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Old Space Wolf Project Finally Based. (Pic Heavy) more added  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Guardsman with Flashlight

Edmonton, AB

So I finally got around to basing a Space Wolf army I started about 6 months before the current codex was released.
They've been finished minus the bases and shoulder transfers for far too long. Now they're as done as they'll ever be.

DSC00551 by wesley_pauley

DSC00553 by wesley_pauley

DSC00555 by wesley_pauley

DSC00558 by wesley_pauley

DSC00600 by wesley_pauley

DSC00601 by wesley_pauley

DSC00607 by wesley_pauley

DSC00612 by wesley_pauley

DSC00567 by wesley_pauley

DSC00566 by wesley_pauley

DSC00595 by wesley_pauley

DSC00609 by wesley_pauley

DSC00610 by wesley_pauley

DSC00612 by wesley_pauley

DSC00587 by wesley_pauley

DSC00595 by wesley_pauley

DSC00569 by wesley_pauley

DSC00583 by wesley_pauley

DSC00603 by wesley_pauley

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/25 22:41:55

Made in us
Commoragh-bound Peer


Looks amazing. Very cleanly done. Keep up the good work!
Made in us
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Sherman Oaks, CA

Green was an interesting color choice for those power weapons. I'm curious as to what your thought process was? It's like, I like it, even though it seems like I shouldn't haha. The lightning streaks are awesome btw!


The Reactor Core - Commission Painting Service: http://reactorcorepainting.com
Made in ca
Nasty Nob

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Very nice, very clean, good work on the decals!

Current Project: Random quaratine models!
Most Recently Completed: Stormcast Nightvault Warband
On the Desk: Looking into 3D Printing!
Instagram Updates: @joyous_oblivion 
Made in sg
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Great looking army. I like it.

Check out my Space Wolves army P&M blog here
350 points and growing
Made in gb
Furious Raptor


Wow amazing, I love the green power wepons, what colours did you use?
More pics to marvel this awesome army please

Just got back to wh40k =D 
Made in de
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Madman49 wrote:Wow amazing, I love the green power wepons, what colours did you use?
More pics to marvel this awesome army please

Yeah the green power weapons look really cool, as does the rest of the army. Nice work!
Made in gb
Terrifying Wraith

Training sheep, Stocking Urchins.

Good work- nice army.

Made in us
Crafty Bray Shaman

Just that small bit of using a different color to the power weapons really personalizes your army. Good job overll

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just that small bit of using a different color to the power weapons really personalizes your army. Good job overall.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/25 20:07:32

Made in ca
Guardsman with Flashlight

Edmonton, AB

Well thanks for the great feedback. I chose to use green for the power weapons to add some contrast to the blue-grey armour. Also, I had already painted the lightning claws blue and frost axe blue. I'll add more pictures very shortly.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
pics added

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/25 22:43:16

Made in au
Swift Swooping Hawk

Canberra, Australia

Gawd, nice. I started with space wolves when the their 1st codex came out. After getting a few GH's done I then found GW also made Eldar. Enough said, started Eldar, never looked back. I now use my old SW's as dead bodies.

You mini's look great on the table top.

Currently collecting and painting Eldar from W40k.  
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight


They look outstanding! Great job.

...one amongst untold billions.
Made in ca
Excellent Exalted Champion of Chaos

Grim Forgotten Nihilist Forest.

You know as GREAT as the new kits are I can't help but see how very unique and beautiful the older models can be!

Goob well done! What caused such a long delay in finishing them if I may ask?

I've sold so many armies. :(
Aeldari 3kpts
Slaves to Darkness.3k
Word Bearers 2500k
Daemons of Chaos

Made in us
Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest

Arlington TX, but want to be back in Seattle WA

Excellent work, very clean paint application. REally nice to see all the bases finished, give them a real unified look.

4250 points of Blood Angels goodness, sweet and silky W12-L6-D4
1000 points of Teil-Shan (my own scheme) Eldar Craftworld in progress
800 points of unassembled Urban themed Imperial Guard
650 points of my do-it-yourself Tempest Guard
675 points of Commoraghs finest!

The Dude - "Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man."

Lord Helmet - "I bet she gives great helmet."

Made in ca
Guardsman with Flashlight

Edmonton, AB

Shadowbrand wrote:You know as GREAT as the new kits are I can't help but see how very unique and beautiful the older models can be!

Goob well done! What caused such a long delay in finishing them if I may ask?

I'm in the military and was also in the process of completely rebuilding my imperial guard, bretonnians and trying tyranids.
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