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Do you have any kids?
I'm too young to have kids
None that I know of
Yes, step-kids but they are young / not into wargaming
Yes, step-kids and they are into wargaming
Yes, but they are young / not in to wargaming
Yes, and they are into wargaming
Soon... one is on the way
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Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Eternal Plague

Not into the whole procreation thing what with the gaming hobbies and nerdiness and lack of chicks into gaming hobbies and nerdiness...

Made in se
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster


I've been thinking about it, and I think I want a daughter... Where do I get one?

Not enough oysters. 
Made in gb
Noble of the Alter Kindred

United Kingdom

If you don't know now, son, you never will.

Made in us
Sure Space Wolves Land Raider Pilot

Where do i sign up for this awesome gamin camp? hehe my daughter wife and I are all going! haha

Sleep is for the weak, the dead, and the simple minded. One day I will be strong!
2000 pts-ish Space Wolves 
Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


Got 4 and 5 year old boys.
It is a mad, mad, house.
They put together models and paint, umm, well, let's say they are at a "good coverage" stage of painting.
Lots of sports are going on now (hockey, soccer, biking), we don't want to go all geek right away.

Area I live in has that "redneck/small town" element, I think if we set up a "gaming camp" (which is a REALLY cool idea) we would have the torches and pitchforks out with chanting of "kill the cult" or something of that nature. We are beginning to get development as a "sleeper community" so there is still hope.

I too think I want a daughter but I have a different reason to wonder how to get one (how hard is it to produce an X chromosome anyway??).
A girl gamer could do well, would have to advise to really avoid the poor hygiene types to narrow choice.

Good observation: learn how to expand your modeling skills to make unique/cool jewelry and give a few to choice people. You would not believe how quickly your label goes from nerd to artsy type (plus get good dates!).

A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Made in us
Napoleonics Obsesser

If by Kids, you mean Dog, then yes.

If only ZUN!bar were here... 
Made in nl
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

What do you think, that I have kids at my 16th? I don't.. or do I?..

''compromise is surrender''

read my imperial guard blog:
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

New Orleans, LA

"I want the world to be a better place for the children, but not for children's children. I don't think children should be having sex." Jack Handy.

No kids. Just a couple of cats.

Made in gb
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster

Northern Ireland

Im 23 so hopefully not for another 20 or 30 years or so.. :p

Full on, Full on! 
Made in dk
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot


I went with "Yes, but too young", since my daughter is less than a week...

She IS, however, already the centre of my attention, and the sweetest little thing.

(I may post WIP pictures later)

Back on the path of the Imperial Citizen

Still rolling ones...

Krieg: More wins than Losses. 
Made in us
Stubborn Temple Guard

No kids, and Lord willing, it stays that way. The only way I would want to have a child is if I had one with a random chickie. I don't want to raise a child, but my progeny in the world would be a useful thing for the gene pool.

27th Member of D.O.O.M.F.A.R.T.
Resident Battletech Guru. 
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets

1 kid... just under two years old...
Made in gb
Noble of the Alter Kindred

United Kingdom

Xanthos wrote:I went with "Yes, but too young", since my daughter is less than a week...

She IS, however, already the centre of my attention, and the sweetest little thing.

(I may post WIP pictures later)

Gratz Xanthos

WIP? hope you aren't doing a conversion

Made in dk
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot


Hey, thanks Chibi, we´re really excited about all the new stuff that´s going on. Definitely my biggest project ever.

Nah, no conversion work, this one will be "box standard". I was thinking that a pic of the GF´s belly might be considered WIP in this case.

Back on the path of the Imperial Citizen

Still rolling ones...

Krieg: More wins than Losses. 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

None for me yet. 19, no degree, no job/career... will not have a kiddo till I can make sure she/he will eat everyday. That and lack of wife means I'd have to procreate by myself.

*I'm an ork, im an ork, im an ork* -spores-

Angels of Acquittance 1,000 pts 27-8-10
Menoth 15 pts 0-0-0
Dwarves 1,000 pts 3-1-0
 Sigvatr wrote:
. Necrons should be an army of robots, not an army of flying French bakery.

