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Made in ca
Speed Drybrushing


I'd posted these a while ago on Bolter and Chainsword, but as I am relatively new to this forum, I think I'll steal this opportunity to show off this army here. It has been semi-retired, in lieu of my playing Blood Angels Nipple Wing (that's pure Sanguinary Guard) and my Death Korps as of late, but the manager of the local Games Workshop I frequent has graciously allowed me to display my army there so whenever I stop by GW without an army and am challenged to a game, I still have my Wolves.

The Wolves of Fenris!

Ragnar Blackmane, the Allslayer

Rune Priest Jormunrek Skallagrim

Arjac Rockfist, the Anvil of Fenris

Lone Wolf

Wolf Guard

Since taking these images, several of the Wolf Guard have been converted with Combi-Weapons.

Grey Hunters

Rhinos "Munin", "Roskva", and "Oseberg"

Drop Pod


Land Speeder Tornadoes

Land Speeder Typhoons

Land Raider "Ragnarok"

Since taking these images, the Redeemer Cannons have been replaced with Hurricane Bolter sponsons, making it a Crusader pattern instead of a Redeemer pattern.

Objective Markers

The powder monkey also sometimes doubles as a Chooser of the Slain.

These photos are a little dated, and I have also added several new units to the army, of which I have yet to photograph (I will try and do so when I get a chance):

6 Long Fangs
5 Wolf Scouts
Rune Priest Hrafn Skarphedinn

Hope you enjoy. Comments and criticisms are always welcome.


Made in ca
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Sunny SoCal


Made in ca
Changing Our Legion's Name


Excellent, very well done! Probably my fav. runepriest and Ragnar I have yes seen.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

North Carolina

I saw some of your stuff before the new edition Space Wolves Codex came out...when you were using the Vanilla Marine rules. It made me sick how good you were then, and I'm even sicker now, haha. Absolutely awesome stuff man. Your conversions are pretty flawless, and the painting is magnificent. I tend not to swoon over models or the guys that put them together without at least giving some sort of criticism, so I'll say that your bases seem a little too sterile for my taste. I'd like to see a few wisp of yellowed or brown dead grass.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/13 05:17:25

Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

i couldnt see the pictures after the landspeeder, but what i did see was amazing! great work here!

"Reality is, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away"
-Philip K. Dick

Constant Lurker, Slowly getting back into modelling! Someday a P&M Blog link will lurk here! 
Made in ca
Nasty Nob

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Those are fantastic Space Wolves. If I can ask, could you (briefly) explain the main colour choices and how you painted these beauties?

Conversely, a link to somewhere where you already did that would be awesome, nay, epic!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/13 06:19:40

Current Project: Random quaratine models!
Most Recently Completed: Stormcast Nightvault Warband
On the Desk: Looking into 3D Printing!
Instagram Updates: @joyous_oblivion 
Made in au
Boosting Black Templar Biker

Australia, NSW, Blue Mountains


Made in gb
Renegade Inquisitor de Marche

Elephant Graveyard

This is full of win!

Dakka Bingo! By Ouze
"You are the best at flying things"-Kanluwen
"Further proof that Purple is a fething brilliant super villain " -KingCracker
"Purp.. Im pretty sure I have a gun than can reach you...."-Nicorex
"That's not really an apocalypse. That's just Europe."-Grakmar
"almost as good as winning free cake at the tea drinking contest for an Englishman." -Reds8n
Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.
Equip, Reload. Do violence.
Watch for Gerry. 
Made in ca
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper


Hey man GREAT work ! if its not much to ask would you be able to give me a pm on how you did the scars on some of your models faces?

Made in jp
Hacking Shang Jí

It takes a lot to make me like Space Marines, but you've done it.

Kudos to the conversion work of course, but special kudos to making such a striking army with such a muted palette. It's almost like your army is partly sepia tinted... like it's already a relic.

"White Lions: They're Better Than Cancer!" is not exactly a compelling marketing slogan. - AlexHolker 
Made in sg
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Fantastic looking army!

Check out my Space Wolves army P&M blog here
350 points and growing
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Very nice work!
Made in au
Swift Swooping Hawk

Canberra, Australia

JOHIRA wrote:It takes a lot to make me like Space Marines, but you've done it.

