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Alien Hunters - Ellen, Sadie and Billie  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Sheffield, England

Ravenous alien parasites can really ruin your day. Still, they're nothing a liberal application of ten-millimetre explosive-tipped caseless rounds won't fix.

Mother to Sadie and Billie. Married to a marine corporal called Dwayne, though she chose to keep her own name. Extremely protective of her family, she taught her daughters how to fight from an early age. Apparently, she knows the alien queen personally.

Billie's older sister. Though rash and impulsive, Sadie's kill-record speaks for itself. Hates getting alien blood on her favourite jacket.

Just getting my gallery up-to-date. I'll get some pictures of Billie once I get some decent sunlight. Don't forget to vote!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/15 13:32:01

The 28mm Titan Size Comparison Guide
Building a titan? Make sure you pick the right size for your war engine!

Made in gb
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes


Made in us


The both look great. I espeically like "Ellen." The red trim on the rifle was a smart choice.

Maybe it's your avatar, but I like you more and more.

Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Sheffield, England

Come on now Manchu, you're going to make me blush

The 28mm Titan Size Comparison Guide
Building a titan? Make sure you pick the right size for your war engine!

Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Sheffield, England

Well, as promised, here's Billie.

The youngest of the Weaver family, Billie is never found without her doll Casey. Though her arms aren't long enough to hold her pulse rifle properly, the gun camera and helmet mounted eye-tracking/holographic display systems make sure she can still hit her mark, even when firing from the hip. She's still upset that her mother won't let her have any grenades.

The 28mm Titan Size Comparison Guide
Building a titan? Make sure you pick the right size for your war engine!

Made in gb
Massive Knarloc Rider


So, any scary space aliens to complement these?

Check out my (new) blog at https://neonrust.home.blog
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

Very nice; I have been kind of curious how those paint up. I have some of Hassle Free's other "hunter chicks" that I never got around to working on, mostly because my =][=munda group largely moved away. If only I had painted up more hunter chicks!

Ahem, anyway two suggestions if I may:

1: I think a thin flesh wash the mum and a thin blue wash on her pants would help out a bit. Her skin is a tad flat looking, and her pants look a little overly dusty, both of which I think could be taken care of with a little wash to add depth and tie the colors together.

2: Dullcote all over the place Sadie especially looks a little overly glossy, and it is taking away from the nice, subtle highlights you have going there.

All in all, very nice work. It kind of gets me back in the frame of mind of wanting to put together an aliens vs survivors type game, where the humans have to survive against waves of aliens for a set time before they get rescued. Maybe a mash of Space Hulk and Necromunda... damnit, I need to be working on WoC! Next year for Dakkacon, perhaps

Automatically Appended Next Post:
By the way, great job on the lips. Getting just the right color there to look feminine but not transvestite is really a neat trick someones.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/15 16:14:06

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Sheffield, England

Ghosty - No specific aliens yet I'm afraid. I have some vague plans for the future though.

Wehrkind - thanks! I'm well aware of the gloss problem, but I've just never got around to getting some matt varnish. If I end up with some spare cash after christmas, I'll definitely consider picking some up, as well as some flesh wash.

Here's a WIP of Sadie, pre-gloss:

As for the lips, I'm pretty sure it's just dwarf flesh

The 28mm Titan Size Comparison Guide
Building a titan? Make sure you pick the right size for your war engine!

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

Dullcote is worth every penny, I gotta say. Though sometimes you get a leaky gasket up top that makes some dribble out instead of spraying which is annoying as all hell. Still, fantastic product, even if the sprayer isn't too great

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in gb
Annoyed Blood Angel Devastator


I really think the bases need some work, there is visable glue resindue so they let the mini's down in my opinion.

2000+ pts
2000+ pts 
Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Sheffield, England

That's because I haven't done anything to the bases yet. Didn't have any appropriate materials to hand, and didn't want to do something half-assed out of greenstuff and sprue bits.

The 28mm Titan Size Comparison Guide
Building a titan? Make sure you pick the right size for your war engine!

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