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Marine Tactics for small points games  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Krazed Killa Kan

South NJ/Philly

Ok, I've gotten myself to the point where I have a good bit of army lists and tactics for these lists at 1500 points, 1850, etc.  Now my problem is playing the smaller games (ie. 500, 750, 1000).

Normally I like using Assault Squads in tandem with some screening Rhinos and some long range support, or using Drop Pods.  Neither one of these varients are going to be very useful at 750 points since they need some points buffer to really make them work.

In the campaign that I'm in, we setup battles via a campaign map and points level of the game is determined randomly, so this week I've got a 750 Point match vs. Chaos in a Take & Hold mission.

I know he likes assault based armies, w/ Bikes & Summoning and all that jazz, but at 750 that doesn't work all that well either.  From the few 1k games I've played I've learned that shooty is much better than assaulty, but I want to stay somewhat mobile.

So I'd appreciate some advice on what I can do for this kind of points level and match, but general marine tips for lower point games. Obviously I know Landspeeders are good, but due to my traits I can only have 0-1 squadron of em, so 3x1 Tornado isn't happening here.

I was thinking Whirlwind to drop mines on the objective and/or around my Tac squads.  Maybe a predator of some varient that can move around and unload and maybe make a dash for the center in turn 5 or 6 to nab victory points. 

HQ is a toss up between Jumpy Chaplain w/ Small Assault Squad or a Master commander to give me LD10 and countercharge for the static fire Tac squad(s).

Also since he's very assault based I was thinking of maybe a Vet w/ Power Weapon or P.Fist in even the static Tac Squads giving me the ability to damage him back when I'm charged.

Anyway at this point I'd just appreciate any advice as to what works and what doesn't as far as these squads go.
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Fresh-Faced New User

Hi, I'm a long time lurker first time poster on Dakka.  I have played a lot of low point games with my Marines and it has been my experience that the cheaper and shootier your units are the better.  Small assault squads and squads in Rhinos have been too much of a liabilty in my experience.  Personally I like 5-6 man las/plas squads, Tornados, and Predator Destructors for smaller games.  One of my favorite 1000 lists had a master with a terminator command squad.  They came in at 330 points which is a little fat for a 750 point game.  You may want to consider adding some Razorbacks.  I know they're paper thin but they may prove useful if you saturate your board with armored targets. 


Good luck and I hope some of my ideas got the ball rolling for you. 

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