Made in us
Crafty Goblin

Athens, GA (USA)

I have a 7 year old girl that wants to paint and play. Gods, if only I could get her to get the paint into the recesses....

-Dispatch Dave

'Thinking outside the box is often facilitated by having a less intact box.' 
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Joplin, Missouri

I've got a 10.5 month old. He was flipping through my IG Codex the other day. When he's about 5 years old and if he's interested I'll get him into some sort of gaming.

"Just pull it out and play with it" -Big Nasty B @ Life After the Cover Save
40k: Orks
Fantasy: Empire, Beastmen, Warriors of Chaos, and Ogre Kingdoms  
Made in us


Too young, sorry
Made in fi
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Finland... the country next to Sweden? No! That's Norway! Finland is to the east! No! That's Russia!

Im fourteen what do you expect?

Sweet Jesus, Nurgle and Slaanesh in the same box!?
No, just Nurgle and Slaanesh, Jesus will be sold seperately in a blister.

Made in us
Irked Necron Immortal

On the train headin down to delicious town

I wrote other just because me and my wife are at the soon point but one aint on the way yet!

loota boy wrote:Ah, I see you have run into the great Mephiston, Lord of Cheese! Not to worry, that block of chedder can be tied up easily with 30 boyz, can get his ass handed to him in a match with Ghazzy, and can be squigified with Zogwort. How satisfiying would that be? ....Squigfiston, Lord of gak...
grendel083 wrote:"Dis is Oddboy to BigBird, come in over."
"BigBird 'ere, go ahead, over." "WAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! over"
"Copy 'dat, WAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! DAKKADAKKA!!... over"
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Dear god no.

How could I afford to pay 50 for 5 plastic men if I had to feed kids?

or have time

or enough sleep

or permission from the wife

Made in us
Swamp Troll

I hope to have one by 30 but that gives me a good bit of time to finish school and all that good stuff!

Successful Trades 84 (Dakka Swap Shop)

Made in us
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

Conroe, TX

My wife is about a month and a quarter along now. We hope it's a daughter (medical stuff) and yes I will attempt to get her into this great hobby of ours.

The pen is mightier then the sword, but you must keep a sword handy for when the pen runs out of ink.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Two boys currently; the oldest is two and the youngest is five months.
Made in ca


I'm 22.... Wayy to young to have kids.

Made in ca
Human Auxiliary to the Empire


nope only 13

For The Greater Good NURGLE

yes my Tau suck in close combat ... TO BAD YOU WILL NEVER GET THERE HA HA HA

92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are one of the 8% who still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your sig.
95% of teens would go into a panic attack if the Jonas brothers were about to jump off the empire state building, copy and paste this into your sig if you are one of the 5% who would pull up a lawn chair & grab some popcorn and yell JUMP BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!

IM FROM ENGLAND (cant change the flag) 
Made in gb
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

staffordshire england

All grown up now.
My first is now 23, and got me into 40k.
The other two are into make up, and clothes
And the youngest stops every game dead, when she walks into the GW shop.

Its hard to be awesome, when your playing with little plastic men.
Welcome to Fantasy 40k

If you think your important, in the great scheme of things. Do the water test.

Put your hands in a bucket of warm water,
then pull them out fast. The size of the hole shows how important you are.
I think we should roll some dice, to see if we should roll some dice, To decide if all this dice rolling is good for the game.
Made in us
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Riverside, Cali

I got 2 step kids 10 yr old boy and a drama queen 12 yr old going on 21, the boy likes my Chaos and has just started buying his own army which is starting to look pretty good in black and gold...wife thinks I am just a big kid and plays way to much.

Chaos rules you all drool! Blood for the Blood God!
10,000 pts Black Legion
2,000 pts Traitor Catchian Guard (1067th).
8,000 point Sam Hain Eldar.
2,000 pts Squat Biker Force.
1,500 Orc Hoard (painting for a friend).
Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

I mean technically I'm old enough (20) but I don't like the idea of trying to raise a kid while seeking an engineering degree! Really scares the hell out of me just thinking about it.

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

Made in bg
Cosmic Joe


That and the current economy for me too.

Nosebiter wrote:
Codex Space Marine is renamed as Codex Counts As Because I Dont Like To Loose And Gw Hates My Army.
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