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A Christmas Present (Loyalist Thousand Sons)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Commoragh-bound Peer


Long story short, I have an awesome best friend, and since I've been broke for a considerable time now, presents are hard to come by.

So this year I've been making 40k stuff for him out of spare stuff I have in an attempt to get him to take up the game. This specific project snowballed from nine models for a Killteam Campaign and has continued growing since. I asked him if he had to pick a Marine chapter, what would it be. He responded Thousand Sons, but he didn't really like the Chaos Marine army feel. So it began.Now Travis has a 40-ish model Thousand Sons army waiting to be painted and played. Today, as again I can't really afford to buy him anything, I painted the first few models. And here they are:

The Anubis Cult Terminator Squad:

And then the individual models.

The Great Pharaoh Hamenphotep:

Kotep, Herald of Hamenphotep:

And then the other three: (Who still need names.)

And lastly, Tankanumen, Chosen of the Gods. During the killteam campaign, Tankanumen became a bit of a legend. He was a Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with a Relic Blade. That's it. Power armor and a Relic Blade. Over the course of seven games, Tankanumen racked up a kill count of 82 models and managed to never take a single unsaved wound. It was ridiculous. It defied all reason. We're talking untouched after four rounds of nonstop shooting from three Zoanthropes ridiculous. They only hit him three times. Every single hit got a one to wound. Tankanumen has the entire Egyptian Pantheon looking out for him. Where some Marines wear the symbols or blessings of their God, Tankanumen scoffs. He IS the symbol of his Gods. His presence IS their blessing. He rides to battle in a battered suit of power armor with no ornamentation, and that's enough.

So, in closing, Travis, thank you for being my best friend. Merry Christmas. You can pick up your models whenever you see me next.

Made in us
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Riverside, Cali

Looks so awesome great work...kinda looks Khorne....

Chaos rules you all drool! Blood for the Blood God!
10,000 pts Black Legion
2,000 pts Traitor Catchian Guard (1067th).
8,000 point Sam Hain Eldar.
2,000 pts Squat Biker Force.
1,500 Orc Hoard (painting for a friend).
Made in au
Esteemed Veteran Space Marine


They look really cool


I am Blue/White
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I'm both orderly and rational. I value control, information, and order. I love structure and hierarchy, and will actively use whatever power or knowledge I have to maintain it. At best, I am lawful and insightful; at worst, I am bureaucratic and tyrannical.
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Made in de
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

That's a nice set of Thousand Sons you got there! Really nice painting too. Well done!

Made in gb
Irked Blood Angel Scout with Combat Knife


Models look great!!! loving the futurama reference!!!! his 2nd in command should be called pharaoh bender!!! with a little "cron" conversion!!!!

"From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate" -Socrates.  
Made in us
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine


Excellent job, and without a doubt you're also an excellent friend.
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Gardner, MA

Im enjoying your work - beautiful and creatice conversion - Ive never seen this look before.

A man's character is his fate.
Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Sheffield, England

Well that's just plain badass. Excellent choice of parts, well painted...and then there's Tankanumen. Excellent story

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Building a titan? Make sure you pick the right size for your war engine!

Made in us
Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

New Jersey

The paint job is great and the story makes it even cooler.

Just wondering, where did you get the weapons for Tankanumen and Hamenphotep?

"Order. Unity. Obedience. We taught the galaxy these things, and we shall do so again."
"They are not your worst nightmare; they are your every nightmare."
"Let the galaxy burn!"

Made in us
Commoragh-bound Peer


asimo77 wrote:The paint job is great and the story makes it even cooler.

Just wondering, where did you get the weapons for Tankanumen and Hamenphotep?

Tankanumen's blade is from a Tomb Kings Ushabti model.

Hamenphotep's blade was made from plasticard.
Made in us
Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

New Jersey

CasaHouse wrote:
asimo77 wrote:The paint job is great and the story makes it even cooler.

Just wondering, where did you get the weapons for Tankanumen and Hamenphotep?

Tankanumen's blade is from a Tomb Kings Ushabti model.

Hamenphotep's blade was made from plasticard.

Oh ok, thanks for the quick response

Keep up the good work!

"Order. Unity. Obedience. We taught the galaxy these things, and we shall do so again."
"They are not your worst nightmare; they are your every nightmare."
"Let the galaxy burn!"

Made in us
Boosting Ultramarine Biker

Arlington, VA

Looks like somebody had a good Christmas. Great paint job!
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