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Logan Grimnar  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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United States

I recieved Logan Grimnar, a Drop Pod, and a Vindicator for christmas along with the Mega Paint Set, so i attempted to paint Logan. Here we go, looking back on the pictures I see some obvious things i missed, but what can i do?

And closer pics of the axe

This was my 2nd attempt at highlighting so all C&C is welcome and appreciated.
Made in gb
Lord of the Fleet


Your paint looks too thick, for starters. I see places where it looks like it's just been slapped on, such as the Crux on his leg and his beard. I would go back over these areas and tidy them up, as well as giving a them a wash.
Made in ca
Cruel Corsair

MIll Creek, Nova Scotia

I tend to agree with Valkyrie. Try thinning your paints and doing more coats instead of 1 thicker coat. Sometimes thinner lines work better when highlighting.
My screen is a little dark but the face/head looks good.
I like the wolf pelt and I think a few washes and a drybrush would make it look really nice. You are off to a good start just a little tweaking here and there.

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Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine


Just like some of your other posts about your painting, thinning is definitely a must.

I would practice thinning and painting on some MEQ. Once you get a nice fluid/smooth look, I would go back and repaint this figure.

I personally always put A LOT more time into my Special Characters/HQ units to make them stand out more from the pack. They get about three-four rounds of touch ups on top of the usual marines.

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Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest

Arlington TX, but want to be back in Seattle WA

I agree with all the comments above. I dont want to criticize too much, but this Grimnar needs some work with a fine tip brush. The most neccessary thing that he needs is to be cleaned up with the sloppy paint application. I also agree about the wash, it will do wonders on this model

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