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My finished Ork Warboss (except for the base)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in lv
Sneaky Kommando


I posted some pictures of my first ever ork warboss here a while ago, but he wasn't completely finished by that time. Now he is, and I'm very pleased with the result! Especially considering that I am still a very very unexperienced painter. I've painted this guy, 20 Boyz, half a Killa Kan and a few Gretchin. Without further ado, here he is:

Front view.

His left arm.

His back.

His power klaw and part of his back.

Right side again, more aerial view.

Somewhat shoddy picture of the guns on his back.

My girlfriend saw me painting, thought it looked like fun and wanted to paint a guy. She grabbed a Nob and picked up a brush. Unfortunately it's not really visible in this picture but she freehanded a spider web onto his axe and another one on his shoulderpad. The cameo pattern on his pants are also completely freehanded. Here he is:

I think it's pretty good for someone who has never ever painted a model before!

Da Bonebringaz Waaagh!!! 1500 point - - - - - - - 5W/4L/3D

Made in us
Gargantuan Grotesque With Gnarskin

The nob and the warboss are both well painted though I don't like the warbosses blue pants. It has nothing to do with your painting I'm just not fond of blue in ork models (likely because mine have red skin, black clothing and gunmetal weapons)

The Imperium using advanced technology is like drinking Pepsi out of a Coke bottle.

Made in lv
Sneaky Kommando


Thanks for the coment! I don't think you'd like my ork army then because all the boyz follow the same color scheme as the warboss ^^ Red Gore on the shirts (it kind of looks like red leather, doesn't it?) and Shadow Grey on the pants. Haven't decided how to paint the rest of the units, but I've left my Nobs in the hands of my girlfriend. She's done another one that I might upload soon if I can get some decent pics of it.

Da Bonebringaz Waaagh!!! 1500 point - - - - - - - 5W/4L/3D

Made in us
Crazed Wardancer

Atlanta GA

he looks really good.

painted: 12 dryads,9 glade guard,2 glade guard scouts.
assembled but unpainted: 2 glade guard and the lord's bowman, 8 glade guard scouts, sexy elf lord
in the box: , 8 glade riders, , one female spellsinger, Orion, Ariel, the faerie queen. SOB immolator, 15 sisters.  
Made in lv
Sneaky Kommando


loranafaeriequeen wrote:he looks really good.

Thank you!

Here are the pictures of my girlfriends second Nob (spoilerd for size). In my opinion, this one is not as good as the first one. She had a cool idea, she was going to make it look like a mummy but I think it got far too messy. It still looks rather intimidating though!

Back view.

Another back view.

Front view.

Side view.

Other side view.

Da Bonebringaz Waaagh!!! 1500 point - - - - - - - 5W/4L/3D

Made in us
Power-Hungry Cultist of Tzeentch

Pacific Northwest USA

Very nice, those Black Reach models are fun to work with. They have so much more detail than the old Battle for Macragge models I started with. I like the warpaint on the ones your girlfriend did, they have a real urban commando look but keep the savage orkyness. And that axe sticking out of the nob's head is a nice touch. I also think the shadow grey works well on the pants, they sort of look like space-denim Maybe you could try a brown drybrushing to make them look a little more grungey and worn.

Chaos Marines 4500 points, 1000 points Daemons
Space Marines 1350 points
Tyranids 2000 points
Dark Eldar 1300 points  
Made in lv
Sneaky Kommando


Kathartes wrote:Very nice, those Black Reach models are fun to work with. They have so much more detail than the old Battle for Macragge models I started with. I like the warpaint on the ones your girlfriend did, they have a real urban commando look but keep the savage orkyness. And that axe sticking out of the nob's head is a nice touch. I also think the shadow grey works well on the pants, they sort of look like space-denim Maybe you could try a brown drybrushing to make them look a little more grungey and worn.

Wow - did you register to comment on my (and my girlfriends) painting? I take that as a big compliment ^^ I actually only have Black Reach models at the moment, with the exception of a few grots and three Killa Kans, so I don't know what the others look like but I really enjoy painting these!
And yes, I was considering dirtying up the pants a little. I went over them with a bit of Badab Black but it didn't really "bite". I'm fairly happy with the way it looks right now though, so I think I'll try the dirtying up on another model first. If that looks good, I can do it to this one too =)

Da Bonebringaz Waaagh!!! 1500 point - - - - - - - 5W/4L/3D

Made in nz
Regular Dakkanaut

Just got a semi full ork army from my mate for free, which included this guy. He's currently taking a swim in simple green, I will paint him up later lol. Maybe using a few things from this. Nice painting. The pants could do with a major touchup. Try doing it a darker blue, wash black, then highlight it a light blue, then black wash again, then a medium blue highlight.

1850 -- |W 3 |D 1 |L 1| 
Made in us
Crazed Wardancer

Atlanta GA

I like the concept of the mummy. it's just very hard to see that in the details. it doesn't look bad though.

painted: 12 dryads,9 glade guard,2 glade guard scouts.
assembled but unpainted: 2 glade guard and the lord's bowman, 8 glade guard scouts, sexy elf lord
in the box: , 8 glade riders, , one female spellsinger, Orion, Ariel, the faerie queen. SOB immolator, 15 sisters.  
Made in us
Stinky Spore


My first ork was better, just because you're new doesn't mean your bad
Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy


good painting better than on of my early models that i painted in crayon practicly, may upload the shame.


follow me on my blog!
or he will find you and eat you in your sleep! 
Made in gb
Lord of the Fleet


I was just about to say that your girlfriend's nob looks impressive..nah she's done some pretty good work on it. Is she a beginner painter?
Made in se
Sneaky Kommando


Valkyrie wrote:I was just about to say that your girlfriend's nob looks impressive..nah she's done some pretty good work on it. Is she a beginner painter?

Yeah, at least she's never painted any models before. She's pretty good at drawing but she isn't very interested in it. She just wanted to try to paint one and I was very surprised

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footslogginboyz wrote:My first ork was better, just because you're new doesn't mean your bad

Would you mind posting a picture of it? I'd like to see it =)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/04 21:29:13

Da Bonebringaz Waaagh!!! 1500 point - - - - - - - 5W/4L/3D

Made in us
Stormin' Stompa

Rogers, CT

Hmm, you should do something with the loincloth thing, it looks too plain.
(and paint the metal rings in the leather of the gun holsters)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/04 21:31:31

Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

Houston Tx Area

nice work but it may be good to drill out the barrels or paint a black dot on the end

If you cant beat em join em...  
Made in se
Sneaky Kommando


I will drill out the barrels as soon as I get the right tools to do it =) Tried "drilling" with a knife, putting the tip on the end and rotating it but that didn't work.

By the way, is there an article somewhere that gives some tips on working with the bases? Not sure what I should do with it.

Da Bonebringaz Waaagh!!! 1500 point - - - - - - - 5W/4L/3D

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