun. I always have to delete my history in case they come in and get suspicious when i quickly close what I'm looking at.

happyguardsman 2250 Cadian 25th serving alongside conscripted Keimarchan soldiers
In Soviet Russia Valhalla lasgun shoots YOU!

Enemies of the Imperium:
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

the 25th century

I started playing 40k back in 1989, or 1990. My son is 11, and I got him into it. The group of friends that got me into it still play, and so do their kids; but I don't get to see them as often as I would like due to work and family obligations.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

Georgia,just outside Atlanta

So far just me,my 8 year old son shows quite alot of interest,but is still a bit young to fully understand all the rules,I'm sure in the next few years however he will have his own army.
His Mother and sister like to look at the minis I've painted,but don't seem overly interested in the game itself.

"I'll tell you one thing that every good soldier knows! The only thing that counts in the end is power! Naked merciless force!" .-Ursus.

I am Red/Black
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
<small>Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.</small>

I am both selfish and chaotic. I value self-gratification and control; I want to have things my way, preferably now. At best, I'm entertaining and surprising; at worst, I'm hedonistic and violent.
Made in gb
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster

Northern Ireland

No granny wargamers then? lol

Full on, Full on! 
Made in us
Trustworthy Shas'vre

Mt. Gretna, PA

Me and two of my brothers are war-gamers. My dad gets really into wargaming, but mainly RPGs. My aunt kind of gets into the subject.

A lot of the friends of my family got into wargaming recently. We have influenced two people to start up playing 40k and we have a bunch of other friends who do different games.

 Goliath wrote:
 Gentleman_Jellyfish wrote:
What kind of drugs do you have to be on to see Hitler in your teapot?
Whichever they are, I'm not on the Reich ones, clearly.
Made in us
Wicked Warp Spider

The Webway Gate in California

That would be two my nephew and myself.

We were masters of the stars once and we shall be again

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

Binghamton, NY

Just me. My parents take a casual interest in my hobbies, but it's more of a "look what my son is doing" kind of thing. They think fighting in Markland (no SCA group on campus, anymore, but somehow Markland survived... go figure) is cool and my dad goes to the NY Renfair, but they'd never go to check out a war (no big deal, as I never have the time to attend one). Same thing with wargaming. When I still lived at home and was pounding metal in the basement, they'd like to see what I was doing, but mostly because it was new to them and I'm their son. Along the same lines, they like to see my painted minis and terrain, but more to see what I'm up to. Especially my dad, who used to be into model ships, so he at least has some appreciation for the process.

My girlfriend is very supportive of the hobby aspect, which is most of what I do, and even wants to try her hand at painting a model, one of these days (that poor AoBR warboss has been sitting, primed, for months already). She even tried playing one 500pt. game with me on the kitchen table. She liked playing, not for the game, but for the fact that we were doing something new together. She's said outright that, while she thinks it's cool, it's not something she can ever really see herself getting into. Sad, but at least she's supportive.

Closest thing I have is a housemate that played 40k years ago, Warmachine more recently, and does pretty much nothing now. Or maybe he does... I don't know, as none of the rest of us have been all the way into his room since he moved in. Very private, that one... I could still talk to him about it, at least, if I so desired, but he's at least an edition behind on rules and such.

The Dreadnote wrote:But the Emperor already has a shrine, in the form of your local Games Workshop. You honour him by sacrificing your money to the plastic effigies of his warriors. In time, your devotion will be rewarded with the gift of having even more effigies to worship.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

My nephews, 9 & 12; oddly, they got me back into 40k after a 15-year hiatus, as they needed an opponent (life's hard, being me... )

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in au
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker

NSW, Australia

Got two brothers who are into in as well as me (and are older). I also have a twin (not-identical) who is pretty much the opposite too me in every way, and is not interested in the hobby.

Beyond state of being mortal
The Dreadnote wrote:...Ultra mortalitas wins the thread.
Cheif Librarian Vaako wrote:...Terminator:I'm goin' in............. Whoa! man down!
Terminator 2:What happened?
Terminator:I tripped over a piece of string concealed in the bushes.
Made in at
Grovelin' Grot

In my Family just me, and my brother-in-law.
He plays SM, and i Orcs.

