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Made in us
Scribe of Dhunia

Hey guys.

I finished this guy a little while ago and wanted to see what you guys thought. It's an Eldar Warlock, and someday will be part of my Harlequin themed army (providing i ever get it done). Let me know what you think!

Made in us
Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest

Arlington TX, but want to be back in Seattle WA

Great looking Warlock! The color choices are fantastic! I really like the checkered/harlequin theme you applied. The pattern has been done very neat without mistakes in the straight lines. the only criticism I can provide would be about the blending on the model; it could definately have been done a little smoother, but the over all look of the character is great! Definately a step above a quality table top paint job.

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Made in gb
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

To start off with you are great with the pattern as it looks very complicated however i dont think it suits the model : l
Made in gb
Never-Miss Nightwing Pilot

In the Webway.

Wow, that's pretty damn good. I disagree with jamunition, i think it does suit it, but i have to admit im surprised at that. Great paint job and it'd be cool to see your harlequin army, if you do get it finished.

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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


A+ as part of a harlie theme

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Made in ca
Furious Fire Dragon

Aurora, Ontario

Really well done, the diamond pattern is really cool, great job.


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Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka


Neat paint job (literally). Nice idea and very well executed

Made in jp
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva

Chiba, Japan

I especially like how the diamonds came out on his face. I disagree with the blending comment actually. Although it's not a perfect job I think it really works. I like that it makes it look like it was painted on and I think it suits the harley vibe.

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Made in gb
Courageous Silver Helm

Portsmouth, UK

Very well done! I'd have gone blind attempting that! Also, it really stands out as unique- I don't think I have ever seen one even remotely like it before!

I have recently been diagnosed with swelling in the brain, so please excuse spelling mistakes and faulty sentences. I am losing my ability to type and talk effectively, but dammit, that is not going to stop me from trying.  
Made in us
Charging Wild Rider

Denver, CO

I really like the sword and the diamond pattern. I would do more highlighting on the wraithboad bits though.

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Made in us

Dude, you should post an elevated picture so that people can see the cards on the base more clearly. It's a neat detail that you should really show off.

Made in gb
Painting Within the Lines

Poole Dorset UK

That's is brilliant, wish I'd thought of that. Your sword is fantastic.

How did you make the diamonds equal in size? Just by eye or do you have a neat little trick?

FOW: Soviet - Tankovy
Infinity: Aleph

Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut


Excellent job!

Love the harlequin pattern and the blade looks like it's made of ice!

I know what you mean about the big if. I can't fathom doing a whole army with a paint job that detailed, but it will be outstanding looking when completed

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/11 20:09:38

Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Sheffield, England

Very nice. I'm not really a fan of the check pattern in general, but yours seems well executed. What stands out for me is the sword, which looks truly fantastic. The bone armour on the chest looks great too.

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Made in sg
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Looks good. The sword is fantastic. And the card detail on the base is very characterful.

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350 points and growing
Made in us
Scribe of Dhunia

Hangfire wrote:
How did you make the diamonds equal in size? Just by eye or do you have a neat little trick?

I drew the pattern on with a micron pen, then just traced over the lines with a brush after filling in the boxes. Kind of a pain, but worth it.
Made in be
Sneaky Striking Scorpion

I think its really good... i think it does suit the model. I do agree about the blending though... perhaps a glaze would help with this... if you just use it on the diamond areas i think you will find it would add overall contrast to the piece too.

I'm no expert though.


P.S. The seer council models are so good.

Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

He is lovely

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Darkest Kent (England)

I love the diamond pattern but the thing that really blows me away about this is the sword - that's amazing!

Okay, I've been on a bit of a hiatus 2011-14

Currently working on my Riot Guard.

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