Kudos to the conversion work of course, but special kudos to making such a striking army with such a muted palette. It's almost like your army is partly sepia tinted... like it's already a relic.


SW's where my 1st choice "back in the day" until I realised orks and marines weren't the only races in the game.

Love how the units have so much character (that scared Grey Hunter is just sweet).

Currently collecting and painting Eldar from W40k.  
Made in be
Sneaky Striking Scorpion


Back in the day i collected space wolves... soft spots and hearts and all that.


Made in us
Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest

Arlington TX, but want to be back in Seattle WA

Quite possibly the BEST space wolves ive ever seen. Your army is an inspiration for me to collect my own SW chapter! the tones of grey you chose are the best ive ever seen for a space wolves army. The grey gives them a feeling of being frigid and frozen...excellent palette choice. What im most awestruck by is the superlative weathering on the vehicles. It is some of the best! I would be very appreciative of a PM tutorial of how you did the weathering (both technique and colors used). Absolutely stunning army, I bet it turns heads when you deploy them on the board!

4250 points of Blood Angels goodness, sweet and silky W12-L6-D4
1000 points of Teil-Shan (my own scheme) Eldar Craftworld in progress
800 points of unassembled Urban themed Imperial Guard
650 points of my do-it-yourself Tempest Guard
675 points of Commoraghs finest!

The Dude - "Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man."

Lord Helmet - "I bet she gives great helmet."

Made in gb
Slippery Scout Biker

Great SW! i really love the grey armour. Can you please PM me about how you painted the battle damage and skin because it looks amazing. cheers.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/12/13 17:17:35

Starting more general space marine armies

4000pts Imperial Fists

500pts Blood Angels
Made in gb
Torch-Wielding Lunatic

Beautiful. I particularly like your converted Ragnar.
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

where am I? *looks around* Well i'm...errr...I...I...don't know!

These are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. My one criticism is that the nozzle of the flamer looks far too similar to other black areas on the models. Needs some heat damage and these would be flawless!

Imp. Monkey

Made in gb
Nimble Pistolier


What base colour did you use for these man? They're beautiful!
Made in ca
Speed Drybrushing


beezley1981 wrote:I saw some of your stuff before the new edition Space Wolves Codex came out...when you were using the Vanilla Marine rules. It made me sick how good you were then, and I'm even sicker now, haha. Absolutely awesome stuff man. Your conversions are pretty flawless, and the painting is magnificent. I tend not to swoon over models or the guys that put them together without at least giving some sort of criticism, so I'll say that your bases seem a little too sterile for my taste. I'd like to see a few wisp of yellowed or brown dead grass.

I don't disagree, but then for me simple is better. Without worrying about the little finagly details like the wisps of dead yellow grass, I can base these guys pretty quickly. It detracts a little from the close up, but from 3 feet away (which is the general rule of thumb for any army), it isn't a big deal that the bases are just grey slates covered with snow.

Joyous_Oblivion wrote:Those are fantastic Space Wolves. If I can ask, could you (briefly) explain the main colour choices and how you painted these beauties?

Conversely, a link to somewhere where you already did that would be awesome, nay, epic!

I posted a how-to video on YouTube:


It'll take you from start to finish on how I paint a Space Wolf. Sorry if my hands or head gets in the way. First time doing a video tutorial (most likely the only time) and I had to make do with a finicky tripod which didn't sit quite so well on my desk.

Wulfenone wrote:Hey man GREAT work ! if its not much to ask would you be able to give me a pm on how you did the scars on some of your models faces?

Any scars you see on bare faces is sculpted on. I just painted the details and highlighted/shaded as normal.

Element206 wrote:Quite possibly the BEST space wolves ive ever seen. Your army is an inspiration for me to collect my own SW chapter! the tones of grey you chose are the best ive ever seen for a space wolves army. The grey gives them a feeling of being frigid and frozen...excellent palette choice. What im most awestruck by is the superlative weathering on the vehicles. It is some of the best! I would be very appreciative of a PM tutorial of how you did the weathering (both technique and colors used). Absolutely stunning army, I bet it turns heads when you deploy them on the board!

