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Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

The eye is a brass detail and just BARELY fits. The pointy arrow is sculpted on.
Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Ah, well done! Nice crisp edges.

My painting log is full of snakes
Have any retro, vintage, or out of print models? Show them off here!
Games I play: 40k (CSM, Necrons); AoS/Fantasy (Seraphon/Lizardmen); Warcry; Marvel Crisis Protocol; Wargods of Olympus/Aegyptus; Mythos 
Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

With the termies on hold for now, it's back to regular marines.
This one is a bit barebones compared to the others maybe but he felt kind of ok like that.
MINOR repositioning of the left arm and some rags to cover it up, the rest are just straight up kitbash.
Don't want to go too fancy on the run-of-the-mill marines. Nothing particularly Blacklegiony about this one apart from the oldschool shoulderpad and backpack.
[Thumb - 2020-08-27 00.34.10.jpg]

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[Thumb - 2020-08-27 00.31.17.jpg]

Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Nicely done. I think you've definitely got parchment/cape effects covered. It's nice to see that one of the older plastic heads still fits the new CSM. I personally feel that the new, bulkier CSM models really demonstrate their veteran status.

My painting log is full of snakes
Have any retro, vintage, or out of print models? Show them off here!
Games I play: 40k (CSM, Necrons); AoS/Fantasy (Seraphon/Lizardmen); Warcry; Marvel Crisis Protocol; Wargods of Olympus/Aegyptus; Mythos 
Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Messing around with a potential painting scheme.
Whiteish shins to show their roots, and a nice background for cthonian runes (or stuff).
Usual brass trimming and black, though going over the forgeworld art again I think I might make it a dark dirty gray metalish thing, point is, some sort of black, not green as the lunar wolves might have had.
And maybe a red glove on the right hand on the odd guy to honour the talon of horus.

So a sort of word bearer ish spin in keeping a history on the shins and not forgetting their roots.
Still far away from actually painting anything so I'm still open to suggestions. I'm really not good with colours
(this is all done roughly in photoshop)
[Thumb - scheme_test.png]

[Thumb - scheme_test_glove.png]

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Sculpting and kitbash looks great. Colors, possibly its the yellow piping by the head and the digital metallics being more orange, but the colors are possibly reading a bit busy? I'd also consider swapping the memorial hand to the other side, so its one mass of red, rather than some black here and red over there. On the other hand, the background story and leaving yourself some freehand room is nice!
Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

I see what you mean, but I'm not so sure it wold bee too much.
It's essentialyl basic black legion with white shins. I tried it on a squad shot and it doesn't really look any more busy than normal.

tried with and without hand, It think it could work but only if it's subtle, like a stipling as opposed to opaque red and on top of the black armour.
That said, I think I actually prefer it wihout the hand, at least in as a general thing
[Thumb - squad runes.png]

[Thumb - red hand.png]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/08/28 22:00:47

Made in lu
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Another regular marine.
No WIP since it's pretty much just a normal guy with different shoulders.
Kind of screwed the pooch with the chain. I was trying to think of something to make him look a little more legion-y and wanted to to try sculpting a small chain.
Which didn't go anywhere and instead I ended up just slapping what I had on it for scale and tried to sculpt it on the model.....without a refresher on how to actually sculpt it.
It didn't stick well and once I had some glue on it, I wasn't able to fix the mess I already had.

I need to try some other time and give it more time to harden, see if that helps any. Though I'm finding it pretty hard to even tell what I'm looking at.
Nevermind making even smaller links, which I would like to have.

Anyway, adding the coins went a long way to giving him that final push. It doesn't show much on camera, but it's surprising just how much small things like fetishes/chains etc in the right place can change the mod of the miniature.
Same for the last guy, that fur was only supposed to hide the joint but it totally changed the aesthetic.
[Thumb - 2020-09-03 00.42.07.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-09-03 00.42.31.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-09-03 00.43.59.jpg]

Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Nice chain sculpting too. Love that grenade hand.

My painting log is full of snakes
Have any retro, vintage, or out of print models? Show them off here!
Games I play: 40k (CSM, Necrons); AoS/Fantasy (Seraphon/Lizardmen); Warcry; Marvel Crisis Protocol; Wargods of Olympus/Aegyptus; Mythos 
Made in us
Using Object Source Lighting


Those are some gorgeous terminators. I might need to steal some of your ideas when I build my next ones.

