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So the only Tau units that fell into this category before (in my mind) were lone Shas'els, Kroot (if kept small) and Gun Drones. Gund Drones sucked then, and suck now despite the removal of the LD rule. However we now have options - Shas'el, Sniper Drones, Vespid (kept small), Kroot (small), Pirhannas, and the lone Crisis suit.
My initial reaction to the Pirhanna is that it blows, at least for normal Tau. In a mechanized force I could see a use for it, but not in a normal force. So lets toss this guy out into another discussion. The lone crisis suit is still an option, he is 5pts cheaper, and can now take two of the same weapon (not twin linked). So you could go with a total Marine roaster with 2 plasmas. Still, a lot of points for what it is. That Shas'el is a better buy for what it functions as, and the cost of the lone suit goes a long way toward a Sniper team or 5 Vespid.
I'm at the point of Sniper, Shas'el, Vespid, Kroot. Kroot are as good as ever, so lets not mess with something that is not broken. Some maths:
Snipers: (80pts)
BS3:  5/4
BS4: 5/3
BS5: 75/36
So they start at BS3, but the spotter hits on a 3+ with his marker light and can make them BS4. I didn't account for his shot in the math above, but I'm getting (if I did the math right) 165/108 or 1.5 kills out of the unit on its own. I suppose then the BS4 above would be them borrowing a counter from a spotted unit, which is not optimal as they can spot for themselves. BS5 is brutal though, as its two kills per team. That's nasty.
So I'm thinking they work best in pairs. One team does about 1 wound a turn, give or take, and which is not a bad return over the game (especially if they shoot all 6 turns). But in pairs they do 2 kills a turn, which could go higher with the partials. Also, working them in pairs allows you to spot with Pathfinders and use the 2-4 markers (as needed) for the sniper teams. Lets assume you hit with 4 lights, which is average, and you need three to get the snipers to BS5, leaving one leftover. At 75/36 that's two kills per team, or 4 just from those little units. That is 60 points of Marines. That leftover marker can then be used on a FCW team to pound the other 1-2 guys into the dirt and finish of the unit.
I dig it, Snipers as a mainstay unit with FCW's as a finisher. Didn't expect that one. But I do conclude one team is useful, if not optimal. One team needs to "piggyback" onto whatever the Pathfinders are spotting and get the BS5 to contribute 2 kills and help eliminate whatever else is pounding that unit. Two teams act as a mainstay firepower unit, and something else can jump on the bandwagon to finish off what they are shooting at.
Vespid: (86pts for 5, 166pts for 10)
BS3: 5/3 (5)    10/3 (10)
BS4: 20/9 (5)  40/9 (10)
BS5: 25/9 (5)  50/9 (10)
Holy Crap! Vespid are the shiznit! Five of them kills 1/2/3 based on BS. At 10 its 3/4/5. Vespid + Pathfinders = death to Marines. Wow. Hands down better then Sniper Drones. However we now run into a metagame problem. Sniper Drones are T3 4+, and have 36" range and stealth fields. Vespid are t4 5+ and have 12" range. At 10 they can essentially eiliminate an entire marine unit (combined with pathfinders), not all that bad for the cost. But they are now easily shot to shreds and are they closest target, so "default" shots will go right to them. They won't last under any amount of fire with only a 5+, most everything negates that.
So I say keep 'em at 5 and use them as a 'finisher'. Hide until the time is right and pounce on that lone Marine or two with Lascannon that has been annoying you. Also a great deterent to FotD Librarians running around on their own, the bastards.
I only took this guy at first because I had some points and nothing significant to buy. I did however become rather fond of him after a while, and plan to keep it in the list. So what are the optimal weapons?
My first idea was Frag Launcher + Ion Blaster. After some thought I don't like that. The weapons don't have synergy (evil corporate buzzword that it is). The Frag Launcher wastes his higher BS, and with the Ion blaster great at popping Marines, plasma is the more likely choice. Some more maths:
BS4 Ion MEq: 5/9     GEq: 5/3
BS5 Ion MEq: 25/36  GEq: 25/12
BS4 Plasma long: 5/9    Short: 10/9
BS5 Plasma long: 25/36 Short: 50/36
I did not account for normal wounds with the ion blaster against Marines, only the '6' Ap1 hit. Oddly it is just as good as the Plasma at long range. At short the Plasma is twice as good, but against GEq's the Ion is twice as good. Seems like a good match.
This guy ends up being a 'finisher' by himself (with 1-2 kills per round of fire).
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