But its not realy different to play with a good friend...

Plz click here:
I am White/Green
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
<small>Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.</small>

Made in au
Anti-Armour Swiss Guard

Newcastle, OZ

Just me.
A brother-in-law (wife's - as opposed to mine. Her sister's hubby) used to but doesn't anymore.

Grandfather used to (napoleonics) and was the one who introduced me to toy soldiers. He's dead.

We were it.

My dad wasn't keen on the idea.
Neither was my brother.

Their opinions are irrelevant as they are also both dead and it was my own money I bought stuff with, and I was an adult when I started 40k.
(I don't really care if someone else doesn't like my hobby.)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/11/28 06:46:51

I'm OVER 50 (and so far over everyone's BS, too).
Old enough to know better, young enough to not give a ****.

That is not dead which can eternal lie ...

... and yet, with strange aeons, even death may die.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka


Just me The rest of my family think it's weird. My wife endures it politely enough. I guess it helps that she's a sci-fi nut, but she draws the line at sci-fi wargaming.

Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

Danbury, CT

Me, My little Brother, My two Cousins, and My Uncle, who started the 40k fiasco.

Ultramarines Legion 138th Company
Ultramarines Legion 19th Reserve Armour Company

Merican 1st Infantry "Merican Legion" 
Made in us
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler

Two Rivers, WI

I've actually gotten my Dad to play a game or two, he liked it and now has a 1500 point necron army. Its been really fun because we never did that much together when I was growing up.

Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

Sacramento, CA

So not one person wargames with their mom. There must be a market for War-Mothering that hasn't been tapped yet.
And 20 people vistied this site, and then polled, and don't even wargame. Interesting.

As for me, I'm the only one in the family.

Blood Wardens - 1500 Points (41% Painted)
Made in us
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

Belmont, Massachusetts

My brother did...... but now he sort of doesn't because of schoolwork and none of his friends do...... I am trying to get into it but I like the P+M aspect more and my brother is too busy to tutor me. Also, I've read the rulebook three times, and although people tell me to work my way through it, I can't even remember a single rule afterwords. So I voted male sibling(s) but this is sort of a sticky topic for me.
Made in us
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws


Sad, almost 900 and no grandma's...

Terrain Blog Reaver Blog Guide to assembling Forge World Warhound titan
"So if I want to paint my house green, even if everyone else thinks it should be red, guess what? I'm going to paint it Jar-Jar." -George Lucas 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter

Chicago, Illinois

Almost my entire family is a wargamer. My sis she played battlemasters and Talisman. My Dad Skaven, Bro all 3 games 40k, LOTR, Warhammer. My Uncle plays orcs, marines, guard, eldar, Fantasy orcs, elves, fantasy humans, fantasy orges. I am by far the only one who has at least 400 marines!
Ah and my two other cousins, one plays guard that are stormtroopers. The other just has one model and plays Star War's Minis.

From whom are unforgiven we bring the mercy of war. 
Made in us
Savage Minotaur


Just me and my GF.
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

Me my Wife, and my Cousin.

My 12 year old daughter shows an interest in painting but hasn't wargamed.

Note: My wife is not my cousin. (At least as far as I know....)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/04/29 15:08:18

Made in gb
Lesser Daemon of Chaos

North west England

Just me . I think my cousin is , he is like about 40 now . Saw him when I went to conflict 05 which was a big surprise . Not sure if he still is now.

“Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.”

Friedrich Nietzsche
I went to God just to see and I was looking at me, saw heaven and hell were lies , but when I am God every one dies -The refelcting God

MMmm BarB-Qued pestilence...just like Papa Nurgle use to make.  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

The land of cotton.

Am I the only one wondering "How are there 23 people that have voted in a poll on a wargaming site that don't wargame?"

They all probably hang in OT.
Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Houston, Texas

My wife likes painting "my little people".

Other then that she could care less about it.

Orcs n' Goblins-  
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