My painted armies (40k, WM/H, Malifaux, Infinity...) 
Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Started riveting the kharybdis aaaand ran out of rivets. Need to make a new order so that that's on hold for now.
Started work on the next basic marine all bluetac-ed. He's a little on the passive/basic side.
I think I'll try converting an oldschool shoulderpad with an older helmet and adding a topknot.

This like my third attempt or so and the first one that's not a complete disaster. Still pretty far from where I want it to be though.
I also have no clue whatsoever how to do the cloth part of the topknot. Ideally I'd like something with interspersed spikes like the new ones.
But I can't even copy those, the detail doesn't really pick up. it's so small.

Tried with some metal bands that are the right size for the cloth at least but I might abandon that.
It's hell to work with.
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[Thumb - 2020-09-06 18.55.09.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-09-06 18.55.01.jpg]

Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Not 100% happy with this one, but eh close enough
Skulls in particular are kinda big

Automatically Appended Next Post:
No idea why dakka turned all the pics upside down, but they're fine when you click on em
[Thumb - 2020-09-14 01.25.59.jpg]

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[Thumb - 2020-09-14 01.27.18.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/09/14 00:01:33

Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Nice wirework on the trophy skulls. Esp. impressed with the knots!

My painting log is full of snakes
Have any retro, vintage, or out of print models? Show them off here!
Games I play: 40k (CSM, Necrons); AoS/Fantasy (Seraphon/Lizardmen); Warcry; Marvel Crisis Protocol; Wargods of Olympus/Aegyptus; Mythos 
Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Ghetto turntable setup - check

Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Nice! I like the reaper chaincannon with the gargoyle head - did you extend the ammo pack a bit? It looks like the belt feed has some putty on it or similar.

My painting log is full of snakes
Have any retro, vintage, or out of print models? Show them off here!
Games I play: 40k (CSM, Necrons); AoS/Fantasy (Seraphon/Lizardmen); Warcry; Marvel Crisis Protocol; Wargods of Olympus/Aegyptus; Mythos 
Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Indeed, repositioning the cannon made it such that ammo feed didn't quite reach the backpack.
So I had to extend it, but the zinge industries ammofeed looks a little bit different, so I tried to bring them closer to each other by separating each bullet with some wire.
The original has a sort of wire across and between each bullet that would have been fiddly with greenstuff and it has about the same gauge.

In retrospect I should probably have tried to make a cast of the ammo first and then add additional greenstuff feed.
Figured that you probably wouldn't notice too much once the model is coloured in.
Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Yeah, for sure; and the only reason I could tell unpainted was because of the color difference with the plastic. Well done!

My painting log is full of snakes
Have any retro, vintage, or out of print models? Show them off here!
Games I play: 40k (CSM, Necrons); AoS/Fantasy (Seraphon/Lizardmen); Warcry; Marvel Crisis Protocol; Wargods of Olympus/Aegyptus; Mythos 
Made in lu
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

More or less settled on a logo and name:
Harbingers of Perdition.

I was thinking Knights Perdition, rolls of the tongue better, but there isn't really any knightly theme going on here.
I'm not 100% onboard with Harbingers but I haven't been able to come up with a better name yet.
Other names in the running were:
Ashen Scorn/Brotherhood
Circle of Scorn
Disciples of Hatred

The logo is an attempts to incorporate tradition, the claw of Horus and the eye.
And playing on the "traditional" Horus/Black Legion Iconography, totally not because I am incapable of making my own gak up
I also wanted something I could feasibly at least attempt to sculpt/make.
[Thumb - Harbingers_of_Perdition_logos.png]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/10/02 06:04:15

Made in lu
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Next guy is getting more concrete. Gonna make him a reaper/chainfist.
The updated reaper autocannons are kind of meh. I'm going to be trying to be withing 12 inch and then the plasma profile is better, but whatever, I like the look.
I guess on the plus side it's going to be two guys that don't kill themselves.

