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Vulkan He'Stan  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

Hi, I don't normally put up minis for painting C&C but I quite like my Vulkan Mini. I had a good time painting him and enjoyed it. (Tau were driving me mental!) I experimented with some simple blending and things.

Gentle criticism and feedback appreciated :-) or any suggestions to make it better.

Made in bn
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Love the blending on the flames ect
All I can say is that the green areas look rather flat. highlights maybe?

S'all fun and games until some no life troll master debates all over your space manz & ruins it for you  
Made in ca
Stormin' Stompa

Ottawa, ON

Good job on the spear, it actually looks hot.

Ask yourself: have you rated a gallery image today? 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka


Flames look cool (ho ho), but some shading and highlights on the armour would finish the model off nicely.

Made in gb
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

Thanks guys - I will get on it - but any ideas how to achieve this? I tried some slight highlighting with goblin green on the edges of the boots and hands and things.
Made in us
Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest

Arlington TX, but want to be back in Seattle WA

I like how bright He'Stan is. You did a nice job blending the fire tones. I would only recommend you going bakc over the green with some type of highlight. good job.

4250 points of Blood Angels goodness, sweet and silky W12-L6-D4
1000 points of Teil-Shan (my own scheme) Eldar Craftworld in progress
800 points of unassembled Urban themed Imperial Guard
650 points of my do-it-yourself Tempest Guard
675 points of Commoraghs finest!

The Dude - "Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man."

Lord Helmet - "I bet she gives great helmet."

Made in au
Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Maybe try ink washing the armour joins first so you get some easy shading done before you highlight? makes it easier to see where you are going overall, then highlight as you see fit. love how you've done your flames too, they are well done, you could maybe add a small amount of white on the tips and a darker shade where they meet the cloth of the cape this way they'll really stand out, and as you've done so well with them you'll want them to be noticed! :-)

Flesh Eaters 4,500 points

" I will constantly have those in my head telling me how lazy and ugly and whorish I am. You sir, are a true friend " - KingCracker

"Nah, I'm just way too lazy to stand up so I keep sitting and paint" - Sigur

"I think the NMM technique with metals is just MNMM. Same sound I make while eating a good pizza" - Whalemusic360 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Decent, man that model just has an awkward pose though, composition wise and anatomically it's, confusing.

Is he throwing that spear? Or striding sideways, or what? It looks off balance.

What way is the wind blowing? The motion of that mini is all messed up the cloak makes it look like its blowing from the left to right but the flames on the backpack are the other way, and of course the purity seals on the spear suggest a 3rd direction, or that the spear is being thrown, but that doesn't go with the feet position at all, which are nearly static.

Ugg that's a terrible pose model. You did great paint work on it though.

Good flame colors.
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