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Regular Dakkanaut

We can tell that chaos = evil because when chaos shows up they enslave what little of the populace is left after Khorne's berserkers are done slaughtering, Nurgle's marines are done plaguing, Tzeenches sorcerer's are done turning them into things, and Slaanesh's followers are done [censored] and [really censored] and [censored, Im really not kidding] to them.
Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Oklahoma City

Posted By Relapse on 05/24/2007 9:50 AM
The bible angle might be true as far as you take it. You neglect, however, to finsh the story to where the fifth horseman appears with his crew and kicks the dogsnot out of all the evil that's mentioned up to the point of his entrance on the scene.  This cleans  the canvas, so to speak for the good to emerge..

If what you say is true, then by conjecture the fifth power might be just biding it's time in the warp, waiting for the fullness of time so everyone can have a fair chance to be fully declared one way or the other.

This 5th Horseman could also be the Emperor.  He has a kind of "Lamb" quality about him.  You know, guiding and teaching Humanity, trying to bring about a new order, and then being "killed" for his troubles.  If the Emperor "returns", then you could have the beginning of the "final battle".  I wouldn't mind, but I am Christian, so I shouldn't.

As far as the fluff being related to the Bible, though, I don't see GW trying to follow it very well.  If they did, then they might make a bunch of gamers mad....imagine that!!!

It may be like the Matrix.  The Matrix was "inspired" by the Bible, but a bunch of other stuff as well.

You never know...

I can still remember when a box of 30 Space Marines was $30.00. Now THAT'S old school! In fact, I started playing in the Rogue Trader days...yes, I am that old. Played Warhammer Fantasy for years before Rogue Trader even came out...

6,800 Pts. Ultramarines, 1,500 Pts. Deathwatch, 1,000 Pts. Black Templars, 1,000 Pts. Blood Ravens, 1,000 Pts. Emperors Children, 2,000 Pts. Word Bearers, 3,500 Pts. Eldar (Alaitoc or Biel-tan), 2,000 Pts. Tau, 2,000 Pts. Sisters of Battle, 999 Pts. of Thousand Sons, 1,000 Points Dark Eldar, 1,000 Points Adeptus Arbites, 1,000 Points Freebooters, 1,000 Points "Last Chancers", 1,000 Points Tyranids, 1,000 Points Necrons

2,500 Pts. Brotherhood, 2,000 Pts. Undead, 2,000 Pts. Sylvan Kin Elves, 2,000 Pts. Empire of Dust, 3,000 Pts. Orcs with Goblin Allies

5 Necromunda Gangs, 10 Mordheim Warbands, and 5 Frostgrave warbands 
Made in sg
Executing Exarch

How exactly are the Chaos gods based on the four horsemen? Khorne and Nurgle fit fine, but which horsemen are Tzeentch and Slaanesh?

Wehrkind wrote:Sounds like a lot, but with a little practice I can do ~7-8 girls in 2-3 hours. Probably less if the cat and wife didn't want attention in that time.
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The Cockatrice Malediction

Posted By tegeus-Cromis on 07/25/2007 3:57 PM
How exactly are the Chaos gods based on the four horsemen? Khorne and Nurgle fit fine, but which horsemen are Tzeentch and Slaanesh?
Uh, the other two?

Posted By hotflungwok on 07/25/2007 9:28 AM
We can tell that chaos = TOTALLY AWESOME because when chaos shows up they enslave what little of the populace is left after Khorne's berserkers are done slaughtering, Nurgle's marines are done plaguing, Tzeenches sorcerer's are done turning them into things, and Slaanesh's followers are done [censored] and [really censored] and [censored, Im really not kidding] to them.
Fixed your typo.
Made in us

Wilmington DE

Posted By Pariah Press on 05/19/2007 1:02 PM
Nothing gets "written out" of the fluff, Beef.

So Malal is just out getting a pack of cigs then, eh?   

Guinness: for those who are men of the cloth and football fans, but not necessarily in that order.

I think the lesson here is the best way to enjoy GW's games is to not use any of their rules.--Crimson Devil 
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Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought

Up your nose with a rubber hose.

Posted By tegeus-Cromis on 07/25/2007 3:57 PM
How exactly are the Chaos gods based on the four horsemen? Khorne and Nurgle fit fine, but which horsemen are Tzeentch and Slaanesh?

That's where the comparison always breaks down, although really, Khorne is the only one that's truly analogous :

  • The Red Horse = War - fits Khorne. 
  • The White Horse = Victory? Conquest? Christ? Antichrist? - no easy fit.
  • The Black Horse = Famine? Injustice to the poor? - again, no easy fit.
  • The Pale Horse = Death by war, plague, etc. - maybe Nurgle?

"Don't have much use for a poop droid." - Iorek
"Elusive has a bloodhound like capacity for finding hugely ugly minis." - tortoise
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

What happened to all the "good demons" in the Warp?

They got eaten by the evil ones...
"Hey look - there's a pretty unicorn of HOPE! and there's a Bloodthirster. SLORCH!" 'nuff said.

Part ofthe problem is that evil begets evil, and good begets good. Unfortunately - it's a little late for the 40k verse. Evil's ahead by QUITE the margin.
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