I also derped and made two right legs, but I didn't want to cut off another leg to make it a right and left, guess I'll just have to cover it up.
Not shown: finaly added rivets to the kharybdis.
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[Thumb - 2020-10-11 06.35.55.jpg]

Made in lu
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Not quite sure yet where to take this model.
I was going more for a determined step, but it ended up being more of a run.

I'm trying to keep them marching but not too aggressive to give me some room for potential khorne terminators (still got some FW torsos lying around I'm hopeing to use at some point)
But they wouldn't be getting a big guy with autocannon so that's not really an issue. And he does have a chainfist I'm eager to use.
I get extra attacks as Black Legion after all, so that's some juicy damage.
[Thumb - 2020-10-13 21.39.47.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-10-13 21.37.57.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-10-13 21.36.48.jpg]

Made in au
Morphing Obliterator


This whole thread is fantastic! these are some sweet conversions
Made in lu
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Thanks, anybody got a suggestion for which pose to go with, or an alternative? Keeping in mind that the legs are basically done.
Made in au
Morphing Obliterator


Out of the three you've suggested I prefer the second as it looks like he's using the cannon as a counter-weight to compensate for the aggression of the moving chainfist swing.

The first is ok, the third I personally dont like - the leaning straight forward cannnon and arm reached to the side fist suggests to me he's tripped on something and falling forward. He's trying to brace his fall with the cannon arm, the fist becomes less purposeful, more 'flailing'.

Made in lu
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Went for the middle option and it's starting to come together.
Although this means you won't be able to make out the teeth around the power cable, so much for that.
The two right legs is not really visible anymore unless you know about it.

Had to redo the top arrow on the kneepad, managed to break it off and loose it, this is is a bit big but oh well.
It bothers me more that it set before I could align it properly, is there instant glue that is less....instant?
I've been using wood glue for parts I know I won't be able to align immediately, but I'd sleep better knowing their stuck on there with super glue.
Then again it holds REALLY well on wood, so maybe that's unfounded.

Still not 100% settled on the chainfist, but with the new buff I kind of want to add one.
[Thumb - 2020-10-19 00.51.48.jpg]

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[Thumb - 2020-10-19 00.52.44.jpg]

Made in lu
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Getting there, next up is to add the shoulders, trophies, and I'm missing the knot on the bandages.
Kind of want to modify the head some more but I'm really not sure what to do. That is the actual head.
Tried adding a scar over the eye on a test piece but I wasn't convinced.
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[Thumb - 2020-10-21 00.03.47.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-10-21 00.03.53.jpg]

Made in lu
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Almost there. I need to add racks, finish the head up and maybe add some cabling on the shoulder.
[Thumb - 2020-10-23 00.59.22.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-10-23 01.02.48.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-10-23 01.03.12.jpg]

Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

This guy's terrifying. Great work on the posing.

My painting log is full of snakes
Have any retro, vintage, or out of print models? Show them off here!
Games I play: 40k (CSM, Necrons); AoS/Fantasy (Seraphon/Lizardmen); Warcry; Marvel Crisis Protocol; Wargods of Olympus/Aegyptus; Mythos 
Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Thanks, although it's more of a happy accident than anything else
Gonna have to do some clean up once the milliput dries but otherwise I'd say this one is done.
So now I can stare at the wall fro a while to get an idea on how to do another reaper termie. And how to get a decent chainfist.
Not a big fan of the forgeworld one, or the new version. but that's all I got it seems.
[Thumb - 2020-10-25 03.58.21.jpg]

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[Thumb - 2020-10-25 03.59.01.jpg]

Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Was thinking something like this maybe for the next guy?
I try to avoid adding stuff to the base for the same reason I wouldn't consider using NMM or models form other armies.
And why I will probably go with relatively simple bases. Takenb out of context they look off

like your dissecting a space marine while fighting kroot...sudenly it looks weird, nevermind dragging the corpse around with the model everywhere it goes.
But in this case I think it helps give the shooting position a bit more weight.
I would add (hopefully) some bullet belts with ejecting shells.
[Thumb - 2020-10-25 22.30.05.jpg]

[Thumb - 2020-10-25 22.30.33.jpg]

Made in ro
Rampaging Khorne Dreadnought

Rough mockup of the weapons.
might add a tooth or two around the ammo feed and muzzle
[Thumb - 2020-10-27 23.10.48.jpg]

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