Thanks. See above for the YouTube link. I'm not quite sure if I covered the weathering, but I just used a 7B Staedler pencil and drew on the battle damage (both on the infantry and the vehicles). Just make sure you keep the pencil tip sharp, and varnish (matte) often.

dignifiedsausage wrote:
Great SW! i really love the grey armour. Can you please PM me about how you painted the battle damage and skin because it looks amazing. cheers.

Battle damage is already mentioned. The skin you can achieve with Scorched Brown, Dwarf Flesh and Elf Flesh (work your way up through blending/layering) with controlled/selective applications of washes of Devlan Mud, Leviathan Purple and Asurmen Blue) in the crevices/shadows.

Imperial Monkey wrote:These are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. My one criticism is that the nozzle of the flamer looks far too similar to other black areas on the models. Needs some heat damage and these would be flawless!

Imp. Monkey

I see what you're saying, but I've never been a big fan of the heat damage.

TheFirstBorn wrote:What base colour did you use for these man? They're beautiful!

See the video tutorial. But it's Codex Grey, highlighted up through Fortress Grey, and washed with Leviathan Purple, Asurmen Blue, and Devlan Mud.


Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Lincolnshire, UK

Wowza! That is an incredibly impressive looking army, the Wolf-feel is not at all over-the-top, the palette is lovely as is the quality of the models and paintjob. The HQ's in particular are awesome, as are the Grey Hunters.
They catch the hard-worn and grim feel of 40K and the Space Wolves very well.
Seriously, that's a beautiful collection. I'm incredibly impressed.

My only criticism is the Vanguard models for the Skyclaws; whilst beautifully painted, they seem much to veteran and ornate for Skyclaws...

Enlist as a virtual Ultramarine! Click here for my Chaos Gate (PC) thread.

"It is the great irony of the Legiones Astartes: engineered to kill to achieve a victory of peace that they can then be no part of."
- Roboute Guilliman

"As I recall, your face was tortured. Imagine that - the Master of the Wolves, his ferocity twisted into grief. And yet you still carried out your duty. You always did what was asked of you. So loyal. So tenacious. Truly you were the attack dog of the Emperor. You took no pleasure in what you did. I knew that then, and I know it now. But all things change, my brother. I'm not the same as I was, and you're... well, let us not mention where you are now."
- Magnus the Red, to a statue of Leman Russ
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Darkest Kent (England)

Amazing Work - I love your army shot.

Okay, I've been on a bit of a hiatus 2011-14

Currently working on my Riot Guard.

Made in mx
Screamin' Stormboy


Hey thanks to you i HAVE SOME XMAS GIFT IDEAS FOR my bro he also uses sw

i juzt want to go more fazta  
Made in us
The Last Chancer Who Survived

Norristown, PA

wow.. really awesome lookin stuff there

Made in gb
Sure Space Wolves Land Raider Pilot

Norwich, UK


The Ailarian Medal of Literary Endurance, yes, it's shiny 
Made in us
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

Redondo Beach

welcome to Dakka, mate...
i'm sure i've told you over on the B&C that i'm a huge fan of your work...
nice to see you spreadin' the love here as well...

best SW army ever, period...

keep up the good work...


Paint like ya got a pair!

Available for commissions.
Made in us
Raging-on-the-Inside Blood Angel Sergeant

Lawrenceville, New Jersey, USA

Beautiful grey. I especially like the conversions and why this army is "retired" is beyond me... to nice to not be played with.

The black rage is within us all. Lies offer no shield against it. You speak of donning the black of duty for the red of brotherhood; but it is the black of rage you shall wear when the end comes.

Black Templars -
Deathskull Orks
Adeptus Mechanicus
Blood Angels
Genestealer Cult
1000 Sons  
Made in se
Nervous Accuser


Rangnar and the Rune Priest is pure awesome! the rest is just extremely awesome!
Nice details and paint scheme, I'll to say like others...these is the best Space Wolves I've seen.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Everywhere I'm not supposed to be.

THAT is what Ragnar Blackmane should look like! I suggest bombarding GW with emails including that picture until they get the hint.

If you need me, I'll be busy wiping the layers of dust off my dice. 
Made in us
Crafty Bray Shaman

Your 11th post and I don't think I have ever had my jaw drop so low.

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