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Maiden Guard vignette for competition  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

Heya, a few days ago I finished this little piece for a local painting competition:

(please not that the base was completely scratchbuilt, even the pylon) Hope you like it.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Hampton Roads, VA

It looks great, a nice use of the maiden model and nice work with the base, good luck in the competition.

"Hi, I'am Cthulu. I tried to call, but I kept getting your stupid answering machine."
Love's Eldritch Ichor

Blood is best stirred before battle, and nothing does that better than the bagpipes.

Made in de
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

Thanks for your comment. I recently acquired a few Maiden Guards and the Everqueen so I was eager to put at least one of them to good use. I usually am not someone who enters competitions a lot but I got into it lately because it gives me an excuse to paint single miniatures of games/armies I rarely do. I also hopes it raises my profile as a painting service.

Made in au
Swift Swooping Hawk

Canberra, Australia

Wow, stunning mini. Looks like a lot of work went into this. And the base!

Currently collecting and painting Eldar from W40k.  
Made in gb
Courageous Silver Helm

Portsmouth, UK

I love it! I have a real soft spot for the Maiden Guard (they were released just after I joined the hobby) and it's always awesome to see them painted up so nicely.

I like the cut on the leg detail, and the base compliments the whole thing nicely. Also, I love the gems. Good luck with the competition!

I have recently been diagnosed with swelling in the brain, so please excuse spelling mistakes and faulty sentences. I am losing my ability to type and talk effectively, but dammit, that is not going to stop me from trying.  
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